Focal scleroderma treatment methods. Scleroderma treatment with folk remedies. Healing scleroderma with herbs

Today, the causes of scleroderma and the questions of how to treat scleroderma represent the greatest difficulty. Doctors found that immediate cause scleroderma becomes an increased level of collagen production in the tissues. What provokes such a reaction is not completely clear, but today the main theory is the autoimmune etiology of the disease.

Focal scleroderma in most cases is widespread on the surface of the skin and affects humans to a limited extent. Characteristic marks of the disease can be seen on the face, arms, back and abdomen. A much greater health hazard is systemic scleroderma, which affects internal organs. The target of immunity is the connective tissue of internal organs - lungs, kidneys, heart. As this tissue thickens and grows, the organs suffer significantly and cease to perform their functions. In the treatment of scleroderma, the most important thing is inhibition autoimmune processes and timely recognition of scleroderma foci.

Basic principles of treatment

There is no universal cure for scleroderma, so doctors give a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to completely get rid of scleroderma. Assistance in treating the disease is always provided taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the forms and course of the pathology, the extent of the lesion, and the occurrence of complications from other internal organs. Since autoimmune processes are the most difficult to correct, treatment for patients with scleroderma lasts for for a long time. Sometimes a large part is occupied by a selection of effective drugs that the patient will be forced to take all the time. Patients are also registered and should be regularly examined for worsening signs of scleroderma, progression of symptoms and the need for correction of the treatment being carried out at that time.

The doctor identifies several goals for treatment, having achieved which, we can talk about the success of controlling the pathology, but not a complete cure. The minimum program includes:

  • prevention and treatment of vascular pathologies caused by scleroderma;
  • suppression of fibrous deposits, both on the surface of the skin and on internal organs;
  • control and regulation of immunoinflammatory mechanisms that trigger the process of sclerosis;
  • treatment and prevention of internal organs affected by scleroderma.

Patients must maintain adequate temperature conditions and are advised not to consume aggressive substances (alcohol, strong coffee, etc.). Doctors carefully prescribe drugs that suppress the immune system to such patients, since this can provoke a worsening of the pathology.

Vascular therapy

primary goal vascular therapy for scleroderma - improvement of blood parameters, in particular, the effect on its fluidity, viscosity and the ability of platelets to stick together. This therapy makes it possible to prevent the development of Raynaud's syndrome - the first sign systemic scleroderma, in which angiotrophic changes occur in the smallest blood vessels, the fingers are predominantly affected.

In order to avoid the development of pathological processes, vasodilator therapy is carried out in the vessels. The desired effect is achieved by prescribing drugs - calcium channel blockers. These include Verapamil, Felodipine, Nifedipine, Nimodipine, Flunarizine and many other drugs. In this category, the choice of drugs is quite wide, which allows each patient to choose the most effective drug.

Nifedipine is the most popular calcium channel blocker

Doctors in most cases prescribe Nifedipine to patients. This is a fairly effective drug that relieves vascular spasms. The recommended dose of the drug is from 30 to 60 mg per day, prescribed depending on individual indicators. The dose of the drug is divided into four doses. With the help of Nifedipine, the frequency of vascular spasms, as well as their intensity, are significantly reduced.

Nifedipine cannot be called a drug for everyone, although it is with it that doctors begin treating scleroderma. Every third patient is not suitable for Nifedipine, and they develop side effects from taking the drug. The most common side effects are headaches, increased heart rate, dizziness and weakness, swelling lower limbs, facial skin hyperemia.

In order to reduce side effects, doctors, when they occur, replace Nifedipine with longer-acting drugs, which are based on the same active substance. However, these drugs are able to accumulate in the body and be maintained in sufficient concentrations in the blood for a certain time, which makes it possible to take the drug more rarely. Due to this, it decreases negative impact on the body. Such drugs include Cordipine Retard and Calcigard Retard.

If intolerance to these drugs is observed, then Amlodipine is prescribed, analogues of which are Amlovas, Norvax, Normodipine. These drugs also have a prolonged effect, and you can take them 5-10 mg per day. When prescribing Amlodipine, doctors warn patients about the development of edema of the lower extremities. According to the results of the study, half of the patients develop swelling of the lower extremities, so their condition needs to be especially monitored.

If such side effects patients change the drug to Isradipine.

The daily dose of the drug is 5 mg, which must be taken twice. If the medicine is well tolerated, the dose can be increased to 10 mg, but no more. Possible complications after Isradipin - headache and facial skin hyperemia – appear much less frequently in patients.

When narrowing down destination options vascular drugs doctors opt for the drugs Felodipine (15-20 mg per day), Diltiazem (180 mg per day), which are better tolerated, but still have the risk of the same side effects.

If for some reason the patient cannot take calcium channel blockers, then they resort to prescribing others. vasodilators. These can be alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers, for example, Doxazosin, Terazosin, Nicergoline. Good results can be achieved by using ginkgo biloba extract, which is contained in the Tanakan preparation. In severe crises, prostaglandins are indicated - Alprostadil is injected intravenously for two to three weeks.

The effectiveness of therapy can be significantly increased if antiplatelet agents – drugs to improve blood flow – are included in the patient’s treatment regimen. It could be acetylsalicylic acid, Pentoxifylline, Dipyridamole, Ticlopidine. Among the anticoagulants, patients are recommended to use Heparin sodium, Warfarin, Fraxiparine, Clopidogrel.

