How to determine the “Parking” coverage area so as not to evacuate? Parking spaces for disabled people and their features

Due to the increasing number of questions about where to park the car, if there is a parking sign for the disabled, but there are no markings and its coverage area, I am informing you.

Article 15, Federal Law "On social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation" means that at every parking (stop) of vehicles, including near social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities (residential, public and industrial buildings, structures and structures, including those in which physical education and sports organizations, organizations are located culture and other organizations), places of recreation, at least 10 percent of the spaces (but not less than one space) are allocated for parking special vehicles for people with disabilities. The specified parking spaces should not be occupied by other vehicles.

According to GOST R 52289-2004, clause 5.7.5. Sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” is used to designate areas intended for parking vehicles.

Along with the parking sign, to designate a space for a disabled person, plate 8.17 “Disabled Persons” is used, which indicates that the parking area (or part of it) is reserved for parking vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting such disabled people. (clause 5.9.21)

In addition, appropriate markings can be placed under the parking sign for disabled people, duplicating the road sign. Paragraph 6.2.28 says that marking 1.24.3 is used to designate sections of roads, parking areas (parking spaces), entrances, exits, etc., intended for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting such disabled people.

The effect of the signs extends to the roadway, roadside, tram tracks, bicycle or pedestrian paths near or above which they are installed. (clause 5.1.3)

Together with the parking sign and the “disabled persons” sign, a sign 8.2.1 “Validity area” can be installed.


If there are no markings, but there is a parking sign for the disabled, then you must be guided by the approximate dimensions of the parking spaces.

Dimensions of one parking space

The minimum dimensions of one parking space when cars are placed sequentially along the edge of the roadway or the edge of the parking area must be at least 2.5 x 7.5 (2.5 x 6.5 m) m for cars and 3.0 x 11.0 m - for trucks without trailers, with parallel placement of vehicles relative to each other - 2.5 x 5.0 m and 3.5 x 8.5 m, respectively.

Allowed with a minimum passage width of at least 3.0 m (clause 6.2.3 GOST R 52289-2004)

According to SP 59.13330.2012, clause 4.2.4, the marking of a parking space for a disabled person in a wheelchair should be 6.0 x 3.6 m in size, which makes it possible to create a safe area on the side and behind the car - 1.2 m.

Thus, if the markings do not indicate parking spaces, then we take them as a standard space (for parallel placement - 2.5x5 m.). The documents do not indicate where to take the measurement, so the counting is on both sides, that is, 2.5 on one side and 2.5 on the other.

Remember that the driver must be guided by traffic rules, and not by GOST and its wording! You can't park a car in front of the sign, that's for sure.

If there are parking markings for disabled people, but there is no sign, what should you do in this case?

Clause 6.1, road markings establish modes, traffic order, are a means of visual orientation for drivers and can be used either independently or in combination with other technical means of organization traffic.

Marking 1.24.3 duplicates the road sign and is a means of visual orientation for drivers. If there is no sign, there is no violation.

Thus, the absence of a sign is a violation of the rules on the part of the land owner, but this does not give healthy person not the slightest right to occupy it, trumping legal subtleties in the face of disabilities. This unclear interpretation serves to beat the thresholds of the traffic police and convince them of the illegality of receiving a fine.

GOST R 52289-2004. National standard of the Russian Federation. Technical means traffic organization. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices.

SP 59.13330.2012 Accessibility of buildings and structures for low mobility groups population. Updated version of SNiP 35-01-2001.

P.S. I recently observed the following picture: in front of a hypermarket, all parking spaces for disabled people (about 20) were free, except for one. There the disabled person was being loaded into the car. All the drivers suddenly remembered who these places were for. But as soon as they left, the newly arriving drivers, with a feeling of complete confidence that there were no disabled people in the city, quickly filled the voids in just 20 minutes.

How to determine the "Parking" coverage area so as not to evacuate?

One of the ways to optimize traffic on the road network is the competent organization of parking space on the roadway. All drivers are familiar with sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)”. The sign itself does not raise questions, however, according to GOST, its use is only possible with signs additional information and the definition of the parking zone defined by this sign raises some questions.

