Dream interpretation bag red new. Bag - interpretation according to the dream book. Dream Interpretation Travel Bag

1st dream. I put my bag next to me and bent over to tie my shoelaces. someone grabs my bag and runs away with it. I run after him. He pulls his wallet out of his bag and throws it away. But I still have the money. The thief didn't find them. I only regret about the documents that were in the wallet. 2 sleep. I approach my house and see that the door is open. I walk in and see that everything has been taken out of the first room (kitchen), everything is scattered, the furniture is overturned. In the second room, everything that was on top was taken, but the things in the closets were not touched. In the third room nothing was touched at all.


The action took place in a large supermarket and it all started with the fact that my bag went missing. I was sure that this was theft and turned to the store security, explained the situation, they listened to me carefully, but they replied that they could not help me in any way and that it did not concern them at all. I felt completely confused and helpless, I needed someone whose -help, help from a more adult and significant person in society than me. Suddenly a man, about 33 years old, comes up to me - the older brother of my music director. Although in real life he does not have a brother. But in the dream it turns out that I know this person well. I turn to him for help, with full confidence that he will help me. To my surprise, he refuses to help me, repeating the glory of the security guard. At those moments, it seemed to me that I was alone in this world, and no one but myself would help me... there were an unusually large number of people in the store, but no one paid attention to me, that’s all were busy with their own affairs... I walked without knowing where, through this big store, as if through a confusing labyrinth... tears flowed by themselves... and I didn’t care at all what others thought about me, how bad I probably looked now... I already I forgot about this bag... I was just disappointed in people... I walked for a very long time without knowing where and suddenly I bumped into someone, I didn’t even raise my eyes to look at this person and tried to move on, but he stopped me..... it turned out to be my musical director...however, this person, both in life and in a dream, is not an ordinary person for me...he has something that others don’t have...he understood me and I felt it...in some moments of my life I I considered him my friend... in a dream I was afraid to tell him everything that happened, because I was afraid to be disappointed in him... I wanted to go, but he didn’t let me... I told everything as it is... without hesitation, he took my hand and we headed to the security area... when we arrived at this place, I saw that no one there had moved while I was gone... as if life there had frozen without me... we approached the security... and my musical director calmly explained the situation to the security guard , although in a slightly elevated tone...the security guard got to work as if on orders, and they said that they would inform me when they found the bag...I thanked my supervisor.....I didn’t want to leave, but I couldn’t stay there....I left, I again I was walking not knowing where... and suddenly I saw some calm place where there were almost no people... I came closer and saw that my bag was lying there on the bench, safe and sound... and then I realized that the bag no one stole it, and I myself forgot it there... I should have been glad that I found the bag... but for some reason I was terribly ashamed and I didn’t know how I could look my boss in the eyes now, I made him uncomfortable position…. .I took my bag and left…..I didn’t have the courage to go to the security guard and admit that I made so much noise because of my carelessness….that’s how my dream ended…I woke up in a terrible mood….but I remembered the whole dream down to the smallest detail….but I received very great satisfaction from the fact that there is a person in the world who will stand up for me, in whom I was not mistaken….


I was on the bus, I had two bags. I go to the driver to buy a ticket and leave my bags on the seat. I come back, but one bag is missing, in which there is a wallet, and there: money, cards, travel cards! The main thing that I remember very strongly is how worried I am about this loss, or rather, I immediately sweat in my sleep and imagine how much effort, nerves and time it will cost me to restore all this!


This is the second time I have had a dream in which I somehow lose my purse, in which I have documents, money, a notebook, a phone, and it seems that this is the most expensive thing I had and I don’t want to put up with this thought. At first it was obvious that it was stolen from me, and even someone saw the thief, an acquaintance (not a close friend) is trying to return it by jumping into some kind of trolley bus, but the person from whom he is trying to find out where my handbag is, bent low - he either sick or dead. And the second time, in response to my tears about the loss, some man unfamiliar to me hands me a handbag with outstretched arms with the words “Don’t cry, here is your handbag, everything is fine.” And I look - the handbag is not mine. And I can’t confess to him, because I don’t want to offend him and somewhere the thought arises that maybe she’ll suit me and I wonder what’s in her. And this man is on his knees and then I understand that I have to thank him, I take out a wallet from someone else’s purse, also someone else’s, and there are old-style bills, and I’m ashamed to give them to my savior, I say that I can’t give money without explaining reasons and without actually thanking. The feeling of terrible loss remained, but I was already thinking about where I could donate these old bills. And again tears. I’m 37 years old, I’m going through a difficult period right now, I had to separate from my husband and have troubles at work.


I’ll start with a preface so that my dream will be more clear to all interpreters. My beloved left, I overestimated his attitude towards me, and as a result, we were left in a quarrel, and we probably won’t see each other again. I’m having a dream, real reality, he’s not with me, he’s left, the future is unclear, but I’m in his room (he’s English, he comes to Moscow for work and stays in hotels), daylight falls into the room from the window, but he’s like like it's not enough. everything around is dull and gray. I am not alone, the face accompanying me is not clear to me, but is well known. I’m sorting through the bag he (my Englishman) had forgotten, huge, black, half empty, in search of items that expose him to a lie. There, at the bottom, some of his junk rests in disarray, and it seems to me that I’ve found something. This is some kind of ID, pass or something like that. This doesn't have anything of what I'm looking for, his photo, that's right, his name, that's right. But it seems to me that there must be a lie in this bag and I continue to search. I'm interrupted by a knock on the door. This maid, she offers us breakfast, but every time the dish we choose is missing and in the end we settle for the only dish that is available, the simplest and most primitive. I don’t want him to know that I’m in his hotel, that I’m where he was, that my presence here is connected with him, even though I didn’t end up there on purpose. I’m afraid to give myself away, I’m afraid that the maid will guess everything and all my actions will reach him. I have no idea what to do with his things: keep it for myself, give it to him on his next visit, hand it over to the hotel staff as lost. The dream ends, I wake up from my dad’s angry voice, I overslept, I’m late for work. That morning the alarm clock didn’t seem to ring, although I understand that it goes off regularly every morning and maybe I just turned it off myself, I don’t know. On the one hand, the dream is clear, these are all my sensations, coming so clearly from my consciousness in clear images. But can anything be said more, the future?


