Under what circumstances is a military ID issued? Military ID for those who have not served in the army - how to get it without the risk of being drafted or material costs.


Anonymously August 26, 2014, 00:17

Hello! I am 30 years old. I didn’t receive a Military Card - I didn’t need it. Recently I went to the military registration and enlistment office and asked what I needed to do to get a crust. Of course, they expressed dissatisfaction with me (I did not serve) and, for some reason, expressing suspicion that I was video recording (although this was not the case, and I confirmed it), they gave me a sheet with such a list of information that I instantly phallomorphed.

There you and general analysis blood, and for AIDS, and for venereal diseases, and fluorography, and some kind of examinations... and from psychologists, and from narcologists... I don’t remember everything, but I lost the piece of paper.

They threatened me with criminal liability, they scared me and everything (although I know about the statute of limitations). Of course, I didn’t argue or go into conflict, because... why complicate your life right off the bat.

1.But now I would like to know: do I really need to collect all this crap that is required of me? Why on earth should I provide data about my health to the military registration and enlistment office if it, including drugs, syphilis, and anything else, can change immediately after being tested? I don’t want to say that I’ll just hand over everything right away - and straight away, but we can’t rule out such a possibility; So what will these tests actually give them?

2. I would also like to know whether it is, in principle, possible to video record conversations with these mops while in their premises? I heard something like that in police stations it is impossible to film the police (while on the street it is possible).

Well, here by analogy: after all, is it possible to record communication with military registration and enlistment office employees on video while being inside their premises?



The only document defining the period for issuing a military ID is the Order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 400, according to which the issuance of a military ID is carried out within 10 working days by the military commissar based on an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission.

As for criminal liability, in your case there will be none.

To obtain a military ID, you must provide:

1. Application addressed to the military commissar for the issuance of a military ID with a list of attachments;

2. Two photographs 2.5x3.5 cm on matte paper without a corner;

3. Passport;

4. Photocopy of 2, 3, 5 pages of the passport on one sheet;

5. Photocopy and original of the education document;

6. Photocopy and original driver's license(if there is);

7. Medical examination sheet (you will receive it after passing a medical examination by doctors of the draft commission).

The application is written in two copies; copies of the documents listed above are attached to the first copy. Applications are submitted to the office of the military registration and enlistment office, on the second copy you must put a mark of receipt indicating the date, position, full name. the employee who accepted your documents. In case of refusal to accept documents, send them by registered mail with a list of attachments.

Check out this similar issue:

Is it legal to impose a fine for late replacement of a military ID due to a change of surname? /problem/7476

I give you excerpts from the regulations governing this question:

Federal Law on Conscription and Military Service

Article 10. Responsibilities of citizens for military registration: 1. In order to ensure military registration, citizens are obliged to: be registered with the military at their place of residence (citizens who arrived at their place of stay for a period of more than three months - at the place of their stay) at the military commissariat, and citizens who have military ranks of officers and are in the reserve of the Service foreign intelligence Russian Federation and in reserve Federal service security of the Russian Federation, - in specified bodies; notify within two weeks the military commissariat or the relevant local government body of the settlement or the relevant local government body of the urban district that carries out primary military registration about a change in marital status, education, place of work or position, about moving to a new place of residence located within the territory municipality, or place of stay;

Article 28. Responsibilities of the draft commission for conscripting citizens to military service and the procedure for the work of the draft commission 1.1. When enrolling in the reserves of citizens who have not completed military service by conscription (with the exception of citizens who have not completed military service by conscription on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2, subparagraph "c" of paragraph 3, paragraph 4 of Article 23, Article 24 of this Federal Law, or in connection with the cancellation by the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the decision of the lower draft commission), the draft commission issues a conclusion recognizing the citizen as not having completed military service under conscription, without having legal grounds.The procedure and conditions for recognizing a citizen as not having completed military service due to conscription, without legal grounds for doing so, are determined by the Regulations on conscription for military service.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2014 N 465

34. When enlisting in the reserves of citizens who have not completed conscription military service before they reach the age of 27 (with the exception of citizens who have not completed conscription military service on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2, subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3, paragraph 4 of Article 23 and Article 24 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service", or in connection with the cancellation by the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the decision of a lower draft commission), the draft commission on the basis of military registration documents stored in the (municipal) department (conscript's personal file, alphabetical record book), and for citizens, not registered with the military, on the basis of certificates from the relevant departments (municipal), makes a conclusion that the citizen did not undergo military service by conscription, without legal grounds.Such a conclusion is made if the citizen did not undergo military service, without legal grounds grounds, starting from January 1, 2014, he was (was required to be) registered with the military and was subject to conscription for military service.

