Hardening the body and water procedures. Rules for hardening the body with cold water. Why hardening with cold water is useful: basic principles

Hardening the body with water has long been well known to everyone. The biological effect of the water procedure is observed quite quickly, and its severity is more obvious. This is due to the fact that water, compared to air, has a greater heat capacity and thermal conductivity and therefore causes a stronger

cooling the body than air baths of the same temperature. So, for example, at an air temperature of 24, a naked person feels quite comfortable. Meanwhile, being in water at the same temperature causes a feeling of coolness. Thus, water procedures are a stronger means of hardening than all others.

The high effectiveness of water procedures is associated with the occurrence of an active general reaction of the body to the action of cool or cold water with a fairly short exposure time. The skin contains a diverse population of receptors: heat and cold, tactile, and free nerve endings. In addition, all areas of the body have their representation in the cerebral cortex. The action of cool or cold water, that is, the temperature factor, has a mechanical (tactile) effect on the skin, thereby causing a change in the most important physiological functions of the body. Microcirculation improves, the intensity of blood circulation and tissue respiration, the tone of the neuromuscular system increase, and thermoregulation organisms improve.

The leading stimulus in achieving a positive effect is the intensity of the irritation (temperature), and not the duration of the influence of the factor (water). So, the colder the water, the shorter the duration of the water procedure. For hardening, cool water is used at a temperature of 24-16
and cold – below 16

The most favorable time for taking water procedures is in the morning, after morning exercises, when the skin is evenly warmed and a more distinct vascular reaction is observed. At this time, the body transitions into an active state much faster, from sleep to wakefulness. Meanwhile, water procedures before bed, regardless of the temperature of the water (cool or warm), cause excitement of the nervous system and insomnia in some people.

If water procedures take place in the air, this is an additional factor that must be taken into account when achieving the hardening effect. In the initial period, water procedures are carried out at an air temperature of 17-20
, subsequently the air temperature may be slightly lower. After any water procedure, you must definitely dry yourself off, rubbing your body until red hot with a terry towel. When the body cools significantly, it is advisable to perform active physical exercises.

Regular water procedures are an effective means of preventing colds and somatic diseases, a reliable means of maintaining and strengthening health, and increasing performance.

Tempering water procedures are divided into wiping, dousing, showering and bathing.

Rubdown represents the simplest form of hardening. This is the weakest water procedure with relatively low efficiency. This is done using a terry towel or sponge soaked in water. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence: first of all, wipe the upper half of the body - neck, chest, arms, back, wipe dry and rub with a dry towel until redness appears; in the second - the lower half of the body - the stomach, lower back, lower limbs. When wiping, hands should move along the course of venous blood and lymphatic vessels, that is, in the direction from the periphery to the center (towards the heart). The total duration of the procedure does not exceed 5 minutes.

Pouring – The next most intense water hardening procedure. In addition to the temperature factor, this procedure adds some minor mechanical effects on the skin. The technique is extremely simple - water, usually at room temperature (from a basin left overnight in the bathroom), is poured from above onto the neck and shoulders from a distance of 5-8 cm. The action of cool water first causes a spasm of the skin blood vessels, and then after a few seconds the blood vessels relax. At the same time, blood flow increases, the tone of the neuromuscular system increases, and metabolic processes intensify. Hardening begins at a water temperature of 30
followed by a decrease to 15
and below. The duration of dousing should not exceed 2-3 minutes.

Shower has the strongest effect on human skin. This is due to the fact that in addition to the temperature factor, a rather intense mechanical effect on the skin of a falling stream of water is added. A shower, unlike previous water procedures, causes a more pronounced general and local reaction from the vital functions of the body. The initial water temperature should not be higher than 30
, and the duration of exposure is no more than 1 minute. The water temperature is gradually reduced and the time is increased to 2 minutes, including rubbing the body. Constant shower procedures increase the tone of blood vessels and the neuromuscular system, enhance performance, improve thermoregulation mechanisms, as well as the functions of the endocrine and nervous systems. And of course, this is accompanied by an increase in the body’s overall resistance to colds and other diseases.

Bathing – one of the widespread and well-known methods of healing and hardening since ancient times. At this moment, the human body is exposed to the complex influence of qualitatively diverse environmental factors. Seasoned people swim both in summer and winter. The beneficial effect of swimming in open water in the warm season is associated not only with the temperature factor, but also with exposure to air baths and solar radiation on the skin. In addition, different muscle groups take part in swimming, putting a strain on all functional systems of the body: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, muscular, nervous, immune (protective).

The swimming season in the summer opens when the water and air temperatures are not lower than 18-20
, and finish at a water temperature of 13-14
and air 15-16
. The most favorable hours for swimming are morning and evening. It is unacceptable to swim immediately after eating; at least 1.5-2 hours must pass. Since bathing requires a lot of energy, bathing time should not be very long.

The time of swimming or staying in water must be set depending on how you feel, the temperature of the water and air, and the degree of hardening. The initial duration should not exceed 1-2 minutes. Gradually it can be increased to 20 minutes or more. It is unacceptable to enter the water if you feel unwell, in an excited or hot state, or immediately after intense physical exercise.

Sea bathing has the most beneficial effect on the human body. To the complex of factors associated with swimming in the cool summer season in the middle zone, there is added chemical irritation of the skin, caused by the increased content of various salts in sea water, mainly sodium chloride. It is their presence that causes slight hyperemia (redness) of the skin. Sea bathing usually occurs at fairly high air and water temperatures.

A completely different, directly opposite situation is observed when swimming in open reservoirs in the winter season. It occurs at a water temperature of +4
, and air in a very wide temperature range - from 0 to -20
. It must be said right away that the majority of people do not need winter swimming, and in some cases it is contraindicated. Swimming in winter requires a very long period of not only physical or functional preparation, but also, last but not least, psychological mood.

The effect of low temperature on the human body is accompanied by increased heart rate and respiration, therefore, increased gas exchange, increased blood pressure, additional energy consumption, decreased body temperature in the superficial layers of the skin, increased renal blood flow and increased urination (diuresis).

