Testing for Trichomonas in men. What tests need to be taken to detect Trichomonas? Why the result may be unreliable

Tank culture for Trichomonas. If trichomonas are detected in a smear, the patient is diagnosed with trichomoniasis or trichomoniasis. This inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system occurs not only in women, but also in men. Among all sexually transmitted diseases, trichomoniasis has become especially widespread, so you should find out the causes of this pathology and eliminate all risk factors. Trichomoniasis is a very common disease that is sexually transmitted. Tank culture for Trichomonas is one of the modern methods of diagnosing the disease.

Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas)

Trichomoniasis or trichomoniasis is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract in men and women. Caused by the protozoan T.vaginalis (translated as Trichomonas vaginalis). Trichomonas is not a microbe, but a “unicellular animal,” that is, a creature more adapted to antimicrobial drugs and living conditions in the human host.

Very often, trichomoniasis is mistakenly called gonorrhea, but this is not so. Gonorrhea is another inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract caused by gonococcus. Trichomoniasis is transmitted sexually - this is not only traditional contact, but also oral and anal.

The incubation period is 3-5 days (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of disease), but given our era of antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs, as well as their unreasonable prescription, I had to consult patients when trichomoniasis dragged on for up to 3 weeks.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

The first symptoms of the disease are foamy-mucous discharge in men and women, pain when urinating, itching in the urethra and vagina. Quite often, when other microorganisms are attached, i.e. a concomitant infection, pus may appear. But I already wrote above that trichomoniasis is a uniquely insidious, little-studied disease.

Trichomanada becomes “its own” in the human body. According to the statistics of my patients (up to 80%), the disease is asymptomatic, and people present with various types of complications when the chronic form is already raging. According to the authors, the acute form lasts 2 months, but this is very conditional. It shortens with repeated infection and decreased immunity.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in women

Tank culture for Trichomonas. During the first examination in the mirrors, the doctor takes a so-called general smear for bacterioscopic examination. To test for trichomoniasis, discharge is taken from the posterior vaginal vault. It is better if this analysis is done immediately - the beating of Trichomonas cilia and the high mobility of oval microorganisms are clearly visible under a microscope, and the result of the study is ready within 20 minutes.

This type of diagnosis allows you to determine the total number of microbes and the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

If the smear is examined after drying and staining, the result is most often negative, because Trichomonas, when dried, loses its mobility and specific anatomy. In this case, diagnostic errors are possible, since vaginal epithelial cells can be mistaken for Trichomonas.

To confirm, flora seeding is used - a cultural method. Its meaning is that the discharge taken from the vagina is placed (“sown”) on a special nutrient medium favorable for the reproduction of Trichomonas. Culture allows the number of pathogens and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, which helps in prescribing the optimal treatment for trichomoniasis. Therefore, culture can be used not only directly for diagnosis, but also to adjust treatment methods.

The polymerase chain reaction for determining Trichomonas DNA (PCR) is currently considered the most accurate method. The accuracy of this study is about 95%, and the analysis is done in 1-2 days.

In doubtful cases, when diagnosing trichomoniasis, the direct immunofluorescence (DIF) method can additionally be used to detect antibodies to the infectious agent in the patient’s blood.

Tests for trichomoniasis

Tank culture for Trichomonas. If you notice the above symptoms and symptoms of complications, which I will discuss below, “take” your sexual partner and go to the doctor. I believe that initially it was a dermatovenerologist. Why?

1) Neither a gynecologist nor a urologist (if he is a “Specialist”) will treat your other half, and this is important, the problem is common. Very often, treatment is prescribed to a partner without examining him, which is extremely unacceptable.
2) Only a dermatovenerologist can treat a couple and advise when they can begin sexual activity after examination and treatment. If people are treated in different offices, then we often have to deal with the following cases: one sexual partner is cured, but the other is not, one doctor says that you can be sexually active, and the other continues examinations and treatment. This is how a person is designed to follow the path of least “resistance...”.

Sometimes a doctor, when a mini-surgical intervention (for example, cauterization of cervical erosion) or an examination (urethroscopy-hardware examination of the urethra) is needed, may prescribe a consultation with a gynecologist or urologist.

