All types of utilities. Where to go, what to do if you think the bill is too high? What are housing services

Housing and communal services provide residents with 2 types of services- utility and housing, which are designed to increase comfort in multi-apartment and private premises where appropriate communications are carried out. In turn, these services are obliged to uninterruptedly provide amenities for the comfort of clients, and users are obliged to pay for the benefit received.


The range of energy resources provided to the consumer depends on the degree of improvement of the living space and the installed engineering and communication systems.

What does this include:

  1. Water supply: cold and hot water, as well as drainage.
  2. Heating- is provided during the cold season and has heat supply period standards that depend on weather conditions in a particular area.
  3. Electricity supply- meets the requirements of standards in the Russian Federation (220V).
  4. Gas supply- can serve as both a fuel for heating a room and a source of fire for the operation of gas stoves.

Note: According to the Rosstat system, utilities also include maintenance of meters and operational networks for the uninterrupted supply of resources to the client.


As a rule, residents do not separate the concepts of utility and housing (maintenance of common property) services, classifying them as one type, which is understandable - the consumer has to pay for everything using receipts that do not distinguish between suppliers.

What is included in this service:

  1. Identification of non-conformity maintenance of common property to the standards of the Russian Federation, threats to the health and safety of residents.
  2. Providing lighting in public places.
  3. Compliance temperature and humidity conditions in common areas.
  4. Observation maintaining fire safety standards both in premises and during repair work.
  5. Waste removal, both liquid (wastewater) and solid (garbage). Cleaning the garbage chute, premises and surrounding areas from waste and observing sanitary standards in common areas.
  6. Improvement adjacent areas, landscaping, cleaning.
  7. Preparation residential premises for the heating season, repair of communications.
  8. Major renovation premises, cleaning of entrances and courtyards, repair of elevators.

All owners of apartment buildings are required to bear financial responsibility for the maintenance of common areas, regularly pay bills and require appropriate performance of housing and communal services duties.

Brief information: In terms of inefficiency and quality of service, housing and communal services occupy one of the first places in the world. Transportation losses, according to international agencies, are:

  • energy resources - about 2 trillion kW/hour annually;
  • drinking water - 45 million m 3;

Payment for comm. rental services

When renting out residential premises, an agreement is drawn up between the owner and the tenant of the apartment. It must indicate how and who will pay utility bills.

If this procedure is not included in the agreement, then all bills from housing and communal services will be sent to the person who rents the premises, i.e. to the legal owner.

Therefore, no matter how you agree among yourself on the method of paying bills, record everything in detail in the contract. By doing this, the landlord will protect himself from an unscrupulous tenant.

There are several payment methods:

  1. Option 1. The landlord includes the cost of utility bills in the rent amount. The tenant pays only the apartment owner a fixed rate for accommodation, and he, in turn, pays the bills. Note: This method is rather trusting, since it presupposes the decency of both the owner and the tenant.
  2. Option 2. The tenant independently enters into contracts with suppliers and pays only the amounts that the housing and communal services bill him. This method is good for the tenant because there is no overpayment, which is possible in the first case. For the owner, this method is better because there is no need to deal with payment issues and relieve himself of responsibility in case of non-payment by the employer. Note: For long rental periods, this method is the most convenient for both parties.
  3. Option 3. The tenant pays for utilities, but does not enter into an agreement, but pays bills on behalf of the landlord. This method must be described in detail in the agreement - who pays for what. Which resources does the employer use and which ones does not. Note: The owner will be faced with the task of monitoring timely payment, which nowadays is easy to do online without disturbing the tenants.

What to do if one of the services is disconnected for a long period of time?

Tightening rules for the use of energy resources and rising prices are becoming a problem for many citizens. The worst thing is when the apartment is cut off from supplying any type of necessary resource or almost all of it. What to do in such a case?

To understand, let's consider situations when a supplier may stop providing a service. Let's skip the emergency and repair work of supply services and move on to those caused by the homeowner.

Legitimate reasons for disconnection:

  1. When the user did not pay for at least one service within 2 months (housing maintenance is not included here). The contractor is obliged to notify the tenant in writing about the disconnection and indicate which resource he may lose after 30 days. They do not have the right to shut off cold water, drainage and heating.
  2. If the owner of the apartment connected to supply systems without permission, without permission to conduct such an operation. This is especially dangerous when installing new gas equipment. In addition, such amateur activity may pose a threat of damage to the property of other residents in an apartment building.
  3. If the owner of the apartment violates the established standards for the use of energy resources and uses the connection of devices whose power exceeds the technical characteristics of the engineering systems in the house.
  4. If supply systems are in poor condition located in the apartment, violating operating standards and being a source of threat to citizens living in neighboring premises.

Note: Providers can only disable the service for which you do not pay. Debt is calculated according to standard rates for resource consumption. For example, if you have used less water in 2 months, you will not receive a notification yet (provided you have a meter).

The supply of services should not be stopped “suddenly”, but by warning you in writing. If after this there is no settlement, then within 3 days you may be periodically disconnected and switched on, and at the end of the period, the supply may be stopped completely.

What to do?

The supplier, despite the termination of the service, does not terminate the previously concluded contract and you are still its full client. The opportunity to restore the resource supply remains.

What can you do for this:

  1. Contact the supplier and agree on payment in installments. Based on your request and based on the current situation, draw up an agreement. After which, the supply of services will be resumed, and you will have to pay the current bill and part of the debt.
  2. When a difficult financial problem arises, then you can contact the budget organization at your place of residence, where, if there are justified reasons for insolvency, you can receive a subsidy to pay off utility debts.
  3. If you find yourself in a similar situation due to the absence of registration at the place of residence, it is necessary to submit documents confirming this fact. Ask to recalculate for this period and resume the supply of all services.

Brief information: losses of heat supply are catastrophic; the closer to the source, the lower the efficiency of energy conservation. So, efficiency:

  • CHP- on average 50%;
  • standalone source(boiler room) - 85%;
  • in apartments - 93%;

What quality should the services provided be?

