Poor health cannot be diagnosed. Doctors can't make a diagnosis

I want to start this article with the fact that I am not a doctor. And everything that is written here is based on personal observations that I have accumulated over many years of communicating with sick people.
Several years ago I fell ill, and it so happened that for a very long time they could not diagnose me. For two long years I lived with the feeling terrible pain and complete despair. There was no diagnosis. No pills helped, and the doctors Every now and then they shrugged and offered to check with a psychiatrist.
I will not talk long and tediously about my illness, since it is essentially not the main topic that I want to talk about, however, it was my illness that prompted me to write all the conclusions that I made while communicating with people suffering various kinds diseases.
We've probably all noticed that this is the 21st century, people are performing the most complex surgical operations, technology has stepped beyond the bounds of the possible, but for some reason there are no fewer sick people. great amount tablets of different spectrum of action, but the queues at pharmacies are increasing every day.
As we know, “The fish rots from the head,” and our entire medical system is built in a unique way.
For a long time now, no one has initially set the goal of curing our people from various ailments.
It’s not for me to tell you how much the tests cost, not to mention the treatment itself.
But an equally important factor in our health problems is the very system of treatment of our doctors.
The problem is that every doctor is trying to cure separate part our body, rather than consider the causes of disease in this part of the body.
Yes, yes! No one is looking for the exact causes of the disease, and finding these causes can be very difficult.
The doctor views us as “a separate piece of our body,” and not as a whole organism. Therefore, if you have a stomach ache, and gastrointestinal tests do not show any pathologies, then most likely you will hear the familiar phrase “The tests are normal, you are healthy! "The pain from these comments will not go away, and most likely no one will look for the cause elsewhere, and in the worst case, they will also ask you, “maybe you think something hurts?”
So this is what I came up with long years communication with sick people. Almost everyone who suffered from spinal diseases, chronic tonsillitis, attacks of fear, diseases of the mucous membrane, cystitis, allergies, etc. there was one unifying factor, all these people knew what VENERAL INFECTIONS and HELMINTHS were. Almost every one of them knew what CHLAMYDIAS and TRICHAMONIASIS were.
Helminths bothered people less often, but they cannot be taken off the table.
It is they (INFECTIONS AND HELMINTHS) that quite often are the cause of many VARIOUS diseases.
The problem is that no one will send you with fear attacks to look for a vein infection, and hardly any doctors will remember that how helminths affect the nervous system. Most likely you will be sent to a “good” psychotherapist who will prescribe you an excellent antidepressant that will not cause any reactions other than the desire to sleep.
Of course, with nerve inflammation, no one will send you to a venereologist or send you to get tested for worms, but they will drip you with anti-inflammatory drugs and be amazed why nerve inflammation is not treated, and where it came from in a person who has not been injured.
And so I can continue about each disease endlessly, but I still propose to consider each case that I heard about separately.

Venereal infections and helminths

Venereal infections and helminths are the breeding ground for all other diseases.
It’s like the ground on which weeds grow. No matter how much you cut the weeds, they will sprout again, since there is soil for them.
These infections greatly reduce immunity, and in combination with worms they have such an effect on the body that God forbid anyone!
Very often it is the nervous system, but we'll talk about that later.
A huge, simply huge problem is that both infections and helminths are very difficult to sow, that is, to find.
Doctors who have received tests in which nothing was found congratulate you and let you “go free,” however, few people think that the tests are checked by the same person as us, who has problems at home, in his personal life, at work, with people and simply can be irresponsible.
And if you take into account the technology and equipment in our country, then you yourself understand the chances of identifying these infections.
Venous infections are also called “hidden killers”, they have the ability to “hide” and in some skin and vein clinics tests for infectious diseases are taken for several days in a row, and comparing three tests (for the same infections, just in different days) display the overall result.
Taking tests three days in a row, the results are often different and if something is found on at least one of the days, then treatment begins.
Personally, I came across such a case when a girl was treated for infections, and took tests for venous diseases for a year, because she felt that she was still sick. All this year she did not have sexual intercourse and re-infection was excluded. Tests were carried out for a whole year were good and only a year later it was possible to eradicate the infection.
I also know a case where a girl took tests on the same day in two different laboratories. In one laboratory, the analysis showed that the girl has trichomanas and no chlamydia, and in the other, that chlamydia is in a chronic advanced state, but there is no trichomania.

(the article will be finished soon)

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Can't make a diagnosis

In Novosibirsk, doctors cannot make a diagnosis for 9 months, as a result - multiple lesions bones, lung, spleen. Prostate. Cancer is suspected (weight 45 kg, age 60 years). The relatives are negotiating at the Tomsk Oncology Research Institute and have made an appointment for a consultation on March 12. You need a power of attorney from the patient (for now they will only bring documents for consultation, later hospitalization is possible if they agree to treat the patient). What text of the power of attorney should be written from the patient? Please send me a sample. TOMS policy is available.

