How are places for disabled people designated? Something else useful for you. Increased penalties

IN Lately, car parking vehicle V major cities evolved into real problem. In Russia, as in any civilized country, for cars driven by persons with limited health, parking spaces are provided near all socially significant places in megacities - residential buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, hospitals, cultural sites, paid parking lots, etc. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, each such site must be equipped with a special sign and markings. Traffic regulations clearly regulate the coverage area of ​​the “Parking for the Disabled” sign, but despite this, many drivers, seeing such an empty parking space, wonder if it is possible to stop there healthy person and what this could mean for him. In this article we will try to understand this and other issues.

Disabled parking

Seats allocated for disabled people are indicated by the appropriate combination of mandatory signs. The first of them belongs to the information group and has the shape of a square of blue color in a white border, in the middle of which is clearly written english letter"P", also in white color. The size of such a sign, according to GOST, should be 0.7 by 0.7 meters. The second indicator is located slightly lower and is characterized by a smaller size - 0.7 by 0.35 meters. On its surface, on a white background, in black paints, there is a schematic depiction of a man in wheelchair. Also, such places, in addition to the sign, are also equipped with auxiliary markings on the asphalt. In the traffic regulations, these parking signs can be found under numbers 6.4 and 8.17, respectively.

The purpose of arranging such parking spaces is to provide people with limited health with decent, and not disadvantaged, conditions for staying in society. Only disabled people who have a documented first or second disability group, as well as persons involved in transporting such people, can park their vehicles in specially designated areas.

In accordance with federal legislation aimed at social protection of the population, each parking lot must allocate for the needs of people with disabilities:

  • at least 10% of the total territory, but not less than 1 parking space if it is located near a public place;
  • 20% of total number places, if it is located near clinics, hospitals and other institutions most frequently visited by patients with physical limitations.

Other vehicles are strictly prohibited from occupying such spaces.

Sign area

With the information signs described above, a mandatory sign is installed, which in the traffic rules is assigned the number 8.2.1 and the name “Area of ​​Operation”. It displays a number and arrows in one or both directions, which, together, regulate the distance allocated for the placement of vehicles for people with physical disabilities.

If the sign is installed, but there are no markings on the canvas or a prescriptive sign indicating the size of the preferential area, then you need to be guided by the SNiP standard for parking lots. He says that in the absence of an information plate and other identification marks with exact value zone of the sign, a parking space is an area measuring 3.5 m wide and 6 m long. If the driver noticed empty place in the parking lot, but under the 6.4 traffic rules sign, then he must take into account the distance allocated by law in both directions from it.

Interesting! In practice, this situation arises extremely rarely, since large social facilities and retail establishments try to arrange places for the disabled as much as possible according to all the rules. Because the admin is responsible for such violations. punishment, not only for the one who parked, but also for the owner of the land.

Who has the right to park?

According to changes in legislation, starting from 2016, only cars equipped with a special sign can stop a car in an area marked with a “Parking for the Disabled” sign. The car sign is placed in a visible place, under the windshield. It is manufactured in yellow color with black schematic representation person in a wheelchair.

Also, the driver of a vehicle at any time must be ready to show the traffic police officer a certificate or certificate confirming the presence of a disability of the first or second category. If people with disabilities are transported by a healthy driver, then they must also have documents. Persons with category 3 disabilities are prohibited from using this parking space. In case of violation of norms current legislation, a large fine is provided.

Interesting! In situations where a vehicle carries disabled people with some frequency, you need to purchase not a permanent sticker, but a removable analogue that is mounted using suction cups.


Just a couple of years ago, the fine for such violations was only about 200 rubles, as a result of which cars were parked anywhere and anyhow. In 2017 and 2018, everything changed and drivers who ignore traffic rules and occupy preferential parking spaces are fined in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Such an offense is registered on the basis of Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. An administrative protocol can be drawn up upon the fact of a violation; no other photo or video evidence is needed. This means that when legal proceedings the court may limit itself only to the testimony of the traffic police officer. How additional measure, forced evacuation of the offender’s vehicle to a specialized impound area may be used. Moreover, the latter can be taken from there only after full payment of the fine.

