What threatens the constant tone of the uterus during pregnancy. Uterine tone during pregnancy. What does a toned uterus mean?

Throughout life a person is in good shape. This is the so-called activity. It can be high or low. Today's article will tell you about what tone is. It turns out that this activity is not good in all cases. Sometimes it is necessary to reduce it, for example, during pregnancy.

What is tone?

Tone is a long-term and persistent excitation of muscles, tissues and nerve receptors of the human body. You can often hear the concept of “skin tone”. What does it mean? When the skin is toned, we can say that it is in ideal condition. The dermis is moisturized, elastic and full of vital energy. Externally, this is manifested by a beautiful color, smooth surface, and the absence of any defects.

What is the tone of the human body? This is the ability to maintain a certain posture and position in space. A person always strives to improve his tone. The concept is determined by a set of characteristics: mood, muscle condition, sanity, and so on.

Improve tone

What can you do to improve your tone? If we are talking about the body, then you can activate the muscles and the functioning of all organs through physical exercise. Athletes visit gyms to improve their tone. During physical activity, blood circulation improves (the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels), muscle function is activated) and so on.

You can also increase your tone with food. Now many food products indicate that they increase tone. Separately, we can say about energy drinks. When consumed, the work of the whole body is activated. But doctors say that this way to improve tone is not the most correct. Women always strive to improve their skin condition. Many cosmetic products indicate that they help improve tone.

Uterine tone

The tone of the reproductive organ is considered separately. It changes throughout the menstrual cycle, depending on the production of hormones. During menstruation, the uterine organ actively contracts (high tone). Some women experience pain during this process.

In the middle of the cycle, the uterus is in normal tone. If pregnancy occurs, certain hormones are produced that relax the muscle organ. This is necessary for normal attachment and further development of the embryo.

High norm or pathology

If the uterus is constantly under tension, then this condition is not normal. In early pregnancy, the corpus luteum and adrenal glands secrete the hormone progesterone. This substance relaxes the uterus. If it is not enough, then tone occurs. One or all of the walls of the reproductive organ thicken and become tense, and contraction occurs. If this condition is not corrected in time, detachment of the membranes will begin. A hematoma forms between the wall of the uterus and the embryo, the tissues are not fully nourished, and blood circulation is disrupted. In the future, a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion will occur.

At longer stages of pregnancy, tone can lead to premature birth. Therefore, you must definitely inform your gynecologist about it. Note that at the time of contractions the uterus is always in a tense state. This is fine. In some cases, decreased tone during delivery requires stimulation. For this, obstetricians and gynecologists use medications (for example, Oxytocin). The drug promotes contraction of the uterus and rapid opening of the birth canal. Every expectant mother needs to know how tone manifests itself at different stages of gestation.

Symptoms and signs

What are the symptoms of tone during pregnancy? Much depends on the gestational age. In the first weeks, uterine tension may not be felt at all. But the higher the tone, the more noticeable it is. In this case, the woman experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes they can radiate to the lower back. With high tone, bloody discharge from the vagina may be observed.

At longer stages of pregnancy, the symptoms of tone look somewhat different. Still experiencing abdominal pain. Only now it is spreading throughout the entire uterus. The expectant mother may notice abdominal tension. The abdominal wall becomes hard and seems to be compressed. During increased tone, fetal movements may cause discomfort. In addition, the child is especially active during this period, thereby trying to get more oxygen.

Constant increased tone during pregnancy (you already know the symptoms) can have consequences: lack of nutrition for the child and intrauterine growth retardation. Therefore, if you have the described signs, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe medications that improve blood circulation and therapy aimed at reducing uterine tone.

Diagnosis of the tense state of the uterus

What tone is and what symptoms it has for women is described above. But how can a specialist determine this condition? Diagnosis is quite simple. Your doctor may notice tension in your uterus during a routine pelvic exam. It is worth noting that in some cases the examination itself provokes tension in the reproductive organ.