Swimming in winter, in addition to the above changes, is a strong irritant for the nervous system in general and for the central nervous system in particular. The determining factor is the length of stay in cold water. With a short stay, a pronounced tonic effect is observed, quite long in time, general performance increases noticeably, the functions of coordination and regulation on the part of the nervous, endocrine systems and thermoregulatory apparatus are enhanced, the overall resistance of the body to all unfavorable factors of the external and internal environment increases, and increased emotional tone is observed. . At the same time, prolonged exposure to cold water, on the contrary, causes extreme inhibition of the nervous system and, as a consequence, leads to the development of somatic diseases.

The frequency of winter bathing should be no more than 2 times a week, and its duration, especially in the initial period, should not exceed 30 seconds. As the body gets used to cold water, the duration of bathing can be gradually increased to 2 minutes, no more. After leaving the water, you need to wipe yourself dry with a terry towel and quickly get dressed. You should not stay naked in the air for a long time. Winter swimming is not permitted for teenagers under 18 years of age.

Hardening of children and adolescents, whose bodies are not yet fully developed, should be carried out with great caution, gradually increasing the intensity of cold procedures and the duration of their exposure. The initial hardening period - rubbing - it is advisable to start with a water temperature of 30-32
, gradually reducing it (every three days) by 1-2
. You should stop at level 15-16
. The duration of the water procedure should not exceed 4 minutes. When dousing, you must adhere to the previous scheme with the only difference being that the lower limit of water temperature should not be less than 20
, and the duration of the procedure is more than 2 minutes. Shower procedures can be recommended for adolescents from 12 years old at a water temperature of at least 20
with a duration of no more than one minute.

A special type of hardening - adaptation to high temperatures. Systematically organized exposure to high temperature improves the functions of thermoregulation during various types of activity: both at rest and at work. In an organism adapted to high temperature conditions, the sweating system functions more efficiently, which leads to a lesser increase in body temperature. It is known that minerals and water-soluble vitamins are released through sweat. However, hardening helps to reduce the concentration of chlorides in sweat at high temperatures, therefore, at this moment there is no significant disruption of mineral metabolism. This can be explained, apparently, by the improvement of the function of the pancreas, in particular the adrenal cortex, which regulates water-salt metabolism in the body; less noticeable changes are observed in the activity of the cardiovascular system. For example, the heart rate does not increase as significantly as if the body were not adapted to high temperatures. Changes in the activity of the respiratory system are also less noticeable. Trained people tolerate general overheating of the body when body temperature rises to 40
and above, without serious health problems.


1. Introduction

2. Physiology of hardening

3. Basic rules for water hardening

4. Hardening by walking

5. Rubdowns

6. Pouring

7. Contrast shower

8. Hardening the throat and nose area

9. Conclusion

10. Literature


Strengthening your health is the most important goal. One of the effective means to achieve this goal is hardening. Cold hardening is becoming an increasingly common way to combat colds, infectious diseases (flu) and other diseases, as well as a way to prevent diseases and improve health.

All stages of hardening bring great health benefits. Cold rubdowns, a cool shower or bath, swimming in cool water, and walking barefoot reduce the number of colds and increase the body's resistance.

Cold hardening to a certain extent develops volitional qualities, including self-discipline: it has a positive effect on a person’s ability to navigate in extreme conditions.

Physiology of hardening

Increasing the body’s resistance to the action of meteorological factors: cold, heat, low atmospheric pressure is usually referred to as “hardening the body.” From a theoretical point of view, the question of human hardening is very complex; it is associated with the biological problem of the body’s adaptation to the environment. What is the mechanism of human response to the influence of natural forces of nature: temperature changes, solar radiation, etc.?

First of all, it should be noted that these factors affect our body through the central nervous system, causing a response from all systems and organs. In this case, the body’s defenses are mobilized, the basic life support functions are appropriately coordinated (breathing, blood circulation, basal metabolism), thermoregulation processes are restructured, the immune properties of the blood are increased, etc. All this together provides a person with the ability to maintain physical and mental performance even in the event of sudden and unfavorable conditions. changing external conditions.

Hardening means training the adaptive capabilities of the body and is based on the fact that with systematic and repeated exposure of skin receptors to environmental factors (air, water, solar radiation), various changes occur in the body. First of all, thermoregulation processes are improved, which increases the body’s ability to adapt to environmental conditions without harm to health. In the restructuring of thermoregulation mechanisms, the main role belongs to the central nervous system, since under the influence of long-acting thermal stimuli it is strengthened and the mobility of nervous processes increases. As hardening progresses, the interaction between the body's physiological systems of respiration and circulation, metabolism and heat regulation also improves.

Special scientific research into the influence of various types and methods of hardening on the physiological functions of the body has made it possible to formulate certain principles for organizing hardening. The very first of them is a conscious attitude towards hardening procedures. This means that you should, first of all, be interested in hardening, create the necessary psychological mood, convince yourself that it is necessary to harden, just like washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. This attitude will ensure the greatest success of hardening.

One of the important requirements is gradual hardening. All efforts can bring positive results if the intensity of the hardening factor increases gradually. The speed of transition from less strong influences to stronger ones is determined by the state of the body, its reaction to this influence. Each procedure is accompanied by an immediate response from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. As the same procedures are repeated, for example, pouring water at the same temperature, this reaction weakens and finally fades away completely. If the strength of the stimulus is increased (poured with colder water), the same reaction will appear again. To avoid hypothermia. You cannot very sharply reduce the temperature of the influencing factor, but at the same time, it should be of a training nature. Another requirement is systematic hardening. A long break leads to a gradual extinction of the developed conditioned reflexes. It is very important to develop the habit of systematic hardening, which develops into an urgent need for life.

Currently, the positive effect of water hardening is recognized and approved by official medicine. Doctors recommend starting health procedures literally immediately after the birth of a child, so that by 2–3 years he will already have developed immunity. Not only cold water, but also warm water has a general strengthening effect. In addition, all kinds of baths, rubdowns, and hydromassage have a beneficial effect on the body. In some cases, experts recommend local treatment: dousing the arms, legs, and various compresses. Such methods are used when general hardening cannot be applied for some reason.

Water is used not only for hardening procedures. Hydrotherapy is prescribed as an additional remedy in the treatment of a variety of somatic and mental ailments: severe metabolic disorders, inflammatory and age-related joint diseases, abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular, hematopoietic, digestive and other systems, chronic fatigue syndrome, renal failure, breathing problems.

