Tansy - use and beneficial properties. Tansy (wild rowan) – Tanacetum vulgare L. Family Compositae (Asteraceae) – Compositae

Walking next to a bright garden, you can’t help but direct your gaze to some exotic bush. And usually the thought comes, maybe I should think about planting something exotic? If it all started with good emotions, then the entire working day passes with much less loss. Keeping flowers is a very pleasant activity that provides positive feelings not only to family members but also to everyone around. Plants are a great addition to any interior.

Medicinal plants

Treatment with tansy and its properties

Botanical characteristics of tansy

Tansy belongs to the perennial plants of the Asteraceae family. This plant contains useful substances: for example, various essential oils, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids. Tansy is popularly called wild mountain ash. It received this name because of the shape of its inflorescence. As a rule, tansy is used in medicine to treat worms. The powder of this plant is used as a preparation to kill harmful insects. If you try to grind tansy flowers, you will feel a pleasant spicy aroma. Tansy blooms for quite a long time: flowering begins at the end of June and ends only in September.

The flowers are bright yellow and small, so they form a shield at the top of the plant stem. Tansy also bears fruits in the form of achenes, they ripen approximately in August-October, have oblong shape and length 1.2–1.8 mm. Tansy grows almost throughout Russia, with the exception of the Far North. As a rule, it grows near roads, dwellings, in meadows, in the steppes, and along river banks. Only recently has prisma begun to be used as a medicinal, spicy and food plant.

IN medicinal purposes tansy flowers are used in in rare cases- leaves. For treatment, flowers begin to be collected at the beginning of flowering, without stalks. They are dried in dryers or under a canopy, and the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

Tansy flower baskets contain various substances, namely the bitter substance tanacetin, essential oil (0.3%) containing borneol, levorotatory camphor, thujone ketone; The plant also contains organic acids, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, terpenes, tannins, alkaloids.

Treatment with tansy

If tansy is used for experimental hepatitis, it can reduce the amount of mucus accumulated in the bile. In addition to all this, tone the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as enhance its secretion. Based on the results of experiments on animals, an infusion of tansy flowers has positive effect on the work of the heart, namely increases the amplitude of heart contractions, increases arterial pressure, slows down the heart rate. The essential oil contained in the leaves is good remedy against worms and antimicrobial drug, but do not forget that it is toxic.

Tansy preparations are also used as choleretic agent. These properties of the herb are determined by the presence of flavonoids in it. Wide Application tansy received and in folk medicine. For treatment, the aerial part of the plant is used, and enterobiasis and hypacid gastritis are treated. hepatitis, colitis, ascariasis, cholecystitis, hypotensive diseases, nervous excitement. Tansy compresses are used for gout, as well as for festering and long-lasting wounds. As mentioned earlier, tansy is popularly used to get rid of roundworms and pinworms.

The juice obtained from tansy is used for various ailments– such as, for example, intoxication after tuberculosis, fever, as well as in the treatment of epilepsy. for headaches, painful or excessive menstruation, ulcers, joint pain, rheumatism, colds. The juice also has a hypnotic effect.

If you want to prepare a decoction from this plant, then you need to do it like this: pour 2 tablespoons of dry tansy with half a liter of water, then cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. The resulting decoction is infused for about an hour, then consumed 1/2–1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

In the treatment of rheumatism, tansy wine is usually used; it is prepared as follows: 50 g of plant inflorescences are poured into one bottle of muscat wine. It must be infused for 8 days, then consumed 30–40 grams after meals.

To get rid of roundworms and pinworms, use the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of crushed tansy, wormwood and chamomile flowers, pour 250 ml of water, bring to a boil, cool, add a crushed clove of garlic, leave for three hours. The decoction is filtered and used as microenemas. The procedure should be performed at night, and after the enema you should not get up for 40 minutes.

Since tansy has the property of destroying pests, it is used in the fight against moths, cockroaches, bedbugs and flies. For this procedure, prepare a evaporated decoction and mix it with sugar or sweet syrup.