Power of attorney for what actions? To exercise on behalf of the patient all the rights of the patient provided for Federal law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens”? Document preparation is a paid service. Sincerely!

The child is sent from the regional hospital to Moscow for consultation. They cannot make an accurate diagnosis. Should the consultation be free?

In terms of direction, then no. but if they just told you in words... they say go to Moscow))... then yes.

I've been going to hospitals for over a year, but doctors can't make a diagnosis. I was at the health department to see if they could influence the situation, after that they call from the Clinic and give directions to to different doctors and there's no point. What to do.

Contact private clinics to get an opinion from them, and then you can try to draw up statement of claim on doctors, guided by Article 151 1064 of the Civil Code, to attract those who cannot diagnose you.

I agree with Federal Law 71 of the Law on Medical Care, how can they not make a diagnosis in our time? Every citizen has the right to receive medical care in the Russian Federation. You also have medical card in which all procedures performed are recorded. So, based on this, change the local doctor who is treating incorrect treatment.

In your situation, you can get the opinion of several similar doctors. Take advantage of the opportunity to review your case medical commission existing at any clinic. If you are insured, do not miss the opportunity to seek the help of the insurance company, in the department specially organized for such situations to verify the medical services provided. Get directions to regional hospital Federal Law "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation" dated November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ.

Here you need to find out why you cannot be diagnosed: either reluctance to make a diagnosis, or insufficient professionalism of doctors. Personally, I advise you to once again apply on the basis of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 59-FZ On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation to the Department of Health with a complaint and ask the Department to arrange for you to be examined by competent doctors. And send a copy of your complaint on the basis of Article 10 of the Federal Law On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation also to the prosecutor's office. In your complaint, describe in detail all your ordeals from going to hospitals.

Hello. Try to contact other doctors of the same profile with the results of tests and examinations. It is advisable to do this not in the same clinic, but in another one. And it is necessary that the doctor you go to for an alternative opinion has a higher qualification. You can also ask to assemble a medical commission Art. 48 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2018) “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 31, 2019). As a result of this commission may be born correct diagnosis or right direction searching for such a diagnosis. If the second doctor prescribes you a repeat or additional research, be sure to do them. It doesn't matter that you have already done them. This will eliminate the influence of low-quality equipment and unprofessionalism of workers.

File a complaint with the territorial compulsory health insurance fund and your insurance company. They are interested in medical services were provided with high quality, because it is they who pay the money for these services, not you and me. They will check. FEDERAL COMPULSORY MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND ORDER of December 1, 2010 N 230 ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR ORGANIZING AND CONTROL OF THE VOLUMES, DATES, QUALITY AND CONDITIONS OF PROVIDING MEDICAL CARE UNDER COMPULSORY MEDICINE WHO IS INSURED 3. To control the volumes, timing, quality and conditions of providing medical care for mandatory health insurance(hereinafter referred to as control) include measures to verify the compliance of the medical care provided to the insured person with the terms of the contract for the provision and payment of medical care under compulsory health insurance, implemented through medical and economic control, medical and economic examination and examination of the quality of medical care. 4. The object of control is the organization and provision of medical care under compulsory health insurance. Subjects of control are territorial compulsory health insurance funds, medical insurance organizations, medical organizations that have the right to carry out medical activities and are included in the register of medical organizations operating in the field of compulsory health insurance. 5. Control objectives: 5.1. security free provision the insured person receives medical care in the amount and under the conditions established by the territorial compulsory health insurance program; 5.2. protection of the rights of the insured person to receive free medical care in the amount and under the conditions established by the territorial compulsory health insurance program, of appropriate quality in medical organizations participating in the implementation of compulsory health insurance programs, in accordance with contracts for the provision and payment of medical care under compulsory health insurance ; 5.3. prevention of defects in medical care resulting from inconsistency of the provided medical care with the health status of the insured person; non-compliance and/or incorrect implementation of procedures for the provision of medical care and/or standards of medical care, clinical recommendations (treatment protocols) regarding the provision of medical care, medical technologies by analyzing the most common violations based on control results and taking action authorized bodies;

You have the right to contact any private clinics to establish a diagnosis or conduct an examination - a review of the diagnosis in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Citizens' Health. Based on the result, go to court in accordance with Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 131 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

They can’t diagnose my father, they’ve gone everywhere, they’ve tried everything, and every day he’s getting worse because... there is no treatment.

Victoria, you can contact the Ministry of Health of your region and state in your appeal all your arguments and concerns. Ask them to assist in appropriate hospitalization and full examination to establish a diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment.