A meeting of the draft commission to consider the issue that a citizen has not completed military service under conscription without legal grounds is held, as a rule, at least once a month and is considered valid if more than half of the members of the draft commission are present.

The conclusion is adopted by a majority vote of the members of the draft commission present at the meeting, which is recorded on the same day in the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission and the alphabetical register of conscripts. The protocol is signed by the chairman of the draft commission and its members.

35. The chairman of the draft commission announces the conclusion to the citizen in respect of whom it was adopted, and upon the citizen’s application, within 5 days from the date of application, gives him a copy of the conclusion or sends it by registered mail with return receipt requested to the address specified in the citizen’s application, or to place of his residence or stay, if the address is not indicated in the application.

36. In accordance with the decision of the draft commission to enroll a citizen who has reached the age of 27 years into the reserve and the conclusion issued in relation to him, the head of the (municipal) department is obliged to draw up the relevant documents. In this case, the citizen is given a deadline to appear at the (municipal) department to obtain military registration documents.”

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2007 No. 400

Appendix No. 9 to the Instructions (clauses 9, 16) Article 10. Responsibilities of citizens for military registration: Clause 12. By decision of the conscription commission, citizens who are not in the reserve are removed from the military registration in the prescribed manner: citizens exempt from conscription military service; exempted from military duty. Enrollment of such persons into the reserve is carried out by the military commissar on the basis of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission. The issuance of a military ID card to them is carried out within 10 working days from the date the draft commission makes a decision or receives an extract from the protocol of the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Anonymously 26 August 2014, 19:51

And in order to undergo medical. examination, will you just have to collect all these certificates?

Anonymously 27 August 2014, 04:10

Well, that means I don’t need a military ID.


Of course, I am against such phrases in the problem: " communicating with these mops"

I am enclosing for you the material I have collected on this topic, although I do not think that criminal liability will be applied here, but it is worth counting on administrative liability, although it is very low in terms of prices, the most loyal (I will call it that).

In general, it is very strange to me, as a personnel manager, that the employer did not require you to have a registered certificate or military ID, Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when applying for employment:

Responsibility of citizens for violation of military registration obligations

Criminal liability . Current legislation The responsibility of citizens for failure to fulfill the duties assigned to them by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” has been established. In particular, liability is provided for evading conscription for military service.

Evasion from military service, according to paragraph 4 of Art. 31 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, a citizen’s failure to appear without good reason when summoned by the military commissariat to events related to conscription for military service is recognized. Since conscription is one of the methods of recruiting Armed Forces Russian Federation, draft evasion is a way to evade military service. Based on the above, only this and no other act (i.e., only failure to appear on a summons without good reason) can be considered entailing criminal liability for evading conscription for military service.

However, by the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated April 3, 2008 No. 3 “On the practice of courts considering criminal cases of evasion of conscription for military service and military or alternative civil service”, scope of Part 1 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was expanded. Thus, among the acts that constitute the crime provided for by this norm, the Plenum named:

a) unauthorized leaving by a conscript of a collection point before being sent to the place of military service in order to evade conscription for military service,

b) a conscript fraudulently obtains exemption from military service as a result of feigning illness, causing himself any harm (self-mutilation), forgery of documents or other deception,

c) the conscript’s refusal to receive a summons from the military commissariat against receipt in order to thereby evade conscription for military service,

d) the conscript’s refusal to receive a referral from the draft commission against receipt in order to thereby evade conscription for military service,

e) leaving for a new place of residence (place of temporary stay) or leaving the Russian Federation without being deregistered from the military, in order to avoid having to personally sign a summons from the military commissariat to appear at events related to conscription for military service,

f) arrival at a new place of residence (place of temporary stay) or return to the Russian Federation without registration military registration, in order to avoid handing over a personal signature of a summons from the military commissariat to appear at events related to conscription for military service,

g) evading a medical examination as directed by the draft commission if there is intent to evade conscription for military service.