Let us consider in detail how to correctly determine the parking space indicated by sign 6.4 in different situations.

Parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

A “Parking” sign installed without a sign with a limited coverage area is valid until the nearest intersection. Plaque "Method of setting vehicle" must always be installed with this sign. This combination may be used to indicate a zone paid parking. Do not forget about the prohibition of parking closer than 5 meters to the edge of the roadway being crossed.

Paid parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

Parking in your pocket

To organize parking in a “pocket”, a sign is used with a limitation of the sign’s coverage area and, as noted above, the method of placement must be indicated.

Please note that parking on the edge of the roadway before and after the “pocket” is not prohibited. Parking is permitted in accordance with general rules stops and parking. At the same time, parking along the sidewalk line is prohibited, since entering and exiting the pocket will become impossible.

Limited parking area

Disabled parking

If the sign is installed in the direction of travel with the sign 8.17 "Disabled Persons", then parking in the place marked with sign 6.4 is allowed only to disabled people. Blocking the exit, as in the previous case, is prohibited.

Disabled parking

If the sign is installed perpendicular to the direction of travel, it indicates a parking space for the disabled. According to GOST, the width of a parking space for disabled people is 3.6 m, that is, 1.8 m from the place where the sign is installed.

Parking space for disabled people

Parking within the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking

When it is necessary to organize parking in the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking, it is allowed to use the “Parking” sign with the obligatory use of the “Validity Area” sign. In this case, the coverage area of ​​the prohibiting signs will be limited to the distance indicated on the sign.

For some reason this point is not reflected in the Traffic Rules and at first glance there is a feeling of contradiction in the signs. The possibility of such a limitation of the coverage area of ​​prohibitory signs is prescribed in GOST.

The coverage area of ​​any of the signs 3.27-3.30 can be reduced by installing repeated signs 3.27-3.30 with plate 8.2.3 at the end of their coverage area (which is preferable) or using plate 8.2.2 or installing another sign from the specified list or by installing a sign 6.4 “Parking location” with a sign 8.2.1 “Validity area”.

Parking in a pocket in the area of ​​sign 3.27
Parking in the area of ​​sign 3.27

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Parking for a disabled person: rules, sign operation and fine. Parking available for disabled people

On this moment In any civilized country, parking spaces are allocated for the personal cars of people with disabilities. They are placed near residential buildings, shopping centers, and also in special parking lots. These spaces are marked with a “Disabled Parking” sign. Currently, their number is rapidly increasing, this is due to the growing number of people with disabilities. In our country, people with disabilities are treated with respect and understanding, which is why they build new parking lots and provide other benefits.

Parking design

Seats for disabled people are organized in a different way than regular ones. So, if the width of a regular parking lot should not be less than 2.5 m, then for disabled people it is 3.5 m. This is due to the fact that people with the door fully open should have room to unload the stroller. And only then, when all the manipulations have been completed, you can drive between other vehicles without any problems.

The disabled parking area consists of several spaces in a row. For example, if a parking lot allocates three spaces for people with disabilities, they should be located next to each other. Firstly, it’s much more convenient. Secondly, this will expand the area between cars several times. This will make it easier to perform the maneuver without hitting other cars. If two places are located next to each other, then the total width of this area is reduced by 1 m, while the free path increases by 2 m.

Disabled parking

Car park owners must provide spaces for people with disabilities. If this requirement is ignored, a fine will be paid. According to the law, each parking area must have parking spaces for the disabled.

The Code of Administrative Violations (Code of Administrative Violations) has an article regulating this issue. So, for the lack of parking for disabled people, a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles is imposed. After this came into force, parking lot owners had a choice: constantly pay a fine or create special parking spaces. Most chose the second option, and it is now rare to find a parking lot that does not have an area for people with disabilities.

Number of parking spaces

According to the law, free parking spaces for disabled people must occupy at least 10% of the total number. Usually the area for people with disabilities is located close to the entrance. This place is indicated by a special sign and corresponding markings.

