The train symbolizes. If you ride on a train in a dream, then your life will be fast and successful.

Train in a dream - Seeing a passenger train at the station in a dream- a sign that big changes await you in the future that will affect your future life.
In a dream you are driving a train, in charge of an entire train, in real life you are obsessed with the idea of ​​mastering someone. Moreover, this desire most often concerns a sexual partner, that is, the desire extends to intimate life.
Meeting family or friends who have arrived by train means receiving long-awaited news.
If in your dream you are on a train that runs on the ground and not on rails, some business will soon make you seriously worried. Don't be discouraged: over time it will become the source of your wealth.
If in your dream a train passes by- you risk missing an important opportunity.
If in a dream a train is traveling directly on the ground (without rails) - this is a sign that in real life you have to solve a very difficult task, perform responsible work, on which not only your well-being, but also the position of the people around you will depend.
If your dream about a train does not have a specific plot, then it can be interpreted as the need to make a certain choice. Sometimes after such a dream you may think about the inexorably passing time. You should dig deep into your subconscious - perhaps you regret what you may not have time to do.
If in a dream you are tormented by the question of which train carriage to choose, then very soon you will have to make a difficult choice, on which the further development of events will depend.
If in a dream you see not a passenger train, but a freight train, this is always a sign of success, prosperity, and changes for the better.
If in a dream you see yourself on the top bunk in a sleeping car, you will soon be traveling in the company of an unpleasant fellow traveler. Perhaps it makes sense to abandon it.
If in a dream you are catching up with a train or are afraid of being late for it, then in life you are haunted by the fear of losing something very expensive.
If you see yourself in a dream on a train that is moving very slowly, it means that in reality you will experience some excitement related to your expectations.
If in a dream you travel by train slowly, standing at stations for a long time, this dream is a harbinger of difficulties in dealing with documents.
If you find yourself in a carriage- in real life you will certainly achieve what you set out to achieve without even making much effort.
If a train is dragging along land on which there are no rails, then you will also have to worry, but these worries will be associated with a certain business, an enterprise that will ultimately bring prosperity.
Riding in a train compartment in a dream means starting a new business with friends and companions. Traveling in a common train carriage in a dream means that in reality you need to be wary of the envy of colleagues or neighbors.
When in a dream you find yourself without a ticket while traveling on a train, you are unsure of yourself in life. In the near future, try to take on a business that will bring success and add confidence.
Being late for the train in a dream means that in life you will quarrel with your loved ones due to mutual misunderstanding. As trivial as it may seem, but, as a rule, one dreams of a train to represent travel.
A train in a dream can be considered a symbol of some changes. this dream can be interpreted as a prediction of some kind of journey, road. Overall this is a pretty good sign.
A train in which you endlessly travel across a bridge portends a long illness.
A train that has gone off the rails foreshadows a streak of bad luck in life. A freight train with numerous carriages promises prosperity for business or trade.
A train rushing at breakneck speed in a dream means that in reality your plans will be realized in the very near future.
Traveling on a train with fellow travelers may reflect your hope of finding true love.
Seeing someone off on the train means that in reality a separation from a loved one is coming.
Jumping or falling from a train means that someone is deceiving you in a major matter; you do not know much about a person you completely trust.
Traveling by train represents nothing more than the actual course of your life. Moreover, all the sensations and emotions that you feel during the trip (both positive and negative) will accompany you in the near future.
Travel on the train yourself- a dream foreshadows a pleasant conversation, an unexpected meeting or the conclusion of a successful business deal.
The dream warns that a person is being used for personal gain when he catches up with a train in a dream.
A dream in which you board a train promises drastic changes in life, positive or negative - you will soon see for yourself.
A derailed train in a dream foreshadows losses in reality, missed opportunities, a quarrel with household members, and the collapse of a career.
A train standing still indicates that at this period of your life everything is stable and reliable, you have nothing to worry about.
A freight train in a dream promises material wealth, receiving a gift or bonus from superiors, and gratitude for excellent work.
A freight train in a dream symbolizes physical labor, but a passenger train indicates mental labor.
Seeing a moving train in a dream foreshadows new things to do, interesting events, impressions, and travel.
Seeing yourself on the top bunk of a passenger train is a waste of money. After such a dream, you should be very careful about your expenses, otherwise you may bitterly regret your unprofitable investment.

If in a dream you see a passenger train at the station, this means that great changes await you ahead, which will affect your entire future destiny.

