Claim to the arbitration court, example of rent. How to prepare a statement of claim to the arbitration court

Drawing up a statement of claim in arbitration court one of the most important stages V trial. Errors in the document are not allowed, because You can lose the case without ever starting it.

Don’t take risks, order the preparation of a statement of claim from experienced lawyers.
All our claims were accepted for consideration from the first filing.

How much does a claim in arbitration court cost?

The time it takes to prepare a document depends entirely on its complexity and
is from 2 to 4 working days.
Urgent claim - from 1 to 2 business days.

By ordering only the drawing up of a claim, you will receive its text and an appendix to it, which will list all the necessary documents that need to be attached when filing a lawsuit. Additionally, you will receive advice on how and to which arbitration court to file a claim.

Order the preparation of an arbitration claim

The development of a claim includes several stages:

  1. Development of grounds and positions

    An analysis of the existing judicial practice on similar disputes. The reasons for wins and losses, as well as mistakes made by the parties in such cases, are analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main positions and grounds for the statement of claim to the arbitration court are developed.

  2. Collection of applications and evidence

    A list of all documents that must be attached to the statement of claim is compiled.

  3. Writing an application

    The text of the statement of claim is drawn up.

What kind of claim will you receive?

Designed specifically for your unique situation.

Containing sufficient grounds to support your claims.

Containing full list everyone necessary documents for filing with the arbitration court.

In a short time you will receive a correctly compiled arbitration claim completely ready to go to court.

Why is a template claim often not enough?

Suppose you decide to draw up a statement of claim to the arbitration court yourself. We found a suitable template, read and studied a lot. You have already accumulated some knowledge, and it seems to you that this is enough. You start registration and a lot of questions immediately appear. After spending time, you end up finding ambiguous answers. You finish writing filled with a feeling of doubt. File a lawsuit at your own peril and risk. Waiting, worrying about possible refusal in accepting a statement of claim by an arbitration court.

Your fears are completely justified, because... If you made any mistakes, the arbitration court can:

  • ❌ leave the claim without consideration;
  • ❌ leave the claim without movement;
  • ❌ return the statement of claim.

The likelihood of one of the above scenarios is very high, because having only theoretical knowledge is not enough. Need experience. A specialist who understands all the legal subtleties and nuances must participate in preparing a claim to the arbitration court.

Mandatory details. Write the name of the arbitration court to which the claim will be submitted. Next, provide detailed details of the defendant. For an organization, this will be the name, location, contact details (telephone, e-mail), place and date of state registration (for individual entrepreneurs). For an individual, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic, place and date of birth, home address, and contact telephone number.

Now, in the center of the sheet, place the title of the document “Statement of Claim” and briefly describe the essence of the appeal.

In the main part of the document, indicate the circumstances that served as the reason for applying to the arbitration court. Describe exactly how your rights were violated, provide and justify the calculation of the amount that, in your opinion, should be recovered from the defendant. In addition, be sure to provide evidence that allows you to make claims against the defendant, referring to specific articles of the Law of the Russian Federation. Tell the court about your attempts to resolve the dispute before going to court.

In the final part of the statement of claim, list your demands on the defendant, addressing the court using the word “Please.” After this, list all the documents attached to the claim in the “Appendix” section specially designated for this purpose. Now put the date and sign, decipher the signature in brackets.

Tip 2: How to write a statement of claim to the arbitration court

A correctly completed statement of claim, taking into account all legal requirements, guarantees half the success in a contested case. You can draw up the document yourself or seek help from specialists.


Take a sheet of A4 paper. In the upper right corner write the name of the arbitration court and its location. Next, enter your personal information, postal address along with zip code, you can write contact information, phone number, fax number, email address. After this, write down the details of the defendant and his place of residence. Indicate the surname, first name and patronymic of the person, if this is an individual entrepreneur, or the location of the company, enterprise, organization, if the claim is brought against a legal entity.