I have come across people who explain the symptoms of trichomoniasis by saying that “I have a cold” (or “got a cold”) and start taking completely unnecessary antibiotics, thereby “silencing” the infection, making life more difficult for themselves and the doctor who will then inevitably treat you.

What tests will you need to take? Definitely - these are strokes. Men from the urethra, women from the vagina and urethra. It is best if the stronger sex comes to the doctor with morning urinary retention (urine in the evening, but not urinate in the morning).

In this case, it can be very difficult to detect. We often encounter patients who present with complications of trichomoniasis and who have elevated leukocytes in the smear (cells responsible for the body’s protective function), but trichomonas are not detected in any smear. This is where the good old provocation comes to the rescue... It consists in sharply reducing the patient’s immunity and creating favorable conditions for trichomonas in order to identify them in tests.

Tests for suspected urogenital infection, including trichomoniasis:

  • general blood analysis
  • general urine analysis
  • bacterioscopic analysis of secretions (smear)
  • PCR diagnostics
  • culture with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics and antifungal drugs

The main method for diagnosing trichomoniasis is a gynecologist's assessment of the symptoms of trichomoniasis during a gynecological examination and the result of a vaginal smear analysis.

Identification of the opportunistic flora accompanying trichomoniasis is helped by culture of vaginal discharge for dysbacteriosis while simultaneously determining the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics. For a general assessment of the disease, it is also recommended to conduct tests for chlamydia, mycoplasma, HIV, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted infections, which are often detected with trichomoniasis.

The most informative are analyzes of vaginal discharge - PCR diagnostics of trichomoniasis. PCR is a time-tested method of molecular diagnosis of STIs, including trichomoniasis. The PCR method allows you to determine the presence of the causative agent of trichomoniasis, even if only a few DNA molecules of the microorganism are present in the sample. The accuracy of PCR analysis when performed correctly reaches 100%. The PCR method for diagnosing STDs allows you to detect even single cells of bacteria or viruses. PCR diagnostics detects the presence of the causative agent of trichomoniasis in cases where this cannot be done using other tests.

PCR analysis is especially effective for diagnosing latent forms of microorganisms, including ureaplasmas, which are often encountered in asymptomatic and chronic STDs.

Using PCR analysis, the causative agent of trichomoniasis is determined, and not the body’s reaction to its introduction. Thus, trichomoniasis can be diagnosed during the incubation period and during its latent course, when there are no clinical or laboratory symptoms of trichomoniasis.

But even PCR diagnosis of trichomoniasis is not an ideal analysis. This is a very high-tech research method that requires compliance with the strictest laboratory equipment rules. A sample of the material for any analysis must be taken by a qualified physician, strictly following the instructions given by the laboratory. The results of the PCR analysis should be assessed by the doctor who is treating a particular patient.

A positive PCR test result does not always mean the presence of trichomoniasis. False positive test results are possible if:

Tank culture for Trichomonas. False-negative test results are possible even in the presence of obvious symptoms of a urogenital infection. Possible reasons for this analysis result:

  • the material for analysis was taken or examined unsuccessfully
  • less than a month before the test, the woman took antibiotics, or used suppositories, douches
  • it was not taken into account that before collecting material from the urethra you should not urinate for 1 hour
  • absence of a microorganism's genome in a sample of material (in secretions) when the inflammatory process is localized in the deep parts of the reproductive system (ovaries, fallopian tubes, prostate gland)

PCR analysis is a powerful and effective diagnostic tool that allows you to quickly and accurately find the causative agents of many STDs. Most often it is used to diagnose sexually transmitted infections. In any case, you cannot limit yourself to just one analysis. It is best to combine various tests and take them several times if the results are questionable.

In addition to determining the infectious agent itself using PCR diagnostics, it is also necessary to evaluate the body’s immune response, which is determined by serological methods, for example, ELISA.

General information about the study

Tank culture for Trichomonas. Urogenital trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is a widespread infectious disease of the genitourinary system, transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Its causative agent is the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. The most commonly affected areas are the urethra and vagina (in women). The source of infection is a patient with trichomoniasis. The main route of transmission is sexual.

