Andrey Palkin State Duma deputy biography. Rich elections: deputies of the new Duma with the highest income

Judging by the declaration, Andrei Palkin’s income for 2015 amounted to almost 1.5 billion rubles. He owns 56 apartments in the Arkhangelsk region and three in the Moscow region, as well as about 200 vehicles.

The public's first reaction to such information is shock and concern for the mental health of the people's representative. Why does a businessman from the town of Kotlas need six dozen apartments and a fleet of vehicles larger than the collection of the King of Bahrain? He is unlikely to move every week from one home to another; the rental market in the Arkhangelsk region does not provide any profits for homeowners (this is not Moscow, after all).

Wikipedia describes a disease called “pathological hoarding” - as a type of compulsive behavior consisting of collecting and storing unused things, most often household items, in such large quantities that they prevent the premises from being used for their intended purpose.

However, Andrei Palkin most likely does not suffer from “Plyushkin syndrome”. Although you cannot refuse him scrupulous frugality.

Konstantin Trapaidze, chairman of the bar association “Your Legal Attorney,” said in an interview with NI: “I think that such a decision - to transfer the property of your business to yourself - is hardly related to tax optimization. If earlier this equipment and these apartments were listed on the balance sheet of some company that belonged to this businessman, and now to a deputy, and if this company paid taxes, then it is not entirely clear why it was necessary to abandon this. Such tax optimization will not yield a big gain, but will raise many questions.

From the point of view of real money, if the company and its owner, so to speak, have a common pocket, transferring financial assets to oneself may still make some sense, but with agricultural machinery it is more difficult to find.

Most likely, we are talking about the fact that a businessman, moving to Moscow for parliament, does not want to lose control over his assets.

Formally, as a deputy, he does not risk anything: if the property was acquired legally during the pre-deputy period - be it airplanes, yachts, or castles - there can be no claims against it. But then he may lose control over his assets: by law, a deputy can be a shareholder. But it’s no longer possible to actually do business and manage your company’s property. Perhaps this deputy does not trust anyone from his inner circle to transfer the right to manage his assets to someone. This happens: sometimes people don’t even trust their own car to their wife or son.

So he chose to “take everything that was his with him,” rewriting everything as personal property. Since, I repeat, physical possession of such property is not prohibited if it was acquired without violating the law...”

Deputy Palkin’s thriftiness is also emphasized by facts published by the Arkhangelsk regional website. In 2015, deputy of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly Mikhail Palkin (son of Andrei Palkin, also a deputy) lived in the “deputy house” on the street. Kedrova, 36. Presumably, in an illegally obtained service apartment.

In this building, noticeably distant from the center of Arkhangelsk, there are several apartments, which by law are allocated to non-resident deputies of the regional parliament working on a permanent basis. Agreements for hiring office housing and paying for it from the regional budget are annually concluded by the Chairman of the Assembly, Viktor Novozhilov.

How the ordinary “unreleased” deputy Palkin Jr. ended up in this house, and whether Novozhilov suffered an attack of misappropriation of government funds - the prosecutor’s office will find out during the inspection, the publication notes.

Further more.
RBC notes that regional Duma deputy Palkin declared a more modest income in April of this year - 483 million rubles. for 2015. As he explained to local journalists, 1.5 billion rubles. - this is “the total gross turnover of the holding company he heads,” and 483 million is his personal income. Which, in general, corresponds to the profitability standards in the construction business, which range from 30 to 70 percent in different regions.

However, there is a clear inconsistency in this interpretation. “There can be no talk about any turnover of the company in the declaration; it is legally required to indicate only information about income,” Deputy General Director of Transparency International Russia Ilya Shumanov said in an interview with RBC.

And here another interesting nuance arises. The multimillion-dollar income of former regional deputy Palkin Sr., as it turned out, was not enough to “exercise his parliamentary powers.” That is why both Palkins introduced a bill to the Regional Duma to double the salaries of deputies and their assistants. To make a decision in December 2015, there were not enough votes of four deputies - those who were simply embarrassed to increase their support at the expense of the treasury against the background of the crisis and impoverished citizens. The same cannot be said about the Palkin family - the wealthiest residents of the northern region.

Or does “Plyushkin syndrome” still exist?

Syktyvkar village) - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation, entrepreneur.


In 2004 and 2013, he was elected as a deputy of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly of Deputies of the fourth convocation from the United Russia party (he was deputy chairman of the Committee on Housing Policy and Communal Services).

In 2016, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation from the United Russia party as a single-mandate member. At the same time, he took first place in the ranking of the highest-earning State Duma deputies with an annual income of 1.48 billion rubles. According to the declaration, he owns 59 apartments and more than 200 vehicles. Later, Andrei Palkin himself said that his personal income for 2015 was less: 483 million rubles.

