Therapeutic acupressure for various diseases. Energy channels (meridians). Taoist circle

Energy channels or energy meridians of the human body - a concept that came to us from Eastern medicine. Detailed map used to diagnose various diseases caused by energy leakage. Let's consider the topic in more detail.

Eastern medicine treatment methods are based on restoring the correct flow of energy in. It is believed that all diseases and problems arise due to improper circulation of the life-giving energy Qi, which is responsible for most processes in the human body.

There are also two more types of energies:

  • Yang - personifies the masculine principle
  • Yin is a symbol of feminine energy

Energy cannot enter the human body on its own - it penetrates through energy meridians. Every eastern healer knows the layout of these meridians - after all, it is along the energy channels that the biologically active points are located, which are affected during the treatment process.

What are energy points on the human body?

In Eastern medicine it is believed that the cause of all diseases is an imbalance of energies, male and female. The disease originates in the subtle body of a person (in his energetic essence), and then passes into the physical body.

Energies can be controlled using the power of thought. For this purpose, special spiritual practices, meditation, and yoga are used. That is why almost any person is able to restore their energy potential and achieve energy balance. Which ultimately contributes to recovery.

There are also special exercises that allow you to influence biologically active points. To do them correctly and effectively, it is important to know how human energy channels are located. The diagram is shown in the figure:

It is worth talking in more detail about the energy structure of the human subtle body.

The most important meridians:

  1. The main energy channel is called the yin meridian and is located in the center of the front of the human body
  2. Along spinal column passes through the “male” yang meridian

As a result, the main meridians unite and intertwine with each other. If feminine energy Yin is responsible for service, then the male Yang is the energy of the owner, responsibility.

And on both sides of the body there are twelve more energy channels, which are also the main ones. The remaining meridians are located in different parts of the body and have their own names, consonant with the parts of the body for which they are responsible:

  • The yin meridian passing through the thumb is responsible for the lungs
  • The yin meridian passing through the middle and little fingers is responsible for heart health
  • Yang meridian: passes through the little finger, responsible for the large intestine
  • The Yang meridian passes through ring finger, is responsible for the temperature of the human body
  • Yin meridians passing through the big toes: correspond to the kidneys, liver, spleen
  • Yang meridians of the legs pass through: stomach - second finger, gall bladder - fourth, bladder - heel or little finger

This educational video clearly shows the location and meaning of all energy meridians:

How to cleanse energy meridians?

Most often, diagnosing energy channels and cleaning them is available only to specialists; not everyone is able to do everything correctly on their own. But you are totally welcome to try.

Each meridian has special points. By influencing them, you can regulate the flow of energy in the energy channel. All you have to do is look at the picture, find it on own body and memorize the 12 main points corresponding to each of the main meridians.

Here, for example, is how energy points are located on a person’s arms and legs:

It is best to begin the actions necessary to balance your energy and balance the energy structure by influencing the point that is called “from a hundred diseases.” It is located in the area of ​​the kneecap, on its outer side.

You should regularly massage this point and the area around it. Such actions will help stimulate the desired energy center, restore the mobility of the channels, and heal from many signs of illness.

It is recommended to do massage in the morning while lying in bed. A small nuance - if morning comes at 12 am for you, you will have to sacrifice daytime dreams. You should get up before dawn, preferably no later than six o'clock in the morning.

Rejuvenating practice

This topic will be especially interesting to women who want to preserve their beauty and youth for as long as possible. You should learn to stimulate the Feng Fu point. It is located in the center of the back of the head, just above the neck.

Oriental doctors perform acupuncture at this point or do cauterization. Of course, performing such actions at home is quite risky.

You can apply ice to this point: the cold provokes an outflow of blood, after which a powerful influx occurs. Thus, the energy balance is established.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, apply an ice cube to the Feng Fu point and hold for a minute. Then take a three-day break and repeat. You can do this endlessly.

Of course, don’t forget about traditional medicine. If you have any diseases, you don’t need to rely only on strength vital energy Yin and Yang. Be sure to visit doctors and follow their recommendations. And working with energy meridians will allow you to achieve the desired result much faster.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Reflexology of four common points belonging to different energy meridians, has been practiced for 5 centuries in China to treat any complex disorders. Four common points cover and control the entire body!

Main (or common) Chinese points of the body

Reflexology of four common points belonging to different energy meridians has been practiced for 5 centuries in China to treat any complex disorders. Four common points cover and control the entire body!

Regardless of whether the disease is provoked by an excess or lack of vital energy (primitively speaking, overheating or hypothermia), used to treat the head and neck, face and mouth, back and abdomen respectively points Le-tsue, He-gu, Wei-chung and Tzu-san-li.

Subsequently, two more important ones were added to the four Nei Guan and Shui Gou points for the treatment of chest diseases and emergency care. But in the literature, you can still read: “The point belongs to the four common points.” To avoid confusion, we will assume that there are four common points and two additional ones.

1. Belly point on the lower leg (longevity point)

Tzu-san-li translated means “leg” and “villages located on roadways”.

Its main function is to support and replenish primary vital energy, restore patency in the meridians and branches. Point reflexology harmonizes the stomach, normalizes the spleen, and removes diseases caused by hypothermia and dampness. In the ancient canons, tzu-san-li is called the point of longevity.

The point is found 4 fingers below the knee, 2 fingers outward from the middle of the shin. Tzu-san-li is used to treat:

All diseases gastrointestinal tract– pain in epigastric region, vomiting, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation;

Gynecological diseases– menstrual irregularities, dysfunctional bleeding, leucorrhoea, infertility, uterine prolapse, mastitis;

Disorders associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - palpitations, increased blood pressure, depression, insomnia, impaired water metabolism, decreased visual acuity;

Allergies and skin rashes, including eczema, urticaria;

And also for the treatment of leg joints along the gastric leg canal.

2. Back point under the knee

Wei-zhong translated means “bend, middle.”

Main function– elimination of congestion in the back area, including those causing inflammation of the kidneys.

The point is located in the middle of the bend formed when the knee bends, or rather: in the center of the popliteal fold, between the tendons of the biceps femoris and semimembranosus muscles (Fig. 2). Use and find the point with the leg bent at the knee or when the patient lies on his stomach. You can hit the point with an open palm, or you can use firm pressure.

Wei-zhong is used in the treatment of:

Diseases of the spine, including osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lower spine (pain in the lower back, back, in the joints of the lower extremities, impaired motor activity);

Kidney and bladder diseases - urinary incontinence and difficulty urinating);


Critical conditions accompanied by severe fever.

3. Head point on hand

Le Que is translated as “spreading crack on the dishes.”

The main function of the point is to create a barrier to lung diseases, at the level of the nasopharynx and skin. That is why the point is used at the initial stage of colds, promotes the release of sweat during feverish conditions, and eliminates fever and headaches.

Le Que is located at the upper edge of the styloid process of the radius, 2 folded fingers above the wrist fold. To find the point, cross your hands at the spaces between your thumbs and forefingers. In the recess at the level of the index finger of the massaging hand, you will find the desired point on the massaged hand.

Le Que is used in the treatment of:

Colds - cough, difficulty breathing, swelling of the nasopharynx, pain in the cervical lymph nodes, fever and chills with headache;

Pain in the neck and head - headache, stiff neck, impaired facial expression, facial paralysis;

Cardioneurosis – pain in the heart area, unmotivated mood swings, impaired concentration of thinking and memory impairment;

Water metabolism diseases - frequent urination or urinary retention and swelling of the skin;

Diseases of the genital area, including reproductive dysfunction in men and women.

4. Face point on hand

Hae-gu is translated as “closed gorge.” The point is multifunctional.

It is the carrier of the primary energy of the colon channel, which is sometimes called the “dental vessel”. Therefore, it is used to treat the oral cavity, as the initial part of the digestive tract. Intestinal diseases are reflected on the face by yellowing of the skin and eye sclera; in such cases, they immediately resort to tapping He-gu for 3-4 minutes.

The point is located on the outside of the hand. Place your thumb and index finger together, the point can be found between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, approximately in the middle of the radial edge of the 2nd metacarpal bone.

Hae-gu is used in the treatment of:

Pain and swelling in the head and neck area, facial paralysis, headache;

Pustular diseases skin (furunculosis);

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, eye diseases, decreased visual acuity;


Diseases of the large intestine - fermentation and abdominal pain;

Gynecological diseases associated with menstrual irregularities;

Nervous diseases, including manic states.

5. Heart and chest point

Nei-guan, that is, “mountain border” for the passage of disease-causing energy).

The main function is to treat pain in the liver, as well as diseases of the vital spirit disorder Shen(with a lack of vital energy) and pain in the heart area(with an excess of vital energy).

Close the index ring and middle fingers of one hand and place them on the wrist crease of the other hand. The point is located 3 fingers above the wrist fold, between the tendons of the palmaris longus muscle and the flexor carpi radialis. It is tapped or pressed with the arm extended at the elbow joint, turning the palm upward.

Nei Guan is used to treat:

Cardioneurosis with the following symptoms: palpitations, anxiety, fullness and tightness in the chest;

For diseases of the spleen and liver - vomiting, nausea, belching, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region, dizziness, dysfunction of the spleen;

Gynecological diseases - mastitis, mastopathy and decreased milk secretion after childbirth due to stagnation of liver energy, toxicosis of pregnant women, dysmenorrhea;

Used as first aid for arrhythmia and critical conditions - poisoning, convulsions;

And also for the treatment of joint pain.

6. Emergency point

Shui gou is translated as “drainage ditch”.

The main function is to awaken the vital spirit in severe conditions such as loss of consciousness, poisoning, overheating, convulsions. The point is used when the stagnation of vital energy becomes critical.

Shui gou is located in the nasolabial furrow, almost in the middle, but a little closer to the nose. In critical conditions, fast, strong pressure techniques are used.

The point is used in the following conditions:

When motion sickness;

In case of loss of consciousness, shock reaction, carbon monoxide poisoning, to relieve convulsions;

In case of a disorder of the vital spirit, that is, during depression;

With paralysis of the muscles of one half of the face;

In gynecology for uterine bleeding. Published

"Big encyclopedia of healing points for 1000 diseases", D. Koval, O. Vlasov

Let's determine what we know about energy meridians and acupressure points.

Why do we tap certain places on the body when performing an EFT session?

These are points of influence on a specific energy meridian.

Human energy system
Life energy constantly circulates in our body. Official science has not found convincing evidence of the existence of energy channels in the human body. But Ancient Chinese medicine more than 500 years ago, she described the paths along which the vital energy Qi moves. Using this knowledge, the Chinese have been treating people for many hundreds of years using acupuncture - acupuncture, activating the movement of energy.

The hypothetical trajectory of Qi energy is energy channels or meridians, as they were called in the West. Meridians are like river beds in the human body. Energy always moves along certain routes, regardless of a person’s race (Chinese, black, white) or age (adult or baby). Each meridian supplies energy to the corresponding internal organ. Therefore, the name of this organ gives the name to the meridian as a whole.

So, there are 12 main energy channels:

  • 1 lung channel
  • 2nd channel of the colon
  • 3rd channel of the stomach
  • Channel 4 of the spleen and pancreas
  • 5 heart channel
  • Channel 6 small intestine
  • 7 bladder channel
  • 8 kidney channel
  • 9th pericardial channel
  • Channel 10 triple heater
  • 11th channel of the gallbladder
  • 12 channel liver

The acupuncture meridian system is much closer to subtle level, than to the physical, so it mentions two organs that are not considered organs in the classical western medicine– pericardium and triple heater.

The pericardium is the outer layer of connective tissue that includes the heart, aorta, pulmonary trunk, and the openings of the vena cava and pulmonary veins.

The triple heater is a conditioned organ that takes part in all the main functions of the body. These are three heaters that supply energy. A kind of hidden but powerful cauldron that provides energy supply to all the main functions of the body - maintaining homeostasis, nutrition, reproduction...
The Triple Warmer is sometimes identified with the immune, endocrine, or parasympathetic systems.

There are many more branches of channels, but we will not dwell on them.