The incubation period in women is 5-28 days. Signs of the disease often appear (or intensify) with the onset of menstruation: foamy yellowish discharge from the vagina, itching and burning in it and in the vulva, pain during urination and during sexual intercourse. Often the infection is asymptomatic. During pregnancy, trichomoniasis can cause low birth weight or premature birth.

In men, trichomoniasis is accompanied by a constant white discharge from the urethra, but often there are no symptoms. Occasionally, trichomoniasis causes balanoposthitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, and cystitis.

The “gold standard” for diagnosing trichomoniasis is cultivation on nutrient media (seeding). This is the most sensitive test. It is used, as a rule, to confirm the diagnosis or in cases where microscopy results are negative for symptoms of trichomoniasis.

What is the research used for?

  • To establish the cause of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • To identify trichomoniasis or confirm the diagnosis.
  • For differential diagnosis (along with other studies) of diseases that occur with similar symptoms, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma infection.

When is the study ordered?

  • With symptoms of trichomoniasis and negative microscopy results.
  • For chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • If the results of a serological test are positive.
  • When planning a pregnancy.
  • If the patient is known to be promiscuous.

In 75% of cases, trichomoniasis is accompanied by a diverse bacterial flora, while up to 40% of such patients are simultaneously infected with mycoplasmosis. If you do not test for Trichomonas, most of these patients will be assigned to the group of bacterial urethritis.

In addition, cases were repeatedly recorded when, even after effective treatment, urogenital trichomonas of round shape appeared in the body of patients. In some specimens, up to 3-5 nuclei were isolated, and the absence of flagella and undulating membrane was noted.

In addition to the possibility of self-preservation of trichomonas in the body of a patient who has undergone treatment, the possibility of re-infection cannot be ruled out. For this reason, patients who have a regular sexual partner are strongly recommended to undergo treatment with him. Treatment options can only be selected by a doctor and only after receiving the results of all necessary tests.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

Tank culture for Trichomonas. The main group of drugs in the treatment of trichomoniasis are 5-nitromedazoles (Trichopol, Metrogyl, Tiberal..). It should be taken into account that the doses of the drug indicated on the packaging are small and ineffective. Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Unidox, Azitrox, etc.) are used to treat concomitant infections. In the chronic form, immunomodulators (pyrogenal, immunal...), absorbable drugs (Lidase, trypsin, wobenzym), drugs that improve
intestinal flora (hilak-forte, normaza...). Local treatment in the form of baths and infusions into the urethra (chlorhexidine, miramistin...).

Sexual activity and drinking alcohol during treatment are strictly prohibited. It is advisable after treatment, especially the chronic form of trichomoniasis, to undergo a course of treatment with drugs that improve intestinal microflora. A person is considered cured of trichomoniasis if trichomonas are not detected in women - within 2 monthly cycles, in men 2 weeks after treatment and also after a month.

The disease manifests itself as redness, itching, soreness and sometimes swelling of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia. Characteristic symptoms of the disease also include purulent foamy discharge from the vagina in women and from the urethra in men. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form.

To make a correct diagnosis, the analysis for trichomoniasis must be comprehensive and timely.

If in the acute course the signs of the disease appear recognizable and typical, then in the chronic form the symptoms are erased and inexpressive. There may be periods of exacerbation and latent (hidden) course. However, the disease, even in a non-acute stage, continues to spread and affects new tissues, which leads to more serious pathologies. At the first signs of the disease (discharge, itching and irritation in the groin area), it is recommended to be tested for trichomoniasis and related types of infections.

What types of tests are there for trichomoniasis?

To identify and diagnose trichomoniasis, studies are carried out in various environments of the human body. A full examination for trichomoniasis may consist of a whole range of studies:

  • light microscopy of stained or unstained preparations (smears of mucous membranes) on glass;
  • bacteriological culture, cultural examination of a smear or scraping from affected tissues into a nutrient medium to study the composition of the microflora;
  • ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) allows you to detect specific antibodies to any type of infectious pathogens in the blood;
  • PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction), designed to detect the DNA of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The choice of testing technique for trichomoniasis depends on many circumstances - the nature and form of the course, the stage of development of the disease, the degree of tissue damage, gender and individual characteristics of the patient.