It seems that by such a free reading of the objective part of the crime, the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation created a new rule of law, i.e. went beyond his authority. However, the author has no illusions regarding the development of judicial practice and believes that the courts will not be guided by the literal content of Part 1 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but its broad interpretation given by the Plenum of the Supreme Court.

According to Part 1 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, evasion of conscription for military service in the absence of legal grounds for exemption from this service is punishable:

· a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months,

· or arrest for up to six months,

· or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

The right to initiate holding citizens accountable for committing the specified offense belongs to the draft commission and the military commissar by virtue of clause 12 of the Regulations on conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663. Criminal cases of crimes under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are subject to the jurisdiction of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (Clause 1, Part 2, Article 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation) and are subject to the jurisdiction of district courts (first-level courts) (Article 31 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).

The subject of the crime provided for in Part 1 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, there can only be a citizen who is subject to conscription for military service and has no grounds for exemption or deferment from conscription for military service.

From the subjective side, a crime is characterized by guilt in the form of intent, direct or indirect: a citizen evading conscription is aware of the social danger of his act, foreseeing the possibility of a social dangerous consequences and wants them to occur (or does not want them, but consciously allows these consequences or is indifferent to them). The presence of intent in a citizen’s actions can be judged by the fact of his failure to appear at events related to conscription, on the summons of the military commissar, without good reason. Thus, in order to establish intent in a citizen’s actions, it is necessary to establish: a) the fact of the citizen’s failure to appear when summoned by the military commissariat to events related to conscription; b) absence of valid reasons for failure to appear; c) the fact of delivery of a summons to the citizen. Taken together, the three indicated circumstances, in the author’s opinion, clearly indicate the citizen’s conscious reluctance to attend events related to conscription, i.e., as a result, the citizen’s intent to evade conscription for military service. If at least one of these three circumstances is not established, then there are no grounds for discretion in the actions of the conscript (and therefore no grounds for criminal prosecution).

Some practicing lawyers believe that paragraph 4 of the above-mentioned Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation allows one to doubt the possibility of bringing to justice a citizen who, without good reason, did not appear at events related to conscription for military service, on a one-time summons from the military commissariat. The resolution of the Plenum, they believe, indicates the need to establish repeated failure to appear without good reason on summons from the military commissariat to events related to conscription for military service, during the next conscription or during several conscriptions in a row. I cannot agree with the position presented. The resolution of the Plenum in paragraph 4 gives only sample list circumstances indicating the presence in the actions of the conscript of intent to commit a crime, including repeated failure to appear on summons. However, there we see, as a circumstance indicating the presence of criminal intent, failure to appear at the military commissariat after the expiration of a valid reason - a one-time failure, within the meaning of the norm.

Valid reasons for the conscript’s failure to appear on the summons of the military commissariat, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 7 Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” recognizes:

· illness or injury of a citizen associated with loss of ability to work;

· serious health condition of father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, sibling, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent of a citizen or participation in the funeral of these persons;

· an obstacle that arose as a result of force majeure, or another circumstance that does not depend on the will of the citizen;

· other reasons recognized as valid by the draft commission or court.

The summons is handed over to the conscript against a signature. Issuing a receipt is the duty of the conscript in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 31 Federal Law “On military duty and military service”. The absence of a citizen's receipt of receipt of the summons may not prevent criminal prosecution only if the investigation proves the fact that the conscript deliberately evaded receiving the summons at the time the offer to receive the summons was addressed to him. Simply put, if the person authorized to serve the summons did not find the conscript at home, then there are no grounds for bringing the conscript to criminal liability (because there is no intent to fail to appear on the subpoena - the conscript did not know about the existence of the subpoena). But if a conscript was offered to receive a summons in a face-to-face conversation, and he refused to accept it, then the grounds for prosecution arise from the moment of failure to appear without good reason due to an unaccepted summons.

Administrative responsibility . The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Articles 21.5. - 21.7.) establishes the responsibility of citizens for committing the following acts:

· failure of a citizen who is or is required to be registered for military service to appear upon a summons (summons) from the military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration, in set times and place without good reason,

· failure to appear on time at the military commissariat for military registration, removal from military registration and making changes to military registration documents when moving to a new place of residence located outside the territory of the municipality, place of stay for a period of more than three months or leaving the Russian Federation for a period of more than six months or entering the Russian Federation,

· failure to report, within the prescribed period, to the military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration about a change in marital status, education, place of work or position, about moving to a new place of residence located within the territory of a municipality, or place of residence,

· evasion of a citizen from a medical examination or examination as directed by the commission for registering citizens for military registration or from a medical examination as directed by the draft commission,

· intentional damage or destruction of a military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, or careless storage of a military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, resulting in their loss.