How violations occur

The vital energy Qi, like water in a river, flows along the energy meridians. Disruption of this flow creates problems in the organ - lack of energy or its excess. This leads to illness. So that a person knows in advance about a disruption in the movement of energy, about a threat to his health or life, nature has come up with such a way of communication as emotions. A harmonious flow of energy means a calm and joyful person. Violation of the movement of vital forces - a change in emotion. Anger, fear, guilt, resentment - all these are signals of a violation in the energy system.

IN Ancient China believed that the meridian system determines the quality of our life: if energy circulates unhindered, the body works in optimal mode. If the flow of energy is disrupted, negative changes occur both in the body and in the emotional state.

Under the adverse effects of stress, poor ecology, negative information, electromagnetic waves or overwork, the body's balance is disrupted. The balance of all human structures and systems gets out of control, and the harmonious distribution of energy in the energy system is especially disrupted.

This can be compared to the interference created by cellular telephone to the TV picture. If the TV rings next to you mobile phone, the TV responds with distortion. The short-term influence of “interference” on a person allows you to quickly restore balance and does not cause serious damage. Constant or frequent presence of a person in the zone of adverse effects makes these disorders stable.

The result is deteriorating health, low mood, difficulty managing emotions, chronic fatigue and a host of other unpleasant problems.

Acupuncture points

Acupuncture points are the places where energy channels are closest to the surface of the body. The points can be stimulated with needles or physical pressure to release or redistribute energy.

Both acupuncture (needling) and acupressure (fingering) use the same points.

For example, tapping or massaging points located on the kidney channel:

  • helps fill you with energy if you feel sleepy;
  • focus your attention if it is difficult to concentrate.

Impact on the points of the spleen meridian will allow:

  • raise energy level;
  • balance the chemical composition of the blood;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Since you and I are not the wise ancient Chinese and do not know which energy channel is disturbed, in an EFT session we will activate all 12 main channels in order to equalize the energy balance of the entire body.

12 points are responsible for the balance of energy in the body:

  • 1 point, beginning of the eyebrow – bladder canal
  • 2nd point, outer corner of the eye – gallbladder canal
  • 3rd point, under the eye – stomach canal
  • 4th point, between the upper lip and nose - the governing meridian ( regulates the functioning of other meridians and is associated with the physiology of the brain, spine and genital organs.)
  • 5th point, below the lower lip, above the chin - central meridian
  • 6th point, depression at the collarbone - kidney canal
  • 7th point, on the lateral surface of the body, under the arm – the splenic canal
  • 8th point, under the chest – liver channel
  • 9th point, base of the thumbnail – lung channel
  • 10th point, also of the index finger - the colon canal
  • 11th point, middle finger – blood circulation
  • 12th point, ring finger from the little finger side - triple heater
  • 13th point, little finger – heart channel
  • 14 point – karate point – channel small intestine
  • 15th area at the top of the head – the channels of the heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder and central channel converge.
  • 16th link point for 9 actions – triple heater

Impact on acupuncture points improves the condition of internal organs by balancing Qi energy, while restoring the balance of the entire energy system and aligning emotions.

Restoring energy flow

During an EFT session, we focus our attention on an emotional event - for example, a quarrel. At the same time, the body’s indicators are also disrupted - breathing, frequency changes heart rate. Vascular tone, body temperature, and mood correspond to the moment of the quarrel. We call artificially stressful situation, which led to disruption of energy flow.

By tapping on acupuncture points, we align the flow of energy in each of the 12 channels. Blocks dissolve and the lack of energy is replenished. The energy system comes into balance. The nutrition of internal organs is enhanced, they become healthy. Emotion, as a signal of trouble, is no longer needed. The person stops reacting to the problem emotionally. What seemed like a problem to us in real life (quarrel, conflict, phobia) ceases to provoke us, since the body itself copes with external influences with a harmonious flow of energy.

If the emotion does not go away, it means that the balance of the energy system has not been fully restored. You need to repeat the TES session, or do several cycles.

Our world is filled with all sorts of harmful factors - computers, phones, televisions, harmful ecology, artificial products, information and speed overloads, urbanization, unbalanced people around us. This affects the imbalance of all body systems through disruption of the harmonious flow of vital energy. The stronger the energy system, the the body is more efficient resists external adverse effects. The more we accumulate disruptions in the movement of energy, the weaker our energy becomes, the more we are exposed to harmful factors again. That is why the number of diseases, both physical and mental, is growing.

I think to have emotional and physical health, it's worth making a conscious effort to do so.
Regular implementation of the Technique Emotional Freedom, will help you not only take power over your emotions, but also turn on healing powers, which will allow you to restore the functioning of your internal organs and more confidently resist adverse stress factors.

Be healthy and harmonious!


Your Mental Balance Coach

Projection zones of internal organs on the human body. Acupuncture points on the head and feet. It is important to know! Spread view

1. Violations thyroid gland. The representation is located in the jugular notch along the periosteum. Soreness in this area indicates poor circulation of the thyroid gland. 2. Stomach (greater curvature). Projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. It manifests itself as pain and increased muscle tone. 3. Duodenal bulb. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the left. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle. 4. Angina syndrome. The area of ​​the middle of the sternum. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum upon palpation examination. 5. Pancreas. The representation is located on the spruce side in the supraclavicular region, closer to the neck. It manifests itself as soreness and tightening of the muscles in this area. When kneading, it often radiates to the area of ​​the left arm, heart, apex of the lung, and throat. 6. Decreased immunity. The projection is located in the middle of the sternum, in the area of ​​its intersection with the line passing through the nipple line. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum upon palpation examination. 7. Heart failure. Representation under the left clavicle in the area of ​​the subclavian muscle above the first rib. It manifests itself as muscle soreness upon palpation. 8. Splenic capsule. Representation on a muscle group in the left shoulder area. It manifests itself as deep pain in the joint and joint capsule. 9. Valvular heart disorders. Projected on the right on the pectoralis major muscle, lateral to the area of ​​the left shoulder joint. Pain appears on palpation. 10. Impaired blood supply to the shoulder joint. It is projected onto the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the head of the left shoulder joint. Manifested by pain in this area. 11. Cardiac ischemia. The representation is located anterior to the axelar line, in the area of ​​the serratus anterior muscle. With pathology - pain in the periosteum and muscles. A. Located on the 1st lateral line of the chest, level of the 4th intercostal space on the muscles and periosteum of the ribs. 12. Heart rhythm. It is projected onto the left side of the chest, the area of ​​​​the intersection of the midclavicular-nipple line and the intercostal space of the 4th and 5th ribs. It manifests itself as pain in this area and disturbances in heart rhythm. 13. Parenchyma of the spleen. The representation runs along the costal arch to the left of the xiphoid process to the lateral axillary line. It manifests itself as pain in areas of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch. 14. Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the shoulder area. It manifests itself as rough skin (“goose bumps”) and pigmentation (if affected by fungi). 15. Pancreas. It is projected onto the lateral surface of the 8-10 ribs and intercostal muscles along the left lateral axillary line, as well as on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall at the level of the dividing line of the first and second segments, if the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process is divided into three equal parts (the starting point of the segments is from the navel). It manifests itself as pain sensitivity of the muscle structures in these areas. 16. Left kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the left shoulder. It is manifested by soreness of the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the humerus. 17. (A, E) - ovaries, (B, D) - tubes, C - uterus (women); (A, E) - testicles, (B, C, D) - prostate (men). They are located along the periosteum of the pubic bone. They manifest as pain upon palpation. 18. Descending colon. Its representation is located on the left brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and on the anterior outer surface of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the left. The pathology is manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 19. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The stronger the infringement (ischimization) in the cervical spine, the lower towards the hand the pain in the area of ​​passage of the nerve fiber spreads. 20. Parenchyma of the left kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the iliac crest on the left. It manifests itself as pain upon palpation. 21. Median nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the left hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ischimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​the nerve extends to the hand. 22. Ulnar nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the left hand. How stronger degree pinching (ischimization) of the roots nerve fibers in the cervical spine, the lower along the forearm to the hand the pain in the area of ​​the nerve passes. 23. Section of the forearm with representative zones of six organs. It is located on the first third of the left forearm along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It manifests itself as pain in representative areas of the organs. 24. Left lung. The representation is located at the base of the thumb and the phalanges themselves, that is, in the area of ​​the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor pollicis of the left hand, joints and nail plate. 25. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representation is located in the upper outer part of the left thigh, above the femur, above the greater trochanter area. It manifests itself as pain in the joint capsule and stiffness of the joint. 26. Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner-upper part of the thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It manifests itself as pain along the vessels of this area and the muscles of this area during palpation examination, as well as various skin disorders, including papillomomatosis. 27. Poor circulation of the left leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner-upper third of the left thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles in this area. 28. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. The representation is located along the mid-outer-lateral surface of the left thigh, from the greater trochanter area towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles covering it. 29. Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anterior inner part of the left thigh, from the inguinal fold, to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It manifests itself as pain along the vessels and muscles of this area during palpation examination. 30. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the left thigh towards the perineum. It manifests itself as pain in the ligament and its attachment site, as well as in the muscles of the inner back surface of the left thigh. 31. Tail part and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the left thigh in the area of ​​the vastus medialis muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 32. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. The representative area is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the left leg along the periosteum. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum upon palpation examination. 33. Stomach (greater curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface or, more precisely, the anterior tibialis muscle left leg shin. Manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 34. Impaired blood supply to the left leg. The representative area is located along the anterior inner surface of the left leg in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 35. Bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to outer ankle , adol along the outer mid-lateral surface of the tibia of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 36. Duodenal bulb. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface or, more precisely, the tibialis anterior muscle of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 37. Body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third of the region running from the proximal head of the fibula to the lateral malleolus, along the outer mesolateral surface of the tibia of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 38. Duct of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the tibia of the left leg. Manifested by muscle soreness upon palpation. 39. Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It manifests itself as pain in the periosteum of the left ankle joint upon palpation. 40. Left kidney disorder. The representative area is the dorsum of the left foot, in the area of ​​the short extensor digitorum muscles in the space between the extensors of the fourth toe and the little toe. It manifests itself as soreness of the muscles, ligaments and periosteum of the foot bones in this area. 41. Bladder, left half. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the finger itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, sometimes you can see various manifestations of disorders on the skin of the finger, the joint becomes painful upon palpation. 42. Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the left foot. In pathology, the nails are affected by fungi, sometimes skin disorders are observed, and the finger joints become painful on palpation. 43. Stomach (greater curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the left foot, sometimes the toe itself. With deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation. 44. Pancreas. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the left foot, and sometimes the toe itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint becomes painful on palpation, and its deformation is observed. 45. Genitals. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the lower leg of the right and left leg, along the inner surface of the tibia, to the inner ankle. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum upon palpation examination. On the right is the right epididymis in women; in men, the right testicle and the right lobe of the prostate gland. On the left is the left appendage in women, in men the left testicle and the left lobe of the prostate gland. 46. ​​Arthrosis of the ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the inner lateral line of the joint space of the left and right ankle joint. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum upon palpation examination. 47. Bladder. The representative office is inner part heel area feet under the medial malleolus of the left and right legs. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum upon palpation examination. 48. Liver. The representation is the nail plate of the big toe of the right foot, and sometimes the toe itself. In pathology, the nail is affected by fungi, the joint becomes painful on palpation, and sometimes its deformation is observed. 49. Corns (gallbladder stone). A specific growth of skin on the outer lateral surface of the big toe of the right foot. It is formed when bile thickens and stones form in the gall bladder. 50. Stomach (lesser curvature). The representation is the nail plate of the second toe of the right foot, and sometimes the toe itself. With deep pathology of the stomach, the nail is affected by fungi, the joints of the finger become painful on palpation. 51. Gallbladder. Nail plates of the third and fourth toes of the right foot. With pathology of the bladder, the nails are affected by fungi, the skin is predisposed to various fungal infections, and the finger joints often become painful on palpation. 52. Right half of the bladder. The representation is the nail plate of the little finger and the toe itself on the right foot. With pathology of the bladder, the nail and skin of the finger are susceptible to fungal infection, and the joint becomes painful upon palpation. 53. Right kidney. The representative area is the dorsum right foot , in the area of ​​the short extensors of the fingers in the interval between the extensors of the fourth finger and the little finger. It manifests itself as soreness of the muscles, ligaments and periosteum of the foot bones in this area. 54. Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. The representative zone is located along the anterior lateral outer and inner line of the joint space. It manifests itself as pain in the periosteum of the right ankle joint upon palpation. 55. Bile ducts. The representative zone is located in the lower third of the region from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the tibia of the right leg. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 56. Body of the gallbladder. The representative zone is located in the second third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mesolateral surface of the tibia of the right leg. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 57. Duodenal bulb. The information area is located in the lower part of the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface or, more precisely, the tibialis anterior muscle of the right leg. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 58. Bottom of the gallbladder. The information zone is located in the upper third from the proximal head of the fibula to the outer malleolus, along the outer mid-lateral surface of the tibia of the right leg. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 59. Blood circulation of the right leg. The representative area is located along the anterior inner surface of the right shin in the upper third, along the tibia along the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 60. Stomach (lesser curvature). The information zone is located in the upper third of the tibia, along the outer anterolateral surface or, more precisely, the tibialis anterior muscle of the right leg. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 61. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The representative area is located on the inner surface of the head of the tibia of the right leg along the periosteum. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum upon palpation examination. 62. Head and body of the pancreas. The representation is located on the lower third of the right thigh in the area of ​​the vastus medialis femoris muscle. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 63. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. The zone is located on the inner side of the tibial collateral ligament along the muscles of the inner posterior surface of the right thigh towards the perineum. It manifests itself as soreness of the ligament and the place of its attachment along the representative zone. 64. Poor circulation of the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. The representative zone is located on the inner-upper third of the right thigh. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the femur and adjacent muscles in this area. 65. Sexual disorders. The representative zone is located on the upper anteromedial part of the right thigh, from the inguinal fold to the front along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery. It manifests itself as pain along the vessels and muscles of this area during palpation examination. 66. Uterus, prostate. The information zone is located on the inner-upper part of the right thigh, closer to the inguinal fold, along the femoral saphenous vein and femoral artery, manifested by pain along the vessels of this area and muscles during palpation examination, as well as various skin manifestations, including papillomomatosis. 67. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representation is located on the medial lateral surface of the right thigh, from the greater trochanter area towards the knee joint. It is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the tibia and the muscles covering it. 68. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. The representation is located in the upper outer region of the right thigh, above the femur, above the greater trochanter. It manifests itself as pain in this area and stiffness of the joint. 69. Right lung. The representation is located in the area of ​​the base of the thumb and its joints, that is, in the area of ​​the short muscle and muscles of the short flexor pollicis of the left hand. With lung pathology, the base of the finger is painful, a venous pattern appears on it, the joints are deformed, and the nail plate is deformed. 70. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. It is located on the first third of the forearm of the right hand, along the periosteum of the inner surface of the distal radius. It manifests itself as soreness of the periosteum in representative areas of the organs. 71. Radial nerve (radicular entrapment in the cervical spine). The representation is located along the radial nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ischimization) in the cervical spine, the lower towards the hand the pain in the area of ​​passage of the nerve fiber spreads. 72. Parenchyma of the right kidney. Its representative zone is located along the periosteum of the crest of the right iliac bone. This area is manifested by pain during palpation. 73. Ileocecal angle of the intestine. The representative zone is located on the anterior wall of the abdomen on the right below the navel, on a line running from the navel to the iliac crest. With stenosis of the ileocecal valve, referred pain occurs in the heart and stomach. The disorder is also manifested by pain and density of the covering tissues of this area during palpation examination. 74. Ascending colon. Its representation is located on the right brachioradialis muscle in the upper third of the forearm and the anterior outer surface of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on the right. They manifest themselves as pain upon palpation. 75. Ulnar nerve (radicular entrapment cervical spine). The representation is located along the ulnar nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ischimization) of the nerve roots in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​the nerve passage extends to the hand. 76. Median nerve (radicular entrapment of the cervical spine). The representation is located along the median nerve of the forearm of the right hand. The higher the degree of infringement (ischimization) in the cervical spine, the lower the pain in the area of ​​the nerve extends to the hand. 77. Poor circulation of the pelvis. The representation is located between the second and third sections of the abdominal area between the navel and pubic bone. It manifests itself as pain when pressing during examination of the abdomen. 78. Small intestine. The representation is located around the navel in the periumbilical region. In case of disorders, it manifests itself as pain on palpation. 79. Disorder of the right kidney. Its representation is located on the lower third of the inner surface of the right shoulder. There is soreness in the muscles of this area and the periosteum of the bone. 80. Stomach (lesser curvature). The representation is located on the skin of the outer part of the right shoulder area. It manifests itself as rough skin (“goose bumps”) and pigmentation (if affected by fungi). 81. Gallbladder. Representation on the anterior wall of the abdomen on the right in the hypochondrium. It manifests itself as pain, both with and without palpation; when affected by fungi, pigmentation appears on the area. 82. Liver parenchyma. The representation runs along the costal arch to the right of the xiphoid process to the lateral axillary line. Manifested by pain in areas of the ribs and cartilaginous formations of the costal arch 83. Automatic breathing. Projected onto right side chest, the area of ​​intersection of the midclavicular-nipple line of the intercostal space between the fourth and fifth ribs. It manifests itself as pain in this area, and in case of injury - a violation of the automatic breathing. 84. Poor circulation of the right shoulder joint (ischemia of the cervical spine). It is projected onto the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the head of the left shoulder joint. Manifested by pain in this area. 85. Gastritis, stomach. Representation on the xiphoid process. With pathology - pain along the periosteum. Sometimes the chronicle is manifested by the appearance of moles and papillomas in this area. 86. Liver capsule. Representation on the deltoid muscle, in the area of ​​the right shoulder. It manifests itself as deep pain in the area of ​​the joint and joint capsule when the capsule is stretched. 87. Respiratory failure. Representation under the right collarbone in the area of ​​the subclavian muscle, above the first rib. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area upon palpation. 88. Gallbladder. The representation is located on the right side in the supraclavicular region. Manifested by muscle soreness in this area. 89. Duodenal bulb. The area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle on the right. Manifested by soreness of the periosteum and muscle. 90. Stomach (lesser curvature). The projection on the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right is manifested by soreness and increased tone. Rear view Projection zones of internal organs on the human body from the back