A question. My aunt was found cancer tumor Until a diagnosis can be made, there are a lot of tests, biopsies, etc. The tumor is already the size of a fist, it’s affected internal organs. It was discovered quite recently when I was undergoing a medical examination. Now all the documents are in hand, and it turned out that a year ago it was visible in the picture, but due to the negligence of doctors, it was viewed. Now that she's grown up and touched vitally important organs, they are not able to do this complex operation, they say that we need to go to Moscow or abroad, of course, now this operation costs crazy money and it is not known whether we will be able to raise such a sum. But this negligence became the cost of life. Is it possible to do something through the court? Is it possible to prosecute for this those who viewed this terrible disease on early stage? And collect the amount for the operation?

Valentina, first you need to send a written complaint to the medical institution where your aunt was treated last year preventive examination. If there are no results or they do not suit you, then you will have the legal right to go to court with an appropriate claim.

Doctors cannot give me an accurate diagnosis of my condition, and I am getting worse and worse, what should I do and where should I go?

Hello dear site visitor, insist on sending you for an MRI examination. You have such a right to go through it compulsory medical insurance policy. (if you have compulsory medical insurance) If you refuse, complain to the Head Doctor or the prosecutor's office. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

My mother, 63 years old, has not been able to get a diagnosis for two years now; they only send her for free examinations, with waiting lists lasting three or four months, but we no longer have enough money for paid ones, the pain is getting stronger and stronger. WHAT TO DO.

File a complaint with the city health center about hotline by email, Roszdravnadzor with an application for an inspection and the prosecutor's office. The actions are illegal.

A man has been in the hospital for 2 weeks with a fever and cannot be diagnosed.

Article 10. Consideration and resolution of applications by the prosecutor's office, complaints and other appeals [Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation"] [Article 10] 1. The prosecutor's office, in accordance with their powers, resolves statements, complaints and other appeals containing information about violations of laws. The decision made by the prosecutor does not prevent a person from going to court to protect his rights. A decision on an appeal against a sentence, decision, determination and order of the court can only be appealed to a higher prosecutor.

Where should I go if doctors in my city cannot diagnose me?

Hello, dear Anastasia! I think that first you should contact your medical insurance company with a complaint about the quality of medical care. The issues of conducting an examination of the quality of medical care are regulated by Order of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund dated December 1, 2010 No. 230 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and monitoring the volumes, timing, quality and conditions of providing medical care under compulsory health insurance.” According to clause 20 of the Procedure: In accordance with Part 6 of Article 40 of the Federal Law, examination of the quality of medical care is the identification of violations in the provision of medical care, including assessment of the timeliness of its provision, the correct choice of methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, and the degree of achievement of the planned result. It is also advisable in the complaint to raise the question of an in-person examination, the possibility of which is regulated in paragraph 36 of the Procedure: An examination of the quality of medical care can be carried out during the period of provision of medical care to the insured person (hereinafter referred to as an in-person examination of the quality of medical care), including at the request of the insured person or his representative. The main purpose of face-to-face examination of the quality of medical care is to prevent and/or minimize negative influence on the patient's health status and defects in medical care. An expert in the quality of medical care, with notification to the administration of a medical organization, can conduct a tour of the divisions of a medical organization in order to monitor the conditions for the provision of medical care, prepare materials for an expert opinion, and also advise the insured person. During the consultation, the insured person who applies is informed about his state of health, the degree of compliance of the medical care provided with the procedures for the provision of medical care and standards of medical care, clinical recommendations (treatment protocols) regarding the provision of medical care, the contract for the provision and payment of medical care under compulsory health insurance with an explanation his rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

They can’t diagnose my mother, where should I go to get a consultation?

Hello Nastasia! Thank you for the question, you need to contact you need health care of the Russian Federation Multi-channel phone number 8 495 627-24-00 health care of the Russian Federation. You can call there and leave your complaint. Health to your mother.

Can I get a pension if doctors cannot diagnose me?

You have the right to receive an old-age pension without any certificates from doctors. You will not be awarded a disability pension without the conclusion of a medical commission and a number of other mandatory documents in which the disability group will be established.

Doctors cannot make a diagnosis at the district hospital. Today we took him to Yelets, then again to Stanovoe, and so on all day. Now in intensive care. Is it possible to transport a patient to Lipetsk? Should the hospital provide ambulance? If we bring it ourselves, will they be accepted in Lipetsk?

Hello. Unfortunately, the questions are not legal. We do not have special knowledge in the field of medicine. All the best to you and successful resolution of your problems.