The future - as the heroes of "Terminator" said - depends on you. The bag remaining at your disposal is a positive experience gained in communicating with an Englishman. But he forgot his identity here (document with photograph). That is, for him this loss is much more serious than you think.


I took an intercity bus home to my mother. She left the cabin with two bags, which she left near the fence and, moving away, began to wait until she could pick up the third bag from the luggage compartment. While I was waiting, people were fussing around, but I didn’t worry about the first two bags - they never stole them. When I took the bag from the trunk, I had a feeling that something was wrong and began frantically looking for the first two bags. I found them and found that they had been completely gutted. I was most upset that my mobile phone “gone” again (I bought a new one in November). Although later I was surprised myself: I usually have my mobile phone in my hands. I crucified what was left with anger and resentment, held back my tears and woke up with unpleasant sensations. About me: 28 years old, my mother lives alone, last year she moved from Krasnoyarsk to Kyiv. I most likely associate the dream with my relationship with my mother, the (un)feeling of my parents’ home, and my reluctance to go back.


I dream of a large unfamiliar house, like some kind of holiday home with many rooms, each of which has some kind of entertainment. This is happening in Bulgaria (I recently arrived from there). My friends and I are sitting at the table, eating, I think. Then I get up and walk away, seemingly for a while. I walk through the rooms and suddenly in one of them I come across a store; there a bag catches my attention - a small lady’s bag, sort of square (in real life I wouldn’t even look at one like that). I open it, and in each compartment there is some kind of jewelry, not very valuable, but very beautiful. I want to buy it, but I understand that I don’t have enough money, then I go somewhere, search for a long time, but still I find it, come and buy it. I return to my friends and see that the person I really wanted to see left while I was walking. I'm just shocked. I start almost crying and screaming why no one stopped him, and how will I find him now.


And I dreamed that a friend brought a lot of beautiful handbags from Italy. They were amazingly beautiful and came in different colors and models. There was not a single repeating handbag. And when we met, she said that I could choose any of them as a gift. God, my eyes lit up: it was amazingly nice to receive such a beautiful gift. But it was so difficult to make a choice: I went through the bags, admiring each of them, and I wanted both. But I wasn’t upset that I couldn’t decide, I was even just pleased to look at them. How lovely! I've never seen anything like this. In the end, I didn’t have time to choose because I woke up)))) Lyudmila, 1962, the day before I met with a friend who was going to Italy and saw such a wonderful handbag with her...


I dream that I’m walking not far from work on a sunny day, and suddenly I see an abandoned man’s purse or suitcase, something in between. I shout, “Is there anyone here who left a purse?” but no one responds. I'm very curious to take it. since no one responds, I grab it and, after walking a few steps, unfasten the lock and look inside. I see several objects that don’t tell me anything. I want to take it to a more secluded place to examine it. I button it up and stand up with the purse in my hands... but it turns out to be surprisingly heavy and I feel my legs giving way. but I still drag it because my curiosity is very great. On the way, I meet my son's class, who were taken out for a horse ride. children sit on horses two by three and the instructor teaches them how to shoot a bow. instructors are also on horses and each horse with children is assigned a horse with an instructor. targets hang on trees. children grab arrows from their quivers, aim at targets and shoot. I was happy for them and ran on. suddenly I unexpectedly saw a bodirey. I ran up to him and hugged him. he hugged me too, but I felt something was wrong. I looked him in the face and asked him a question in English, and he began to answer me in purely Russian. he told me that he was not a bodir, and I saw that yes, indeed this man is completely different - he is younger and somehow more predatory, or something... in general, I felt disappointed..


I'm somewhere, it seems to me outside the city. I was doing something here, I think I was in a restaurant (I don’t remember). I needed a bag with my things, I remember that it was large, (in real life I traveled with such a bag until 1997) I temporarily left it in the room of a young man, I think Sergei (outwardly he resembles a lawyer I know), he is a cheerful, sociable person and in the first part of the dream I communicated with him. I go into the entrance to the 1st floor, the door resembles the door to an apartment, double-leaf (these were in old houses). The door is closed, there is a note next to it: “I left, cell phone number. I’ll come and kiss you.” I understand that Sergei went on a picnic with friends for the weekend. But what should I do, a bag with all the things that I brought here is in this apartment, including a telephone. I think that you can call Sergei from another phone, borrow it from someone. I go outside. It's getting dark. A girl runs up to me: “Hello!” I understand that this is a manager, I have no time for her (in real life, active offers have been making me nauseous lately) and I look around at people who I can ask to use their phone number. To the left and right there are one-story houses, to the right there seems to be a restaurant, I direct my attention there.