Heparin sodium in injections is the most effective, but it is also possible to use tablet forms

If you correctly combine antiplatelet agents and vasodilators, then even with the smallest dosage of each of them it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in side effects. This goal is also pursued when treating patients, and the issue of reducing side effect medications are always considered along with the need to prescribe them. Therefore, patients are additionally prescribed Pentoxifylline (from 600 to 1200 mg per day), and if ulcers appear that cannot be treated, low molecular weight heparin is added to the regimen.

Antifibrotic treatment

For diffuse scleroderma, patients are prescribed antifibrotic therapy, the main goal of which is to reduce collagen production. The main medicine prescribed to suppress the development of fibrosis is D-penicillamine, which can interfere with collagen synthesis and disrupt the bonds between molecules that are formed again.

The main active ingredient is included in such drugs as Cuprenil and Artamin, which act on immune system. To produce an effect, a dose of 250-500 mg per day is sufficient. Take the drug before meals, then you need to carefully monitor your feelings, since the drugs have side effects. Most often, patients complain about discomfort in the stomach, the appearance of an allergy to the drug, and doctors note that while taking penicillamine, blood counts worsen - platelets and leukocytes in the blood decrease. This, in turn, leads to a significant decrease in immunity and a possible autoimmune surge, worsening scleroderma. Therefore, despite everything positive traits medication, it requires caution when prescribed to patients with scleroderma.

If the protein excretion in the urine exceeds 2 grams per day, penicillamines are canceled, and if the test results are borderline, the possibility of reducing the dosage is decided. To ensure a timely response to complications that occur in every fourth patient, when prescribing penicillamines, doctors conduct urine and blood tests on patients every two weeks in the first six months of therapy, and then every four weeks. In this case, it is possible to promptly notice the development of side effects in the patient’s body.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

The treatment regimen for the disease includes anti-inflammatory drugs. They are indicated for the treatment of febrile symptoms and soreness in muscles and joints. Piroxicam, Ketoprofen, Meloxicam, Nimesulide have a good effect.

If there are signs of inflammation on initial stage, then this process can be stopped hormonal drugs. Typically, inflammation begins in the early stages of the disease, when tissue swelling begins. Among the hormones, Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone will be safe. Prednisolone in the amount of 15-20 mg per day. But no more, since increasing the dose of hormones can lead to the development of renal failure.

To avoid inflammatory reactions when the digestive organs are damaged, patients are recommended to eat small meals, as well as the drugs Domperidone, Metoclopramide, Meclozine. If a hernial protrusion is observed in esophageal region diaphragm, surgical intervention is performed.

In case of defeat small intestine The basis of treatment is antibacterial drugs - Erythromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole. To prevent microbes from developing resistance to antibacterial drugs, the prescriptions are changed every month.

In case of lung damage, Cyclophosphamide and Prednisolone are prescribed at the initial stage. Intravenous instillation of Cyclophosphamide monthly for six months has an excellent effect. If during this time no side effects of therapy appear, it is increased for another two months. And if the patient’s condition has improved and there is a positive trend, then the therapy is prolonged for three months. In the treatment of the disease, such “pulse therapy” is provided for at least two years.

Piroxicam gel will help patients cope with external inflammatory processes

Physiotherapeutic treatment

When signs of scleroderma appear on the skin, patients feel inconvenience and discomfort, so they try in every possible way to get rid of the manifestations of the disease. Taking into account the fact that the main victims of scleroderma are women, the need for cosmetic care for this category of patients becomes clear.

Physiotherapy is indicated to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Physiotherapeutic methods cannot completely cure the disease, but it is possible to significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease. The goal of physiotherapy is to suppress the activity of immune processes, block the inflammatory process, normalize metabolism in affected tissues, and restore normal blood supply to tissues. Physiotherapeutic measures are carried out in the remission stage of the disease, as soon as blood counts return to normal.

To suppress immune activity, doctors prescribe:

  • aerocryotherapy – cooling the body with air-gas environments of low temperatures;
  • electrophoresis of immunosuppressants - injection of drugs under the skin by exposure to a weak electric current;
  • nitrogen baths – medicinal baths containing dissolved nitrogen in high concentrations.

To reduce inflammation in scleroderma good effect have:

  • decimeter wave therapy - exposure of affected areas to an electromagnetic field;
  • ultraphonophoresis of hormones - administration of drugs through ultrasound.

To normalize metabolic processes in tissues, they resort to fibromodulating techniques: cuprenil ultraphonophoresis, hydrogen sulfide baths, peloid therapy, radon baths. To normalize blood circulation, it is necessary to dilate narrowed vessels, which is achieved through applications of ozokerite and paraffin, hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Also, in order to improve trophism in the affected tissues, magnetic therapy, vacuum decompression, and laser therapy are indicated. After completing the course of treatment, a massage session is indicated.

Patients are shown and spa treatment, for example, in sanatoriums where it is possible to take hydrogen sulfide baths. IN in this case The doctor recommends Yeysk, Shikhovo, Sochi, Pyatigorsk, Goryachiy Klyuch. Sanatorium-resort treatment is also permissible only in the stage of remission of the disease.

Treatment of scleroderma can hardly be called successful. For patients positive effect from therapy is not complete cure diseases, since this is impossible, but in suppressing autoimmune processes and protecting mainly internal organs from scleroderma. Having achieved control over the pathological process, it is necessary to keep the disease in remission for as long as possible.