1. Disorders in the skeletal system. 2. Head of the pancreas. 3. Basilar insufficiency. 4. Upper pole of the right kidney. 5. Lower pole of the right kidney. 6. Ureter of the right kidney. 7. The bottom of the gallbladder. 8. The right side is transverse colon. 9. Gallbladder duct. 10. Representation of the right mammary gland. 11. Liver capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis, cervical osteochondrosis. 12. Energy imbalance in the lung. 13. Right kidney with bladder. 14. Right lobe of the liver. 15. Right kidney. 16. Right kidney. 17. Right adrenal gland. 18. Poor circulation pelvic organs. 19. Ascending colon. 20. Small intestine on the right. 21. Inflammation elbow joint. 22. Parenchyma of the right kidney. 23. Head and body of the pancreas. 24. Ascending colon. 25. Bladder (right half). 26. Small intestine. 27. Small intestine (right side). 28. Right ovary in women and right testicle in men. 30. Sexual organ (right side). 31. Right lung. 32. Ascending colon. 33. 60. Nervous system. 34. 59. Small intestine. 35. 57. Infringement sciatic nerve. 36. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. 37. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 38. Right kidney. 39. Ligamentous apparatus of the right knee joint. 40. Ureter of the right kidney. 41. Bottom of the gallbladder. 42. Body of the gallbladder. 43. Ducts of the gallbladder. 44. Pathology of the right ankle joint (arthrosis). 45. Tenosynovitis. 46. ​​Large intestine. 47. Pathology of the left ankle joint (arthrosis). 48. Duct of the gallbladder. 49. Body of the gallbladder. 50. Bottom of the gallbladder. 51. Ureter of the left kidney. 52. Ligamentous apparatus of the left knee joint. 53. Left kidney. 54. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 55. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 56. Sexual organ (left side). 57. Pinched sciatic nerve. 58. Small intestine (left side). 59. Heart, small intestine. 60. Nervous system. 61. Descending colon. 62. Left lung. 63. Heart disorders. 65. Left ovary in women and left testicle in men. 66. Disorder of the genital organs. 67. Small intestine. 68. Left half of the bladder. 69. Body and tail of the pancreas. 70. Descending colon. 71. Heart disorders. 72. Parenchyma of the left kidney. 73. Small intestine on the left. 74. Large intestine on the left. 75. Stomach. 76. Poor circulation of the pelvic organs on the left. 77. Left adrenal gland. 78. Pancreas. 79. Left kidney. 80. Left kidney. 81. Left kidney with bladder. 82. Energy center of the heart. 83. Splenic capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis. 84. Mammary gland. 85. A. - heart failure; V. - valvular disorders; S. - ischemia, angina pectoris; D. - heart rhythm disturbance. 86. Left part of the large intestine. 87. Left ureter. 88. Lower pole of the left kidney. 89. Upper pole of the left kidney. 90. Basilar insufficiency. 91. Tail part and body of the pancreas. 92. Subluxation at the base of the skull. 93. Lymphatic and renal imbalance. DIAGNOSTIC REPRESENTATIONS ON THE HUMAN FACE AND NECK

1. Rectum. 2. Sigmoid colon. 3. Liver. 4. Small intestine. 5. Descending part of the colon. 6. Left adrenal gland. 7. Area of ​​the left kidney pelvis. 8. Upper pole of the left kidney. 9. Left lobe of the liver. 10. Body of the gallbladder, spleen. 11. Left part of the transverse colon. 12. Pancreas. 13. Biliary ducts of the liver and gallbladder. 14. Left kidney. 15. Cardiac pathologies. 16. Ureter of the left kidney. 17. Left lobe of the liver. 18. Left mammary gland. 19. Left lung. 20. Cardiac disorders (more often - rhythm disturbances). 21. Bronchus of the left lung. 22. Diaphragm, costal arch. 23. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 24. Duodenal bulb, pyloric section of the stomach. 25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney. 26. Left inguinal fold and the area of ​​the ligament pupart. 27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men. 28 Left mammary gland. 29. Pubic symphysis. 30. Left kidney. 31. Greater curvature of the stomach. 32. Left appendage with ovary, left lobe of prostate gland with testicle. 33. Bladder. 34. Pelvis of the left kidney. 35. Pancreas. 36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland. 37. Left ureter. 38. and 41. Pyloric section of the stomach. 39. Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum. 40. Right mammary gland. 41. and 38. Pyloric section of the stomach. 42. Right ureter. 43. Gallbladder. 44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland. 45. Pelvis of the right kidney. 46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testicle. 47. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 48. Right kidney. 49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men. 50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region. 51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney. 52. Small intestine. 53. Greater curvature of the stomach. 54. Hormonal system. 55. Signs of scleroderma. 56. Small intestine. 57. Xiphoid process. 58. Greater curvature of the stomach. 59. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 60. Bladder, ureter of the right kidney. 61. Bronchius of the right lung. 62. Right mammary gland. 63. Right lobe of the liver. 64. Ureter of the right kidney. 65. Right lung. 66. Right kidney. 67. Congestion in the renal structures. 68. Right part of the transverse colon. 69. Kidney infection. 70. Right kidney. 71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts. 72. Right lobe of the liver. 73. Pelvis of the right kidney. 74. Right adrenal gland. 75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle). 76. Transverse colon. 77. Appendix. 79. Bladder. 80. Uterus in women, genital organ in men.

Acupuncture without needles. Acupressure. Acupressure.


Preface and Introduction


The problem of health today worries the entire population of the globe. And it is very important to be able to give each person a method with which he could provide himself with pre-medical assistance, and then engage in self-healing.

In the days of our grandparents, when access to a doctor was limited to the ability to deliver a doctor to a patient, every family could practically provide themselves with pre-medical care. As a result, many were able to maintain their health and save the lives of themselves and their loved ones.