Contraindications to the use of tansy

Tansy medicines should never be used during pregnancy, as they act as abortifacients! Tansy should also not be consumed by children. younger age, since it is a mildly toxic agent.

Tansy - properties, treatment, recipes, application

The plant is toxic, follow the dosage!

Wild tansy, field rowan, mother plant, yellow nine-leaved grass, etc. Common tansy is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. It is found everywhere: it grows in meadows, along gullies, on the banks of rivers, lakes, in plantings, on the edges of forests, among bushes, near roads, near housing, etc.

Since this plant is toxic, taking a decoction or infusion should not exceed 0.5 liters per day.

WITH therapeutic purpose They mainly use flower baskets (inflorescences) of tansy, although they are often used in folk medicine top part plants, approximately 20 cm. Tansy is harvested during the flowering period, the inflorescences are picked off or cut with a knife. Flowers are dried in the shade, under a canopy, in attics under an iron roof with good ventilation, spread in a thin layer on paper. Store raw materials in paper bags, canvas bags, cardboard boxes or drawers. The shelf life of tansy is up to 3 years.

Tansy has an anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, astringent, choleretic, diuretic, improves digestion, and wound-healing effect on the body.

An infusion of tansy inflorescences tones the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite and digestion. The plant is recommended for use for gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, especially with low acidity, with stomach ulcers and duodenum, inflammation of the intestines, flatulence and weak peristalsis, with diarrhea, as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent for liver diseases, hepatitis, giardiasis.

Tansy infusion (inside): take 1 teaspoon of tansy flowers, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 table. spoons, 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. before meals.

The smell of tansy is not tolerated by bed bugs and fleas. If there are fleas or bedbugs, it is scattered everywhere in the house, around the apartment, or it can be damp, spread out in all corners of the bed (in cracks, under the mattress, etc.). Bed bugs go away over time. Wormwood and wormwood also have such properties and repel bedbugs.

Tansy infusion is also used for malignant tumors, both internally and externally, in the form of lotions. For hemorrhoids, enemas, sitz baths, and lotions are made from a decoction of tansy flowers.

Tansy increases heart function, increases blood pressure, and has a calming effect on nervous disorders, epilepsy, hysteria, fatigue, leg cramps, headache.

Herbalists recommend using tansy as an anti-inflammatory agent for influenza, fever, chills, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

An infusion of tansy with salt is used for rubbing during chills and fatigue. After such rubbing, a person experiences a surge of strength and an improvement in metabolism. Rubbing and lotions are recommended for gout, polyarthritis, and joint pain. You can also put boiled flower baskets in gauze napkin to sore spots, take baths with the addition of tansy infusion.

Tansy acts as a diuretic for dropsy, inflammation of the kidneys and Bladder, it is accepted when heavy menstruation, do douching for leucorrhoea.

Lotions from tansy decoction treat wounds, especially purulent eczema, traumatic injuries skin.

Wash your hair with a decoction of tansy to treat dandruff.

Tansy decoction (externally): take 1 dessert spoon pour inflorescences with 1 glass of water, boil for 1 minute, set aside from heat, then leave for another 30 minutes, strain. This decoction can be used to make lotions, enemas, and baths. Tansy, contraindications. This plant should not be used for a long time due to toxicity. Tansy preparations are contraindicated for pregnant women and young children.

Tansy: properties and contraindications

Said "thank you": 40

Paradise-flower, nine-flower, love spell, button plant - all these are names of one plant. And also ninebrother, magpie paws, cup grass, aching, yellow nine-year-old, mountain ash... all these names are in different areas Russian tansy.

In the sultry summer, when the herbs of the meadows are fragrant with mixed aromas, the smell of common tansy stands out sharply against the background of other smells - it smells distinctly of camphor. This unpretentious plant often found in the most inhospitable places - in clearings, along roads and ditches, in river valleys. But in clearings and lawns it grows much less often - haymaking and grazing do not allow it to grow to its full potential.

Common tansy is a perennial plant with tall stems covered with sparse dissected leaves. An inflorescence corymb is formed at the top of the stem bright yellow color, consisting of smaller inflorescences - baskets. The baskets are composed of very small tubular flowers. In the fall, when they fade, each inflorescence will produce several thousand seeds, which will be scattered by the wind. New plants will bloom in their second year.