In the middle write the name of the document, in in this case"claim". Begin to outline the essence of the case, write down the points of the law that the defendant violated (for example, in bankruptcy cases it is necessary to follow current legislation regulating this area). Give your arguments and the sequence of actions before going to court. Provide the most truthful information possible, try to avoid emotions. The information must be detailed, exclusively on the essence of the issue under consideration. If you combine several issues into one statement of claim, then distinguish them, do not write about everything at once.

Provide the rules of law and specific clauses and articles of the law on the basis of which you defend your right of claim. At the end of the document, after the word “Please,” list the requirements for the defendant. Here you can indicate what you want from the arbitration court, what the dispute is and for what reasons you filed the application. It is possible that the judge, having read the statement of claim, will be able to build tactics in advance court session, relying on legislative framework concerning the case.

Sign the document and date it. You must serve a copy on the defendant, the third party, and the court. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare several copies in advance. There is no need to have your application certified

How to submit a claim to the arbitration court?

By general rule Persons may file a claim with the arbitration court to protect their rights or the rights or legitimate interests of other persons that have been violated or disputed by the defendant (Article 4 of the Arbitration procedural code RF, hereinafter referred to as the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), as well as a number of special entities in order to protect public interests (clause 2 of Article 53 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2014 No. 51).

Before filing a claim, it is worth checking whether the law or agreement has established a mandatory pre-trial (for example, claim) resolution procedure for this dispute. Failure to comply will result in the plaintiff’s application being left without consideration (subclause 2, clause 1, article 148 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, an accepted claim in respect of which non-compliance with the claim procedure has been established will not necessarily be left without consideration. If the defendant’s request to leave such a claim without consideration is caused by a desire to delay the process, then it is recognized as an abuse of law, and the case is considered further on its merits (decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2015 in case No. 306-ES15-1364, A55-12366/2012).

The claim is signed by the plaintiff or his representative by proxy. The absence of the plaintiff’s signature in the statement of claim or its signing by an unauthorized person is grounds for the court to leave the claim without consideration (subclause 7, clause 1, article 148 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). That is, by accepting the claim for proceedings, the court establishes the existence of the plaintiff’s will to protect his interests (Resolution of the Moscow District Court of November 28, 2014 No. F05-13547/2014).

Procedure for filing a claim

Statement of claim to the arbitration court served:

  • In writing (can be sent by mail or submitted directly to the court office). Postal dispatch is convenient for situations where the statute of limitations expires: regardless of the moment the application is received by the court, the date of dispatch will be determined by the postmark.
  • IN electronic form(Article 125 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation) - this requires registration on the Internet resource “My Arbitrator”. This system allows you to send a statement of claim and other documents in the form of drawing files, scanned or photocopies (mandatory requirements for the file format and drawing options are provided for in the Procedure for submitting documents to the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation in electronic form, including in the form of an electronic document approved by order of the Judicial Department RF Armed Forces dated December 28, 2016 No. 252). Failure to comply with the submission rules will result in refusal to accept documents, of which the system user will be notified.

If a statement of claim is filed in electronic form (Part 1, Article 41 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation), the court may invite the plaintiff to provide the original of the submitted document (Part 3, Article 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). The inability to establish that the claim was filed by the plaintiff entails leaving the appeal without consideration (resolution of the Moscow District Court of December 4, 2015 No. F05-15636/2015).

Structure, content and examples of statements of claim

The structure of the statement of claim can be divided into parts:

  • introductory;
  • descriptive;
  • motivational;
  • pleading.

The introductory part should contain:

  • name of the addressee arbitration court;
  • information about the parties to the case;
  • the name of the document itself.

In the descriptive part, the plaintiff sets out the situation in which he is forced to apply for judicial protection. The circumstances stated by the plaintiff are substantiated by the documents attached to the claim.

This is followed by a motivational part, justifying the claim with facts, calculations and legal norms. For example, the absence in the statement of claim of a calculation of the amount to be recovered or an indication of the start date for accrual of the penalty will be a violation of clause 7, part 2, art. 125 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (resolution of the Moscow District Court of July 24, 2015 in case No. A40-80028/14).

