What operations are performed free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy? How to get a quota for an operation: step-by-step instructions

You will need

  • To receive a quota:
  • - statement of treatment performed;
  • - results of clinical diagnostic tests;
  • - written appeal;
  • - a copy of a passport or birth certificate, for children a copy of the passport of one of the parents or legal representative;
  • - a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • - a copy of the pension insurance policy;
  • - a copy of the insurance number of the individual personal account.
  • To receive a coupon for free travel to the place of treatment:
  • - compulsory policy health insurance;
  • - copies of the first page and the registration page of your passport;
  • - a document confirming the right to the benefit;
  • - a referral from a medical institution signed by the city’s chief specialist in this profile.


Quotas are allocated for the most serious operations. The list of diseases eligible for the quota was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Although the number of quotas is increasing, it will still not be possible to avoid paperwork. You will have to spend some time going through the authorities, but there is no other way out.

Contact the clinic to which you are assigned at your place of residence. The local physician or specialist treating you will conduct the necessary medical examination. Based on the data obtained as a result of the examination and clinical diagnostic tests, the doctor will decide to send all the necessary documents for consideration by the commission of the health care authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The documentation must include information about the procedure and the patient’s health status. The extract must be accompanied by a written request from the patient, a copy of his passport or birth certificate, a copy of the passport of one of the parents or legal representative, a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy, a copy of the pension insurance policy and a copy of the insurance number of the individual personal account.

The commission of the health authority will review your documents and send them to the chief specialist in your disease in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The specialist will also give an opinion on the need for surgery.

Then the commission meeting itself will take place. It will review the opinions of your attending physician and chief specialist. The commission will decide which medical institution at the regional or federal level to send you to receive medical care.

After making a favorable decision, the health authority commission will transfer all your medical documents to the specialized medical institution. There, specialists will confirm the indications for surgery and set a date for hospitalization. You will need to report to the treatment facility within the specified time frame. You must have the originals of all with you. medical documents and survey results. Information about the progress of document review and the date of hospitalization can be found on the portal talon.gasurf.ru.

A patient is sent for treatment abroad only if necessary technologies there is not in Russia. You will have to prove the feasibility of treatment abroad not to one, but to several commissions. Their composition is approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. If you are denied an operation abroad, you will definitely be offered treatment in a specialized clinic in Russian Federation, including according to quota.

If you have the right to receive government social assistance, in the territorial Fund social insurance you will be given a coupon for which you can receive documents for free travel to the place of hospitalization and back. To do this, you must provide the Fund with a pension insurance certificate, a compulsory health insurance policy, copies of the first page and page of your passport, a document confirming your right to benefits and a referral from a medical institution signed by the city’s chief specialist in this profile.

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  • Procedure for citizens to receive high-tech medical care
  • what documents for quota

It’s scary to find yourself in a situation when you see how your loved one is fading away, and you are completely unable to help him just because you don’t have the money for an emergency operation. What to do in this case?


Reach out to friends and family to help you raise funds for surgery. Some of them will probably provide financial support, some will collect documents to open an account, some will simply stay by your side in this difficult hour. In any case, at such moments you cannot remain alone with your grief and hope for chance. And sometimes one person simply cannot bear such a load - neither morally nor physically.

Explain the situation to your employer and ask for leave at your own expense so that you have as much free time as possible to look for money. Don't ask for money from the management of the organization you work for. If it has not figured this out on its own, appealing to a sense of mercy is pointless.

Consult your doctor and submit a request for surgery to a Russian or foreign medical center. Find out the exact cost of the operation and find out the payment procedure. Open a bank account.

Contact the media and online resources to place advertisements that a person needs help. So, if your child is sick, you can send your appeal to the all-Russian media. For example, at the radio station “Echo of Moscow” there is a service called “Help Needed”. Provide all documents confirming the seriousness of the situation and provide bank details.

Send your application to charities providing financial support to people in need of urgent surgery. Submit all documents. It happens that the operation is fully financed from the funds of such organizations.

