Removal of hemangiomas in children. Hemangioma on the face and head in children under one year of age: photo, treatment, laser removal. Causes of vascular tumors in children

Doctors at MedicaMente have accumulated extensive experience in treating hemangioma in newborns. Children with hemangiomas of any form from the age of 1 month are hospitalized at our clinic.

What we are ready to offer:

Wide range of options in choosing treatment methods

The MedicaMente clinic provides both medicinal treatment of hemangiomas with tablets (experience with the use of the drugs Propranolol, Atenolol) and removal of infant hemangiomas using a modern pulsed dye laser Vbeam Candela Perfecta

Possibility of treatment of hemangioma in Moscow under compulsory medical insurance

The child will be admitted to the hospital for treatment immediately after consultation with a doctor. As a rule, when choosing a date for hospitalization, we take into account the wishes of our patients and try to offer the most convenient dates for treatment. Discharge from the hospital occurs on day 3

Comfortable hospital

Accommodation of mother and child in a single room with everything necessary for a comfortable stay: TV, refrigerator, bed for mother. For the baby there is a crib and a changing table, a food warmer, a sterilizer for children's dishes. Each room has a separate bathroom, air conditioning, wireless Internet wi-fi. Shower on the floor

Drug treatment of hemangioma

The essence of drug treatment is to take drugs (beta blockers) for a fairly long time, which block further growth of the hemangioma and contribute to the destruction of the tissue of the already formed hemangioma. Since the treatment method is associated with effects on the cardiovascular system, the administration of therapy and discontinuation of drugs should be carried out under the strict supervision of experienced doctors. The dosage is selected individually for each child. For 3 days, your baby will be under the strict supervision of specialists (pediatric surgeon, cardiologist, paramedical personnel), who will carefully monitor changes in the condition of the baby’s body after starting to take the drug.

Treatment of hemangioma with propranolol

Children's specialists at the MedicaMente clinic in Korolev (Moscow region) provide medical treatment of hemangiomas in newborns with Atenolol (a new generation of beta-blockers). Atenolol has a number of significant advantages compared to the drug Propranolol: 2 times the dose of the drug, smaller doses required for treatment, the fewest side effects and complications, reducing the treatment time by almost half.

Laser removal of hemangioma in children and newborns

To remove vascular formations, clinics in Moscow or other cities may offer you various types of lasers. Remember, each laser has its own clinical purpose. For the treatment of hemangiomas and vascular dysplasias, we recommend the Vbeam model from Candela

Hemangioma in children is a formation on the skin in the form of a red spot, located on any part of the body (usually in the scalp and on the face). A tumor on the skin is a collection of blood vessels and endothelial cells. During the process of fusion, the vessels form a pronounced purple spot. Hemangioma is a congenital pathology, but can appear during the first year of a child’s life. The neoplasm has the ability to independently appear, grow and disappear.

Hemangioma can be observed in every hundredth newborn. According to statistics, in 97% of cases the disease is detected in newborns or appears within the first 3 months. Girls are more susceptible to the disease (for every 1 boy there are 7 girls).

  • Code according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) for hemangioma and lymphangioma of any location: D18

Hemangioma is considered the most common type of tumor benign in nature. Hemangioma of the skin of a child under one year old is classified into: capillary (superficial); cavernous (cave); mixed or combined.


The most common and simplest type of tumor is capillary hemangioma, which occurs in 96% of cases in newborns and children under one year of age. The tumor has clear boundaries and a pronounced red color, sometimes with a bluish tint, and is located flush with the skin. There are several types of capillary skin tumor. Most often it forms on the face in the eye area, eyelid, lip, tongue, forehead and scalp at the back of the head.

The surface of the neoplasm is flat with small blood vessels of a lobular structure in the form of capillaries. When pressed, the area of ​​the stain turns pale.


A cavernous tumor looks like a bloody, convex round growth. The stain is formed as a result of loosely located blood vessels. The voids between them are filled with blood and cavities. Cavernous hemangioma of the skin can have different sizes and is most often located on the face (lip, eyelid, etc.). Cavernous hemangioma, which is located in the eyelid area, has a detrimental effect on the baby’s eyes.


With mixed types of hemangioma, the development of the disease involves not only vessels with capillaries, but also other tissues of the body (connective, lymph, nervous). The affected area extends over the upper part of the epidermis and into the subcutaneous layers. The appearance of such formations depends on the tissues involved in the disease process. The spots can have different types of formations, differing in size and number of affected areas of the skin.


Causes of tumors on the face and back of the head - most often congenital pathology. Based on the observations of specialists, a number of factors are identified that can influence the formation of hemangioma, although objective reasons have not yet been identified. Since the disease is congenital, the probable cause is considered to be a violation of the circulatory system during the embryonic period. The disease manifests itself only during the baby’s first year.

There are additional factors that can lead to disruption of the vascular system of an infant:

  • premature birth;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • taking medications during pregnancy;
  • mother's acute respiratory infection during the formation of the embryo's vascular system;
  • hormonal disorders in a child.

According to experts, the causes of hemangioma in newborns are intrauterine disorders of the fetal vascular system. Therefore, most often a child develops a congenital hemangioma. If a child develops a hemangioma after birth, this does not mean that the cause was external factors.