These activities were approved by doctors. Arriving when called, they found their patients in satisfactory condition.

Today we are back to a situation where getting patients to a doctor is difficult. Only a few doctors handle house calls.

True, in all cases where this is necessary, you can find a qualified doctor at your request. If you cannot or do not want to do this, then there is an alternative. This is the method your ancestors used to prevent illness and save themselves.

Many doctors are interested and study traditional medicine, methods passed down from generation to generation.

One of them is acupuncture, or the well-known Shiatsu method, which is used with great success.

Nowadays acupuncture has taken over the whole world, but not everyone can find a qualified acupuncturist. Fortunately, this publication - real help anyone who wants to master the technique of applying finger pressure to acupuncture points without the use of needles.

Doctors of all professions - physical therapists, therapists, and other specialists - study this technique to help themselves and their patients.

The type of acupuncture that will be discussed is called acupressure. The method can be used at any time of the day with with minimal effort. F.M. Houston has used this system admirably for many years. He created classrooms everywhere and taught this method. But not everyone who wanted to had the opportunity to learn, and not everyone could remember everything.

Now F.M. Houston published the book. It provides you with the opportunity to master acupressure, and if you forget something, you can always find the necessary pages and remember.

No one can buy health, no matter how rich he is, but you can strengthen it and prolong your life if you know how to help yourself. And for this you need to learn the technique of acupressure.

You have nothing to lose by spending a little money and buying this wonderful book. It will become one of your treasures.

Linda Clark


At the end of the 19th century, the famous English scientist M. Faraday, who first invented the electric motor, made a very wise statement: “All schoolchildren know that matter consists of atoms that vibrate at different speeds and therefore form different densities; but we must also know that Any substance - solid, liquid or gaseous - whatever energy it possesses, owes its origin to the type of electrical charge (or vibration) emitted by that substance."

Any good physics book will tell you that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be moved. It cannot be seen because it is invisible, but the energy can leave the body and when this happens we become weaker and weaker. The generator of electricity in the body is the heart. If you have ever dated someone who had heart attack, then he probably told you how it seemed to him as if the energy was leaving his body.

Our body is electrical in nature, it has positive and negative poles. The heart represents the negative pole, the brain, its right side, the positive. There must be a balance between the heart and the brain.

Contact healing is a method of bringing electric centers in the body into contact. Balance and good physical condition must be restored in order for health to be restored. Acupuncture, practiced for centuries in Eastern countries, is a proven system that creates a smooth flow of vibrating energy throughout the body by contacting various points located along the pathways connecting various organs, glands and cells. The acupuncturist uses steel needles. He places them at those points that are associated with certain areas of the body and their disorders. By changing the distorted vibration, balance is restored and the body can bring itself into good condition.

Contact treatment can be carried out without the use of needles; the method consists of pressing on the points with your fingertips. If an organ, part of the body or gland is not in order, then the point associated with it will be painful, and this indicates a leak of energy in this place.

Once you have identified the painful area, place your fingertip on it, press firmly and hold there. Don't move your finger, or only move it over the area where the pain is felt. This pressure will stop the leakage of energy. Once you have done this, the polarity changes sign and the energy flows back to the part of the body that was losing it. Gradually you will feel warmth in the organ being treated; this indicates that energy restoration has begun. When there is no longer pain at the pressure point, you can be sure that the recovery is complete.

Acupuncture requires one or more treatments. Contact therapy usually takes longer. In contact therapy, changes rarely occur after the first procedure. But the more you treat the points, the sooner you will become vigorous and healthy again.

But please remember that this or any other treatment does not cure anything! We can help or influence nature, but only nature itself is the true healer.

Since 1956, contact therapy has spread widely in many countries, many letters testify: this therapy is useful, almost everyone can use it profitably.

I'm just asking you to try as others have done. I don’t promise anything; you can judge the effectiveness of the treatment yourself based on the results. This will prove to you much more than any promises. However, I emphasize that if you want to succeed, be persistent. If your disease is advanced, treatment will take longer than treatment for a disease that has recently arisen.

System, according to at least, safe, simple and free. You will lose nothing and gain a lot if you are persistent and conscientious until you achieve good health.

F.M. Houston, D.S.

Acupressure points on the body

How often should pressure points be treated?

By pressing on any painful center on the head, face or body, you immediately begin to help the corresponding organ or tissue. For example, if you have knee pain, there has been no accident or sprain, and point "43" (which refers to the knee) is not painful, then knee pain may be a symptom most likely of kidney disease, which you can verify by checking. finding the “37” point and checking if it is painful. If so, treat your kidneys.

If in your research you find a painful point, but do not know its name and did not find the number in the list of points, still treat it somehow. She calls for help. If the point you need to apply pressure is located so that it cannot be reached, ask a friend for help.

Pressing can be done with the pads of the index or middle finger, or you can strengthen the index finger by placing the middle finger on it, or you can press with the pads of the index and middle fingers, placing them side by side. For some points, such as "10M" or "17", it is much easier to use the pad of your thumb.

After examining the energy centers of the body and finding that touching one of them causes pain, first make a small, quick circular motion with your index or middle finger. This is a massage movement.

In case of an unforeseen event, each family should have some medical information in order to provide pre-medical assistance.

Don't forget that all people are individual. The diagrams shown show contact point placement, but if you are thinner, fatter, or have a different build, your contact point may be slightly offset. It's not a problem.

The diseases or disorders you wish to treat are listed in the index in alphabetical order with corresponding contact point numbers.

The pressure on the points should be strong, but not to such an extent as to cause acute pain. Remember not to press too hard. The longer and more often, the better. In all serious, acute or chronic cases, treat the point daily for the first week, then 2-3 times a week, and finally once a week. This is determined by your own needs. Sometimes it will take a long time for the condition to improve, and sometimes it will happen incredibly quickly.














Point "2M" - anterior fontanelle, used to relieve compressive headaches. The point is located directly on the anterior fontanelle (where the soft spot is felt, in the anterosuperior part of the head). Impact on the “2M” point is recommended for headaches of a compressive nature “with a feeling as if the head is being torn apart.” "2M" is responsible for the condition of the cranial fluid.

Point “35” is somatic, having a restorative effect on the entire body. Controls the function of the cerebellum. The paired point is located on either side of point "1B" at a distance of approximately 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm behind this point. Together with point “1B” they resemble a pyramid (triangle) in shape. Acupressure of these points eliminates some types of eye diseases.

Point "1B" - controls the nerve plexus of the heart and the pyloric zone of the stomach. Located in the center of the upper part of the crown, in front of the posterior fontanel, where a soft spot on the head is felt, at a distance of approximately 2.5 cm. Impact on this point relieves spasms in abdominal cavity, eliminates bloating (flatulence) and indigestion. IN in some cases, in sensitive patients, when exposed to this point, a tingling sensation is felt throughout the body from head to toe.

Point "9M" - posterior fontanel, controls brain functions, energy movement, eliminates puffiness. The unpaired point, located on the posterior fontanel, harmonizes the energy between the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, controls the movement of energy down to the spinal cord. The effect on this point has a therapeutic effect on brain disorders, removes excess fluid from the body, eliminates swelling of the legs and puffiness. Heals the colon. One of the important acupressure points.

Point "5M" - controls the emotional center of the brain. The paired point is located below the Sylvian fissure, at the junction of the parietal and frontal bones, on both sides of the head. Point "5M" aligns emotional background. Impact on this point eliminates headaches localized in the frontal areas of the head. Acupressure of this point should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Point "2B" is a very important zone (see diagram). The point located on the Sylvian fissure has healing effect on the capillary system and coronary arteries of the heart. Points located behind the left ear and above, on this groove, treat the coronary arteries of the heart and the capillaries of the lungs. In front of the ear - used in the treatment of the eyes and vocal cords.

Point "1M" - heals! diplopia (double vision). The paired point is located at the junction of the temporal and frontal bones on both sides of the front of the head. Sensitivity or pain at this point indicates disorders of the cranial nerves. Impact on this point treats double vision and also regulates intestinal functions.

Point "3M" - eliminates dizziness, treats the stomach and trachea. It is located on the mid-anterior line of the head, approximately 5 cm in front of the anterior fontanel. Impact on this point treats the stomach, trachea, as well as the pons, located in the part of the brain and responsible for supplying the brain with oxygen.

Point "18" is a very important point responsible for the function of the pituitary gland. Located between the "10B" points in the very center of the forehead. Severe pain at point “10B” indicates a disorder in the pituitary gland, which is one of the most important endocrine glands. If there is a violation at point “10B”, it is necessary to simultaneously act on point “21”.

Point “10B” is psychosomatic, used in the treatment of eyes with blurred vision. An unpaired bony prominence that extends from temple to temple, through the center frontal bone and then rises up to a distance of about 5 cm above the temporal bone. This five-centimeter area represents an important area. Two "10B" points located on the bone, directly above the beginning of each eyebrow - when exposed to these, the eyes are treated. The central bone across the forehead is responsible for the state of the psyche, and is also general somatic.

Point "14M" - unpaired, associated with the eyes, stomach, bottom legs Located in the center between the eyebrows at the root of the nose, it has a pineal shape. Impact on this point can eliminate some problems associated with visual impairment, stomach dysfunction, and pain in the lower legs.

Point "6" - renders therapeutic effect on the brain and sinuses. The paired point, located on the anterior edge of the supraorbital bone on both sides of the root of the nose (at the beginning of the eyebrow), treats all sinuses, in particular maxillary sinus, as well as brain disease.

Point "92" - used for mental disorders, heals the eyes. The paired point is located in a small notch on the outer, lower edge of the orbital bone.

Point "34" - has a healing effect on frontal lobes brain, controls consciousness, provides energy to the body. The paired point is located directly above the middle of the eyebrows, on the frontal bone. Impact on this point heals the eyes, intestines, and relieves intoxication from food poisoning. If you are overcome by sleep when you are sitting behind the wheel of a car, vigorously press point “34” for a few seconds - you will feel a surge of energy and the drowsiness will pass.

Point "10M" is somatic, it is influenced by therapeutic effect for liver disease, gall bladder, pleurisy, sciatic neuralgia (sciatica). The paired point is located in the supraorbital recess, under the eyebrows, when pressing on it with your fingers, a healing effect is obtained for diseases of the frontal parts of the brain. This point connects the brain with the liver, gall bladder, treats sciatic nerve neuralgia, and eliminates pain in the lower back and legs.

Point "17" - eliminates excessive tension and eye fatigue, heals the stomach. The paired point is located on both sides of the bridge of the nose. Pads thumbs slide under your eyebrows to this point and press upward. Any painful area in this area should be treated with your thumb. The point is extremely important, since excessive eye strain is one of the most common causes of headaches. Point "17" is also used to treat the stomach.

Point "13M" - heals duodenal ulcers and treats pneumonia. The unpaired point is located in the middle of the nose, on the border where the bone ends and the cartilage begins; has connections with the occipital lobe of the brain. By eliminating disorders in the occipital lobe of the brain, pneumonia can be prevented. When treating duodenal ulcer, it is necessary to act on this point daily until improvement occurs.

Point "16M" is anti-sneezing, healing some types of paralysis. Unpaired point, located under the center of the nose. Associated with the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, it is used in the treatment of certain types of paralysis. Impact on this point eliminates sneezing.

Point "4" - controls the brain and spinal centers. The paired point is located approximately 5 cm above the “12M” point. When exposed to this point, an effect occurs in certain disorders of the brain and spinal nerves.

Point "9B" impact on this point normalizes the functions of the large intestine and kidneys. The paired point is located at the upper end of the zygomatic bone, in front of the upper edge of the ear. The points are reflexively connected to the kidneys and large intestine.

Point "12M" - used for atherosclerosis, heart disease, muscle pain and changes in the venous system. The paired point is located below point “9B” - next to the loop-shaped fascia of the cheekbone, in front of the tip of the ear. Treats muscles, including the heart muscle, the entire venous system (including the venous system of the lungs and eyes), pathology of the ears (Eustachian tubes), as well as heart valves. The point is indicated for certain types of headaches. If you have heart disease, if these points are painful, you need to act on them simultaneously.