Riding in a train compartment car means that you will soon undertake a new business, taking several good friends as companions.

If in a dream you are traveling in a common train carriage, it means that your reputation is in danger from envious neighbors or colleagues.

If your train is moving slowly and stands for a long time at each station, this means that you will have troubles due to incorrectly completed documents.

A dream in which your train travels across an endless bridge over endless water means a long course of illness.

A train rushing at breakneck speed, with a rapidly changing landscape flashing past the windows, means that your plans will be realized very soon.

If the train you are traveling on derails, a streak of bad luck awaits you, which will drag on for a long time.

A freight train with many carriages portends changes for the better in business and trade.

Riding on it, huddled in some kind of heated vehicle with tramps and homeless people, means that in reality you will have a trip with fellow travelers who will bring you misfortune.

Meeting relatives or friends who arrived by train means receiving long-awaited news; seeing someone off on the train means an unexpected separation from loved ones.

If in a dream you were late for your train, in real life this foreshadows humiliating reproaches and quarrels based on mutual misunderstanding with the people closest to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing a Train in a dream

A train in a dream foreshadows a journey. Seeing yourself on a train that is barely dragging forward, since there are no rails under it, means that serious worries await you because of a business that will eventually become the source of your well-being and wealth.

If you see a freight train in a dream, it means that changes for the better await you.

Seeing yourself on the top bunk of a sleeping car means that you will soon have a trip with an unpleasant travel companion, and you will waste money that could be used more profitably.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a Train in a dream

Passenger - big changes; commodity - profit from trade; fast - your aspirations will quickly come true; derailed - bad luck in life

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about a Train

Seeing yourself on a train is a period of life filled with what surrounds you in a dream; for example, a lot of luggage - there will be a long period of worries and worries about loved ones;

The longer the train, the more carriages, the longer the period of life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does Train mean in a dream?

Train - Seeing a train means melancholy.

A leaving or coming train is a harbinger of a period of melancholy and sadness.

Getting on the train means changes await you.

Seeing yourself on a train is a period of life filled with what surrounds you in a dream.

For example, a lot of luggage - there will be a long period of worries and worries about loved ones; The longer the train, the more carriages, the longer the period of life.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Train

The train is news. If you dream of a train, then the road disappears.

A train is a good property.

To be late for the train - beware of troubles; to travel on the train - promotion, satisfaction.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does a Train mean in a dream?

A dream about him symbolizes movement forward, towards achieving a goal, as well as the movement of time.

If you dream that he is moving towards you, then you will meet a pleasant and necessary person.

Meeting a train in a dream foreshadows the imminent conclusion of a profitable deal or the receipt of a lucrative offer. Such a dream also foretells making a profit.

Riding a train in a dream is a sign of change.

Stopping a train in a dream means that not everything will go smoothly for you. The more stops there are, the more difficult your case will be. The dream in which you become familiar with the train schedule has the same meaning.

If you dream that the train is not on the rails, then you will experience failure in your trip and in business.

A train wreck in a dream is a complete collapse of your plans and hopes. Sometimes such a dream warns you of the dangers of getting involved in a risky business.

Running to a train in a dream means that you want to do something important or not miss your chance.

If in a dream you managed to board a train, then you will be able to carry out your plans.

See interpretation: railway, traffic, tunnel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Train

A train in a dream foreshadows a journey.

Seeing yourself on a train with no rails under it means that serious worries await you because of a business that will eventually become the source of your well-being.

Riding in a dream on the top bunk of a sleeping car means a real trip and an unpleasant travel companion.

Plus, you'll be wasting money that you could be using more profitably.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does a Train predict in a dream?

"Your train has left" chance missed.

"Get off track."

"Lose track" - loss of life orientation.

"Take someone else's track" to play someone else's role, take someone else's place. “punching through a rut” will, life’s difficulties.

"Wagon and little cart" is a lot, in abundance.

"Long as a freight train."

“Hanging (hitching) a steam locomotive (or train of cars)” is an additional load, work, problem.

“Our locomotive flies forward” is a symbol of fleeting time and change.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What does it mean to see a Train in a dream?

Seeing an opportunity, an invitation, a new beginning with a specific and ultimate goal; reflection, symbol of time.

Go to a qualitatively new period of life.

It’s sad to see from afar, change is still far away.

The railway is a life path beyond personal choice.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Train

The trains leave or pass by in such a plot, the spiritual seeker is informed of the uselessness, futility, and fallacy of his esoteric search.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Spiritual Seekers

What does the dream predict? Train

Seeing a train passing by you means you may miss your luck. Traveling by train means a long journey and favorable changes in fate await you.