According to a textbook on imagogy, the bag “means positive gifts natural or acquired by the subject in the course of his life.” People often lose a bag, luggage, suitcase in a dream... It’s even worse when in a dream you are left without a passport. “Sergey” may turn out to be a substitute for some real man. It is worth looking back on your day to become more careful.


1. I came to some office, first there was a water room, then I moved to another. There are women in the offices, I talk to them. Then I remember that I left my bag in another one in the first room, unattended, and there I had a decent amount of money. I walk along the corridor, enter the room, there is a closet right at the entrance, I open the doors and look into the upper mezzanine, looking for a bag there. A woman is watching me, I ask her: I left my bag here, did you see it? She replies that the bag was put on the bottom shelf. I crouched down, opened the bottom door, took out my turquoise bag (in real life, I haven’t used it for a long time for several years. It’s a semi-sports bag. The director of a Cypriot travel agency gave it to me as a souvenir when I worked in tourism. I went to the beach with it. out of town), then I go again to the 2nd room. I think why didn’t I immediately check if all the money was there? 2. I’m at home, I noticed that one end of the battery, farthest from the riser, is almost on the floor. I don’t think it was like that, something was wrong. I can hear the water bubbling through the pipes, they turned on the heating, but I have this situation with the battery, it seems dangerous to me to leave it like that. I’m thinking about what to do... once the heating season has begun, it can no longer be moved. Then I see some kind of device behind the battery and a light lit up there (the size of a candle flame), I try to blow it out. Then I probably go for help. 3. I go out to the area (probably on the 1st floor) and on the left on the second landing, I see that water has run up on the floor. I'm going to see what happened there. From the landing there is a door into a small rectangular room, possibly with a table. I ask the woman what happened, maybe I should call the utility company? To my left are 2 men, taller than average, fair-haired, with good faces, like engineers or technicians in blue industrial clothes. The man says in response to my question: So we are tenants, not owners. The thought flashes through my mind that at first they owned this (factory?!) then sold it and now leased it. Half-awake from excitement, I mentally return to the plot of the dream and see a dream: I take it in my hand, look at a beautiful soft yellow apple with an orange stripe, put it in the supermarket cart, and take more apples.

A bag in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. An empty bag in a dream indicates that luck will turn away from you. A full bag in a dream foreshadows prosperity, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans.

The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the greater the benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of losses, damages and grief.

A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing it in a dream means that someone may find out your secret. Opening someone else's purse or looking into it is a sign of deception or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and joyless. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful experiences, meetings, and conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Today there are many dream books that allow you to decipher almost any dream. To do this, you need to remember the basic details, for example, when interpreting a dream about a woman’s bag, try to remember what it looked like, what you did with it, etc.

Why do you dream about a woman’s bag?

Basically, the bag symbolizes the experience and knowledge accumulated over a lifetime. For a representative of the fair sex, such a dream can be taken as a warning that some secret may become publicly known, so in the near future it is worth being secretive. If the dreamer has lost it, it means that soon some changes will occur in life. In addition, there is a risk of material losses in the near future. If it so happens that you accidentally left your bag somewhere, it means that serious problems will soon appear that will not be so easy to deal with. A dream where you had to buy a woman’s bag means some new acquisition, and it can be either a material object or a spiritual one. The dream book claims that this is what can become a new step to success.

If you are in the house for a long time trying to find a bag, and the search ends successfully, it means that you will soon be able to find hidden talents in yourself. For a man, a dream about a woman's bag prophesies a new romantic relationship that could end in a wedding. A large number of bags is a harbinger of a change of residence and this can cause a lot of trouble. Night vision, where someone gives a bag as a gift, portends an improvement in financial situation. Seeing a woman's leather bag in a dream for a married woman is an omen of the appearance of a lover who will radically change her life. A beautiful bag promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire, and you can also count on advancement in your career.

According to Felomena’s dream book, the bag symbolizes the richness of your life, your inner world and your relationships with others. If there is chaos in your bag, there are a lot of unnecessary little things - the same is true in your life: unsettledness, lack of a rich life, problems and misunderstandings in relationships.

Whose bag did you see in your dream? What color was the bag? What bag did you dream about? What happened to the bag in the dream?

Whose bag did you see in your dream?

Women's bag Women's bag

Seeing a man's bag in a dream

A man's bag in a dream indicates that its owner has communication skills, the ability to think outside the box, and a sharp mind. It is these qualities that should be demonstrated at work, and then the position for which you are aiming will be exactly yours.

What color was the bag?

Seeing a red bag in a dream

If you saw a red bag in a dream, in real life you will have to take a fresh look at your relationship with a person you have known for a long time. You will see him in a different light, realize how attractive and attractive he is to you, and try to develop a close romantic relationship with him.

If you saw a white bag in a dream

A dream about a white bag is interpreted by the dream book as a sign that you will soon have an office romance. A person whom you have treated as a colleague or co-worker for many years will suddenly turn into an attractive object in your eyes.

Why do you dream of a black bag?

If you dreamed of a black bag, this could be a good sign - you will have meetings, acquaintances, and pleasant communication. This dream can also symbolize imminent news about sad events.

What bag did you dream about?

Bag with things Travel bag New bag

Why do you dream about a big bag?

According to Felomena’s dream book, a large bag in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer’s sharp mind and great wisdom. It is these qualities that are noted and appreciated in you by your family and colleagues. This dream also foreshadows the receipt of interesting news and unexpected gifts.