The patient has the right to choose a doctor and choose a medical organization in accordance with Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", prevention, diagnosis, treatment, medical rehabilitation in medical organizations in conditions that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements; When providing medical care to a citizen within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens, he has the right to choose a medical organization in the manner approved by the authorized federal body executive power, and at the choice of the doctor, taking into account the consent of the doctor. To select a medical organization providing medical care, a citizen personally or through his representative applies to the medical organization of his choice with a written application for the choice of a medical organization. The list of documents and the procedure for submission are specified in the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated April 26, 2012 N 406 n “On approval of the Procedure for a citizen to choose a medical organization when providing him with medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens.” To receive specialized medical care in a planned form, the choice of a medical organization is carried out on the direction of the attending physician . If several medical organizations providing medical care in the relevant profile take part in the implementation of the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens, the attending physician is obliged to inform the citizen about the possibility of choosing a medical organization, taking into account the fulfillment of the conditions for the provision of medical care established by the territorial program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. In your case, if the medical organization cannot provide the necessary medical care, the medical organization ensures the transfer of the citizen to another medical organization that provides for the provision of the necessary medical care (Example: Territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens on the territory of the Udmurt Republic for 2017 and for the planning period 2018 and 2019) Thus, your medical institution is obliged to identify and transfer the patient to another medical facility. If you apply yourself, then you need to coordinate these actions with the Lipetsk institution in the manner specified by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 N 406 n, and if this does not work out, most likely you yourself will have to negotiate, transport and pay at the expense own funds. But so that there is a timely and effective treatment, without “delays” and with the least expenditure of money and nerves, you need an accompanying lawyer for these relations. IN otherwise The situation can be aggravated due to bureaucratic obstacles, which can greatly affect the health of your relative. Contact a lawyer and do not skimp on your health.

I have acute headaches; our hospital cannot make an accurate diagnosis. Can I get a quota for treatment in the region?

Hello. This is not a legal issue. Only doctors decide everything. Contact your regional Ministry of Health. All the best to you and successful resolution of your problems.

Good evening, dear visitor! Contact the Ministry of Health of the subject. All the best, I wish you good luck in resolving your issue!

Contact your local doctor. He will prepare the documents and send them to the Ministry of Health. And then they will decide on the quota issue. As a doctor, I can advise you the following. There is no need to be afraid. You need to undergo a normal nuclear tomography scan and find a good neurologist. If you had a CT or MRI, then, apparently, they do not know how to read the images. While the quota issue is being resolved, do what I wrote to you. It is necessary to examine not only the brain, but also the cervicothoracic region of the spine. And, preferably, quickly. The quota may not be issued and time will pass at least six months.

Good day to you. You need to seek a quota from your attending physician, in in this case. Good luck in resolving your issue.

It takes a long time for the disease to be diagnosed.

Vova, good afternoon! What is your question? You need to look for a specialist, contact different doctors, and undergo examination. Best wishes to you!

Hello! Try contacting your primary doctor medical institution, or to the Department of Health. I wish you good luck and all the best!

Good day. Unfortunately, making a diagnosis is within the competence of your attending physician. Good luck and all the best.

What to do if doctors cannot make a diagnosis? I got sick on March 1, 2017, and I’m still sick to this day. The cause of my illness has not been established. After numerous examinations by Moscow city hospital clinical hospitals, polyclinics, Russian clinics Federal significance, paid private diagnostic centers The cause of the disease has also not been identified. In connection with which in September at the first Moscow State medical university named after I.M. Sechenov at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. V.F. Snegireva scheduled me exploratory operation. Yesterday I went to the clinic, the doctors refused to operate and prescribed a new additional examination. All analyzes according to the list were provided. My doctors at the clinic said that you were simply kicked off.

If doctors cannot come to general opinion, then in this case a consultation is appointed. You have been assigned diagnostic laparoscopy. It is done in any gynecology department. And a competent doctor will always identify the problem. There is no need to run all over Russia. You are just being scammed out of money and that’s all. Let your doctors from your hospital at your place of registration perform this operation. A competent gynecologist, a good ultrasound doctor and an anesthesiologist are enough. Work for an hour. Everything is available. Why are they telling lies on your ears?

I work at Russian Railways, they can’t give me a diagnosis, they send me to Moscow for an examination, the HR department forced me to write a statement without content wages for a month, sick leave They don’t open, they said they don’t pay for that period of time.

The actions of the doctors are not legal, they should issue a sick leave certificate, contact the chief doctor, City Health, Roszdravnadzor with a complaint. Good luck to you.

They cannot make a diagnosis.

Madina, good afternoon! If you are not satisfied with the work of the doctors, you have the right to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office. Best wishes to you!