Near businesses and clinics that specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, about 20% of the area is allocated to accommodate parking spaces for the disabled. It is worth noting that the owner himself has the right to decide how many such zones he will have in his parking lot. The main thing is that this amount does not fall below the minimum level.

Politeness is paramount

Parking in a disabled spot is a sign of incivility and disrespect for these people. Signs and markings are always clearly visible from afar, so the reason “didn’t notice” is not relevant here. Even if no one is in this position, and you urgently need to go to college or work, you shouldn’t do this. In any case, it will not be difficult for a healthy person to walk 100-150 meters, but for a disabled person sometimes 10 meters is an insurmountable distance.

In addition, a fine of 5,000 rubles is provided for parking in a disabled spot. It is worth noting that this is the largest fine for illegal parking. Traffic police officers are often on duty near shopping centers, catching violators. Fortunately there are quite a lot of them. Parking in a disabled spot is a temptation that not everyone can resist. Those who are too impatient are caught by inspectors, issuing a fine, and sometimes the car is towed away. There is no need to park your car in these places, show basic respect.

People who can park in such spaces

Only people with disabilities can use specially designated parking spaces for their cars. These include disabled people of the first and second groups. A person who transports people with disabilities - adults or children - can also leave the car. Contrary to popular belief, a sticker on the rear window of a car is not mandatory and does not confirm status.

Free parking is for people who are. The driver must have with him standard set documents confirming its status. This list includes a medical certificate and a certificate of a disabled person of the first or second group. As for the sticker, it is usually fixed behind the rear or windshield of the car so that people see and behave more carefully on the roads.

What are the dangers of an unauthorized sticker?

If you have no documents and have a sticker, you will be fined the same 5,000 rubles. It is worth understanding that disabled parking is intended for people with disabilities, and if you do not confirm this, then you are deliberately breaking the law.

It is not always possible for a disabled person to drive a vehicle independently. Often he is carried in a special car designed to transport people with disabilities. A disabled person can also travel in simple cars (family and friends, taxis). Drivers of vehicles that do not always, but rather rarely, transport such people can install a sticker. But there is one limitation: only for the duration of transportation of a disabled person, and provided that he has everything Required documents, confirming the status. If the driver has not removed the sticker and continues to drive around the city, then when checking the documents, traffic police officers will issue a fine.

Incorrect installation of the sticker

This is taken quite seriously, and any violation of the rules for installing a sticker will certainly entail a fine. The Code of Administrative Offenses has an article that regulates this situation. If a “Disabled Person” sign is installed on a vehicle without the appropriate permit, this entails a fine of 5,000 rubles.

If the car constantly transports a person with disabilities, a parking permit must be issued. Then there will be no problems with the law.

Sign and markings

Specially designated places for disabled people are usually located no further than 50 m from hospitals and clinics, as well as other institutions that they can visit. It is worth noting that areas for people with disabilities are indicated by signs and markings, in accordance with the traffic rules.

The “Disabled Parking” sign applies only to the designated space. A sign must be attached next to the sign, which notifies everyone that this parking lot is intended only for people with disabilities.

As for the markings on the road, they are a copy of the sign and are applied yellow. If you see markings, but there is no sign nearby, you can park your car. However, the pattern on the road is often difficult to discern due to snow, dirt, slush, etc.

It is recommended to install the sign at the end of the designated area. The driver who approaches the parking lot must clearly see it. If the sign is placed at the very beginning of the parking lot, then people may think that the entire area is reserved for places for people with disabilities.

Some features

Almost every institution in Moscow has parking for the disabled. Whether it's a hospital, clinic or shopping mall. Parking for the disabled is often located close to the sidewalk. In this case, it is necessary to equip a ramp. This is driving from the sidewalk into a parking lot or road. It is carried out by lowering the level of the curb; the width of the ramp should be at least 90 cm.

It is best to place the curb in the corner of the parking lot so that the entrance is always clear and is not blocked by a parked vehicle. If two specially designated places are located next to each other, a common entrance from the sidewalk is made. It is located at the end of the path, which is located between the cars. The border is painted yellow.

