Bt before monthly charts. High basal temperature: time to see a doctor. Temperature standards at different stages

During different periods of the menstrual cycle, certain changes occur in a woman’s body. Some of them can be noticeable to the naked eye - mood, appetite, sensitivity. Others are reliably “hidden” in the bowels of the body - uterine tone, muscle pain, vaginal discharge, basal temperature.

Basal temperature (BT) is an informative indicator with which you can calculate “safe” or, conversely, the most likely days for conception. There is a certain norm for basal temperature before menstruation, based on which one can assume the presence of any physiological abnormalities.

Normal basal temperature

BT differs at different periods of the cycle. As a rule, before menstruation the temperature always drops, provided there is no pregnancy or inflammatory process. With constant monitoring of BT, you will easily notice its decrease before menstruation.

To make the conversation more substantive, you should familiarize yourself with the basal temperature indicators before menstruation in different phases. Average indicators can reach the following values:

  • During ovulation, that is, 14–20 days before menstruation, the temperature reaches its maximum - 37-37.2 degrees
  • After the ovulation phase, the temperature remains around 37 degrees
  • Immediately before menstrual bleeding, a premenstrual drop of several millimeters of mercury occurs - 36.7-36.9 degrees

Temperature readings may differ among different women due to the individual characteristics of the body. Because of this, the difference in temperature data for each individual woman between different phases is considered most important. There are 3 phases of the reproductive cycle:

  • Follicular - phase in which eggs mature, duration 7-22 days
  • Ovulation - the phase in which the egg is ripe for fertilization (in the middle of the cycle), the average ovulation period is 36-48 hours
  • Luteal - phase in which the follicle ruptures and the corpus luteum is released (the final stage before menstruation), duration 11-16 days

Each of these phases has different concentrations of progesterone and estrogen. Basal temperature depends on the level of sex hormones. The fluctuation in BT values ​​between phases should be at least 0.4-0.5 degrees. Thus, normally the total duration of the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days. The average is 28 days. Remember, these are average indicators, if you do not find your data in this range, this is not a pathology, systematically monitor yourself for several months and if doubts have not disappeared, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

To obtain reliable data, the temperature must be measured, observing certain features.

It is best to start keeping a chart of basal temperature from the first day of your period, respectively, and from the first day of the entire menstrual cycle.

There are 3 options for measuring BT:

  • Rectal
  • Oral
  • Vaginal

The most accurate way to measure temperature is in the anus. Measurement in the mouth or vagina is acceptable. However, the rectal measurement method is characterized by the highest accuracy and the fewest errors. Continue monitoring your BT through one selected location of the thermometer. This measure will help avoid false diagnosis. The armpit cannot be used to measure basal temperature.

  • The duration of the procedure varies in different places, and is: when measuring in the mouth - at least 5 minutes, in the rectum or vagina - at least 3 minutes
  • Another important nuance is the measurement time. To be more informative, measure your BT at the same time every day. The most optimal time of day is the morning, after a night's sleep, before you have time to get out of bed. If the night work schedule, accordingly, needs to be measured after falling asleep after the shift
  • Do not practice changing thermometers, control the temperature with the same one
  • Don't delay recording your results

In the graph of temperature values ​​for subsequent compilation of the oscillation curve, the following indicators need to be highlighted:

  • Day of the menstrual cycle
  • BT indicators
  • Nature of vaginal discharge

If there are factors that may affect BT, do not forget to write them down too. Such circumstances may include:

  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Overwork
  • Moving or flying long distances
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages
  • Sexual intercourse on the eve of measurement, 4-6 hours before
  • Taking medications such as: hormones, sleeping pills, psychotropic drugs

If you are taking oral hormonal contraceptives, basal temperature is not measured, as this does not make sense, the data will be distorted

The duration of BT accounting for a reliable “picture” should be at least 3 months, that is, 3 full menstrual cycles

Measurement technique

To measure correctly, you need to lie on your bed and insert the thermometer into the selected location. Stand for several minutes without making any movements. After a certain time, carefully remove the thermometer and write down the data. Before the next procedure, do not forget to reset the data from the previous measurement.