The simplest test for trichomoniasis in women with obvious signs of the disease is an examination under a microscope of a smear taken from the mucous membrane of the urethra, vagina and cervix. If the disease has a complex form, for example, aggravated by concomitant infections, a more detailed and accurate study (PCR, ELISA) is necessary to develop treatment.

Tests for trichomoniasis in men are carried out according to the same scheme. If the symptoms of the disease are clear, to diagnose it, it is enough to conduct a microscopy or culture of a smear from the urethra. For complex types of infection at the initial stage of the disease, PCR diagnostics or ELISA are prescribed to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Basic methods for diagnosing trichomoniasis

Like any infectious-inflammatory disease, trichomoniasis requires a comprehensive examination and diagnosis:

  • A general urine test for trichomoniasis usually shows increased density and protein content. In addition, leukocytes are found in the urine as a factor in the inflammatory process. It is also possible to detect hyaline casts and pathogenic microflora.
  • A general blood test gives a picture of the inflammatory process and shows its degree. A violation of the leukocyte formula (leukocytosis) and an increase in the level of ESR are detected in the blood.
  • Light microscopy of a urogenital smear is the simplest and fastest diagnostic method. In the process of examining a stained or unstained smear from the affected tissue, it is examined under a powerful microscope and the causative agent of the disease can be seen. To identify Trichomonas, a glass with a smear is stained with a methylene blue solution, after which microorganisms can be identified in a dark spot by their characteristic pear-shaped shape and the presence of flagella on the capsule. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that in case of complex complex infections it cannot give a complete detailed picture of the disease.
  • Urine or semen analysis is a highly specialized study (PCR diagnostics) that allows you to detect the presence of the causative agent of the disease even at the very initial stage of development, immediately after infection. During the study, it is possible to determine the DNA of the pathogen even when it is present in the blood in extremely small quantities. PCR is the most modern and accurate test, effective both in simple forms of pathology and in complex ones, when a person is infected with a complex infection.
  • An enzyme immunoassay blood test for trichomoniasis is also a fairly effective method that makes it possible to identify the infection by the presence of antibodies in the blood to certain types of infectious pathogens. The infection itself cannot be detected, but by the composition of antibodies in the blood, a specialist can judge the presence of an inflammatory process that the human immune system is fighting.

Bacteriological culture culture as a method for detecting trichomoniasis has recently been rarely used; most often it is prescribed in cases where it is not technically possible to carry out a more accurate diagnosis. Carrying out an analysis for bacterial culture of a smear or scraping has many conventions that must be observed in order to obtain an accurate result. For example, women are not swabbed during or for several days after menstruation. A smear from the urethra in men and women is taken only a certain time after urination. If the discharge from the external genitalia is weak, then after two hours, if it is heavy, then after half an hour.

How long does it take to test for trichomoniasis?

Of all the above research methods, the fastest result can be obtained by microscopic analysis of a smear. This method, as a rule, is prescribed first; based on its results, the need for further research is determined. Trichomonas are organisms that are extremely unstable to external influences; without a humid environment they die within 2-3 hours. For this reason, examination under a microscope is carried out almost immediately after taking a smear; after about one hour, the doctor can already get the results.

However, such a speed of research is possible provided that the clinic or hospital has a laboratory ready to immediately begin analysis. If this is not possible, then the smear is stained and in this form it can be preserved until the morning. In this case, the result can be found out the very next day after taking the material. PCR diagnostics takes 1-2 days. And the longest method is bacterial seeding, which will take up to one week.

Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors!

Number of reads: 1564 Date of publication: 10/18/2017

With this disease, the vagina, cervical canal, urethra, Bartholin's glands, bladder, uterine cavity, fallopian tubes are affected in women, and the urethra in men.

It is very difficult to say how many days the incubation period for this disease lasts, since the disease progresses individually for each person: for some it is 1–5 days, for others it is 5–15 days, and for others it is 15–30 days. Trichomoniasis is a serious disease, the danger of which lies in its consequences. In most cases, the disease proceeds unnoticed and is detected only when patients present with symptoms of the following diseases, which are complications of trichomoniasis:

The patient may exhibit symptoms of trichomoniasis. Since Trichomonas contribute to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, over time this leads to the appearance of hemorrhages, through the cracks of which various infections can enter the human body, due to which complications arise.