My mother has been in hospital for 3 months now. district hospital. Local doctors cannot make any diagnosis. The condition was serious (there was a coma), but now it’s better, but it doesn’t get up at all. There were a lot of assumptions, but accurate diagnosis No. Latest version found pus in the spine. The regional hospital in Rostov refuses to admit her, and the local doctors don’t really insist. In Rostov, only one hospital performs operations to remove pus in the spine. And further local doctors They say that this is not our patient and that we should not keep her in our therapy. Please help me, where can I start turning to stop the chaos of doctors? Why is she being denied help even though she has serious condition, but She can be saved, and they are only stalling for time. Why are they refusing to admit her at the regional hospital in Rostov?

Marina, complain wherever possible and as soon as possible. Go to the head physician, write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, and so on. The person must be helped.

Good night! To get started, call the hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 3 months is quite a long time to make a diagnosis.

Marina, in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 323 “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens,” refusal of hospitalization is not legal. Do you need a medical lawyer providing support services? healing process. If there is a need, write to me, I will advise you good specialist in this area.

I was diagnosed with disseminated encephaloemylitis. I can't work. Can I be given disability?

Hello Tatiana. Disability is assigned by doctors. Or rather medical social expertise, which is in every city. Only there they will answer you

Good day! To recognize a citizen as disabled due to health reasons, a medical and social examination. You need to obtain the appropriate referral from the ITU Bureau of your city. Best wishes!

Hello Tatiana! The disability group is established as a result of a medical and social examination, depending not only on the diagnosis, but also based on comprehensive assessment conditions based on the analysis of clinical, functional, social, everyday, professional, labor and psychological data based on criteria approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development; a referral to ITU can be given by a medical institution, a regional branch of the Pension Fund and an authority social protection; If these organizations refuse the referral, then they issue a certificate confirming the fact of refusal and you can contact the ITU bureau yourself. With respect and readiness to help, STANISLAV PICHUEV.

My daughter is 20 years old; for 2.5 years they have not been able to diagnose her and begin treatment. I have repeatedly contacted the Ministry of Health. no one really wants to move. They are engaged in unsubscribes, in the form of registered letters, which they allegedly did. My daughter previously studied at the university, but now she can’t. I couldn’t work because I can’t leave my daughter alone. We have nothing to live on, let alone any new examinations. Everything that was spent during these 2 years.
I want to file a lawsuit against the MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF RUSSIA, also involving additional. persons and still force me to examine my daughter and collect compensation moral damage for all that time.
I really need the help of a competent lawyer who would agree to work for results and receive his reward after the trial and winning the case. I just have nothing to pay right now. Help and tell me, please, what to do. Thank you.

I really need the help of a competent lawyer who would agree to work for results and receive his reward after the trial and winning the case. I just have nothing to pay right now. You're moving in the wrong direction. I have a similar situation in one of the regions in the Russian Federation. The girl was already given a disability of 1 gram. Nothing, after my numerous complaints and requests various honey. institutions, and the diagnosis was made and the operation was performed. Health began to improve. So, what does the Ministry of Health have to do with it? Contact your place of residence, etc. Regarding the lack of money to pay, this category of cases is one of the most complex and needs to be studied a lot medical documentation. No one will do this for free, especially an experienced lawyer/attorney. If you are not recognized as poor, then try other ways to resolve the situation.

I really need the help of a competent lawyer who would agree to work for results and receive his reward after the trial and winning the case. I just have nothing to pay right now. Help and tell me, please, what to do. Thank you. Natalia, your colleague is right, this will be a complex case, it will take a lot of the lawyer’s time, so no one will be able to work according to your scheme. Moreover, the preparation of any paper or document is already the end of a certain stage, a certain work. In addition, one should not think that lawyers are necessarily wealthy people who can afford to work for free. Decent lawyers tend to die poor. To begin with, regarding your case, you need to study the correspondence, draw up appropriate legally competent appeals to the relevant officials, which can resolve the problem, perhaps without going to court. And it doesn't cost a lot of money.

I’ve been on sick leave for 3 weeks now and they can’t really give me a diagnosis; my temperature is always normal, tests are normal. The head doctor was going to discharge me, saying I was healthy. Can I, after I am discharged, go to the doctor again with a fever so that they can open a sick leave?

Hello. Yes, you have the right to apply for medical care at any time if you experience symptoms of illness.

It is unlikely that they will open a new sick leave for you. Let's try to figure out your problem here. I'm also a doctor. There are also doctors on the site. What is your temperature and is it constant throughout the day? What did they put you with?