How to make a schedule

Drawing up a schedule involves entering temperature data into a table. The counting of the days of the cycle begins on the 1st day of menstruation. Then the values ​​are transferred pointwise to the coordinate system. On one axis mark the days of the cycle, on the other - BT data. The final stage of constructing a graph is to connect all the points with a line.

BT deviations, possible reasons

In order to understand what deviations from the norm can be determined using the BT measurement technique, have a good understanding of what it can tell you. Measuring BT is a test for the functional diagnosis of the female reproductive system. The method is informative because it is based on the temperature effect of the hormones progesterone and estrogen on the thermoregulation center. That is, in this way the concentration of sex hormones in the body is determined.

Thanks to basal temperature measurements, you will learn about:

  • The fertile phase of the menstrual cycle - the timing of ovulation and the timing of menstruation
  • State of hormonal homeostasis (balance)
  • Onset of pregnancy
  • Deviations in health status - inflammation, hormonal deficiency

Any discrepancies with the norm usually cause alarm among sensible women. In general, there are 2 types of deviations:

  • High BT in the first half of the cycle
  • Low BT in the second half

If your basal temperature before your period is high or low, this can happen for several reasons.

High temperature in the first half of the cycle:

  • Pregnancy. The most pleasant of all reasons. Characterized by an increase in BT to 37 degrees and above in the third phase of the cycle
  • Estrogen deficiency. If before ovulation you notice a surge in your BBT, this indicates a deficiency of the hormone estrogen. The temperature curve has a chaotic appearance. The ability to conceive (fertility) with a lack of estrogen is sharply reduced
  • Inflammation of the appendages. This pathology is characterized by sharp rises and falls in temperature throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • Endometritis. If the basal temperature drops before menstruation, and then rises sharply to 37 degrees or higher, and does not fall with the onset of menstruation, then you may have endometrial inflammation. If an increase in temperature is combined with a delay in menstruation, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

Low temperature in the second half of the cycle:

  • Hormonal deficiency. If after the ovulation phase your temperature is below normal, this may be a signal of a lack of progesterone and estrogen
  • Lack of ovulation. It is easy to determine from the curve of your values ​​if you have an anovulatory cycle. It will be characterized by monotony, that is, the absence of jumps, both up and down. Such a process, provided that it occurs no more than once a year, is not considered a pathology; this happens in a healthy woman. Another category of women who cannot ovulate normally are pregnant and nursing mothers. If ovulation does not occur from cycle to cycle, and you do not belong to the last mentioned categories of women, then this is a guide to action to consult a doctor
  • Lack of menstruation. Don’t worry if your BBT has dropped and you haven’t had your period for a week. This could be measurement errors or minor cycle adjustments. If the period is longer, you should go for a consultation.
  • Luteal phase deficiency. You can talk about insufficiency of the corpus luteum (hormone progesterone) if you observe the absence of a premenstrual drop in BT. Lack of the hormone for pregnant women can lead to miscarriage

In any case, the most eloquent sign of deviations is the monotony of temperature or, conversely, its strong jumps.

What to do in case of deviations

To find out what caused the deviations, to rejoice at the situation that has arisen, or to be upset by the appearance of some pathological phenomenon, seek specialized help from a gynecologist. Discrepancies from the norm are also dangerous in the event of pregnancy.

Remember that no diagnoses can be made using basal temperature charts alone. If you are alarmed by some data when drawing up BT schedules, then this is just a reason to seek advice. Under no circumstances should you draw hasty conclusions or make self-diagnosis.

Another pitfall in deciphering the meanings of BT is the individuality of each woman, that is, in fact, each particular case has its own norms and deviations. This is due to different characteristics of the female body, due to which the duration of the entire menstrual cycle, as well as its individual phases, may differ.

All women can take basal temperature measurements. However, this method may be most useful for women who are planning a pregnancy or want to follow the calendar type of contraception. Refrain from making independent conclusions and entrust the interpretation of your results to a qualified gynecologist, especially in the first few months. Thanks to the method of measuring BT, you can better learn about your body and its characteristics.