To defend consumer rights, you need to know the acceptable standards for supplying energy resources in order to judge the quality of work of suppliers.

The general rule for all utilities is:

  1. Uninterrupted supply.
  2. In full(pressure of water, gas).
  3. According with the standards of the Russian Federation.

Water- hot, it should be ‒ 60 °C, if it is below ‒ 40 °C, then you have to pay as for a cold one. In turn, cold water must meet sanitary standards and meet the standards of the Russian Federation, that is, it must be potable.

Gas- without impurities, meeting quality standards and pressure standards in the system (which usually meets the standards, since it is an explosive component of the fuel).

Electricity- in addition to uninterrupted supply, it must be supplied in accordance with voltage standards - 220 V, without surges and drops.

Temperature in the premises should be as follows:

  1. In living rooms- from 18 °C; in corners - 22 °C.
  2. The bathroom needs to be warmed up- up to 25 °C heat.
  3. On the staircase- 16 °C.

Exceptions are possible when carrying out scheduled repair work (obligation to warn), when eliminating an accident, or to prevent the threat of damage to or damage to property of citizens.

In case of inadequate performance of service delivery services, citizens have the right to apply for recalculation and not pay for services that are provided in violation of the standards.

Brief information: There is no need to expect a high level of work in the housing and communal services sector, since the depreciation of its fixed assets is 60%, and a quarter of them have long served their purpose. To restore the infrastructure, 3.5 trillion rubles are required, and according to other sources, from 9 to 10 trillion rubles.

The following need modernization and investment:

  1. Electric networks - 720 billion
  2. Transformer substations - 300 billion rubles.
  3. Boiler houses - 400 billion rubles.
  4. Heating networks - 500 billion rubles.
  5. Treatment facilities - 200 billion rubles.
  6. Sewage networks - 350 billion rubles.
  7. Water supply - 650 billion rubles.

Government investments in housing and communal services in 2013 amounted to a trillion rubles.

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Housing and communal services - a set of various activities aimed at supplying resources to the house, ensuring good technical condition, as well as solving other issues of comfortable living.

I. Housing and communal services: general issues

1. Terms of payment for housing and communal services

Payment for housing and communal services is made no later than the 10th day of the previous month - unless otherwise provided.

Payment for the thermal energy consumed by an apartment building in the absence of metering units is made according to consumption standards for 12 months - unless otherwise provided by the agreement with the management company, homeowners association or resource supply organization.

2. Penalty for housing and communal services, suspension of delivery

If a consumer fails to pay utility bills on time, the latter may be charged a penalty in the amount of one three hundredth of the Central Bank refinancing rate for each day of delay.

In case of arrears or incomplete payment of utility services for a period of six months or more, the provision of one or more utility services may be suspended or limited upon written notice to the consumer.

3. Difference between housing and utilities

Housing services- types of activities for operating the house, increasing and maintaining the comfort of living and maintaining the facility in good condition. They are paid by the metre, based on the area of ​​each tenant’s apartment.

Contrary to the opinion of some homeowners, housing services are not subject to tariff regulation. Their cost is approved by the owners of the apartment building at a general meeting. At the same time, the management company or HOA may try to “protect” the tariff offered to residents.

In social housing, houses that have not chosen a form of management, as well as houses that have not approved their own tariff for the main housing service, this service is paid at the tariffs established by the municipal authorities.

TO communal relate services, which cannot be provided without the participation of monopolistic enterprises - the provision of housing with natural and energy resources. They are subject to tariff regulation and are paid either per capita (according to consumption standards established by the authorities), or according to the readings of installed metering units (i.e., based on the volume of resource consumed).

Homeowners associations and management companies are responsible for the supply of utilities to consumers. According to current legislation, partnerships and management companies are providers of public services, since they service in-house engineering systems, which are the common property of the home owners. In case of their failure to provide or delivery of inadequate quality, the HOA or management company produces.

At the same time, management companies and partnerships cannot make a markup on purchased utility resources, since their delivery from the boundary of responsibility to the consumer’s apartment is carried out already during

4. Limits of responsibility between housing and utility companies

The point of separation of the engineering belonging to the apartment building and the resource supplying enterprise is, as a rule, the wall of a municipal building.

II. Utilities (basic requirements)

1. Cold water supply (CWS) - The cold water provided to the consumer cannot contain dangerous pathogens (cholera, dysentery, hepatitis) and toxic chemical compounds (arsenic, heavy metal salts, etc.). Within one month, a total 8-hour break in the supply of cold water is allowed (up to four hours at a time) or up to 24 hours in the event of an accident on the main line.

2. Sewerage (water disposal) - The resource supplying organization providing cold water supply must ensure round-the-clock reception of wastewater.

3. Hot water supply (DHW) - permissible interruptions in hot water supply are the same as for cold water. At the same time, the legislation stipulates

Water with a temperature below + 40 degrees is charged as cold. In this case, the maximum temperature of hot water cannot be higher than + 75 degrees.

4. Heat supply - the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than + 18 degrees (entrances + 15 degrees), in corner rooms - + 20 degrees. A heating break of up to 24 hours per month is allowed.

The duration of one-time interruptions during heat supply can be:

▪ no more than 16 hours at air temperature in residential premises from 12 degrees to standard;

▪ no more than 8 hours at a temperature of 10–12 degrees;

▪ no more than 4 hours at 8–10 degrees.

5. Gas supply. The permissible duration of a gas supply interruption can be four hours per month.

6. Electricity supply. The permissible interruption in the supply of this service can be 2 hours per month if there are two independent mutually redundant power sources and 24 hours if there is one source. At the same time, during the supply of electrical energy to the house, voltage drops are not allowed.

III. Housing services

4. Current repairs - a housing service that does not involve major repairs, but at the same time minor defects in the house are eliminated. These works do not include the elimination of housing and communal services accidents and their consequences (unscheduled repairs) and work on (planned preventative repairs).