This is the name of one of the diseases that affects connective tissue.

As a rule, for the development of this disease, problems in the functioning of the immune system that are present from birth, so-called autoimmune disorders, are necessary.

The immediate trigger for the occurrence may be mechanical damage to tissues, allergic inflammation or hypothermia.

Women are more susceptible to this disease.

Symptom of scleroderma is the appearance of spots with clear, rounded outlines. The size of the spots is approximately the size of a palm, the color is pinkish-blue. The spots develop into ivory-colored plaques that are hard to the touch (almost like wood). The surface of the plaques is smooth, shiny, while they grow, they are surrounded by a ring lilac color. As months and sometimes years pass, the plaques lose their hardness and become skin scars, colored White color. There is a variant of the disease in which the plaques look like stripes, it is called ribbon-like scleroderma. Wherein painful sensations are missing.

Treatment of scleroderma with folk remedies

Homeopathy remedies are often used, such as Calcarea fluorica 12, which is taken daily before meals, 5-8 grains, placing them under the tongue, or Silicia, diluted to at least 12D. Adaptogen plants can help well - Leuzea, aralia, Rhodiola and ginseng. To do this, you need to prepare tinctures with alcohol from them. For every two kilograms of patient weight, one drop of tincture is required. For children under 14 years of age, a drop of tincture corresponds to each year of life. The tincture is taken three times a day, treatment lasts from one and a half to three months. Treatment with tincture is carried out during remission; it cannot be carried out during an exacerbation. In spring and autumn it should be carried out preventive treatment one and a half month courses.

A certain positive effect is achieved by the use of dandelion officinalis (root), potbellied high (root). These plants are also taken orally in the form of aqueous decoctions. Aqueous decoctions are prepared at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water. 15 minutes in a water bath, stand for 30 minutes, strain, bring to the original volume. Take 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals 30 minutes.

As an external treatment, we can recommend an ointment based on tarragon wormwood. The ointment is prepared as follows: heat the interior fat in a water bath and add dry tarragon into it at the rate of 1 part raw material to 5 parts fat. Simmer in the oven for 5-6 hours. Strain, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator, where it is all then stored. Apply the ointment externally to the affected areas of the skin 3 times a day for 2-3 months.

Goldenrod, also known as goldenrod, is contraindicated for patients with scleroderma.

Tags: traditional treatment scleroderma, scleroderma folk remedies, scleroderma treatment folk remedies.

An experienced dermatologist carefully examined Alla, from head to toe. Were taken necessary tests, and a few days later Alla was called to announce terrible diagnosis - focal scleroderma.

The doctor said the prognosis is grave. The disease is difficult to treat. It is quite possible that she was provoked by the diets that people are addicted to

ballerinas to keep themselves in shape. Although doctors still know very little about the causes of the disease. It is possible to stop the process with scrupulous treatment, but to restore the affected tissue... alas.

This is the conversation. Alla was shocked, because she would have to leave her beloved profession. With a disfigured face, she had no place in ballet. And makeup is contraindicated, since an allergic reaction can quickly worsen developing disease. She also changed her mind about getting married, her crazy love suddenly retreated.

Alla had to be treated in hospital for a long time for nervous shock and scleroderma. The face became more and more ugly, despite the medications. A new spot appeared between the eyebrows, and then others.

In the middle of summer, Alla and her parents visited a Siberian convent.

They were received by Abbess Pelageya - beautiful, despite her fifty years, with an iconographic face.

There was a spring flowing right in the monastery courtyard. healing water, and around - in the field, in the forest - medicinal herbs grew. “Horsetail will help you,” said the abbess. It turns out that in the monastery hospital there were cases of complete healing from Allina terrible disease. And she remained in the monastery without post-trig. Instead of strict monastic clothes, she wore a white robe as a nurse. She cared for the sick, former homeless people, old and wretched people who had been thrown out onto the street by a rabid society. Collected medicinal plants for monastic needs, visited the luxurious monastery library and studied herbs with special interest under the wise guidance of Abbess Pelageya.


In the world, Abbess Pelageya was good doctor. At every meal she herself gave the patient medicine. Alla followed all her instructions.

Before meals, I drank 1/3 cup of horsetail infusion 3 times a day.

In the morning after sleep, I washed my face with water from a healing spring and went to the abbess’s office. Pelageya smeared her face with gruel: 2 tbsp. l. topped with honey and fresh egg. The paste tightened the skin of the face for 5 minutes. Then the abbess gave a massage with light touches of her fingertips: she would apply her fingers and tear them off, she would apply them and tear them off. The procedure was painful, but Alla endured it. We started with 5 minutes and added a minute every day.

After 2 weeks, the honey massage ended, and Alla experienced joyful relief when her face was covered with a mask of internal pork fat for half an hour.

Then, for 10 weeks in a row, 2 medicinal leeches were placed on the affected areas 2 times a week. After completing the course - a break for 2 months.

Every day for 10 weeks of treatment with leeches, linen rags were applied to the areas affected by scleroderma for 2 hours. Pela-Geya thickly lubricated them with a paste of horsetail grass (you can use not only fresh grass, but also steamed dried grass). After such a compress, the face was smeared with sour cream mixed in half for half an hour

with slightly fried butter carrots. In those days when, after applying leeches, blood was still oozing from the wounds, compresses were done 9 hours later.