Increased tone can be determined using ultrasound. On the monitor, the doctor will see thickening of the uterine walls, which indicates their tension. In the early stages of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is indicated by the deformation of the fertilized egg. In the third trimester, pathology can be detected during cardiotocography (CTG).

Features of treatment: drugs

In order for the tone to be reduced in the event of a threat of miscarriage, it is necessary to carry out appropriate therapy. First you need to find out what caused the uterine contractions. This may include physical activity, sexual intercourse, nervous tension, a hot bath, eating certain foods, or taking medications. After this, the cause of the pathology is excluded. Next, conservative treatment is carried out, the scheme of which directly depends on the stage of pregnancy.

In the first trimester, women are prescribed progesterone-based drugs (Duphaston, Iprozhin). Antispasmodics are also prescribed (tablets or injections “Noshpa” and “Drotaverine”, suppositories “Papaverine”). Sedatives (Valerian, Motherwort) are required. In later stages, hormonal drugs are not prescribed. Instead, they use Ginipral and Partusisten. Also, expectant mothers may be prescribed medication containing magnesium and B vitamins. These medications have a positive effect on the muscles and nervous system.

It must be said that treatment is indicated only if there is constant tone of the uterus and a negative effect on the fetus. In late pregnancy, tone may periodically appear and go away on its own. If this condition does not cause any discomfort to a woman, then there is no need to correct it. It is better to check with your gynecologist for more detailed information, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Prevention of hypertension during pregnancy

The concept of “tone” has controversial opinions. Reviews from doctors say that this is a normal condition. But during pregnancy it is better to reduce the contractility of the uterus and not provoke its tension. To prevent tone, follow these rules:

  • avoid physical activity;
  • refuse sexual intercourse (according to indications);
  • stick to proper nutrition;
  • monitor regularity of bowel movements, avoid constipation;
  • do not wear tight clothes (especially at the beginning and in the later stages);
  • do not take any medications on your own (even regular painkillers);
  • relax and walk more;
  • get positive emotions and avoid stressful situations.

If you sometimes experience tone, tell your doctor about it. Perhaps, depending on your characteristics, a specialist will give individual recommendations.


Is tone good or bad? It is not possible to answer this question immediately. It all depends on the situation. Skin tone allows a person to look good and well-groomed. If it is reduced, then the body becomes flabby and ugly.

Uterine tone during pregnancy, on the contrary, can be dangerous. But it does not always require treatment and the use of medications. It should be remembered that each case is individual.

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the concentration of progesterone in a woman’s blood increases. This hormone acts in the interests of the fetus: it relieves the tone of the uterus and prevents its contractions, which is necessary to preserve the child. If symptoms of uterine tone appear during pregnancy, the likelihood of having a baby prematurely increases. But there are treatments for this condition.

The tone of the uterus enters the category of safe states when the moment of birth approaches. The uterus begins to increasingly come into a state of tension, sometimes reminiscent of contractions. This is a workout that starts against the background of a gradual decrease in progesterone.

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy

The basis of the uterus is made up of muscles. Before pregnancy, its size is small: it is no larger than a chicken egg and does not even protrude from the symphysis pubis. As the baby develops, the uterus stretches many times. The muscles are located in three layers in three mutually perpendicular directions. This is necessary so that during labor the baby is pushed out during labor. Each muscle fiber thickens four to five times and lengthens 10-12 times.

Under the influence of progesterone, the uterus is in a relaxed state. But sometimes local or general tension arises. That is, uterine tone during pregnancy is a temporary or permanent state of myometrial tension.

During pregnancy, subjective signs of uterine tone may differ, therefore, to determine medical tactics, several degrees of tone are distinguished.

  • First degree. The pain in the lower abdomen is short-lived and does not cause significant discomfort or anxiety. Goes away on its own at rest.
  • Second degree. Severe pain in the abdomen, pain can radiate to the lower back, sacrum. The uterus enters a state of high density.
  • Third degree. Small physical or mental stress leads to the appearance of tone. The uterus becomes “stony” and does not relax well. This condition requires medical attention.