The decision on routine home repairs is also made by the majority of property owners. The frequency of routine repairs recommended by law in various types of houses is 3–5 years. Examples of current repairs that are closest to residents include work on repairing entrances, installing metal doors, intercoms, and yard landscaping.

5. Other housing services. In some apartment buildings, residents are provided with a number of other housing services: interior repairs, cleaning of residential premises, security, food delivery. In most cases in Russia, such a service develops in luxury new buildings or As foreign practice shows, this industry can develop with the greatest intensity in apartment buildings (housing intended for rent), which practically do not exist in our country.

IV. Intra-industry conflict in housing and communal services between housing and communal services

With the development of housing and communal services reform, there is an aggravation of relations between enterprises of the public utilities complex and the housing sector (housing associations and management companies).

According to many experts, these two sectors should be separated into separate industries for the following reasons:

▪ The consumers of the main volumes of communal resources are not residents, but industrial enterprises, therefore, “communal services” have much less to do with the housing sector.

▪ Within the current legal framework, in a number of apartment buildings (operated by HOAs and management companies), there is no contact between consumers of utility services and energy suppliers, while housing organizations, on the contrary, are quite close to the homeowner.

▪ Unlike management companies and homeowners associations, utility companies are monopolies that do not live by the laws of market competition; their activities are regulated by tariffs.

▪ As a rule, organizations operating apartment buildings are quite small, compact enterprises, while many divisions of the public utility complex are part of powerful oligarchic structures.


  1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 155.
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 23.05. 2006 No. 307 “On the procedure for providing public services to citizens”, paragraph No. 80.
  3. Pp. 31-35 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building.”
  4. GOST 2874-82 “Drinking water”.
  5. See Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities
    dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock,” Appendix No. 8.
  6. Ibid., Appendix No. 7.


  1. S. A. Atamanenko, S. L. Gorobets, T. I. Fedirko. “Handbook for consumers of housing and communal services.”
  2. S. A. Atamanenko, S. L. Gorobets. “All about paying for housing and communal services, or How to effectively manage your apartment.”

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Comments: 50


    I really wanted to know what “home maintenance” was. in the receipt for payment of housing services?!
    Thanks in advance for your answer!

    Hello. Our HOA board has changed. On the receipt:
    1. Housing maintenance – maintenance. room total use (from sq.m.) = 549 rub., removal of solid waste (from sq. m.) = 45 rub., contents. and maintenance of the elevator (from sq.m) = 152 rub. - this is despite the fact that I live on the 2nd floor, and the elevator operates with a special key, which we were not provided with.;
    MOP (from sq.m.) 53 rub. - this is apparently the light in public places. user
    (everything is clear below).
    I read in the Housing Code, it says that the maintenance of housing already includes payment for maintenance. elevator, solid waste removal. So why is it being dubbed again? What then does it contain? room total use (roof, basement?) And how are these places “maintained”? In the building in the basement there are administrative premises and shops, which means their owners also have to pay for the maintenance of housing and for the elevator!!!, since residents of the 2nd and 1st floors pay, what are the better basements??
    Thank you.

    • Take a look at the Certificate of Ownership first. There is a common house share and a share of adjoining houses. territories? No! Next we read the article. 38 p 2 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The terms of the agreement are void if the share is not registered in the certificate (this means you are not the owner of the share in the entrance and part of the land). Well, you have no legal relationship with the management company. Are you the owner of only your apartment or do you not know how to read what is written in the Certificate of your ownership? They will never do anything for you in your apartments, only for your own money. Then what are they charging for? For the entrances!!! But their owner is different! MSU (city hall), or your HOA if there is a legal entity. Figure it out and stop paying bribes. You can write to me, I will explain in more detail.

      • Your opinion is wrong, you misunderstood. Let me clarify: if you are selling an apartment and the contract says that only square meters, but not a share in the common property, this condition is void. Usually this is not written in the contract, since the share belongs to the owner by force of law. You can register your share, or you don’t have to register it.
        Neither the mayor's office, nor the management company, nor the HOA can own shares.

        • Hello Nika! Our government is brazenly robbing the PEOPLE. During the years of Lenin, people dreamed of the common good, the oppressed proletariat lived in poverty, the bourgeoisie, from their boundless greed, forgot that they were People. The great Lenin courageously took upon himself the obligation to correct the current situation in the Empire. He was brilliant. He roused the masses to the Great Struggle against the brutalized bourgeoisie! Nowadays, people are no longer the same, we have forgotten about the covenants of our Great All-Father. You and people like you must take responsibility and, putting this heavy burden on your courageous shoulders, overthrow the government and build COMMUNISM =)

    Hello Anna.

    Yes, elevator maintenance and garbage removal are indeed included in the tariff structure for housing maintenance and repairs. Talk to your HOA about deciphering the payment receipt. It is possible that separate columns for “Elevator” and “MSW” are simply a way to make the composition of this tariff “transparent” for residents.

    Lighting of common areas is a public service, but the maintenance of these places is a housing service. All residents must pay for the maintenance of the elevator, regardless of their floor of residence. The elevator is common property. In the same way, owners of apartments located on the ground floor must take care of the condition of the roof and pay for its maintenance and repairs, and residents of the upper floor must pay for the maintenance of the basement. These are the laws of life in an apartment building.

    About how to maintain the roof, basement and other objects of common property. you can read in this article:

    You shouldn't be skeptical about this issue. If the management company or the HOA had not somehow been involved in the maintenance of the apartment building, our houses would have collapsed long ago. We need to understand this clearly.

    Regarding administrative premises and shops. If these premises are owned by citizens working there, then they must share with all owners the burden of maintaining the common property. If they use the premises under a lease agreement, then the method of payment for housing and communal services depends on the specific terms of this agreement.


    For the third month in a row, residents in our building have been sent increased utility bills - twice as much as usual (!).

    The increase, as written on the receipt, is heating, which, of course, is not available in the summer. How is this possible and where can I go to resolve this issue, please tell me?

    District - Leninsky, building - Socialist 91.