Point "16B" is a specific point for the treatment of runny nose, controls the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The paired point is located below the outer corners of the lips on both sides of the chin, in the center of the lower jaw bone, on the mandibular foramen. Associated with the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, used for endocrine disorders.

Point "E" - relieves high blood pressure, "first aid" point. The location of these paired points can be seen in the diagram. For high blood pressure, apply pressure directly into the ear, then lightly upward toward the nose. In this case, a sensation arises throughout the body or in lower limbs. The effect occurs immediately after the first procedure.

Point "11B" is a diagnostic point indicating the presence of infection in the body. The paired point is located on the back of the cheekbones. Pain when pressing on this point indicates the presence of foci of infection in the head or other parts of the body.

Point "3B" - has a healing effect for inflammation of the sinuses, that is, the sinuses, in particular the frontal sinus. The paired point is located at the lower edge of both cheekbones. Exposure to it treats mucous membranes and inflammatory processes in the sinuses.

Point "11M" - used to treat allergies, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Using the index fingers of both hands, press firmly inward and upward on the area adjacent to both sides of the nose. When pressing upward, the lower part of a small bone is felt - this will be the paired point “11M”. When exposed to this point, a healing effect is obtained for inflammation. maxillary sinuses, allergies and nasal congestion. The point reflexively connects the brain with the small bronchi and lungs.

Point "52" - with a wide range of action; exposure to it gives a therapeutic effect for diseases of the abdominal organs (intestines, peritoneum, ventricle, bloating), as well as for diseases of the heart, lungs and eyes. Acupressure of this point helps remove excess fluid from the body and is effective for ascites. Point “52” is a steam room, located in the very center of the temple, in the place where it feels like a small hole into the brain. Check to see if this point is painful, even if it is not quite in the center. If the point is painful, perform acupressure until the pain disappears.

Point "53" - used for diseases of the ears and intestines. If you put your fingers behind the ear, you can find a small bone called the mastoid process of the temporal bone - mastoid. You need to press it twice from below, and then a little from the side - this will have a healing effect on the functioning of the intestines, colon and hearing organs.

Point "63" is an effective point for memory loss (amnesia). The paired point is located at the end of the styloid bone - it is affected by pressure under the ear. In some cases, it is effective in affecting the brain.

Point "JB8" ​​- effective for toothache. It is located under the lower jaw and is a groove in the bone that can be felt if you run your finger from below towards the back. This point is treated for toothache.

Point "JB9" - treats all parts of the intestine. Located on the curve of the jaw between points “JB8” and “JB10”.

Point "JB10" - effective for eye disease (glaucoma) and poisoning. In all cases of glaucoma, poisoning, as well as people who wear glasses or are going to wear glasses with bifocal lenses, it is recommended to place the index finger on the back of the jaw under the ear and apply forward pressure, while pain is felt at this point. Point "JB10" controls the level of intraocular pressure. Pressing on this point gives a feeling of warmth behind the eyes, as blood circulation in this area is normalized. If at the same time you feel nauseated, stop applying it for a while, then after the condition normalizes, continue applying pressure again.

Point "51" - used for diseases of the facial muscles, as well as mumps (mumps). Paired point, located on the masticatory muscles lower jaw. The point has an effect on the facial muscles, eyes, and eliminates premature wrinkles. Acupressure of this point has a therapeutic effect in case of mumps (mumps), and also prevents possible complications of reproductive function, especially in boys.

Point “19” is general somatic, effective for mental disorders, intoxications, and venous diseases. The paired point is located in a small depression above the mastoid process of the temporal bone. Impact on this point eliminates intoxication, treats the venous system (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis), improves vision, mental abilities, and regulates appetite. This is an important acupuncture point (E.G.)

Point "14B" - has a healing effect for indigestion and paralysis. The unpaired point is located in the middle of the back of the skull, in the region of the posteroinferior occipital convexity. It affects the medulla oblongata, with which this point is closely connected, and treats paralysis. Communicates through the brain with the pancreas; for all stomach upsets and flatulence, you must first of all act on this point.

Point "80" - effective for headaches, nosebleeds, and spleen disease. The paired point is located under the base of the skull, on the back of the neck, on both sides of the middle. Exposure to this point treats headaches, some types of eye diseases, and nosebleeds. Connects the brain and spleen. Frequent nosebleeds may indicate a disease of the spleen.


6 acupressure points on the neck

Point “48” is an important point responsible for the state of lymph circulation, in particular it controls the thoracic lymphatic duct. The unpaired point is located on the back of the neck, in the area of ​​the third cervical vertebra. Thoracic duct is the main artery of all lymphatic vessels of the body, with the exception of those on the right side of the head, neck and chest, the right lung and the right side of the body, as well as the convex surface of the lungs. The thoracic lymphatic duct stretches from the level of the second lumbar vertebra - upward - to the base of the neck. It transports most of the lymph and chyle (food, milky juice) into the blood. Impact on point “48” balances the energy balance in the thoracic duct; in case of all lymph circulation disorders, it is necessary to control this point and act on it first.

Point “5B” is a general somatic point, used for diseases of the abdominal organs. The area where this point is located is located along the lateral muscles of the neck at the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. The impact on this point should be soft and careful. It has a therapeutic effect in cases of intestinal (colon) dysfunction, appendicitis, etc.

Point “15B” - used for diseases of the esophagus, throat, prolapse of internal organs, hernia, and has a connection with the brain. Located at the upper edge of the sternum. The area of ​​the “15B” point is shaped like a cup; when exposed to a certain lateral surface, one or the other side of the throat and even the brain are treated. A very important area for treating the throat, esophagus, abdominal organs, and is effective in cases of organ prolapse (kidneys, uterus). When reducing a hernia, it is necessary to apply pressure on this area - this achieves relaxation of the walls of the abdominal cavity and creates the prerequisites for healing the hernia using the body itself.

Point “12B” is somatic, effective for diseases of the heart and hands. The paired point is located on both sides of the base of the neck on the anterolateral wall of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the point of its contact with the collarbone. The left point “12B” is responsible for the left side of the heart, relieves pain in the heart and left arm during angina pectoris. The right point is responsible for the right side and the condition of the right hand.

Point "15M" - controls metabolism in the body. The paired point is located on the upper edge of both clavicles (see diagram). A very important point that regulates metabolism.

Point "13B" is effective for diseases of the thyroid gland. A paired point related to both lobes of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is one of the most important endocrine glands, responsible for metabolism in the body. Thyroid dysfunction can cause palpitations, weight loss, and in the case of insufficient thyroid function - overweight. The thyroid gland also controls body temperature.








49 1/2





S1 ave.
S1 lion

S2 pr.
S2 lion
S3 pr

S3 lion

Point "36" is an effective point for treating pain in the arms, neck, shoulders, regulates breathing, normalizes blood circulation from the liver to the heart. The point is located at the outer end of the clavicle, at the point of its contact with the humeral protrusion.

Point “7” - used to treat the bladder, ribs, thymus (thymus) gland, promotes the release of excess fluid from the body (dropsy). On the postero-upper quarter of the chest bone, or sternum, when palpated, you can detect a bony groove, or bulge, that stretches from one side to the other. Point “7” is located just above the middle of this groove; acting on this point eliminates flatulence and swelling of the legs.

Point "8" - normalizes the increased acidity of gastric juice, treats the respiratory system, mucous membranes, and also normalizes the level heart pressure. The point is unpaired, located approximately 2.5 cm below point "7" or below the bony protrusion passing through the sternum. Impact on this point is indicated for increased acidity of gastric juice, heartburn, hiccups, promotes the evacuation of excess mucus from the stomach, and also treats cough, bronchial asthma, diphtheria, ribs, controls the condition of the mucous membranes. Point "8" is used in cases of increased blood pressure of the cardiac type.

Point “38” is effective in treating the gallbladder, heart valves, and pancreas. Located on the right side between the third and fourth ribs at the sternum. Impact on this point is effective for diseases of the gallbladder, some types of constipation, pathology of the pancreas, as well as for diseases of the valvular apparatus of the heart, the right side of the diaphragm, and the right vagus nerves.

Point "39" - used in the treatment of heart valves and mucous membranes. Located between the third and fourth ribs on the left side of the sternum. This point is used in the treatment of the bronchial mucosa (bronchitis), intestines (colon), as well as the left vagus and phrenic nerves and heart valves.

Point "37" is a steam room, located at the base of the ribs. You can find it by running your finger along the inner edge of the ribs at a distance of approximately 2/3 down from the lower end of the sternum. A small notch in the edge of the rib indicates the location of this point. The point is connected with the excretory organs - kidneys, bladder, ureters. When exposed to it, all types of urinary retention, dropsy, swelling of subcutaneous fatty tissue, as well as digestive disorders accompanied by flatulence are treated. Acupressure of point "37" is effective for strong heartbeats. Dropping or prolapse abdominal organs may cause dropsy or hernia, so you should always check the condition of point “15B” and point “33” before exposure.

Point "56" is associated with the reproductive system (breeding system). Points “30” and “31” are located under the arms at nipple level. Point "56" is located in front of these two points, along the edges of the mammary glands. Point "56" is the main point that controls the entire reproductive system (reproduction system), both in women and men (breast glands, ovaries, the fallopian tubes, cervix, uterus, prostate gland, spermatic cords, testicles), as well as thyroid function. The state of the reproductive organs affects the emotional sphere of a person.

Point "95" - regulates the activity of the heart. Located between the fifth and sixth ribs, under the mammary glands, it controls the hormonal regulation of cardiac activity.

Point "96" - bronchi, lungs. The paired point is located directly under the nipples of the mammary glands (see diagram).

Point "66" - used for back pain and lung diseases. The paired point is located between the collarbone and the first rib, at the junction of it with the sternum. Treats the bronchi and upper part of the lungs. Impact on this point is also effective for back pain.

Point "64" is somatic, the impact on this point regulates arterial circulation, treats tetanus and back pain.

Point "67" is effective for thrombosis. Unpaired point, located at the end of the sternum. Used for diseases of the venous system (thrombophlebitis and thrombosis).

Point "X" - right - venous blood, left - arterial blood. Both points control venous and arterial circulation. The left "X" point is located in the left armpit, at its highest point, which can be easily felt near the ribs. It controls the entire arterial network of the body, the aorta and heart. The right "X" point is located similarly on the right side and regulates venous circulation through the portal vein and liver. Both points are used for blockage of lymphatic vessels.

Point "25" - used for heart diseases. The unpaired point is located in the center of the sternum, between the nipples of the mammary glands. Affects the right side of the heart.

Point "30" is a steam room, connected to the liver, located at the level of the right nipple, under right hand, at the rib. One of three points used to treat the liver.

Point "31" is associated with the stomach and emotional sphere of a person. It is located similarly to point "30", only on the left side.

Point "32" - steam room, right, located above the right nipple at a distance of about 2.5 cm, treats the venous system of the small and large intestines. Point "32" left is located similarly on the left side. Treats the arteries of the small and large intestines, as well as the arteries of the heart.

Point “33” is a steam room, located under the underside of the mammary glands, on the ribs, in the middle, between the lowest part of the mammary gland and the point where breast touches the sternum. Right point "33" treats the right kidney and the right side of the colon. The left point "33" is located similarly to the right and treats the left kidney and the left part of the colon.

Point "S1" right - used for increased acidity, disorders of the mammary glands, and venous disease. Paired point. Right - located directly in the center of the pectoral muscle at the point where it exits the front of the shoulder (arm). Acupressure points are used to regulate the venous system, increased secretion of gastric juice and to influence the right mammary gland. You should remember this point in case of shock and press on it simultaneously with the “12M” point.

Point "S1" left - used for pathology of the aorta, left mammary gland, loss of energy. Left - for the left mammary gland, located similarly to the right. It is used to improve the body’s energy, aortic circulation, lymph flow, as well as to regulate the level of cardiac pressure (regulates the blood flow of arterial blood on the left side of the heart).