In December 2016, the Municipal Scanner project reported that deputy Andrei Palkin owes the state the most taxes among the State Duma deputies - a total of 4,408,967 rubles, of which 3,403,838 rubles are transport taxes.

In February 2017, the media drew attention to the fact that “the richest State Duma deputy” filed for personal bankruptcy. Having sold his business to his sons (in installments) at the request of the laws on the status of a deputy, Andrei Palkin wants to postpone the payment of taxes that he would have to pay immediately

If it seems that you are unlucky, remember deputy Andrei Palkin. He gave gifts to his sons, and now they are being taken away.

Here is how it was. In order for Palkin to be accepted as a deputy, he had to get rid of business assets (as required by law). And he had a large construction business, mainly in the Arkhangelsk region. He gave part of the property to his sons - 31-year-old Mikhail and 25-year-old Pavel (trucks, for example). I sold some of it - including to one of them. This is, for example, 59 apartments, about 200 units of construction equipment, etc.

So the deputy had a debt to the Federal Tax Service (FTS) - taxes on these transactions. Total 189 million rubles. He decided that this was unfair. The fact is that he sold the property cheaply. As he explained, he was just in a hurry. In addition, I sold it in installments. And the Federal Tax Service demands: money now, chairs - even in a hundred years.

It’s not for nothing that Andrei Palkin is a deputy - he knows the law well. He decided to use bankruptcy law to have the court restructure his debt (in other words, defer payment). And so it happened." target=" _blank">approved this plan. According to the plan, Palkin will pay off the debt for exactly two years. Every month he will pay approximately eight million rubles.

But the tax authorities were categorically not satisfied with this plan. And the Federal Tax Service filed an appeal. Her trial is on November 9th.

The Federal Tax Service also demands that the gift agreements and purchase and sale transactions entered into by the deputy and his sons be invalidated. The tax office insists that all the property discussed in the transactions be transferred “to the bankruptcy estate of the debtor” (that is, it is assumed that it will be sold, and the money will then be given to the Federal Tax Service). A meeting on this issue is scheduled for December 11.

killed" his sons' business competitors. And Poklonskaya, as we saw during the year of news about "Matilda", wages a completely merciless fight against her enemies (even if it is senseless).

Poklonskaya will check the rich deputy Andrei Palkin, who is facing deprivation of his mandate

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Natalya Poklonskaya Jaromir Romanov

Russian State Duma deputy Andrei Palkin may lose his mandate due to an audit initiated against him by the Presidential Anti-Corruption Department. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation sent documents to this department from the regional prosecutor's office of the Arkhangelsk region (the region is represented in the lower house of parliament by A. Palkin). And the State Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of information on income and property, headed by Natalya Poklonskaya, will understand the situation, writes the BBC Russian Service.

The appeal from the Arkhangelsk prosecutor's office contains claims against Palkin on two grounds. The first concerns Palkin’s request to the Arkhangelsk prosecutor’s office because his company was not paid for bricks, the document says. The debt to Palkin’s company amounted to about 4 million rubles. The brick factory went to court because of this, and it sided with it, collecting the debt with interest from Opora-M. Later the company went bankrupt, but the court ordered it to pay all debts. Nevertheless, Palkin appealed to the regional prosecutor's office, accusing Opora-M of violating the law in the execution of municipal contracts. These were exactly what Opora-M performed when Palkin’s plant supplied him with bricks.

The prosecutor's office draws attention to the fact that while already a deputy, until December 13, 2016, Palkin remained the founder of Kotlas Sand-Sand Brick Plant - Sales LLC. Now the founder of the plant is the son of a deputy, Pavel Palkin.

The prosecutor's office considers Palkin's complaint against Opora-M, dated June 15, 2017, to be sent “in the interests of a legal entity affiliated with him.”

Palkin himself claims that in his request he asked the prosecutor's office to conduct an investigation into the theft of budget funds.

The second complaint concerns Palkin's request to provide him with tax information. On July 6 of this year, the deputy complained to the Arkhangelsk prosecutor's office against the head of interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service No. 1 for the Arkhangelsk Region and Nenets Autonomous Okrug for refusing to provide him with information.

According to the prosecutor's office, in May 2017 Palkin requested from the tax inspectorate information about all organizations that are engaged in construction in the city of Kotlas. The deputy asked for detailed information since 2014, including data from these taxpayers on taxes accrued and paid by them, as well as on cases of violation of tax laws.

The inspectorate refused Palkin, since this information is a tax secret that can only be disclosed by a court decision, and the deputy does not have the authority to receive such information.