A motorist who parks his car in such a parking space is required to have in hand documents or a certificate of the required type confirming the fact of having a disability. Simply sticking a yellow disabled sign on the windshield or rear window will not be an argument for a traffic police officer.

If the driver decided to “cheat” and falsify a certificate confirming his disability and was caught doing so, an administrative penalty in the amount of 5 thousand rubles will be imposed. When the question concerns motorists who periodically transport persons with musculoskeletal disorders, then if they are not in the car, the latter does not have the right to stop in such a place.

Important! If a disabled person does not have a properly issued permit, then he cannot use a preferential parking space, in otherwise a fine will be issued.

Stopping and parking under the sign

Citizens with disabilities of the first and second groups can freely use parking spaces specially equipped for them, as well as stop the car at public places and even where stopping and parking is strictly prohibited (crossed out sign round shape). People with physical disabilities are allowed to drive on roads with a “No Traffic” sign installed.

Regarding the stopping of vehicles in preferential places driven by healthy citizens, there is no direct prohibition on such manipulation in the traffic rules. Moreover, if a vehicle is parked for a disabled person for the purpose of loading/unloading for a period of up to 5 minutes, this is not a violation.

Disabled parking space size

The parking space for disabled people even visually differs from the usual one in its dimensions. If the standard plot for a car is 2.5 meters wide, then the preferential plot is 1.1 meters wider, that is, 3.6 meters. This is explained by the fact that a disabled driver not only needs to get out through open door, but also take the stroller out of the car. The length of such a section should reach 6 meters. This is necessary for safely loading the patient into the car through the back door.

Free parking for disabled people

A common question that can be heard from disabled motorists is whether they can park without paying in paid parking lots. The answer will be positive - paid parking areas must have spaces for disabled people, in an amount of at least 10% of the total area.

Such areas are indicated by standard state signs and signs. To take advantage of this benefit and receive a 100% exemption from paying a parking fee, a disabled person must obtain a special permit through government agencies.

How much does it cost to install a handicapped sign?

Installing such a designation on the windshield of a car does not require any financial expenses for a permit, except that you need to purchase the sticker itself - usually they pay 20-30 rubles for it. But it is imperative, if there is such a sign and the car is parked in a place under the parking sign for the disabled, you need to have a package of documents confirming the presence of a disability of the first or second group. Such a document can be a pension certificate or a MSEC certificate, the so-called pink form.

To register a permit for free parking Paid parking lots also do not require special investments. Enough with a package necessary documents, contact special public services at your place of residence. Regarding registration in Moscow, everyone can obtain such permission preferential categories people with disabilities of the required group, regardless of their registration. It will take about 10 working days for registration, and the validity of such a document will be 1 year. You can receive it by being present in person at the MFC or remotely on the public services portal. The right to a preferential parking space is issued to a vehicle that is privately owned by the disabled person or his official guardian.

Disabled person sign on asphalt, GOST dimensions

To properly arrange a parking space for citizens with physical disabilities, you need to follow the standards from GOST:

  • special markings must be made using a stencil;
  • the size of the plot corresponds to the requirements of SNIP and traffic rules;
  • the lines must have a clear structure and not distort the drawing;
  • number of parking spaces is two or more, always placed nearby;
  • white paint is used to draw lines, white and blue paint is used to depict the “P” sign, and black and yellow paint is used to draw the “Disabled” diagram;
  • the lines listed in the traffic rules as 1.4, 1.17 and 1.10 must be painted exclusively with yellow paint;
  • Temporary markings should be orange;
  • the image on the asphalt must duplicate the road sign and be standard size– length 1.6 m, width – 0.8 m and thickness of edging lines – 0.15 m;
  • the permissible slope of such a section should be within 1:50.

How to extend the validity of the “Disabled” badge?

On September 4, 2018, new rules for issuing “Disabled” badges for citizens with disabilities. The legislation provides custom signs with application on them additional information. Such documents will be issued upon request from the Bureau medical and social examination, according to your registration. When re-certifying a disability, renewal of this badge is not provided - it is issued anew. Production time will take about 30 working days.

