How to visually hide wide cheekbones. Determination of type by face. High cheekbones Face with high cheekbones


There are five main types of cheekbones - high, wide, centrally located and small. Take a look at photos of celebrities and try to determine what type of cheekbones you have.
You can look great no matter what your cheeks are, although high cheekbones have long been considered ideal, physiognomists claim that high cheekbones indicate a strong bone structure and are the embodiment of strength and love of freedom - features that ordinary people wanted to see on the faces of their rulers . In addition, it is believed that high cheekbones play the role of a kind of “hanger” that “holds” the face, so it looks young longer.



High cheekbones start at the temples, taper towards the bottom and curve near the eye sockets. Such cheekbones look photogenic, but blush applied in the wrong place gives the face a bony appearance.
Found on long, oval and heart-shaped faces


Low cheekbones start near the corners of the mouth and gently curve toward the earlobes. Owners of such sculpted cheekbones should carefully apply blush to certain areas, otherwise they will make the face look visually heavy.
Found on triangular, square and round faces


Wide cheekbones usually follow the shape of the chin. They are often the “trademark” of top models. Such cheekbones are a sure sign of a wide face, so unsuccessful application of blush will visually make the face even wider.
Found on square and round faces


Every woman dreams of perfect cheeks, but those whose faces often appear on the pages of glossy magazines and TV screens are especially concerned about this. Sometimes ladies pay for expensive and often painful procedures to correct nature’s mistakes. In the 1930-40s. Hollywood divas had their back teeth removed to make their cheeks more refined. Today, celebrities and wealthy women prefer a radical solution to this “problem” - implantation of implants (silicone pads) surgically under the skin above the cheekbones. Probably, the cheap and painless method of correcting the cheeks using decorative cosmetics does not suit them.


When the owner of the cheekbones located in the middle of the face smiles, “apples” (bulges) appear. Such cheekbones are very beautiful, but you need to apply blush carefully so that the eyes and lips do not fade into the background.
Found on oval, round, elongated and heart-shaped faces


If you have small cheekbones, don't despair - this bone structure is found in many stars. The secret to successful makeup for you is blush and corrective products that will visually give your cheeks a great shape.
Found on faces of any shape, most often on round faces.


Stand in front of the mirror and smile widely. Continue smiling for a few seconds, try to make the smile even wider by lifting the corners of your mouth. This exercise strengthens muscles and prevents sagging skin.

February 7, 2013, 03:40

Why do some faces seem more beautiful to us than others? Is beauty itself elusive, or can some of its laws be deduced by identifying exactly those facial features that make it especially attractive? Faces with regular features arranged in certain proportions, with beautiful eyes, lips and nose are considered beautiful. The notorious American plastic surgeon Dr. Palmer claims that the most important thing is the cheeks; they determine 75% of the visual attractiveness of the face. For comparison, eyebrows and eyes give 10%, lips 7%, nose, as well as neck, skin, chin, 2% each, respectively. As a rule, male cheekbones are low and flat, rectangular in shape. While women's cheekbones have a more rounded, delicate shape and are more pronounced. So, the ideal female cheek should look like this. 2 lines are drawn: - from the corner of the mouth to the outer corner of the eye - from the nostril to the tragus (protrusion of the auricle) The oval inscribed in the resulting angle corresponds to the most protruding part of the cheek, the point of intersection of the lines corresponds to the edge of the zygomatic bone.
In the picture on the left is the true position of the cheekbone (and the center of gravity of the entire cheek), on the right are the desired changes. And here's what a shift in the center of gravity looks like in practice. The patient had a traditional implant installed, which has the same thickness everywhere; this is an ideal option for girls with flat cheeks. It can be moved forward or further towards the back of the cheeks to achieve the desired result. When the face lacks volume in the front of the cheeks, an implant of this shape is placed. Modern implants can have any shape, so it is very important that the surgeon correctly determines the anatomy of the cheek and the required amount of changes. Fillers, in this case, can be both a temporary solution and a solution for those who are afraid of a full-fledged operation. In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it with volume, otherwise subtle changes for the better risk turning into grotesque. Recently, reshaping the cheekbones (with fillers or implants) is a fairly common thing for young starlets, although in the past this procedure was used mainly for visual rejuvenation. With age, the fatty tissue from the cheeks thins out and goes down, forming the famous “tear trough” and jowls. The center of gravity of the cheeks also drops down and the face seems tired. In the case of Madonna, the changes are visible to the naked eye, but this is exactly the case when a volumetric implant is absolutely necessary. The face is “made”, but, nevertheless, it looks quite lively. Another famous case where volume only benefited. True, it is not clear whether Ksenia limited herself to implants, or whether a much more rare and complex operation to correct the upper jaw took place. And, finally, photographs of celebrities to whom changing the shape of their cheeks, fillers or implants, no matter what, gave them that very zest.

Choose the shades of cosmetics that suit you: the line of your cheekbones that you will outline should resemble a shadow, so the shades should not be red and brick-like: choose a dark powder or bronzer one and a half or even one shade darker than your skin. The choice of blush is also important - use the shade that your skin acquires after the pinch. .