The commission of each of these acts entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles.

According to Art. 23.11. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, cases of administrative offenses provided for above articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, on behalf of military commissariats, military commissariats, heads of departments of military commissariats and heads of departments of military commissariats are considered.

A protocol on the administrative offense is drawn up, a copy of which is given to the conscript.

Upon consideration of a case of an administrative offense, the military commissar issues a resolution. A conscript found guilty of committing an offense has the right to appeal the decision to a higher official or to the appropriate district court. A complaint against a decision on an administrative offense may be filed within ten days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision.

Why did you go to the military registration and enlistment office now to get a military ID? You lived wonderfully without him, and no one remembered about you, what changed in your life, that you decided to get a military ID?!

You can film military registration and enlistment office employees. But, as you understand, with your attitude they can simply take your phone away. But that's if you're alone.

Dragging a crowd of boys there like a YouTube blogger is not an option. But there is a normal reason - to have a lawyer with you there. Then they won’t dare make a word against the letter of the law.

By the way, a good option to find out more is to get free consultation by phone. This happened to me - their consultation is free.

I called and this is what I found out.

To obtain a military ID, you must provide the military registration and enlistment office with proof that your body has a non-conscription diagnosis. There are plenty of such diagnoses.

Almost all city residents have them. To get a military officer, this is enough, and the military officer will be legal.

However my personal experience suggests that the presence of a non-conscription diagnosis is not at all a panacea for the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office, which can easily ignore all your medical histories and diagnoses and make their own.

In this case, if you have a lawyer with you, he will record this and file a complaint with the court, and you will 100% win the court. This is kind of the whole point - you have a guarantee of results.

There are no other normal options for obtaining a military ID yet.

A military ID is one of the most important documents for young people. Without it it is impossible to officially register in new apartment or get a foreign passport, and some employers require it. If at a young age most men do not see an urgent need for it, then after reaching the age of 27, a completely different picture is observed. Let's take a closer look at the procedure for obtaining a military ID after 27 years.

Legislative aspects

Getting a ticket

According to the Instructions for preparing and conducting events related to conscription into the Russian Army (No. 400), the processing time for your request will take up to 10 working days. The basis for this or that conclusion is the Minutes of the meeting of the draft commission, where it is decided “ further fate» young man. If the outcome of the case is positive, a ticket and an extract from the Commission Protocol are issued. If during the investigation facts of “evasion” from conscription are revealed (having a signed summons, failure to appear at training camps, etc.), a criminal case is initiated against the conscript.

What you need to know

Exist important features passing this procedure, which every conscript at any age should know. A military registration and enlistment office employee does not have the right to:

  1. It is illegal to call you back into the army (after 27 years) or to demand payment of fines.
  2. Forcing someone to go through this or that medical examination with which you disagree.
  3. Bring you to criminal liability if you or your relatives did not sign the summons (Article 7 of the above Law).

Tune in fast decision situations. If you act according to the instructions described above and within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation, a military ID will soon be in your hands!

Having decided not to serve in Russian army, many conscripts wonder how to legally prepare documents correctly. The main reason for delay is illness.

Let's figure out how to get a military ID for someone who has not served in the army.

Are military IDs issued to those who did not serve in the army due to unfitness for military service due to health reasons?

A military ID for health reasons is perhaps the most popular reason for obtaining a “military certificate.”

According to statistics, approximately 97% of conscripts are unfit for service due to health reasons. A person may appear to have excellent health, but in reality everything may be different.

In this case, in order to obtain a document confirming the impossibility of completing military service, you should follow the steps below:

  1. Get Required documents and certificates , proving existing problems with health.
  2. Pass a medical and independent examination , to assess health status and detect diseases listed on various thematic military sites.
  3. Pass the mandatory medical examination. Please note that doctors performing this procedure will look for medical conditions defined by law. They have a list of diseases that give a deferment from the army. For example, the most common are schizophrenia and enuresis. To determine them in a citizen, it is necessary to carry out complex diagnostics. Without inpatient treatment There's definitely no way around this. A conscript who does not suffer from these diseases should think a hundred times before treating non-existent diseases with drugs that affect the human psyche and nervous system.
  4. Obtain a document that proves unsuitability or, in frequent cases, incomplete suitability. The document must contain the letter “D” - this is what exempts you from service.
  5. Then the draft board comes into play. It is only in their power to determine a person’s suitability for military service.