Before starting hardening and other water procedures, you should consult a doctor - despite the fact that the healing effects of water are beyond doubt, some methods have a number of serious contraindications

(the presence of certain chronic and acute diseases, some individual characteristics of the body, etc.).

Basic rules for water hardening.

All procedures performed should not cause severe discomfort. Hardening should be carried out gradually - only in this case the healing technique will bring real benefits to the body. But in this case, you cannot immediately proceed to extreme methods of influencing the body - swimming in an ice hole, walking without shoes in the snow, etc.

Such events require lengthy preliminary preparation. Water temperature, long-term preliminary preparation. The temperature of the water used for hardening during the first few weeks should not be lower than 150C - only in this case is it possible for the body to gradually get used to water procedures without undesirable consequences. If hardening is performed after gymnastics or sports training, the body must cool down before washing or wiping. Exposure to cold water on overheated skin can lead to colds and spasms of deep-lying blood vessels and muscle fibers. On the other hand, if the temperature is low, hardening procedures can lead to hypothermia. Hardening procedures are not recommended in the evening, especially before bedtime - cold water tones, and its effect on the body can relieve insomnia. After a cool shower or dousing with water, it is recommended to rub the body with a hard towel - this procedure promotes rapid blood flow to the capillaries of the skin, improves local blood circulation, and increases tissue tone. To prevent hypothermia, it is advisable to move actively for 20 minutes after performing hardening activities, for example, do a set of gymnastic exercises, walk some distance at an energetic pace, etc. After a pleasant feeling of the body appears in the muscles and skin, you should gradually slow down movement themes.

Hardening by walking.

Since there are many biologically active (reflexogenic points) on the surface of the feet, which are projections of internal organs, stimulation of these areas of the skin ensures normalization of stimulation of all organs and systems, improves overall blood circulation, prevents the development of heart attack, stroke, myocarditis, hypertension, angina pectoris, and as well as diseases associated with impaired immunity. After numerous experiments, scientists have found that even short-term immersion of the legs (up to the ankle joints) in cool water at a temperature of about 14 ° C causes a reflex contraction of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, reducing the secretion of mucus. If the temperature is sharply reduced to 7°C, a person quickly develops symptoms of acute respiratory infections. When the body gradually gets used to hardening, such side effects are not observed. Some time after the start of health procedures, a pronounced conditioned reflex is formed, which leads to a lasting positive result. If you regularly walk on the grass or floor barefoot. The keratinized skin of the feet gradually becomes thicker, the sensitivity of reflexogenic areas to cold decreases, which further reduces the risk of diseases, hypothermia, etc. To achieve the maximum healing effect, it is recommended to combine walking hardening with acupressure, reflexology and physical therapy.

It is best to start walking barefoot in the summer, so that by the onset of cold weather the body has time to adapt to new living conditions and develop sufficient immunity. The duration of the first procedures should not exceed 10 minutes (morning and evening). After a few days, you can begin to increase your wellness sessions by 3 to 5 minutes, and ideally up to 1 hour. After about 30 – 40 days, it is recommended to try walking barefoot on wet grass or sand. One of the most useful ways of hardening is walking on wet grass in the morning and evening, immediately after dew appears. Immediately after completing the procedure, it is recommended that without drying your feet, put on comfortable shoes with flat soles and walk quickly on level ground or sand for 5 to 6 minutes until a pleasant feeling of warmth appears in your feet. This measure will prevent the occurrence of colds in cases where the immune system is not yet sufficiently strengthened. It should be remembered that shoes must be dry and soft. Some time after the start of health-improving walking on dewy grass, when the body adapts to this procedure, you can begin natural reflexology - walking on wet sand and pebbles. If possible, it is advisable to perform this exercise on the shore of a reservoir; you can also arrange a special path in the country or near the house.

Before hardening, you need to pour cool water over it and wait 10-15 minutes. In hot weather, you can carry out up to 5 sessions of recreational walking per day, not forgetting to water the sand or pebbles each time. The duration of each session depends on preliminary preparation and can range from 15 to 45 minutes. If for some reason it is not possible to set up a walking platform on the street, this hardening method can be successfully carried out at home. It is necessary to prepare a plastic trough or large basin, as well as a sufficient amount of river or sea pebbles. The substrate should be sprinkled in an even layer on the bottom of the container and lightly moistened with cool running water. The first healing sessions should last no more than 2 minutes, later their duration can be increased to 10 minutes. 2 – 3 times a day. A variant of the hardening technique described above is walking in the shallow water of a natural reservoir (river, sea or lake) or along the bottom of a bathtub (deep basin, trough). This healing procedure (if carried out successfully) not only has a pronounced hardening effect, but also stimulates the functioning of various internal organs - kidneys, bladder, intestines, liver, etc. In addition, in patients with bronchial asthma and some other ailments, respiratory symptoms decrease and disappear insufficiency, night sleep improves. Like other methods of healing the body and increasing immunity, this option of hardening is carried out with a gradual increase in the duration of the session. It is advisable to start the procedure at home, in the bathroom. Immediately before walking, you should fill a bathtub or deep basin with cool water (it should reach the ankle joint), then you need to stand in the prepared container and take 10-20 steps, feeling the resistance of the water. After 5-7 weeks, you can gradually increase the water level (to the middle of the calf and then to the knee).

The duration of the first hardening session should not exceed 1.5 minutes, and subsequently increase it to 7-10 minutes. In this case, if hardening procedures are carried out for a long time and have a lasting positive effect, it is permissible to reduce the water temperature and even add snow and ice to the container. After completing the walk, you need to walk around the room for some time or, if you use natural bodies of water for hardening, on the grass or warm sand. It is not recommended to wipe your feet beforehand. If all the measures were carried out correctly, a pleasant feeling of warmth should appear in the legs, and then throughout the body after a while. Recommendations regarding the best time to start hardening (late May - early June) were not given by chance. If the procedures carried out in the summer were performed correctly and led to a lasting increase in immunity, in the fall it will be possible to move on to more extreme types of health improvement - walking on snow or frost. To prepare the body for the active effects of cold, you need to begin the next stage of hardening by wiping your feet with a towel dipped in cool water. If you are hypersensitive to low temperatures, you can initially limit yourself to wiping your feet at night. The water should be at room temperature; it should be lowered by 1°C every day. After 10-15 days, in the absence of side effects, you can begin the main stage of hardening. Walking in the snow has its own characteristics. The snow must be loose. It is not recommended to carry out this hardening technique at very low air temperatures or strong winds. The duration of the first healing session should not exceed 2 minutes. To prevent hypothermia of the body, it is recommended to be in motion all the time. Contraindications to the basis of this type of effective hardening are increased sweating of the feet, fungal and bacterial diseases of the skin of the feet and toes, individual hypersensitivity to the local effects of cold. This technique is suitable for children and adults (of course, in the absence of contraindications).