Dream about a heavy bag

If you dream of a heavy bag, be sure that material benefits await you. This could be a successfully completed project at work, a bonus, or a successfully made deposit in a bank.

If you dream about an empty bag

When you dream of an empty bag, it means that in the past you have done some work in vain. All your efforts have brought no results - neither moral satisfaction nor financial profit.

Full bag Bag with money

Why do you dream about a leather bag?

A dream about a leather bag promises pleasure and joy in life. A fan may appear in the life of a married woman, the consequences of a relationship with whom can radically change her life. You should not plunge headlong into these relationships, as they are very deceptive and good only from a distance. At the first attempt to leave your husband and get closer to your passion, this hero-lover will leave your life without a trace.

Seeing a lot of bags in a dream

If you saw a lot of bags in a dream, it means that in the near future you will have to decide something important. Make the right choice by relying on the knowledge and skills accumulated in the past.

What happened to the bag in the dream?

If you were choosing a bag in a dream

If in a dream you chose a bag, then in reality you will also have to make a choice, but in the professional sphere. You may have to choose a partner for further work or a project that you think is promising.

If you chose a bag in a store, then there is profit ahead of you. The amount of profit depends on the diligence with which you choose the bag - the more diligently you choose, the less profit.

Lost a bag Buy a bag Stolen a bag Carrying a bag Gift of a bag

Why do you dream that you found a bag?

If in a dream you find someone else’s bag, it means that soon you will discover a secret that belongs to another person, for example, a relative. It is also likely to make a new acquaintance, which could develop into deep friendships.

If in a dream you forgot your bag

Dreaming that you forgot your bag is a warning. In the near future, try not to take any serious steps and refrain from expensive purchases. All your actions related to the financial sector are doomed to failure.

Dream about packing a bag

Packing a bag in a dream means that you have a long trip ahead. If you are packing your things in a bag, but don’t plan to go anywhere, perhaps this symbolizes a conflict between loved ones. Don’t say harsh words, try to think about the situation carefully and not hurt each other in conversation.

If you are trying to compactly and neatly put things in your bag, then it’s time to sort out your inner world. Find time to be alone with yourself.

If you were looking for a bag in a dream

If you dream that you are looking for a bag and find it, it means that within yourself you will discover knowledge and skills that you did not even suspect existed. They are the ones who will help you bring your cherished plans to life.

Moreover, this dream predicts a meeting with a person with whom the relationship will be very fruitful emotionally. It is likely that this will be the person with whom you will spend the rest of your life.

I dreamed of a bag or handbag, Many bags in a dream- everyday knowledge and experience.

The bag you saw in a dream stands for “Basket” or “Bag”, which symbolizes the baggage of knowledge and experience acquired by you in the process of real life.

I dreamed about a travel bag- to travel or a long journey.

The bag could appear in a dream as a sign- in reality you will very soon have a long or long journey ("Bag" is a traditional symbol of wanderers and travelers).

I dreamed of a new handbag or handbag (for men)- a new lover will appear.

In psychoanalysis, a bag symbolizes the female organ of love, and the appearance of a Lady's Handbag in a man's dream foreshadows a new love adventure or a promising acquaintance.

I dreamed of a woman's bag (for women)- rival.

“Bag” is some kind of woman who will very soon interfere in your life in the most direct way. We are probably talking about a rival in love or a competitor in business relationships.

Buy a bag in a dream, Buy a bag in a dream- new hobby; rival; gain new knowledge and experience.

For men, this dream foreshadows a new romance in reality. For women, the dream indicates a high risk of a powerful rival appearing in life. However, Women should rather not decipher such a dream, since it is most likely provoked by the desire to purchase a Bag in real life. In a symbolic and common interpretation, the dream carries a forecast that in reality you will be able to acquire an impressive amount of new knowledge and experience.

Losing or forgetting a bag in a dream- loss due to one's own fault.

A bag was stolen in a dream- worries about your property; otherwise, someone will appropriate your knowledge and experience.

Losing a Bag in a dream may foretell losses or loss of creative potential. The dream in which someone stole your Bag is especially disturbing. It is likely that in the coming days someone will encroach on your property or intellectual property. However, the Dream should be considered “empty” if in reality you are extremely concerned about the integrity of your property. The dream appeared in response to your fear of losing your “Bag” or other property in real life.

I dreamed about a red bag- to money.

I dreamed about a sports bag- to troubles; to hard work.

By remembering and analyzing exactly which Bag you saw in your dream, you can make a forecast for yourself for the near future. However, the Dream should be considered “empty” if something contributed to its appearance (you recently bought a Bag in reality, were planning to buy it, or someone’s Bag caught your attention).

Dream Interpretation: bag - interpretation of a dream

As the dream book says, a bag can be a dream for both good and bad. This dream is interpreted differently by each dream book. The bag can be full, empty, heavy, etc. Also, a lot depends on the author. For example, according to Miller’s dream book, a new bag is dreamed of as a gift.

Hasse dream book: bag - why do you dream about it?

Seeing an empty bag in a dream means that a person cherishes hopes of receiving some material benefits from a will. If the bag is full, this means loss of inheritance. A small women's handbag represents some kind of secret. Losing a bag means being at the mercy of your debtors. A student's bag dreams of a gray and joyless life.

Miller's dream book: bag - what does the dream portend?

Small women's handbag. If a person dreams that he has lost his purse or it was stolen, he will have to face the truth, and illusions will dissipate. To see is to live in illusions, which, however, can still turn into reality. Receive, buy or take - means that the most incredible dreams will come true. The more original the handbag in the dream, the more daring and interesting dreams will come true.