Before the innovation, stickers could be purchased freely at any point of sale of auto goods and they were not subject to renewal. The main thing is that at the time of the inspection by the traffic police officers, the motorist with the posted sign has in his hands a package of papers of the established form confirming the disability group.


The right to separately equipped parking spaces for people with health impairments is approved by legislative acts and regulations. For non-compliance with the established rules, administrative penalties are provided. Equipped areas for disabled people have distinctive markings on the asphalt and are indicated by standard signs. But in practice, due to the increasing complexity of the procedures for issuing permits, more and more disabled drivers prefer to park in regular parking spaces, without complicating their lives with bureaucratic procedures.

Parking fine for disabled people in 2017 - evacuation, in the Moscow region, on the spot, under the sign, amount, in the parking lot, traffic police, how to challenge, how to avoid

Specially designated parking areas are provided to disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and persons transporting them. They are marked with appropriate markings and road signs. Ordinary citizens are prohibited from leaving their cars there - this is a gross violation of traffic rules. In case of violation of the Parking for disabled people sign, a fine is provided in the amount of 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles.

Why are they needed?

As soon as the vehicle enters a parking lot designated for the disabled, the violation is considered to have been committed. Time does not matter - even for a few seconds of parking in a place marked with a “Parking for the Disabled” sign, a fine is imposed on legally. Sanctions are almost impossible to cancel and very difficult to challenge in court.

It is difficult for disabled people to move due to limited physical capabilities. They can park in regular spaces, but vacant plots may find themselves at a distance from a medical or other facility. For a citizen with special needs, walking even half a block can become a serious problem.

Federal Law "On social protection disabled people" provide for the obligation to organize special parking spaces in all parking lots, municipal and private parking lots, in areas near supermarkets and in similar locations.

10% of all places should be allocated for these needs. Paid parking must have them too

Designating signs

In the traffic rules there are 3 signs that indicate places for the disabled.

Here they are by number:

  • parking sign (parking space) under No.6.4. It is used with the sign indicated in the second paragraph of this list;
  • designation “Disabled” – No. 8.17. It is a well-known schematic drawing of a man in a wheelchair in a rectangular frame;
  • An auxiliary designation outlining the parking area is special marking No. 1.24.3. It looks like a rectangle 1.6 x 0.8 m, inside of which there is a “Disabled” symbol, and the area of ​​the site itself can be delineated by lines.


Provisions regarding responsibility for parking in spaces for disabled people, including paid parking, are contained in the following regulations:

  • and the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons” - provides for the obligation to allocate places;
  • Art. , Code of Administrative Offenses - sanctions;
  • the sign for the disabled is provided for by the traffic rules, its number is 8.17, markings are No. 1.24.3.

“Disabled” signs or stickers are installed on cars used by citizens with disabilities or in which they are transported. They look like an image of a wheelchair user in a black frame on a yellow background.

Designating sign

The main parking sign for persons with 1st and 2nd disability groups is traffic sign No. 8.17 - a rectangle with a wheelchair user on a white background. Additional road markings 1.24.3 is executed in the same form with lines outlining the area.

Along with these signs, the usual parking sign No. 6.4 (the letter “P” on a blue background) is used in areas provided for these purposes. The “Disabled Person” sign is always located below the “Parking” sign. Sometimes just markup can be used.

Penalties for parking in disabled spaces

Drivers with 1st and 2nd disability groups and persons transporting them can enjoy the privilege of parking vehicles in specially designated spaces. Citizens with group 3 do not have this right.

A fine is imposed in the following cases:

  • the driver does not have documents confirming his disabled status. This rule has been in effect since 2016; before that, only a sign on the car was enough;
  • a healthy driver uses a vehicle for personal purposes with a “Disabled” sign;
  • Colliding with horizontal markings is also considered a violation.

It is also possible to fine people with disabilities if they did not comply with formalities when parking (there is no ID, certificate, etc.). Situations often arise when there is a disabled person in the car, but there is no sign installed on it. For example, when a disabled person asked a friend to give him a ride to the doctor and similar cases. This is not a violation, but a citizen must have an identification card or medical certificate, otherwise - a fine.