After completing the healing session, you need to walk on a woolen carpet for 10-15 minutes, then massage your feet and legs to improve blood circulation and eliminate chills. Regular walking on water and snow will help cope with furunculosis and other purulent skin diseases associated with impaired immune function of the body. In addition, exposure to cold has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and digestion, and promotes the timely removal of metabolic products from the body.


Rubbing is one of the most regular ancient methods of hardening. In the system of healing with the help of water, this technique occupies one of the leading places.

This hardening option is used both independently and as one of the complex therapy sets for various somatic diseases. Rubdowns can be fragmentary, when the healing effects of water are aimed at certain areas of the skin, or general. General (therapeutic) rubbing is carried out as follows. Pour cold water into a basin or bathtub with a small amount of warm water, then wrap it in a sheet or large terry towel, soaked in water at room temperature and wrung out. As the body gets used to it, warm water is diluted with cold water, gradually raising the temperature to 200C and below. After wrapping, rub the body vigorously with a hard towel for 2 - 3 minutes until a pronounced feeling of warmth appears in the skin and muscles. After hardening, you can also use the method of wiping yourself. The advantage of this technique is that there is no need for outside help, and the healing effect of the procedures is not reduced. The advantage of wiping over dousing is that this procedure can be carried out even with bedridden patients (of course, only in bed). In this case, they usually rub the legs first, then the arms, back and other parts of the body. To perform the necessary manipulations, use a terry cloth napkin soaked in water at room temperature and squeezed almost dry.

Contraindications to partial and complete wiping are the patient’s feverish condition, as well as chills, general hypothermia, insufficient air temperature in the room, some somatic and mental illnesses. To enhance the effectiveness of hardening and quickly achieve the desired result, the doctor may advise performing douches immediately after partial or complete wiping. After completing all health procedures, the patient’s skin should be rubbed with a terry towel until pronounced redness appears. If rubdowns are performed correctly, the patient’s immunity quickly increases and their well-being improves. If you continue to carry out health procedures, the positive effect will persist for an unlimited time: the person will no longer suffer from bronchitis, acute respiratory diseases, in particular pharyngitis, rhinitis. In addition, hardening has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces irritability and fatigue

Pouring is an effective hardening method.

Like rubbing, dousing is a traditional method of hardening. Full (general dousing) provides a beneficial effect of cold on the entire surface of the skin, stimulates the normalization of general tone. Before starting the dousing, you should prepare a large basin (it is most convenient to carry out this procedure in the bathroom) and 2 - 3 buckets of water at room temperature. It is convenient to water the body using a plastic ladle (it is not advisable to use a shower). The water temperature must be lowered gradually, by about 10C per day.

2 – 3 days. A sharp effect on the body of cold water can cause the opposite effect - exacerbation of chronic acute respiratory infections. In addition to the pronounced hardening effect, general dousing ensures the normalization of the functioning of the circulatory system, increases the tone of the skin and superficial muscles, and restores impaired metabolism. In some cases, dousing with cool water is recommended at high ambient temperatures (under the supervision of a specialist), and using warm water will help cope with spasms of the muscles of the back and shoulders. Contraindications to full dousing are severe chills, hypothermia, and individual intolerance to cold. It is also necessary to ensure that the room for this procedure is warm, with a tightly closed door, and without drafts. After dousing. To warm up, you can perform a set of gymnastic exercises (for example, traditional morning exercises). Partial dousing is a gentle hardening method and can be recommended in cases where the overall effect of water on the body is for some reason undesirable. The initial water temperature should be room temperature, subsequently reducing it by 1°C per day (to 18°C ​​and below). As a preparatory procedure, we can recommend dousing the feet. This method helps to cope with excessive sweating, the initial stage of varicose veins, diseases caused by decreased immunity, some skin ailments associated with metabolic disorders, as well as neurological disorders. Pouring your feet can be done using a shower, carefully adjusting the water temperature. The force of the jet should be insignificant to avoid excessive stimulation of receptors located deep in the skin. The duration of the first session should not exceed 2-3 minutes, the recommended water temperature is about 30°C, dousing should be performed up to the middle of the shin. In the future, it is necessary to increase the duration of the procedure to 5-7 minutes and pour down to the knees, and then to the middle of the thighs. After successfully mastering the hardening method described above, you can proceed to dousing your back. This technique stimulates the activity of the spinal cord and the nerve pathways extending from it, strengthens the central and peripheral nervous systems, and improves local and general blood circulation. The dousing is carried out while standing, the stream of water should be directed from the occipital region downwards. In addition, with regular health procedures, the patient’s general and local blood circulation improves and the elasticity of the heart muscle increases. Contraindications to the use of back dousing are individual intolerance to this type of hardening, increased nervous excitability, and the presence of a severe cold. Pouring hands is one of the popular gentle hardening methods. On the hands, as well as on the feet, there are many biologically active points, the stimulation of which helps to increase immunity, improve well-being, and normalize metabolism. Pouring hands should be carried out in the direction from the wrists to the shoulder joints, first from the outside, then from the inside.

The water temperature must be reduced gradually - by 1°C per day, you can start with five degrees. Pouring the head, unlike the methods described above, hardening should be carried out with extreme caution. This technique is contraindicated for people with increased skin sensitivity to cold, the risk of spasms of blood vessels and muscles, as well as in the presence of severe somatic diseases of an infectious and physiological nature. In the absence of side effects, dousing the back of the head and parietal region is recommended for cerebrovascular accidents, some eye and ear diseases, and periodic headaches of a spasmodic nature. The procedure should be carried out as follows. A stream of water supplied under low pressure should be directed from the crown downward so that the liquid flows freely behind the ears without entering the external auditory canal. Then you need to tilt your head back slightly and continue pouring with your eyes closed (the water will flow down your face). After hardening is completed, the hair can be dried with a hairdryer.