Mowing tansy with an ordinary scythe is a thankless task. You'll just dull your braid. Another thing is a mechanized mower. Her steel knife can easily cut through tough stems.

How is tansy useful? The properties of tansy are determined by the content of essential oils in the leaves, which give them their characteristic bitter taste. Much less oil in the stems. In addition to oils, the green parts of the plant are rich in alkaloids and contain various resins and tannins. IN old recipes tansy was used in making beer instead of hops.

In folk medicine, tansy is often used to treat many diseases. The properties of tansy allow it to be used for rheumatism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and headaches. They even tried to get rid of hydrophobia with its help. But in one area of ​​medicine, tansy has received special recognition. The antihelminthic properties of tansy are unique. The use of tansy flowers and seeds is especially effective in the treatment of helminthiasis.

And here is a recipe from the famous doctors of Nosali, who used tansy to expel pinworms.

For two glasses of milk you need to take a tablespoon of crushed tansy seeds and two cloves of garlic. All this is combined and put on fire. When it boils, turn down the heat and let it cook for another ten minutes. Then the broth needs to be cooled and strained. Enemas are made from the decoction. Pinworms die and are excreted in the feces after two procedures.

In some countries, for example in Belgium and France, tansy is officially recognized as an anthelmintic drug. Contraindications to the use of tansy may vary from individual to individual; you need to be careful in doses, and of course, consult your doctor.

In everyday life, tansy also helps against annoying insects. Its use as a fly repellent is popular among housewives. It is enough to sprinkle tansy powder on the meat - and the flies will not even come close to it. And if you put a bunch of flowers indoors, the annoying flies will leave it for a long time.

You can use tansy to combat moths, bedbugs and fleas.

It’s a pity that designers are little interested in tansy - it could decorate gardens and parks, combined with other herbs and flowers. Varieties of common tansy with an interesting curly leaf shape have already been developed, as well as kanufer - balsam tansy, which is distinguished by its special aroma and beauty.

Paradise-flower, nine-flower, love spell, button plant - all these are names of one plant. And also ninebrother, magpie's paws, cup-leaf, lomotnaya, yellow nine-year-old, fieldfare... all these names are given to common tansy in different regions of Russia.

In the sultry summer, when the herbs of the meadows are fragrant with mixed aromas, the smell of tansy stands out sharply against the background of other smells - it smells distinctly of camphor. This unpretentious plant is often found in the most uncomfortable places - in clearings, along roads and ditches, in river valleys. But in clearings and lawns it grows much less often - haymaking and grazing do not allow it to grow to its full potential.

There are 27 types of tansy common in Russia. Tansy grows in middle lane. The word tansy itself comes from Germany, and it came to Russia through Polish lands. The meaning of the word in Polish language- “musk”.

perennial plant with tall stems covered with sparse dissected leaves. At the top of the stem, a bright yellow inflorescence is formed, consisting of smaller inflorescences - baskets. The baskets are composed of very small tubular flowers. In the fall, when they fade, each inflorescence will produce several thousand seeds, which will be scattered by the wind. New plants will bloom in their second year.

The leaves that grow from the root gradually grow back and die, and by mid-summer the tansy seems to become younger, covered with new leaves on young stems. Its leaves resemble mountain ash, which is why it is sometimes called wild mountain ash.

Animal breeding experts consider tansy a useful dietary supplement to feed. This hay helps animals get rid of helminths, in addition, it has good taste qualities. But tansy also has negative qualities - an excess of it in food depresses animals, and their eyesight deteriorates.

Mowing tansy with an ordinary scythe is a thankless task. You'll just dull your braid. Another thing is a mechanized mower. Her steel knife can easily cut through tough stems.

How is tansy useful? The properties of tansy are determined by the content of essential oils in the leaves, which give them their characteristic bitter taste. Much less oil in the stems. In addition to oils, the green parts of the plant are rich in alkaloids and contain various resins and tannins. In ancient recipes, tansy was used in the production of beer instead of hops.