In case of violation of Parking for disabled people signs, a fine is imposed in the amounts indicated below according to the type of offense and the amount of penalties provided for in the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • parking or parking illegally – monetary recovery in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. (v. 12.19);
  • car evacuation. At the same time, financial penalties are also imposed. The driver will also have to pay for impound parking and tow truck services;
  • illegal equipping of a vehicle with a sticker or other images with the sign “Disabled” and driving such a vehicle – a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles. according to Art. 12.4 and 12.5. In the Moscow region there are increased rates, so you can count on the maximum sanction there;
  • legal entities who fail to provide designated spaces for disabled people in their parking lots or in areas adjacent to their establishments intended for parking (parking) of vehicles are punishable by a fine of 50 thousand rubles. (v. 5.43).

The fine is the same amount for parking spaces and for any other areas marked with the indicated signs. It does not depend on the time of arrival and the location of the car in a place intended for disabled people.


A car illegally parked under a concession sign may be towed and taken to an impound lot and at the same time be subject to monetary penalties. This is often practiced in cities federal significance, especially in Moscow. The car can be taken away if there is a violation of “Violations of parking rules and obstruction” and “Parking in spaces for the disabled.”

Cars can be seized not only for stopping (parking) in special places, but also for creating obstacles. They mean difficulties for a disabled person that prevent him from freely getting out of a parked car. That is, even if you do not stop at a preferential place, but in such a way that it violates the freedom of movement of a disabled person, the car can be towed.

An important point: it is prohibited to evacuate if the driver came up and corrected the violation, that is, vacated the occupied space (clause 1.1).

Is it possible to reduce the amount

If the driver manages to make payment within 20 days from the date of the decision, the amount of the fine is reduced by 50%.

Often citizens do not even suspect that sanctions have been imposed on them. In order to receive timely information about them, you can periodically visit the traffic police website, where you can check whether there are fines based on your passport details or car details. It is also possible to link your bank cards to the service of this institution. Some banks offer clients mobile programs, notifying them via SMS about administrative penalties.

If you find out about a fine in time, you can pay it without penalty or appeal it in a timely manner. If, in violation of the Parking for the Disabled sign, a fine is imposed and a resolution (protocol) is drawn up, then it can be challenged according to the rules, established by law for office work on administrative offenses (). A citizen can do this within 10 days from the date of issue of the resolution.

There is one caveat regarding this period: in fact, it is counted from the day the copy of the decision was delivered to the violator, therefore all envelopes and documents with marks of delivery must be preserved - these are grounds for requesting an extension of time for challenging.

You can write a complaint to the traffic police or go straight to court (no state fee is charged).

Before challenging a parking fine for disabled people, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • copy of the resolution;
  • statement of claim (complaint);
  • petition to extend the time limit for challenging.

Evidence of innocence (record of the registrar, etc.) must be attached to the documentation. The maximum period for consideration of a case by the court is 2 months, the traffic police - 10 days.

Parking requirements

Proper design of places for disabled people is relevant for the administration of retail facilities, parking lots and for persons who are required by law to do this.

In the courtyard

The law provides for the possibility of allocating parking spaces for disabled people in the courtyards of apartment buildings. To do this, you need a decision from the residents’ meeting (). According to SNiP 30-01, the plot must have an area of ​​11.5 square meters. m and a width of 3.5 m. It is designed in the usual way: signs and markings.

If difficulties arise, you can contact the traffic police or road services.

The increased size of the space is due to the need to ensure unloading of the stroller and access to the car without hitting other vehicles.

Near the supermarket

In the case of sites near apartment buildings, places are allocated based on the decision of the meeting of apartment owners. This is not an obligation - parking may not be allocated if residents so decide, and there are no sanctions for this.

The situation is completely different with parking lots near supermarkets, shopping centers and similar facilities - their owners are required by law to allocate every 10th space for cars of disabled people or vehicles carrying citizens with this status. This is especially true for large cities; for example, in Moscow, fines for legal entities for violating this rule reach 50 thousand rubles.

Supermarket staff cannot fine drivers who break parking rules. The maximum they can do themselves is to ask the driver to drive away occupied space. But store employees also have the right to call the traffic police and report a violation or transfer information from security cameras to this agency for response.