In most cases, trichomoniasis is asymptomatic. But some patients, before contacting a specialist, revealed the following symptoms:

If you notice the symptoms listed above, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe tests to detect trichomonas.

This test should also be taken at the planning stage and during pregnancy, also if any gynecological or urological surgery is planned.

What tests are performed?

To identify Trichomonas, it is necessary to undergo a whole range of studies:

How to prepare for the test?

How do you prepare for the PCR test for Trichomonas? The reliability of the analyzes performed will be guaranteed only if you properly prepare for the collection of biomaterial.

Depending on who will take the test, a man or a woman, different requirements are put forward for them.

For women:

  • absence of menstruation (it is also not recommended to take a test on the eve of its onset and within a few days after its end);
  • after a vaginal (vaginal) ultrasound;
  • do not use suppositories or douche for several days;
  • refuse sexual intercourse before the procedure.

All this can lead to disruption of microflora and erroneous test results.

For men there are much fewer requirements:

  • refrain from urinating for several hours before the examination;
  • refuse sexual intercourse.

It is advisable to carry out all studies in the morning, on an empty stomach. As for urine, you should take the morning urine, preferably the first one. Semen and urine should be submitted to the laboratory in special containers. A smear of the flora is taken on site.

Decoding and readiness dates

Only a venereologist should decipher the results obtained.

Microscopic examination of a smear is carried out within an hour - this is the fastest method of examination.

The results of molecular genetic studies and blood tests will be ready in 2 days.

The longest research is microbiological. On average it lasts about a week.

Moreover, a positive result during the examination indicates that Trichomonas are present in the human body, and a negative result indicates their absence.

It should be remembered that self-medication for trichomoniasis is undesirable; the help of a specialist is needed, because untimely detection and treatment of this disease can lead to serious consequences, including HIV infection and even the development of cervical cancer.

Since its inception, the method of bacteriological research has been continuously improved. At the beginning of the 21st century, the sensitivity of culture for Trichomonas has become very high.

To obtain a positive result, it is enough that 1 ml of material contains 300 viable microbial bodies. According to various authors, the accuracy of the results reaches 96.2%.

Compared to culture, other common methods for diagnosing trichomonas show:

  • Microscopy– approximately 45% of accurate diagnoses.
  • – 43,5%.
  • Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) – 94-97%.
  • Latex agglutination test– about 70%.

As you can see, only molecular genetic techniques can compete with sowing.

But for the most accurate result, it is necessary that the collection of diagnostic material be carried out by a professional specialist.

Particular care is needed when examining men: their numbers of Trichomonas are not as abundant as in women. Therefore, for a full-fledged study, it is recommended to take several samples from different places at once.

How to improve the accuracy of culture for Trichomonas?

The most common mistake when taking culture tests is "overshoot" past the focus of pathogen accumulation and the absence of Trichomonas in the sample. This is the most common cause of false negative research results. False positives are practically excluded, because only Trichomonas can grow on special nutrient media.

To reduce the likelihood of false negative results, a number of recommendations have been developed:

  • Collect a smear and scraping from at least 2-3 areas of the affected organs with different disposable probes, if it is the urethra - then from different depths.
  • Place samples for cultivation within 2 hours from the moment of collection.
  • Take culture tests only after 5-7 days after taking antibiotics and anti-cystic drugs.
  • Carry out the study several times - at least twice on the eve of treatment, during therapy, and twice to monitor recovery after treatment.

A qualified doctor tells all these nuances to his patients when he prescribes a culture as part of the diagnosis of Trichomonas. It is also necessary to take into account that Trichomonas is often combined with other pathogens of urogenital infections.

For example, therefore, to identify them, penicillin or other antibiotics may not be added to the nutrient medium.

Sowing for Trichomonas: special moments

Despite the high accuracy and sensitivity of the technique, the bacteriological method (or sowing) is not without its disadvantages:

  • There is a possibility of error during sample collection.
  • The turnaround time for results is 5-7 days.
  • The interpretation of the data lies only in the fact of the presence or absence of trichomoniasis.
  • Several weeks pass from the moment of infection to the growth of a diagnostically significant microbial mass; if you take an analysis during this period, the culture will be negative.