Step No. 2: getting a new hairstyle

To highlight your cheekbones, visit your stylist for a new haircut and style - you might not even need contouring after that!

Cutting straight bangs is the simplest and most effective solution. It is no coincidence that owners of overly expressive cheekbones are advised to avoid thick, straight bangs - with them, facial features become even clearer and chopped. For our task, symmetrical hairstyles, hair combed up, are ideal; a ladder and a cascade from the middle of the cheeks would be good. Short hair should be full to outline the cheekbones.

Step #3: We resort to exercise and surgery

For very persistent and consistent women, there are special exercises for the appearance of cheekbones. You should take them seriously and practice every day. Here are the most effective ones, tested from personal experience - after a couple of months the result appears:

  • For a couple of seconds, we inflate our cheeks with all our might, and then slowly and slowly release the air. Take your time and repeat 15 times.
  • We stretch our lips in a kiss and draw a circle in the air clockwise (30 seconds), then do the same, but counterclockwise.
  • Take a pencil, pen or any other small elongated object and hold it between your upper lip and nose. Hold on for 30 seconds. Repeat at least five times.

This is an easy way to get chiseled cheekbones.

Expert opinion

There is no exact age recommended for surgery to remove Bisha's lumps. The time of the procedure is determined not by age, but by the indications and desire of the patient. Like all operations, there are contraindications. Your doctor will help you determine whether the procedure is possible at your initial appointment.

Cheekbones, jaws, chin

Chinese physiognomy, along with the forehead, highlights other, relatively less important facial features that need to be studied in conjunction with the Five Essential Features in order to ensure a correct reading of the face. These features include cheekbones, jaw and chin.

In terms of bone structure, the area that forms the main socket and slightly protrudes with a sharp point below the eye is called the cheekbone. Usually the cheekbone is located at the same level as the inner opening of the ear. In physiognomy, the cheekbone indicates the degree of authority that a person commands from others, especially in the field of politics. Therefore, the cheekbones of persons holding positions in government, institutions or industry must be carefully considered. A skilled reader of the face can not only reveal the true position of a person, but can also tell whether the person's personality is on the way to greater exaltation or is threatened by the prospect of losing what it has achieved.

With high brow bones, cheekbones are a sign of influence and power.

If an individual's forehead is wide and high enough, his eyebrows are strong enough, and his eyes are bright, then most likely he will be happy in life. However, if these signs are accompanied by weak cheekbones, then such a person is unlikely to ever have power or influence. Likewise, low cheekbones accompanied by irregular features characterize a person with little or no power or influence.

Both cheekbones, right and left, should be analyzed simultaneously in terms of balance and proportion. If one cheekbone is lower, smaller, or different in shape from another, it detracts from the importance of other features, even if they are of good quality. Thus, bad cheekbones indicate more than just a lack of authority and power. They also serve as a warning about a risky destiny.

A person with a square face often has highly developed and prominent cheekbones, which amazes even the casual observer. In this case, this trait indicates a person’s warlike spirit and the desire to change the conditions around him. Chubby people often have underdeveloped cheekbones. This speaks of a conservative worldview. On a long and thin face, the cheekbones are usually very developed, but they may not protrude outward. This indicates a person with a passive character, especially if the cheekbones are located below ear level.

The flesh covering the cheekbones is a very important factor when reading this facial feature. The flesh should not be too thin or stretched so tightly at the cheekbones as to become pale. The flesh should be full and radiant red, reflecting the healthy state of the blood. A person of this skin and color has the ability to make money, and with other favorable traits in balance and proportion, he is likely to occupy a position of influence.

People with triangular faces often have little flesh on their cheekbones. This indicates a highly sensitive and creative type of person.

Women rarely have prominent cheekbones. Those with high cheekbones often have independent thinking. Such women are endowed with creativity and self-confidence. They enjoy competing with men for their careers. Women with high cheekbones usually get married and find satisfaction in family life only in cases where their partner has a stronger personality.

The following is a list of considerations useful when analyzing cheekbones.

Since the cheekbones are located below the level and away from the eyes, reading this facial feature relates to the fate of a person especially during these years. If the cheekbones are high, well fleshed, and well balanced with the other features of the face, then this is a clear indication of a person of power and influence, the extent of such influence to be determined from consideration of other facial features. If the cheekbones are poorly shaped, located at different levels relative to each other, but well covered with flesh, then this serves as a warning of misfortune in middle age. If the cheekbones are too high, especially in combination with a missing forehead or a low-backed nose, then this means a life often filled with personal danger. This also applies when the cheekbones are too low and contrast with a sunken forehead or prominent nose.

Rice. 66. Cheekbones

As for the chin and jaws, they are almost inseparable and are therefore often discussed together in Chinese texts. These two traits govern the later years of life and are located in positions 60 to 79, and 98 and 99.

Well-developed jaws on a round or square face, in harmony with the overall contour of the face, usually indicate a strong character. With a round face, the jaws indicate affection, generosity and self-control, provided they are wide and covered with strong and abundant flesh. With a square face, they speak of a person of great determination with a strong or difficult character. These jaws are usually associated with professional athletes or military personnel.