Remember: unsuitable for military duty doesn't bode well. You won't be able to control vehicles, and also get a job in a security company, police or Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Sometimes it happens that the draft board does not agree with the doctors who made the diagnosis. They can write a refusal to issue a military ID.

In order not to spoil relations with the military registration and enlistment office, behave decently and agree with their decision. But don't forget that You can challenge the opinion of the military registration and enlistment office specialists .

When a conscript wants to challenge the results of the commission, he has the right to submit the necessary complaint . This complaint is sent to the draft commission where the conscript was examined, or you can send the complaint directly to the court. When a complaint is sent to trial, the decision made by the commission is “frozen”.

Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the commission's decision may be declared invalid - or confirmed.

We go for a military ID at 27 years old, if we have not served in the army - documents and stages of the procedure

In accordance with paragraph 1 of article 52 of the Law of March 28, 1998, number 53 , when a conscript reaches the age of 27, then he must be enlisted in the reserves. A person enlisted in the reserve is someone who has not been called up for service (except on deferment).

Getting a military ID at 27 is now as possible as it was before. No difficulties should arise - of course, if you did not avoid invitations to the military registration and enlistment office and had a legal deferment.

Please note, if you systematically do not appear at the military registration and enlistment office, then you may be fined in the amount of 500 rubles.

To obtain a military ID at the age of 27, a conscript must go through several stages:

Stage 1. Collection of documents

Before going to the military registration and enlistment office, you must prepare a package of documents.

It will include:

  1. 2 photographs, size 3x4 cm.
  2. Attribution certificate.
  3. Education documents, their copies.
  4. Photocopies of pages of the identity document.
  5. A copy of your driver's license, if available.

Stage 2. Filling out an application at the military registration and enlistment office

Personal presence when completing documents is mandatory, as you will be required to write an application.

Stage 3. Passing a medical examination

You will need to undergo a mandatory medical examination. It is also worth obtaining and collecting documents in advance for all kinds of diagnostic studies.

Stage 4. Contacting the military registration and enlistment office

After passing medical commission and receiving directions, the conscript must provide the documents required to obtain a military ID.

If the conscript was not called up various reasons, which do not relate to deferment of service, then he should be given explanatory note, and in it talk about the reasons why he was not called up for military service.

Stage 5. Obtaining a “military soldier”

After completing all of the above steps, all that remains is to wait for the commission’s decision, which will be made within ten working days.

Remember: Criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for 2 years can occur for a citizen who deviates from his direct duties to the military registration and enlistment office, up to 29 years (Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Therefore, it is better to comply with all the requirements put forward by the military registration and enlistment office!

A certificate instead of a military ID in 2016 - what does it look like and what restrictions does it impose on a young man?

Not long ago, a law was passed that made adjustments to the military registration procedure. Conscripts who left the army before reaching the age of 27, but do not have any grounds for exemption from service, will receive special certificates instead of a regular military ID .

This certificate imposes some restrictions for its owner . In addition to “informal” problems (for example, when, when applying for a job, a boss who has served in the service sees a candidate who has “rejected” - there is a possibility of refusal for the candidate), the holder of such a certificate is prohibited from working in government agencies.

But, in general, officially a person with a certificate can also freely get a job and obtain a driving license.

The certificate in 2016 looks like this:

Is it possible to challenge the issuance of a certificate instead of a military ID for someone who has not served in the army?

If you did not want to receive a certificate, you can appeal the decision.

But arbitrage practice shows that 95% of conscripts applying to courts, are refused.

Remember that every case is individual. If you were unable to go to the military registration and enlistment office on time due to health reasons, the court will take this into account and make a decision with mitigating circumstances.

This question cannot yet be answered accurately. This problem is under consideration, and when a solution is formed, it will be reported to the press.

Illegal actions in the procedure for obtaining a military ID without military service - what threatens violators?

There are several fraudulent ways to obtain a military ID.