Contrast shower (option 1)

Get into the bath and pour yourself over with water at a pleasant temperature. Then the water is made as hot as is bearable (without scalding, of course). After 30-60-90 seconds, turn off the hot water and let in cold water. Having poured over the whole body, turn on the hot water again and, without basking for a long time, turn on the cold water. But this time it is better to stand under a cold shower longer (a minute or more). Then again a not very long hot shower and a final cold one. You need to pour over all parts of the body, without stopping in one place. In total, three contrasts are made (transitions from hot water to cold). Always finish with cold water. Before cooling your entire body, it is advisable not to forget to wet your face.

Here is a sample shower plan:

Warm (to get your body used to it)

Hot (still nice)

Cold (2-30 or more seconds)

Hot (20 – 40 sec.)

Cold (up to a minute or more)

Hot (20 – 60 sec.)

Cold (how pleasant)

You need to get used to the contrast shower, as well as to any new influence, gradually. First, take a comfortable shower (shower at a pleasant temperature) every day for two to four weeks. Then do only one contrast and not stand under cold water for very long (5-10 seconds), after a week switch to two, then three contrasts. Sometimes, at first, you can reduce the temperature difference, that is, douse yourself not with the coldest and hottest water, but with warm and cool water. To boost very sick organisms, it is advisable to do this. But having reached the feeling of obvious cold, you still need to make a sharp leap and go straight to ice water. Not knowing this rule, many beginners “burn”, trying to further reduce the temperature gradually. They reach, say, 19-200C, and then, continuing hardening, they begin to hurt. The secret here is simple. Water of this temperature already significantly cools the body, but it is not yet cold enough to turn on dormant protective forces. A sharp, short-term dousing with ice water does not have time to take away much heat, but has a powerful effect on the nervous system and triggers the thermoregulatory and immune mechanism.

Contrast shower (option 2)

Get into the shower. Make the water hot. Stand under a hot shower for 10-15 seconds, then run cold water and take a cold shower for 10-15 seconds. So repeat 3 cycles. Always start with hot water and end with cold. Do not let your body get chills. You should not wash your hair with hot water: hair falls out and vision deteriorates. You can, after steaming your body, wash yourself with a brush or washcloth (rough) without soap. Gradually increase the temperature contrast between hot and cold water.

Before performing a set of exercises after a shower, you can wipe your body with your hands and start doing the set undressed. The wet body will dry out while doing the exercises. You can wear light clothes on a wet body. You can use a towel, preferably terry, but do not rub yourself with it, just blot the water from the surface of the body. Always dry your head with a towel from the periphery to the center. Then wipe your arms and legs (from fingers to torso). Then move the chest in a circular motion from the center up and to the side. Belly - clockwise, widening the circles and then narrowing them, back to the navel. Then massage and rub the lower back upwards from the tailbone. Then - the back in the longitudinal direction. You cannot rub the body across, only along the spine, from bottom to top.

While showering with your hands, without a washcloth, you can wash all hair surfaces of your body with soap, excluding your head. Wash your body completely (including your head) with soap no more than once or twice a week.

Before the contrast shower, you can take a separate contrast shower for your head. It can be done under the tap. Do 3 cycles, ending with cold water. Contrast showers should be taken with caution by persons suffering from impaired blood supply to the brain, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, and vascular spasms. What to do if there is no shower (or hot water)? Dousing yourself with a bucket or taking a cold shower. You can always find a way out if you want. It is highly advisable to do a contrast shower at least once a day, in the morning, after gymnastics. There is an opinion that with daily douches there is no need to wash with soap.

Hardening of the throat and nose area.

Carry out by irrigation or rinsing. The initial water temperature for irrigation is 400C, for rinsing – 380C, every 3-6 days it is reduced by 10C. The duration of the procedure is from 1 to 6 minutes. Final temperature 15-160C. Irrigation and rinsing can be carried out with mineral water, in the first half of the cycle water without gas, in the second - with gas. Procedures for hardening the legs and nasal cavity have a great effect in the treatment of chronic catarrhal and subtrophic processes of the upper respiratory tract.
Conclusion about proper hardening:

A variety of hardening agents increases the body's resistance and does not create conditions for addiction only to a given stimulus. Hardening factors must be combined with physical exercise, games, and sports. Morning hygienic gymnastics, for example, ends with water procedures, outdoor and outdoor sports games are combined with swimming in open reservoirs, hiking trips carried out in various meteorological conditions increase the hardening effect.


Bakh B. I. “System of natural healing according to the method of Porfiry Ivanov” - M.: LLC “AST Publishing House”; Donetsk: “Stalker”, 2004.

Dubrovskaya S.V. “Proper hardening with water” - M.: RIPOL Classic, 2006.

Kolgushkin A. N. “The healing cold of water” - M.: “FIS”, 1986.

Chernik E. S. “Knowledge. Scientific subscription series" - M.: "Knowledge" 1986.

We are increasingly talking about the treatment of diseases, when prevention plays an important role. Increasing the body's resistance to negative environmental factors is the goal of preventive measures. It is necessary to strengthen the body. One of the methods of prevention is hardening. What is the principle of hardening, what rules need to be followed, we will consider further.

A little about the history of hardening

Hardening has been known for a very long time. There are mentions of it in the treatises of great scientists of antiquity, such as Hippocrates, Democritus, Asclepiades. Much attention was paid to physical health and endurance in Sparta. From a very early age, boys walked barefoot, and in the warm season almost naked.

In Ancient Rome, hardening and strengthening the body were also viewed positively. Only the main place for the procedures was the baths. There were pools with hot and cold water, as well as rooms for massage and gymnastic exercises, and mud baths were practiced. They sunbathed on the roofs.

Ancient Chinese medicine had a positive view of disease prevention and health promoting procedures. It was said that “the wise man heals the disease that is not yet in the body.” Much attention was paid to water procedures, gymnastics, massage, and diet.

In Rus', hardening was widespread. A bath followed by rubbing with snow was the norm. Swimming in reservoirs at any time of the year is still popular today.