Orally, on the 22nd day of treatment, the patient began taking fresh horsetail juice: 1 tbsp. l. an hour after the meal.

Twice a week Alla took baths with horsetail infusion. 2 liter jars were tightly filled with horsetail (fresh if possible). The horsetail was poured with a bucket of boiling water and left for a day. At night - bath for 30 minutes (temperature up to 42° C). Such procedures continued for six months (depending on how I felt).

So, the order of procedures was as follows: at night - leeches, in the morning - compresses. Well honey massage repeated - another 2 weeks after 10 weeks of treatment with leeches. And inside - horsetail (either infusion or fresh juice).

Alla spent more than eight months in the monastery, and the illness subsided. The girl returned home to the delight of her parents and began teaching at a ballet school. She felt as if she had been reborn. And a year later good surgeon He performed plastic surgery on her, and there were almost no traces of the disease left. Leeches helped in tissue healing.


Horsetail grows on sandy soils everywhere - in meadows, clearings and cutting areas. It includes, among others, healing substances, there is silicic acid and flavonoids. Therefore, the plant has diuretic, hemostatic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to the large amount of silicates, horsetail has a beneficial effect on connective tissues and helps fight tuberculous foci, especially in the lungs and kidneys. It improves the composition of urine, thereby preventing the formation of stones.

Horsetail is often used as a diuretic in folk medicine at stagnation. It is used for heart ailments (defects, insufficiency), for diseases of the genitourinary tract (cystitis, urethritis) and even for exudative pleurisy. The plant gives an excellent effect in the treatment of atherosclerosis of the brain and heart vessels, damage to capillaries. Helps with urolithiasis, lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis (not only lungs, kidneys, but also skin), children's rheumatoid polyarthritis, lead poisoning. Horsetail stimulates the adrenal cortex, so healers also use it in the treatment of Addison's disease.

How to use horsetail? Here are several folk recipes for treating the listed diseases.

Infusion. Pour 4 tbsp. l. dried herb powder 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and take 0.5 cups. 3 times a day, an hour after meals.

Fresh Juice. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals or before meals. Consult your doctor The condition of the gastrointestinal tract must be taken into account. Juice is also contraindicated when chronic nephritis and some other diseases.

External use. For rinsing, compresses, lotions, douching, prepare an infusion: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, left overnight in a thermos and filtered.

Baths. For 1 liter of boiling water - 4 tbsp. herbs, leave for 24 hours.

For focal scleroderma and lupus erythematosus, complex treatment is also carried out:

First rub into the affected areas Castor oil. Wait until it is thoroughly absorbed. After half an hour, apply a paste of cyanosis rhizomes, mixed half and half with cream, onto the lesions;

Take 1/2 100 cup of infusion from cyanosis rhizomes orally. 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight. Strain and take 1/4 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Scleroderma (Latin scleroderma, “hard skin”) is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by progressive fibrosis of the skin and internal organs and the appearance vascular lesions. Fibrosis of the skin and organs leads to their significant thickening and roughening, which is why scleroderma is often called a disease that “turns people to stone.” There are two forms of the disease: systemic and focal, which differ in clinical course and symptoms.

The causes of scleroderma still remain unknown. Doctors point to the role of genetic factors, hormonal levels(because of frequent occurrence systemic scleroderma in women), as well as factors environment(impact of some chemical substances). Immune disorders have a certain effect, in which cells of the immune system begin to produce antibodies directed against their own body.

Symptoms and varieties

  • Focal scleroderma
  • Systemic scleroderma
  • Vitamins
  • Oils
  • Baths
  • Aloe and honey
  • Onion compress
  • plaque (discoid) scleroderma - changes different sizes and forms, initially they are surrounded by a halo of inflamed skin, then the inflammation disappears, and the rashes themselves persist for several months or even years;
  • White spot disease – small white rashes all over the body;
  • nodular scleroderma - changes are extensive and may involve almost the entire skin,
  • linear scleroderma - affects the limbs and interferes with their normal movement;
  • idiopathic atrophoderma Pasini-Pierini.

All these varieties have the same symptoms - hardening of connective tissue, skin and subcutaneous tissue without the participation of internal organs.

Systemic scleroderma

Systemic scleroderma is a connective tissue disease. It is manifested by progressive fibrosis of the skin and internal organs, which leads to their failure. Women get sick 3-4 times more often than men. The peak incidence occurs between 30 and 50 years of age.

Symptoms of systemic scleroderma:

  • Raynaud's phenomenon is paroxysmal spasms of the arteries of the hands under the influence of cold or for no reason, which at the initial stage leads to paleness of the fingers. After a while they lose sensation and then become red and warm. These symptoms appear several years before the full development of systemic scleroderma;
  • skin lesions, which are manifested by fibrosis and hardening, can affect the fingers (patients find it difficult to bend and straighten them, sensitivity is lost, cuts heal poorly);
  • deterioration of facial expressions (appearance takes on the character of a mask, there are no wrinkles);
  • general symptoms such as pain, joint swelling, morning stiffness and limited mobility;
  • disappearance of the taste buds of the tongue, which leads to loss of sensitivity to tastes;
  • gingivitis (can lead to tooth loss);
  • esophageal fibrosis (can lead to dysphagia);
  • pulmonary fibrosis (manifested by shortness of breath and chest pain);
  • chronic dry cough;
  • myocardial fibrosis (can lead to conduction disturbances and cardiac arrhythmia).