In the pleading part, the plaintiff must clearly formulate the stated requirements for the defendant. Thus, in one of the cases, the court rejected the plaintiff, who did not indicate, in violation of paragraph 4 of Part 2 of Art. 125 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, in the pleading part of the application, which defamatory information should be refuted (resolution of the Moscow District Arbitration Court dated September 17, 2015 in case No. A40-17327/2014).

Sample statement of claim to the arbitration court can be found on the official website of the arbitration court by jurisdiction or downloaded from the links:

  • example of a statement of claim to the arbitration court on debt collection;
  • An example of a statement of claim to invalidate a major transaction.

Response to the statement of claim to the arbitration court

The APC imposes an obligation on the defendant to send a response to the statement of claim to the arbitration court , as well as to persons participating in the case, indicating objections within a period that gives them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the response before the start of the court hearing.

The response to the statement of claim is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Art. 131 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and can be submitted to the arbitration court in the same manner as a statement of claim.

The absence of a response gives the court the right to consider the case based on the available evidence or set a new deadline for its presentation.

The response is signed by the defendant or his representative by proxy.

Thus, when drawing up court documents, it is important to comply with procedural laws and be guided by the recommendations of judicial practice. The claims must be stated clearly and to the point, since the outcome of the case largely depends on how well the claim is drawn up. Concerning sample statement of claim to the arbitration court, then its forms are available in a number of sources.

Conducting a case Pre-trial dispute Claim in arbitration Appeal of a decision Securing a claim Execution Representative in an arbitration court Debt collection Defense of the debtor Owner Participant (Shareholder) VAT reimbursement Protection of the defendant Arbitration court Case management (government agency) Business reputation Refusal of a license

Drawing up a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court. File an arbitration claim. File a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court.

Due date 5 calendar days. United Lawyers. United Lawyers: draw up a statement of claim to the arbitration court, draw up a claim to the arbitration court, drafting a statement of claim to the arbitration court, arbitration claim, statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court, cost, preparation of the statement of claim

Service price: 7,500 rubles (advance - 100%).

Additional service: filing a claim:

By hand - 3,500 rubles.

Electronically - 1,750 rubles.

The composition and price calculation are made for a typical situation; if your situation is different, we will make a different composition of services and a different price.

Deadline for preparing a claim: 3 working days.

Our legal service “Drafting a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court” includes:

  1. Analysis of the client's situation.
  2. Development of a legal position.
  3. Development of a line for protecting the client’s interests in the arbitration court.
  4. Drawing up a statement of claim in arbitration.
  5. Coordination of the claim with the client.
  6. Transferring to the client the text of the statement of claim and all received documents.

The result of our legal service “Drafting a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court”:

  1. The client receives qualified legal assistance in preparing a statement of claim to the arbitration court.
  2. The client receives his copy of the statement of claim.

Document confirming the filing of an arbitration claim:

A genuine statement of claim to the arbitration court, prepared for submission to the arbitration court.

Documents required to write a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court:

  1. Any documents containing information about the controversial situation, the subjects of the dispute, the legal relations of the parties to the dispute, the emergence and development of relations (for example, an agreement and an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, business correspondence of counterparties, letters of claims, the cost of fulfilled obligations, etc.), about the opponent’s position in the dispute.
  2. Proof of payment of the state fee for consideration of the claim by the arbitration court, for example a payment order or receipt.

Actions required to draw up a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court:

  1. Provide all information and documents about the controversial situation.
  2. Pay the state fee and give the lawyer the original receipt or payment order with the bank’s note about payment.
  3. Review, agree on and sign the statement of claim to the arbitration court.

Advantages of our service for drafting an arbitration claim:

Our lawyers have extensive experience in handling claims and lawsuits. Development and submission of claims to the arbitration court is their daily work. By contacting us for help, you receive the qualified services of an experienced lawyer who will competently prepare a statement of claim for you and submit it to the arbitration court. The cost of the service is much less than your savings on legal troubles.

Our guarantees when drawing up a statement of claim to the arbitration court:

We conclude an agency agreement, in which we indicate a list of orders, cost calculation and execution schedule. We will return your money in case of our fault and protect you from claims that are brought against you due to our fault.