One of the ways to better understand the processes occurring in a woman’s body is to monitor her basal temperature. This method will allow you to find out when ovulation occurs, when your periods will begin, and to suspect inflammatory processes, pregnancy disorders and the threat of its termination.

Its main advantage is the minimal financial costs; you only need to buy a thermometer. Disadvantages include high sensitivity to various factors. A reliable result can only be obtained if all measurement rules are strictly followed.

Basal temperature depends on which hormones predominate in a woman’s body. From the beginning of the cycle until ovulation, estrogens are the main ones, they help reduce it. After the release of the egg, the leading role belongs to progesterone, which raises the basal temperature.

Before ovulation, there is a surge in estrogen, which helps to reduce it. However, this effect is not observed in all graphs. Basal also decreases slightly. This usually happens within a few days (3 on average). This is explained by the fact that the amount of progesterone begins to fall.

It is advisable to continue measurements on critical days. Basal should normally gradually decrease. By the end of them, it drops to the level of the first phase.

Women who use this method are usually interested in what the basal temperature should be during menstruation. I would like to point out right away that this is very individual. Only by taking measurements over at least three cycles can this question be answered.

Now the values ​​that are found in most women will be given. Basal temperature during menstruation usually drops from 37 degrees at the beginning to 36.4 at the end. This is explained by an increase in the amount of estrogen and a decrease in progesterone levels.

When constructing a graph, we plot the days of the cycle along the horizontal axis, and temperature along the vertical axis. On average, women's menstruation lasts 5 days, during which time there is a decline in the graph. Then, during the first phase, the basal temperature is between 36.4-36.6, then there may be a slight drop and a sharp rise. This indicates that ovulation has occurred. The second phase begins, during which the temperature remains at 37-37.2.

Then there is a drop to 37 degrees, which indicates imminent menstruation. If this does not happen and the second phase lasts more than 18 days, then pregnancy can be suspected. If, after a fall, the basal temperature rises during menstruation, this may be a sign of the uterus).

If it stays on during menstruation and before it, and falls only at the end, then this may indicate a miscarriage. If it does not decrease, and the discharge is scanty, then there may be a pregnancy with a threat of miscarriage.

Normally, the second phase lasts exactly two weeks, its duration can vary within a couple of days. If it is less than 10 days, then this requires hormonal examination and, possibly, treatment.

The length of the first phase has wider limits. Actually, the duration of the cycle depends on its duration. The difference in average temperatures between the phases is very important. It must exceed 0.4.

Only a qualified gynecologist should decipher the charts. Treatment cannot be prescribed based on them. It is very important to conduct hormonal examination and folliculogenesis. During it, ultrasound is performed several times per cycle. At the same time, the growth of the dominant follicle and the condition of the endometrium are monitored. Evidence of ovulation is the formation of the corpus luteum and the presence of free fluid.

Basal usually in the anus immediately after waking up in the morning. On the graphs it is necessary to note all the factors influencing it (sex, alcohol, medications, insomnia, stress that occurred the day before).

Measurements are taken precisely at the selected time, for example at 7 am. The permissible deviation is half an hour. You can use either an electronic or a mercury thermometer. Measurements are carried out until the sound signal or 5 minutes, respectively.

So, the basal temperature during menstruation should gradually fall. For most women, this occurs from 37 to 36.4 degrees. If it remains at a high level, then endometritis can be suspected.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

When planning a child, expectant mothers are interested in all the nuances of pregnancy and, most importantly, the first signs of its onset. The state of a woman’s body can be indicated by basal temperature (BT), the indicators of which change throughout the menstrual cycle, as well as in the case of successful conception.

Every modern girl should be able to correctly measure temperature and build a convenient chart that allows you to visually track changes in the body before conception, as well as the next 2 weeks after.