As the dream book says, a new bag is for various gifts. A full large travel bag means a successful trip with possible purchases in it. Loss – fears of losing are in vain; you don’t have to worry about your property. Carrying something heavy means property can attract the attention of thieves, especially when the owner is away or on the road.

If a young girl dreams that she cannot find some necessary thing in her purse, this means that she is completely confused in her problems. Perhaps you should seek advice from someone more experienced.

Packing a travel bag in a dream means standing on the threshold of significant changes in life. You need to accept them and turn them to your advantage. Scattering the contents of a bag is a warning against wasting money unwisely. To see a person in a bag in a dream or to put him there - in life, the one who dreamed about this is dealing with some kind of secret that weighs heavily on his soul.

Meneghetti dream book: bag - what awaits a person?

Positive gifts, received from nature or purchased.

Modern dream book: bag - options for explaining the dream

If a person dreams that, upon leaving the house, he noticed that he took the wrong bag that he needed, this indicates that on that day he forgot his luck at home, and it is useless to wait for it. If instead of a bag a person holds a luxurious leather case in his hands, then luck will follow on his heels. Also, this dream can promise a new fateful acquaintance or meeting. A new acquaintance may turn out to be quite an influential person who will suggest ways to solve many problems.

A dream in which a person opens a bag and sees that it is filled with money in large denominations means that in life he can hit a good jackpot. If there are coppers there, then the person will waste his strength in the fight against minor troubles and will not be able to achieve success in the main thing.

If a person finds a bag in a dream, then in reality his affairs will not go particularly well, and there is some kind of threat. If you pick up a found bag, then the blow of fate will definitely fall, and if you leave it in place, then you will be able to get out of a difficult situation without losses.

If a person dreams that he is snatching a bag from someone’s hands, this is a warning: one should not commit rash acts, so as not to lose everything. This should not be forgotten; you need to control your actions both in reality and in a dream. Then losses can be avoided.

Bag: dream book of the 21st century

String bag - useful family ties. Empty - hopes for success in all matters, and full - to big earnings.

Dream Interpretation Travel Bag

Why do you dream about a travel bag in a dream according to the dream book?

If you saw a travel bag in a dream, it means you have some kind of unresolved internal conflict. Mental contradictions prevent you from adequately seeing the situation and moving in the right direction.

It’s worth thinking and putting your thoughts in order. Try to prioritize in your life, analyze the circumstances. Life will become easier and simpler.

What kind of travel bag did you dream about?

When you dream of a new travel bag

If you dreamed of a new travel bag, expect surprises from life. It can also be gifts and nice little things from friends and relatives.

Dream about a travel bag or suitcase

A dream about a travel bag or suitcase symbolizes prospects for professional or personal development. All roads are open before you, you just need to choose the right path and stick to it.

Dreaming about a travel bag with things

A travel bag with things is a sign of a quick trip. Your vacation will be beneficial, you will get a lot of new impressions, unwind, and also buy memorable souvenirs and valuable gifts. But if the bag was full of things, it was difficult to carry, then on this very journey there is a possibility of losing things, as well as a chance of being robbed.

Dream about a full travel bag

The dream book interprets the dream of a full travel bag as a symbol of a successful trip in which you will be able to buy something valuable that you have long dreamed of.



Dasha Kotlova

If you dreamed of a Bag or saw a lot of Bags in a dream, Dream Interpretations suggest that you remember as accurately as possible what the Bag you saw was like, whether it was full or, on the contrary, Empty. A bag in a dream, According to Dream Interpretations, Symbolizes some kind of cargo or luggage. Dream Interpretations believe that a Bag may appear in a dream on the eve of a long trip or departure. There is another opinion on this matter. Some Dream Books believe that a New Bag in a dream foretells you that you will have a new sexual partner.

I dreamed of a bag or handbag, Many bags in a dream - everyday knowledge and experience.

I dreamed of a travel bag - for a trip or a long journey.

A bag could appear in a dream as a sign - in reality you will soon have a long or long journey ("Bag" is a traditional symbol of wanderers and travelers).

For men, this dream foreshadows a new romance in reality. For women, the dream indicates a high risk of a powerful rival appearing in life. However, Women should rather not decipher such a dream, since it is most likely provoked by the desire to purchase a Bag in real life. In a symbolic and common interpretation, the dream carries a forecast that in reality you will be able to acquire an impressive amount of new knowledge and experience.

Losing or forgetting a bag in a dream is a loss through your own fault.

A bag was stolen in a dream - worries about your property; otherwise, someone will appropriate your knowledge and experience.

Losing a Bag in a dream may foretell losses or loss of creative potential. The dream in which someone stole your Bag is especially disturbing. It is likely that in the coming days someone will encroach on your property or intellectual property. However, the Dream should be considered “empty” if in reality you are extremely concerned about the integrity of your property. The dream appeared in response to your fear of losing your “Bag” or other property in real life.

I dreamed of a red bag - for money.

I dreamed of a sports bag - to troubles; to hard work.