Symptoms of hemangioma in a child are purely external visual signs. The spots are not painful, but may increase as the child grows. The most intensive growth of the spot occurs before the baby is 6 months old. The neoplasm is usually located at the same level with the skin, in rare cases it protrudes. If damaged, the spots can turn into ulcers and bleed. Damage occurs especially often when the tumor is located on the back of the head.

Often, purple spots appear in children on the scalp, in the back of the head, or on any parts of the face (eyelid, lip, forehead, cheek, ear, bridge of the nose, tip of the nose, tongue, etc.). Much less commonly, hemangioma is located on the back, arm or neck of a newborn. There are cases when the disease affects the oral cavity or genitals.

In 75% of cases, the tumor goes away on its own, but doctors do not recommend ignoring this disease. A benign tumor on the surface of the skin can grow inside the skin over time.

The germination process can disrupt the functioning of vital organs. Especially if the hemangioma in newborns is located in the head area. The consequences of tumor development can be blindness, hearing loss and other irreversible processes.

The disappearance of the spot occurs spontaneously and unpredictably. Regression can begin as early as the first year of life. It is not necessary to treat hemangiomas; usually the tumor disappears by the age of 7. The disappearance begins with the appearance of light spots in the central part, which gradually spread to the entire affected area. Regression sometimes occurs quickly, but can drag on for several years.


Hemangiomas need to be treated in cases where the tumor interferes with normal life activities or spoils the aesthetic appearance of the face. Treatment and removal of hemangioma is individual.

Before treating a tumor, careful and regular monitoring of the development of the tumor (increases, disappears, changes color, etc.) should be established.

Modern medicine has non-traumatic and effective treatment methods. Still, removal through surgery can cause stress to a child under one year of age. Therefore, doctors recommend taking radical measures in extreme cases and only after confirming active tumor growth.

  • The formation is located on the eyelid and can damage vision or cause lazy eye syndrome;
  • The tumor is located in the respiratory tract and can cause suffocation;
  • A tumor on the lip poses a risk of injury during feeding;
  • A tumor in the area of ​​the ear can interfere with normal perception of sound;
  • Hemangioma on the forehead should be removed due to the possibility of injury from headgear;
  • Formations on the body in places of constant friction with clothing are removed urgently (on the leg, wrist, neck, etc.).

Cavernous hemangioma on the head or face is dangerous and must be treated. If the growth of the spot could cause harm to the child, removal of the cavernous hemangioma is mandatory.

In cases where the cavernous tumor is located on the back, abdomen and other places not subject to mechanical stress, treatment can be medicinal. In such cases, you should not resort to mechanical intervention; it is better to limit yourself to regular observation.


In a child, any surgical intervention can leave a more pronounced defect on the skin than the tumor itself. In 70% of cases, the disease disappears without a trace without requiring removal. If there are no critical indications for removing the stain, then surgical intervention should be replaced with a more gentle treatment.


For the sclerotherapy procedure, 70% alcohol or other drugs prescribed by the attending physician are used. Sclerotherapy is used for deep vascular tumors of small size and difficult to localize. Treatment with sclerotherapy is indicated for areas in the facial area (lip, nose, etc.).


Cryodestruction involves cauterization of the affected area of ​​skin. Removal with liquid nitrogen is applied to formations of small sizes. Cauterization can be performed on newborns; the procedure is painless and does not cause bleeding. Cryodestruction leaves a bubble at the site of the tumor, which requires proper care. With proper treatment, the wound heals quickly without leaving a mark.

Tumor formations can be large or small in size, benign or malignant in origin. If they suddenly appear on the body of a newborn baby, they certainly cause concern among parents. Typically, tumors that form on the skin of a baby are not cancerous and do not cause harm to health. Among benign formations that develop in a child before three months of life, pediatricians most often record hemangioma in newborns.

What is hemangioma in newborns?

It is generally accepted that a hemangioma in a child is a benign tumor that is not inherited, but occurs due to illnesses of the mother during pregnancy. Occurs in 10% of children; hemangioma in newborns by gender is most often registered in girls. A child can be born with a hemangioma, and it can also appear before the age of 3 months; in rare cases, it occurs in children older than one year.

Up to 90% of all detected tumors are located on the skin of children, only 10% are formed on the internal organs of the child. The size of the hemangioma varies from 1 mm to 15 cm with a characteristic pink, purple or bluish tint.

Types of tumors

The doctor chooses the method of therapy depending on the size, tissue structure and location of the hemangioma. Therefore, it is important for the pediatrician to accurately determine the type of hemangioma in a newborn child.

The most dangerous hemangiomas form in muscle tissue, on the spinal column and in the liver. Based on their structure, childhood tumors are divided into the following types:

  • capillary hemangioma in children is the most common tumor, which is a painless convex spot of red or purple color with an uneven and clearly defined border, externally similar to a clot of small blood vessels;
  • cavernous hemangioma in a child - the tumor looks like a dense, tuberous growth of red or bluish color. This cavity is filled with blood, so if ruptured or injured it can cause blood loss in the child;
  • combined hemangioma in a newborn is a tumor formation that contains both blood vessels and blood-filled cavities.

Photo of a hemangioma on a child’s face

Photo of a hemangioma on a newborn's head

Symptoms of hemangioma in a child

During the first week of life, a newborn baby develops a small raised spot.

