A swab from the throat and nose showed staphylococcus. Getting rid of Staphylococcus aureus from the nose. Why is staphylococcus in the nose dangerous?

Have you ever had to get tested for staphylococcus? How such a sample is taken, what biomaterial is used for this, we will explain in this article. From it you will learn how to prepare for this study, in what cases it is prescribed this analysis, where it can be handed over and so on.

General information about the bacterium

Before I tell you about how to test for staphylococcus for your medical record, you should tell us what this bacterium is.

Before taking a urogenital smear, representatives of the stronger sex should not urinate for three hours. As for women, the collection of the same biomaterial should be carried out several days before menstruation or 2 days after its end.

Collection of material from the throat and nose

Now you know what needs to be done before submitting your biomaterial for analysis for staphylococcus. How the sample is taken (blood, smear) should not concern you. After all, this responsibility falls entirely on the shoulders of specialists. It should only be noted that such a fence is carried out very quickly and painlessly.

Most often to identify dangerous species staphylococcus using a swab from the throat and nose. This is due to the fact that if a bacterium is found in such biomaterials, then it will certainly be found in others.

Biomaterial collection is carried out only early morning. Before visiting the clinic, the patient is prohibited from brushing his teeth, rinsing his mouth, throat, or blowing his nose. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in inaccurate test results.

Who issues the referral for analysis?

Now you know why the analysis is done. We also told you how biomaterial is taken for research. Now I would like to tell you about who can prescribe such an analysis.

Staphylococcus aureus is called an opportunistic bacterium, which manifests itself when the immune system is weakened or the composition of the microflora is disturbed. In the absence of proper treatment, it quickly leads to infectious and inflammatory lesions local and systemic.

We found out how tests for staphylococcus (enterococcus, streptococcus) are taken. But who sends patients for such a study? It depends on what kind of lesions they have.

The most common injuries are the following:

  • Skin (impetigo, carbuncles, folliculitis). In this case, a dermatologist will send you for analysis.
  • Mammary glands (mastitis) - mammologist.
  • ENT organs (tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, laryngotracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia) - otolaryngologist.
  • Urinary tract (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis) - urologist.
  • Digestive system (enterocolitis, peritonitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, paraproctitis) - gastroenterologist.
  • Osteoarticular system (arthritis, osteomyelitis) - surgeon, orthopedist.

How to test for Staphylococcus aureus

How is biomaterial taken to determine staphylococcus? In the case of the pharynx and nose, use an instrument resembling a long cotton swab. It is carefully passed over the mucous membranes, and then placed in a sterile and tightly closed jar.

For determining harmful bacteria In laboratory conditions, biomaterial is inoculated. They do this for about 20-24 hours, and specialists observe a noticeable growth of colonies. This is precisely the confirming fact that the bacterium is present in the resulting material.

In addition to the fact that a test for staphylococcus helps determine its presence in the human body, such a study allows one to identify its sensitivity to certain antibiotics.

When is it prescribed?

It is recommended to submit biomaterial for analysis for staphylococcus if you suspect an infection that can be caused by this microorganism. In addition, such a study is used in the diagnosis of nosocomial diseases.

If a person is not sick and has no complaints, then such an analysis can be prescribed during a regular and scheduled professional examination medical personnel and catering workers, as well as in the presence of pregnancy.

Often such a study is carried out to treat diseases caused by staphylococcus. This method allows you to diagnose the existing deviation and evaluate the effectiveness antibacterial treatment. It is also used to detect bacterial carriage and correct selection medicines.

Analysis results

Today there are no problems with where and how to get tested for staphylococcus. Both employees of a regular hospital and specialists from private clinics can collect material and conduct laboratory tests.

As a rule, the result of such an analysis is never in doubt. There can be only 2 options here: bacterial growth and its absence.

A positive test result indicates the presence acute infection, which is caused by staphylococcus, as well as its asymptomatic carriage. As for the negative, it indicates the absence of bacteria in the body.