Rice. 67. Shapes of the chin and jaws

However, generally speaking, the person reading the face should keep in mind that a wide jaw and wide chin are a sign of strong character, unless they are marred by other bad traits (such as a weak or broken nose or lifeless eyes). A person, whether male or female, having such a jaw and such a chin is likely to have a very successful life if the other features of the face are favorable and in balance and proportion.

As a rule, the wider the jaw, the wider the chin. The size and position of these two features should be well coordinated. A wide and slightly raised chin is absolutely essential for the balance of the entire face. This indicates happiness and security in later life.

A weak and repressed chin is a clear sign of a fatal flaw in character and destiny. A weak chin puts all other facial features at a disadvantage, starting from the forehead and below.

A severe gap in the chin resulting from a split in the bone structure or flesh covering the chin, known as a “cleft chin.” As a "rule of thumb" we can say that such a gap indicates a warm-hearted, tender, passionate nature. It is often found among artists, actors, musicians, inventors and writers, that is, among people whose creative work generates high emotions.

However, if a "cleft chin" is the result of a split in the bony structure rather than the skin having good tension on the chin along the entire length of the cleft, and if this is accompanied by defective irises and possibly an imperfect nasal bridge, then it may indicate an unnatural death. A “cleft chin” in the absence of other defects indicates possible problems with immersion in introspection.

In some cultures, a pointed chin in women is considered a sign of beauty. Such a chin may not be fully developed and therefore not sufficiently covered with flesh. But a fully developed chin should appear around age 30. If the chin remains pointed at this age, this should be considered a flawed feature, since it is often poorly balanced with other prominent facial features. Imbalance is always undesirable. After the age of 30, a pointed chin can indicate disappointment, illness and a short life.

Wide jaws and a wide chin on a broad face are a sign of a strong personality. Such traits are often found in people of great strength and dexterity. Nothing can make such people deviate from achieving their intended goal. However, a long chin with insufficiently developed flesh is a sign of an unsuccessful financial businessman? If the chin is flat, then this indicates that the person is not resourceful.

Heavy jaws protruding from both sides of the lower part of the face and clearly visible when viewed from behind indicate a rebel, a person of strong, uncontrollable passions. Such a person is capable of repaying a good deed with betrayal. Politicians, revolutionaries, and unprincipled businessmen usually have jaws of this type.

In some cases, the protruding jaw is hidden behind massive flesh. This speaks of a self-centered, selfish person.

A woman with such jaws can be a difficult marriage partner because she constantly rebels against her fate.

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Today I will share the subtleties of creating a perfect appearance. It is believed that high cheekbones add sophistication to the face and make a woman more attractive. What is it and how can you make your cheekbones higher if their natural position does not meet the canons of modern beauty?

Hello, my dear readers and readers! Svetlana Morozova is with you. If you ask men what kind of women they like best, someone will say that he is attracted to chubby cheeks with dimples, and someone will admit that his ideal is high-cheekbone skinny women like Svetlana Khodchenkova. Everyone has their own ideal appearance.

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Presenter: Andrey Eroshkin. Health restoration expert, registered dietitian.

Topics of upcoming webinars:

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  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from appearing again?
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However, thinness and athletic fit are now in fashion and therefore it will be useful for every lady to know what high cheekbones are and how to “draw” them if you are not endowed with them by nature.

Striving for ideal

Look at the photo of Angelina Jolie. Even if you don’t really like her, she has a classic version of the high position of her cheekbones, which is emphasized by the slightly “unfolded” angles of her lower jaw. Due to such anatomical features of the face, depressions form under the cheekbone line. They are further emphasized by the voluminous and relatively small chin.

We will take this face as a standard to make it clearer what exactly needs to be achieved by correcting our own appearance.

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on the topic: what kind of “super exercises” you should do. Some people advise puffing out your cheeks, others recommend “drawing” figure eights with your lips stretched out into a tube, and others recommend carrying a pencil, holding it between your lip and nose.

No less persistently we are promoted to surgical rejuvenation, fillers and lifts, which can temporarily smooth out wrinkles and reposition the skin so as to hide defects from natural aging. At the same time, propagandists try not to delve too deeply into the topic of complications and dangers to which a person who decides to undergo plastic surgery is exposed.

Gymnastics for the face, as the most effective way

Much safer is facial gymnastics. Moreover, if you do it constantly at home, you will not need to go under the surgeon’s knife. But how to choose a complex for yourself that will really give the desired effect, and will not add wrinkles from facial muscles?

There is a simple and affordable solution. I selected and tested a set of exercises for the facial muscles, with which you can correct the oval, get rid of bags and circles under the eyes, make your features more prominent, and, among other things, visually get high cheekbones. These are the techniques I offer in my course.

In just five minutes a day you can solve many problems, including age-related ones, remove not only unnecessary ones, but also get rid of acne and. By losing weight on your face, you will make your features more expressive and refined, and will certainly please yourself and your loved ones.

That's all for today.

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