Red. Over three months, the hemangioma can significantly increase in size. The tumor is soft to the touch; when pressed, due to the outflow of blood, it becomes pale for a short time, but then turns red again. It is localized in any part of the body, but most often on the back of the head, crown of the head, shoulders, lips, eyelids, wings of the nose. If a child cries or coughs convulsively, the cavernous hemangioma enlarges and takes on a more saturated color, which is associated with a rush of blood to the tumor. The surface temperature of the tumor is higher than that of healthy skin, which is associated with the pulsation of hot blood in the capillaries. In approximately 80% of cases, the pathology gradually disappears without medical intervention and extremely rarely degenerates into oncology.

Causes of hemangioma in newborns

Today, there are a number of reasons why hemangioma can occur in newborns:

  1. viral and bacterial infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy;
  2. use of potent synthetic medications;
  3. the birth of twins or triplets;
  4. prematurity of a newborn baby;
  5. discrepancy between the Rh factors of mother and baby;
  6. negative environmental situation;
  7. the age of the pregnant woman is more than 35 years;
  8. hormonal imbalance in the mother during gestation;
  9. a baby born premature or underweight
  10. ARVI suffered by the mother during the period from 3 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. This is the period of formation of the vascular system.

4 phases of hemangioma in newborns:

  1. Identification. Hemangioma (if present) is detected immediately after the birth of the child, or it appears within one month after birth.
  2. Development. Usually by the age of one year, the growth of a benign tumor from blood vessels stops.
  3. Regression. After one year, the stage of reverse growth begins, i.e. hemangioma in a newborn gradually decreases in size until it disappears completely.
  4. Involution. The vascular node completely resolves and disappears. This can happen between the ages of 5 and 10 years.

Why is hemangioma dangerous in newborns?

Whether a hemangioma in a newborn is dangerous or not can only be determined by the doctor who is seeing the baby. Basically, hemangioma in newborns on the outer skin does not pose a threat to the life and development of the child. However, there is also a hemangioma in a newborn, which requires increased attention from parents.

For example, a tumor that appears in a newborn in the genital area has the potential to be constantly injured.

It should be noted that hemangioma in a newborn, regardless of the place of appearance, type and symptoms, in any case should be examined by a specialist.

Although a vascular tumor in most cases resolves on its own, its presence still requires parents to undergo systematic monitoring by a pediatrician.

Diagnosis of hemangioma in children

Usually, an experienced pediatrician can easily identify a hemangioma just by looking at it. The tumor has a vascular structure and turns pale when pressed, which is clearly visible to the naked eye.

If the doctor doubts the diagnosis, he may send the baby for Doppler testing or magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound monitoring is mandatory when a hemangioma needs to be removed. It allows you to see how deep the tumor is embedded in the subcutaneous tissue or internal organ.

Treatment methods for hemangioma in newborns

Treatment of hemangioma in newborns is prescribed only by the attending physician. If the resulting tumor threatens the baby’s life, the doctor selects a treatment method depending on the location, type and complexity of the hemangioma in the child.

Most often, the doctor monitors the course of the disease, since an experienced specialist is in no hurry to resort to surgical intervention on the child’s still fragile body. Treatment is mainly required when hemangioma in a newborn has progressive factors.

Modern clinics offer different methods of treating hemangioma:

  • Cryotherapy
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Hormonal therapy or adrenergic blockers (used in difficult cases)

Today, laser therapy allows you to get rid of hemangioma forever without pain and scars. Under the influence of a laser beam, the vessels stick together. The devastated tumor, deprived of blood supply, resolves. The treatment method is painless and is carried out without anesthesia.

Period after surgery

After surgery to remove a problematic hemangioma, the child will most likely be prescribed antibiotics. Only the doctor decides in what form they will be introduced into the baby’s body. He will also treat the postoperative wound with disinfectant solutions until the tissues are completely healed. There are usually no other appointments after surgery.

During the healing period, crusts form on the skin, which should dry out and fall off on their own. Thus, the epidermis is restored. You cannot tear them off with your nails, as the wound may become infected.

Indications for removal of hemangioma in a child

Although hemangioma is a benign tumor, in some situations its removal is required to preserve the life and health of the baby. It is advisable to get rid of the tumor formation, which is located in a place where injuries are possible: on the tummy, elbows, eyelids. The baby may scratch the growth or accidentally touch it while changing clothes. A damaged hemangioma bleeds heavily and heals slowly. It is also necessary to cut out tumors growing near the nostrils, ear openings, eyes and genitals. By increasing in size, it can close the anatomical passage, which is dangerous for the child’s health.

A hemangioma that continues to actively grow, change shape and color after the child is one year old should be removed. If the tumor does not tend to turn into oncology, then after a year it should not increase, but, on the contrary, gradually decrease and disappear by the age of five. Cavernous hemangioma in the liver, brain or other internal organs is urgently excised. If it bursts, the hemorrhage will certainly lead to death.

Treatment of hemangioma in newborns using traditional methods

You can resort to methods of treating vascular nodes in newborns only if they do not pose a danger to the child’s life.