We list them and also tell you what punishment is provided for each violation:

  1. Bribery and bribery of specialists involved in the procedure for obtaining a “military officer”. Giving a bribe in the amount of up to 25 thousand rubles to doctors, military registration and enlistment office employees and other officials is punishable by a fine in an amount exceeding the amount of the bribe by 15-30 times, or the offender faces up to 2 years of imprisonment along with a fine in the amount not exceeding 10 times the amount of the bribe . This punishment is specified in Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. A fake military ID is one of the many deceptions that come across a conscript’s path. Yes, indeed, anyone can buy a fake military uniform. But when a person with such a document comes to get a job in government bodies or at any large enterprise, then his military ID will be checked at the place of service. The employer will have a lot of questions that will prevent the person from taking the coveted position. In addition, if this deception is detected, the conscript may be fined in the amount of 80 thousand rubles, he may be subject to arrest for six months or correctional labor (Articles 324, 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
  3. Lost military ID. Yes, many resort to such deception, telling representatives of the military registration and enlistment office that they lost a ticket that they did not have at all. For such an act a fine of 500 rubles is provided.
  4. Entering false information on a certificate is also considered a violation. For example, you did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office before the specified deadline and decided to forge the signature of a military registration and enlistment office specialist. For such an act you face a fine of up to 500 rubles. If the document was falsified even more seriously, then you may face criminal liability.

Our advice: do not avoid legal actions when obtaining a “military” If you are truly unfit for service, you just have to prove it on paper. It’s better to spend time than to pay a fine later, or even more so to serve a sentence in prison.

– this is a document that identifies oneself, confirms the legal status of a serviceman or person liable for military service, and is the main document for maintaining personal military records. In fact, a military ID for a military person is like a passport for a civilian.

Dear readers! The article describes typical ways to solve legal problems. Your case is individual.

Military ID - an official document

The following categories of citizens can receive a military ID in the Russian Federation:

  1. to the armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  2. trained in military skills at the military department of any university;
  3. women liable for military service, when they are registered for military service;
  4. officers discharged from service into the reserve;
  5. recognized, based on the results of a medical examination, as limitedly fit or completely unfit for military service;
  6. men who have not served, who have reached the age of 27 and are enrolled in the reserves.

How to get a military ID without doing military service?

Cases of issuing a military ID without registration occur most often when a citizen has serious medical indications. Statistics say that a very large percentage of conscripts (over 97%) have diseases that make their conscription into service unacceptable.

However, most of them consider themselves absolutely healthy and learn about health problems only during medical examination. You should know that Russian legislation identifies several categories of conscript suitability for military service. A conscript is assigned any of the categories based on the conclusion of a completed military medical examination.

Conducts it when registering a citizen for military registration military medical commission, which includes the following doctors: ophthalmologist, dermatovenerologist, surgeon, psychiatrist, therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, neurologist. If necessary, doctors from other areas may be involved. So, the commission can assign those liable for military service one of the following categories:

  • A - indicates the absolute health of a person and his suitability for military service;
  • B - states that the conscript, although he has some medical problems, is fit for military service with certain restrictions (for example, he cannot serve in any of the branches of the military);
  • B - confirms that the person is limitedly fit for service. This mark means that in peacetime the citizen is considered enlisted in the reserves, and in the event of hostilities he may be called upon to defend the Motherland.
  • D – this category makes it possible to receive a deferment (temporary exemption) from conscription, since the citizen is considered temporarily unfit. The deferment is given for a period of 6 to 12 months. Most often, this category is assigned when a person has an injury or any diseases that have favorable prognosis for a speedy recovery.
  • D - indicates a person’s complete unsuitability for military service. A conscript of this category is immediately issued a military ID with a mark of complete unfitness.

To obtain a military ID, you will need various documents.

In order for a citizen to receive a military ID certifying the impossibility of serving, the sequence of actions must be as follows:

  1. you need to collect everything medical documents(extracts from medical card, test results, doctors’ opinions, etc.) that confirm the existence of health problems;
  2. you can undergo an independent medical examination in order to have fresh results certifying the presence of diseases for which a citizen cannot be drafted;
  3. after receiving a call from the military registration and enlistment office during the next conscription, undergo a medical examination;
  4. based on the results of the commission, receive written confirmation of unfitness or limited fitness for service (assignment of a category);
  5. obtain an appropriate decision from the draft commission. Only she is authorized to determine the possibility of a citizen performing military service.