Contact the city administration for permission to hold an event in support of raising funds for surgery. The promotion can be of any format and scale. But it is not recommended to carry it out without official permission, since it will affect the material interests of citizens.

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Technology in vitro fertilization (ECO) gives hope to infertile couples to have their own children. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of a federal quota for the procedure ECO, which fully covers the cost of treatment.

You will need

  • - visit a gynecologist;
  • - passport;
  • - compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • - pension insurance certificate;
  • - visit the committee for selecting patients for IVF;


Contact your gynecologist at antenatal clinic at your place of residence and indicate your desire to receive quota on ECO. The doctor must provide the necessary information and submit them to the chief physician for signature. The documents must contain an extract from the illness, data on examinations and tests, information on previous treatment. The doctor will also provide an opinion on the need for infertility treatment with ECO.

Having received Required documents from the attending physician, go to the committee for selecting patients for the provision of high-tech medical care. Such commissions are created by the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the documents that the gynecologist will provide, you will also submit the following documents to the commission: a copy of your passport or certificate of insurance, a copy of the pension insurance certificate, a copy of compulsory health insurance, as well as for the provision of a quota.

Now wait for news from the specified commission medical institution. This will decide how your treatment will be provided. If you come for a face-to-face consultation, it must be accepted within three days, from otherwise the commission has ten days.

When you are informed of a positive decision, find out the date of the scheduled operation and begin to prepare for it.

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In case of refusal to provide services, you can appeal against actions or inactions executive bodies in a court.

Helpful advice

In addition to federal quotas, there are also regional ones, the procedure for obtaining which may differ slightly. There may be age or medical restrictions. But at the same time, a regional quota is sometimes easier to achieve than a federal one.

Tip 4: How to get a quota from the health department

Everyone has it Russian citizen have the right to receive free medical care. To implement it, there is a compulsory medical insurance system. However, not any type of medical care can be provided upon presentation of a policy; high-tech treatment is paid for directly by the state. To have a major operation, you need to get.


Although quota issues health, issued by the attending physician. Ask him for directions to comprehensive examination, which will confirm the need for expensive treatment. Pass all the prescribed tests, get opinions from recommended specialists.

Make sure that the management of the medical institution where you are being observed has sent your information to the Department health. Write down the date this happened. As a rule, studying documents takes about two weeks. Be prepared for the possibility that you may be invited to an in-person consultation, but do not be alarmed if this

Preparing for surgical intervention V private clinic differs from the usual speed and price. If a patient plans to exercise his right to free medical care, he will have to prepare for a long wait. Pause before hospitalization planned surgery can last up to six months, but despite the duration of the procedure, carry it out in general procedure is quite real. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the federal budget does not always cover all expenses. For example, the search for a donor is carried out by the patient at his own expense. Can I count on free surgeries? compulsory medical insurance policy? Which categories of citizens are entitled to free surgeries? How to get a referral for surgery? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

What operations are free?

The list of free operations under compulsory medical insurance is reviewed and supplemented annually as part of regional health care programs. Further, this information comes down from above to those medical institutions that provide this type of service. This list is open and must be posted on information stands in clinics and hospitals. Under the compulsory medical insurance policy, any citizen of the Russian Federation (employed, unemployed, child, newborn) can receive a free operation in the event of:

It should be noted that this is only short list all possible medical services according to the policy. Every year the list is replenished not only with diseases, but also with clinics that provide free treatment using high-tech equipment. To become fully familiar with the list, you should seek help from your attending physician or the head of the department at the hospital. This information is also available to the compulsory medical insurance company, whose manager can answer all questions on the hotline.

How to get a referral?

In order to get a free operation, you first need to make sure that it is included in the list of services provided under compulsory medical insurance. And then the procedure is quite simple, although receiving a referral for a preferential operation will take some time. So, the insured person will have to go through several stages:

  1. Make an appointment with your doctor, receive an initial consultation and a referral for examination.
  2. Submission of necessary tests.
  3. Appearing for a follow-up appointment with the doctor with test results, receiving a referral to a commission at a medical institution.
  4. Passing the selection committee on time.
  5. Appearing for the third appointment with the attending physician at the hospital, receiving a referral for hospitalization.
  6. Testing before admission to the hospital.
  7. Registration to hospital.