It is worth noting that the issue of convenience and making life easier for people with disabilities is discussed quite often. The country's parliament is creating new bills aimed at improving the lives of people with disabilities. There are and should be parking lots for disabled people in all Russian cities. Traffic police officers carefully monitor violators who want to leave their car in this place. They face a fine of 5,000 rubles. Be human, there is no need to break the law, especially regarding such a delicate topic. Respect people with disabilities, because no one is immune from such a fate.

Parking spaces for disabled people

As in any tolerant European country, and in our state there are special benefits for parking personal vehicles of disabled people. Most often, such sites are organized in parking lots near public enterprises and in the courtyards of residential buildings. These special parking areas are indicated by a sign: “Parking for the disabled”

Who has the right to park in disabled spaces?

Not all vehicle owners know who, according to the law, can park their car under a special sign. In accordance with the traffic rules, preferential parking for disabled people applies only to the first and second groups. The third disability group does not receive such benefits.

Disabled parking designation

Signs indicating the parking of disabled vehicles from hospitals, clinics and other enterprises are installed no further than 50 meters. Areas for transport of disabled people and their representatives are marked with markings and a special sign in accordance with the traffic regulations.


The “Disabled Parking” sign consists of two parts. The first is a standard parking sign: a white letter “P” with a blue background around it. Its dimensions are 70cm x 70cm. An additional part is also recorded under the sign - a plate: wheelchair on which a person sits. Its dimensions are 35cm x 70cm.

She reiterates that parking spaces are reserved for people with disabilities only. Only motorized wheelchairs are allowed to park, subject to special identification stickers.


Road markings always follow the sign. Its dimensions are adjusted depending on the area; there are no exact formats. Design is allowed either in white or yellow-black. If the marking is applied, but there is no sign, then it can be ignored.

When installing identification marks, the following must be observed: following rules:

  1. The sign, markings and indicator must be located at the end of the parking lot.
  2. It should be placed facing the driver.

Parking spaces for disabled people: standards

Within megacities, markings must be applied twice. Then markings for three ordinary cars are applied to two places allocated for transport of disabled people. This is done when disabled people visit a store at a strictly designated time, and this is necessarily indicated on the sign.

If the markings are applied at an angle to the roadway, then a place for disabled people should be allocated from the edge that is located in the safest area.

The area of ​​parking spaces for disabled people is allocated as follows:

  • Parking lots located nearby public places, sometimes visited by disabled people, it is customary to allocate a tenth of the parking area for their vehicles.
  • Parking lots located near hospitals, clinics, hospitals, and other special institutions, the specificity of which is the musculoskeletal system, should be allocated twice as many spaces as in the previous case, namely 20% of the entire parking area.

If there is a ramp onto the sidewalk, then a ramp must be installed. It should be convenient for entering a parking lot or road:

  • the ramp is created by lowering the curb;
  • the width of the ramp should be at least 90 cm, preferably more;
  • the curb must be in the corner of the parking lot;
  • The curb needs to be painted yellow.

The parking space itself, where the vehicle of a person with disabilities should be located, is equipped in a special way:

  1. The width of the areas for a car must be at least 3.5 meters. This is 1 meter more than for conventional transport. This increase is due to the fact that the passenger or driver needs to fully open the door. And also to get into the car freely and not create inconvenience for anyone.
  2. In the event that two or more spaces are allocated for people with disabilities in a parking lot, they must be located side by side. This doubles the free area between vehicles.

Registration of permission

  1. Permission can be obtained in any city, regardless of where you are registered.
  2. Registration takes 10 working days. It is valid for one year.
  3. Permits are issued by Multifunctional Centers or city service portals.

A parking permit can be issued for vehicles owned by a disabled person or the guardian of a disabled child.

Responsibility for violation of parking rules

The most common traffic violation is parking in disabled spaces. It doesn’t matter whether you noticed the sign or the markings or not, you will have to answer for your actions. Such a violation is not only an immoral act, but also administratively punishable.