  1. Wormwood tincture. Designed to lubricate problem areas of the skin. Its preparation lasts 14 days. To do this, two tablespoons of dry herb are infused in 0.5 liters of vodka for two weeks. With daily lubrication, the size of the hemangioma in a newborn should decrease.
  2. Brew chaga powder (chaga is a birch mushroom) with hot water and wait half an hour. Use as a compress, which must be kept on the tumor for 30 minutes.
  3. Tea mushroom. For three weeks, you need to periodically apply it to the hemangioma, securing it with a plaster.
  4. Lubricate the hemangioma with the juicy part of the green walnut peel. This is a very strong remedy and precautions should be taken.
  5. Celandine juice, diluted in half with water, will help reduce the size of hemangioma. You need to wipe the formation with a solution, after lubricating the areas of healthy skin around the node with baby cream.
  6. Oak bark with duckweed grass (20 grams each) is used as a lotion twice a day. First, put oak bark on the fire, add 100 ml of cold water, and after 15 minutes add duckweed. The decoction is used cold.
  7. Fresh viburnum fruits must be crushed with water in equal proportions. After half an hour, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and freeze the resulting juice in ice cube trays. For one month, wipe the hemangioma with the resulting ice cubes.

How and when does hemangioma go away?

Since this is a vascular formation, the so-called node of blood vessels, it tends to resolve. And in most cases, it goes away on its own without any outside intervention.

After disappearance, hemangioma does not leave any traces on the skin. According to statistics, in children over 5 years of age, tumors resolve in 50% of cases. By the age of 7, the probability of disappearance is 70%, and by the age of 9-10, in almost all children they disappear without a trace.

There are no complications or consequences after the disappearance of the hemangioma, and there is no relapse of the tumor.

Prevention of hemangioma in newborns

Precautionary measures against the appearance of hemangioma include the following:

  • protect the child’s skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • maintain health during pregnancy, from viral and infectious diseases;
  • Avoid taking any medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • try not to get into stressful situations;
  • in the case of hemangioma formation in newborns, systematically visit a doctor to monitor the further behavior of the tumor;
  • strictly follow all instructions prescribed by the specialist.

Video: Hemangioma in newborns - Dr. Komarovsky

Modern medicine, as we know, does not stand still in its development. Today, unfortunately, not all diseases can be treated with medication; in some cases, surgical intervention is required. These are primarily neoplasms, including malignant ones.

We have all met people in our lives who have a large red birthmark on their face. In fact, most often it is an ordinary hemangioma. It is a benign vascular tumor that appears as reddish or purple spots that rise above the skin by approximately 1 mm. In this article we will explain in more detail how this pathology differs in children.

general information

Hemangiomas in children, as noted above, are a tumor that comes from vascular tissue. In medicine, there are two phases of its development: the stage of proliferation (growth) and involution (reverse development).

This benign formation is a consequence of impaired vascular formation in the embryonic period.

Hemangiomas in children, as a rule, appear in the first two weeks of life and appear within a year. Recently, the number of congenital benign tumors has noticeably increased.

Such neoplasms are distinguished by their rapidly developing nature. On the other hand, spontaneous disappearance of hemangioma may occur even without surgical intervention or drug treatment.

Prevalence of vascular neoplasm

According to available data, in different populations, about 10% of newborns have this pathology.

  • Hemangiomas occur several times more often in girls. In addition, it is women who are predominantly diagnosed with complicated forms.
  • In the European population, neoplasms of this kind appear more often than in representatives of other races.
  • Premature babies are included in the so-called risk group. According to scientists, the lower the baby's weight at birth, the higher the likelihood of such a vascular anomaly.
  • The age of the woman in labor increases the risk of the disease (the older the woman, the higher the likelihood).
  • Chorionic villus biopsy does not play a significant role in the immediate formation of most hemangiomas.

Natural development

According to experts, the proliferation phase can last about five months. During the first 180 days, the vascular neoplasm reaches 80% of its final size.

Superficial hemangiomas in children grow several times faster than deep ones. The final phase of proliferation is often combined with the beginning of involution. The stage of reverse development is characterized by a change in the color of the skin in the affected area from pink to white.

Early appearance of light areas (before 3 months) is most often a sign of ulceration, but not involution. In 50% of cases, the stage of reverse development ends by the age of 5, in 70% of children the tumor goes away by the age of seven, and in 90% of young patients by the age of 9. Final involution does not mean that the skin on the affected area will become indistinguishable from healthy areas. In some cases, scars and minor cosmetic defects remain. Thus, it becomes clear that it is impossible to get rid of such a pathology as hemangioma in children without a single trace. Photos in specialized medical reference books clearly prove this statement.


  • Simple hemangiomas are formed exclusively from capillaries. They are usually reddish or bluish in color. Most often, simple vascular neoplasms are located on the skin, covering literally a few millimeters of the so-called subcutaneous fat layer. Such spots have clear boundaries, have a smooth surface and only protrude slightly above the skin.
  • Cavernous hemangiomas form under the skin and look like nodular formations. Tumors mainly consist of so-called cavities. They are cavities of different sizes that are filled with blood. At the initial stage, the formation does not differ from normal skin color. As the disease progresses, it becomes purple in color. The skin above it feels slightly hotter than in other areas.
  • Combined hemangiomas in children combine simple and cavernous types.
  • Mixed variants are formed from tumor cells of different tissues, so their names may differ slightly (angioneuroma, angiofibroma, hemlymphangioma, etc.). Taking into account the fact from which tissue the tumor was formed, its consistency, color and even appearance are determined.