    • Hello Dmitry.

      You need to start clarifying issues regarding payments with the direct provider of utility services. Depending on the management method in your home, this is a management company or an HOA. If the apartment building is under direct management, contracts with the resource supplier are concluded directly and the contractor is he.

      Residents have the right to demand from the contractor a detailed explanation of exactly how (by what formula, in accordance with what legal act) the amount of a particular service was calculated. It is best to send your request in writing and receive the same response.

      In accordance with Russian Government Decree No. 731 on Information Disclosure Standards, you are required to provide an answer within 20 days. Having this document in hand, you can think about what to do next.

    Where is it written that housing services are paid by the meter? Where is the concept of “housing services” defined? PP No. 354 contains the concepts of “utility resource” and “utility services”. Removal of solid waste from waste sites does not apply to either one or the other.
    Thank you.

    • PP No. 354 stipulates the rules for the provision of utility services to citizens, which is why it does not contain the concept of “housing services”.

      We are unlikely to find the exact wording of the definition of “housing services” (since in each house they can be different, up to armed guards). But at the same time, in various legislative acts it is written “between the lines” that housing services exist.

      For example, in accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 155 of the Housing Code, “Owners of residential buildings pay for services and work on their maintenance and repair, and also pay for utilities in accordance with agreements concluded with persons carrying out the relevant types of activities.”

      The fact that housing services are paid for by the meter is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

      “The share of mandatory expenses for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the burden of which is borne by the owner of the premises in such a house, is determined by the share in the right of common ownership of the common property in such a house of the specified owner.”

      To determine the share in the common property right, you must read paragraph 1 of Article 37 of the Housing Code:

      “The share in the right of common ownership of common property in an apartment building of the owner of the premises in this building is proportional to the size of the total area of ​​​​the specified premises.”

      In addition, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 155 of the Housing Code, “the owner of premises in an apartment building is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining the premises belonging to him, as well as to participate in the costs of maintaining common property in an apartment building in proportion to his share in the right of common ownership of this property by paying for the maintenance and repair of residential premises.”

      Thus, housing services are services related to the maintenance and repair of an apartment building, which, of course, includes garbage removal from the house.

      You probably already learned that utilities are paid based on consumed volumes or consumption standards (i.e., per capita - in the absence of meters that allow you to determine consumption), since you refer to PP 354.

      A separate issue concerns garbage disposal. In accordance with paragraph 11 D of Resolution No. 491, the collection and removal of solid and liquid household waste, including waste generated as a result of the activities of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using non-residential premises in an apartment building, are classified as work on the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building.

      And finally, the last thing is payment for utilities consumed not by the apartment, but by common areas (i.e., electricity and heat in the entrance, water poured out during washing the floors in the entrance, watering the local area, etc.).

      From September 1, 2012, these services are also paid based on the volumes consumed, i.e. the entire house pays depending on how much resource it consumes. But at the same time, payments to owners are calculated in proportion to the area of ​​housing in the total area of ​​the house.

      • Thanks for the detailed answer.
        If the garbage site is located on the territory that does not belong to the apartment building, and it is used by everyone, including private owners, and the management company does not maintain this place in proper order, how can it be the common property of the house? Should the management company, with this kind of payment, clean up the garbage site? In our opinion, solid waste removal services should be paid in such cases according to the tariff of a specialized organization that removes this garbage and carries out (does not carry out!) tidying up around. Is it possible to withdraw this service from the payment of the management company and enter into a separate agreement with the organization that removes the garbage? How will the payment be collected in this case? What is needed for that?

        • A garbage site can either be the common property of an apartment building or be located on municipal territory.

          If you pay the management company money for garbage removal, it, of course, must keep the garbage site clean.
          Garbage removal is included in the list of house management tasks. At the same time, the management company can both carry out the announced work independently and find contractors. But the management company still remains responsible for cleanliness to the owners.

          You can directly enter into an agreement with the contractor by discussing this issue at the general meeting of owners and changing the management agreement for the apartment building with the management company. In this case, you will either have to look for a contractor yourself, or seek advice from the management company.

          The cost of garbage removal is determined on a contractual basis (since this service is not a monopoly). Presumably, each organization will ask for its own price for the service provided (like in a store).

          In the future, you will have to set your own tariff for garbage removal at home. Let’s say a company agrees to remove your garbage every day for a thousand rubles a month. After this, you should divide one thousand rubles by the total area of ​​the residential premises of the house (as well as offices, shops and other non-residential premises - if any).

          To calculate the payment for waste removal, the received tariff
          (per 1 square meter of real estate) should subsequently be multiplied by the area of ​​the apartment of each property owner.

          P.S. When calculating the tariff, in addition to the garbage removal and site cleaning service itself, do not forget to discuss with the contractor the issue of renting garbage containers (this equipment, of course, will also be included in the tariff price).
          It is possible that he will ask for additional payment for this.

    Thank you very much for the clarification. But... it's absurd to pay like that. I live in the Krasnodar region and we do not pay the management company, but directly to the organization that removes the garbage, 28 rubles per person. per month and plus 10 rubles. for the removal of bulky waste. And here the 80-year-old grandmother was left alone in 4 rooms. apartment and is forced to pay about 200 rubles. For what? This is a rhetorical question, just like “what to do”?
    Another question.
    Uk does not decipher the tariff for maintenance and tech in its receipts. repair. The line “Maintenance and repair of residential premises” must indicate the name and amount of the corresponding fee. Is it possible for a management company to be required to separately pay for services and work on managing apartment buildings, maintenance and routine repairs of common property in apartment buildings on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 454, if it is advisory in nature?
    Thank you.