Who can use

Only the following categories of citizens can park and leave cars in specially designated places for disabled people, indicated by signs and markings:

  • citizens with 1st or 2nd group disability (those with 3rd group do not have this right);
  • drivers of cars transporting disabled people.

Drivers are often interested in the question of how to challenge a fine for parking for disabled people if a disabled citizen is transported by a taxi or any other vehicle without a “Disabled Person” sign. This is not a violation, but a citizen must have a pension certificate or certificate with him medical institution, confirming its status. If you do not have such documents with you, then the traffic police officer has the right to issue a fine to the citizen, even if he really is disabled.

Difficulties in using the “Disabled” sticker

The law does not oblige drivers to put a “Disabled Person” sign on their car. It is installed at the request of the driver; accordingly, traffic police officers do not have the right to fine for its absence. Often such stickers are purchased by healthy citizens specifically to park in preferential spaces.

It should be taken into account that a traffic police officer can easily and quickly check whether the driver has a disability, and if he does not, then issue a fine, which in the Moscow region is maximum - 5 thousand rubles.

Carrying out an inspection

To check the authenticity of a disabled person’s ID, the inspector can make a request or call the Pension Fund. To do this, he only needs the citizen’s passport data or details of the documents presented. If the license is invalid, then the driver who used it faces not only a monetary penalty, but also a criminal case for forgery of documents.

IN last years penalties for parking in in the wrong place are constantly being tightened, today a driver can pay a tidy sum for a number of violations in this area. Moreover, it is almost impossible to challenge such a fine, and, as we know, there are no mitigating circumstances on the road.

The law is especially harsh on those who try to occupy a disabled parking space without justification. The traffic police requirements here are so strict that even for a disabled person, such parking can cost a pretty penny if he forgets about the formalities.

Disabled parking fine

Very often you can hear the following phrase from drivers: why was I fined, because I only stopped for 2 minutes? However, in in this case the law is harsh and interpreted unambiguously; as soon as the car enters the parking lot, a violation has been committed and it is almost impossible to challenge it.

In accordance with Article 12.19. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, starting from 2011, a driver for illegal parking in a space for disabled people is punishable by a fine of in the amount of 5000 rubles.

Interestingly, traffic police inspectors are very fond of these violations.

  • Firstly, there are a lot of violators.
  • Secondly, such violations are very easy to prove in court.

Therefore, “bread” places do not remain without the attention of traffic police for a long time.

Despite the severity of the punishment, the number of violations here remains quite large. But it is steadily decreasing; according to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, drivers here practically never relapse, since the price for this offense is high, not only for an ordinary driver, but also for a representative of the middle class.

Why do we need packages for the disabled?

Anyone with a disability can park in regular parking. However, if at the clinic, for example, there is no free space, park a block further and walk to the place on foot, for a disabled person, serious problem, and therefore it is humane to ensure that socially significant objects always have free places.

Other important reason appearance large quantity special places for cars of people with disabilities - this is the law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” requiring the organization of special parking in all parking lots, municipal parking lots, areas near supermarkets and private paid parking lots. A total of 10% of the parking space should be allocated for these purposes.

Violation of this law, according to Article 5.43. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entails a fine, which for legal entities is 50,000 rubles. Of course, it is much cheaper to install a penny sign than to pay a tidy sum after each inspection.

Disabled parking signs

By current rules parking for disabled people is marked with three signs.

  • Parking (No. 6.4)
  • Disabled person sign (No. 8.17)
  • An auxiliary sign indicating the parking area.

As an auxiliary sign, special markings are often used in parking space 1.24.3, which is a rectangle measuring 1.6 by 0.8 meters with the symbol “disabled” inside.

Places for disabled people near supermarkets

And so, according to the law, every tenth parking space near parking lots near shopping centers and supermarkets should be reserved for disabled people, but are they in the zone under the jurisdiction of the traffic police, and will a fine be issued if you stand in this place.

Here the answer is clear: if the driver is caught in this violation, a protocol is immediately drawn up administrative offense, and you will have to pay a fine. According to the law, all, and not just this, violations of traffic rules in any parking lot are the responsibility of the road patrol service. The supermarket or security workers themselves cannot act as the rooting authority. They can only politely ask you to move to another place, or report violations to the traffic police.