Carriage of staphylococcus, which does not cause any discomfort to the patient, is not subject to treatment.

Who is at risk

Currently there are special group people who are most susceptible to developing infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by staphylococcus. This includes healthcare workers, patients with weakened immunity, serious injuries, surgical wounds, burns, as well as farmers, the elderly, children, drug addicts, soldiers, nursing mothers, prisoners, cancer patients, AIDS patients, diabetic patients and those on hemodialysis.

If a person is diagnosed mild inflammation, the doctor may not take a nasopharyngeal swab. In advanced cases, collection of material is required to determine the etiology of the infection.

Analysis of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - what is it and why is it needed?

A nasal and throat swab is a type of laboratory test. A bacteriological analysis is taken to identify the bacteria that caused the infectious process.

Culture for bacteria is carried out in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of nasal diphtheria (cultures are taken in the morning for three days).
  • The presence of sore throat with plaque (the analysis is taken once).
  • Diagnosed stenosing laryngotracheitis, mononucleosis due to infection, purulent formation near the tonsils (single smear).
  • Upon contact with an infectious patient.
  • Upon admission to kindergarten or a general education institution.
  • For tuberculosis and the presence of lesions of the nervous system.

There are indications for studying material taken from the throat and nose. At frequent runny nose or throat diseases, a swab of the nasal passages and throat is always prescribed. This type of analysis allows a specialist to determine the type of microbes and bacteria inhabiting the human nasopharynx. If the DNA of the pathogen is identified correctly, then treatment will be prescribed adequately.

Taking a smear is necessary if there is a suspicion of pathological processes caused by infection. For example, diphtheria or whooping cough. For a sore throat, a smear is taken from back wall pharynx and tonsils.

The analysis is carried out to determine the sensitivity of organisms to antibiotics.

Getting ready to collect material

To obtain the correct indicators after taking a swab from the throat for microflora, you need to avoid the use of solutions and nasal ointments containing antibiotics several days before collecting the material. The use of medications before the test may affect the reliability of the results. On the day of the test, it is not recommended to brush your teeth or eat.

Before taking a nasal test pathogenic flora, it is required to stop taking antibiotics two weeks before the procedure.

To take a smear, a specialist treats the skin of the nasal sinuses with alcohol (70%). For the procedure you will need one sterile swab. It is inserted first into one nostril 1 cm, then into the other, while turning the instrument.

How to take a nasopharyngeal swab

A gauze roll is screwed onto a light metal stick, then lowered into the flask. The swab for collecting material must be sterile.

A nasal swab for eosinophils is done on an empty stomach. If a person does eat, at least two hours should pass after eating. After eating, the material is removed using a spatula, which will cover the area in contact with food (teeth, tongue, inner side oral cavity).

Before taking a nasal swab, you need to blow your nose and remove any rough crusts. The tampon is inserted into each sinus, while tightly touching all its walls.

The resulting material should be immediately sown onto a dense surface and applied to a glass square. The specialist dries the analysis, then sends it to the laboratory for study.

The procedure does not cause pain, but is quite unpleasant, because touching the sensitive areas of the throat with a tampon often provokes gagging.

What can be found when examining a nasopharyngeal smear

Materials obtained from the nose and throat are sent to several studies:

  1. Rapid antigen test (sensitive to bacterial particles). Used when group A streptococcus is suspected. Considered accurate and sensitive test. Test results are ready in 30 minutes.
  1. Sowing. In this study, mucus particles are transferred to a nutrient medium, which promotes the growth of bacteria. The test shows the type of foreign microbe. Also determines sensitivity to antibiotics. This point is important if there is no effect from standard treatment.
  1. PCR analysis. Allows you to find out the types of microorganisms that have colonized the throat and nose. This is detected using the DNA present in the mucus.