You might be interested in: Signs of pregnancy in the first days: first symptoms and sensations

Basal temperature and features of its measurement

A thermometer, carefully placed by the doctor in the armpit, reliably shows changes in skin temperature, which helps to talk about the presence of inflammatory processes or disease. However, temperature readings inside the body will differ between different organs and areas (therefore, the most accurate measurements are made in the oral cavity).

Basal (rectal) temperature is measured in a woman's rectum under strict guidelines. The obtained indicators help to diagnose changes in hormonal levels, as well as determine the favorable period of ovulation. Such measurements are used by patients who are trying to conceive a baby and want to guess the most suitable day for this. The obtained indicators allow you to build a schedule for the coming months and identify which days are favorable for “attempts”. The absence of ovulation according to the schedule is a reason to contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

How to correctly measure basal temperature during pregnancy?

  • All measurements are taken on an empty stomach and only after waking up in the morning. To do this, remain in a lying position (you cannot get up, go to the toilet, etc.).
  • Every day the temperature is measured at the same time (the permissible difference is no more than half an hour).
  • Apply baby cream or Vaseline around the tip of the thermometer and the anus to facilitate penetration and reduce the risk of damage to the delicate area and mucous membranes.
  • The thermometer should be inserted to a depth of about 20-30 mm.
  • Hold the device in the rectum for about 6-7 minutes.
  • Immediately after removing the device, take and record the indicators and enter them into the chart.
  • Mark in the calendar-graph factors that could distort the indicators, such as colds, inflammation, poisoning, endocrine system disorders, etc.

Many patients approach the issue persistently, taking readings every 2-3 hours during the day. However, the indicators can vary greatly and completely distort the overall picture. The treasured 37.2° received in the morning does not at all indicate the onset of pregnancy, since the numbers may fluctuate during the day.

The first half of the cycle (3-4 days after menstruation) is characterized by a reduced BT of 36.5-36.8°. This is thought out by nature for the maturation of a healthy egg. The day before ovulation, the temperature usually drops sharply. Immediately after this (second half of the cycle), the readings increase to 37-37.2° and remain until the onset of menstruation. 5-7 days before the next menstruation, the temperature drops again to 36.8-36.9°.

What should the basal temperature be if there is no pregnancy?

If conception does not occur on the day of ovulation and in the 2nd half of the cycle, the temperature will drop. For a pregnant woman, for 18 days it remains in the range of 37.1-37.2°. But you should not rely only on temperature measurements or even the absence of menstruation. These phenomena can be caused by severe stress, illness, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle and nutrition. Make an appointment with a gynecologist, who will confirm the increase in temperature due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which indicates successful conception.

BT in case of pregnancy

The graph indicators in the early stages have diagnostic value and allow you to learn about pathologies before their immediate manifestation. Basal temperature during pregnancy during the day may vary slightly within the range of 37.1-37.3°, but in individual cases BT up to 38° can be considered normal. The female hormone progesterone is responsible for the increase in temperature, the production of which increases in a pregnant woman.

If the expectant mother measured her BBT during the quarter and kept a chart, then she will note that 5-7 days before the next menstruation the temperature did not drop (as it should have happened). It remained at 37-37.4°, which highly likely indicates the onset of pregnancy even before the delay.

If BT sharply increases or decreases, then there is a threat to the course of pregnancy and directly to the fetus.

Too low BT is often observed when the risk of miscarriage increases or during a frozen pregnancy (the fetus stops developing in the womb). In this case, the indicators deviate from the norm by 0.7-1°, so that the “normal” basal temperature of 36.6° should be considered pathological in the case of a pregnant woman. But if in the 1st half of the cycle the patient had a decreased BT level (by 0.4 degrees or more), then doctors declare a temperature of 36.6-36.8° as the norm.

An increase in BT to 37.4° and higher may indicate inflammatory or infectious processes in the pelvic area. Also, high rates are typical for ectopic pregnancy, since progesterone in this case continues to be intensively produced.

Keep in mind that not all patients need to have their rectal temperature recorded. Doctors often advise this to women who have a history of miscarriage or cessation of child development, and also if at the appointment the doctor noted the risk of miscarriage. By monitoring the BT schedule during early pregnancy, the doctor can draw conclusions about the course of pregnancy at the beginning of the first trimester and, possibly, send the expectant mother for preservation.