Point "S2" right - regulates liver functions and changes in the right mammary gland. Located under the side of the mammary gland, on the rib (see diagram).

Point "S2" left - located similarly to the right, controls the left mammary gland, the level of cardiac pressure, reduces congestion in the heart, improves lymph flow.

Point "S3" right - located at the junction of the pectoral muscle with the sternum. It is used for diseases of the right mammary gland, liver and ears (deafness, noise and ringing in the ears). The effect on the “S3” point is especially effective for deafness and ringing in the ears.

Point "S3" left - located similarly to the right. Used to treat the left mammary gland, hearing disorders (deafness and ringing in the ears), digestive disorders (indigestion, heartburn, belching, bloating, nausea, dyspepsia), pain in the rectum and anus, and retention of excess fluid in the body ( puffiness, dropsy), and also regulates cardiac pressure, unloading the right ventricle of the heart, improves lymph circulation).

Point "23" is a steam room, controls the function of the pancreas. If you bend the index finger of your right hand and insert it deep under the inner surface of the right side of the costal arch (see diagram), you will touch the energy center of the pancreas. Impact on this point treats disorders of pancreatic function.

Point "24" - located similarly to point "23", on the opposite (left) side. The spleen takes an active part in hematopoiesis, erythrocytes (red blood cells) are partially formed in it - if the function of the spleen is impaired, anemia can develop. In addition, point "24" heals the vocal cords. For problems associated with voice disorders, act on point “24”.

Point "54" is associated with biliary function and digestion. The paired point is located on the right side of the abdomen, at a distance of approximately 5 cm below the right point “37”. If you gently but intensely press on this point, you may feel pain deep inside, which indicates congestion in the gallbladder. Since bile plays a huge role in fat digestion and digestion, blockage of the gallbladder by a stone can disrupt the digestion process.

Point "88" - used for constipation and palpitations. It is located similarly to point “54” - on the left side of the abdominal cavity. Specific point for the treatment of constipation. If you feel pain when pressing on point “54”, then it is necessary to act on both paired points at the same time. Point "88" is also a specific point for treating palpitations.

Point “65” is a diagnostic point for appendicitis, improves colon motility, regulates insulin levels. The paired point is located midway between the crest of the right femur and the navel. This point is called Mac Burney's point and is diagnostic for determining appendicitis. Impact on this point increases the motility of the large intestine and affects insulin levels and its distribution.

Point "93" - used to treat constipation. It is located similarly to point “65” on the left side of the abdominal cavity. Controls the sigmoid colon and its transition to the rectum and anus. Treats constipation caused by a disorder in this part of the large intestine.

Point "49" - controls digestion, the condition of the abdominal aorta, treats the heart and mental illnesses. 4 points around are extremely important umbilical ring. The fetus developing in the womb receives all the necessary nutrients from the mother's blood through the navel. After giving birth this umbilical region retains its vital importance, since directly around the navel there are 4 points responsible for the functions of the duodenum, which follows the outlet or pyloric part of the stomach and is the central site of digestion. It is in this area that arterial blood is enriched with energy from food and carries it to every part of our body and to the brain. The energetic impact of acupressure on these points can be felt anywhere in the body and brain. These four points must be remembered in all cases of diseases of the digestive system: flatulence, indigestion, duodenal ulcer, calcium metabolism disorders, fat metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism(diabetes). Effects on these points can be very effective for heart pain, chronic back pain, and also for mental disorders. Even a child may experience anxiety in the area of ​​these points due to poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. Remember that even the best food in the world will be useless if you cannot digest it. In this regard, influencing the four points “49” is very useful. The third and fourth points, located on the left side of the navel, also act on the abdominal aorta; when pressed, its pulsation is felt. Check the gallbladder and bile ducts - points "38" and "54", as well as the pancreas points - "14B" and "23".

Point "49 1/2" - Directly below the navel, at a distance of approximately 2.5 cm, there is a powerful energy center connected to the medullary system of the large femurs, sending energy upward through the lung system. Many people complain of hip pain, which is the result of an energy imbalance in the medullary system of the hip bones or a disorder in the lungs. Congestion in the left lung can lead to cardiac dysfunction and dizziness. Impact on this point has an effect in all cases of bloating, as well as in ascites.

Point “60” (navel) is effective for treating constipation. In case of constipation, simultaneous acupressure of the “48” point, located between the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae, and the “navel” point (see figure) is necessary. The technique of influence is as follows: the index finger of one hand is placed on the “48” point, and the thumb of the other hand is placed on the navel and pressed at the same time quite firmly, while a feeling of significant warmth gradually appears in the lower abdomen.

Point "78" - treats mental disorders, controls the solar plexus. Located 2.5 cm below the end of the sternum. The point has wide range Actions: exposure to it has a healing effect for mental disorders, fainting, difficult and painful breathing, intestinal diseases, energy disorders in the solar plexus, as well as for some types of indigestion.

Point "61" - used for circulatory problems. The paired point is located in the groin, at the beginning of the pubic bones. Tenderness or pain at this point indicates insufficient blood circulation to the feet and heart. For varicose veins and ulcers on the legs, as well as for other disorders in the legs and feet, first of all you need to check the condition of point “61” and act on it.

Point “62” is restorative and eliminates anxiety. Located 2.5 cm above the navel. It has an effect on the solar plexus, is used for urinary retention, as well as for shock, has a calming effect, and increases the overall energy of the body. Specific point for bedwetting.

Point "26" - has a healing effect for diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and spermatic cords. The paired point is located in the center of each pubic point. Impact on this point treats the ovaries and fallopian tubes in women, the spermatic cords in men. One of the main symptoms of blood stagnation in the reproductive organs is pain in the legs and lower back and even, in some cases, complete inability to walk. If pressure on this point does not relieve congestion, it is necessary to check point “51”, since mumps (mumps) suffered in childhood can cause complications in the ovaries or testicles. The reproductive organs (organs of reproduction) consist of sensory nerves, hence the nervous and emotional disorders, occurring, for example, during menopause and changes in neuropsychic status during menstruation.

Point "27" is associated with the uterus and prostate gland. The unpaired point is located exactly in the middle where the pubic bones meet. Impact on point “27” treats the uterus and cervix in women, and the prostate gland in men.

Point "28" - eliminates swelling. To obtain a therapeutic effect, use your index finger to press under point “27” in a downward direction. Treats the ureter, bladder, removes excess fluid from the body, thereby removing swelling.

Point "29" - used for disorders in the external male and female genital organs. For problems associated with the external genitalia (male or female), you need to press your index finger under point “27” in an upward direction.


15 acupressure points on the back

Point “50” is somatic, relieves tension, treats diabetes. The paired point is located at the base of the neck (see figure). It is best to influence this point by someone else. To do this, your friend or family member should stand behind you and place their thumbs at the base of your neck, on both sides at the same time. You need to press up and down at an angle of 45 degrees in the direction of point “21”. Sensitivity at this point is determined in almost everyone due to a tense state. Impact on the point eliminates congestion in the brain and neck, and also relieves mental fatigue, treats insomnia and diabetes. Used together with the “JB10” point to stop alcohol binge drinking and sober up.

Point “47” - eliminates spasticity, pain in the legs, arms, and lower back. The paired point is located on the upper side of the shoulder blades. The impact should be applied to the place where the second rib fits under the shoulder blade. It has a therapeutic effect for pain in the lower back and legs, as well as for spastic conditions in the legs and arms.

Point "46" - treats the heart, respiratory organs, relieves pain. The paired point is located in the lower part of the rib cage (on the 12th rib), at a distance of about 7.5 cm from the spine. The importance of this point is enormous, since when exposed to it, adrenaline is released, which has great importance for the life of every cell in our body. Treats difficulty breathing, discomfort in the heart, pain in any part of the body, especially in the lower back and legs.

Point "21" - controls bones, heart activity, spine, located on the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra, at the junction of the neck and shoulders. This point is connected to and controls the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and the entire skeletal system body. Pain at point “21” is observed with fractures and cracks in the bones. Exposure to it relieves pain. Used for heart disorders, as well as disorders of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.

Point "81" - used for bursitis. The paired point is located on the back of the shoulder joint. By carefully looking at the diagram, you will see that this point is almost impossible to reach yourself. Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from family members. This point is of great importance in the treatment of the joint capsule of the shoulder, pain in the arms and legs. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to influence left point"15M" or "40".

Point “59” is effective in treating paralysis, bruises, shock, and relieves fatigue. The paired point is located at the end of the outer upper edge of the scapula (see diagram). The impact must be exerted on both points simultaneously upward in the direction of the back. These points should be used in all cases of paralysis, bruises in any part of the body, head bruises (regardless of how long ago), shock, especially shock from the effects of electric current on the heart.

Point "22" is a paired point, located in the center of the shoulder blade. Treats lungs, heart and some shoulder pain.

Point "45" - controls lymph flow in the abdominal cavity. The paired point is located on the iliac crest in the sacral region at the site of attachment of the Achilles tendon. Controls lymph circulation in the abdominal cavity. Lymph is a clear, colorless solution that bathes every cell of the body. Unlike blood, lymph does not have such a powerful organ that ensures its movement as the heart. The energy generated by the Achilles tendon helps move lymph into the abdominal cavity. The Achilles tendon begins at the back of the heel and ascends to the calf muscle of the leg and then to the sacrum. Along with point "45", a very effective point that controls abdominal lymph circulation is point "73".

Point "84" - eliminates pain in the rectum. Around the rectum and anus, the lower edge of the pelvic bone forms a circle. If you run your finger along the inner edge of this bony circle, at a distance of about 5 cm from the anus, you can find the corresponding point; exposure to it eliminates pain in the rectum (see diagram). Points “68” and “86” have a similar effect.

Point “86” - in the sacral area there are 8 holes through which nerves pass, which are part of the sympathetic nervous system, providing innervation from the rectum to the brain. If pain is felt at any point, it is necessary to apply pressure until it disappears. Soreness at these points indicates pathology in the genital organs (see diagram).

Point “94” is a steam room, located at the free ends of the 11th and 12th ribs. For pain in these areas, pressure on these points is necessary. Point “76” has a similar effect.

Point "77" - left - controls the condition of the abdominal organs, large intestine, stomach, hips. Used to treat the colon, stomach, and relieve pain in the hips and abdominal cavity. Point "77" - right - controls the appendix, gall bladder. Located on the transverse process of the 1st lumbar vertebra. Impact on the right point treats the gallbladder and appendix.

Point "70" - used for pain in the legs. The paired point is located on the posterior superior surface of the thigh, at the end of the gluteal fold (see diagram). The impact on this point is carried out by pressing with the thumb on the back surface of the femur at the level of the buttocks. This point will be painful in case of disease of the colon and legs. Acupressure of the "70" point eliminates and treats these disorders.

Point "76" - relieves tension in the abdominal cavity, treats the lower back and legs. Located on the transverse process of the 5th lumbar vertebra. Used for pain in the lower back and legs (see also point "94").

Point "68" - controls the energy of the coccyx, treats stomach diseases. Unpaired point, located at the end of the coccyx. Pressure on this point is made in the direction of the head, upward.

Arms and legs

25 acupressure points on arms and legs














Point "97" - controls blood sugar levels. A paired point, for the convenience of finding it, you need to bend your elbow and then, at the end of the elbow joint, you will find the desired point. The point is associated with the parathyroid glands. Impact on this point regulates the level of insulin production by the pancreas and reduces blood sugar levels.

Point “79” is responsible for the body’s energy and heat generation, relieves muscle tension in the shoulders and arms. The paired point is located midway between the base of the neck and the shoulder. Soreness at this point indicates a disorder in the gallbladder (E.G.)

Point "82" - controls blood circulation in the forearms and hands. The paired point is located on the forearm, in the place where the ulnar and radius. If you bend your hand, then at the end of the resulting fold you will find the desired point (see diagram). Pressing on this point normalizes disturbances in the hands and even in the head. It is believed that this point affects the secretion of mucus in the body. If point “82” is painful, it is necessary to influence both points in order to normalize blood circulation in the forearms and hands.