    • It is impossible to “force” the payment for maintenance to be written down on the receipt, but it is in the interests of the owners to specify the types of work for the maintenance and repair of housing and their cost in the management agreement for an apartment building. This provides the owner with a mechanism for control over the activities of the management company:

      Also, any owner can make a request obliging the management organization to decipher the tariff for housing services. In accordance with the Information Disclosure Standards (RF Government Decree No. 731), you are required to provide an answer within 20 days.

    hello, I looked at the tariffs for paying for utility services, it says that for heating water the tariff is 30.48., we have a meter on the receipt (heating hot water (sch) 93.57 social consumption. 3.17 rubles / m3 according to the meter they consumed 2 cubic meters, how can I check the calculation correctly true

    • Hello, Natalia.

      Agree, your question “How to correctly check the calculation is correct” sounds very unclear. Please try to formulate questions more precisely so that those answering do not have to “decipher” them.

      Most likely, you want to find out whether the tariff for hot water supply is indicated correctly on your receipt. True, you did not indicate whether a common house heat energy meter is installed in your house. If yes, then the tariff for hot water supply is determined by calculation.

      The price of one cubic meter of hot water consists of the cost of cold water (coolant), which is used to prepare hot water, as well as the cost of heating 1 cubic meter. meter of coolant to hot water temperature.

      The calculation is made using the formula:

      Тgvs = Сн + Тхв rub/cubic. m,

      wherein CH = 0.0596 * Te

      Decoding the formula variables:

      Sn– cost of heating 1 cubic meter m (rub);

      0.0596 Gcal/cub. m– amount of thermal energy for heating 1 cubic meter. m of cold water;

      Tgvs– cost of 1 cubic meter m of hot water (rub);

      Tae– tariff for thermal energy (RUB/Gcal with VAT) – from September 1, 2012 it is 1149.08 RUB/Gcal for the supplier LUKOIL-TTK;

      Txv– coolant tariff (RUB/cubic meter with VAT); from September 1, 2012 it is 30.48 rubles per cubic meter.

      Using this formula, it turns out that producing one cubic meter of hot water in your home costs 98.96 rubles. (if thermal energy is supplied to you by LUKOIL). Two cubic meters, respectively, cost 197.92 rubles.

    Hello! help us understand the following situation. our house is served by the management company, but we pay utilities directly to the RSO. We have no debts to the RSO for utilities, but we have a debt to the management company for more than 3 months. question: can the management company limit the sewerage service according to
    What about PP 354? After all, we are talking about debt for utilities!

    You have an existing management company, why pay to a third-party company that has nothing to do with you now?

    If a bankruptcy procedure was carried out in relation to the previous company, then the collection of debts should have previously been handled by a bankruptcy trustee appointed by the Arbitration Court.

    • when moving to a new company, we had a meeting with a new representative and he said that there were no documents from that company for our house. I’m wondering if we don’t pay they (the liquidated company) could sue us and force us to pay for commercial services and what rights do we have in this case, because they delayed the provision of receipts for 7 months. We live in Bataysk, a liquidated company TEMP

    Who “liquidated” it? How can a non-existent legal entity send you receipts? And how can a non-existent legal entity sue? What caused the gap between the departure of the old company and the arrival of the new one? Who ran the house at this time?

    Sorry, Natalya, after your presentation of events there are still a lot of ambiguities and misunderstandings. Maybe the representative of the residents of your building should seek legal advice and try to highlight the current situation as accurately, clearly and correctly as possible?

    Tell me, please, should we pay for electricity if the resource supplying organization has not provided us with receipts for payment for 4 months in a row, because... An agreement was not concluded between the energy workers and the management company, but now they want residents to pay for everything in one sum at once. Thank you.

    • 1. The absence of an agreement does not exempt you from paying for utilities. The energy companies can send you their version of the contract, and you can respond by disagreeing and sending them your contract. If agreement cannot be reached, a contractual agreement will apply between you, i.e., by default:

      In this case, the regulator of relations is exclusively federal laws and regulations (Civil Procedure Code, “Rules for the provision of public services to citizens”, etc.).

      2. You will most likely have to pay for the energy consumed over four months. Otherwise, you could be sued and probably lose. Although it is impossible to predict such an outcome one hundred percent, since during the current months you have not received utility bills (but not at all because the contract was not concluded).

      3. In turn, you can contact the inspection authorities with a complaint about incorrect calculation of payments. And a request to bring the guilty organization to administrative responsibility (the culprit may be both the management company and the resource officer).

    Please tell me how I can oblige the gas service to make payments from two actually living people, and not from four registered ones. I provided them with a statement signed by the neighbors and the chairman of the House Council, and a certificate from the management company about actual residence. They ask to provide a document about the actual residence of the other two residents. But the fact is that I divorced my husband (the owner) 10 years ago, he lives (but is not registered) at a different address, and my daughter got married and also lives at a different address (not officially renting). What else should I provide them with? Thank you

    • The simplest thing is to install a meter. After this, you can register at least twenty people in the apartment, and you will pay for the actual volumes consumed. In 2015, you will still be forced to implement the equipment.

      It is almost impossible to prove that the people assigned to you do not regularly reside. Just as it is almost impossible to prove that a dozen officially unregistered migrant workers permanently live in a particular apartment (maybe they often come to visit).

    In our village of Turukhansk, the owner of the property is the municipality, and the maintenance is assigned to an organization that provides heat and electricity. That, in turn, under a contract agreement, transferred a certain share of the work to the Zhilservice company, which pumps out septic tanks, repairs and eliminates accidents in the heating and water supply systems. In turn, Zhilservice refuses to eliminate accidents in the sewerage system (blockages in pipes). Tell me what to do, how to force the “businessmen” from the housing service to eliminate these emergency situations? Thank you in advance?

    • Send letters of claim to the owner - that is, to the municipality, so that he can influence his contractors and subcontractors. According to the Housing Code, it is the owner who is responsible for the maintenance of the property.

    Hello. For the month of January, a new receipt was received, which does not contain readings from the hot and cold water meters, although the readings were transmitted in December when the receipt was paid. The clearing center has changed on this receipt. On the back there is information that you need to come with a receipt for 6 months to reconcile payments. Is this legal? And why should I waste my personal time on the fact that someone is not working correctly... And another question: the apartment is registered to my mother, who lives in another city and she does not have the opportunity to come to verify receipts. I make all payments. Can I do it?