By remembering and analyzing exactly which Bag you saw in your dream, you can make a forecast for yourself for the near future. However, the Dream should be considered “empty” if something contributed to its appearance (you recently bought a Bag in reality, were planning to buy it, or someone’s Bag caught your attention).

forbidden reality

be careful with documents

Choose a bag in the store

Dream Interpretation Bag choose in the store dreamed of why you dream about choosing a bag in a store? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bag in a store in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A bag in a dream is a symbol of prosperity. An empty bag in a dream indicates that luck will turn away from you. A full bag in a dream foreshadows prosperity, wealth and complete success in achieving your plans. The meaning of a dream about a bag largely determines its color, model or condition. The more fashionable and modern the bag is, the greater the benefits will be available to you. A torn, dirty, holey bag in a dream is a sign of losses, damages and grief. A handbag in a dream is a symbol of certain secrets. Losing it in a dream means that someone may find out your secret. Opening someone else's purse or looking into it is a sign of deception or betrayal.

A simple, modest, nondescript handbag in a dream indicates that your existence will be gray and joyless. A colorful bag in a dream is a harbinger of numerous, pleasant and joyful experiences, meetings, and conversations. See interpretation: colors.

Dream Interpretation - Bag, burden

Seeing a burden or a person with a burden or a bag in a dream is a harbinger of change. Changes can be either good or not so good. The symbol of burden and scrip is traditionally associated with the road, orphanhood, poverty, but it can also indicate the opposite.

It is not customary for the people to be afraid of this symbol, because people with a bag, with a burden are pleasing to God, marked by it: “Don’t renounce prison and don’t give up your bag.”

To dream that you are carrying a large bag full of bread on your shoulder is a sign of excitement, vain worries, and intentions to seriously change your life.

To see a person who opposes people walking with bags - this dream means that you are afraid because you have committed a bad act; You are afraid of retribution, retribution for what has been done; Your conscience does not give you peace.

Running quickly with a huge bag along a bad road - you are determined and nothing can turn you off the path; there are obstacles ahead that you are ready to overcome; You will refuse the help that is offered in the difficult circumstances ahead.

Helping carry someone else’s bag - you need help; waiting for outsiders to participate in your destiny, hoping for a miracle.

Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and difficult changes in fate.

Finding someone else's bag means becoming part of a secret, accidentally breaking into someone else's destiny, making a random friend.

Seeing yourself with a lot of bags means moving and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

The bag symbolizes what is hidden, but also accessible. Running with a huge bag along a bad road, there will be obstacles in your business that you want to overcome alone. Helping carry someone else's bag, you need help. Losing a bag means unexpected troubles and changes in fate. Find someone else's bag, find out a secret, perhaps about someone close to you, find a new friend.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

You left the house, taking your usual briefcase, which you always carry. But on the way, you suddenly notice that in your hands instead of a briefcase you are holding an old, tattered bag. This may mean that today you may be unlucky, that circumstances are not favorable to you and nothing good can be expected.

If suddenly, instead of your usual briefcase, you have some kind of case that, without a doubt, is better than yours, then this is not necessarily a promotion, but luck will not leave you that day. You can meet a new, interesting, influential person who will help you in a business that you have been planning for a long time.

If you dream that you are opening a bag and there are large bills there, then this is very good - you will have an unexpected profit. If you dreamed of coins, then you will waste your money on trifles, but will not be able to concentrate on the main thing.

If you find an abandoned bag somewhere, then it’s good if you don’t pick it up in a dream. The dream warns you that circumstances are stacked against you. A heavy blow may fall on you. But if you pick up a bag, then you cannot escape the blow.

If in a dream you steal or snatch a bag from someone, then this is a warning dream. You can lose everything if you do a rash, wrong thing. Remember that there is such a danger and be very careful.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Dream Interpretation - Bag

Bag - Women's, small: lost, stolen - your illusions will dissipate, you have to face the truth. See - you live in a world of illusions, but they can still become reality. Buy, receive, take - your wildest and incredible dreams will come true. The more original the bag, the more extraordinary the dreams that have already been “accepted for fulfillment”. A full travel bag means a successful trip, during which purchases are possible. Lost or stolen - your fears about losses will not come true, you can rest assured about your property. Drag with difficulty - your property may become the object of attention of thieves, especially on the road or in your absence.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

A dream in which you put things in a bag in disarray, afraid of being late somewhere, means that you are needlessly jealous and fear for your personal happiness.

If the handle of a bag comes off in a dream, this means that in real life you will lose the support of a reliable friend or loved one due to your ingratitude and inattention to his problems.

For a woman, a bag lost in a dream is a sign of loneliness and defenselessness.

Dream Interpretation - Bag

If you are carrying an empty bag, the dream foreshadows poverty, but if the bag is full, wealth awaits you.

Imagine that your bag is filled with all sorts of good things.

Dream Interpretation - Bag. road

The appearance of the Sack bag in a dream suggests that the contents of the future are more interesting than the present.

An empty bag means need, deception.

A full bag, a bag - an event will occur that will cause a lot of trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Store

Seeing empty store shelves in a dream means that in reality you will receive a message that is extremely important to you. If you dreamed of a completely empty store without a single buyer, it means that your offer will be rejected.

A store packed with people standing in endless lines is a sign of a trip ahead.

If the store has a wide selection of goods, it means that success and prosperity in business await you. Finding yourself in a supermarket foretells that you will soon spend a lot. Seeing yourself in a small rural store means that your efforts to achieve a fair resolution of a controversial issue will be in vain, moreover, you will be accused of bias.

If you shop at a butcher shop, this means serious illness or bloodshed as a result of an accident or robbery.

The dairy store predicts that you will get down to business with renewed energy, which will soon bring tangible results. A vegetable store means receiving income from several sources.