Imagine that you are in the driver's cab. There is a wide open space in front of you. You experience the joy of freedom and speed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of the dream Train

A train in a dream foreshadows a journey.

If you see yourself on a train that is slowly moving not on the rails, but on the ground, then you will be seriously worried about the matter. However, it is this business that will eventually become the source of your well-being.

A freight train portends changes for the better.

If you see yourself on the top bunk of a sleeping car, know that you will soon be traveling with an unpleasant travel companion. Consider whether this trip is worth spending money on.

Here is what D. Loff wrote: “Trains are vehicles moving over rough terrain at a relatively low speed. Passengers, as a rule, are in close company with fellow travelers, and therefore the trip is often perceived as romantic. Dreams of this nature reflect the dreamer’s hope for a love affair. The dream may unfold as an affair with a fellow traveler.

In a dream, a railway station, like a metro station, is a place where many lines intersect, and therefore a place of life choice.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Seeing a Train in a dream

Traveling on a train in a dream: symbolizes the course of your life.

The more cozy and comfortable you feel in such a dream, the stronger and more successful your position in real life.

Finding yourself on a train without a ticket: a sign of lack of confidence in yourself and your position. Such a dream suggests that you seem to be minding your own business and can hardly count on success.

A train standing at the station: a warning about a temporary stop in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Dream prediction Train

A moving train means passing time or an important journey, an invitation to somewhere.

Getting on the train means starting new things.

Freight train - change for the better.

Passing by - to unfulfilled hopes.

Getting out or jumping out of the train means some danger on the way to realizing your plans.

To be late for the train is to doubt something.

Interpretation of dreams from

To understand why you dream about a train, you need to remember many details, and then begin to decipher it.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a train in a dream

Interpretation according to Gustav Miller's dream book interprets a dreamed passenger train as an opportunity to make a real trip in the near future. Miraculously having time to board your carriage is a great sign. There is a high chance of hitting the jackpot in the lottery.

Waiting for a train for a long time in a dream is seen as a warning against making large transactions. Riding on the top bunk means actually finding yourself in a transport next to extremely unpleasant and ill-mannered fellow travelers.

According to the famous dream book Wangi seeing a train means melancholy and depressed mood of the sleeper. If the train moves, the sad period will continue for some time. The expectation of changes in one's own life is a dream in which the dreamer gets into a carriage.

Esoteric dream book I agree with the opinion of the Bulgarian soothsayer. Trains signify a nostalgic longing for bygone times.

Modern dream book says it’s time to relax if you happen to buy a train ticket. If it was an electric train, something urgently needs to be done in reality. Forking out money for a coupe means a thirst for a change of familiar surroundings. Buying a ticket for a reserved seat carriage in a dream is a symbol of extreme fatigue on the verge of exhaustion of all strength.

Purchasing a token for an electric subway train indicates that real life is not full of bright events. This is a sign of boredom, which, however, does not irritate the sleeper. Standing in line is a warning. You will have to save money, because an improvement in well-being is not expected at the moment.

Getting ready for a train in a dream means deciding to make a change. Seeing someone else going on a trip by rail predicts minor misunderstandings.

Driving a train signals a deterioration in your financial situation. Problems will arise due to a spontaneous and very expensive purchase.

Dream interpretation Sigmund Freud considers a dreamed train as a symbol of complete submission to external circumstances. Everything goes on as usual, along well-trodden rails, like carriages in the seen plot. Being late, according to the founder of psychoanalysis, means missed opportunities. Riding in a carriage means changing your sexual partner.

According to Medea's dream book If the dreamer gets on the train, after a series of unexpected events he will have to return to his usual way of life. To signify responsible activity and change, you dream of leaving the carriage at the desired station.

Dream book of esotericist Evgeniy Tsvetkov interprets train travel as an invitation to an important event. The length of the composition represents the length of time of significant change. The more cars there are, the longer this period will be.

Diviner Michelle Nostradamus interprets a lonely journey on a completely empty train as the secretive nature of the dreamer. He is hiding a secret. If the carriage is sparkling clean and filled with cheerful passengers, a good period is ahead. Dirty benches and floors encourage you not to rush into implementing ideas. Everything can go wrong.

Dream book of the 21st century predicts that getting hit by a train in a dream means in reality being subjected to the intrigues of ill-wishers. Also, such a frightening plot calls for caution in transport and on the street. Someone will try to take over the dreamer’s finances dishonestly.

