Rehabilitation after a fracture of the lateral malleolus without displacement. Recovery after a broken ankle. What factors can influence the speed of recovery after injury?

After restoring the integrity of the damaged bone and removing the plaster cast, complications associated with long-term immobility of the limb inevitably arise.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture has vital importance to restore the functionality of the ankle. If you neglect the rehabilitation period, there is a high probability of developing joint stiffness, regular swelling of soft tissues, lameness and inability to withstand physical activity.

Rehabilitation methods

The essence of recovery techniques after an ankle fracture is to ensure that the rehabilitation program begins early and ends when the functionality of the leg returns.

The success of the program largely depends on its complexity: medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, physiotherapy and massage - all of the above helps to quickly restore limb function.

On the path to recovery, you need to optimize blood circulation, get rid of swelling, increase muscle strength, tissue regeneration, and strengthen joints.

The rehabilitation program begins immediately after removal of the plaster cast, subject to a positive result x-ray examination. About the features individual species rehabilitation course we'll talk below.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed after completion immobilization period. Immediately after removing the plaster cast, most patients experience stiffness in foot movements, pain when walking, and slight lameness.

Thanks to a course of physiotherapy, normal mobility of the foot is restored, metabolism and blood circulation are improved, and swelling is reduced. In addition, physiotherapeutic techniques help relieve pain, eliminate stagnation and bruises.

Patients are prescribed electrophoresis with simultaneous administration of novocaine, phonophoresis with injections of hydrocortisone. Magnetic therapy, amplipulse therapy, ozokerite, and UHF are effective. The number of procedures is determined by the doctor individually, but on average the patient needs to undergo from 10 to 15 sessions using each method.


It is advisable to start massaging the injured leg as early as possible - immediately after removing the cast. To prevent the procedure from causing pain, painkillers (gels or ointments) are applied to the limb before it is performed.

Massage procedures can reduce swelling, normalize blood and lymph circulation, and improve metabolism. The standard course of treatment includes 10 – 20 sessions. At the end of the massage, an elastic bandage is applied to the ankle.

If you wish, you can learn how to massage yourself. During the massage, it is important to balance your own strengths and the real needs in their application, so as not to cause harm to the still painful lower leg.


Physical education is considered the main - indispensable - means of restoring functionality after a limb fracture.

If the pain becomes too noticeable during exercise, you should reduce the intensity of the exercises. Regularity of exercise is extremely important: it is not a single workout that gives the effect, but regularity and consistency of exercise.

The basic principle of training is the need to gradually increase loads. The amplitude of movements and duration of training gradually increases.

Therapeutic gymnastics is the best way to develop the ankle and strengthen the ligaments, which will restore the functionality of the damaged leg.

Note! Complete return of function of the injured limb occurs approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the start of rehabilitation. However, if there has been a displacement, recovery may take six months.

Physical exercises and rehabilitation stages

Therapeutic gymnastics exercises have their own characteristics depending on the patient’s condition. At the first stage - while wearing the cast - a gentle approach is used. At the second stage - after removing the plaster cast - the exercises become more intense.

Therapeutic gymnastics during the immobilization period

1.5 - 2 weeks after applying the plaster, the doctor recommends starting simple exercises. Classes are carried out first right in bed, and later - while moving on crutches.

An approximate list of exercises for the first stage:

  1. Tension and relaxation of the thigh and calf muscles. Each approach contains 20–30 tensions and relaxations.
  2. Movement of the toes. It is recommended to perform this exercise every hour - 10 minutes.
  3. Alternately lift both legs up. It is advisable to raise the limbs as high as possible. The number of repetitions for each approach is from 5 to 7.
  4. Swing the injured leg in different sides(forward, sideways, back). When performing the exercise, you should lean on a reliable surface, which can be a wall, furniture or crutches. The number of repetitions is from 7 to 12 times.
  5. The exercise is identical to the one described above, but this time you should hold your leg in the air for 1 to 3 minutes.

Therapeutic exercises after plaster removal

The plaster cast is removed after the bone has completely fused in the correct position. Most often, this procedure is performed 3 to 6 weeks after the fracture.

After the offensive recovery period loads increase, and training is supplemented with new exercises. At first, you can do 4 workouts per week, but after 1 - 2 weeks it is recommended to switch to a daily training regimen.

Below is sample list Exercises recommended during rehabilitation after an ankle fracture:

  1. Alternating walking on toes and heels. The duration of the exercises is from 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Deep squats. At first, it is permissible to lift your heels off the surface, but in the future you should strive for squats without lifting your heels off the floor. The number of repetitions of the exercise is from 4 to 8 times.
  3. Jumping in different directions - 8 – 15 repetitions per approach.
  4. Running with side steps, running in place. Running duration is 3 – 10 minutes.
  5. Alternating support on the inner and outer parts of the foot. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 10 – 12 times per approach.
  6. Rolling a gymnastic stick, tennis ball or any similar object with your foot.
  7. Grasping and holding small objects (such as a pen) with your toes
  8. Pulling your socks towards you and in the opposite direction.
  9. Elevation jumps.
  10. Walking up the stairs.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are not prescribed or are recommended to be carried out with precautions in the following cases:

  • unsatisfactory general state patient;
  • unstable injury;
  • bleeding or its high probability;
  • oncological diseases;
  • decompensation of chronic diseases;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • mental pathologies that complicate contact between patient and doctor;
  • blood diseases;
  • purulent processes in which outflow does not occur;
  • pregnancy.