Can you trust basal temperature?

Unfortunately, this method cannot be considered reliable and reliable, because BT can change for a number of reasons: gynecological, inflammatory, infectious and viral diseases, stress, medication, etc. In addition, a decrease in BT before a miscarriage or in the case of pathologies of fetal development does not always indicate threats, so you should not panic before visiting a doctor.

Modern medicine is of the opinion that keeping a schedule for home diagnostics is inappropriate. It can only be useful for identifying suitable days for conception.

Reasons for increasing or decreasing BT

Indicators may increase for the following reasons:

  • systemic diseases: infectious, viral, colds, bacterial and fungal;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body, when 38° is considered normal basal temperature;
  • incorrect measurement (you walked before the procedure, performed the slightest physical activity).

The temperature is considered low if the readings do not reach 37° (except in individual cases). This often indicates threats, pathologies and complications. Often mothers ask what the basal temperature is during a frozen pregnancy. As a rule, it should be below 37° for several days (provided you take the correct measurements). In the case of serious pathologies or frozen pregnancy, the production of progesterone is suppressed, which is associated with low BT. In such a situation, the patient is immediately hospitalized and procedures are prescribed to save the pregnancy.

Having determined what the basal temperature should be during pregnancy, remember that the reliability of the readings may change under the influence of factors.

  • Regular physical activity, sports, weight lifting. If you measure your temperature after stressful situations, the indicator may be higher.
  • Psychological stress, emotional experiences, problems in the family and at work. Depression and stress, as well as constant thoughts about it, can affect the increase in BT at the time of measurement.
  • Incorrect temperature measurement. Violation of at least one measurement step can lead to unpredictable distortion of the result. For example, some women measure BT in a sitting position, and then rejoice at the “coming pregnancy”. The high temperature in this case is due to the fact that blood is actively flowing to the pelvic organs. Therefore, readings should be taken correctly in a lying position immediately after sleep.
  • The indicators will change if the woman's sleep duration changes. If you slept less than 4-5 hours at night, then there is no point in recording the result in a chart.
  • Sexual contact less than 12 hours before measurement. Sexual activity (like any other physical and psychological stress) in the evening before the measurement day can change the measurement results.
  • Snack after waking up. In many expectant mothers, toxicosis is quite acute, for which doctors recommend eating immediately after getting up. However, eat after measuring the rectal temperature, otherwise the results cannot be considered reliable.
  • Taking medications. Some drugs can affect the result, increasing or decreasing it. Complete the course of therapy and only then begin maintaining a schedule.
  • Diseases (including gynecological). If you are aware of a mild cold or infection, it is not advisable to take measurements on these days.

During your first visit to the gynecologist, you will find out what your basal temperature should be in the early stages of pregnancy. However, scheduling and monitoring BT is only appropriate during the first 2 weeks of the first trimester. After

It is normal for a woman to want a child, because bearing offspring is her natural function. Perhaps this is why representatives of the fair sex, who really want to get pregnant, are so happy about the delay in their periods. But critical days are not always delayed due to conception.

In order not to rejoice ahead of time or not to be upset about the arrival of menstruation instead of the desired pregnancy, you should know what basal temperature should be before menstruation, and which indicates fertilization of the egg. It is the construction of a basal temperature chart that will help you choose the right moment for conception and find out about its occurrence in the early stages.

Basal temperature (BT) is the temperature measured immediately after a night's sleep. Carrying out measurements requires compliance with certain rules, which we will definitely provide in this article.

Why measure BT - why do the readings change?

Measuring basal temperature and drawing up an appropriate chart will allow a woman to assess the condition of her reproductive system. Since the body of each representative of the fair sex works in its own mode, then the schedule of each lady will look different. BT indicators can be influenced not only by the characteristics of the body and the presence of pathologies, but also by the day of the cycle.