Hardening methods

Depending on the effect on the body, there are several hardening methods:

1. Air hardening:

  • Taking air baths. Air has an effect on the naked body.
  • Sunbathing. They are practiced for the purpose of healing and prevention.
  • Walk barefoot regardless of the time of year.

2. Hardening with water:

  • Cold and hot shower. Dousing alternately with cold and moderately hot water.
  • A visit to the bathhouse followed by diving into cool water.
  • Pouring water.
  • Swimming in an ice hole.

Which type of hardening to choose depends on the area of ​​residence, health status and many other factors.

Principles of hardening

Regardless of which method is chosen, some hardening principles must be followed. If they are not followed, the procedures will be random.

Let us list the basic principles of hardening the body:

  • Systematic nature of hardening procedures. They must be carried out regularly, regardless of weather conditions and time of year. You can consolidate the implementation of procedures in your daily routine.
  • Gradual increase in loads. A sudden increase in workload can be detrimental to your health. A gradual transition should be carried out taking into account the body's responses. This is especially important when hardening children, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases.
  • Maintaining consistency in performing procedures. Hardening begins with rubbing and foot baths. According to medical rules, weak irritants have a better effect on the functions of the body, and excessive ones are destructive.
  • Complex effect on the body. It is necessary to use procedures with the influence of natural forces that influence humans every day - water and air. Pouring can be done outside. The body must experience either a strong or a weak impact, without getting used to a constant temperature, otherwise hardening in this case will be inappropriate.
  • Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and health status. Have you decided to start hardening? Wonderful! But it is recommended to visit a doctor first. He will tell you which method to choose. Hardening under medical supervision will help to avoid undesirable consequences and makes it possible to correctly plan further measures to improve health.

Water hardening

This type of hardening has a more powerful effect on the body than air hardening.

Water affects the body in the following ways:

  • At the first stage, spasm of blood vessels and subcutaneous fat occurs.
  • In the second stage, the skin becomes red, adaptation occurs, mast cells and leukocytes are activated, and substances with interferon-like properties are released. Feeling better. I feel a surge of strength.
  • At the third stage, if the body becomes hypothermic, vasospasm occurs again. Since the body is hypothermic, the body can no longer adapt, and chills occur.

If you follow the principles of hardening, the second stage will occur faster. The most important thing is not to bring it to the third stage.

Who is contraindicated for water hardening?

There are many stories of healing thanks to hardening procedures, but it is worth noting that in some cases such procedures need to be postponed.

  1. Cold water causes vascular spasms, so if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, coronary heart disease, heart failure), such methods are contraindicated.
  2. Sudden changes in temperature affect the central nervous system. It is necessary to practice hardening with caution in diseases of the central nervous system: epilepsy, psychosis, hysteria.
  3. If you have any skin diseases, water hardening should be abandoned until complete recovery. Especially in the presence of purulent, non-healing or open wounds.
  4. For respiratory diseases: tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.
  5. Dousing is not recommended for high eye pressure.
  6. In case of colds (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza), you should refrain from procedures, even if the exercises were regular before the illness.
  7. Don't pour yourself over your head. This may have a negative impact on your health.

Water hardening methods

Water hardening can be traditional or non-traditional.

Traditional methods include:

  • Rubbing. Can be used at any age, even from diapers. To do this, you will need a towel that absorbs water well. We will tell you how to carry out the procedure below.
  • Pouring. Can be local or general.
  • Swimming in natural reservoirs. It can also be recommended from an early age, starting with a temperature of 24-26 degrees. After the procedure, you must move.

How to begin the water hardening procedure, we will consider further.

Let's start water hardening

The most optimal time for hardening water procedures is the morning. It is recommended to do exercises.

Hardening with water should begin with wiping. To do this, you need to moisten a sponge or towel with water at a certain temperature and wipe off. You need to start from the upper parts of the body - from the neck, then shoulders, arms, chest, back. The next step is to towel dry and rub the skin until it is red. It is necessary to move from the periphery to the heart.

Then you can move on to the lower body. Also wipe with a damp sponge or towel and then rub dry with a dry towel. The whole process should last no more than 5 minutes.

Then you can go directly to dousing.

Begin to use water a degree slightly lower than body temperature. The permissible range is +34 ... +36 o C. Every 3 days the temperature is lowered by one degree. After dousing, it is also recommended to rub the body until red with a dry towel. The procedure should last no more than 1 minute.

Non-traditional hardening

Non-traditional hardening methods include procedures such as:

  • Wiping with snow.
  • Walking barefoot in the snow.
  • Exposure to low temperature air.
  • Sauna.
  • Russian bath.

The point of hardening is that such procedures train the thermoregulatory apparatus of the immune system. At the same time, the body’s sensitivity to the harmful effects of the sun, cold, water and other factors decreases.

The use of non-traditional hardening methods in children at an early age often leads to the opposite reaction. Doctors believe that it is inappropriate to carry out such procedures in childhood. Since the body is not yet formed and cannot adequately respond to sudden changes in temperature.

Hardening of children

For children, it is advisable to use the following hardening methods:

  • Water hardening.
  • Air.
  • Sunny.

As we indicated earlier, non-traditional hardening methods are not recommended for the child’s body, especially for preschoolers due to the immaturity of the neural and endocrine systems. What to do? Choose something else.

The best option for children and parents is hardening in the summer. The main rules at this time:

  • Avoid hypothermia or excessive overheating.
  • Along with water procedures, you can do massage and gymnastic exercises.

When hardening preschool children, it is necessary to adhere to several standards:

  • Before the procedure begins, the child's body must be warm.
  • Control of body redness is necessary. If such a reaction does not occur, the body should be rubbed with a dry towel.
  • The lower the water temperature, the shorter the contact with it should be.

In winter, hardening your baby should be approached with caution. If the child is sick, the procedures should be stopped for the duration of the illness.

General rules for hardening children

  • You can harden a child from a very early age.
  • The baby must be absolutely healthy.
  • Adhere to the basic principle of hardening - systematically performing procedures.
  • Set an example for your child. Participate, for example, in water procedures.
  • Gradually increase the duration and load. This is another important principle of hardening.
  • Do not start procedures if the child is not in the mood. You need to set a good mood.
  • Avoid overheating or hypothermia of the baby.
  • Add exercises and massage to the procedures.
  • Before the procedure, the child's hands and feet should be warm.
  • If you don’t like the procedure and cause unexpected negative reactions in the child, you will have to stop hardening for a while and show the baby to the doctor.