Additional services that may be required when drawing up a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court:

  1. Development and submission of claims to the opponent (defendant, debtor, counterparty).
  2. Negotiations with an opponent.
  3. Development of a draft settlement agreement within the framework of a judicial settlement.
  4. Development of a draft agreement on pre-trial or out-of-court settlement of a dispute, for example: additional agreement, addition to the contract, termination agreement, etc.
  5. Representation in court at a preliminary hearing.
  6. Representation in court at the stage of consideration of the case on its merits.
  7. Preparation of additional procedural and pleading documents (statements, complaints, explanations, petitions, etc.).

Client risks when filing an arbitration claim independently:

The lack of special legal knowledge, including knowledge of procedural and substantive rules of law, will significantly complicate the process of drawing up an application. Lack of qualified skills may result in claims being denied, your claim being rejected and returned, or not being processed.

Client risks before ordering related to violation of standards:

Before filing a claim in court, the opponent legally may take measures to divert assets, which may subsequently cause the impossibility of executing a court decision.

Client risks after filing a claim in arbitration:

After filing a claim, it is necessary to skillfully counter the defendant’s objections, which is only possible with professional legal knowledge and experience.

Information on the legal regulation of the arbitration claim:

Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation (APC RF).

Article 4. Right to appeal to the arbitration court

1. An interested person has the right to apply to an arbitration court for the protection of his violated or disputed rights and legitimate interests, including with a request to award him compensation for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time or the right to execute a judicial act within a reasonable time, in the manner established by this Code.

(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law dated April 30, 2010 N 69-FZ)

(see text in the previous edition)

2. In the cases provided for by this Code, other persons have the right to apply to the arbitration court.

3. Waiver of the right to go to court is invalid.

4. An appeal to the arbitration court is carried out in the form of:

statement of claim - for economic disputes and other cases arising from civil legal relations;

statements - in cases arising from administrative and other public legal relations, in insolvency (bankruptcy) cases, in cases of special proceedings, when applying for the review of judicial acts in the manner of supervision and in other cases provided for by this Code;

complaints - when applying to the arbitration court of appeal and cassation authorities, as well as in other cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws;

submissions - upon request from the Prosecutor General Russian Federation and his deputies on the review of judicial acts by way of supervision.

5. If for a certain category of disputes federal law a claim or other pre-trial settlement procedure has been established or it is provided for in the contract, the dispute is referred to the arbitration court after compliance with this procedure.

6. By agreement of the parties subordinate arbitration court, a dispute arising from civil legal relations, before the arbitration court of first instance adopts a judicial act that ends the consideration of the case on the merits, may be submitted by the parties for consideration arbitration court, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Regulatory legal acts on statements of claim to arbitration:

  1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.

Warning about possible errors when choosing the service “Drafting a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court”:

This service should not be understood as " " or " ". This service does not involve participation in legal proceedings. Just prepare a statement of claim for arbitration. There is no cost for participation in this service.

To receive services involving participation in the process, you must visit the pages of these services and familiarize yourself with their content.

Where and how to order the service “Drafting a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court”:

You can order the service of drawing up a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court directly on this page by clicking the “order” button if you have decided on the service.

Consultations will help you decide on the service qualified specialists companies by phone, e-mail or ICQ. Our lawyers in as soon as possible will select the required service and prepare all the necessary documents. To place an order (submit an application), you just need to follow the “order” link located to the right of the service you need.

If necessary, you can familiarize yourself in detail with all the information on each separate species services by following the link of these types.

The many years of experience of the United Lawyers company is a guarantee of the high quality of our legal defense services.

Only experienced lawyers can draw up a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court. The cost of their work can always be obtained from the defendant.

Price less problem

Price: 7,500 ₽ (advance payment - 100%).

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to order us the service described on this page, but you need it, then you can order us any part of it, that is, an auxiliary service. Below is a description of support services and the ability to order them.