But, if patients have episodes of treatment failure, culture for Trichomonas can help identify the resistance of microorganisms to the drugs used. It is this unique feature that allows the analysis to remain in demand even after more than 50 years from its first use.

If you suspect Trichomonas, contact a competent venereologist.


Trichomonas is the cause of inflammatory disease of the genital organs. Trichomonas are detected much more often in women than in men. They cause disease - . The pathology can be put on a par with gonorrhea or chlamydia.

Testing for Trichomonas is important because the disease can cause dangerous consequences.

The analysis is rarely carried out, this is due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are much more pronounced in women. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex should closely monitor their health and, if necessary, immediately consult a doctor.

There are several ways to detect Trichomonas in the body. However, each of them requires preparation. And remember that if a disease is detected in one partner, the other must also be examined without fail.

Preparing for tests

Testing for Trichomonas does not require much effort. For successful diagnosis, it is enough to carry out any study in the morning, before visiting the toilet and bath.

They will be detected if she does not do vaginal douching on the eve of the test. But some analyzes require additional preparation measures, which will be discussed below.

Bacterial culture

A tank culture for Trichomonas is one of the types of research that involves taking a sample of biomaterial from a patient and placing it in a certain cultural environment.

Seeding can be done using blood, urine, sputum, urethral canal contents, prostate secretions, plasma and other biological materials.

The peculiarity of such a study is that it allows us to identify not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also their characteristics. To successfully pass such an analysis for Trichomonas, the following preparation is necessary:

Tank culture for trichomoniasis

  • Three days before the test, you must completely abstain from alcohol and any food that provokes fermentation in the intestines;
  • The day before the study, stop using vaginal suppositories;
  • It is important to stop using antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs 24 hours before the test;
  • 2 days before the test you need to abstain from sexual activity;
  • A few hours before the procedure, it is forbidden to have bowel movements.

If the analysis shows a positive result, the possibility of error is excluded. However, if not, your doctor may recommend taking a few more tests.

The disadvantage of this method is that it takes some time to identify the disease. On average, you will know the result within a week after taking the sample. And the cost of the procedure will be approximately 1500 rubles.

Polymerase chain reaction

Detecting Trichomonas using PCR is not difficult. The advantage of this technique is that detection of the disease is possible when its course is hidden.

Testing for Trichomonas using the PCR method, when carried out correctly, can make a diagnosis with 90-100% accuracy.

This technique is fast. You will know the result within a day after visiting the hospital. PCR is even more suitable for a man than for a woman, since the material for the study can be urine or seminal fluid.

The collection is carried out using a special disposable brush. The material is placed in a special tube with a preservative. The technique is based on the fact that DNA sections are synthesized multiple times.

PCR is used both to make a diagnosis and to monitor the treatment process. The price of the procedure ranges from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles, depending on the clinic and the condition of the equipment. In this case, preparation for analysis is the same as in the previous case.

Blood analysis

Blood is donated for Trichomonas quite often, usually in combination with other methods. The method allows you to detect antibodies to Trichomonas in the body. Blood is drawn on an empty stomach and the patient can find out the result of the study the very next day.

It is worth noting that this method is not highly effective. It will not show a positive result if the stage of the disease is too early. That is why this study is used as a complement to the two analyzes above.

Sometimes getting tested for trichomoniasis is not enough. It often happens that the result is false due to non-compliance with certain rules, which will be discussed below. The cost of such a study is only 250-300 rubles.

Why the result may be unreliable

Sometimes it is not the patient who is to blame for an untruthful result, but the laboratory technician. So, tests will show a false diagnosis in the following cases:

  • The sample material is contaminated;
  • The causative agent of the disease has already died, but the antibodies are still present in the body;
  • The collection of material and its examination were unsuccessful;
  • A month before the sample was taken, the woman used douching;
  • One month before the sample was taken, the patient took antibiotics;
  • The patient did not take into account that he should not go to the toilet 2-3 hours before the test;
  • The disease was localized in only one part of the body, and was not included in the sample for research.

Do not forget that only an experienced venereologist should take a sample for research. In other cases, there is a risk of incorrect results.

So, we talked about how to identify trichomoniasis. Additionally, you should talk with your doctor about how to get tested for the presence of this pathology. Perhaps the doctor will individually give you some recommendations that will minimize the risk of a false result.