Systemic scleroderma has a long-term severe course. It often leads to significant disruption of the functions of the whole organism, many complications (especially gastrointestinal and pulmonary symptoms) threaten permanent disability and even death.

Modern medicine does not have in its arsenal medicines, which could effectively inhibit or, according to at least, slow down the development of the disease. However, there are drugs that prolong the life of patients and reduce the effects of organ damage. In particular, traditional medicine can offer such drugs.

  1. Patients should ensure the necessary hydration (moistening) of the skin.
  2. Do not expose your hands and feet to cold temperatures.
  3. It is very important to quit smoking.
  4. The diet of patients with scleroderma should be based on easily digestible foods and contain sufficient amounts of vitamins.


Scleroderma in children is successfully treated with vitamins E and D3. In general, this disease in children goes away on its own over time, but to speed up the process, include foods with these vitamins in your diet. Give the patient daily fish fat(in capsules or in pure form), wheat germ, oatmeal, liver and sea fish.

Adults also need to pay attention to these vitamins to reduce unpleasant symptoms and prolong life.

For any type of scleroderma, it is very important to care for the skin and soften it. Therefore, you should lubricate the affected areas with any oil at least three times a day - olive, almond, corn, grape seed oil.

You can also prepare St. John's wort oil. It not only softens the epidermis, but also removes any inflammation, protects against infection, and improves local immunity skin. To prepare the oil, take 150 g of fresh herb or 100 g of dry St. John's wort herb. Pour it into a glass bowl and add 500 ml of olive or vegetable oil. Place the jar in a sunny place and leave for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Rub the strained oil into your body 2-3 times a day.

Warm baths (temperature 32-40 C) improve blood flow and tissue nutrition, help reduce stiffness of muscles and joints. With their help, you can treat any type of scleroderma. We will offer several bath recipes.

  1. Oat straw baths. Useful not only for the skin, but also for internal organs (especially if systemic scleroderma has led to a deterioration in the function of the lungs and esophagus). Boil a handful of oat straw in 2 liters of water, strain and pour into the bath. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days, after the bath, lubricate your entire body with oil or cream, and go to bed.
  2. Baths from geranium leaves. Geranium has biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin with scleroderma. It is recommended to undergo a course of 10 such procedures every six months. Take 100 g of crushed leaves and stems indoor geranium, boil in a small amount of water, pour the resulting broth into a full bath. It is advisable to lubricate the skin with geranium oil (sold in pharmacies) after bathing.
  3. Pine baths. They not only care for the skin, but also soothe nervous system(this is very important for autoimmune diseases), and also support lung function (for later stages systemic scleroderma). For treatment is suitable any needles - young spruce and Pine cones, crushed juniper, fir. Boil the raw material in a small amount of water and add to the bath. You can also add a few drops essential oil pine needles
  4. Milk and honey baths. Quickly restore the beauty of the skin, indicated for focal scleroderma. One bath will require 3 liters homemade milk and a glass of honey. Dissolve the ingredients in water and bathe.
  5. Birch leaf baths. They are used in cases where the disease has caused complications in the joints. Boil a handful of dry leaves in water for 5 minutes, strain the broth and pour into the bath.

Aloe and honey

Focal scleroderma in children and adults will significantly decrease or go away completely if you lubricate the affected areas of the skin several times a day fresh juice aloe mixed with honey in equal proportions.

Onion compress

External cutaneous scleroderma can be treated with a special compress prepared with onion. So, bake a medium-sized vegetable in the oven until soft. Mash the onion with a fork, add a tablespoon of natural honey, a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas in the form of a compress, cover the top with a gauze bandage. It is recommended to carry out a course of 10 such compresses so that the result is truly noticeable.

Herbs for systemic scleroderma

Since this type of scleroderma is severe autoimmune disease, it needs to be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants. Many herbs have these properties, so you can do without expensive medications.

  1. Sakhalin buckwheat. This plant has helped many patients alleviate their condition with scleroderma. We offer to cook alcohol tincture. Combine a tablespoon of chopped herb with a glass of vodka, keep the mixture in a dark place for 2 weeks, then strain and take 10 drops in the morning and evening after meals.
  2. Soap grass (Saponaria officinalis) is another effective remedy from our problem. In this case, you will need the root of the plant. Brew it in a thermos (3 tablespoons per liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours) and drink in sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then you need to take a break for 3 months.
  3. Harpagophytum is not only an excellent immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory agent. This plant maintains joint mobility, which is very important for scleroderma. To treat the disease, you will need dried harpagophytum root. Grind it into powder and mix in equal proportions with natural honey. Take a teaspoon of this mixture every morning after waking up with clean water.
  4. Rhubarb wavy - with systemic scleroderma supports the function of the heart muscle, joints and kidneys. It is recommended to constantly drink tea from this plant (brew a teaspoon of rhubarb in a glass of boiling water).

You can also boost your immunity with teas made from hawthorn, echinacea, chamomile and sage. You can mix all these plants in equal parts and prepare healing drinks from them.