Air hardening rules

This type of hardening has been practiced since infancy. Some rules are very natural for each of us. They are the basis for hardening at home.

  • The process begins with walks in the fresh air (at first, 10 minutes a day is enough). You need to walk every day, increasing the time.
  • Ventilate the room daily.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room before and after going to bed.
  • Dress your child according to the weather.
  • In good weather, the child can sleep in the fresh air. In good weather, older children should stay outside as long as possible.

Water hardening of a child

Hardening of preschool children begins with contrast dousing of the legs. You can also use the following procedures:

  • Local contrast baths for hands and feet.
  • Wiping with a damp cloth or washcloth. The best option for starting hardening.
  • Contrast dousing of legs. The main rule: do not pour cold water on your feet without first warming them.
  • Contrast shower with a slight difference in water temperature.
  • Swimming in the pool.
  • Swimming in the sea/river.

It is worth remembering that for children who have had pneumonia, pleurisy, or have heart or kidney diseases, bathing and hardening are not recommended. A doctor's consultation is required.

General hardening rules

Let's highlight a few general hardening rules:

  • If you decide to start hardening, you should first visit a therapist and together choose an alternative method.
  • You need to start the procedure when you are healthy.
  • There should not be any illness in the acute or chronic stage at the time of training.
  • Follow one of the principles of hardening - regularity. There should be no long pauses.
  • Gradually increase intensity and load.
  • It is necessary to monitor your well-being. Regularly measure temperature, pressure, pulse.
  • Hardening will be more effective if combined with physical exercise.
  • It is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet, this will also increase the effectiveness of the procedures.
  • If you get sick or feel unwell, hardening procedures must be temporarily stopped.
  • If during the hardening process you do not feel a surge of strength and energy, but, on the contrary, you experience a loss of strength and depression, you must not delay your visit to the doctor and stop the procedures.

Hardening and health can be put on the same page. By stimulating the body's defenses, you can forget about colds in the off-season.

Hardening is a way of “training” the body to properly respond to cold or other environmental factors. Having received new information about the external environment, gradually learning about it, the body learns to respond correctly to it.

♦ Basic rules of hardening:

✓ decreasing the temperature and increasing the procedure time should be consistent and gradual;

✓ procedures must be carried out systematically, without long breaks;

✓ a combination of various hardening factors is desirable.

In summer hardening with water is carried out by swimming in open or closed reservoirs at a water temperature of at least 20 °C. The air temperature should not be lower than 18–20 °C. Bathing can be repeated 2-3 times every 1.5-2 hours. Begin bathing for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time spent in the water by 1–2 minutes, and increase the procedure time to 10 minutes without increasing it further.

in autumn daily morning wiping of the body with a damp towel, dousing with water, and a contrast shower are recommended. The air temperature in the room where the procedures are carried out should be about 20 °C. Water procedures begin using warm (about 30 °C) water, gradually reducing its temperature every 5-6 days by 1-2 °C and bringing it to 22-20 °C. The duration of the dousing is about 1.5 minutes. When visiting the pool, the duration of swimming should first be 1.5–2 minutes and later it can be increased to 10–15 minutes.

Contrast water procedures at home begin with a water temperature of at least 30 °C. Gradually over the course of a week the temperature is reduced to 20 °C.

Contrast bath– an excellent hardening agent.

The procedure is carried out as follows. Water is poured into the bath (at a pleasant temperature). The patient lies down in it. After 5 minutes, when he warms up, he quickly sits down on the bar. He takes his feet out of the water, resting them on the inner edge of the bathtub, and quickly pours (or is doused with) cold water from the shower (starting with his feet). After this, immediately lie down in a warm bath (add a little hot water to it) and after 5 minutes douse yourself again.

Warm up every time in the bath so that there is no feeling of chills. And every cold douse must begin from the feet. Then very quickly pour over the entire body.

After 5-6 alternations, a feeling of lightness appears in the chest, familiar to everyone who goes to the steam bath. The procedure must be completed with a cool douche, thorough rubbing of the entire body, rest and a diaphoretic drink.

Cold and hot shower can replace a bath.

First, pour yourself a hot shower at an acceptable temperature; Having warmed up, turning on the tap, they quickly douse themselves (starting from the feet) with colder water so that the temperature difference is sensitive. Then again a warm shower, a little hotter than the first, and again a cooler douse. Repeat this 5-6 times until a feeling of vigor appears. You must finish with a cool douche, then rub yourself thoroughly, go to bed and drink diaphoretic tea with honey and lemon juice.

Contrast baths and showers - and this should be emphasized - are most indicated for those patients who have previously used them for hardening. In unseasoned, unprepared children and adults, the use of contrast procedures during an acute respiratory disease can cause an exacerbation of a chronic, sluggish process. For children who are usually wrapped up heavily, it is better to recommend various wraps. The use of cold water at high body temperatures is possible for strong people.

in winter water procedures are carried out at a room temperature of at least 20 °C. A morning shower or wiping the body with a damp towel begins at a water temperature of 35 °C. Every 5–7 days it is gradually reduced and brought to 24 °C. At the same time, the duration of the water procedure does not change and remains within 1–1.5 minutes.

Pouring water over your feet is a good hardening procedure, which is recommended to be done 2 hours before bedtime. Begin dousing with water heated to body temperature, gradually lowering it to 20 °C.

Swimming in indoor pools in winter starts with 2 minutes and is increased to 15-20 minutes over 2–3 weeks. Bathing should not cause feelings of chills and overexertion.

in spring For the purpose of hardening, morning rubbing of the limbs, neck, and torso is carried out. Then they begin pouring water over parts of the body or the entire body, starting with an initial water temperature of 35 °C. By gradually lowering the water temperature (every 1–3 days) by 1 °C over 2–3 weeks, it is brought to room temperature. Pouring for 2–3 minutes is best done in the morning, after exercise, or no later than 1.5–2 hours before bedtime. After the water procedure, wipe dry with a terry towel.