Women's dream book interprets a train that travels without rails as a symbol of severe unrest. A regular train and a locomotive mean traveling in reality.

Why do you dream about traveling on a train?

Waiting for a passenger train at a station for a long time in a dream is a signal that tempting offers may soon arrive. However, it is worth considering them carefully: behind the external benefit there may be a deliberately losing project or scam.

Getting inside the railway transport and traveling by train has a special meaning. It is a very good sign when a pregnant lady sees such a plot. The birth will take place quickly and safely. The newborn will be pleased with his health, and his father will prepare a pleasant surprise.

In a dream leave by train from your hometown forever - a warning sign. It is not advisable to talk about the details of your personal life. For married ladies, such a plot suggests the need to be vigilant in dealing with their best friend, because she may be preparing betrayal.

A dream in which I happened to see a friendly team of like-minded people suggests ride in a carriage trains in a compartment. It is also participation in a profitable project that promises significant profits and increased prestige.

The dreamer is ready to let changes into life if he had to travel on the roof trains. Extraordinary thinking will help you achieve success in business.

As a reflection of concern about the correctness of one’s own actions, dreams of traveling by train home, but cannot find housing. Traveling to visit a friend is a signal of a desire to restore a little lost warmth in a relationship.

Go by train to rest- a symbol that communicates prospects. In reality, you may be invited to a meeting that is significant for your career.

Why do you dream of being late for the train?

One of the most common dream subjects is transportation troubles. Partially late on your own a train in a dream is a reflection of situations that happened in reality. This personifies discomfort and anxiety about this possibility.

Also for a few minutes don't have time on a train in a dream means the appearance of enemies in the immediate environment. In addition, such a plot means a trip to distant lands in the near future.

Get behind from the train and trying to catch up is an alarming symbol of dissatisfaction with life. A change of job is required.

Run after the train along the sleepers means the machinations of colleagues. Traps are built against the dreamer, and if there is an intention to remain in this position, you will have to try.

Successfully catching up a train in a dream means that in reality you will be able to defeat your ill-wishers. Through effort one can achieve a high position at work and in society.

Depending on which one you dream about railway carriage trains, interpretation varies. A compartment means an unexpected visit from guests, and it is also likely that the sleeper himself will be cut off from his usual surroundings. A common carriage portends envious people surrounded. In reality, we are surrounded by vanity and wasted work. A reserved seat is a symbol of extreme moral exhaustion. There is an urgent need to provide yourself with a break from your daily routine.

Signals that it is time to exercise caution railway station and a train in a dream. You will need to be especially vigilant in everything related to real estate. Fraudulent actions of criminals can leave people homeless and literally thrown out onto the street.

If there are a lot of trains, and the dreamer clearly feels the noise and bustle of the station, there will be a meeting with old acquaintances. Renewing communication will be a real pleasure.

Routineness and boredom symbolize metro and electric trains in a dream. Such a plot encourages the sleeper to think about how much he likes his lifestyle, and whether the time has come for changes.

Jump on rails trains from a slow-moving train - a warning that you will not have the opportunity to indulge in laziness and relaxation on weekends. Household chores will take up almost all your free time.

Interpretation of a dream based on the type of train

The dreamer reports changes for the better commodity train. This symbol is especially favorable for people in any way connected with trade. When you dreamed of an emergency in which a freight train hit a person, the interpretation of the plot is favorable. You can expect good news from your work interests.

A fast train is a great sign. There is very little left until the dream comes true. However, it is worth considering the time of day in a dream when this symbol appeared. The morning hours promise excellent health, the afternoon hours call for attention to loved ones. Minor sorrows associated with the possibility of theft in transport, not necessarily railway, foreshadow evening and night in such a dream.

How too much responsibility in reality, “fell” on the sleeping person, is reflected in a dream cargo train. Need some rest.

Calls for analysis of words and actions outgoing train in a dream. It is likely that the reason for misunderstanding with people lies in the manner of communication and the unpleasant actions of the dreamer himself.

For entrepreneurs burning a train and a blown-up station platform means missed deadlines and breach of obligations. Business partners will not show their best side.

Everyday troubles await in reality if you dream of a train, off the track. They will be small, but it will take quite a lot of time to solve the problems that arise.