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy can occur at any stage and appear periodically until the time of birth.

How it manifests itself

Increased tone can be a dangerous symptom of the onset of premature labor, so you need to listen to your body. You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear, regardless of gestational age:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • cramping pain in the uterine area;
  • rocky uterine density;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

When can it develop

You can independently determine the tone during a normal pregnancy when the uterus is clearly visible. Sometimes she “turns to stone” even when touching her stomach.

1st trimester

In the 1st trimester, uterine tension becomes a sign of a possible miscarriage. It has been noticed that on ultrasound, tone along the anterior wall of the uterus appears when the child has chromosomal abnormalities. But many other reasons can affect the condition of the uterus:

  • sex;
  • physical exercise;
  • stress;
  • constipation;
  • severe toxicosis.

2nd trimester

In the 2nd trimester, uterine tension may be more pronounced. The main reasons are the same conditions as at the beginning of gestation, but rapid fetal growth is added to them. Other possible causes of uterine tone during pregnancy at this stage:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • pregnancy with twins;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • placenta previa;
  • premature placental abruption;
  • pathologies of uterine development;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

High parity of births (frequent pregnancies with a short break between them) can also lead to increased tone.

For a pregnant woman, an additional increase in intra-abdominal pressure that occurs due to vomiting due to poisoning, severe diarrhea, and flatulence is dangerous. This may cause uterine contractions.

3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester the baby is already quite big. But before the 35th week, the appearance of increased uterine tone is undesirable. There may be the following additional causes for this condition:

  • malposition;
  • gestosis;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • history of caesarean section;
  • miscarriage in the past.

The female body is subject to the influence of external factors. Stress affects not only mood, but also sexual function, the ability to conceive and bear a child, and lactation. Constant emotional stress and lack of sleep also provoke the appearance of uterine tone. Some doctors attribute this condition to psychosomatics.


A toned uterus does not always go away without a trace. In the early stages, this condition can result in termination of pregnancy. An additional symptom is bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In later stages, uterine tone is dangerous due to impaired blood flow in the placenta. In this case, a spasm of blood vessels appears, and then their relaxation. These processes can lead to abruption of a normally located placenta and fetal death.

If tone occurs periodically, the consequences are malnutrition of the fetus and intrauterine growth retardation.

Ways to influence the condition

Diagnosing uterine tone is not difficult. Upon examination, the doctor can determine a change in the shape of the abdomen, a hard uterus, which hurts even more when touched. In the short term, tone is diagnosed during ultrasound. Most often this is a local process along the front or back wall.

For periods after 27 weeks, the use of a CTG machine is informative. It has two sensors. One reflects the fetal heartbeat, and the second reflects uterine contractions. This allows you to evaluate not only the strength and duration of uterine contractions, but also the child’s reaction to them. A pronounced decrease in heartbeat, which takes a long time to return to normal, indicates the suffering of the fetus.

Early dates

The cause of the pathological condition is often a lack of progesterone, and the consequence is the threat of interruption. Therefore, hormonal drugs that can compensate for hormone deficiency are used for treatment. The most commonly prescribed drug is Duphaston. But some women are more suitable for Utrozhestan, which can be taken orally or vaginally. The vaginal form is indispensable for signs of toxicosis - severe vomiting in the morning.

Treatment is supplemented with antispasmodics. You can use No-Shpa tablets (analogous to Drotaverine). For frequent vomiting, Papaverine suppositories are prescribed, which are best taken at night.

In a hospital setting, Vikasol and Dicinon may be prescribed to stop bleeding. You can calm your nerves with motherwort tincture. But you shouldn’t get carried away: it contains ethyl alcohol.

Treatment of uterine tone in early pregnancy involves changing the patient’s lifestyle. The woman is prescribed sexual rest. In some cases - hospitalization. It is recommended to normalize the work and rest schedule, sleep at night, but also go to bed to rest for an hour during the day. Foods that promote gas formation, as well as coffee and strong tea, are removed from the diet. If you suffer from constipation, then you need a laxative diet.