Swimming time in pools is increased gradually, starting from 2 minutes, and increased to 15 minutes over 3–4 weeks. After leaving the water, take a warm shower and rub your body with a towel until you feel a slight warmth.

Contrast showers are taken for 5–7 minutes, using alternate heating with water at a temperature of 30–35 °C and gradually reducing it first to 28 °C (4–6 cycles), and then bringing it to 20 °C.

Walking barefoot on dew, snow, wet stones, as well as swimming in cold water are effective ways of hardening.

Using the high thermal conductivity of water, it can be used to burn excess fat. A 15-minute swim in 20-degree water causes the body to release an additional 100 kilocalories of heat, which is produced by recycling fat deposits. Cool water procedures can increase appetite and calm the central nervous system.

Excellent vascular training, improvement of the protective functions of the skin and increased activity of other organs are achieved by alternating cold and warm water effects on the body.

Walking barefoot in freshly fallen snow is a great way to harden yourself.

The most popular and simplest method to start hardening is a contrast shower and wiping with cold water. Rubbing with snow and hardening with water allows the body to adapt to the cold, this improves the functioning of the immune system, and prevents the development of respiratory diseases.

Cool showers give a feeling of vigor and stimulate productivity. Vessels expand and contract - this has a good effect on the cardiovascular system. Procedures associated with hardening stimulate the activity of the heart and brain, and have a good effect on the immune system.

Cool water causes a runny nose due to blood circulation to the organs, after which the vessels become wider, and you feel your body temperature rising. The duration of this sensation may depend on the temperature of the water and the readiness for the procedure.

The most common method to harden your body is to start wiping yourself with cold water. Most often, hardening begins with these methods. Strengthening the immune system must begin in the hot season and continue in winter.

In the process of dousing with cool water, it is important to do everything quickly. You need to rub for several minutes. First you need to adapt to cool water.

Hardening with water: rules of wiping

It is better to start dousing with simple and safe procedures. After the liquid is gradually cooled, step by step the water temperature can be reached up to 12 degrees Celsius. Hardening duration increases to two minutes

After being in the shower, you need to pour 5-7 liters of room temperature water over yourself. You can carry out this manipulation a couple of times a week. The temperature of the liquid should be reduced by one degree every week. The procedure must be carried out regularly. Or you won’t be able to get a positive effect.

At the end of all procedures, you must wipe yourself with a dry towel.

The best time for hardening is the first hours after sleep. You need to make the temperature in the room where you will be tempering quite high. However, a lot depends on your preparation. The procedure can be carried out at lower temperatures. You can do gymnastics along with the procedure.

Watch the video film “Basic rules of hardening”:

Is it possible to harden yourself by dousing your feet?

When washing your feet, it is important to soak them in cool liquid and then dry them with a dry towel. You need to feel the warmth after rubbing your feet. The duration of this procedure should be one minute. After a couple of months, the water temperature may be 5-7 degrees.

Principles of walking on snow for hardening

This method of strengthening the immune system has a positive effect on the urinary system and respiratory system, and also improves intestinal function.

It is possible to carry out this manipulation at home. You need to go into the basin up to your calf. Afterwards it is recommended to add water and dive up to the knee. You need to stand in the water for 60 seconds. You can stay in cold water longer.

First, you need to pour liquid into the basin. Use room temperature water. At the end of all procedures, you need to quickly make various movements with your legs. Your feet should warm up.

Contrast shower and its benefits

A shower has a good effect on your well-being. There is no need to take a hardening shower at the end of your workout. You need to stay in the shower for no more than a couple of minutes. To begin with, choose a not very low water temperature. Slowly lower the temperature. This procedure is suitable for those who are not very active.

A contrast shower is an effective type of hardening; it is the best prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

You do not need to pour over the entire surface of the body, but only the limbs. It is necessary to increase the hardening surface step by step. After the procedure, you need to dry yourself with a towel.

The result will not appear immediately. It is important to do this constantly.

Hardening by bathing in cool water

Experienced walruses claim that swimming in ice water makes it possible to activate all processes in the body.

You need to be in the ice hole with like-minded people. It won’t hurt to harden yourself under the supervision of specialists.

It is important to know that people with illnesses should not strengthen their immunity in this way. There is also no need to stop manipulating with water. This will affect your health and resistance to cold.

People who have had a heart attack should not be in cool water.

In this case, you need to follow some recommendations. First of all, you need to get used to doing everything progressively. Hardening in cool water is dangerous for an unprepared person.

You can start hardening in ice water in winter. But before you do this, you need to adapt your body. A cold shower will help you here. And only in this case can you proceed to hardening in an open reservoir.

It is advisable to have a sauna near the ice hole. You can also do exercises before hardening. Experienced walruses say that you should not harden yourself with ice water very often. You need to take intervals between baths.

We wipe ourselves with snow

This hardening method is quite popular in Europe. And it can be relevant in winter. However, before this you need to prepare your body. A cool shower will help you here. Only under this condition can you begin wiping with snow. Otherwise, all procedures will result in harm to the body.

You can start preparing by frequently airing the room. You need to ventilate at least a couple of times throughout the day.

Hardening with snow has a positive effect on the body's regulation of body temperature.

You need to start by walking in the snow. First, you need to walk on the surface of the snow for no more than three minutes. In the future, it will be possible to extend the time spent on the snow. And only after that you can start wiping individual parts of the body with snow. It's better to start by wiping your limbs.

If you are an experienced hardening person, then you can completely rub yourself with snow. You need to rub yourself with circular massage movements. Rub until the skin turns red. This will mean that the capillaries have expanded. At the same time, you may feel warm.

It is most beneficial to rub yourself with snow after leaving the bathhouse. You need to carefully monitor the time you spend outside.

Experts say that hardening yourself in ice water is not as safe as wiping yourself with snow.

Rubbing with snow makes it possible to activate all processes in the body.

After finishing rubbing with snow, it is not advisable to dry yourself with a towel. It is advisable to return to the sauna immediately after rubbing with snow.

In this case, you must adhere to certain rules. First you need to learn to do everything gradually. Rubbing with snow is unsafe for an inexperienced person.

In order to improve your health, you need to be consistent. Otherwise, you risk harming yourself. Remember, everything depends on your persistence. Take your time and you will succeed.