In the hope of free treatment, you will have to wait in long queues. The waiting period for a decision on hospitalization can last up to six months. After 6 months of deferment, the patient has the right to write a complaint to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. If a citizen wishes to undergo surgery in a particular hospital, he should voice his wishes at the first consultation with the attending physician. The therapist can take into account the patient’s request when issuing a referral if the specified institution has the opportunity to perform a free operation under the compulsory medical insurance policy. The final decision on the placement of the patient is made by the specialist, so the patient’s wishes may not coincide with the actual destination for the operation.

Recovery after surgery

After a free operation, the patient is also entitled to additional free rehabilitation under the compulsory medical insurance policy. How to get it? To do this, you need to go to your doctor, get a referral for additional examination and laboratory research and after receiving the results, apply for a trip to a sanatorium-resort institution for recovery, of course, if the results of the study allow it. Wherein rehabilitation activities may be refused due to complications after treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, psychiatric diseases, disability, drug addiction or alcoholism.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who need paid medical treatment, a quota for surgery or treatment may be provided. It is provided at the expense of the state. Only those citizens whose treatment requires expensive medications or expensive equipment can apply for such medical care. Such services can be provided by clinics that have the appropriate license. How can a resident of the Moscow region and the capital itself obtain a quota for an operation in Moscow?

Who issues such quotas?

To find out how to get a quota for an operation in Moscow, it is worth considering the laws that regulate this. Only the Ministry of Health is responsible for providing such medical care and determining its quantity. As for laws, the procedure for obtaining a quota is regulated by:

  1. A government decree guaranteeing the provision of free quota citizens in need.
  2. Federal Law No. 323. To be more precise, its Article No. 34. It regulates issues related to registration and receipt of medical assistance for surgery or treatment.

Main types of quotas

So, how can a resident of the Moscow region and city get a quota for an operation in Moscow? First of all, it is worth clarifying what plan you need help with. Every citizen of our country has the right to receive benefits for surgery. In this case, age and financial status do not matter. On this moment There are several main types of quotas:

  • on VMP;
  • for surgery;
  • for treatment;
  • for IVF.

What diseases qualify for a quota?

Since you can get a quota for an operation in Moscow only in certain cases, it is worth considering the question of what ailments such help is appropriate for. The main types of disease include:

  • organ transplantation: liver, kidney, heart, etc.;
  • surgery related to heart disease;
  • neurosurgical intervention required in the presence of a brain tumor;
  • hereditary or chronic illnesses;
  • treatment of leukemia, as well as severe endocrine pathology;
  • therapy ophthalmological disease or surgical intervention on the eyes;
  • when applied special methods for infant survival during the first days of life.

Conditions for providing assistance for the operation

How can Muscovites and suburban residents get a quota for surgery in Moscow? The process of receiving medical care provided for by law is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. An applicant for a quota must receive a referral that will bear the personal signature of the chief physician of the clinic. You can take it according to your place of residence.
  2. An extract from the patient's medical history is also required, which will indicate recommendations for surgical intervention.
  3. The applicant must provide the received documents to a specialized commission, which will refer for the operation.

If the answer is positive, the patient will need to receive a referral for treatment to specialized clinics. When choosing an institution, attention is paid to the applicant’s place of residence. Here documents can be reviewed within 10 days. Then all the papers will be sent to a specialized clinic located in the Russian Federation.

Features of receiving

Now you know how to get a quota for an operation in Moscow. This procedure also has its own characteristics. To obtain a quota you need to go through several mandatory examinations. To begin with, the patient must seek help from specialists at a regional medical institution, and then from highly specialized doctors at a regional clinic. Otherwise, the quota will simply not be issued.

A thorough examination must be carried out at the specialized clinic level, after which the patient will receive a package of required documents. The issue of surgical intervention will also be decided here. If it is resolved positively, the applicant will receive a notification when he needs to visit specialists at a specialized medical institution.