The prosecutor's office notes that before being elected to the State Duma, Palkin was a co-owner of several construction companies that operated in Kotlas. But after his election, he transferred these enterprises to his sons Pavel and Mikhail.

Therefore, the prosecutor’s office believes that Palkin, using his status, sends appeals in the interests of enterprises affiliated with him, pursuing “his personal goals”, and does not take measures to prevent conflicts of interest.

According to Palkin himself, he requested tax information to develop a bill.

According to the anti-corruption law - Article 13.1 “Dismissal (dismissal from office) of persons holding public positions, public positions of subjects, municipal positions, due to loss of confidence" - Palkin faces deprivation of parliamentary powers, says Deputy Director of Transparency International in Russia Ilya Shumanov.

The commission led by Poklonskaya was supposed to meet the day before, but a quorum was not assembled. The meeting has been postponed indefinitely, the publication reports, citing two members of the commission.

In 2016, Palkin declared 678.4 million rubles in income ($11.9 million), becoming the richest State Duma deputy. In his election declaration for 2015, he reported an income of 1.5 billion rubles. According to the declaration, Palkin owns various shares of six plots, two apartments, a residential building, a warehouse building, a transformer substation and an clay storage facility. His wife declared two apartments, as well as half a plot of land.

Palkin and his wife also own five vehicles - a Freightliner Century and a Ural-375, as well as a trailer and two semi-trailers.

In February 2017, Deputy Palkin filed for bankruptcy. In March, an arbitration court declared him bankrupt, and later his property was seized by tax authorities and demanded 159 million rubles ($2.8 million) from him. In total, his debt amounts to 663.6 million rubles ($11 million).

According to the expert, this is the only case when the Prosecutor General’s Office actually confirms the possible personal interest of a person who holds a public office.

In the State Duma of the last convocation, United Russia received the palm in official income for 2015 Leonid Simanovsky, this year the parliamentarian, according to the submitted declaration, earned 907.6 million rubles.

In second place in terms of income for the same year was Nikolai Bortsov, also a representative of United Russia, who earned 799.14 million rubles. Third place went to Alexander Kretov, again from United Russia. The latter’s income amounted to 415.39 million rubles.

A year earlier, the deputy from the same United Russia was in first place in terms of income. Grigory Anikeev, who earned more than 995 million rubles in 2014. Second place in terms of income was then taken by another United Russia - Mikhail Slipenchuk. He indicated an income of more than 868 million rubles for 2014. But the leader of moneybags in 2015, deputy Simanovsky, with an income exceeding 353 million rubles, then took only third position.

Today, the richest deputy in terms of official income of the newly elected State Duma has already been determined. It turned out to be a single-mandate, businessman from the Arkhangelsk region Andrei Palkin. Is it worth clarifying that he represents the same party? "United Russia" ?

On October 5, deputies of the Duma of the seventh convocation will begin their work, meeting at the first plenary session. Before this meeting, RBC analyzed the income declarations and biographies of those who came to the lower house of parliament for the first time, and those who confirmed their credentials.

The top of the ranking of deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation in terms of income for 2015 was taken by United Russia member, who was elected to the Duma for the first time, businessman from the Arkhangelsk region Andrey Palkin. His income for 2015, according to the declaration, amounted to almost 1.5 billion rubles. He owns 56 apartments in the Arkhangelsk region and three in the Moscow region, as well as about 200 vehicles, most of which are mainly construction equipment.

However, Palkin’s case can be considered a kind of incident. As a deputy of the regional Duma in April of this year, he declared a more modest income - 483 million rubles. for 2015. As Palkin previously explained to local journalists, 1.5 billion rubles. - this is “the total gross turnover of the holding company he heads,” and 483 million is his personal income.

There can be no talk about any turnover of the company in the declaration; it is legally required to indicate only information about income, notes Deputy General Director of Transparency International - Russia Ilya Shumanov. At the same time, he notes: despite the fact that, according to the law, the published information on the income of candidates for deputies at the federal and regional levels is identical, there is a regulatory trick that theoretically allows the publication of two different declarations. The scope of information is determined by the responsible election commission, so these data may fluctuate, the expert explains.

Since the 1990s, Palkin has been doing business in the city of Kotlas, Arkhangelsk region: he owns eight companies, mainly engaged in the construction of roads and residential premises. In the region, he became famous for the construction of inexpensive housing.

Whether Mr. Palkin will continue to hold the palm in official income, or whether other people's representatives will get rich in the course of active legislative activity, time will tell. The only thing we can say with confidence and based on previous experience is that the leaders of the Duma moneybags will traditionally be representatives of United Russia.