Seeing a grocery store in a dream means a joyful date with a long-absent loved one. A department store is a harbinger that your business will quickly take off thanks to significant support from stakeholders.

A haberdashery store in a dream indicates your indifference to male persons who do not have sufficient capital by your standards.

A hardware store foretells that your chosen one will not rise to the occasion in a dangerous situation and will behave far from chivalrously when you are insulted in front of him.

The bookstore suggests that your love interests will take you so far that they will soon create insurmountable difficulties for you in your family life.

A store of electrical goods, household appliances and radio equipment is a harbinger of an established and organized family life, full of comfort and well-being.

Finding yourself in a furniture store in a dream foreshadows a rapid pace in the development of a profitable business and a corresponding increase in income. A crockery store promises confusion in business and loss of spirit, a linen and clothing store - you will meet resistance in the fundamentally important issue of improving your living conditions.

A shoe store seen in a dream speaks of upcoming efforts to organize a business meeting at a high level. Handing things over to a thrift store foreshadows complete uncertainty in your future fate and gloomy prospects.

Looking at the price tags on the shelves of a wine and vodka store means a decline in physical and spiritual strength. Paying a bill at a building materials store is a sign of wealth.

in a dream I was choosing a small clutch bag, a beautiful one with beads, 700 rubles) I don’t remember whether I bought it in the end or not. What does that mean? Thanks


Ѽ ✿ ლ Clear Star YaѼ ✿ ლ

I dreamed of a bag or handbag, Many bags in a dream - everyday knowledge and experience.

The bag you saw in a dream stands for “Basket” or “Bag”, which symbolizes the baggage of knowledge and experience acquired by you in the process of real life.

A bag could appear in a dream as a sign - in reality you will soon have a long or long journey ("Bag" is a traditional symbol of wanderers and travelers).

If you dreamed of a new lady's bag or handbag (for men), a new lover will appear.

In psychoanalysis, a bag symbolizes the female organ of love, and the appearance of a Lady's Handbag in a man's dream foreshadows a new love adventure or a promising acquaintance.

I dreamed of a woman's bag (for women) - a rival.

“Bag” is some kind of woman who will very soon interfere in your life in the most direct way. We are probably talking about a rival in love or a competitor in business relationships.

Buying a bag in a dream, Buying a bag in a dream is a new hobby; rival; gain new knowledge and experience.

For women, the dream indicates a high risk of a powerful rival appearing in life. However, Women should rather not decipher such a dream, since it is most likely provoked by the desire to purchase a Bag in real life. In a symbolic and common interpretation, the dream carries a forecast that in reality you will be able to acquire an impressive amount of new knowledge and experience.

By remembering and analyzing exactly which Bag you saw in your dream, you can make a forecast for yourself for the near future. However, the Dream should be considered “empty” if something contributed to its appearance (you recently bought a Bag in reality, were planning to buy it, or someone’s Bag caught your attention). .

Dream Interpretation Bag

The bag is a very interesting and ambiguous symbol. Therefore, only the details of the dream and your own emotional perception of it will help you understand why you dream about the bag. An old, shabby or overly heavy accessory from dreams can mean disasters and a dark streak in life. And new, shiny and beautiful - unexpected income.

In ancient times, a bag could be a symbol of travel or poverty. It was the burden of people who had nothing to lose, because there was nothing holding them anywhere. On the other hand, they could return from travel with more money. In this case, a heavy bag full of gifts or money was carried home.

To get a reliable interpretation of what a bag is in a dream about, it is important to remember in detail its appearance and purpose. It is also important to analyze your feelings: whether it was the joy of packing her for a trip or the understanding of the abundance of life with a completely packed shopping bag.


What kind of bag was it?

The interpretation of the dream is also influenced by the appearance of the dreamed accessory. Almost any dream book will explain the details; a bag from dreams, especially a new one, will mean profit and unexpected receipt of money.

Too heavy or pretty shabby - can mean a heavy burden, an unbearable burden that plagues the dreamer. It is impossible to get rid of it, you can only carry it to its destination - this way one of life’s tasks will be completed.

Basic interpretation: modern dream book bag

If you dreamed about a new one, then you can expect profit. These are discoveries, purchases, impressions. Perhaps you will receive a bonus or promotion. Bright and new can also mean new beginnings in life, or a new work direction that the dreamer will have to develop.

In this case, it can symbolize a certain period of life that is just beginning. If it is brilliantly beautiful and evokes pleasant emotions, it means that this segment will be full of positive emotions.

Unusual - in this case, it speaks of discoveries and new trends in which you have to be a pioneer.

Old – unfulfilled obligations

A very shabby accessory indicates that despite all efforts, it is still difficult for the dreamer to follow the chosen path in life. Perhaps he made a promise to someone, but did not fulfill it. Even if the memory has long erased memories of this, the subconscious still continues to wait for the fulfillment of its obligations, says Miller’s dream book.

If you dreamed of a big and old one, it is important to remember your emotions. If they are warm, pleasant and carry good memories, then this is one of the dreams that promises a meeting with old friends. Over time, friendships will develop into partnerships. And together with them a common profitable business will be organized.

Women's - a reflection of relationships

If a man dreams of a woman's bag

If a man dreams of a woman’s bag, it means that a serious relationship will begin in his life. They can develop into something more if the lady's accessory from the dream was perfect in all respects.

A beautiful women's bag that a young girl dreams of can mean the revelation of her secrets. This is a warning dream, which says that you should not get to know anyone too closely, and trust your emotional experiences even to very close friends.