My child has been sick for 2 months, the child is one year and eight months old, the doctors cannot make a diagnosis, we got ready to go to the regional children's hospital, told the local doctor that we would go to the hospital to go to the hospital, the pediatrician wrote us a referral for tests and said that she would write to us on Thursday we have a referral to the regional children's hospital and we can pick it up on Friday (today), I registered my child and my husband in the hospital for December 2nd, today I came for a referral, it turned out that we were not given a referral for one main test, without which we will not be accepted , (for bakpasev), and we only have to take it on Monday, the child and her husband leave on Thursday evening, and this test takes 10 days, but if we can agree with the laboratory, they will do it for us faster, as the doctor said. After a conversation with the doctor, I went to the manager to resolve the issue, to which the manager threw up her hands and said that she could not help and we would have to do everything ourselves, take tests, then negotiate so that they would give us the result earlier and then run away for the direction and after, run for the signature. There is no permanent doctor in our area and therefore we are sent to doctors. For two months, she never once prescribed a urine test for us to take, until we were told that we were going to the regional hospital. During the two months that the child was sick, we donated blood only twice, the first time as prescribed by the surgeon, and the second time, the manager gave us a referral, but the local pediatrician did not give us a referral for both blood and urine. Where to write a complaint against a doctor, that she is not coping with her duties, a doctor.

Hello! File a complaint with the health department about the doctor’s inaction and illegal refusals. Good luck to you and all the best!

My child has been sick for 2 months, the child is one year and eight months old, the doctors cannot make a diagnosis, we got ready to go to the regional children's hospital, told the local doctor that we would go to the hospital to go to the hospital, the pediatrician wrote us a referral for tests and said that she would write to us on Thursday we have a referral to the regional children's hospital and we can pick it up on Friday (today), I registered my child and my husband in the hospital for December 2nd, today I came for a referral, it turned out that we were not given a referral for one main test, without which we will not be accepted , (for bakpasev), and we only have to take it on Monday, the child and her husband leave on Thursday evening, and this test takes 10 days, but if we can agree with the laboratory, they will do it for us faster, as the doctor said. After a conversation with the doctor, I went to the manager to resolve the issue, to which the manager threw up her hands and said that she could not help and we would have to do everything ourselves, take tests, then negotiate so that they would give us the result earlier and then run away for the direction and after, run for the signature. There is no permanent doctor in our area and therefore we are sent to doctors. Where to write a complaint against a doctor?

You cannot write a complaint against the doctor, she cannot oblige you to do a test earlier. Because tests are done in a laboratory.

As long as you run around complaining, your child will be left without help. It's really simple if you want it quickly. Come to the laboratory, negotiate urgent analysis. Unfortunately, there is a price to pay for urgency. You receive your analysis and direction to the area. And you should write a complaint when you have already received everything. You have to be smarter. Contact Roszdravnadzor with this problem.

The problem is that they haven’t been able to diagnose a person for a month now, but they simply attribute different things to him and treat him for something unknown, and they don’t put him in the hospital. What to do in this case?

Hello. If you really have reason to believe that doctors cannot make a diagnosis, file a complaint with the Department of Health.

For two and a half months now, doctors have not been able to make a diagnosis or find the cause of the disease. I was examined in several clinics, underwent paid examinations, but there were no results. What to do in such cases and where to go?

You can contact the health department

Andrey, that means the experts are not the same. What do you suspect? It's just that I'm also a doctor. I can give you some advice. Intuition is not the last thing. You can contact Roszdravnadzor. But, if the specialists are useless, then they should be sent to Specialized Centers.

I live in Grozny, but no matter where I turn, doctors in our city cannot diagnose me, and meanwhile my condition is worsening every day. Where could I get examined and, if possible, undergo treatment (preferably free of charge).

Check with your insurance company.

For 5 years they cannot make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Where can I go?

To the Ministry of Health.

File a complaint with the regional Ministry of Health in writing.

Hello! Department of Health of the Kirov Region.

Hello, dear doctors. I really need your consultation. 20 years ago I started to worry about a dull pain in right side, in the center of the waist, in a standing position. Suspicion fell on the kidneys, but the tests and ultrasound results were normal. After 2 weeks, the pain went away and I forgot about it. It appeared about a year later. Urologists found nothing, neurologists didn’t either Over time, the pain became more and more intense and longer lasting. 4 years ago, the attack lasted about 2 months, passed spontaneously and suddenly, just as it began. The last attack began at the end of September. Hospitalized with renal colic, treated for 10 days, but the pain was the same and stayed. A CT scan did not confirm urolithiasis, intravenous urography was normal. During that time, I underwent a lot of examinations, but there was still no diagnosis. I did an MRI with contrast of the abdominal organs, lumbar and thoracic spine and was insanely formed when the results showed the presence of a hernia. But 4 neurologists and a neurosurgeon, after neurological examination categorically reject the possibility of this pain from a hernia. The pain is very intense, more acute, in the center of the waist, moving to the lower back, the side goes numb, radiates to pelvic bone and sometimes in the groin. The pain began to bother both at night and in a lying position, but greatly intensified when vertical position. Analgesics, antispasmodics, non-steroids do not respond. Neurology treatment was prescribed: Athorax, Xefocam, Baklosan, Atoris, Dexamethasone, Magnesium drip, Carbamazepine, Mexidol.