Approaches to eliminating tone in this period are different. Some women with progesterone deficiency continue to take Duphaston until week 20 (followed by a gradual reduction in dose). Antispasmodics help in treatment. If necessary, they are used in the form of injections.

But the main drug for quickly reducing local cervical tone and generalized spasm is a magnesium solution. It is used in the form of droppers. Magnesium sulfate helps relax muscles and also calm the nervous system. The solution lowers blood pressure and improves diuresis, which is used for gestosis. Prescription is contraindicated for bradycardia, low baseline blood pressure and severe kidney disease.

The choice of other drugs depends on concomitant pathologies that could cause the deterioration of the condition.

After discharge from the hospital, women are prescribed Magnesium B6 in courses in the form of tablets. This is necessary to improve the condition of the fetoplacental complex. At home, a pregnant woman can perform breathing exercises that help calm her down in stressful situations. Some people do yoga for pregnant women, but these should be light asanas that exclude raising your arms and straining your stomach. Dietary recommendations remain the same as in the previous trimester.

From 7 months

During this period, the uterus also responds to the administration of magnesium. But the number of receptors in it increases, which can be influenced with the help of the drug "Ginipral". It belongs to the group of sympathomimetics and is able to reduce the tone and contractility of the myometrium. Available in the form of tablets and solution. But most often the drug is used in hospitals for tocolysis - relieving contractions during premature birth or during complicated labor.

The diagnosis of “uterine tone” is heard by almost every pregnant woman, and it can sound throughout the entire pregnancy. Is uterine tone dangerous during pregnancy and what to do in this case?

First, let's figure out what this incomprehensible diagnosis means. Uterine tone, or “uterine hypertonicity,” can more often occur in early pregnancy. Uterine tone during pregnancy is contractions that appear before the expected due date. They are felt as pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen (a similar condition during menstruation), sometimes pain in the lower back. It happens that a woman does not detect any foreign sensations in her body, but during an ultrasound examination she shows that she has uterine hypertonicity. The reasons that cause uterine tone can be different, ranging from underdevelopment of the genital organs to anxiety.

The uterus is a female muscular organ that reacts sensitively not only to physical stretching (it grows along with the fetus), but also to nervous impulses: excitement, joy, fear. Any reason can cause pain, but it should not be ignored. As soon as you feel pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, who, after finding out the cause, will prescribe appropriate treatment.

A woman's uterus, like any other muscle, has the ability to contract and, accordingly, has tone. The tone can be decreased, normal or increased. If we are talking about the tone of the uterus, then it means tension in the muscles of the uterus - increased tone. An increase in uterine tone during pregnancy signals a woman that a miscarriage may occur or premature labor may begin. Therefore, you should not take this problem lightly. Uterine tone is one of the main causes of premature birth. But don't be scared! If you consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations, the likelihood of carrying your pregnancy to term without fear is very high.

It’s not for nothing that doctors play it safe, because the tone of the uterus is really a very unpleasant and extremely dangerous thing. Complications of increased uterine tone include termination of pregnancy (possibly at any stage), oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus, and placental abruption.

Symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy

How during pregnancy a woman herself can determine that the uterus is in good shape

Often a pregnant woman can feel this herself. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy has such manifestations as nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, as before menstruation. Moreover, sometimes the pain takes on the character of contractions or the uterus feels like “stone”.

You can tactilely determine whether the uterus is in good shape as follows. Lie on your back and completely relax. Gently feel your belly; ideally it should be soft. If there is a tone of the uterus during pregnancy, then the stomach will roughly resemble the thigh in elasticity.

When examining the abdomen and vaginal examination, the tone of the uterus is easily determined, and tense muscle fibers are visible on ultrasound. There is also a special device for measuring the force of myometrial contraction during pregnancy, although it is not widely used - the symptoms of the condition are already too noticeable.