Who is the disabled parking for?

Special parking is intended for disabled people of groups 1 and 2, with the appropriate identification and sign on the windshield of the car. Moreover, even if the driver has a sign, they can check his documents.

However, the law takes into account that not all disabled people are able to move independently. Many people use specially adapted cars, regular taxis, cars of relatives and friends, or delegate control of their transport to others.

In this case, you can install “Disabled” on cars and stop at a special parking lot. However, only if he is in this moment transports a person with disabilities. In other cases, the permit is not valid and the car must be parked under general conditions.

Violation of this rule or illegal installation of a “disabled person” sign on a car is punishable in accordance with Articles 12.4 and 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation a fine of 5,000 rubles.

There are situations when there is a disabled person in the car, but there is no corresponding sign on the car. For example, a neighbor asked to take him to the supermarket or urgently needed to take a person to the doctor. This is not considered a violation. The traffic police officer must personally issue a fine, making sure that the driver or his passenger does not have a license for disabled people of the 1st or 2nd group. Only in this case will the violation be recorded by law.

Many people believe that there are too many places for disabled people and nothing will happen if they take one of them. However, we must not forget that the new infrastructure for people with disabilities was created so that they could live full life ordinary person, as much as possible. But not for ordinary drivers to put themselves in the shoes of disabled people.

Near each socially significant place special signs must be installed for parking cars of persons with disabilities.

Who does it apply to?

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

The total number of places for disabled people must be at least 10% of the total, and not less than one. Not only disabled people, but also all other drivers should heed this sign.

Occupation of such special places by cars not driven by disabled people is punishable. In this case, you should pay attention not only to the road sign, but to the markings. Both marking methods are equally valid.

The “Parking for the Disabled” sign is most often installed in the following places:

  • near residential areas;
  • near religious buildings;
  • close to cultural institutions;
  • near shops and important public places.

When we're talking about about parking, this means that the car can be left for a long time. However, there is also a caveat for disabled drivers.

For example, if for most people sign 3.28 “No Parking” (see illustration below) implies that a person can stop only for a few minutes, a person with a disability has the right to park there.

However, in such circumstances, it is advisable for a vehicle driven by a person with a disability to have an appropriate identification sticker.
The sign applies to both drivers with disabilities and those who transport them.

This means that even if a relative or other person who does not have a disability is driving, this car can benefit from preferential treatment, provided that the necessary documents are available.

Sign “Parking for disabled people” according to GOST

Responsibility for allocating appropriate parking spaces for disabled people is not yet borne by the traffic police, but by the owners of organizations near which such territories should be allocated.

That is why individuals and legal entities must know what a sign designating a place should look like and install them in accordance with GOST.

In our country, disabled people are designated by two signs to indicate parking places for cars - “Parking” and “Disabled”.

In some countries of the world, it has become common to combine these two signs. In the image you can see what they look like in practice.

Number of the “Parking” sign according to GOST – 6.4:
  • the standard size of such a sign is 70*70 cm;
  • total weight 3.5 kg.

The "Disabled" sign is slightly smaller:

  • height is 35 cm;
  • length 70.5 cm.

The purpose of installing this sign is to provide people with disabilities with a worthy place in society. It also attracts public attention, protecting these people.

Road inspectors monitor compliance with these standards. Penalties for occupying a place for disabled people and not providing it to the owners of organizations are constantly growing.

Who installs

Although in most cases the installation of road signs is carried out by the police, the placement of a "Disabled Parking" sign is the responsibility of the owner of the land on which it is required by law to be installed.

Article 15 of the above-mentioned Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” states that at least 10% of parking spaces must be allocated in each parking lot (near such significant places as residential buildings, recreational facilities and various organizations).

The right to leave cars belonging to disabled people there is exercised free of charge.
To understand who is responsible for installing the “Parking for the Disabled” sign, you need to carefully study the title documents.

For example, a private entrepreneur owns a small store. There is not much parking area around it and there is no sign installed. To determine who is responsible for this, you should study the documents for the store.