A bright black lacquered women's handbag indicates that the dreamer has his own dream and even a path to its realization. Receiving it as a gift means that this dream will come true, even without making any effort.

Sports and road – travel and active activities

To correctly interpret a dream in which a travel bag appeared, you need to remember the recent events of your life. If you dreamed about it on the eve of a trip or business trip, then no dream book is needed here - it is a reflection of thoughts.

But if nothing like this is coming, then this is one of the dreams that warns of possible material losses and all sorts of failures. According to Vanga’s dream book, bags are dreamed of when the dreamer faces complete collapse and failure in all activities.

It is advisable to refuse important decisions, signing business negotiations and buying/selling real estate. Otherwise, the dreamer can go around the world with one bag in his hands

Economic - a symbol of prosperity and frugality

To prosperity

If you dreamed of a huge shopping bag abundantly filled with food, this is clearly a good sign. This is one of the dreams that speaks of the dreamer's thriftiness, thriftiness and thriftiness.

Good luck accompanies him in everyday affairs and in all those connected with the house and plot. Perhaps he will engage in cultivation or farming, and will receive significant profit from this.

What actions were taken with the bag?

Interacting with objects from dreams symbolizes our relationship with the world around us. What events happened to the dreamer, how the presence or absence of a bag affected the main action is of great importance.

Therefore, any actions directed either inward or outward can warn of danger from dreams or portend good things.

Loss - disorientation

If you dreamed of losing your bag, it means that the dreamer will be unsettled by some incident. It is likely that a material loss will occur - deprivation of a bonus, an unprofitable deal, the loss of a valuable item.

Miller's dream book warns that the loss of a bag in a dream may be followed by discord in family life. Established relationships will not be able to withstand the challenges associated with loss or decrease in income.

Looking for a previously lost bag in one of your dreams in reality means experiencing bitterness from past failures, a desire to restore previous relationships, hopelessness from not entering the same river twice.

Buy or choose

One of the most favorable dreams is choosing a new bag. This is an opportunity to choose from a mass of offers about work, relationships and place of residence. A turning point comes in the dreamer’s life, which will play an important role in how his future fate will develop. The choice will be meaningful.

  • Buying a bright handbag means a new relationship, or a marriage proposal from a long-time loved one.
  • Choose among shopping bags - several lucrative job offers.
  • Looking for a suitcase or travel accessory - a change of residence associated with a promotion.
  • A man's bag for documents - a new boss or participation in a serious project.
  • Unusual, incomprehensible cut - you will have to be a pioneer in a rather difficult matter.

Find - someone else's secret

Picking up a bag on the floor in one of your dreams is not a very good sign. He warns that the dreamer will be involved in one case that is connected with someone else's secret.

If you dreamed that all its contents were being shaken out of a found bag or backpack, it means a journey is possible during which the dreamer will have to become someone else’s “vest”. Everything would be fine, but over time, fate will bring you together again with a travel companion in an unfavorable situation.

Finding a new bag full of money is a great dream. It could mean receiving an inheritance or winning a lottery/casino.

In general, a bag from dreams can symbolize the microcosm of the dreamer. And if he is comfortable and pleased with his own or a new burden, then he is following the right path in life. An old, dirty and heavy burden promises serious trials.

Did you happen to choose a bag in a dream? Future events will be much more interesting and meaningful than your current life. The dream book will help you find out exactly what the described plot is about in your dreams.

According to Miller

Selecting this accessory in a dream warns: you will be disappointed in your work and will begin to look for another place.


Did you happen to choose a bag at night? Try to think through your every action; the dream book believes that you are on the verge of a financial disaster.

The same plot in a dream promises a meeting with a person who has secretly loved you for a long time. If you dreamed that you could not find the right product, then a serious deterioration in the situation is coming.

Think about it!

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to choose a bag in a store? the dream book suggests that approximately the same situation will happen in reality over the next few days.

Seeing yourself in a store with expensive goods means that you judge people solely by their financial viability.

At night in the store you caught your eye on an expensive clutch, but didn’t have the money to buy it? In reality you will envy a more successful person.

It will be fun!

In your dream, were you lucky enough to pick up a woman’s handbag? In reality, you will find yourself in an interesting adventure that will bring a lot of positive impressions. For a man to choose a woman's bag means that he is literally daydreaming.

Did you dream that you picked up a fashionable women's handbag? The dream book predicts communication with a very talkative or stupid person.

You'll be lucky!

Did you dream of a man's purse? For some time you will have incredible luck.

Why does a man dream about this image? The dream book guarantees a successful purchase in reality. For a woman in a dream, choosing a bag, especially a shopping bag, can lead to numerous worries and troubles.

It’s good for a woman to see how a man chooses an accessory for himself. This means that she will meet an influential person who will provide assistance.

Exact variety

The dream book also reminds: the interpretation directly depends on the type of product.

  • A fashionable clutch is an unusual occurrence, a pleasant acquaintance.
  • A shopping bag - useful connections, troubles.
  • Business portfolio – change of activity, place of work.
  • School - repetition of familiar situations, mistakes.
  • Suitcase - trip, divorce.
  • Backpack - you will find happiness far from home.

Take action!

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to choose a completely new bag? You urgently need to organize your thoughts, deeds, and life.

If you happen to see a new handbag without a handle, you will be left without friendly support.

Did you dream that your new wallet was literally stolen from under your nose? The dream book is sure: you think for too long, and therefore luck often passes by.