Notifies about a change of residence or a change of work office crash trains that occurred in a dream in summer or spring. For family dreamers, an autumn catastrophe symbolizes a cooling of feelings. If you dreamed of a major train accident in the winter months, the interpretation is most favorable. Material well-being in the coming period will please you.

Warns of the emergence of a passionate infatuation accident with a collision between two trains. Feelings in reality will overwhelm your head. In order to decipher the dreamed railway transport and scenes involving it as correctly as possible, you need to remember all the details. It is advisable to perceive even the most negative interpretation as a hint to prevent troubles, and not a sentence. Have good and peaceful dreams!

If in a dream you see a passenger train at the station, this means that great changes await you ahead, which will affect your entire future destiny.

Riding in a train compartment car means that you will soon undertake a new business, taking several good friends as companions.

If in a dream you are traveling in a common train carriage, it means that your reputation is in danger from envious neighbors or colleagues.

If your train is moving slowly and stands for a long time at each station, this means that you will have troubles due to incorrectly completed documents.

A dream in which your train travels across an endless bridge over endless water means a long course of illness.

A train rushing at breakneck speed, with a rapidly changing landscape flashing past the windows, means that your plans will be realized very soon.

If the train you are traveling on derails, a streak of bad luck awaits you, which will drag on for a long time.

A freight train with many carriages portends changes for the better in business and trade.

Riding on it, huddled in some kind of heated vehicle with tramps and homeless people, means that in reality you will have a trip with fellow travelers who will bring you misfortune.

Meeting relatives or friends who arrived by train means receiving long-awaited news; seeing someone off on the train means an unexpected separation from loved ones.

If in a dream you were late for your train, in real life this foreshadows humiliating reproaches and quarrels based on mutual misunderstanding with the people closest to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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In dreams you can often see various journeys. Why do you dream of traveling on a train? The dream book warns: expect changes. You are on the right path, and all your goals will definitely be fulfilled. You need to be patient a little, and luck will come to you. In a dream, traveling on a train can foretell many new meetings with pleasant and helpful people. It all depends on the details of the plot seen.

Why dream of traveling on a train in a dream: dream books say that such a dream promises quick changes for the better in your life.

To correctly interpret your dream, you need to remember all the details, namely:

  • Where were you going?
  • How long was your trip?
  • Did you travel in a compartment or in a reserved seat?
  • Who were you with in the dream?

Then you can accurately predict when and what changes will happen in your life.

If in a dream you were driving in a compartment

  • Riding a train in a compartment in a dream means that you will soon change your life, change your occupation, or another pleasant event will happen. For example, you will fall in love! Such a dream can also be interpreted as an imminent inheritance, a successful family life or love adventures.
  • The dream book promises you to soon meet people who will change your life for the better. You will overcome the obstacles you face with ease. The main thing is to be patient. And the result will not take long to arrive.
  • Are you replacing the top shelf with the bottom one? You will have to go through some small difficulties in life. Don't expect outside help. All problems will have to be solved alone.

Did you happen to travel in a reserved seat?

You are afraid of being judged. It is very important for you to know what other people think about you. On the other hand, they characterize a person as brave, capable of going above and beyond for the sake of a career ladder. You love to make new, out-of-the-box decisions. In any case, pleasant changes await you.

If the reserved seat was in the last carriage, then you will have a pleasant time with people close to you. Top shelf reserved seat - good luck awaits you in all your endeavors. Don't be afraid to take on new things. Everything will end well!

Where did you go: on vacation, on a business trip, to visit?

  • As the dream book says, traveling by train on a business trip is a very negative sign. You will face conflicts in the workplace, long working hours, or work on weekends. However, you can solve everything peacefully.
  • Are you lucky enough to go on vacation? Most likely, you will have a vacation in real life! Are you ready for change? You are tired of everyday work, a change of environment will not hurt you. Perhaps you should also expect to make a profit.
  • Did you go on a visit? The interpretation of the dream can be different: large financial expenses, temporary separation from a loved one. Or you just miss your family and friends. You miss communication with your family.
  • Read also: .

Did you travel alone or with someone?

  • Why dream of traveling on a train alone - you will receive an interesting invitation that you cannot refuse. Perhaps it will be a new job, or you will be invited to a wedding.
  • Seeing friends next to you means you need more communication, this is a great reason to see them. Driving in silence - know that there is rivalry in your company, talk to your friends, find out all the complaints.
  • As the dream book says, traveling on a train with a man means moving your relationship to a higher level. However, disputes and conflicts cannot be avoided. It's time to think about strengthening family ties. In any case, dreams make you understand that something needs to be changed in your personal life!
  • Seeing your family next to you means that in reality you lack attention and support. You need to be listened to and given advice. Fatigue at work affects your emotional background. The dream book warns you that it’s time to take a vacation!
  • Read also: .