More recently, in 2012, the fine for this kind of violation was only 200 rubles. Since the amount is insignificant, drivers shamelessly occupied special parking spaces, causing great inconvenience to people in wheelchairs.

To discipline car owners, the fine amount was increased. But as can be seen from the statistics, this factor does not stop drivers from abandoning their cars where it is convenient for them.

Today, the administrative government of many cities is actively introducing new bills for consideration, for even more stringent measures to punish offenders. The main idea of ​​such bills is that drivers will be deprived of their driver's licenses or will be subject to legal proceedings if they park in a disabled spot.

None of the projects have been accepted yet, but they exist next system fines:

  • individual forced to pay 5,000 rubles;
  • the official is forced to pay 10,000 - 30,000 rubles;
  • entity, in turn, 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

In addition to a large fine, the car will be unconditionally taken to the impound area. The owner will be able to return the vehicle only after full repayment of the debt.

If the violation was noticed not by a traffic police officer, but by a video recorder, then notification of this may come with a delay. But be that as it may, all fines have their own time frame. And if the time for payment has expired, the amount will gradually increase.

Situations occasionally occur when a disabled person leaves a vehicle in the area covered by the sign, but later receives a notification by mail about the violation. This happens because automatic cameras do not distinguish from the image whether the car has a special sticker or not.

What to do in such a situation:

  1. You must contact the phone number (address) indicated on the alert.
  2. Provide documents confirming the passenger or driver's disability.

You will be fined if:

  • the car will not have a special identification mark. If you are disabled or are transporting one somewhere, you will be fined for parking in a disabled space without a sign;
  • If you are disabled or are transporting him on a motorcycle, then parking under the “parking for disabled people” sign is only possible for cars and motorized wheelchairs.

From all of the above, it is clear that people with disabilities in our country can park for free in designated areas. They are indicated by a sign and markings on the asphalt. It is important to remember that you can park in this area if your car has an identification mark and you have a permit confirming your disability.

In general, it is important to remember that the above-mentioned amenities are provided to those people who really need it, so you should not neglect their right and leave your car in the above-mentioned parking spaces.

It took many years to eliminate the loopholes in the laws that allowed anyone who had the impudence to stand in “disabled” places. There are no loopholes left, but difficulties have arisen for conscientious drivers. Let's look into the details, which ones.

The essence of the reform

In February 2016, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 23 of January 21, 2016 “On Amendments to the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation” was officially published and came into force. This document radically changed the parking procedure for disabled people and persons transporting disabled people. From now on, they must have on their vehicle not only a special sign, but also a document confirming their disability.

As it was before

Until recently in regulatory documents there were certain omissions that allowed unscrupulous drivers to enjoy benefits that were not intended for them. The traffic rules, in particular, stated that if there is a sign 8.17, the effect of sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” applies only to motorized wheelchairs and cars that have the “Disabled” identification sign installed. In other words, by installing such a sign, the driver could park in places intended for disabled people. Regardless of whether the driver is disabled or not!

Without the “Disabled Person” sign, the right to preferential parking did not arise, although such a sign was not mandatory for traffic. In the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles...” it was said that, at the driver’s request, the identification mark “Disabled” “in the form of a square” can be installed on the vehicle. yellow color with a side of 150 mm and a black image of the symbol of road sign 8.17 - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children.”

There is no mention in this text that the installation of a “Disabled Person” sign is only permitted for disabled drivers. This sign could be installed on any car in which “disabled people are transported” - systematically or occasionally. And there was not a word about a disability certificate.

At the same time, anyone who stopped in a parking lot intended for the disabled could be punished by a traffic police inspector, regardless of whether the driver had a certificate of disability or not. Although here is a paradox: according to the law, the inspector did not even have the right to demand this certificate from the driver.

The list of required documents that the driver must have with him (clause 2.1.1 of the traffic rules) did not include such a certificate. Until 2011, the fine for parking in a disabled person’s space was only 200 rubles. It is clear that such an amount could not stop the scammers, so the list of documents was expanded to include a certificate of disability, and the administrative penalty was increased significantly.