Causes of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

The tone of the uterus is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy, and very often in the early stages of pregnancy, the cause of increased tone can be a hormonal disorder - reduced production of progesterone. In this case, you will be prescribed a course of duphaston or utrozhestan. Also, the cause of tone may be contractions of the uterus in response to stretching due to fetal growth, toxicosis, premature dilatation of the cervix, functional disorder of the thyroid gland, Rh-conflicts, sexual intercourse. When you feel the abdomen, the tone may also increase, because the uterus is a muscular organ and reacts to physical irritations.

External causes that lead to tension in the muscles of the uterus include inhalation of harmful chemical fumes, acute viral diseases, and severe physical activity.

Stress and nervous tension can provoke increased uterine tone. If pain occurs rarely, during sudden movements or when changing posture, then we are talking about natural muscle tension and there is no need to worry. Often the stomach becomes hard after an ultrasound procedure, and if nothing bothers you before and after the ultrasound, then everything is fine, it’s just a reaction to the procedure. After an ultrasound, I was always told about increased tone, although I always felt good and did not experience any discomfort. Doctors like to play it safe and may refer you to a hospital; you should not neglect their advice and it is better to listen.

If you are often accompanied by states of tension, then this requires constant monitoring, timely examination and treatment.

Uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy

Increased uterine tone at the beginning of pregnancy almost always requires observation and treatment, since before the 12th week the tone is especially dangerous - it can cause miscarriage. It is ideal when a pregnant woman does not feel any discomfort at all from 4 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Any pain, tone, or pulling sensations indicate that it is necessary to discuss them with a doctor.

If the doctor sees nothing serious in your situation, he will prescribe you to take no-spa. If you have hormonal problems (low progesterone levels), take a course of duphaston and utrozhestan. More serious cases will require hospitalization.

Uterine tone in the second trimester of pregnancy

The closer to childbirth, the more the body prepares for it: hormonal changes occur, the tone of the uterus becomes a fairly common occurrence. From about 20 weeks the body begins to train. From this time on, periods of tension and relaxation may be felt, but infrequently and painlessly.

If we are talking about serious uterine tone, which can cause fetal hypoxia, medical supervision is also required. Medication is usually recommended to maintain the normal state of Magne B6

Uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy

Starting from the 38th week, muscle tension can be quite long. In addition, the tone of the uterus is provoked by the baby himself, who pushes his mother with his arms and legs in his already cramped stomach.

At the end of pregnancy, it can be difficult to diagnose hypertonicity and distinguish it from normal tone - preparatory contractions. Doctors consciously play it safe by sending pregnant women for CTG whenever possible.

In Europe, increased tone does not cause such a violent reaction from doctors as in Russia. There, in most cases, increased uterine tone is considered a normal physiological state of a pregnant woman. Medical treatment in a hospital begins only when the increased tone causes serious concern to the mother herself or there are symptoms of pregnancy pathology.

What to do if the uterus is toned

If symptoms appear for the first time during pregnancy, you can take an antispasmodic, such as “no-shpu,” on your own. And during your scheduled appointment with the doctor, be sure to tell him about your feelings. If, before visiting a doctor, there is a repetition of uterine tone, you should definitely consult a doctor unscheduled as quickly as possible. As a rule, vitamin B-6 preparations are prescribed together with sedatives - Magne-B-6, motherwort, and sometimes calcium blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs - in this case their effect on the release of prostaglandins is important. But due to the large number of side effects of drugs such as indomethacin, Corinfar can only be prescribed by a doctor. He may also prescribe you papaverine suppositories. Self-medication and enduring pain during pregnancy are EXTREMELY undesirable.

If you feel that the uterus is a little tense, then try to relax, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and exhalations. Imagine something that makes you feel good.

When the uterus is toned during pregnancy, it is very important to establish a normal work and rest schedule, adequate sleep, sufficient exposure to fresh air, and feasible physical activity. If outpatient treatment for increased uterine tone is ineffective, the woman will be offered hospitalization “for conservation” - there, under the supervision of doctors, it will be possible to study more deeply the causes of the tone and begin to eliminate them. If progesterone levels are low, it is taken in the form of medications; if androgens are high, their antagonists are administered - metipred, dexamethasone. In this case, every additional day of pregnancy is important for a woman.