After osteosynthesis, physiotherapy using ultrasound and inductothermy are contraindicated. The fact is that ultrasonic waves create a cavitation effect between the bone and the metal, resulting in instability of the connection at the fracture site.

In addition, the magnetic field heats metal structures and causes absorption bone tissue, which leads to deterioration in connection quality.

A rehabilitation program to restore the functional characteristics of the ankle is no less important than timely and qualified treatment of a fracture. It is recommended not to neglect such procedures.

Proper rehabilitation after an ankle fracture will significantly speed up full recovery and restoration of ability to work.

The ankle, in conjunction with the heel, forms the base of the ankle. As you know, the lower part of the legs bears the main load during the day. It is especially difficult in this regard for people who have problems with overweight. is a serious injury, the treatment of which requires a course of rehabilitation. Many doctors believe that this period of therapy is the most important, and if you skip it, you can get unpleasant complications. In this case, repeated relapse is possible, and the old injury will make itself felt for the rest of your life.

The recovery period for an ankle after a fracture depends on the complexity and type of injury, the presence of complications, etc. If the injury does not cause additional problems, then the rehabilitation process is easy. In the case of a double ankle bone, the time for treatment increases significantly because the bone breaks in several places at once. Regardless of the complexity of the injury, it is necessary to undergo the recovery process under the supervision of a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Basic rehabilitation processes

The first stage of leg recovery after an ankle fracture involves wearing a plaster cast. The duration of this process depends on the complexity of the injury, problems encountered during the application of the plaster and the nature of the ankle injury. The initial stage of recovery after a non-displaced ankle fracture lasts approximately 1-2 months. If additional problems arise, the plaster cast may not be removed for six months.

The patient must understand that this injury is serious, so the supervision of a doctor and his control over the rehabilitation process are simply necessary. In most cases, a plaster cast is first applied and not removed until the bone tissue has fused. Then a closed cast is applied, which is worn until the leg is completely healed. In order for the bone to heal at a normal pace, you should not load the ankle with your body weight.

The second stage of recovery from an ankle fracture consists of exercises aimed at improving the mobility of the injured leg. Typically, specialists prescribe the following procedures to the patient:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

It is worth noting that these procedures must be used in combination in order to minimum terms achieve maximum results.

Features of the rehabilitation period

Wearing a cast is an essential part of the recovery process after a fracture of the lateral ankle. After this period, the leg becomes weak and inactive. And in order to restore her strength, mobility and normal gait, the joint must be regularly developed. This will require the perseverance and diligence of not only doctors, but also the patient himself. After removing the cast, the patient will have difficulty moving, and to facilitate this process, it is recommended to purchase an elbow crutch. However, this product should not be abused. The fact is that if you use it for more than two weeks, a habit of lameness may form.

Immediately after removing the plaster cast, the patient is prescribed a course electromagnetic therapy. It includes electrophoresis, mud baths, and ankle warming. These procedures are required to restore the ankle after a fracture and swelling that occurs as a result of wearing a cast.

Then the patient is prescribed a massage, the duration of which depends on the specific case. This procedure can last 5 days or the entire rehabilitation period. As you know, massage helps to restore previous mobility and develop the joint. This procedure can be carried out by both the doctor himself and the patient as one of the stages of recovery after an ankle fracture at home.

After all these therapeutic measures the patient needs to undergo a course of rehabilitation exercises. This stage is mandatory and it is not recommended to ignore it. Physical therapy is aimed at restoring ankle mobility. It includes a set of exercises with a systematic increase in the load on the injured leg. Let's talk about all stages of rehabilitation in more detail.


After the doctor removes the cast, he immediately prescribes physical therapy. Restoring a leg after a broken ankle is impossible without these procedures. They are aimed at rehabilitating the ankle, as well as giving mobility. In addition, with their help the following goals are achieved:

  • bone tissue is strengthened;
  • the process of bone fusion increases;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • swelling is relieved.

Most doctors prescribe approximately the same physical therapy procedures, as they are the most effective. Among them are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • warming up the joint;
  • taking mud baths;
  • influence of harmless currents;
  • exposure to ultraviolet light.

Initially, all these activities are carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. IN further patient can carry them out independently. The length of the recovery period after an ankle fracture depends, among other things, on the conscientiousness of the patient. After all, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the process will end as quickly as possible. The next stage of rehabilitation is massage. We will consider this procedure in more detail.

Massage at an early stage of treatment

The fact is that this event is more effective when used in combination with physiotherapy or physical therapy. In other words, massage can be used at all stages of treatment. However, the tasks it performs are always different. On initial stage therapy, it is aimed at relaxing the muscles, and at a later stage, normalizing ankle mobility.