Can they refuse?

Since getting a quota for an operation in Moscow is not easy, you should take into account some nuances. Only after passing full examinations in the required clinics, it will be possible to obtain necessary documents. Concerning age category, then this indicator does not matter.

However, there is one caveat. Since many people apply for medical care of this type, there may simply not be enough money.

How to get a quota for IVF

So, where can a resident of the Moscow region get a quota for surgery in Moscow? To undergo IVF, many young families require financial support. To get a quota in in this case, necessary:

What documents are needed

Before answering the question of where to obtain a quota for an operation in Moscow for a resident of the Moscow region and the capital, it is worth clarifying what documents are required to obtain financial assistance? To carry out IVF you will need:

  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • application for quota registration;
  • social security card;
  • original extract made from the patient's card, certified by mandatory chief physician of the clinic;
  • originals of the results of all required tests prescribed during the examination period.

So, where can I get a quota for surgery in Moscow? In any case, it all starts with a visit to a medical facility, where the attending physician can order an examination and explain what documents are required to receive help. All papers are transferred to a special regional commission. The rest depends on her decision.

Quota for surgery in Moscow: how to get

To receive a quota for therapy or surgery, you must:

  1. Contact your doctor, who should prescribe a thorough examination.
  2. Pass inspection, pass everything necessary tests. Plan medical examination compiled only by the attending physician. Everything is selected individually. In this case, the examination can be paid or free of charge.
  3. After the examination, you must collect a package of required documents and submit them medical commission. She must make a decision. This usually takes no more than three days.
  4. At positive result the documents are sent to the regional commission, which must also make a decision. The period can be up to 10 days.
  5. If the result is positive, the applicant receives a referral for further treatment to a specialized medical institution.

What else do you need?

If a quota is required for an operation in Moscow, how to obtain it and what documents need to be collected? For treatment and surgery you need to collect the following papers:

  1. An extract from the patient's medical history, certified by the chief physician.
  2. Original results of all tests.
  3. A copy of the child's birth certificate or passport.
  4. A copy of the pension and compulsory medical insurance policy.
  5. A copy of the individual insurance bill.

If you wish, you can receive a coupon for free travel to a specialized clinic. To do this, you should provide a disability certificate or another document confirming benefits, an original referral for surgery or treatment under a quota.

The disease often comes unnoticed, and it is not possible to prepare to fight it. In modern reality, in order to emerge victorious from this war, it is necessary to mobilize all available resources, and financial resources can play a decisive role here, since the most effective treatment, based on the latest scientific developments, is very expensive, and it cannot be obtained in any clinic.

What is a treatment quota?

Not every citizen is informed that in such a case a certain state aid, which he can count on, and it turns out to be in the form of an allocated medical quota.

The treatment quota is cash allocated from the state budget for the provision of health services to its citizens using high technology. For the rational formation and distribution of quotas, a government system high-tech medical care (HTMC), within which diagnostics are carried out and treatment is provided in more than 100 clinics at the regional and federal levels. Every year, more than 50 billion rubles are allocated from the federal and regional budgets for the work of these healthcare institutions. This amount is on average divided into 350-450 thousand quotas - approximately the same number of Russians will be able to use VMP for free during the year.

  • complex surgical interventions;
  • open heart surgery;
  • organ transplantation;
  • leukemia treatment;
  • removal of brain tumors;
  • help with complex shapes ah endocrine pathologies;
  • treatment of genetic and systemic diseases;
  • use of reproductive technologies, including IVF;
  • nursing newborns using modern methods etc.

How to get a quota for treatment?

There is a strictly established procedure for issuing a referral for medical treatment, which is full of bureaucratic obstacles. In order for the outcome of the case to be successful, you must be prepared for possible difficulties. Obtaining a quota for surgery or treatment is a long and complex procedure that requires registration large quantity documents and passing a series additional examinations. All this is necessary in order to government bodies, authorized to resolve these issues, were able to assess the feasibility of using high-frequency MP in a particular case.