To get a complete picture, you need to observe changes in BT for at least 4 months. Measurements for 1 cycle will not allow you to make correct calculations. It does not matter exactly how the measurement was carried out: it could be oral, vaginal or rectal temperature, the main thing is that each time the measurement is carried out similarly to the previous one.

The BT schedule can tell the doctor a lot:

  • Most often, these values ​​are used to determine pregnancy when menstruation is delayed;
  • you can find out whether the egg is ripe, that is, the moment of ovulation is visible on the graph;
  • you can determine the presence of gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • the functionality of the endocrine system is determined;
  • The level of hormone secretion by the ovaries is assessed.

If a woman has been unable to get pregnant for a long time, keeping a BT schedule will help determine the presence of disorders in the reproductive system, such as:

  • hormonal imbalance that does not allow the embryo to gain a foothold in the endometrium;
  • hiding gynecological diseases that cause infertility;
  • infertility due to lack of ovulation as such;
  • problems in the activity of the endocrine system.

By measuring BBT, you can significantly increase your chances of conceiving; some women use such charts in order to conceive a baby of a certain gender.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own based only on basal temperature readings; to confirm it, you must undergo laboratory and instrumental tests. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Measurement rules

In order for the measurement of basal temperature to provide the most reliable information, you need to choose the right moment for measurements, namely the time when the temperature is lowest. Compliance with the following rules for measuring BT is the key to obtaining accurate information:

  1. Basal temperature should be measured only after waking up from sleep, which lasts at least 5-6 hours without interruption.
  2. Measurements are taken at the following points: vagina, rectum (the most accurate data), mouth. If measuring in the mouth, the thermometer should be placed under the tongue for 5 minutes. At other points, it is enough to hold the thermometer for 3 minutes.
  3. The measurement is carried out at the same time each time with a spread of no more than half an hour.
  4. You need to measure BT using one method and one instrument. A mercury thermometer is better suited for these purposes.
  5. You need to prepare the measuring device in the evening. The thermometer must be knocked down and placed near the bed so that you do not get up in the morning, but take readings immediately when you wake up.
  6. After waking up, before taking measurements, under no circumstances should you get out of bed, stretch or move actively.
  7. The BT value is influenced by every active movement and time. Every hour after waking up, it rises by 0.1 degrees, so measuring it during the day and evening is pointless, the result will be useless.
  8. If you need to interrupt your night's sleep for any reason, then you need to do the things you have planned, and then go to sleep for another 3-4 hours, and only then take BT measurements.
  9. You need to take readings in a supine position, which means taking measurements without getting out of bed.
  10. As soon as the thermometer is removed, you immediately need to record the readings on a graph.
  11. If the mercury column on the thermometer is located between two divisions, you need to take into account the lower mark.
  12. If a woman works a night shift, readings should be taken after daytime sleep.
  13. On the graph you need to note all incidents that may have an impact on the value of the measurements, such factors include intimate relationships the day before, a long stay on the road, increased body temperature, taking sleeping pills, hormonal or sedative medications and drinking alcohol.
  14. Measurements are best taken before 8 am.
  15. Since the chart needs to be completed for about 3 months, measurements are taken daily, even on critical days.

Since the female reproductive system can rest twice during the year, ovulation does not occur during this time, conception can only be suspected if the graph shows that it was in this cycle.

BT standards at different stages

It is quite natural for the female body that BBT changes during the cycle. But to determine what is normal, it is necessary to carry out measurements for at least 3 months in order to obtain reliable data. Let's consider what are the acceptable BT values ​​at different stages of the menstrual cycle, as well as what this or that temperature can mean during systematic measurements, and how many days before menstruation its value begins to fall.

You need to start drawing up a schedule on the first day of your period, that is, on this day you need to take the 1st measurement. Its value increases slightly in the first days, so this indicator does not take part in the calculations. On average, basal temperature during menstruation can fluctuate between 36.3-36.5 ° C; this value can remain the entire 1st phase of the cycle. These are optimal conditions for follicle growth under the influence of the hormone estrogen.