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man, child

For a woman, riding a train in a dream can mean a new passionate romance.

  • For a woman to travel on a train in a dream means that you will soon spend a considerable amount of money. Perhaps you will get rid of the illness that is bedeviling you and get better. Traveling with a travel companion - expect a flash of passion in your relationship.
  • If a girl dreamed of a train, traveling in it with a friend is a sign of impending love or a new acquaintance. You are on the right path in life. Such a dream does not foretell trouble. Your trip suggests that you are following a normal, calm path.
  • A child’s dream about traveling on a train can be interpreted very negatively: troubles may happen to him, perhaps he lacks maternal attention;
  • For a man, such dreams predict pleasant communication with the opposite sex, light flirting or a serious relationship. For married people - good news at work, perhaps a promotion or bonus. You are traveling with a lot of luggage - it’s time to think about your loved ones, they need your care and help.

How exactly was the trip?

  • As the dream book says, riding a train in a dream and experiencing discomfort means that you are not ready for the upcoming changes. You need to change your outlook on life, otherwise you may miss out on your happiness.
  • A dream about going on a train in an unknown direction means that you are tired of constantly monitoring what is happening and have left everything to chance. If you don't change anything, you will never achieve anything. Set specific goals and objectives and achieve them.
  • Is the train moving slowly? Difficulties and minor troubles await you in your life. But don't despair! You can overcome everything. Be patient.
  • Read also: .

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Sometimes dream books can interpret the same dreams in different ways. Riding a train in a dream - what does it mean? There is no clear answer. It all depends on the circumstances and nuances. Basically, dreams with such a plot promise changes in life, but whether positive or not, you should pay close attention to the details. In fact, whether the changes will be favorable or not depends only on you.

Miller's Dream Book - You Can Be Deceived

  • Dreams where you are traveling on a fast train are interpreted as deception from loved ones, a negative attitude from colleagues or friends, a serious purchase of something useless;
  • A stopped train threatens you with collapse in your personal life, quarrels and discord in the family are possible;
  • Sometimes such dreams foreshadow a quick journey, regardless of whether the train is moving or standing at the station;
  • The train moves slowly - this indicates labor-intensive work, which as a result will bring you decent income and satisfaction.;
  • For a girl surrounded by the opposite sex in a carriage, the dream will bring a new serious relationship;
  • The train is moving fast - be careful in the decisions you make, there is a risk of failure.

Traveling on a train with a man promises you a serious relationship.

Vanga's dream book - changes for the better

If you are having difficulties in life, then most likely it was not by chance that you had such a dream. Get on the train - wait for changes. Improved financial condition, good luck in love affairs. You enjoy the trip - expect positive changes in real life. But discomfort in the carriage and conflicts with fellow travelers will bring the collapse of all planned goals for the near future.

Freud's Dream Book - your partner is not right for you

Freud associates sleep with sexual desire. It's time for you to change your partner. Perhaps the current relationship does not suit you, but you do not dare to say openly. To find true love, you will have to change several partners. Such dreams show your secret fears. You lack affection and tenderness.

If - this is an unfavorable sign. Think back to recent events in your life. Perhaps you missed something important that would change your destiny for the better. But don't take everything to heart, it's just a dream. Your destiny depends only on you, and decisions are made only by you.

Modern dream book - plan your time

  • Looking out the window of the driving train means experiencing dissatisfaction with current affairs. It's worth thinking about how well you're spending your time. Perhaps you are not happy with your lifestyle because you are not getting anything done.
  • Another interpretation of the dream is that soon you will have to face a difficult choice as to which path to take next. It all depends on your decision. The movement of the train is a symbol of the approach of the intended goals.
  • Do you dream that you are driving in a compartment? Don't refuse things offered at work. Perhaps this project will be the most successful in your career.
  • A trip in a common carriage warns you of possible gossipers and envious people in your environment. Be careful!


Almost all of us had to travel by train. Dreams in which you are traveling in a carriage do not pose any threat. You had a very ambiguous, but interesting dream. This is a sign of imminent change. Remember everything down to the smallest detail before turning to the dream book. But don’t get hung up on what you see, it’s not at all necessary that this will happen in real life.

Video “Why do you dream about driving”