In any case, vascular formation - regardless of the type - requires competent treatment. Only a qualified specialist, after a diagnostic examination, will be able to recommend therapy, and, if necessary, perform surgery to get rid of a problem such as hemangioma.


In children, this pathology very often develops at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, at present doctors cannot name the exact reasons that lead to this problem. However, long-term observations and statistical data allow us to make several assumptions.

Taking into account the fact that the tumor appears in young children, most likely the cause lies in disorders that occur during intrauterine development. This includes taking certain groups of medications, poor environmental conditions, and various diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy. Some doctors suspect that hemangiomas in children appear due to certain disorders at the endocrine level.

How does this pathology manifest itself?

Previously, doctors believed that hemangiomas do not appear in newborn children; their first signs appear before the age of three months. However, recently, more and more often, this pathological condition is diagnosed in infants. Pediatricians cannot explain this trend. It is suggested that the environment is deteriorating year by year and is to blame.

Hemangioma in a newborn baby looks like a small speck of a reddish or bluish tint. Most often, this pathology in the initial stages of its development is not recognized as a vascular tumor. Parents begin to treat the affected area with various anti-inflammatory ointments. However, such a speck does not stop growing, and after some time it completely changes its color. It is at this stage that parents begin to sound the alarm.

A superficial hemangioma on a child’s head, for example, does not have any special manifestations other than external ones. Vascular neoplasms located under the skin may have different symptoms.

Where is the tumor most often located?

The first place in the frequency of occurrence is occupied by the head area. There are also cases where a hemangioma appeared on a child’s lip, in the eyelid area, forehead, on the tip of the nose or on the cheeks. The second most common lesion is the genital area. Constant friction with diapers and clothes, contamination of this area with urine and feces - all this can lead to ulceration of the tumor and subsequent infection.


Most often, hemangiomas in children are not visible at birth and may not be detected for several months. However, after some time, the development of the tumor becomes more obvious. To confirm the diagnosis, a visual examination is sufficient without any additional tests.

If the doctor is in doubt about the diagnosis, ultrasound, MRI and CT scans may be needed. In particularly serious cases, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy.

Is special treatment required?

According to available data, about 10% of hemangiomas can lead to various kinds of complications throughout the child’s life. It is precisely such unpleasant consequences that, as a rule, are a kind of impetus to seek help from a doctor.

Often the main indication for treatment is the psychological state of the parents and the child himself. As is known, the reverse development of these neoplasms can take several years, and if they are still in the open, this can cause a lot of inconvenience for a small patient. One cannot underestimate the conflicts that arise in this case, the consistently developing depression, and withdrawal into oneself. For example, a hemangioma on a child’s lip can lead to the development of complexes. Classmates begin to tease, friends turn away, afraid of getting infected.

The statement of doctors that vascular tumors must be treated from the moment they appear is not indisputable. The so-called wait-and-see approach is still common among many specialists, when they hope that the hemangioma will undergo involution. The need for treatment is confirmed only when primary complications appear. As a result, time is wasted, and the disease only continues to progress.

How is therapy different?

How to get rid of such a problem as hemangioma in children? In any case, treatment is determined by the doctor himself, taking into account several factors simultaneously (stage of the disease, age of the child, etc.). Below we list common methods of dealing with this problem.

How is laser removal of vascular tumors different?

Currently, laser removal of vascular tumors is considered one of the most effective methods of combating such a problem as hemangioma in children. Treatment with this method has many advantages. Its main advantage is that through this procedure it is possible to remove all forms of pathology and at any stage of development. In addition, therapy can be divided into several stages. Laser treatment is not painful, but if discomfort occurs, you can resort to special pain-relieving ointments or creams. After completing the treatment course, it is important to wait from two to approximately six weeks until the inflammatory reaction completely disappears. In some cases, a single intervention is enough to completely overcome this pathology. Of course, as with any other treatment method, complications may arise. According to experts, the percentage of such negative consequences is still several times lower compared to the methods described above.

Where to remove a hemangioma for a child? In this case, it is recommended to seek help only from specialized medical centers where qualified doctors with appropriate licenses work. You should not try to cure the disease yourself. You can only harm the child, and meanwhile the pathology will only progress.

Why are such tumors dangerous?

  • Ulceration is the most common complication, which is typical for tumors accompanied by violent growth. In this case, there is a high probability of secondary infection.
  • Respiratory dysfunction. This problem is usually observed with hemangiomas in the neck area.
  • Bleeding very often frightens young patients and their parents, however, simply cauterizing this area of ​​skin can solve this problem.
  • Visual impairment occurs with hemangiomas in the eye area.


In conclusion, it should be noted once again that the optimal solution for getting rid of a vascular tumor is its removal. Hemangioma in children is certainly a rather serious pathology. However, if parents take all the necessary measures in a timely manner, the child will not have to be embarrassed about his appearance or worry about his health in the future.

Immediately after the birth of a child, you can notice spots on the skin that show maximum growth activity in the first six months. Hemangioma occurs in 10% of newborns, several times more often in girls. After the 1st year of life, the growth of the tumor slows down and its involution occurs - gradual disappearance. By the age of five, 50% of hemangiomas disappear, and by the age of seven – up to 70% (early involution). Since hemangioma is a hormone-sensitive tumor, its complete suppression occurs at puberty (late involution).