It is important to clearly establish where the property line is:

  1. If the parking spaces legally belong to the entrepreneur, he is obliged, in accordance with Article 15, to install this sign on his own and at his own expense.
  2. If the territory is public, this should be handled by local authorities.

Is it necessary to post this sign?

To figure out whether the installation of this sign is mandatory measure, it is necessary to consider what is written in the Code of Administrative Offences.

It states that the penalty for violating the requirements of the law on the installation of special signs for disabled people is:

  • 3,000 – 5,000 rubles– penalties for individuals;
    30,000 – 50,000 rubles– fine for legal entities.

It is obvious that the law clearly requires the owners of various organizations and enterprises to take care of the interests of persons with disabilities.

Is a sticker on the car window required?

There is heated debate among motorists about this. It is worth noting that the legislation does not direct instructions that such a sign must be glued to glass without fail.

Therefore, displaying such a badge is voluntary for the driver.

However, the presence of a disability warning sign does not guarantee that the driver is actually a person with a disability.

Some unscrupulous drivers take advantage of this law to occupy seats that legally belong to others. Some even buy fake documents.

A person who has the legal right to use places for disabled people must have a special ID or certificate confirming their disability. Only in this case, when the circumstances are checked by employees law enforcement, there will be no problems.

Validity area of ​​the sign “Parking for the disabled”

It is important to note that not all disability groups can benefit from the Rules Road Traffic for persons with disabilities. This right applies only to the first two groups.

Disabled people of the 3rd group park on the general grounds. The range of a parking sign can be found by considering what is reported about each of them in the traffic rules.

It is worth paying attention to:

  • "Parking" sign;
  • "Disabled" sign;
  • marking "Disabled people".

Let's take a closer look at the order of operation of each of the signs.

Parking sign.

The illustration shows the sign itself:

Its number according to the Rules is 6.4. It is used to designate a parking space for a vehicle. The coverage area of ​​this sign is until the next intersection, if there are no marks under the sign.

If the icon shown in the illustration below is located under the parking sign, then its coverage is limited to the distance indicated on it.

As a rule, direction signs to this facility are located near the “Parking” sign. If you need to put a sign outside settlement, it is placed 400 - 800 meters before it.

This designation is installed near transport stops, near the metro, shops and other socially significant objects.

Sign "Disabled"

The plate looks like this:

This designation is used in conjunction with the “Parking” sign. This means that the parking area or part thereof is reserved for use by persons with disabilities.

Not only people with disabilities, but also those who transport them can use the right to park if they have the appropriate documents. At the same time, it is important that the driver or passenger has either a 1st or 2nd group disability.

Marking "Disabled"

Road marking number 1.24.3 involves painting the asphalt or concrete with the same image as on the “Disabled Persons” sign.

The markup applies to:

  • roadway;
  • roadsides;
  • pedestrian paths;
  • tram tracks, where they are marked or installed as signs.

If there is a sign without markings or, conversely, markings are applied but no sign is installed, this does not give drivers the right to neglect the requirements of the law and leave their cars there.

Placing a car in such a location will be the same violation as if all the signs were located correctly. The owner of land where signs are installed incorrectly may be held liable.

Installation Rules

Thanks to the sign on the asphalt, the size of which can vary, drivers understand how much space is available for people with disabilities. The size of parking spaces must be taken into account.

Table 1. Dimensions of parking spaces for disabled people.

Other standards for the location of parking spaces for cars where the driver or passenger uses a wheelchair. The parking space must have the following dimensions: 6.0 x 3.6 m.

Thanks to this area, the car doors can open freely on both sides of the vehicle. The illustration shows what a parking space for disabled people with strollers looks like:

In order not to be held liable for driving in the wrong place, it is important to carefully monitor road signs and what signs should be placed on the vehicle.

Penalty for parking in a disabled space

If drivers occupy a parking space for disabled people, an administrative fine will be imposed for this. In some cases, a car left parked in the wrong place may be towed.

Punishment for violations of this kind is regulated by several legislative documents.

Table 2. Punishment for infringement of the parking rights of disabled people.

You cannot leave your car before or after the sign. Although this is not described in the Rules, it is simply unethical.