    Good afternoon Yesterday they decided to pressure test the heating system in our house without prior notification. My apartment is currently being renovated and the day before the heating radiator was removed (the taps on the riser were previously turned off). When the pressure testing began, a fountain began to flow from my riser (from a shut-off tap) (for a reason unknown to me). There was no one at home at that moment. The result is that 2 apartments are flooded. The plumbers of the housing department claim that I should have warned about the removal of the battery, the neighbors say that the housing department should warn about pressure testing. Over the past years20, a preventive inspection of heating systems has not been carried out by the operating organization even once. Please advise what to do. And please tell me where it is written (if this is actually true) that I must warn the housing department about removing the battery while the taps on the riser are closed. Thank you in advance for your response. -Elena-

    • This situation with batteries is confusing.

      1. The fundamental question is where the riser leaked - in front of the shut-off device or after it. If the riser has leaked to the shut-off valve, the common property has leaked, for which the organization managing the house is responsible. If there is a leak after the shut-off valve, it is your private property, for which you are responsible.

      We wrote more about this here:

      2. As for warnings, as a human being you should have informed each other about both pressure testing and battery removal.

    Hello, please tell me what is the right thing for us to do, we service providers ourselves collected for the utilities provided to residents, and now the mayor’s office has organized a single settlement center and is taking away the collection of payments from us. We should probably conclude an agreement before it has been concluded yet. Collections are already carried out by the RCC and the agreement with We are in no hurry to conclude how to force them to do this?

    • In the current situation, it turns out that the mayor's office is robbing you. You should contact law enforcement agencies and, possibly, the Federal Antimonopoly Service.
      The activities of the settlement center are legal and legitimate, subject to the consent of the service provider, as well as the homeowners themselves (they must give consent to the settlement center for the processing of personal data - in accordance with the federal law on personal data).

    Hello, please tell me if management companies should replace broken windows in common areas or if windows are replaced at the expense of the owners.

    • Due to the tariff for housing maintenance. Replacing glass in a broken window, especially in winter, is definitely an emergency repair of common property.

Utilities have become a part of people's daily lives. It is difficult to imagine even a day of life without the usual electricity, hot and cold tap water and heating in winter.

  • providing housing with water;
  • provision of electricity;
  • gas supply;
  • elevator maintenance (if the building has them)
  • heating provision.

Various specialized organizations provide certain types of services.

Typically, contracts with suppliers are concluded apartment building management companies.

However, certain services (for example, gas supply) are connected directly under an agreement between the homeowner and the service provider.

Who can provide public services to citizens:

  • housing cooperatives;
  • specialized companies that can provide this type of service.

Utility providers sell them, and therefore for them there is a monthly fee. The rules for calculating services will be discussed below.

Rules for providing services to owners

These rules are developed on the basis of legislation in this area. defined for each service provided.

Each of the services is provided according to the contract, concluded between the one who provides the service and the one who receives it.

The service agreement is concluded for an indefinite period. It can be changed or terminated on the basis of the relevant legislative clauses of the Rules.

The contract must be agreed upon with regional control services.

The consumer can legally protest his rights if he does not agree with something in the text of the contract.

The mode under which services are provided must necessarily comply with legislative standards and be confirmed by technical documents.

For example:

  1. For heating, sanitary standards must be such that they determine the temperature in the rooms established by the contract during the entire period for which the service is provided.
  2. Electricity must be supplied according to standard around the clock. Wastewater must be removed continuously and efficiently and cold water must be supplied.
  3. The pressure of the supplied gas must meet the standard parameters specified in the contract throughout the year.
  4. The service provider is also obliged to ensure the safety of using elevators if they are installed in the house.
  5. The organization responsible for waste disposal must ensure its complete removal, creating sanitary and epidemiological safety.

Possible deviations from the service regime established by the contract must be specified in the signed contract.

Calculation of utility tariffs

A tariff is the cost of a utility resource supplied to a home (for example, the price 1 m3 of gas or cost 1 kW/h electricity).

Tariffs for services are determined by the municipal service or regional committee, which calculates the cost of utility bills. The same service installs .

The standard is average resource consumption, corresponding to the degree of improvement of the apartment or house.

Tariffs are set based on the cost of supplying resources, i.e. depends on the costs borne by their supplier.

This includes costs for:

  • construction, uninterrupted operation of all utility networks;
  • fuel and raw materials;
  • purchase of electricity and heat;
  • wages for supplier employees.

Each region has its own utility tariffs. This depends on various factors:

  • duration of the cold period,
  • temperatures in cold weather,
  • remoteness from sources of electricity, fuel and gas.

Calculation of resource consumption volume

If an apartment or house has meters for water, gas and electricity, they are paid according to the meters.

If there are none, there are special standards for the supplied resource per person.

Heating is in a special place. According to the decree of June 1, 2013, the payment for the provision of heating is not divided into 2 periods. Under the new rules heating fees are distributed evenly throughout the year and without dividing the payment for its consumption for the needs of residential premises and for general house needs.

But the amount of payment and heating standards, as before, are determined based on the duration of the cold period in the region.

What is the payment procedure for the resources provided?

. Now this is not a problem and you can do this, for example, through:

  • bank, by personally visiting the utility payment window;
  • the bank, writing an application to deduct payment from income passing through the bank account;
  • terminal, for example, the terminal of Sberbank of Russia;
  • Internet.

Many banks provide the opportunity to pay for utilities via the Internet 24/7.

Recalculation of service fees

Recalculation of payments for consumed utility services is possible in the cases specified in the Regulations on the procedure for recalculation.

Recalculation is possible if a person leaves for a long time and does not have water and gas meters. But such recalculation is done in cases where a person warns about leaving in advance.

There is no recalculation of elevator maintenance and rent.

If the fact of the citizen’s return during the period indicated by him as the period of absence is established, the fee for services is charged in full.