A fetus is considered a “full-fledged child” from 28 weeks; after this period, survival is quite common, but this does not mean that such a baby is absolutely healthy; after all, it is advisable for it to mature in the mother’s body, and not in the most “sophisticated” incubator. From their practice, doctors conclude that babies born at 33 weeks turn out better and healthier than those born at 35 weeks - nature has its own mysteries, so doctors, with constant uterine tone, fight for literally every day of pregnancy. If premature labor occurs, tocolytic therapy is carried out, that is, relaxing the uterus - there are such schemes and such drugs. Therefore, when the uterus is in good shape, it is stupid to refuse treatment to preserve pregnancy - at home it is impossible to closely monitor the condition of the fetus and the pregnant uterus and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Consequences of uterine tone during pregnancy

  • The most negative consequence is spontaneous miscarriage. This will not happen if the woman seeks medical help in time;
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus can also have negative consequences for the unborn baby. During the disease, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disrupted, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and negatively affect its health.

How to prevent uterine tone

Preventing tone during pregnancy - first of all, ensuring a calm state of the nervous system of the expectant mother, avoiding the use of cigarettes and alcohol, maintaining a gentle work schedule, and healthy sleep. However, we note that a pregnant woman needs all this, regardless of medical diagnoses.

As for the prevention of uterine tone during pregnancy, this includes all measures to ensure peace, rest and a normal lifestyle for a pregnant woman, timely detection and treatment of hormonal dysfunctions, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area and urogenital infections. In order to prevent uterine tone, it is important to follow all medical recommendations during an existing pregnancy, including medication, diet and regimen. The emotional state of a woman is also very important. A connection has been revealed that women who are not happy with their pregnancy have problems many times more often than absolutely calm and satisfied expectant mothers.

The more the expectant mother worries, the greater the likelihood of an increase in tone. During pregnancy, try to think only about the beautiful and good, think about that moment of happiness when you meet your baby. Take care of yourself, listen to pleasant relaxing music, get in a good mood. All these seemingly “stupid” tips can help, believe me! Of course, if the problem of a pregnant woman is only in her emotional state. But even in the case of medication or hospital treatment, adding relaxation and calmness to your anxious anticipation of the future baby, you take a big step forward from your illness.

Pregnancy brings a woman many new and previously unknown sensations that need to be attended to. These sensations relate to the well-being and health of the expectant mother, and if something is wrong, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if the new sensations are unpleasant or painful.

This is especially true if there is uterine tone during pregnancy, or as it is also called - hypertonicity, the uterus is in good shape.

The uterus is a muscular organ consisting of three layers. On the outside it is covered with a special film - the parametrium, and on the inside it is lined with a mucous membrane - the endometrium, where the placenta and fetal membranes are formed during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, muscle tissue can grow and increase in thickness and size, and has the ability to contract.

As, for example, this happens during childbirth to help the child be born. But, in its normal state, the myometrium should be relaxed, including during pregnancy - this will be the normal tone of the uterus.

If during pregnancy, before the onset of labor, the muscles of the uterus contract and it becomes denser, they speak of an increase in the tone of the uterus.

But an increase in uterine tone is not always a pathology; often such an increase in tone is quite physiological - the muscles periodically become toned so that the fibers are trained.

European doctors generally do not take the diagnosis of “hypertonicity of the uterus” seriously; they consider this a variant of the norm, provided that this condition is not associated with other dangerous or uncomfortable conditions that can lead to serious disturbances in the development of the fetus.

There is some common sense in this; the tone of the uterus periodically increases even in response to familiar stimuli in the form of laughter or sneezing, coughing. Even the emotional state of the expectant mother affects the condition of the uterine muscles, especially during a doctor’s examination or worries about the health of the baby.

The peculiarity of physiological tone is that it occurs for a short time and quickly passes, without causing any trouble to the pregnant woman and the baby.