Organisms found in throat and nasal swabs include:

  • Hemolytic streptococci;
  • Pneumococci;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Corynobacter diphtheria;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • Meningococcus;
  • Listeria.

In almost all cases, it is impossible to detect the disease unless you take a smear of the flora from the nose and throat. The quantitative ratio of microorganisms means that the tests are normal.

If, as a result of the study, pathogenic microbial agents are detected, this signals the development infectious inflammation. Based on the results of the analysis and the nature of the disease, the doctor may additionally prescribe a smear from the genitals and ureter.

Treatment to eliminate pathogens from the nose and throat

Often, discomfort in the nasopharynx is relieved with the help of bacteriophages produced in the form of a spray or solution, for example, Chlorophyllipt.

Chlorophyllipt also exists on an oil and alcohol basis. The oil version of the drug is intended to lubricate the sinuses and tonsils. It is good because it can be used by small children and women in interesting position. Alcohol composition used to wash the throat and nose.

Often anaerobic bacteria in the nasopharynx are removed traditional methods. For example, a collection that contains herbs such as:

  • Mint;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • Rose hip.

Herbal medicine is considered effective way eliminate discomfort in the nose and throat area. This technique is allowed during pregnancy because it is natural and safe treatment. The first results are usually felt a few days after starting treatment herbal collection. Because anaerobic infections are stable in the nasopharynx, treatment with herbal medicine should continue for at least three weeks.

To correctly collect samples from the top respiratory tract, you need to follow the preparation rules, then there will be no difficulties in treating the identified disease. Any discomfort in the nasopharynx cannot be ignored, since even a common runny nose can turn into a serious one. pathological process, the consequences of which can be sad.

Useful video on the topic of whether staphylococcus in the nose is dangerous during pregnancy

One of the diagnostic methods for inflammation in the nasopharynx is a nasal swab. This study allows you to determine the causative agent of the disease, as well as identify some pathologies, if they occur.

The essence of the procedure

Taking a nasal swab in vitro is one of the methods laboratory diagnostics, with the help of which the causative agent of infection or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is identified. This is a standard bacteriological procedure that allows you to determine the ratio natural microflora and microbial presence in it.

A smear is taken from the patient in the laboratory with a special sterile cotton swab. After receiving the test results, the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment. Using a smear, they not only determine the causative agent of the disorder, but also establish sensitivity to antibiotics.

Indications for prescribing a nasal swab

A nasal swab is not taken if you just have a runny nose. There are certain indications for examining nasal discharge. These include:

  1. Suspicion of the nose
  2. Contact with an infectious patient
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. in the nasopharynx
  5. Suspicion of whooping cough or

A nasal swab is taken from children before entering preschool and school. Pregnant women are also subject to this type of examination when undergoing full inspection health status.

Some people undergo this type of diagnosis due to professional activity in order to prevent staphylococcus (cooks, teachers, educators, medical staff, sellers of food products). Purpose of the study biological material nose is performed when:

  • Itching in the nasal cavity
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane
  • Frequent sneezing attacks
  • Problems with nasal breathing
  • Abundant

When referring a patient for a nasal swab, the doctor must indicate what types of microorganisms need to be confirmed or refuted to make a diagnosis.

The examination of the discharge is carried out on cellular level, since there are many microorganisms in the nose that are integral components normal microflora.

Indications for prescribing a nasal swab:

Decoding indicators

By studying biological material from the nose, the qualitative and quantitative ratio of microbes that live in the cavity is determined. In addition to microorganisms that live in the nasopharynx healthy people, can be identified:

  • Listeria
  • Enterobacteriaceae
  • Diphtheria corynobacteria
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Meningococcal bacteria

How to prepare

So that the doctor can have more accurate results analysis, it is worth properly preparing for it. Then taking the material for research will be as close as possible to the actual picture of the development of inflammation. To do this you should:

  1. Stop taking it 14 days before your nasal swab
  2. Do not use any antibacterial solutions for a week
  3. Take a nasal swab on an empty stomach
  4. Before submitting the material, you should not drink water, chew anything (even gum) or brush your teeth.