Point "20" - eliminates pain in the arms, neck, head, stomach, normalizes high acidity. The reflexogenic zone of this point is located on outside humerus and extends from the elbow to the shoulder. You need to act on the outer side of the bone itself, which improves evacuation from the stomach. The left hand is connected to the left region of the stomach, the right hand to the right. You need to know that stomach diseases can cause serious hand problems!

Point "71" - used for diseases of the colon, as well as for pain in the legs. The paired point is located on the back surface, in the center of the calf muscles.

Point "74" - treats muscle pain in the legs and whole body. Located on the posterolateral side of the leg muscles. If you move your hand down along the contour of the muscles, you will find the desired point in the center of the shin (see diagram). For muscle pain, apply pressure to point “74”.

Point "69" - eliminates pain when spraining articular ligaments. The paired point is located under the outer ankle. Used for spasms of the large intestine, sprains, and is effective for pain in the abdominal cavity.

Point "72" is a reflexogenic zone located along the entire inner side of the tibia on both legs. Impact on this area is very effective in cases of disruption of the innervation of the colon. The area is very painful, so the pressure should be light and gentle. Very important area!

Point "55" - controls the functions of the small intestine. Reflexogenic zone located along the entire length of the inner thigh. This place is painful for almost everyone, since almost everyone suffers from intestinal dysfunction. This zone is very effective for normalizing intestinal function.

Point "73" - controls lymph circulation in the abdominal cavity, strengthens the muscles of the legs and the whole body, treats diabetes and Graves' disease. The paired point is located on the anterosuperior side of the leg, at the beginning of the tibia and fibula. This is the second very important point that regulates lymph circulation in the abdominal cavity. It controls and influences the entire area from the Achilles tendon insertion at the back of the heel, up the back of the leg to sacral region, where it stimulates the sex glands in the groin and throughout lymphatic system abdominal cavity. Stimulation of this area has a beneficial effect on older people, is beneficial for the muscles of the legs and the whole body, eliminates pain and burning in the feet, and eliminates bloating. The point is also indicated in the treatment of diabetes and the thyroid gland, especially if there is significant bulging eyes (Graves' disease - E.G.).

Point "43" - used for diseases of the abdominal organs, dizziness and pain in the legs. The paired point is located on the inner back side under the knee (see diagram). Used for diseases of the intestines and spleen.

Point "98" - controls lymph circulation in the heart and the function of the knee joints. The paired point is located immediately behind the posterosuperior ridge of the patella (see diagram). Pain at this point indicates disturbances in knee joint, which can lead to loss of lymphatic fluid from the heart, as well as dysfunction of the knee itself.

Point "44" - helps those suffering from constipation, relieves tension throughout the body, heals the intestines, sprains of the ligaments of the joints, eliminates pain in the iliac bones. Point "44" is located on the convex part of the greater trochanter (part of the head of the femur), it is easier to find in a sitting position (see diagram). Act on this point in all cases of constipation, in any sprains and tense conditions.

Point "87" - normalizes intestinal functions, effective for obesity. This reflexogenic zone located along the crest of the iliac bones. If you want to lose weight, apply pressure to points “87” and “44” daily: this promotes digestion and absorption of amino acids. Pain at these points indicates intestinal dysfunction and is associated with obesity. Impact on these points helps to normalize intestinal function.

Point "89" - normalizes the functions of the pituitary gland, treats mental disorders. This area is located on the inside of the large calf muscles (see diagram). If pain is felt in this place, then there is a dysfunction of the pituitary gland. By influencing this area, these phenomena are eliminated and some mental disorders are treated. People who use drugs always feel soreness in these areas.

Point "90" - eliminates pain in the hips and legs, relieves tension, regulates the function of the sex glands. This reflexogenic steam zone is located approximately where zone “89” is, but on the outside of the leg on the tibia. Impact on this point, as well as on point “56” simultaneously on both sides, eliminates tension, pain in the hips and legs and regulates the production of sex hormones.

Point "91" - controls the functions of the colon. For colon dysfunction, while sitting, press down on the thigh until you feel that you have touched the bone (closer to the groin). See diagram.

Point "40" is the energy entry point, used to treat inflammatory processes (colitis, cystitis, peritonitis, phlebitis). A universal, very important point, similar to the “11B” point used for infections. Located in the middle of the sole, in front of the heel tubercle. Through this place, the energy of the earth enters the body and is transmitted upward to the brain.

Point "75" is associated with the pancreas, spleen, and breathing. The paired point is located on the lateral side of the foot (see diagram). Pressure on the metatarsal area regulates the functions of the pancreas, spleen, and evens out breathing.

Point “41” is somatic, influencing the body’s energy, blood circulation (eliminates blood stagnation), and is used for pain in the feet. The point is located on the outside and inside of each ankle in the center. The impact is on the area of ​​the talus bones, along the outer edge and on the bone itself. The sensation occurs anywhere in the body from the feet to the head. This area requires additional research. Effective for constipation and foot diseases. Internal points are associated with tissue energy, external ones - with blood stagnation and muscle contractility. When treating these points, pain occurs, so the effect on them should be careful and gentle.

Point "42" is a universal point for eye treatment. The paired point is located between the talus and the anterior side of the tibia. This area is directly connected to the eye muscles. Used to treat all eye diseases.

Point "57" - effective for muscle spasms, convulsions, narrowing of the ureters, narrowing of the bladder sphincter. (The ureters are the tubes that run from the kidneys to the bladder.) If there is a kidney stone in the ureter, this point is very painful. A stone located in the right ureter gives a symptom of appendicitis, and the patient experiences severe pain. The point relaxes both ureters and the sphincter of the bladder, as well as all muscle spasms (for kidney stones, point “33” is used).

Point "58" - controls respiratory functions, lungs, pituitary gland. The point is located in the center of the inside of the big toe. You need to press on this point until you feel that your finger is numb, and then keep your finger on the point for some time. If you have breathing problems, you should always remember this point, and also use it when treating the flu.

Point "83" - used for gout, painful calluses associated with wearing tight shoes, as well as for prostatitis. The point is used for congestion in the genitals. Located on the inner surface of the foot, at the base of the big toe. To find it, you need to slide the tip of your thumb along the bony protrusion, and then press deeper: if pain is felt, this is evidence of congestion (blood stagnation) in the genitals. Effective for exacerbation of gout with pain and swelling in the big toe.

Point "85" - used in the treatment of constipation, pain in the iliac bones, to cleanse the entire body of mucus, including the lungs. The paired point is located midway between the talus and the most distant point on the heel (see diagram). Point "85" treats constipation, it should always be remembered in these cases, as well as lungs and disorders in the iliac bones. This point is less important than point "39".

Dictionary of medical terms

Anasarca -
(swelling of the subcutaneous tissue)

Abnormal accumulation of blood serum in connective tissue

Adrenalin(epinephrine) -

A colorless crystalline hormone used in medicine, in particular to stimulate the heart, contract blood vessels and muscle relaxation.

Aneurysm -

Permanent abnormal expansion of blood vessels as a result of disease of their walls.

Aorta -

The main trunk of the arteries, which carries blood from the heart and distributes it throughout the body through its branches.

Apoplexy -

Sudden loss consciousness caused by hemorrhage or blockage of a cerebral artery.

Ascites -

Accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.

Achilles tendon -

A tendon that connects the muscles of the leg to the bones of the heel.

Bifurcation -


Nervus vagus -

The tenth pair of cranial nerves emerging from the medulla oblongata and supplying internal organs autonomous infferent (sensitive) and motor nerve fibers.

Tibia -

The inner and usually larger of the two leg bones between the knee and ankle.

Bronchi -

The two primary branches of the trachea, which enter the right and left lung respectively.

Peritoneum -

Smooth transparent serosa, which lines the inside of the abdominal wall.

Bursitis -

Inflammation of the small serous joint bursa between the tendon and bone, especially common in the shoulder and elbow joints.

Varicose veins -

Abnormally swollen or dilated veins.

Skewer -

A rough projection on the top of the femur.

Temporal bone -

Complex shaped paired bone on the side of the skull

Dropsy -

Abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the connective tissue or lymphatic space.

Portal vein -

A large vein that collects blood from one part of the body and distributes it to another part through a network of capillaries.

Pituitary -

A small oval-shaped endocrine gland located at the base of the brain, which produces various internal secretions that affect directly or indirectly the main functions body.

Glaucoma -

Eye disease which consists in increasing the pressure inside eyeball, damage to the optic nerve nipple and gradual loss of vision.


Belonging to the sternum, clavicle and mastoid process of the temporal bone.

Angina pectoris(angina) -

Painful condition, characterized by short attacks of constricting chest pain caused by insufficient oxygenation of the heart muscle.

Rib cage -

The part of the body between the neck and abdomen.

Breastabdominal -

Pertaining to aperture

Diplopia -

Double vision due to paresis or paralysis of the extraocular muscles.

Dyspepsia -

Digestive disorder

Eustachian tube -

An osteochondral tube that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx and balances the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum.

Occipital bone -

There is a bone on the back of the head complex shape, which connects to the first cervical vertebra.

Sciatica -

Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve.

Capillaries -

The smallest vessels circulatory system, consisting of the terminal branches of arteries with tiny veins and forming capillary networks throughout the body.

Collarbone -

Paired bone shoulder girdle connecting the scapula to the sternum.

Colitis -

Inflammatory diseases of the colon.

Coccyx -

The lower (end) part of the spine.

Sacrum -

The area of ​​the spine that forms part of the pelvis and consists of five connected vertebrae.



Olecranon -

Muscle on the back of the elbow joint, extensor forearm

Lumbar -

The part of the back between the ribs and buttocks

Fibula -

The outer, or smaller, of the two leg bones below the knee.

Mastoid -

Part of the temporal bone behind the ear.

Medulla -

Medulla oblongata, the part of the brain where the spinal cord ends.

Cerebellum -

Part of the brain stem associated with coordinating movements and maintaining body balance.

Condyle -

Articular process on a bone.

Adrenal -

A paired endocrine gland, a complex endocrine organ that is adjacent to the upper pole of the kidney and produces sex hormones, metabolic hormones, adrenaline and norepinephrine.

Spinous process -

The bony portion of the arch surrounding the spinal cord at the back of a vertebra.

Epithelial body -

One of four small endocrine glands located on the surface of the thyroid gland.

Pylorus -

Opening from the stomach into the duodenum.

Pleurisy -

Inflammation of the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the walls chest cavity), usually accompanied by fever, painful and difficult breathing, cough and pleural effusion.

Brachial bone -

Extends from shoulder to elbow.

Metatarsus -

Foot bones between big toe and ankle

Ptosis -

Organ prolapse.

fontanel -

A hole at the top of the head, covered with a membrane, where the cranial bones fit loosely together.

Sigmoid colon -

The part of the colon above the rectum.

Sylvian fissure -

A deep, narrow depression separating the anterior and middle lobes of the brain.

Solar plexus -

A network of nerve ganglia in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach on either side of the abdominal aorta at the level of the first lumbar vertebra.

Somatic -


Carotid artery -

Two arteries that run up through the neck and supply blood to the head.

Plexus -

A network of intertwining blood vessels or nerves.

Thalamus -

The optic thalamus, a large ovoid-shaped accumulation of gray matter located at the base of the brain and involved in the transmission and integration of all types of sensitivity.

Parietal bone -

Forms the middle part of the cranial vault.

Thymus -

The thymus gland is a loose structure, the function of which has not yet been fully revealed; located in the upper anterior part of the chest or at the base of the skull; reaches its greatest development in childhood, tends to disappear with age and become rudimentary.

Colon -

The part of the intestine from the end of the small intestine to the anus.

Trachea -

The main trunk of the system of pipes that carries air to and from the lungs.

Phlebitis -

Inflammation of the veins.

Frontal bone -

Frontal bone.

Chyle -

Lymph, the milky juice of emulsified fats, passes from the intestines into the thoracic stream through the lactiferous vessels.

Cervical -


Cystitis -


Styloid process -

A thin, pointed projection on a bone, such as the temple or ulna.