If a citizen considers the decision of the district conscription commission illegal, he can file a written complaint with the conscription commission top level(regions, republics, for example). There is an option to go straight to court against the illegal, in his opinion, decision of the draft commission.

The citizen must attach to his application all the documents to which he refers (the response of the higher draft commission based on the results of the consideration of the complaint, etc.). When proceedings are opened in court, the execution of the decision of the draft commission must be suspended. But to do this, the citizen must provide the military commissariat with a copy of the application submitted to the court with a stamp from the office of his registration.

How to get a military ID after 27?

Reference: Appendix 2 to the Procedure (clause 23)

Obtaining a ticket when a citizen reaches the age of 27 is possible subject to compliance with following conditions:
the citizen must submit a written application to the head of the military registration and enlistment office with a request to issue a ticket;
At the time of filing such an application, the citizen must be 27 years old.

Age is checked by, which you should take with you in advance. Also, a copy of your passport must be attached to the application, which is then filed in your personal file.

After submitting the application, you should be patient and wait for the decision of the military registration and enlistment office employee who is responsible for maintaining the card index and personal files of those liable for military service. It is he who makes the preliminary decision and then submits the documents to the head of the department. Next, the decision is made by the military registration and enlistment office. If it is positive, the citizen is issued a ticket and is removed from the military register.

The following video will familiarize you with the nuances of obtaining a military ID after 27 years:

Documents for obtaining a military ID

Each person liable for military service should know what documents must be submitted to obtain a military ID. is not mandatory and may vary from case to case. The list of documents that may be needed when issuing a ticket is as follows:

  1. addressed to the military commissar, drawn up in 2 copies;
  2. passport. IN exceptional cases it can be replaced with another identification document;
  3. photocopies of passport pages (preferably on 1 sheet);
  4. certificate of secondary education (if available) and its copy;
  5. original university diploma (with a copy);
  6. (in the presence of);
  7. certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (registration certificate);
  8. copies of the child (for people with children) or about the marriage (for married people).
  9. You will also need two photographs on a white background measuring 25 by 20 mm.

To obtain a military ID for health reasons, you must submit the following documents:

  • statement;
  • identification document of the applicant (passport) and its photocopies on one sheet (second, third and fifth pages);
  • 2 black and white photographs (size 25 by 30 mm, on a white background);
  • medical documentation indicating a person’s illness and unfitness.

To obtain a military ID, a 27-year-old citizen must add a birth certificate (original and copy) to the above list of documents.

An employee of the military registration and enlistment office accepts the application with the attached documents; on the second copy, which remains with the applicant, he puts a mark of acceptance, indicates his surname and initials, as well as the date. An application with documents can also be sent by registered mail with a list of the contents.

What are the deadlines for issuing a ticket?

Military ID: sample

It is legally established that a military ID is issued within 10 working days from the date of application. However, this deadline is observed in very rare cases. The reason for this may be either the non-standard nature of the situation or the dishonest performance by military registration and enlistment office employees of their duties.

How to recover a lost document?

The loss of any identification document due to its theft and its subsequent restoration does not take place without the participation of law enforcement agencies. Therefore, if your military ID was stolen, the first step towards its restoration will be a corresponding statement to the police about what happened.

Police officers will be required to issue a certificate with information about the time and date of the appeal and the law enforcement agency actions. With this certificate, as well as a passport and two photographs, you can apply to the military registration and enlistment office. It must be addressed to the head of the military registration and enlistment office with an explanation of the time and reasons for the loss.

It should be noted that if the ticket was not stolen, but simply lost, then a certificate from the local police officer will not be needed. The circumstances of the loss will determine the speed at which a new ticket is issued, as well as measures administrative responsibility. After all, a military registration and enlistment office employee may consider a citizen’s inattention to be intentional and issue him a warning and even a fine of 100–500 rubles.

September 29th, 2011

Lately The leading issue among the issues is once again occupied by the question of obtaining a military ID after 27 years. Young people are interested in both the procedure for obtaining a military ID and the responsibility for evading military service.

My answer is addressed primarily to those who, for good reasons, were not drafted and have reached or almost reached the age of 27.