After the start treatment, during There was practically no pain for 3 days. On the 4th day moderate pain appeared, after 10 days everything returned to normal. Thank you doctors of the forum, in In particular, Igor Grigorievich Zinchuk, he advised me on the next step and diagnosis, which the neurosurgeon and thoracic surgeon, although reluctantly, confirmed. The diagnosis was made - Sliding rib syndrome (by the thoracic surgeon and tunnel neuropathy of the medial cutaneous branch of the intercostal cutaneous branch. Severe pain syndrome. )

I went to Chita, where I spent 3 weeks in neurosurgery. There they gave me 2 blockades. The first - 2.0 lidocaine, there was almost no effect, after 4 days, the second - lidocaine 4.0 + prednisolone. It became easier. After consulting with thoracic surgeon and palpated the chest, he determined that my 11th rib was painful, more severely its edge. And I doubted it, because in the literature sliding rib syndrome is typical for ribs 8,9,10.B private clinic I insisted on resection of the rib, although the doctors did not give any guarantee of relief from pain. After the operation, the surgeon said that perhaps the 11th rib was hypermobile, which caused pain.

Currently, 13 days have passed since the operation. There is no pain in the side, perhaps this is the effect of the blockade, I don’t know. I still hope that this is positive result performed surgical intervention.

The anterior lateral surface of the abdomen is not sensitive (the appendix area, the pain used to radiate here) But now, when I began to move more actively and stopped taking pain relief, I noticed that the pain, of exactly the same nature and always in a standing position, was concentrated around the postoperative scar, on the back lateral surface of the back, aching, dull, below the seam and up to the area just above the buttock. I clearly distinguish between surgical pain, which now hardly gives me any problems, and this, the same one that bothered me before the operation, but in the side area. Perhaps this my old pains, which really scares me and makes me depressed. Currently I am receiving dexamethasone and ketonal, an ampoule a day, but despite this, it is these stupid and aching pain are not docked.

Perhaps it was necessary to resect the rib completely, and not the edge? Or after the operation, the pain goes away immediately from the main focus, and along the nerve can persist for some time?

Doctor, please do not refuse advice, because I have no one to turn to here. Is it possible that the pain is associated with traumatic injury nerves, during the operation and will they go away over time or should I still pay attention to the diagnosis of the neurosurgeon, or look for another cause? Do I need to do electroneuromyography? Will it give a picture of the cause of these pains? If so, which nerves? Which doctor should I see for these pains? The surgeon warned that the pain would persist for 6 months and it would hurt severely, due to the branching and large quantity nerve endings in chest. Is the term “hypermobile rib” appropriate in this situation and does sliding rib syndrome really not manifest itself towards the 11th rib?

Thank you very much for your help! With great respect to you. Natalya

Often during medical practice we have to deal with cases when the patient cannot be given the correct diagnosis. Typically, such patients are either referred from one doctor to another in a circle, sent for more and more tests, but the correct diagnosis cannot be made.

...you shouldn’t meekly go with the flow, but urgently need to start actively influencing the situation...

Let’s say right away that no matter how cynical it may sound, the absence of a diagnosis is much better than an incorrect diagnosis, because the latter case the patient will be prescribed the wrong treatment and will be treated, confident that the symptoms will soon disappear, but in fact they will become stronger and stronger. It's even worse if it's wrong symptomatic treatment will temporarily reduce the severity of the manifestations and the patient will be sure that everything is going fine and the longer he is “treated” like this, the worse the situation will be and the more aggressive and traumatic treatment will be required.

In the worst situations, the disease can become incurable and the patient's survival prognosis will decrease from several decades to several months.

Therefore, if such a situation arises, then you should not meekly go with the flow, but you must urgently begin to actively influence the situation.


The situation described above could be the result of one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Low qualification of the doctor. It is important to understand that many people have the opinion that a young doctor is bad, because he has no experience and knowledge, and an elderly doctor is good, absolutely false. The fact is that older doctors often completely stop developing, learning new techniques, monitoring disease research, and as a result, they lag behind the times for many years, sometimes decades. This is a catastrophically long time for medicine. While the young doctor, if he graduates good university, already in internship or residency can get acquainted with modern medicine- read the latest clinical guidelines, research into the effectiveness of drugs, etc. Although young doctors have less experience and can make mistakes. This is also true.
  2. Errors in laboratory and instrumental studies. Often our clinics have rather old equipment, which is somewhat outdated and has a lot of errors. The same applies to laboratory equipment. In addition, the results of examinations can be influenced by how well a laboratory technician or, for example, an ultrasound specialist did their job. If the attending physician receives incorrect data from blood tests or ultrasound, it will be impossible to make a correct diagnosis, especially if these results conflict with other data.
  3. Erroneous interpretation of research results. This can often occur in cases where the doctor is not experienced enough in analyzing the results of MRI or CT scans, especially in the case of infrequent diseases.