In folk medicine, tansy is often used to treat many diseases. The properties of tansy allow it to be used for rheumatism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and headaches. They even tried to get rid of hydrophobia with its help. But in one area of ​​medicine, tansy has received special recognition. The antihelminthic properties of tansy are unique. The use of tansy flowers and seeds is especially effective in the treatment of helminthiasis.

How is tansy used in this case? The use of tansy to combat helminthic infestations may be different. Here are some recipes. Dried or fresh tansy flowers (20 grams - about a tablespoon) are boiled in one liter of water. This broth is washed down with a teaspoon of powder prepared from tansy seeds. The product helps to expel roundworms.

Tansy - Tanacetum vulgare L.

Aster family - Asteraceae

Other names:
- worm
- button maker
- wild mountain ash
- yellow rowan
- nine-strong
- ninebrother
- nine
- love spell
- ray flower
- field ash
- cup plant

Botanical characteristics. Perennial herbaceous plant 50-160 cm high, with a strong characteristic odor, numerous erect stems, branched in the inflorescence. The leaves are dark green above, grayish-green below, arranged alternately, pinnately dissected, the basal leaves are long-petioled, the stem leaves are sessile. Flower baskets are collected in a dense corymbose inflorescence. All flowers are tubular and golden yellow. The fruit is an achene without a tuft. It blooms from July to September, the fruits ripen in August - September.

Spreading. Almost the entire territory of the country, except for the Far North. A close species to the common tansy is the northern tansy - Tanacetum boreale Fisch, ex. DC; which grows abundantly in the Far East, in the mountainous regions of Siberia, Kazakhstan, the Arctic and Central Asia, is distinguished by larger and relatively few baskets and a more strongly dissected leaf blade. Common tansy reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.

Habitat. Mostly open spaces. Found in fields, along roads, in forest clearings; often forms extensive thickets, convenient for harvesting.

blank, primary processing and drying. The inflorescences are collected at the beginning of flowering, when they still have depressions in the center. The baskets and parts of complex corymbose inflorescences with a peduncle no more than 4 cm long (counting from the upper baskets) are cut off. Harvesting should not be carried out in heavily polluted places - along highways, along railway embankments, etc. The collected raw materials should be examined and impurities and peduncles longer than 4 cm should be removed.

Dry the raw materials under sheds, in attics, in air or heat dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40°C, laying out the inflorescences in a thin layer. During drying, the raw materials are carefully turned over 1-2 times so as not to cause shedding.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by the State Fund XI.

Security measures. It is not allowed to pull out the plant by the roots. It is necessary to alternate workpiece locations.

Microscopy. At microscopic examination whole and crushed raw materials diagnostic value have essential oil glands located on the surface of flowers, most densely on the ovary and at the base of the corolla tube. The glands are four- and six-celled, two-row, two- and three-tiered. In addition, drusen are found in the mesophyll and epidermal cells of the corolla, and with outside The involucre leaves are multicellular, whip-shaped hairs with a long twisted terminal cell.

Numerical indicators.Whole raw materials. Humidity no more than 13%; total ash no more than 9%; flower baskets and their parts at least 60%; including browned and blackened baskets no more than 8%. No more than 1% organic and 0.5% mineral impurities are allowed.

Crushed raw materials. The amount of flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids in terms of luteolin is not less than 2.5%; humidity no more than 13%; total ash no more than 9%; flower baskets and their parts at least 60%; including browned, blackened baskets no more than 8%; particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm no more than 2%; particles passing through a sieve with holes measuring 0.25 mm, no more than 5%; organic impurity no more than 1%; mineral impurity no more than 0.5%.

External signs. According to GOST and State Fund XI, separate blossoming flower baskets without peduncles and parts of a corymbose inflorescence with a peduncle no more than 4 cm from the upper baskets. The baskets are hemispherical, 6-8 mm in diameter. The receptacle is bare, flat, surrounded by an involucre; it bears small yellow tubular flowers. The smell is specific. The taste is spicy-bitter.