Step one

In each region, the quota for treatment is drawn up according to its own regulations, which in minor aspects may differ from the general one. Therefore, it is better to start with consulting a specialist by contacting the Ministry of Health of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. There you can find out about the availability of quotas for obtaining VMP for an existing diagnosis and clarify the application procedure.

Step two

The main package of documents is usually collected at the municipal clinic at the patient’s place of observation with the participation of the attending physician, who gives a referral, makes an extract from the medical history indicating the tests and examinations performed (based on the results of which a recommendation is made to hospitalize the citizen to a specialized clinic for the provision of VMP). Copies of the passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and compulsory medical insurance certificate are also attached.

Important procedure

The generated package of documents is certified by the signature of the chief physician and sent for consideration by a commission under the Ministry or another health authority in the region. To make a decision on a specific case, 10 days are given, during which the submitted documents are considered, as a rule, without the participation of the applicant.

The final stage

If a positive decision is made, the documents are sent to a specialized medical institution licensed to provide medical treatment. There they are considered by the next commission, which is also given 10 days to make a decision, during which it must give an answer about the date of hospitalization of the patient. Usually the period after which it must begin hospital treatment, limited to 3 weeks.

Bureaucratic traps

When wondering how to get a quota for treatment, do not forget to consider the following points.

Firstly, the right to choose a specialized clinic for the provision of primary care remains with the health care authority in the region; the citizen’s preferences are not taken into account.

Secondly, the treatment quota in reality often takes longer to issue than stated in the rules. This is due to the fact that the time allocated for the consideration of applications by commissions is not maintained, and the medical institution, due to workload, is not always able to due date admit the patient. Unfortunately, the nature of the disease may be such that urgent surgical intervention is required, for which the patient does not have the funds, so a quota for surgery is needed immediately. In this case, everyone should possible ways speed up the work of officials.

How to speed up the procedure for obtaining a medical quota?

There are two possible options speeding up the stated process. According to the first of them, the citizen carries out the steps prescribed by the procedure and described above, but at each stage he is actively interested in the progress of the consideration of the application, makes calls to officials, writes applications asking for a reduction in the time frame for making a decision, and makes visits during office hours. Perhaps some of the officials will want to quickly send documents for further consideration, so as not to be the target of a massive attack. But, of course, there are no guarantees that these measures will have any effect and that the time will be reduced.

According to the second option, the citizen ignores all stages of consideration of the application by commissions. He independently collects documents for a quota for an operation, for example, he searches for all necessary information about specialized clinics licensed to provide medical care and specializing in the necessary surgical intervention, and contacts the selected institution. There is a possibility that the clinic will accommodate the patient and agree to hospitalize him, providing the required treatment against the quota available to the subject of the Russian Federation.

Reasons for refusal

Firstly, the commission may not find grounds for using VMP in a particular case. Secondly, the presence of severe concomitant diagnoses and the special nature of the course of the underlying disease often serve as reasons for refusal. Thirdly, at the regional level they may have their own requirements when issuing a quota. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, a quota for IVF surgery is issued to women aged 22 to 38 years; in other regions, these limits may be different.

If the commission makes a negative decision, you must receive a refusal in writing indicating the reason. If you disagree, you can contact the Ministry of Health and social development RF for appeal.

Treatment abroad

If domestic medicine is not able to conduct a full diagnosis or adequate therapy existing disease, then you have the right to request a quota for treatment abroad. Only in this regard, the list of required documents will expand, and the number of commissions that must be passed will also increase by one.

If you receive a refusal to travel abroad under your quota, you will be required to offer an alternative to providing medical care in Russia.

The problem of additional payments

A very common situation occurs when a patient has to cover a considerable part of the costs of his treatment, although it is officially stated that it is carried out at the expense of the state. You usually have to pay for preparatory procedures before surgery, tests, examinations.