New parking rules for disabled people

So, now, according to clause 2.1 of the traffic rules, the driver of a motor vehicle is obliged to carry with him and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification a document confirming the fact of disability, in the case of driving a vehicle on which the “Disabled” identification sign is installed.

That is, you can take advantage of additional “benefits” when parking a car and driving under signs 3.2 “No movement” and 3.3 “Motor vehicles are prohibited” from February 2016 only if the “Disabled” identification sign is installed on the car.

If the car is used by several drivers, and not all of them are disabled, you need to purchase a quick-release identification badge, for example, on suction cups. And do not forget that in accordance with the traffic rules, benefits apply only to disabled people of groups I and II, as well as to any group when transporting disabled children.

Of course, a physically healthy but dishonest driver can still easily purchase a “Disabled” sign and install it on his car. But he will no longer be able to calmly stop in disabled parking lots. At least in theory. The traffic police inspector has the right to demand that the driver present a certificate of disability, not necessarily his own. If there is one, then the driver is not issued a fine.

What about in practice?

True, questions have arisen, the answers to which can only be given by law enforcement practice. If a disabled person is actually being transported by car, can the driver leave the car in the parking lot marked with sign 6.4 with sign 8.17. It looks like there are options here. After all, even if the driver rightfully occupies a parking space for the disabled, he now must always have a certificate with him or medical certificate, since a “Disabled Person” warning sign pasted on the glass is not proof of the right to park.

They brought, say, a disabled person to a clinic, where he may have to show the doctors his ID or certificate. If the driver remains in the car, then he does not have a document confirming the right to park. Therefore, it is better to leave the car and return to the wheel only with a disabled person. What if a disabled person does not need a certificate, for example, in a shopping center? Does he have the right to hand over the document to the driver? And won’t the inspector have any doubts that the car is actually carrying a disabled person, and not just his papers?

This is perhaps an almost insoluble problem. The driver brought the disabled person to the station, parked in the parking lot for the disabled and went to accompany him to help him board the train. Upon his return, the inspector asks him to present his documents, but the disabled person has already left by train. If a “Disabled Person” sign is installed on the car, the driver faces punishment, since he does not have documents confirming his disability. And if the sign is removed, the car can be towed. Therefore, you will have to take care of a second accompanying person or, after disembarking the disabled person, remove the sign and move the car to a general parking lot.

Many people ask whether in such a situation it is possible to have a notarized copy of disability documents with them. But the lawyers just shake their heads sadly. Unfortunately, according to the traffic rules, police officers need to submit for verification “a document confirming the fact of the establishment of disability,” and not a copy of it. After all, many copies, even notarized ones, can be made, but a disabled person can only be transported in one car.

Thus, we have to state:

The driver can hang up the “Disabled Person” sign and enjoy benefits only if the disabled person is nearby and agrees to give the driver a document confirming the disability.

People with disabilities, but without obvious signs of disability, must keep in mind that they will now be asked by traffic police inspectors to confirm their status. If you don’t have any documents with you, then after imposing an administrative penalty, it is pointless to prove your special rights in court. To have the right to park, you must have the certificate with you.

It is also unclear why sign 6.4, together with plate 8.17, applies only to motorized strollers and cars. If the driver is a disabled person of groups I and II or transports disabled people on a motorcycle or, say, an ATV, then he has no right to enjoy privileges.

What is the penalty for a fake certificate?

What to do with those who purchased fake certificates or certificates of disability? Such “fake” pieces of paper can still be bought in the underground passage or at the station. Most likely, the inspector will not “punch” your documents through the database. But if he has doubts and wants to check the authenticity of the submitted certificates, then the driver faces not only an administrative fine.

The fine itself, not for lack of documents, but for illegally installing a “Disabled” sign and for driving a vehicle with such a sign, amounts to 5,000 rubles for citizens. But a more serious punishment for the use of knowingly forged documents is provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - a large fine or even arrest for up to six months.