It will be a completely different matter if the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is prolonged, or the uterus is in tone almost constantly. This condition is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences for pregnancy and for the fetus, including termination of pregnancy.

Why is uterine tone dangerous during pregnancy?

The presence of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy can be disastrous for the fetus, even causing spontaneous miscarriages if it is early pregnancy or premature birth with a premature fetus in late pregnancy.

Hypertonicity often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, which interferes with normal implantation of the embryo, and after implantation it also causes malnutrition, rejection and miscarriage.

If tone occurs after 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is customary to talk about premature birth, with the birth of an extremely immature premature baby.

Before childbirth, a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus is called training contractions, but such tone is not dangerous - it is training the uterus for the process of childbirth. Moreover, such contractions are not regular, not painful and do not open the cervix. If everything is different, it means that these are not training contractions at all, but problems in the state of pregnancy.

If the tone of the uterus persists for a long time, it can threaten the condition of the child. Muscle tension in the uterus leads to compression of blood vessels in the placenta and umbilical cord, which leads to fetal hypoxia and nutritional deficiency. In such conditions, the fetus will grow worse, which will lead to its malnutrition and growth retardation.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: reasons

The reasons for uterine tone during pregnancy can be extremely different, and it is necessary to distinguish when the tone is completely physiological and when it is dangerous. We have already said that during training contractions the tone of the uterus increases, which is quite normal, and there is no need to worry.

But what diseases can lead to the development of pathological tone of the uterus? Most often, these are various deviations during pregnancy, and often up to 60% of pregnant women face this diagnosis for one reason or another.

In the early stages, the cause of tone is usually a deficiency of progesterone, the hormone of the corpus luteum of pregnancy, produced by the ovary where the egg was released. The main task of this hormone is to prepare the uterus for implantation and gestation.

If the hormone is low, the uterus becomes toned. The same thing happens when there is an excess of androgens (male sex hormones) in the body, or disruption of the thyroid gland or pituitary gland.

Severe toxicosis can affect the tone of the uterus, especially with frequent vomiting, leading to contraction of the abdominal muscles, including the uterus.

The presence of anomalies in the development of the uterus can affect the increase in uterine tone - a saddle-shaped, bicornuate uterus is usually more sensitive to external influences, including increased muscle tone.

The cause of tone can be a Rh conflict, if a Rh-negative mother has a fetus with a positive Rh from the father. In such cases, the mother’s body perceives the child as a foreign substance and tries to reject it by increasing the tone of the uterus. Also, the tone of the uterus may increase due to reasons such as:

  • inflammatory processes of the genitals of the uterus and appendages
  • infectious diseases, STIs
  • excessive stretching of the uterine walls during multiple pregnancies, fibroids, polyhydramnios
  • miscarriages and abortions before pregnancy
  • mental tension, stress, anxiety
  • intestinal motility and gases, abdominal pain
  • fatigue and physical exhaustion.

It is important to remember that uterine tone is not a diagnosis, but one of the symptoms of various kinds of pathologies, in which it is necessary to find out the true cause of the increase in uterine tone and eliminate it. This cannot always be detected by examination alone, and additional examinations are necessary.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms

Typically, women themselves determine the increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy. But, usually this happens already in the late stages of pregnancy, although in the early stages there are also special manifestations. In the early stages it is:

  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • nagging pain, as during menstruation
  • pain radiating to the sacrum or lower back.

In late pregnancy, manifestations of uterine tone are more distinct:

  • reduction in abdominal volume
  • hardening of the uterus (it becomes hard)
  • pain or discomfort in the uterus and lower back.

If there is uterine tone and spotting or bloody discharge, it is important to immediately calm down, call an ambulance, and go to bed.

These may be signs of a threatened pregnancy failure that need to be addressed immediately. With prompt medical attention, the pregnancy can usually be saved.

With physiological hypertonicity, there are usually no unpleasant sensations; it is asymptomatic, which is why it differs from pathology.