If the patient has eaten something beforehand, then you should wait at least two hours. Only if all the rules are followed can accurate nasal swab results be obtained immediately.

Research algorithm

When collecting material for research, the following rules are also observed: increased measures sterility. The whole procedure takes place in several stages. They have the following sequence:

  1. The patient assumes a body position (sitting, lying) in which he can tilt his head back without difficulty.
  2. Pressing the wing of the nose, the specialist inserts a sterile cotton swab into the cavity to collect material.
  3. Similarly, microflora is collected from the second nostril.
  4. The swab is lowered into a test tube pre-filled with transport medium. It eliminates the possibility of microbes dying during transportation.
  5. Marked on the test tube exact time taking material.

Biological nasal discharge must be delivered for examination within 2 hours from the moment the smear is taken. Before the procedure nasal cavity pre-treated: clean it of mucus and lubricate it with a 70% alcohol solution.

How are the results deciphered?

If the patient follows the rules for preparing and taking a nasal swab and the sterility of the procedure, the most accurate results are obtained. The material delivered to the laboratory is applied to a special glass, which is fixed in a lit burner.

The material is Gram stained and the contents are examined under a microscope using immersion oil. Bacteria behave differently in this case. For example:

  • The clusters, which look like bunches of grapes, are staphylococci.
  • The arrangement of cocci in chains or pairs indicates the presence of streptococci.
  • Light rods with rounded ends are Klebsiella.

The results obtained from the study are entered into a special form. It indicates the values ​​of the indicators, the name of the identified bacteria from the list, indicating the genus and species, and their quantity. The pathogenicity of microflora is established taking into account the concentration of harmful microorganisms.

Bacteria, which form a healthy environment in the nasopharynx, cause discomfort and provoke the development of inflammation. This happens only when, under the influence of certain factors, their volume increases significantly compared to the norm.

Having identified the causative agent of the infection, research continues. The smear determines sensitivity to antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs. It has important to prescribe a further course of treatment. The results may be as follows:

  1. A negative culture for microflora indicates that the cause pathological condition is a virus, not a bacterium or fungus.
  2. A positive culture for microflora indicates development bacterial infection(, diphtheria, whooping cough) or fungal ().

Additionally, when examining a nasal swab, a nasal swab is also taken. The oral cavity has its own environment. Since the nose and throat are interconnected, then A complex approach in treatment can give best result. Depending on the smear data and the nature of the course or development of the disease, smears from the ureter or genital organs are taken, if necessary.

What indicators are the most dangerous?

Most diseases of the ENT organs are caused by the predominance of streptococcus, diphtheria bacteria, fungi and whooping cough pathogens in the studied microflora.

Sometimes bad smear results can be obtained due to the presence of an allergic factor.

To exclude its presence, the number of leukocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils is additionally determined.

Identification of streptococcus can cause the patient to develop tonsillitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia. Any microorganisms that have negative impact on the human body, must be eliminated with the help of drug treatment.

Why staphylococcus in the nose is dangerous, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Elimination of pathogenic microflora

After identifying the pathogenicity of the microflora of the nasal cavity, the most appropriate course of treatment is established.

It is carried out using antibiotics to which the greatest sensitivity has been identified. pathogenic microorganisms. Treatment is prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

Antibacterial sprays or solutions are most often used. For example, . This drug also available in oil form, which can be administered to pregnant women and children.

Anaerobic bacteria in the nasopharynx can be killed with the power of:

  • hawthorn
  • Rosehip

The use of traditional methods of treatment also helps to get rid of additional discomfort in the nasal cavity. They are absolutely safe for human health, and positive results noticeable just a few days after application.

You should not self-prescribe or uncontrollably use medications to treat a runny nose. This way you can achieve the opposite effect in treatment.