Suspension and restriction of the supply of individual resources

Limiting a utility service is a reduction in the quantity supplied to the consumer.

Suspension of the service or its limitation does not mean that the contract is terminated.

Without notification, this situation is possible when:

  • an emergency or threat of an emergency has occurred,
  • repair work is carried out in utility networks to avoid emergency situations or repair and restoration work after an accident.

Services may also be suspended in case of unfounded debts to pay them.

If a citizen cannot pay for “utilities” for a good reason, he. In this case, services are only limited for the period of registration of the right to a subsidy.

Where to go if you are overcharged?

If you think that your tariffs are too high, you can check this by contacting the regional tariff control service or the housing and communal services department. You can also contact the prosecutor's office if the regulatory agencies did not help you.

Resources whose supply paid by meters, in the quantities they show, proof that you used the service in the quantities indicated. As a rule, there are no disputes here.

If there is no counter, controversial situations often arise. But payments can be recalculated if there is documentary evidence.

It is illegal, for example, to include the area of ​​a loggia or balcony in the heating calculation.

Video: Innovations in charging for utility services

The video talks about the new rules for calculating payments for housing and communal services in 2017:

Services cover:

Provision of residential premises for use under a social tenancy agreement or a rental agreement for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock;

Major repairs of common property in an apartment building for homeowners;

Removal of solid household waste;

Removal of liquid household waste from apartment buildings..."


Order of Rosstat dated July 23, 2009 N 147 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out the indicator “” in federal statistical observation forms

Official terminology. 2012.

See what “Housing services” are in other dictionaries:

    Housing legal relations- (see: Contents of housing legal relations) a general, generic concept that covers various types of relations arising regarding housing: ownership, use and disposal of residential premises, provision of residential premises to those in need... ... Housing Encyclopedia

    SERVICES IN THE WORLD MARKET- services entering the external market, that is, use values ​​that primarily do not acquire a materialized form. They form a global market for services, which breaks down into narrower markets: licenses and know-how, engineering... ... Large economic dictionary

    Housing and communal services- these are services delivered to consumers living in housing stock to ensure comfortable living conditions. Contents 1 General 2 Provision of services ... Wikipedia

    MUTUAL HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS- MUTUAL HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS MHAs Non-profit organizations that are created and supported by cooperatives. The idea of ​​such associations originated in Europe, and in the United States, two types developed after 1979. The first type includes... ... Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance

    AUSTRALIA- (Australia) General information The official name is The Commonwealth of Australia. It is located on the continent of A., the island of Tasmania and a number of small coastal islands. Area 7,692,024 km2 (including the island of Tasmania, 68,400 km2). By… … Encyclopedia of countries of the world

    Income- (Income) The concept of income, types of income, income of the organization Information about the concept of income, types of income, income of the organization, tax income Contents Contents What is Real National profit Types of benefits Real profit Nominal ... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    - (HOUSEHOLD) a collection of persons living in one residential building or part thereof, both related and unrelated, jointly providing themselves with everything necessary for life, fully or partially pooling and spending their funds.… … Official terminology

    Honorary citizens of Izhevsk- This is an article about the title awarded to residents of the city of Izhevsk, about persons awarded the class title “Honorary Citizen of the Izhevsk Plant”, see here. Breast badge of the Honorary Citizen of the city of Izhevsk Honorary Citizen of Izhevsk distinctive title ... Wikipedia

    HOUSEHOLD Glossary of terms on social statistics

    HOUSEHOLD- a small group of people living in the same dwelling, pooling part or all of their income and assets and consuming certain types of products and services together, mainly housing services and food... Social statistics. Dictionary


  • , A. N. Ryakhovskaya, F. G. Tagi-Zade. Current issues of pricing for housing and utilities are considered. The tariff policy of the former USSR, based on command principles of economic management, has been studied, its... Buy for 594 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Tariff and pricing policy in the housing and utilities sectors, Ryakhovskaya A., Tagi-Zade F.. Current issues of pricing for housing and utilities services are considered. The tariff policy of the former USSR, based on command principles of economic management, its…

What is included in utilities? Utilities are the activities of individuals aimed at providing residents of apartment buildings with the necessary living conditions and comfort. As a rule, such activities are carried out by some housing organization, represented in the form of an HOA (homeowners' association) or a management company. Having an understanding of housing and communal services (housing and communal services), you can stop attempts by a housing organization to attribute debts or payments that accidentally entered there.

So, what is included in the rent? Homeowners associations or management companies may, at their discretion and in agreement with residents, provide services of various types. However, only those services that are designated as such directly in the legislation are recognized as utility services.

Today, the legislation defines the following as the services of housing organizations provided to residents of apartment buildings:
  1. Supply of residents with cold water. The only requirement for which this public service can be provided is a continuous supply of high-quality water in the quantity necessary to meet the needs of residents. Water supply can be carried out through centralized systems, individual water supply systems of a separate house, or through a column that is installed outside an apartment building.
  2. Hot water supply. The requirements for providing residents with hot water are the same as the requirements for cold water supply.
  3. Disposal of used water. Disposal of such water is carried out exclusively through centralized sewer systems. This utility service must be provided continuously. At the same time, access to sewerage must be in every residential building of an apartment building.
  4. Electricity supply. To be considered suitable for human habitation, each apartment building must have a connection to power lines. Electricity transmission is carried out continuously in the amount necessary to satisfy the household needs of residents.
  5. Supply of gas to residents. Gas supply must be available around the clock. If it is not possible to connect the house to gas supply lines, gas may be provided through gas cylinders that have been certified and suitable for use.
  6. Providing residents with heating. Heating is supplied to apartment buildings mainly in winter. However, depending on temperature changes, heating may be supplied at other times of the year. The main requirement for heating is the supply of heat in a volume that is sufficient to maintain room temperature in the apartment.

The issue of the list of services provided to residents is resolved through negotiations between the meeting of residents and the relevant housing organization. The agreements reached during negotiations are formalized in the form of an agreement for the maintenance of an apartment building.