For citizens who hid in other people’s apartments, went to stay with friends, “digged dugouts in the forest,” my answer may also be useful. They voluntarily punished themselves with fears, frustration nervous system, work without social protection, cohabitation without marriage registration.

So, you are 27 years old. Waking up the day after your birthday, you can safely go to the military registration and enlistment office for a military ID.

What documents do you need to have with you to obtain a military ID:

  1. Application addressed to the military commissar for the issuance of a military ID with a list of attachments (sample);
  2. Two photographs 2.5x3.5 cm on matte paper without a corner;
  3. Passport;
  4. Photocopy of 2, 3, 5 pages of the passport on one sheet;
  5. A photocopy and original of the education document;
  6. Photocopy and original of the driver's license (if available).

The application is written in two copies; copies of the documents listed above are attached to the first copy. Applications are submitted to the office of the military registration and enlistment office, on the second copy you must put a mark of receipt indicating the date, position, full name. the employee who accepted your documents. In case of refusal to accept documents, send them by registered mail with a list of attachments.

What you should know:

  1. Your last name, first name and patronymic;
  2. Your registration address;
  3. Date, month and year of birth;
  4. Size of clothes, shoes, hats, information about parents, address and telephone number of your place of study (work);
  5. Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

What not to do:

  1. Write explanations;
  2. Sign any papers (if you are not able to and really want to give your autograph, read what you are signing);
  3. Say too much (it’s better to be silent altogether, because silence is gold);
  4. Agree to additional examinations or recognition of you as a sick person.

What they can do to you:

  1. Be rude;
  2. Ruin the mood with empty threats;
  3. Induce a migraine or nervous system disorder with loud screams;
  4. Submit an application against you to the investigative committee for criminal prosecution.

What they cannot do to you:

  1. Conscript into the army;
  2. To be fined;
  3. Bring criminal liability (provided that you personally did not receive a summons to conscription);
  4. Compulsory medical examination.

Main mistakes when communicating with military registration and enlistment office employees:

  1. A long story about all places of work (even those where they worked unofficially);
  2. Stories about moving around the country or regions for a period of residence of more than three months without registration and military registration.

What are the deadlines allotted by law for obtaining a military ID:

The only document defining the period for issuing a military ID is Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 400, according to which A military ID is issued within 10 working days military commissar based on an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission.

Documents on this issue:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 51)
    1. No one is obliged to testify against himself, his spouse and close relatives, whose circle is determined by federal law.
    2. Federal law may establish other cases of exemption from the obligation to testify.
  • Code of Administrative Offenses (Chapter 21: Administrative offenses in the field of military registration)
    Article 21.5. Failure of citizens to fulfill military registration obligations
    Failure of a citizen who is or is required to be registered with the military to appear upon a summons (summons) from the military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration at the established time and place without a good reason, failure to appear within the prescribed period at the military commissariat for military registration or deregistration military registration and making changes to military registration documents when moving to a new place of residence located outside the territory of a municipality, place of stay for a period of more than three months or leaving the Russian Federation for a period of more than six months or entering the Russian Federation, as well as failure to report within the established period to the military commissariat or other body carrying out military registration, about a change in marital status, education, place of work or position, about moving to a new place of residence located within the territory of a municipality, or place of stay - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles.
  • Federal Law on Conscription and Military Service

    1. In order to ensure military registration, citizens are obliged to:
    be registered with the military at the place of residence (citizens who arrived at the place of stay for a period of more than three months - at the place of their stay) in the military commissariat, and citizens who have military ranks of officers and are in the reserve of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and in the reserve of the Federal security services of the Russian Federation, - in the specified bodies;
    notify within two weeks the military commissariat or the relevant local government body of the settlement or the relevant local government body of the urban district that carries out primary military registration about a change in marital status, education, place of work or position, about moving to a new place of residence located within the territory municipality, or place of residence;
  • Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2007 No. 400
    Appendix No. 9 to the Instructions (clauses 9, 16)
    Article 10. Responsibilities of citizens regarding military registration:
    Clause 12. By decision of the draft commission, the following citizens are removed from the military registration of citizens who are not in the reserves in the prescribed manner:
    exempt from conscription for military service;
    exempted from military duty.
    Enrollment of such persons into the reserve is carried out by the military commissar on the basis of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the draft commission. The issuance of a military ID card to them is carried out within 10 working days from the date the draft commission makes a decision or receives an extract from the protocol of the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

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