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Scleroderma – little studied chronic illness, in which the connective tissue suffers, undergoing inflammation and fibrosis (scarring): blood vessels narrow, the skin hardens, the gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, kidneys and musculoskeletal system. The disease is relatively rare and belongs to the autoimmune type (when the body is negatively affected by its own defense mechanisms). The exact reasons for its occurrence have not been established. The disease occurs in different age groups, most often in childhood and within 30–50 years, with three quarters of patients being women. A detailed description of the disease dates back to the 17th century, but the term “scleroderma” appeared much later - around the middle of the 19th century, and the study in the aspect of rheumatology began in the 50s of the 20th century.

There are two main types of scleroderma - systemic and focal - differing in their symptoms and the extent of their course. If the common form progresses, the disease can be fatal. Medicine on this moment can only make the life of patients easier and fight the symptoms of pathology; it is completely impossible to recover from collagenosis.


The disease is not hereditary, but genetic defects, definitely play an important role in its occurrence. The mechanisms for triggering the process (manifested in excess collagen) are not yet completely clear, but there are etiological factors:

  • stress;
  • hypothermia and frostbite;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • infectious diseases and viruses (especially cytomegalovirus);
  • vibrations during the production process;
  • radiation, chemotherapy for oncology;
  • exposure to organic solvents, quartz and coal dust, poor ecology;
  • injuries, etc.

The common point for all the indicated prerequisites is suppression of the immune system and disruption of its functions.

Classification and characteristics

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in different ways: they are determined by the localization of the lesions - from the epidermis to the internal organs and tissues. In medicine, focal and systemic forms are diagnosed pathological process(with subspecies), differing in the degree of distribution and, accordingly, the number of symptoms:

  • systemic - damage to many tissues and organs, diffuse - its rapid, very dangerous variety;
  • limited (focal) – local damage to the skin, which is best treated;
  • plaque – a type of focal scleroderma with the appearance of dense, clear spots (often at the site of injury);
  • linear - a variety localized on the child’s forehead;
  • generalized - a form with a wide area of ​​damage, much more common in children, but there is a possibility of its occurrence in adults.

There are natural external symptoms(shown in the photo), among the first is Raynaud's syndrome. It is characterized painful spasms blood vessels of the skin of the hands in stressful situations and during hypothermia, with clearly defined blanching and blue discoloration of the skin. Once the attack has passed, it leaves intense shades of red on the limbs and fingers. The tips of the fingers become ulcerated over time, then scar, and then ulcers may appear again.

Subsequently, other pathologies appear. The skin of many patients is exposed to damage that occurs in stages. First, there is swelling of the hands, which does not allow you to clench your hand into a fist. Then comes compaction, discoloration, and then the tissue atrophies. Facial features are transformed: the nose becomes sharper, folds appear around the mouth, and finally facial expressions are reduced. The extreme phalanges of the fingers are deformed, shortened, small joints and ligaments bring them into a frozen position, limiting extension (flexion contractures). Weight decreases; in the systemic form, susceptibility to chills and decreased sensitivity of the skin are observed.

The disease is also characterized by damage to joints and muscles. There are permanent morning pains due to tightness of the tendons, and sometimes inflammatory swelling. The gradual destruction and atrophy of muscles (myopathy) makes itself felt by weakness and fatigue.

Most patients experience a decrease in the tone of the esophagus (sphincter), as a result of which swallowing becomes difficult and heartburn occurs. The action of hydrochloric acid forms ulcers in digestive organs, mucous membrane The esophagus is susceptible to metaplasia, a precancerous disease that can develop into adenocarcinoma (cancer). Gastrointestinal dysfunction leads to poor absorption nutrients, abdominal discomfort and stool disorders, including fecal incontinence.

In 80% of cases, the disease also affects the lungs (the development of fibrosis, shortness of breath), inflammation occurs, complicated by scarring, and the risk of cancer increases. With pathological changes in the kidneys, dangerous fatal damage to their vessels - nephropathy. Damage to the trachea, oral cavity and vagina, and deterioration of visual sensations are also possible. Diseases of the cardiac membranes, rhythm disturbances and decreased contractility (even asymptomatic), and negative changes in the functioning of the left ventricle are also detected.


Identifying the disease is difficult because the symptoms are similar to many other diseases. For this reason, similar diagnoses are first rejected and the main signs are assessed:

  1. Structural and color changes in areas of the skin.
  2. Deterioration in the functioning of muscles and joints.
  3. Presence of Raynaud's syndrome.
  4. Circulatory disorders.
  5. Disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other important systems that are not chronic.

Three or more points provide a primary diagnosis after examination, questioning, laboratory and other examination methods (ultrasound, radiography, CT - in the case of a systemic form). Monitoring of the patient continues to adjust the assessment of his condition. It is important to request timely medical assistance, because it is in this case that the consequences can be eliminated.


Typically, treatment for scleroderma is long-term, sometimes lasting throughout life. The quantity and combination of drugs should be controlled by a doctor.


Treatment for systemic scleroderma involves taking the following medications:

  1. Antifibrotic medications for blood vessels prevent spasms, the most effective of them are calcium antagonists (dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamines and piperazine derivatives).
  2. Antiplatelet agents are prescribed to prevent blood clots and help drugs that dilate blood vessels (for example, Acetylsalicylic acid).
  3. Antifibrotic therapy. Patients are often prescribed Penicillamine (Cuprenil), which inhibits the formation of collagen (the large dosage of which is still controversial).
  4. Anti-inflammatory treatment (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, etc. in standard doses) is indicated to normalize the functions of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Symptomatic therapy. If the lower segment of the esophagus becomes ill, prokinetics (for example, Domperidone) and fractional meals are prescribed. If the small intestine is damaged, antibacterial drugs are needed (Erythromycin, etc.).
  6. Ointments are used locally to treat the skin: Actovegin, Madecassol, Contractubex.