Frequent cases in private parking lots

Unfortunately, real disabled people also have problems. Thus, in non-state parking lots, spaces for disabled people are provided for by the law “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” The capital also has Moscow Law No. 3 of January 17, 2001 “On ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow” (as amended on November 21, 2007).

It says, in particular: “In parking lots and in places where vehicles are parked, regardless of the form of ownership of the parking lots, up to 10 percent of the spaces (but not less than one space) most convenient for entry and exit should be allocated for parking special vehicles disabled people. Parking areas are equipped with special signs. Disabled people, as well as persons transporting them, in cases where disabled people have contraindications for driving vehicles, use parking spaces for special vehicles free of charge.”

However, there are complaints that when entering a shopping center, the driver is asked to take parking card, and when leaving, it turns out that the electronic machine is not able to recognize documents on disability, and the security guards do not even know that disabled people have the right to free parking...

Features of metropolitan life

There are peculiarities when using parking spaces intended for parking vehicles of disabled people in paid parking zones, which are organized in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, for example, you additionally need to obtain a preferential parking permit for a disabled person (see Help). It is issued at the MFC (multifunctional centers) or on the portal website Government services Moscow. In this case, the data of the disabled person’s car is entered into the parking register.

Payment for parking in Moscow is controlled by mobile photo and video recording systems that run along city parking lots. They can check online whether the data about a car parked in a space for disabled people is entered into the Parking Register as a car for a disabled person. If not, a fine will be generated automatically.

Parking permits for disabled people give the right to free 24-hour parking in places marked with sign 8.17 “Disabled”, as well as with markings 1.24.3. In all other parking spaces, parking is provided on a general basis (for a fee).

Our information

Parking permits for a disabled person can be issued for a car:

  • owned by a disabled person/legal representative of a disabled child;
  • previously issued in accordance with medical indications free use of organs for free social protection;
  • belonging to other persons transporting disabled people, with the exception of vehicles used to provide paid services for the transportation of passengers if a disabled person has contraindications to driving.

For registration Parking permit need to submit:

  • statement;
  • passport (birth certificate for disabled children under 14 years of age);
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the applicant (SNILS).

If the place of residence of a disabled person is not on the territory of the city of Moscow and if he has not previously applied to the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, then he must present a document certifying the right of the disabled person to a benefit (certificate medical and social examination on the establishment of disability or an extract from the examination report of a citizen recognized as disabled).

amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=»»amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Have you ever parked in a wheelchair space? amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/aamp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;

Disabled persons are allocated parking spaces for their personal cars. Similar sites are created near residential buildings, businesses, and parking lots. Specialized parking areas are marked with the sign “Parking for the Disabled.”

Features of parking lots with parking spaces for the disabled

Parking organization

For parking lots where disabled people are accommodated, a special device is provided. The width of the site should be at least 3.5 m (usually 2.5 m). This is done so that the driver or passenger can open the door completely, unload the stroller, make U-turns when moving, and drive freely between other cars.

If two specialized spaces are allocated in one parking lot, then it is optimal to place them together, side by side: this will expand the free zone between cars almost twice, providing strollers with ease of maneuvering. In this case, the total width of the space allocated for two cars placed next to each other will decrease by 1 m, and the path between them will become 2 m wide.

In cramped conditions of megacities, it is recommended to apply double markings: in two dedicated parking areas, additional markings should be made for three ordinary cars, respectively. It is practical to do this near places visited by people with disabilities at certain times of the day (institutes, clinics). At other times, parking spaces may be occupied by other groups of the population as usual. Then, on stands that are easily visible and clearly visible upon entry, there must be instructions on the temporary regime.

If at an angle to the roadway, it is more practical to place platforms for this category at the edge, where a safe space is formed that allows a wheelchair to maneuver safely.

Nearby specialized buildings visited by this category of people, about 10% of the area is allocated for wheelchair transport, near hospitals specializing in musculoskeletal system, - 20%.

Sidewalk ramp equipment

If there is a pedestrian path near the parking lot, a ramp must be installed near the parking space - entry from the sidewalk to the road or parking lot. The ramp is made by lowering the curb, the width of which is made at least 90 cm.