Why does hemangioma occur?


The true causes of these tumors are still unknown. It is assumed that the triggering factors in their development may be:

  • ARVI in the mother during pregnancy at 3–6 weeks, when the cardiovascular system is developing in the fetus;
  • Rhesus – conflict in the mother during pregnancy;
  • taking medications, alcohol, or smoking during pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders in a pregnant woman or child;
  • burdened heredity.

Types of hemangiomas

Depending on the structure and level of location, the following types of hemangiomas are distinguished:

Cavernous hemangioma

This type of tumor is also found in organs with abundant blood supply: liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, lungs and brain.

Cavernous hemangioma in a newborn in the liver is considered very dangerous. In most cases, it makes itself felt only when complications occur or is accidentally diagnosed, since it exists in the body asymptomatically. In case of injury, a hemangioma can rupture, and the resulting hemorrhage under the liver capsule or into the abdominal cavity leads to death in 80% or more cases.

The spleen is a very well vascularized organ, therefore hemorrhages in it due to rupture of hemangiomas are the most dangerous because they are profuse in nature.

Brain cavernous hemangioma is one of the most insidious tumors. Despite its benign quality, its ruptures lead to intracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhages, which entails a deep coma or death.

Capillary hemangioma

Capillary (simple) hemangioma is formed from the vessels of the dermis and never affects the underlying layers of the skin (with the exception of the combined type of hemangioma). The structure is like capillary vessels intertwined into a ball. The tumor protrudes slightly above the surface of the skin and rarely produces hemorrhages. As a rule, it is small in size, about 1 cm in diameter. A tumor is considered more favorable the paler its color - this indicates its involutional development.

Combined hemangioma

Combined hemangioma is represented by simple and cavernous parts and is insidious in that it is often mistaken for a capillary tumor, while its cavernous part can be dangerous.

A mixed tumor occurs when, along with a vascular neoplasm, tumor cells of connective, nervous or other tissues are present.


Diagnosis and treatment methods for hemangioma

The choice of therapeutic measures depends on the results of diagnostic studies of hemangioma. First of all, the doctor must differentiate the tumor from other diseases. It may be squamous cell carcinoma or glomus angioma. Hemangioma is sometimes similar to vascular malformations, some forms of nevi and cysts, and pyogenic granuloma.

Once the diagnosis is made, decisions about subsequent treatment are made depending on the progression of the tumor.

In the period up to the 1st month (newborn period), surgical intervention is excluded. The “behavior” of the hemangioma is monitored. If the tumor does not change in size and color, then before visiting the kindergarten it is simply observed by a specialist. If it increases, disrupts the functioning of organs or poses a threat to life, then measures are taken to remove it. As a rule, such operations are prescribed to a child aged 3 months, six months or 1 year.

Hemangiomas are treated in the following ways:

  • Surgery includes complete or partial excision of the tumor and is indicated for its rapid progression, provided that the operation does not cause a serious cosmetic defect and does not disrupt the functioning of organs. Surgical treatment is preferred in case of large tumors, but then after resection it becomes necessary to take a donor flap of skin from another part of the body. This is especially true when treating hemangioma on the scalp or eyelid. In children, such operations are performed only in exceptional cases with parallel blood transfusion, under general or local anesthesia.
  • Conservative treatment:
    • Cryotherapy (carbon dioxide snow): applied to small hemangiomas (2-2.5 cm). Snow is applied to the site of the tumor, covering up to 0.5 cm of healthy tissue. After this, a depressed surface is formed, which soon swells, turning into a bubble. Then a crust forms, which disappears after two weeks.

    • Injection treatment with a sclerosing effect on the tumor vessels, after which connective tissue is formed in its place. For injection, 70% alcohol and a quinine-urethane solution are used. With several injections, an infiltration ridge is formed, first around the tumor, then in its center. The procedure is repeated once a week after the swelling disappears. This method is used when surgical treatment is impossible due to the difficult localization of the tumor: eyelid, oral mucosa.
    • Electrocoagulation used to treat small-sized (no more than 5 mm) capillary, cavernous and stellate hemangiomas, as well as to remove remaining parts of the tumor after other procedures. Under the influence of an electric current, the tumor tissue coagulates, after which a crust forms, which goes away on its own over time.
    • Radiation therapy used in the treatment of subcutaneous cavernous hemangiomas or tumors localized to internal organs. Radiotherapy has a negative effect on the entire body, so it is not used for hemangiomas in newborns. Radiation therapy is prescribed exclusively after 6 months.


Complications of hemangioma

In addition to the fact that hemangiomas can cause hemorrhages or disrupt the functioning of organs, they also contribute to the formation of blood clots in the tumor cavity. Because of this, the consumption of platelets in the body increases, which leads to a deterioration in blood clotting. This characterizes the Kasabach-Merritt symptom complex, a disease of newborns and children under one year old with large hemangioma.

If the tumor is located in traumatic areas or in the genital area, it often undergoes ulceration.

Hemangioma in newborns is most often limited to a cosmetic defect or goes away completely. But, nevertheless, the presence of a tumor in a child obliges parents to provide the child with systematic observation by a specialist.