The drugs have contraindications and may work differently, so they are not suitable for everyone. Trust your doctor to prescribe medications.

Staphylococcus– a genus of bacteria that are one of the most common microorganisms on the planet, which people encounter every day in everyday life and which are carriers of most of the population. In total, there are about 30 species of staphylococci, about half of which can live peacefully in human body. Three types of these microorganisms are considered very dangerous, capable under certain conditions of causing serious diseases that threaten complications: Staphylococcus aureus, epidermal and saprophytic staphylococci.

The infectious process can develop due to the activation of one’s own microflora during weakened immunity or hypothermia, as well as during exogenous infection, when the pathogen enters the tissue of an organ in which it should not normally be located. The routes of infection with staphylococcus are different: food, contact, airborne droplets, intrauterine, etc. Infection in the nose is most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus and epidermal.

Symptoms of staphylococcus in the nose

Actively developing and multiplying on the nasal mucosa, bacteria cause the following manifestations:

  • copious secretion of mucus, which becomes purulent in nature;
  • redness, swelling of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx;
  • pustules in the nose (sometimes);
  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • general malaise.

In some cases, the infection can cause atrophy of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by symptoms such as itching, dry nose, and lack of smell. Complications of a runny nose caused by staphylococcus can include frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia.

Nasal culture for staphylococcus

The main method for diagnosing staphylococcal infection is the culture of material taken from the surface of the nasal mucosa (nasal swab). Before analysis, to avoid obtaining unreliable results Do not rinse your nose or use any nasal medications. When taking a nasal swab, a cotton swab is inserted into each nostril and, lightly pressing against the walls of the nasal cavity, the material for research is collected.

The norm for staphylococcus in the nose is considered to be not more than 104 CFU/ml. However, it is worth considering that even if bacteria of this genus are detected in larger quantities, if there are no real symptoms illness, no treatment should be carried out. Unfortunately, the prescription of antibiotic therapy when a staphylococcal carriage is detected (and not the development of a staphylococcal infection!) is still common today medical error, due to which the patient’s immunity suffers and the balance of microflora in the body is disrupted.

How to treat staphylococcus in the nose?

Treatment of staphylococcal infections, including in the nose, is not an easy task, which is associated with the ability of these microorganisms to quickly develop resistance to antibiotic drugs. Therefore, before prescribing therapy, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological analysis to determine the sensitivity of the infectious agent to certain drugs. Although systemic antibiotics for the treatment of confirmed staphylococcal infection in the nose is used only in the most severe cases. The right method treatment of this pathology is local immunostimulating or antimicrobial therapy, namely, the prescription of the following drugs:

To treat staphylococcus in the nose, it is also necessary to rinse the nose saline solutions, in some cases – apply vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, as well as strengthening the general immune system.

– microorganisms from the Staphylococcaceae family that parasitize the human body. Most staphylococci are opportunistic. They can cause serious illnesses: sepsis, diphtheria, whooping cough, pneumonia, inflammation of the nose, throat or eyes, but may not do this. A swab from the throat and nose for staphylococcus is used to diagnose ENT diseases, identify their causes and develop the most effective scheme treatment.

Staphylococcus smears are taken by people who have professional contact with big amount people: trade workers, educational and preschool institutions, doctors.

Microflora of the nasopharynx

The human nasopharynx can withstand an extremely high microbial load. Microorganisms, whose spores are always present in the atmosphere, settle in the nose, on the tonsils and mucous membrane of the throat, like a filter. Among them there are many pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic. This:

  • streptococci
  • staphylococci
  • enterobacteria
  • pneumococci
  • meningococci.

Normally, the nasopharynx is populated by a large number of species that restrain each other’s reproduction, preventing outbreaks of any microbe. The normal microflora of the nasopharynx itself protects the body from infection.

An imbalance of microflora leads to diseases of the ENT organs.