For example, on average, the cost of a course of therapy for one cancer patient is 200-250 thousand rubles, and the quota for oncology treatment is 109 thousand rubles. Often a person does not have the funds to cover what they refuse to pay for from the budget. Of course, charitable foundations take a large part in financing the costs of such patients, but in fact it turns out that these are unfulfilled obligations of the state, and this must be fought. A constant flow of written complaints and the involvement of the media are effective in solving such problems.

Queues: how to avoid them?

It is no secret that there are many more people who want to receive high medical care than the state has the ability to provide this assistance. Therefore, in the regional health authority you can hear information that the quota for treatment according to this diagnosis is absent, since the amount of funding from the budget provided for this year has been exhausted, or receive an answer from the clinic that there are no places for the near future and hospitalization is being postponed. But in any case, you shouldn’t give up. It is possible to find one way or another.

First, you collect documents using the same scheme and enter your name in the quota waiting register or stand in line for hospitalization. If the disease progresses quickly, try to ask for an additional quota through local health authorities, contact the media, involving the public. Then there will be a small chance that funds will be found, or it will turn out that suddenly one of the patients refused treatment, and the place in medical institution freed.

If all your actions were ignored, health problems will have to be solved at your own expense, especially if there are no promises that there will be a quota soon.

For eye surgery, for example, to replace a lens, you can try to raise funds yourself. The cost of such an intervention, unlike most others, does not exceed 70 thousand rubles. The amount is also quite large, but in its advanced state, cataracts threaten 100% blindness, and it’s not worth the risk of losing precious time in queues. Moreover, having retained all supporting documents, a citizen has the right to apply for compensation for the costs of providing medical care at the expense of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. In order for the return to be approved, you must prove that you are registered as awaiting help, and the course of the disease has become threatening and requires immediate surgical intervention, and the quota for the operation was unavailable due to reasons beyond your control.

It won't work anonymously

There are diagnoses that people try not to advertise due to the negative attitude of society and the associated restrictions in Everyday life. Such diseases include hepatitis C, the treatment of which is very expensive (about 750 thousand rubles). The state allocates funds to combat this disease, but in order to use them, the patient must register officially. On the one hand, there is a possibility of receiving therapy on a budgetary basis, on the other hand, there is a risk of disseminating information about the presence of the disease.

A quota for hepatitis C treatment is issued to citizens registered in specialized medical institutions, most often in AIDS Centers, which operate in many cities. Only by decision of a special commission of a given institution can a patient be added to the waiting list, since there are not enough quotas for everyone. Therefore, anonymous treatment can only be done at your own expense.

Situations arise when money is urgently needed for an operation; a person’s life may depend on it. And often there are not enough funds. And it so happens that the necessary assistance is provided only in the capital. It is for such cases that a quota for surgery in Moscow is needed. We will describe how to obtain it below.

Quota concept

It is a monetary transfer used to cover the costs of an operation if the patient needs it. A list of diseases has been compiled, approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, for which surgery can be paid for using a quota. Taking into account the fact that the number of allocated quotas is increased annually, it can be quite difficult to obtain it. First of all we're talking about about paperwork that cannot be avoided. This also applies to trips to various authorities.

What treatment can be obtained under a quota?

What can you do with a quota:

Manipulations performed on the heart;

Transplantation of various organs;

Neurosurgical operations;

Joint replacement;

Therapy of diseases transmitted by inheritance;

Therapy of leukemia;

Treatment of complex forms of pathologies of the endocrine system;

For example, a quota for eye surgery in Moscow can be issued to a patient who does not have the financial ability to pay for it himself.

Currently, this list has been expanded and contains 22 profiles and 137 types of high-tech medical care provided. In addition, every year the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation approves a list medical centers in Moscow, where you can get necessary help according to quota. It also contains the number of indicators allocated to each institution, such as the quota for operations in Moscow.

How to obtain and what documents are needed to obtain a quota

To obtain a quota, you will need to be patient and time to collect the necessary papers.

Below is what documents are required for an operation quota:

Identity documents;

Medical policy;

Results of examinations that have been completed recently;

Disease history.