Symptoms and causes of hemangioma

Most cases of the development of this type of tumor occur on the outer skin, which is located in the facial area, neck and spinal column. Intrauterine growth of the tissues of the walls of small capillaries occurs.

This is symptomatically visible to the naked eye. Above the skin there is a neoplasm with a smooth surface of a bright red or purple color. With strong pigmentation due to destroyed red blood cells, it can be confused with a birth hematoma or birthmark. However, in the future the color may change to a lighter shade.

Internal types of neoplasms of vascular origin can also develop. In this case, the wall of a larger blood vessel is affected. Symptomatically, it is more like a bruise that does not go away over a long period of time.

Other signs of hemangioma in a newborn may include phenomena associated with dysfunction of associated organs and tissues. In the active growth phase, the tumor quickly increases in size and begins to affect nerve fibers. This causes pain. It is necessary to differentiate during diagnosis from condylomas, birthmarks, warts and malignant tumors.

Although hemangiomas in newborns, as a rule, do not degenerate into malignant types, they are quite dangerous pathologies that can lead to death if they grow rapidly.

There are several reasons for the development of intrauterine pathology:

  • violation of the work and rest regime by the expectant mother;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • nervous and mental stress;
  • intrauterine infections such as measles, rubella, influenza.

Capillary and cavernous hemangioma

Two types of vascular tumors are diagnosed:

  1. capillary hemangioma;
  2. cavernous hemangioma.

In the first case, the tumor has a dense differentiated structure. It consists of an excess amount of benign structured cells, which in the physiological version of the norm make up the vascular wall. Several capillaries are affected simultaneously, which are located in close proximity to each other.

The cavernous type is characterized by the presence of an internal cavity in which plasma or intracellular fluid can accumulate. This type of neoplasm is more dangerous because it can cause internal bleeding. In this case, the tumor quickly increases in size. As the blood effusion resolves, the size decreases accordingly.

Spinal hemangioma

Vertebral body hemangioma is a rare disease that occurs in approximately 1% of newborns. Diagnosis of this condition is difficult. Pathology can be detected exclusively by chance, since it does not produce any symptoms or signs during the first years of a child’s life.

Sometimes back pain may appear, accompanied by a slight cramp in the shoulder girdle or in the lower extremities.

Vertebral hemangioma affects bone cells. But, nevertheless, the tumor completely resolves without outside intervention by about 5 years of the baby’s life.

Why is liver hemangioma dangerous?

With the development of liver hemangioma, there is a risk of rupture of this organ if the tumor grows too rapidly. The greatest danger is the cavernous type. In this option, the internal cavity can be filled not only with blood and plasma, but also with produced bile. This pathology is especially often accompanied by cholestasis and digestive disorders. In a child aged 1 to 2 years, this may manifest itself as heaviness in the right hypochondrium and frequent bowel movements with discolored feces. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately undergo a special examination. The tumor can be detected by ultrasound scanning of the liver parenchyma.

On this page you can see photos of hemangioma not only in the liver, but also in other structural parts of the baby’s body.

Treatment methods for hemangiomas

Congenital hemangiomas in newborns require special treatment in exceptional cases. Only surgical removal of the tumor is possible. There is also an alternative to exposure to a point laser beam. The efficiency of the latter method is quite high.

In approximately 87% of cases of detection of these pathologies in infants, no intervention is required. Hemangiomas go through their entire development cycle and disappear on their own without leaving any cosmetic marks. This happens at the age of 7 - 9 years. At an older age, there is very little chance of self-healing.

Indications for laser or surgical removal of hemangioma:

  • dysfunction of related organs and systems;
  • rapid tumor growth;
  • large cavernous cavities;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • a cosmetic defect that may affect the child’s socialization;
  • the tumor reaches a size of more than 5 cm;
  • the presence of unstructured cells in histological analysis;
  • development of bleeding.

If a wait-and-see approach is chosen, it is important for parents to understand that there is a danger of hemangioma rupture. This is due, first of all, to the fact that blood clotting and platelet counts in such children are abnormal. Therefore, it is important to protect the baby from injury. You should also carry out vascular strengthening therapy and monitor the parameters of a general peripheral blood test.

Classification of childhood hemangiomas

Children's hemangiomas have a benign course - they can suddenly disappear without medical intervention. The tumor can appear in 2% of newborns, and among one-year-old infants, every tenth person is at risk.

Depending on the time of tumor appearance, hemangioma in children can be congenital or acquired (observed after birth). There are four types of the disease:

  • capillary type (consists of capillaries, localized on the skin surface);
  • cavernous hemangioma (vessels dilate and form cavities in which the source of the disease is traced);
  • combined (combines subcutaneous and visible areas of distribution);
  • mixed (covers vascular, connective, nervous, lymphoid and adipose tissues).

In girls, the tumor is much more common, and 75% of angiomas manifest themselves in infancy. The shades and sizes of neoplasms vary.

There are also differences in the localization of tumors - the tumor can be found in fatty tissue, bones, tendons, muscles and parenchymal organs. Fortunately, such types of disease are extremely rare in babies under one year old.

Causes of vascular tumors in children

Doctors continue scientific debate regarding the mechanisms of tumor formation. Most often, the tumor appears on the baby's face. Sometimes the hairline suffers.