Your legs:We do documents remotely, create packages of documents, we send everything we can to the right organ(or other recipient) by mail, which is necessary we send to you by e-mail. You yourself go to the authority with the documents and/or take other actions, guided by our instructions. 5250 ₽
Our feet:You do the documents, create packages of documents, send everything that you cannot to us by mail or e-mail. We send your documents to the authority and/or take other actions, guided by your instructions. 1500 ₽
Expertise:We check documents for compliance with current requirements. We make a conclusion about the readiness of documents for submission 3750 ₽
Advisory support:We remotely, in real time, advise you on the preparation of documents and the formation of a package of documents, on behavior in authorities and organizations to achieve the goal. 3000 ₽
Written consultation: We provide you with written advice on the topic of the main service. Volume: 3-4 sheets of A4 format. 3600 ₽
Oral consultation: We give you oral advice on the topic of the main service. Volume - 30 minutes of oral conversation with a lawyer in the office or by phone. 2400 ₽

IN Lately the circulation of debts in the business environment with the subsequent bankruptcy of debtors forces organizations to apply to the arbitration court with claims for debt collection.

It is very important to choose the right tactics of behavior, competently argue your position and find its confirmation in legislative acts. Moreover, if a formal error is made when drawing up a claim to the arbitration court, the court will return the claim for revision.

This article reveals the basic rules for filing a claim, and you can also use the services of the center.

Cost of compilation services

When does it make sense to contact a lawyer to prepare a statement of claim?

Arbitration court statistics indicate the significance of disputes regarding the collection of accounts payable from counterparties, intellectual rights, disputes with tax and other fiscal authorities, unjust enrichment, recovery of damages government agencies(including with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSSP) damage (including lost profits and lost income), as well as bankruptcy of enterprises and organizations.

Filing a claim with an arbitration court is accompanied by the development of a legal position, which represents a procedure, a set of guidelines, and the party’s position on resolving and settling the dispute that has arisen. To properly develop this line of argument, legal assistance is required in most cases.

How to file a claim in court

It is possible to submit an application to the arbitration court by sending a postal letter with notification and inventory to the court's address or through the office of the arbitration court with a note of acceptance (stamp). The claim must be submitted only in writing, which must be signed by the plaintiff or by a person with a power of attorney. The claim shall be accompanied by supporting documents confirming that copies of the claim with attachments have been sent to the defendant and interested parties.

Pre-trial claims procedure

If, before applying to arbitration, a pre-trial claim procedure is provided, then the person filing the claim must provide evidence confirming compliance with this procedure. Before filing a claim with the arbitration court, I recommend showing the documents to the arbitration court and getting advice.

The statement of claim to the arbitration court must comply with all the requirements of Art. 125 Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. When deciding to cooperate with a client and begin preparing a statement of claim to the court, the legal center employees pay special attention to the following:

- jurisdiction of the subject of the dispute. The claim is brought to the arbitration court of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location or place of residence of the defendant or the property;
— ;
- grounds of claim. The basis of the claim is the legal facts, circumstances and evidence on which the plaintiff bases his claims against the defendant, which must be indicated in the statement of claim to the arbitration court. IN otherwise, the statement of claim may be left without movement;
— whether there are force majeure circumstances;
- comparison of judicial practice with the subject of the upcoming judicial trial;
— development and coordination with the principal of litigation tactics;
— collection and preparation of documents necessary for the arbitration court;
— calculation of court fees (state fees). The amount of state duty is calculated in accordance with Art. Art. 333.21., 333.22., 333.37 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, you can also use the state duty calculator on the website of the Moscow Arbitration Court (;
— conducting negotiations for a possible pre-trial settlement, incl. legally justified coercion to sign a settlement agreement;
— writing a pre-trial claim (mandatory “practically” requirement since 2016). The claim procedure for resolving a dispute may also be provided for by the terms of the contract;
— sending a statement of claim to a judicial authority.

An example of drawing up a statement of claim to an arbitration court

It is important to clearly know:

I. Legislative definition of identified contractual violations with selection evidence base and positive judicial practice.
II. Calculation of disputed obligations in monetary or other equivalent.
III. Formation of claims, which in the future will “lie” in a positive decision of the judicial authority.