The focal form of the disease is treated individually. The main conditions in this case are:

  1. Anti-inflammatory therapy with local glucocorticoids.
  2. Immunosuppressive medications to suppress protective forces body (including Methotrexate).
  3. Systemic treatment of linear varieties already in the first stages.


To weaken autoimmunity and for other related purposes, various methods are used:

  • ultrasound procedures;
  • heat therapy;
  • massage;
  • laser therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • hydrogen sulfide and radon baths.

Specialized sanatoriums are necessary for the rehabilitation of patients after a therapeutic course.

Traditional methods

Examination and full-fledged therapy are irreplaceable, but for scleroderma, treatment with some folk remedies can also be taken into account to relieve symptoms. These methods include:

  • alcohol extracts of plant adaptogens (ginseng, rhodiola);
  • decoctions of horsetail, lungwort, knotweed and herbal complexes for oral administration;
  • ointments for external use containing wormwood and celandine;
  • compresses with aloe juice (after softening), honey, onion and kefir.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the possibility of allergic reactions, seek advice from a doctor, take into account mixed reviews and only then make a decision.

Possible complications and prognosis

In half of patients with the plaque type, the disease resolves spontaneously within 2–3 weeks, but severe skin damage prolongs treatment to 4–5 years. With focal scleroderma, 90% of patients overcome the five-year period, and with systemic scleroderma, this figure lags behind by 20% or more. A worsening prognosis is associated with additional problems:

  • expansion of damage to the skin and internal organs;
  • rapid development of symptoms;
  • an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and a decrease in their number;
  • decreased hemoglobin (anemia).

There is a possibility of complications such as renal failure, pulmonary hypertension, necrosis of the fingertips and lunate (carpal) bone, infections, myositis.

In the video, experts talk about scleroderma:

To avoid worsening the condition of the disease, it is advised:

  • by all means avoid hypothermia, which is dangerous at any stage;
  • eliminate the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • eat right to normalize blood circulation;
  • avoid being overweight;
  • strive for emotional balance;
  • do not be fatigued.

Sclerotic lesions involve pain, need for hydration and decreased physical activity. Therefore, the support of a close circle of people is very important for patients to overcome the psychological discomfort that arises due to changes in appearance.

Autoimmune systemic disease of inflammatory nature, to be more precise, specific form arthritis, characterized by damage to connective tissue, is called scleroderma or systemic sclerosis. If the pathology is ignored, compactions and hardening may spread to the bones and internal organs. The disease can develop in any person, but it most often affects women over 30 years of age. Treatment of scleroderma with folk remedies in parallel with methods traditional medicine gives a good prognosis.

The disease is considered rare and at the same time very dangerous. The reasons are not fully understood. They assume an autoimmune nature - when the immune system begins to attack the body. Pathology may appear due to hypothermia, various injuries, stressful situations, abuse medications, vibrations.

Therapy with traditional medicines

Scleroderma is a group of rare diseases that are associated with hardening and tightening of connective tissue - the fibers that provide the structure and support of the body. In some people, the disease affects only the skin. But for many it also causes damage to structures blood vessels, internal organs and gastrointestinal tract. Signs and symptoms vary depending on which structures are affected.

This disease affects women more often than men and occurs between the ages of 30 and 50. While the disease is not well understood and there is no consensus on its treatment, various procedures may relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

In parallel with taking antibacterial drugs, corticosteroids, vasoconstrictors and anti-inflammatory drugs, you can use folk remedies to treat scleroderma. They consist of natural ingredients, have virtually no contraindications or side effects.

But they can only be used after prior consultation with your doctor. Self-medication is strictly not recommended, as you can harm yourself.

There are several types of pathology: focal, systemic and plaque. Since each type has its own characteristics and symptoms, the treatment will vary somewhat.

Focal scleroderma - folk recipes

  1. Application of prefabricated tincture. Mix aralia with ginseng, leuzea and rhodiola in equal proportions. Cut the ingredients and pour into a glass container. Fill two spoons of raw materials with high-quality vodka - half a liter. It is preferable to infuse the composition in a dark, cool place for half a month. Give children one drop of the drug per year of life. Adults are recommended to take a drop of the product per two kilos of weight. The duration of the course is 90 days. Information from the article Folk remedies for boosting children's immunity may be useful.
  2. Healing ointment homemade will help in healing if you have focal scleroderma. Grind the dried tarragon herb and combine 15 grams with melted interior fat. Mix the mixture well and place in a preheated oven for five hours. Pass the mixture through several layers of gauze and put it in the refrigerator (store there). Apply the product to skin affected by focal scleroderma three times a day. The course of therapy is three months.
  3. We treat the disease with compresses. The medicine recipe is simple, but at the same time effective. Take one medium-sized onion, peel it, chop it and place it in the oven. Once it is baked, cool it and pound it. Mix the mixture with honey - a spoon and kefir - 20 ml. Place the mixture on a linen napkin and apply to the affected area. It is advisable to do the compress before going to bed. Secure it with a plaster or bandage.