Immediately before a mature egg is about to leave the ovary, BT begins to fall by a few tenths of a degree, and then sharply increases to 37-37.2 ° C. An increase in basal temperature indicates the onset of ovulation and the beginning of the 2nd phase of the cycle; such indicators can persist until the end of the cycle.

What the basal temperature will be before menstruation depends on the state of the egg: whether it is fertilized or not. At the site where the follicle breaks through the wound on the wall of the ovary, a corpus luteum forms, which produces the hormone progesterone. The result of fertilization largely depends on it. Under the influence of progesterone, BT increases to 37.0-37.5°C. This is the best time to conceive. Until the end of the cycle, the graph will show values ​​within these limits. When conceiving, similar indications are noted before and after the delay - this is the surest sign of pregnancy. To confirm its occurrence, you can additionally use a test.

A week before your period, normal basal temperature can remain around 37°C, the highest point should not exceed 37.5°C. One nuance must be taken into account that with a 4-week cycle, it is at this time that implantation retraction can be observed - BT decreases by several tenths of a degree during the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. In this case, the expectant mother may feel pain in the lower abdomen, and minor bleeding may also occur. Not every woman may experience a decrease in BT during embryo implantation, but over time the value still levels out. If fertilization does not occur, then the level of progesterone drops, and this leads to a decrease in BT on the eve of menstruation.

3 days before menstruation, BT is usually characterized by a drop of 3-5 tenths of a degree. A variant of the norm during this period will be considered its value in the range of 36.7-37.1°. But in general, for each woman before her period, the norm of basal temperature will be individual.

By measuring basal temperature, you can assess the coherence of the female body, you can say exactly when the time has come that is most suitable for conception, and specify the days on which you can not use protection during sexual intercourse. It is best to take measurements several cycles in a row to achieve greater accuracy of the results.

Since the functioning of the female body is highly dependent on hormones, it is quite natural that, due to their level, the BT value can increase and decrease. Low basal temperature is observed immediately before ovulation and in the last days of the cycle. In the latter case, this means that fertilization has not occurred and you need to prepare for the arrival of menstruation. If the basal temperature does not drop at this time, but remains at 37 and a half, or even 38°, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or disease in the body. During pregnancy, BT does not increase more than to 37.2-37.5°C, which means that 38°C is an alarming signal for a woman, meaning that she urgently needs to see a doctor.

The basal temperature after menstruation remains within the range of 36-36.9 ° C, but if it remains at this level throughout the entire cycle, it means that this month the reproductive system decided to rest, since when ovulation occurs there would be a temperature rise. Pregnancy will not be possible during this cycle. You only need to panic if a similar situation repeats several cycles in a row - this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.

Basal temperature chart before menstruation

The BT graph is a regular linear graph with 2 coordinate axes, where the number of days in the cycle is plotted along the X axis, and the temperature value in degrees is plotted along the Y axis, the division value along the Y axis is 0.1°, while at the zero mark there will be a value 35.7°C.

Every day, immediately after waking up, right in bed, a woman measures her BT using any method convenient for her using the same thermometer. Having received the value, she places a point at the intersection of the day of the cycle and the reading on the thermometer. These points are then connected. Thus, you can clearly trace all changes in BT during the cycle. The graph clearly shows when it rises and when it falls.

During critical days, BT can be 36.6 ° C, a maximum of 36.7 ° C, then it declines, and immediately before ovulation it has the lowest value for several days. After the release of the egg, there is a sharp jump in progesterone in the body, followed by a jump in temperature, reaching 37-37.2°C. This level is maintained throughout the 2nd phase of the cycle, until the new cycle, and then gradually decreases.

Reasons for deviations in basal temperature

BT indicators may deviate from normal values ​​characteristic of a particular phase of the cycle. If the deviations in basal temperature indicators are significant, then it is imperative to seek advice from a specialist.