The lawsuit will consist of the following blocks:

1. name of the judicial authority and its address,
For example: ;
2. plaintiff (you) and name of the defendant. If the plaintiff or defendant is a legal entity, then in the statement of claim to the arbitration court it is necessary to indicate its organizational and legal form and location, which is determined by the legal address of the organization.;
3. the essence (subject) of the requirements. The subject of the statement of claim to the arbitration court is the claim of the plaintiff to the defendant about a violated right, which you ask the court to restore. The subject of the statement of claim must contain references to the provisions of the law that substantiate your claims against the defendant.;
4. grounds of claim. For example: the basis for a claim for recovery of funds under a contract is a violation of the terms of the contract. In a statement of claim for damages, the basis is the fact of harm;
5. collection and preparation of evidence;
6. cost of claim, etc. The cost of the claim is the cost of the substantive and legal claims stated by you in the statement of claim. The collected amounts of fines, penalties and interest are also included in the price of the claim.;
7. wording of the court petition;
8. In accordance with the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the claim must be accompanied by a receipt for sending the application to the defendant and a copy of the payment order for payment of the state duty.

Based on the peculiarities of arbitration proceedings, when drawing up a statement of claim and submitting it to the court, it is necessary to pay Special attention preparation of a set of applications that must comply with the requirements of Article 126 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

What documents must be attached to the statement of claim to the arbitration court?

1) notification of delivery or other documents confirming the sending to other persons participating in the case, copies of the statement of claim and documents attached to it, which other persons participating in the case do not have;
2) a document confirming the payment of the state duty in the established manner and in the amount or the right to receive benefits in the payment of the state duty, or a petition for “granting a deferment, installment plan, or a reduction in the amount of the state duty;
3) documents confirming the circumstances on which the plaintiff bases his claims;
4) copies of the certificate of state registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
5) power of attorney or other documents confirming the authority to sign the statement of claim;
6) copies of the arbitration court ruling on securing property interests before filing a claim;
7) documents confirming the plaintiff’s compliance with the claim or other pre-trial procedure, if it is provided for by federal law or agreement;
9) extract from the unified state register legal entities or the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs indicating information about the location or place of residence of the plaintiff and defendant.

All facts specified in the statement of claim must be confirmed. Any unfounded information in statements of claim is not allowed. The circumstances of the case are described by the plaintiff with reference to legislative acts and regulatory documentation.

Sample statement of claim to the arbitration court

To the Moscow Arbitration Court
Plaintiff: ___________________________________,
(indicate the full details of the plaintiff: his name,

Respondent: ________________________________,
(indicate the full details of the defendant: his name,
address, telephone, email)

Statement of claim
about replacement by the supplier of goods of inadequate quality with goods

The amount of the claim is ________________ rubles

State duty _____________ rubles

Indicate when, by whom and where the contract was concluded, which GOSTs, specifications the product had to comply with, indicating the clauses of the contract, under what circumstances it was discovered that its quality did not correspond to the declared or usual in such conditions, what this discrepancy led to, what measures the buyer took to pre-trial settlement of the dispute, what evidence supports the claims made by the plaintiff, etc.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 518 Civil Code In the Russian Federation, the recipient to whom goods of inadequate quality have been supplied has the right to present to the supplier the requirements provided for in Article 475 of the Code. The exception is when the supplier independently and without delay replaces the supplied goods with those of appropriate quality.

In accordance with paragraph. 3 p. 2 art. 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the defects of the goods were not specified by the seller, the buyer to whom the goods of inadequate quality were transferred has the right to demand that the seller replace the goods of inadequate quality with goods that comply with the contract.

Based on the above and guided by paragraph 1 of Art. 518, para. 3 p. 2 art. 475 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Art. Art. 4, 27, 125, 126 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation,


Indicate your requirements for replacing a product of inadequate quality with a quality one or for a refund of the money paid for it.


1. Copy of the supply agreement.
2. Copies of documents confirming the presence of fatal defects in the goods;
3. A copy of documents confirming the pre-trial settlement of the dispute.
4. Receipt for sending the claim to the defendant.
5. Copies of constituent documents.
6. Receipt for payment of state duty.
7. Other documents confirming your position.

Plaintiff: _______________/_________________ (M.P.) “___”_______ ___ g.