Chemical composition. Tansy inflorescences contain essential oil (up to 2%), which includes a- and b-thujone, borneol, thuyol, pinene and l-camphor. In addition, flavonoid compounds were found in the inflorescences - acacetin, luteolin, quercetin - at least 2.5%, phenol carbonic acids, the bitter substance tanacetin, tannins (up to 6%), alkaloids.

Storage. In dry, ventilated areas. Shelf life up to 3 years.

Pharmacological properties. Tansy preparations are anthelmintic (against roundworms and pinworms), antigiardiasis, and choleretic. antispasmodic and astringent action. They increase appetite, acidity gastric juice, improve food digestion, have a positive effect on the metabolic functions of the liver in experimental hepatitis, have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, and have insecticidal properties.

Toxic effects (caused by thujone) have been observed when farm animals eat large quantities of tansy (inhibition nervous system, visual impairment). Impurities small quantities tansy in hay, according to experts, gives it a spicy taste and is readily eaten by animals.

Medicines. Tansy flowers. Infusion. Choleretic fees. Collection according to the recipe of M. N. Zdrenko. The drug "Tanacehol".

Medicines. Tansy is used as an anthelmintic and anti-giardiasis agent for ascariasis, enterobiasis, giardiasis biliary tract and intestines. It is used as a choleretic agent for cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, with sluggish digestion, flatulence and enterocolitis. At home, tansy flowers are prepared water infusion(5.0:200.0). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Tansy preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy

A perennial herbaceous plant 40-120 cm high with straight, strong stems. The leaves are up to 20 cm long, elliptical, dissected into numerous oblong-lanceolate lobes, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. Flower baskets are collected in rather dense apical shields. All flowers in the basket are tubular and orange-yellow in color. Blooms in July - September.
Location. Found in all areas.
Habitat. It grows in meadows, along the banks of reservoirs, near roads, near fields.
Part used. Flower baskets.
Collection time. July - September.
Chemical composition. Flower baskets contain tanacetic, gallic, caffeic and other organic acids, tannin, resin, gum, slavonoids, fatty and essential oils (0.1-0.3%). The plant is poisonous mainly due to the content of thujone in its essential oil. After the expiration of the shelf life of tansy raw materials (1 year), the quantity essential oil it decreases by 24-25%. The plant is a manganophile with the ability to accumulate manganese.

Properties of tansy

Tansy flowers have anthelmintic, choleretic, antiseptic, and wound-healing effects. An infusion of flowers and leaves or powder from flowers is used in the treatment of ascariasis, giardiasis, and to expel pinworms. The action of tansy is close to santonin, but less toxic. Tansy is an effective choleretic agent. The combination of choleretic, antimicrobial and protistocidal effects makes it possible to use the plant in the treatment of hepatitis, giardiasis and catarrhal cholecystitis, cholangitis. Along with this, tansy enhances secretion and tones the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Good results obtained during treatment with tansy preparations gastrointestinal diseases, including acute and chronic colitis , peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Externally, tansy infusion is used to treat purulent wounds, ulcers, scabies; V gynecological practice it is used for douching; steamed inflorescences are applied as a compress to tumors and boils. The plant is used to control harmful household insects.
Due to the high toxicity of the plant, you need to be careful when using it.

Ways to use tansy

1. Pour 3 tablespoons of flowers and leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for ascariasis.
2. Dry powder of flowers and seeds. Take ½ teaspoon 2-3 times a day for ascariasis.
3. Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds into ½ glass of water at a temperature of 60°, leave for 3 hours, strain. Use for evening enemas daily for 3-5 days to expel pinworms.

The herb known as Latin name Tanacetum vulgare L, common tansy, has long been used in folk medicine. It increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Aqueous extract from the plant accelerates the treatment of measles, flu, colds, and sore throats. The herb has antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes healing inflammatory processes skin (for example, atopic dermatitis), abscesses, acne, herpes and ulcers.

Like many medicinal plants, tansy contains toxic compounds and, if overdosed or misused, can cause serious problems with health.