The curb is placed in the corner of the parking lot: the entrance is then always free and not blocked by a parked car. If there are 2 parking spaces nearby, a common entrance is made from the sidewalk, placing it at the end of the path located between the cars. The border is painted bright yellow.

For safety, in order to exclude vehicular movement on the path allocated for strollers, in international practice It is customary to install fence posts with special markings.

Width of sidewalk at entry point wheelchairs, is carried out one and a half meters, providing the ability to turn the stroller on it 90 degrees.

Parking areas for personal cars of disabled people must be marked with markings and equipped with special signs so that other car owners do not occupy them.

The areas allocated for the population category in question are equipped with canopies in case of bad weather.

Signs indicating parking spaces, road markings

Parking lots for vehicles belonging to disabled people are located no further than 50 m from hospitals, clinics, and other buildings where they can come. The sites are marked with markings and sign 6.4. The designation “Parking for disabled people” includes cars driven by disabled people of groups I–II. It also applies to cars whose drivers are specifically engaged in transporting a disabled person.

Video about disabled parking:

Along with the sign, sign 8.17 is attached, notifying that parking under the sign “Disabled” 6.4 is only permitted for motorized wheelchairs and vehicles equipped with a special identification marking.

Road markings 1.24.1–1.24.3 are carried out in conjunction with the installation of a road sign, duplicating it. The markings are in yellow. If it is applied without a sign, then it is not necessary to take it into account. The markings may not be visible due to dirt or snow.

It is recommended to place the sign “Parking space for disabled people” at the end of the parking space, facing the entering driver. If the sign is placed at the beginning of the parking lot, it can be interpreted that the area as a whole is intended for special vehicles.

What categories of disabled people does the sign apply to?

Not all drivers know which group of disabled people are allowed to park under sign 6.4 according to the traffic rules. In parking lots marked with a special road sign, it is allowed to park vehicles of drivers who have received groups I–II. The effect does not apply to group III (working).

Identification sign "Disabled"

The sign is made in a square shape with yellow background, the sides are 150 mm each, in the center there is the 8.17 sign, made in black. Designations are placed on the car front and rear. The right to install is given to those who have received groups I and II, as well as to drivers transporting disabled people of these categories.

If you have installed an identification mark, you can in places with the sign 6.4. If there is no identifying sign on the car, you cannot place the car in this parking space - this will be a violation.

Responsibility of drivers in case of violation of parking rules

The rules for stopping and parking in areas allocated for vehicles belonging to or transporting disabled people are regulated by Article 12.19, Part 2 of the Administrative Code. It states: violations of the rules for stopping a car at specially designated areas are considered administrative, and a fine of 3,000–5,000 rubles is imposed as punishment.

What violations are meant?

  1. You are disabled, or transporting a patient with group I or II, but have not installed an identification sign. If you park your vehicle in a designated parking lot, it is considered a violation.
  2. You have groups I–II or are transporting disabled people. There is an identification sign. Your transport is a motorcycle. If you stop in a parking lot with sign 6.4, installed simultaneously with sign 8.17, it will be a violation: the sign allows parking/stopping only for cars and motorized wheelchairs.

Be sure to install the “Disabled” sign

So, the identification mark is of paramount importance. Be sure to install it before using specialized parking lots. However, be aware that if you parked your car without it in a space allocated for citizens with groups I–II, your vehicle will not be evacuated; cars cannot be evacuated from specialized parking lots.

Flaw in the rules

If the driver himself does not have a disability group, does not carry passengers with groups I-II, but has unauthorizedly attached an identification sign, used the parking area intended for this category of citizens, he is not subject to punishment, these cases are not considered by the rules, and liability is not defined. require the driver or passenger to provide any additional confirmation or certificates. Perhaps in the future these shortcomings will be eliminated, but for now the rules in this matter are imperfect.

Checking the legality of stopping at a place for disabled people

To avoid getting hit administrative responsibility, follow the rules, carefully follow the signs, install the necessary signs on your transport.