Systemic form of the disease

A good effect can be achieved by using plants that have a vasodilating effect. These include: calendula, St. John's wort, oregano, clover, burdock, hawthorn. It is recommended to use them in the form of infusions. Finely chop one of the above-mentioned pre-dried plants and brew 15 g of boiled water in a glass. Leave the mixture to sit for several hours. For systemic scleroderma, drink a quarter glass of the medicine three times a day, no less.

Application of ointment. Combine ichthyol ointment with freshly squeezed aloe juice in equal proportions and mix carefully. Treat affected areas with the mixture several times a day. The effect will be significantly enhanced if the patient visits the bathhouse before using the product.

Infusion to strengthen the immune system. Brew a mixture of herbs: knotweed, lungwort and horsetail in the amount of 20 grams with just boiled water - one and a half glasses. Boil the mixture over low heat. Drink half a glass of cooled, strained infusion twice a day, after meals.

Therapy for plaque scleroderma

  1. Melt pork fat in an amount of 200 grams and combine with dried and crushed wormwood to a powdery consistency. The mass needs to be heated well in the oven for six hours. Rub the cooled product into the affected dermis.
  2. Mix sweet clover - 10 grams with St. John's wort, raspberries, knotweed, lingonberries, mint, yarrow, dandelion. All components must be pre-dried and finely chopped. Brew five tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, filter and take 100 ml of the drink at least three times a day. The therapeutic course should be 60 days.

When using folk remedies to treat scleroderma, avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, do not overcool, eliminate the effects of vibration on the body, wear insulating clothing and underwear, and do not neglect hats and warm mittens. If there are bad habits: smoking or abuse of alcohol or caffeine-containing drinks, try to get rid of them.

Scleroderma is a form of arthritis, a chronic connective tissue disease in which scar tissue is deposited in a number of areas of the skin, and sometimes over the entire surface of the body. As the inflammatory process spreads, scar tissue is deposited not only in the skin, but also in the joints, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs.

Symptoms of scleroderma

The main feature of the focal form is the presence of round or oval lesions, which change as the disease progresses. The first to appear are lilac-pink spots, then a compaction forms in the center of each spot, which over time turns into a dense white or light yellow plaque with a smooth shiny surface. In the absence of treatment, hair falls out in the affected areas, sebaceous and sweat glands, which ultimately means complete atrophy fabrics.

Types of scleroderma

There are systemic and limited scleroderma. With the systemic variety of the disease, many organs and tissues of the body are affected; limited scleroderma is characterized mainly by sclerotic lesions of the skin without signs of systemicity.

Systemic scleroderma can manifest as acrosclerosis and diffuse scleroderma. Acrosclerosis has a relatively more favorable course, while the diffuse form with its rapid damage to internal organs has a much worse prognosis.

Focal scleroderma, or morphea, is also divided into a number of varieties. One of them is plaque scleroderma - the most common form of the disease, in which one or more a small amount of foci of dermatosclerosis.

Generalized variety means defeat large areas skin surface.

With linear morphea, the lesions are localized in the forehead.

Finally, subcutaneous morphea is characterized by thickening of the entire skin with the spread of the pathological process to the subcutaneous layers and muscle tissue.

Treatment of scleroderma

The choice of treatment method depends on the form of the disease and the severity of the pathological process. With systemic scleroderma, patients can be prescribed glucocorticosteroid hormones, immunosuppressants, D-penicillamine, 4-aminoquinoline drugs, vascular and antihistamines, antihypertensive and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Focal scleroderma is treated with antibiotics, hydrocortisone phonophoresis, vitamins A and E.

Treatment of scleroderma with folk remedies

As aid at various forms diseases it is useful to use various folk recipes. So, a good effect comes from long-term and regular use medicinal herbs with vasodilating and antifibrotic effects (oregano, hawthorn, St. John's wort, calendula, motherwort, burdock, red clover). Medicinal herbs It is recommended to use it in the form of decoctions or infusions, which are prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the product per glass of boiling water.

Treatment of scleroderma with folk remedies also involves the use of a collection from equal parts lungwort, knotweed and horsetail. These plants contain silicon and silicic acids - substances that have the property of supporting the body's immune system and promoting the development of connective tissue.

To prepare the decoction, add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to a glass of water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave to infuse for half an hour and take 1/3 cup half an hour before meals or an hour after meals, three times a day.

Decoctions of oak bark, lovage, and nettle in the form of lotions, bandages, and warm baths help heal cracks and ulcers on the hands. Decoctions for external use are prepared at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons of crushed herbal remedy per glass of water.

Compresses with aloe juice or ichthyol ointment can be applied to the affected areas. The effect is especially noticeable if you first take a steam bath.

Here is another simple recipe for external use. You will need a medium-sized onion, which you need to bake in the oven and then finely chop. Pour a tablespoon of chopped onion with 2 tablespoons of kefir and 1 teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly. Make compresses with the resulting composition at night 4 times a week, and soon you will notice a positive result.

Scleroderma in children

In childhood, the disease usually has a plaque or linear form. In both cases, the disease develops rapidly, and although inflammatory process applies to both the skin and subcutaneous tissue with atrophy of the affected areas, pathological changes never affect internal organs. However, when the first signs of illness appear, the child should be immediately seen by a doctor.

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