The availability of a utility service depends on its availability in a particular apartment building. So, if an apartment building is not equipped with a sewer system, then, accordingly, this service will not be provided to residents. At the same time, the presence of certain utilities seems mandatory for the admission of a particular house to operation.

Utilities are what are included in the list established by law. In addition to housing and communal services services, which are designated as such in the law and without which permission to operate a house will not be granted, housing organizations, in agreement with residents, have the right to provide another list of services, in addition to utilities. Such services are called housing and are also mandatory for apartment buildings.

So, what is included in the list of housing services?

The list of such services that are included in the maintenance of housing and are not recognized as utilities is presented as follows:
  1. Lighting of non-residential premises in the house, which are recognized as common areas, as well as maintaining normal temperature in such areas.
  2. Maintenance of local areas and common premises in accordance with sanitary standards, carrying out activities aimed at this.
  3. Collection of household waste from residents and removal of it outside the locality. This service was previously provided by housing organizations themselves. Today, the provision of this service by housing and communal services has been centralized, and housing organizations now serve as intermediaries.
  4. Ensuring fire safety. This service consists of providing residents and the residential building itself with a fire alarm system and fire-fighting tools. According to the law of the Russian Federation, any action or equipment that serves fire safety purposes can be included in this service.
  5. Activities included in the housing and communal services to create an environmentally friendly climate in the adjacent areas. Mainly represented by actions aimed at landscaping and improving the designated areas.
  6. Residential repairs of current and major nature. Funds are collected for this on a monthly basis, and the service itself is provided as needed and at intervals established by law.
  7. Preparing your home for a certain season. For example, in winter it can be insulated. In the spring season, it may be necessary to update the gutters and check the roofs and other objects that are part of the house, and so on.
  8. Maintenance of property in the house belonging to all apartment owners on the basis of common ownership rights.
  9. Inspection of the condition of the house to determine the need for certain measures.

A similar list of rent maintenance services is, as a rule, provided only to residents living in apartment buildings. They are not provided to owners of private houses; therefore, they do not pay for such services.

On the other hand, they have to provide themselves with the appropriate services, which should be included as mandatory in the legislation. For example, the presence of fire safety systems is a mandatory condition for the admission of any residential premises to human habitation.

So what's included in the rent receipt? Residents are primarily interested in the question of the content of the receipts, the concepts included in it, which comes to them from the housing and communal organization in Russia and contains the amount for payment. Many people are interested in why certain items are included in the receipt and inflate the amount payable, as well as what makes up the final amount. However, many of them have no idea how to read it.

According to the rules of the law, a utility payment receipt must consist of the following information:
  • information about housing and utility services that were provided in the corresponding month, indicating the volume of consumption;
  • information about general services provided in the interests of all residents of an apartment building;
  • information about the tenant who must pay the utility bill;
  • information about the housing institution;
  • residential account;
  • bank account details in the utilities sector;
  • amount to be paid, advance amount and date of last payment;
  • table of tariffs for the cost of housing and communal services;
  • other information for reference;
  • information about the availability of recounts;
  • Reminders for consumers.
Information about housing and communal services in the receipt includes information in accordance with the following list:
  • cost of consumed cold and hot water;
  • cost of consumed electricity;
  • cost of gas consumed;
  • cost of provided thermal energy;
  • cost of house maintenance services;
  • amount of payments for repairs.

In addition, residents pay subsidies for services aimed at maintaining common house premises. The list of such services may include:

  • cleaning of staircases;
  • sanitary maintenance of local areas;
  • removal of household waste;
  • regular maintenance of engineering and technical equipment.

In addition to its informative function, the receipt serves as the basis for the residents’ obligation to pay for utilities.

For this reason, the receipt contains the following details:
  • total amount to be paid;
  • the date by which payment must be made;
  • consequences of failure to pay utilities on time.

The large amount of information on the receipt makes it confusing.

However, if you wish, spending just a few minutes, you can thoroughly understand it. Of course, it's better to know what you're paying for.

However, additional information must be provided on the receipt.

The list of such information may include:
  • decoding of the amount to be paid;
  • reference Information;
  • description of the equipment used to calculate consumed utilities;
  • payment methods for utilities.

In turn, in terms of deciphering the amount to be paid, the following data must be included, which constitutes the final amount of the rent:

  • amount to be paid for the consumption of a separate apartment for communal services;
  • expenses for provision of common building facilities;
  • rates;
  • total payment amount;
  • recalculation;
  • benefits at the cost of living;
  • result.

Expenses for the maintenance of common premises are considered separately from the subsistence level of services consumed by a separate apartment. Thus, the consumption volumes of an individual apartment are calculated based on the indicators of special accounting equipment, and in the absence of such equipment, based on consumption standards established by regional authorities.

Expenses for common building facilities are calculated based on the result of subtracting the indicators of the accounting equipment of all apartments from the indicators of the common building equipment. This result is divided into all apartments in an apartment building according to the number of people living in them.

In addition, the utility company has the right to indicate some background information, which can be represented by the following data:
  • regulations, agreements, norms of law;
  • readings of accounting equipment taken in the corresponding month;
  • total consumption rate for the entire house.

The household reference information serves the purpose of verifying that residents have calculated the correctness of the utility bill. For this reason, most unscrupulous housing organizations do not provide such information.

Each consumer of utility services is assigned his own personal account, according to which, using special software, individuals will be able to check their debts and so on.

In addition, such software serves the following purposes:
  • individual determination of payment;
  • checking the settlement data of each personal account;
  • issuing a statement indicating the presence of an advance or debt;
  • availability of rights to benefits according to the rules of the subsistence minimum.

Typically, the receipt does not indicate the methods by which you can pay for the services of the housing organization. They include such information for the convenience of the consumer.

Today, housing organization services are paid in the following ways:
  • through payment terminals and ATMs;
  • through payment systems on the Internet;
  • specially developed mobile applications.

Of course, each consumer has the right to independently choose how to pay utility bills. However, they must be paid on time.