The causes of hemangioma in children may be as follows:

  • unfavorable environmental situation;
  • viral pathologies in the mother (I-II trimester);
  • maternal use of certain medications during pregnancy;
  • exacerbation/emergence of acute endocrine ailments in a pregnant woman;
  • pathologies leading to the birth of a premature baby;
  • placenta previa and preeclampsia;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • mature age of the mother (exceeding 35 years).

Often, capillary hemangioma in children has a clear outline and is localized on the baby’s skin. The disease can be recognized by a tuberous-flattened or tuberous-nodular and flat surface. The simple variety tends to turn pale when pressed. If you stop pressing, the previous color will return again.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

Vascular neoplasm in most cases manifests itself early - during the first weeks of the baby’s life. Almost all hemangiomas “pop up” before six months, the remaining ones - up to a year. Symptoms are directly related to the location of the tumor, but the cellular structure also matters.

Here are the main places of localization of education:

  • face (nose, cheeks, eyelids);
  • hair on the head (mainly on the back of the head);
  • limbs;
  • mucous membranes (tongue, lip, anogenital area);
  • internal organs;
  • bones (spine and skull area).

Shades vary from purple (in some cases bluish) to pinkish. If you compare the temperature of normal skin and the tumor to the touch, you will feel that the hemangioma is much warmer.

Depending on the type of tumor, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • Capillary type. A flat shape with clear boundaries dominates. Color - bluish or red. Pallor when pressed, followed by restoration of shade.
  • Cavernous type. An elastic, soft tumor covered with slightly bluish skin. The presence of an erectile symptom - enlargement and tension of the hemangioma with crying, straining and coughing. When pressed, a falling effect is observed.
  • Combined type. Combines all of the above characteristics.
  • Mixed type. The visual manifestation depends on the adjacent tissues complementing the main component.
  • Internal organs. The tumor is capable of growing and looks like an appendix appendix.
  • Bones. The child feels aching in the bones, pain and the effect of squeezing the nerve endings (can be seen during the growth of the affected area).
  • Disseminated hemangiomatosis. A very rare type of disease, which is characterized by multiple vascular manifestations of the tumor and metastases to internal organs.

How is infantile hemangioma diagnosed?

There are two scenarios according to which the evolution of childhood hemangiomas occurs. The first scenario involves progressive growth and localization near the organs of perception (eyelid, ear). In this case, the tumor can bleed, become infected, and ulcerate.

In such a scenario, treatment of hemangioma in children is a dire necessity that cannot be avoided. However, in 70%, regression of the capillary type of pathology is diagnosed.

The surgeon, pediatrician and dermatologist are responsible for making the diagnosis. The latter deals with the treatment of pathologies localized on the surface of the skin. If the tumor penetrates deeper, you will have to seek help from a specialist - an operating ophthalmologist or neurosurgeon.

Diagnostics is based on several types of studies:

  • data from the initial examination;
  • Ultrasound of the tumor;
  • dermatoscopy (a non-invasive device is used for examination);
  • angiography (x-ray examination of vessels adjacent to the tumor and “tinted” with contrasting liquid);
  • Ultrasound, computed tomography and radiography (the eye sockets, spine and skull are studied - in the case of particularly deep penetration of the hemangioma).

Treatment options

The treatment strategy in most cases is determined by a dermatologist.. The most effective method is considered to be the removal of hemangioma in children - drug therapy does not always give the required result. Don’t think of opening the tumor yourself—it will be extremely difficult to stop the bleeding. Superficial and point forms of the disease can be successfully treated using the following methods:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser removal.

There are hemangiomas with a complex anatomical structure, and some neoplasms occupy a fairly large area. In this case, radiotherapy is required - radiation treatment.


The stage of tumor formation influences the choice of therapeutic strategy. In the early stages, the freezing method is actively used, which involves treating the pathology with liquid nitrogen. A small bubble forms, which will soon disappear, and the wound left after the operation will heal.

Here is a complete list of surgical intervention technologies:

  • cryodestruction (cold exposure);
  • destruction by electricity;
  • introduction of sclerosing drugs;
  • laser removal;
  • surgery.

The surgical method is prescribed only as a last resort. This occurs after long-term observation of the pathology over time. The condition of the newborn must be extremely serious.

Here is a list of indications for surgical intervention:

  • intraocular and oral localization;
  • location on the genitals, face and head, as well as near the anus;
  • complicated course;
  • rapid growth of pathology.

Drug therapy

Some types of localizations cannot be operated on. Then doctors develop a complex set of medicinal effects.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two types - the use of Propranolol and the introduction of hormonal agents directly into the affected vessel. The first method is based on taking tablets, the second - on injections.

Note that hormonal drugs are aimed at spurring the regression of hemangioma.

This method is relevant when a large area of ​​the baby’s body is affected. "Propranolol" is administered independently or combined with one of the surgical interventions.

This is done in a hospital under the strict supervision of doctors. Antibiotics during drug therapy are completely useless.

Rapid progression of tumors is observed in 6.7% of cases. After this, regression and complete disappearance of the pathology may occur. The pediatric surgeon may decide on dynamic observation - then get ready to stay in the hospital. There are currently no methods for preventing hemangioma.