What to do?

The first thing to remember: take care of own health First of all, the concern of the patient himself. Therefore, if you realize that you are going in circles, start breaking this vicious circle and first of all get an alternative opinion. To do this, contact another doctor of the same profile with the results of tests and examinations. It is advisable to do this not in the same hospital, because... you may find yourself in a situation where, in solidarity with a colleague, the new doctor will only confirm the impossibility of making a diagnosis and the situation will only get worse. Contact another clinic.

It is necessary that the doctor you go to for a second opinion has a higher qualification. Check the diagnosis in less qualified specialist may be a path to nowhere. You can also ask to assemble a medical commission. As a result of such brainstorming, the correct diagnosis or the correct direction of searching for such a diagnosis may be born.

If the second doctor has prescribed you a repeat or additional examination, be sure to do them. It doesn't matter that you've already done them. It may be logical to go to another laboratory or do an MRI on a different tomograph. This will eliminate the influence of low-quality equipment and unprofessionalism of workers.

The problem may be in a situation where you need to get a second opinion on the results of a CT and MRI, and you live in a small town where there simply is no second specialist, and if there is, then his qualifications are no higher than that of the first. In this case, it is best to turn to the National Teleradiological Network (NTRS) for help.

Second opinion from NTRS

…getting a second opinion is so quick and easy...

- a network that connects the best specialists leading clinics and medical institutes countries, and allowing everyone to receive qualified advice from them regarding the results of CT and MRI. You don't have to wait in line, get a referral, or come in for a consultation. All you need to do is upload the scan results to our server and within a day you will receive a detailed description.

Thus, NTRS is best opportunity get a second opinion, and, given that for many diseases, tomography is the most accurate diagnostic tool, a second opinion will mean making the correct diagnosis.

There is no need to waste precious time when getting a second opinion can be so simple and quick.

Despite the fact that this is the 21st century and there are a lot of advanced medical technologies in diagnostics, dozens of forums are full of questions: “ Doctors can't install diagnosis, heat , What do?»; « Doctors can not to diagnose, How get cured from unknown illness?»; « Help, child They can’t figure it out!”

The main reason why the patient goes to the doctor- to figure out real reasons his illnesses. An accurate conclusion is the basis for proper treatment and the key to a speedy recovery.

The diagnostic process consists of interviewing the patient, his examination, laboratory and instrumental studies. And at each stage, reasons may arise that complicate the final conclusion.

Why doctors can't always install diagnosis?

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • The patient interview was not given due attention, there was no contact between the patient and doctor, and during the conversation, significant circumstances and details were not revealed.
  • The specialist’s qualifications do not correspond to the proper level of professionalism: in modern healthcare there are more adult generation doctors they don’t know, and sometimes don’t want to know, about innovative methods, and the younger ones lack the skills, and, to be honest, there are a lot of “random” people.
  • What happened during last years changes in symptoms have led to some illnesses have similar characteristics and are not easy to distinguish.
  • Technical equipment failures. No matter how new and advanced the equipment is, it is just a machine that may have irregularities and you should not unconditionally trust its results.
  • Incorrect interpretation of data diagnostic equipment diagnostic doctor.

Therefore, unfortunately, there are cases of lack of conclusion or erroneous diagnosis. Both are extremely dangerous because... endanger human life. The first case is fraught with the loss of invaluable time and, as a result, the development of the disease. The second adds complications, deterioration of health, side effects from the medications taken, material costs and etc.

Where to go, If doctors can't install?

Several variants:

  • Don’t stop at one conclusion, find out the opinions of several similar ones doctors, preferably of different ages(since there is a difference in approach, principles and methodology) and compare and contrast them.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to have your case reviewed by a medical commission that exists at any clinic or hospital.
  • If you are insured, do not miss the opportunity to seek the help of the insurance company, in the department specially organized for such situations to verify the medical services provided.
  • Get a referral to a regional hospital (and they will have professionalism doctors more, and the equipment is more modern).
  • Report your case to the department federal service on supervision in the field of health care.
  • Ministry of Health, finally. Inflorescence collected in the capital doctors, your persistence will be rewarded.

Your health is in your hands. Salvation lies only in your persistence. Be firm and patient and your question will not go unanswered. The main thing is not to lose faith, fight, knock on all doors, contact all responsible services and the chances of recovery will increase significantly.