The causative agent of infection

Medical statistics say that staphylococcal infection found in 40% of the adult population of the planet. Asymptomatic carriage of staphylococci is not dangerous until the moment when, due to external or internal reasons a person’s immunity will not suddenly decrease.

Carriers of staphylococcus in favorable conditions capable of infecting others, therefore this microorganism is one of the most common opportunistic microbes that settle in the nasal cavity and throat.

The germ in the nose and throat is often found during pregnancy screening. Expectant mothers are prescribed treatment only if there is a high concentration of microorganisms in the nasopharynx.

Staphylococci pose a particular danger to infants. In the first months of life, children are very vulnerable and defenseless against any infection. At staphylococcal infection the child’s throat, tonsils turn red, neck enlarges The lymph nodes, temperature rises, appetite disappears. Staphylococci can spread from a child’s throat to other organs and cause gastrointestinal upset.

Today, there are more than 20 species of bacteria of the Staphylococcaceae family. Not all of them are dangerous. Some species are part of the normal microflora. But there are also opportunistic pathogens that can potentially cause harm to health.

Particularly dangerous. In the process of life, it releases toxic compounds that kill healthy cells body.

During the active reproduction phase, staphylococci form colonies similar to bunches of grapes. Staphylococcus aureus is easy to detect under a microscope by the shape of the colonies and their characteristic (lilac after Gram stain) color.

In addition to golden, hemolytic and. Both species feel great not only on mucous membranes, but also on the skin, where they contribute to the formation of suppuration and ulcers. The type of staphylococcus that caused the ENT disease can be determined only after laboratory tests.

Preparing for analysis

Clinical picture

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Before testing for staphylococcus, stop taking any antibiotics and antiseptics. Two weeks before the analysis, no treatment of the nose and throat is carried out. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to distortion of the research results.

If treatment is stopped, bacteria can multiply and infect healthy organs. The subject needs to be aware of this danger and carefully monitor his condition.

12 hours before the visit to the laboratory, they begin to drink more liquid so that the secretion of the mucous membranes becomes more liquid. Stop eating and drinking 8 hours before the test. You should also not brush your teeth, chew gum, or smoke.

Considering that most medical institutions perform sampling for staphylococcus in the morning, the patient experiences a minimum of discomfort. It is enough just to come to the laboratory without having breakfast or brushing your teeth.

Taking material

Staphylococcus smears are taken by people with chronic runny nose, sore throat and others inflammatory processes in the nose and throat, occurring with fever and swelling. For getting reliable result research is very important correct execution sampling the contents of the nasal passages or oropharynx.

When taking a culture test from the nose, the patient is asked to sit down and tilt his head back. Mucus is removed from the nasal passages and treated with 70% alcohol. Then to the right and left nostril introduce sterile material with a soft texture. The healthcare worker should press it firmly against the walls of the nasal passages to collect required amount mucus.

When taking biomaterial from the throat, the patient is also asked to sit down and tilt his head back. Using a special tool, the tongue is fixed and pressed down to freely reach the throat. Another instrument is used to collect mucus from the palate, tonsils and back wall of the pharynx.

In the throat, on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and tonsils, the composition of the microflora is almost the same, so a smear can be taken from any of these areas. Material from the tongue and oral mucosa is not suitable for analysis for staphylococcus.

As a rule, the test result is ready 4-7 days after taking the material.

A test for staphylococcus allows not only to identify the causative agent of inflammation, but also to check its reaction to antimicrobials. Many strains of staphylococci have acquired resistance to antibiotics traditionally used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Laboratory research on the sensitivity of identified microorganisms to certain drug groups allows the doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

A second smear is taken to assess the effectiveness of treatment one week after the start of therapy. If treatment is progressing poorly, it is possible to take the test a third time.

Microscopic examination

The collected biomaterial is placed in sterile flasks containing a special solution that prolongs the life of bacteria. No more than 3 hours are allotted for further manipulations with the biomaterial.