How to get a quota in 2015

If previously high-tech health care was provided only under a quota, then since 2015 it has been provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy. In practice, this means that free operations will be provided only where the citizen lives. Only in rare exceptions is it possible free treatment can be obtained in Moscow, for example a quota for

We get a quota

Specialists from the Ministry of Health and Social Development claim that the opportunity for free surgery has become available to citizens of the Russian Federation thanks to the “Health” project. It must be remembered that paid medicine does not accept patients according to quotas.

To get a referral for a free operation, you can go in two ways:

1. Registration of a quota “from below”.

Come to the health department of the region of residence, having with you a passport, social insurance policy, pension policy, extract from medical card the clinic in which the study was conducted. You also need copies of basic documents.

Get your own curator, who can be appointed from among department employees.

The request for a quota is considered and then, if the decision is positive, the patient is informed of the coupon number and the name of the clinic where he will be treated.

2. Registration of a quota “from above”.

The patient himself, based on his criteria, determines the medical institution where he would like to receive help under the quota. We must not forget that paid medicine does not participate in this program and will not be able to perform the operation under the quota. This institution must consult with necessary specialists, from your personal card and go through a committee that meets specifically to decide whether to approve your quota or not. If the answer is positive, the received document will indicate that this particular institution can operate under the quota. There will also be a signature of the head physician and a seal. Next, with the received documents, you go to the Moscow Department of Health and provide them with all the documentation specified in paragraph 1.

In general, the second option is much faster and can take on average from 1 to 3 weeks. In addition, it will give you the opportunity to choose a medical institution yourself.

Passing the commission

In order to receive free help, the patient will have to undergo several medical commissions:

Go to the clinic according to your registration, where the doctor will carry out everything necessary research. After the resolution issued by the first commission, he will issue a direction. You must then go to the Health Department of your region with this referral signed by the chief physician of the clinic and an extract from the medical record with the conclusion that the patient needs a quota for surgery in Moscow.

How to get it: you need to visit another commission at the Ministry, it will determine whether the patient has indications for VMP. If the answer is positive, the patient is given a document according to which he will be provided free help. It will outline detailed information about the disease, all the results and results of examinations.

The third commission will need to go where the referral was issued. A commission convened at this medical institution determines the correctness of the referral to this particular clinic and the presence of any contraindications for the operation. The result is that a quota is issued for the operation in Moscow.

How to get it faster? During the agonizing wait, patients ask this question. Since, in general, making a final decision takes a long time, although the decision itself to register the right to a free one can be made in one day.

Possible problems

Unfortunately, quotas for treatment at state expense are running out. If you need it, you can contact the Moscow Department of Health and request information on the availability of quotas in all

If there are still no quotas left, you can stand in line to receive them. If the situation is acute and the operation must be performed as soon as possible short time, for example, a quota for eye surgery is extremely important to you; you can have it done for money, but then return these funds through the Ministry of Health, presenting all the necessary documents.

In addition to the fact that quotas may end, there are often cases when there are no places in a certain clinic. For example, a patient needs a joint replacement, waiting is still acceptable, but if we are talking about tumor removal and there is simply no time, standing in line is unacceptable. Unfortunately, the assistance system is designed in such a way that the waiting time for quota surgery is not specified anywhere. In this case, you can try to contact another clinic or make a fuss by writing in the media.

Often in clinics where patients are referred under a quota, there are additional payments. For example, a patient who needs a transplant bone marrow, must pay for the search for a donor in foreign registries. Money for this is not included in any budget. In other words, the operation under the quota is at the expense of the state, all additional steps are paid by the patient.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fight this. Primarily due to the fact that the patient does not have the strength to fight additionally, except with the disease. It’s also scary to spoil relationships with the doctors who will operate. Here we can only advise you to write letters and complaints to various authorities with requests to sort out additional payments. Perhaps the colossal flow of correspondence will help officials look at the problem differently and change it.


The number of allocated quotas for the implementation of high-tech medical activities is determined at the beginning of the year, and often they are all “selected” long before its end. Thus, sometimes, in order to quickly get the help you need, it is better to seek help from paid clinics. And only then try to return the funds by queuing for registration