Deviations in temperature readings for pathologies may be as follows:

  • progesterone deficiency - the curve on the graph goes down sharply. The temperature may rise slightly, but does not last longer than a week. The temperature difference between phases is less than 0.4 degrees. The second phase becomes shorter (not 14, but 10 days), menstruation occurs prematurely;
  • endometritis. With inflammation of the uterine mucosa in the first days of the cycle, BT increases to 37 degrees, instead of falling. With such symptoms, you can find out about the presence of pathology, but to confirm it you need to contact a specialist;
  • problematic pregnancy. If BT is noted at 37 and a half degrees, there are no periods, which indicates pregnancy, but bloody “smear” from the vagina begins, this may be a sign of spontaneous abortion. If the test does not confirm the presence of pregnancy, it may be ectopic;
  • no ovulation. When the measurements are arranged haphazardly on the graph, sometimes jumping up, sometimes falling down, there was no ovulation in this cycle and conception will not occur. If this repeats several cycles in a row, consultation with a gynecologist is required;
  • inflammation of the appendages can be diagnosed when, even in the first phase, a high basal temperature is measured at 37°; confirmation of the presence of an inflammatory process is an increase in BT to 38 degrees in the 2nd phase of the cycle.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, scheduling BT will be ineffective, since these drugs significantly distort the measurement values.


Basal temperature measured according to all the rules allows a woman to solve many issues related to conception and the health of her reproductive system. Therefore, every representative of the fair sex should know how to correctly draw up a BT schedule.

Basal temperature before menstruation: why measure it? First, let's look at the definition of the term. We all know well that the normal temperature in the armpit should be 36.6 °C. If our body temperature is lower or higher than normal, we immediately feel unwell and want to take sick leave. But basal temperature does not affect us that way. We will not be able to feel even a sharp temperature drop of half a degree.

So, basal temperature is, roughly speaking, the temperature of our mucous membranes, which characterizes some of the processes occurring inside our body. It’s very interesting to observe this as a doctor, but we are not all doctors. Why might such information be needed by an ordinary person, or more precisely, a woman, since mostly data on changes in BT is important to her? The fact is that basal temperature changes during the period of ovulation, therefore, if there is a question about family planning, then mastering this method is important for a woman who wants to get pregnant.

We measure BT and build a graph

Measuring basal temperature is quite simple: this method uses a regular thermometer. Just measure the temperature not in the armpit, but in the rectum, vagina or mouth. By measuring your temperature before your period, you can find out how soon your next period will come. And, by the way, if ovulation has occurred, this can be determined during the period before menstruation.

But I wonder what the basal temperature (BT) before menstruation will be in the absence of pregnancy, with positive ovulation? What do the numbers on the thermometer characterize? Let's look at various situations and possible reasons for deviations from generally accepted norms.

Basal temperature before menstruation 36.9°C and there are no jumps in values ​​on the graph in the second half of the menstrual cycle. This indicates the absence of a mature egg. This cycle was probably anovulatory. But this does not give grounds to diagnose a woman with infertility. Since even 20-25 year old women with a good ovulatory reserve can experience such cycles 2-3 times a year.

If basal temperature before menstruation 37.0, 37.1, 37.2 degrees, then this may indicate pregnancy. And, most likely, this is what happened. And if the rise in BT was before the expected menstruation, perhaps they will no longer be, at least in the next nine months.

Basal temperature before menstruation 37.3°C a little higher than expected. Perhaps a deviation from the norm is associated with nervous overstrain, inflammatory processes in the body. In this situation, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Basal temperature before menstruation 37.4°C often associated with estrogen deficiency. It is unlikely that you will be able to get pregnant during a period of elevated basal temperature. But you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor. The gynecologist can refer you to an endocrinologist for an appointment. You may have to wait a little while planning your pregnancy. It is important to identify the cause of such a high basal temperature.

If you decide to use this method when planning a pregnancy to determine possible reasons for the lack of conception or to determine the day of ovulation, remember that a stable (for at least 3 menstrual cycles) increase in basal temperature before menstruation, as well as its decrease below 36.5 ° C - criteria that should not be ignored. If you are trying to get pregnant, then any changes in the temperature chart that you do not understand should be explained by your gynecologist.

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