Tansy - description

Tansy by appearance Reminds me of chamomile. It has the same hard, long stems (with a height of about 1-1.5 m), not very densely covered with large, feathery leaves, and umbrella inflorescences are formed at the top of the plant. However, in chamomile they are softer and not very thick, while in tansy they form larger, dense, almost flat flower baskets. They are bright yellow-orange in color.

The grass blooms from July to September. It grows in roadside areas, meadows, fields, forest clearings and the banks of reservoirs. Most often found in large numbers. It is quite common in Russia.

Collection time and drying

Medicinal raw materials are all above-ground parts: stems, flowers (baskets), leaves of tansy (pictured).

Stems and leaves are collected before and during flowering. Flowers should be collected when in bloom. The leaves are cut from May to August, while the flowers are cut from July to August, possibly until September. Considering that the inside of flower baskets is difficult to dry and darkens during prolonged drying, it is best to dry them at high temperature. The raw materials must be dried in a dark place where the temperature does not exceed 35 degrees. This is best done in a slightly preheated oven.

Tansy - chemical composition

Tansy contains:

  • essential oil (1.5-2%);
  • malic, tartaric, valeric acids;
  • flavonoids (quercetin, apigenin, dirsmetin, diosmin);
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols.

The main component of tansy essential oil is β-thujone (about 60-70%). with their own therapeutic properties the plant owes the presence of this substance in its composition.

Biologically active compounds contained in tansy exhibit anti-inflammatory, highly disinfectant, analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative, and antidepressant effects.

Tansy - pharmacological action

The main indications for the use of tansy are:

In addition to the above medicinal properties, tansy is used as a natural repellent. The plant produces a characteristic odor that resembles the smell of camphor, and therefore effectively repels flies, mosquitoes, ants, aphids, moths, ticks and other insects.

The herb can be crushed and then rubbed into the skin. The plant can also be brewed, cooled and sprayed on the body. Tansy essential oil is also used for these purposes. However, you should remember that it should not be applied directly to the skin. It must be diluted in base oil (sunflower, almond, grape seeds). The following proportions are used - 15 drops of essential oil per one-fifth glass base oil.

Toxicological properties and contraindications

Since the main component of tansy is thujone, which large quantities is a toxic product, it is not recommended to drink infusions prepared solely on the basis of this plant. In case of an overdose of drugs containing tansy, the following symptoms occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, excessive sweating, as well as changes in heart rhythm. In addition, hallucinations and increased urination may occur. Herbal tincture long-term use inside is addictive.

Contraindications for tansy:

  • Plants should not be used by pregnant women, as this may cause miscarriage.
  • Tansy should not be used in treatment or during breastfeeding. Herbal components may penetrate into breast milk nursing mothers and pose a danger to small children.

A decoction of tansy flowers for lice

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of tansy flowers, 1/2 tablespoon of thyme herb or wormwood herb.

Tansy tincture

A glass of dried tansy herb should be poured with a glass of strong alcoholic drink (would be better suited alcohol 70%). The prepared solution must be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for a week. The tincture can be consumed 2 times a day, a tablespoon, diluted in half a glass of water. The tincture has a warming, analgesic and antirheumatic effect. It can be rubbed into the sick lower limbs and joints.

Herbal infusion

Tansy anti-acne mask

Natural mask to combat acne is an amazing addition to standard bath products. Its preparation is extremely simple and does not require much effort. A handful of fresh tansy should be kneaded until the grass releases its juices. This herbal paste should be applied once a day for 15 minutes to the entire face, avoiding the eye area. Repeat the procedure up to 3 times a week, but no more than 10 times a month.

Product with tansy in plant protection

To protect garden plants from insects, the green parts of the plant and its inflorescences are used.

To prepare a repellent against ants, pour 1 kg of chopped tansy leaves with 10 liters of water and leave for 2 to 4 weeks. Once a day, mix the product thoroughly. The solution is ready for use when it stops foaming and becomes transparent.

Without dilution, the suspension is used to control ants in the garden. It should be used to water areas with ants and the anthill. At a dilution of 1:15, it is used against aphids during the growing season as a spray on plants and trees.