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

There can be several ways to medically diagnose hypertension. First of all, this is a gynecological examination with palpation of the uterus, as well as an ultrasound examination to identify the tone.

According to ultrasound data, the state of the tone of the walls of the uterus is revealed, especially in its individual walls and in terms of severity. This is important to know, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, since the fetus is attached to the walls of the uterus and its nutrition depends on their condition.

There are also some devices for determining the tone of the uterus, but they are not widely used. It is usually more difficult to identify the cause of tone, and not the very fact of its presence.

Uterine tone during pregnancy: treatment

The most important problem is the question of how to reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. First of all, you need to listen to the doctor’s advice and get more rest and calm down.

Stress and physical activity increase the manifestations of tone. The choice of treatment methods will depend on the reasons that caused uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy.

If the situation is not critical, treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis; if there is a threat of pregnancy, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital. Typically recommended:

  • bed rest
  • antispasmodics (papverine, no-spa)
  • sedatives in combination with magne B6
  • psychotherapy.

In addition, active treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the causes of uterine tone.

If it is a progesterone deficiency, prescribe utrogestan or duphaston; if the cause is an excess of androgens, antiandrogen drugs are prescribed; toxicosis is treated, problems with intestinal function are eliminated, and gas formation is reduced through diet.

If there is a serious condition, they resort to inpatient treatment with the use of tocolytics in drugs, systems and injections, carry out active therapy to prevent premature birth, and if this fails, continue the pregnancy until at least 28-30 weeks, the period when a newborn can be delivered ahead of schedule.

Doctors will do everything to prolong pregnancy as much as possible and relieve increased uterine tone until normal delivery.

If there is physiological hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy, you can do exercises and breathing exercises at home, spend time in the fresh air and get more rest.

It is worth remembering that the tone of the uterus is not always dangerous; training contractions prepare the uterus for the birth of the baby, and you should not worry about them.

But if you notice that your training contractions are becoming regular, painful, or lasting too long, consult your doctor immediately.

Other information on the topic

  • Dental treatment during pregnancy

On time.

This phenomenon occurs especially often in the early stages of pregnancy (usually), which is due to an increased level of risk during this period and the possible occurrence of anomalies or other disorders in the development of the embryo (fetus).

information Hypertonicity can occur locally (or) or involve


Increased uterine tone in early pregnancy can be caused by the negative effects of the following factors:

Methods for relieving uterine hypertonicity

If signs of hypertonicity appear, you should first try to relieve tension on your own. To this end recommended:

  • immediately stop performing any physical work and, if possible, take a horizontal position;
  • try to relax the facial muscles, because tone largely depends on their tension. To do this, you need to lower your head down and breathe through your mouth;
  • take a position in which the uterus will be in a “suspended” state: for example, stand on all fours, with the body resting on the elbows;
  • take a sedative if it has previously been approved for use during pregnancy by a doctor;
  • contact a medical facility if symptoms of hypertonicity do not disappear.

In a hospital setting to reduce excessive tension in the muscles of the uterus use the following methods:

  • taking hormonal medications if the cause of hypertension is a lack of certain hormones;
  • prescription of antispasmodics;
  • taking sedatives to reduce excess nervous tension;
  • prescription of drugs containing .

Dangers and complications

If you do not seek medical help in a timely manner and the symptoms of uterine hypertonicity increase, the following are possible: Negative consequences:

  • in early pregnancy it increases, which is associated with disruption of the process in the uterine wall, the occurrence of genetic abnormalities during embryo development and other factors;
  • the development of fetal hypoxia due to excessive compression of the vessels feeding the body of the unborn baby;

additionally With one-time and short-term manifestations of symptoms of increased hypertonicity, you should not panic, because this is possible, sneezing and strong laughter. Even during an examination by a gynecologist, the tone of the uterus may increase slightly due to nervous overstrain in a medical facility.

If the expectant mother leads a healthy lifestyle, eats right and avoids stress, the likelihood of symptoms of hypertension is minimized.