Pineal gland - (pituitary gland)

A small, usually cone-shaped appendage of the brain that is believed to be a vestigial endocrine organ (third eye)

Thyroid -

A large endocrine gland located at the base of the neck and producing an iodine-containing hormone that affects, among other things, growth, development and metabolic rate.

Index to diseases, organs and corresponding points of influence

JB - jaw bone
E - ear treatment
S - thoracic contact points
MB - paired points
X - blood

Addison's disease - 46, 10MB, 11MB
Denoids - 11M, 48
Alcoholism - 50, JB10
Amnesia - 63
Aneurysm - S1 left, 49 (S 3 and 4)
Anemia - 49, 24, 80
Antibiotics - 48, 32 left, 2B
Anus - 81, 68, S3 left
Appendicitis - 5B right or 77 right, 65
Apoplexy - 26, 19, 91, 50
Poor appetite - 1B, 19
Atherosclerosis - 12M
Artery - S1 left, 32 left
Asthma - 8, 2B left (at the coronary point)
Ataxia - 1M, 89, 56+90, 43, 3M, 79
Achilles tendon - 73, 45
Baugin's valve - 65
Hips - 49 1/2, 87, 44, 26, 46
Proteins, their digestion - 20, 30, 7, 24
Rabies - 32 left, 10MB
Vagus nerve - 38, 39
Leg pain - 26, 27, 46, 77, 61, 71
Pain - 5M, 2M, 17, 50, 6, 4, 21+18
- hip - 86, 26, 27, 44, 46, 77, 10M
- eyes - 17, JB10, 35
- belly - 69
- teeth - JB8, 2B, 12M, 11M
- bones - 21, 49 1/2, 7, 8
- elbow - 91, 12M
- spleen - 24, 75 left, 80
- back - 77, 46, 37, 76, 33, 49
Bronchi - 11M, 66, 96
Peritoneum - 52, 10M
Abdominal aorta - 49 (S3 and 4)
Bursitis - 36, 81, 47, 50, 12B, 49, 15M left
Coronary artery - 2B
Coronoid vessel - 2B left
Veins - 12 M, 61, S1 right
Vagina - 29
Dropsy - 7, 27, 38, S3 left
Inflammation - 40
High blood pressure - E, 37, 30, 61, 12M
Hemorrhoids - 84, 15B, 49, 68
Hyperemia - 31, 32 left, 25, S2 left
Hypoglycemia - 97
Pituitary gland - 18+21, 89, 58, 16MB, 9M
Bulging eyes - 13B, 73, JB10
Glaucoma - JB10
Deafness - 12M, 89, 1M, 53, 73, 63, S3 left and right
Head - 5M, 6, 11M, 17, 2M, JB10, 50
- pressure - 2M
- runny nose - 16B
- injury - 59, 2B, 50, 21
Dizziness - 3M, 49 1/2, 91, 89, 43
Voice - 2B, 24, 15B, 80
Vocal cords- 2B
Hormones - 56 + 90, 90
Larynx - 15MB, 2B
Flu, head - 16B
Flu, chest - 66, 58, 22
Thoracic duct - 48
Chest - 31 right, S2, S3, S1 left, 56
Hernia - 15B, 49, 11B
Pressure - 31, S2 left
Degeneration - 80, JB10, 10B, 73
Diabetes - 14B, 73, 65, 68, 50, 97
Aperture - 11M.8
Diverticulum - 11B, 72, 91
Diplopia - 1M
Dyspepsia - 14B, 20, 10M, 49, S3 left
Muscular dystrophy - 12M, 71, 74, 12
Diphtheria - 8, 11B, negative ions
Breathing - 66, 11M, 06, 75, 22, 58, 49 1/2, 36
Thyroid gland - 7
Parathyroid gland - 87
Pineal gland - 14M, 9M
Thyroid gland - 21, 13B, 56
Jaundice - 38, 15M, 30, X left, 10M left
Stomach - 1B, 20, 31, 68, 77 left, 8, S3 left
Stomach, neurogenic causes - 31, 89
Gallstones- 38, 15M, 11B, 77 right
Gallbladder - 38, 15M, 54, 77 right
Bile duct - 54, 52
Cranial fluid - 2M
Constipation - 88, 54, 60, 38, 30, 55, 91, 93
Drug abuse - 89
Bifocal vision - JB10
Blurred vision - 10B
Optic nerves - 1M
Toothache - JD8, 2B, 12M, 11M
Toothache, infection - 11B
Heartburn - 78, S3 left, 8
Hiccup - 8, 11M
Impotence - 26, 27, 16B, 90+56
Insulin - 73, 65, 14B, 23, 68, 97
Infection - 11B, 26 left, 94 left
Sciatica - 26, 10M, 77, 46, 74, 76, 71, 27
Iodine - 13B, 73
Calcium - 49
Capillaries - 2B
Cataract - 35, JB10, 17, 63, 19, 92
Cough - 11M, 8, 15B
Oxygen - 12M
Intestine - 55, 88, 49, 13M, 14M, 78, 87, 44, 52, 7, JB9
Valves - 12M, 38, 39
Knees - 43, 37, 83, 98
Patella - 98, 43
Colitis - 11B, 72, 91, 40, 9B
Acute conjunctivitis - 2B
Coccyx - 68
Strabismus - 42
Dice - 21, 7, 8, 90, 98
Bone fracture - 21
Arterial blood - X left, 32 left
Venous blood - X right
Blood in urine - 2B, 28, 37, positive ions
Blood circulation - X left and right, 2B, 32, 61
Blood circulation in the portal vein system - S1 right, 32 right
Bruise, bruise - 2B
Bleeding - 2B, positive ions
Nasal bleeding - 80.2B
Blood pressure is high - E, 30, 37, 2B
Blood pressure is low - S1 left, 24, 14B, 9M, 49
Lungs - 10M, 13M, 63, 11M, 22, 49 1/2 left, 39, 58, 31, 96
Lymph - 48, 73, 45
Lymphatic vessels abdominal cavity - 73, 45
Fever - 51, 3B, 11M, 6
Face - 51, 11M, 3B, 11B, JB8
Ankle - 41, 61, 73
Uterus - 27, 56
Menstruation - 26, 27, 83, 56
Menstrual pain - 56, 26, 27, 57
Flatulence - 14B, 20, 38, 54, 91, 49, 23, 30, 1B, S3 left
Migraine - 21+18, 17, 2M, 6, 5M, 50
Mineral balance - 14B
Minerals - 14B
Brain - 10MB, 4, 2M, 3M, 19

Seasickness - 78, 62
Bladder - 28, 37
Urination is painful - 28, 57
Urination, retention - 57, 27, 38, 7, 62
Urethra - 28
Scrotum - 52, 84, 68, 16B
Muscles - 42, 12M, 32 left, 71, 74, 20, 82, 50, 52
Adrenal glands - 46, 43, 10MB
Voltage - 17
Tense state - 69+44
Circulatory disorders - 12M, 32 left
Runny nose - 16B
Phrenic nerve - 11M, 38, 39
Nervous system of the stomach - 31, 52
Nervousness - 5M, 4, 89, 26, 92, 88, 91, 27
Nerves - 1M, 92, 38, 39, 1B
Spinal nerves - 1M, 4
Cranial nerves - 1M, 4
Legs - 61, 26, 27, 46, 71, 68
Enlarged legs - 7, 61, 37, 9M
Nose - 11M, 51, 3M, 20
Fainting - 34, 49 1/2, 43
Obesity - 87, 44
Burn - 10M
Surgery, paralysis - 12M
Surgery, pneumonia - 13M
Organ prolapse - 15B
Organs, prolapse - 15B
Edema - S3 left, 37, 28, 7
Abdominal edema - 49 1/2, 52, 73, 26, 27, 9M
Food poisoning - 34, 49
Fluoride poisoning - 3B, 6, 11M
Belching - 20, 8, 10M, S3 left, 1B
Fingers - 20, 82
Memory - 5M, 89, 4, 92
Paralysis - 14B
Penis - 29
Pepsin - 38, 78
Digestion of fats - 49, 38, 54, 10M, 15M
Fracture - 21
Fractures - 49, 15B
Peritonitis - 11B, 52, 40
Sad mood - 5M, 78, 12M, 89
Liver - 10M, S1 right, 30, S2, S3
Esophagus - 15B, 80
Pleura - 10M
Pleurisy - 10M
Humerus - 47, 36, 21, 79, 50, 81
Pneumonia - 13M
Increased acidity - 20, 14B, 8, S3 left, S1 right
Gout - 14B, 83, 26, 27, 16M
Pancreas - 23, 14B, 75 right, 43 right
Gonads - 73, 26, 56, 83
Genital organs - 26, 27, 56, 83, 90+56, 49 1/2, 84, 86
Diarrhea - 72, 40
Loss of voice - 24, 80, 2B
Kidney pain, stones - 33
Kidneys - 9B, 37, 33, 7
Right side - 25
Pylorus of the stomach - 1B, 20
Reasons associated with violations emotional sphere- 31, 13B, 73, 5M, 49 1/2
Cold - X left, 1B
Rectum - 84, 68, S3 left, 86, 49, 12M
Psyche - 5M, 89, 1M, 92, 41
Psychic Center - 78
Mental state - 92, 10B
Pulse, increase - 79.24
Pulse, decrease - 88, 13B
Bile spill - 38, 54, 10M
Digestive disorders - 31, 78, 49, 30, 88, 14B
Sprain, joints - 69
Vomiting - S3 left
Vomiting, inducing it - 15B
Ribs - 21, 7, 8
Roth - 46, 51
Hands - 20, 36, 12B, 82, 81, 50
Sugar - 14B, 23, 73, 68, 65
Sugar, its digestion - 73, 14B, 23, 49, 65
Pig - 51
Sex - 26, 27, 56, 83, 90+56
Spleen - 80, 24, 43 left, 75 left
hay fever- 11M
- sore throat - 12B left
- aorta - S1 left, 49 (S3 and 4)
- blood circulation - 2B left, 32 left, S1 left, X left, 12M
Heartbeat is strong - 88.13B
Sigmoid colon - 93
Sine - 6, 11M
Sinuses, frontal - 11M, 10M
Sinuses, cerebral - 10M, 6
Multiple sclerosis - 12M, 91, 72, 88, 54, 49
Tearing - 42, 10B, 11MB, JB10, 51
Mucous - 39, 8, 6, 3B, 11M
Stomach mucosa - 8
Solar plexus - 62, 78
Salt - 68
Hydrochloric acid- 20, 3M, 14B
Somatic contact points - 25, 78, 21, LT-X, 19, 63, 13B, 5M, 10M, 1B, 2B, 15M, 62, 49, 64, RT-X
Drowsiness - 34, 92
Abdominal cramps - 1B, 71
Abdominal cramps - 1B
Spikes - 49, 32 left, 2B
Spinal cord - 9M, 68
Spinal nerves - 4
Tetanus - 32 left
Hot foot - 73
Foot - 94 left, 98, 26 right, 25M right
Thalamus - 14B
Body too hot - X right
Body too cold - X left, 1B
Large intestine - 72, 91, 9B, 53, 65, 93, JB9
Nausea - S3 left, 38
Trachea - 3M
Impact - 12M, 59
Animal bite - 32 left
Insanity - 5M, 89, 4, 9M, 92
Ears - 12M, 53, 1M, 63, 73, 47, S3 left and right
Fallopian tubes - 26, 56
Fascia - 52
Phlebitis - 11B, 52, 61, 9M, 40
Hoarseness - 15B, 2B
Intervertebral cartilage - 11M, 4
Cystitis - 37, 49 1/2, 28, 11B
Jaw - JB10
Neck - 50, 49, 20, 26, 27, 56
Tinnitus - 50, 12M, 47, 53 right and left
Electric shock - 59, 12M
Emotions - 5M, 89, 4, 50, 12M
Energy - 79, 24, 1B, 78, X left, 15M
Epilepsy - 49, 89, 50, 91, 88
Duodenal ulcer - 49, 13M
Stomach ulcer - 20
Pyloric ulcer - 1B
Leg ulcers - 61, 69
Testicles - 26, 56, 83