Inoculation of the test material

It is very difficult to detect in biomaterial collected from mucous membranes a small amount of staphylococci and any other microorganisms. To study the degree of biological contamination of the discharge, it is inoculated in a Petri dish on a special nutrient medium - blood agar, which provides nutrition, respiration, growth and reproduction of staphylococci.

In agar, microorganisms actively divide, forming colonies visible to the naked eye. The smear is inoculated into Petri dishes and placed in a thermostat. After a few days, colonies form on the nutrient medium various shapes, size and color. They are transferred to specialized nutrient media in order to isolate and accumulate a pure culture.

Multiplying microorganisms are identified by determining their genus and species, and phage typing and serotyping are carried out. For final microscopy, the material is taken from a Petri dish with a sterile loop, fixed on a glass slide and Gram stained.

Table: determination of the microbial composition of a smear

Microorganism Magnified view
StaphylococcusGrape-shaped colonies
StreptococciPaired cocci or chains of spherical bacteria, positively stained by Gram
NeisseriaPresence of single gram-negative cocci on the slide
KlebsiellaGram-negative bacteria with rounded tips
Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosaUncolored rod-shaped formations of small size.

For making a diagnosis, it is not so much the detection of individual bacteria in the test material that is decisive Staphylococcus aureus and other microorganisms, how much quantitative assessment of the growth of a colony of microorganisms.

Table: Decoding the growth of microbial colonies

The norm of staphylococcus in a throat smear

To decipher the result of a study on bacteria of the Staphylococcaceae family, you need to understand what the main numbers indicated on the study form indicate. Typically, the first column indicates the type of microorganism. The doctor will first of all be interested in whether Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. In the second column, enter the number of microorganisms in CFU/ml.

CFU is a standard indicator indicating the number of bacteria in one milliliter of nutrient medium.

The number of microbes up to 103 CFU/ml is considered normal for an adult. This indicator indicates the naturalness of the microflora. In children under 12 months of age, a bacterial content of up to 104 CFU/ml is considered normal.

Indicators above these values ​​indicate that it is caused by microbial contamination. Modern clinics conduct a study of the sensitivity of staphylococcus strains to the following antibiotics:

  • penicillins;
  • tetracyclines;
  • erythromycins;
  • cephalosporins.

Research on the resistance of the identified strain is carried out in short time using special laboratory tests. It is necessary in a number of complex cases, as it allows you to effectively select medications for treating patients.

Treatment and prevention of bacteria in the nose

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. Began to lead healthy image life, eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn’t really say anything either. Everything seems to be normal, but I feel like my body is not healthy.

A couple of weeks later I came across an article on the Internet. literally changed my life. I did everything as it was written there and after just a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, and the energy that I had in my youth appeared. My head no longer hurts, my mind became clearer, my brain began to work much better. My digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I took tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

From staphylococcus in the nose and throat. Most often, drugs in tablet form are used for treatment.

And selection medicinal product depends on individual characteristics patient and the sensitivity of the isolated strain to standard therapy. Staphylococcus aureus is treated with a combination of drugs:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Flemoclav;
  • Vancomycin;
  • Cephalothin.

If it is impossible to use antibiotics, use antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin or toxoids that help relieve intoxication, and then prescribe. The doctor may prescribe a remedy for local treatment and drugs for symptomatic treatment:

  • Chlorophylliptoil drops for instillation into the nose;
  • Imudon or IRS 19 – drugs local application to improve immunity;
  • Polydexa, Isofra and others - nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • Miramistin– solution for rinsing the nasal cavity, antiseptic.
  • Dissolving tablets Isobath, Furacilin, gargling with baking soda or hydrogen peroxide to prevent tonsil infection.

A lot of useful information about staphylococcus in a video lecture by Dr. Komarovsky:

To prevent infection with staphylococci, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene, refuse bad habits, eat rationally and lead a healthy lifestyle that helps create a strong immune system.