Massage is first used on the second or third day after the injury. It can be applied through plaster, the main thing is to do everything correctly, and then the result will not take long to wait. Many doctors recommend applying skeletal traction. It is aimed at gradually reducing the fragments and holding them in the desired position with the help of weights. It's pretty effective technique, however, there is one drawback - long-term bed rest is required, sometimes it lasts several months.

Before the massage, you need to achieve relaxation of all the patient’s muscles; vibration is used for this. It is worth noting that along with the damaged leg, attention should be paid to the healthy one. The procedure should not be accompanied by pain or unpleasant sensations. The duration of the daily session is no more than 3-5 minutes. If the patient has skeletal traction, then massage should be done outside the focus, paying attention to the lower legs and hips.

Correct movements

Recovery time after an ankle fracture depends on the correct execution and direction of the techniques. Often a massage is performed by a specialist who knows all the nuances. But if the patient himself will carry out this procedure, then he needs to know where to start and how to finish.

Each session should begin with stroking the groin and popliteal areas lymph nodes. Kneading and rubbing can be done in any direction; in such a situation, the flow does not matter.

It is worth noting that stroking should be done with fingers, a fist or the entire surface of the palm. As for rubbing, it is better to perform movements with great intensity in different directions. The kneading technique is carried out for more than late stages treatment, as it is aimed at increasing muscle tone and normalizing ankle mobility. It must be performed using fists and palms. Kneading is similar to the process of mixing dough; the movements should be intense.

Finish the massage in the recovery complex after an ankle fracture with percussive tapping and patting. Such actions can be performed using a fist or the edge of the palm. It is recommended to stroke between techniques, as it helps both participants in the process to catch their breath and relax a little.

Late stage massage

When full recovery is approaching, it is necessary to tone the muscles and restore their former mobility. For this purpose, techniques such as kneading, rubbing and shock vibration are used. In addition, the use of intermittent strokes is quite effective. During the recovery process after a broken ankle, you can perform this massage at home. However, the person who performs it must be a professional, since one careless movement can lead to complications.

As soon as the plaster is removed, you cannot immediately begin intensive techniques, because this will not lead to anything good. Moreover, such diligence will only negatively affect the recovery time after an ankle fracture. This is due to the fact that incorrect movements will cause pain in the ankle area, swelling may appear, and rehabilitation will be delayed.

If inflammation does occur, it is recommended to use light massage. The movements should be directed from the edges to the center, then regular stroking should be applied. This simple technique should not be underestimated; the duration of the rehabilitation period directly depends on it.

During the massage, you do not need to touch the fracture site. It is much more effective to massage the area around it. Excessive touching of the injury causes severe pain and discomfort.

After removing the closed cast

As soon as the plaster is removed, you need to gradually increase physical activity on the leg. Massage in the first two weeks should be done very carefully, allowing the ankle to get used to it. Then you can make intermittent strokes, while the movements of the hands will be carried out towards each other.

After a month, it’s time to start stroking, affecting the affected areas. However, you still need to take precautions and not do sudden movements. Recovery from a non-displaced ankle fracture is fairly quick. If this is the case, then after a month you can massage a little more boldly, you should add light tapping.

As already noted, massage is most effective when combined with therapeutic exercises. In addition, during the rehabilitation period you can regularly take mud baths and physiotherapy techniques. If the patient did everything correctly, under the strict supervision of a doctor, then the rehabilitation process will take place as quickly and efficiently as possible. Recovery after an ankle fracture will be complete, and the patient will be able to return to usual life. It should be remembered that this can only be achieved by following the recommendations of specialists.


After the patient has completed a course of physiotherapy and massage, it is time to begin physical therapy. In other words, you need to do exercises to recover from a broken ankle. Each session is very important and is aimed at restoring the necessary mobility to the joint and allowing the muscles to regain their former elasticity.

To begin with, you should perform the exercises under the guidance of the specialist who prescribed this course. In the future, after achieving certain results, you can continue to study at home. It should be remembered that one exercise should take no more than 10 minutes. If pain occurs in the ankle area, you need to postpone this task for a while. It is worth noting that the load must be gradually increased so that the leg gets used to it.

Doctors in most cases prescribe a course of fairly simple exercises that can be performed without effort. Typically the set of tasks includes:

  • walking with support on the injured leg, the main thing here is not to overdo it;
  • swing the affected leg in different directions, it is advisable to hold it in the air for some time during the next swing;
  • swing with both legs in a lying position;
  • raising both legs from heel to toe, you can do this with one leg;
  • lifting your leg back, trying not to arch your back;
  • raising the knee with a slight delay.

It is difficult to overestimate the usefulness of walking during the rehabilitation period. You need to constantly walk, first on a flat surface, then you can use exercise equipment. If you have stairs at home, you should practice on them. It must be remembered that after an injury it is much more difficult to go down than to go up.

Objectives of physical therapy

Of course, the main goal of gymnastics is to restore mobility to the injured area of ​​the leg. However, this is not the only task. In addition, the following purposes of physical education are distinguished:

  • thanks to slight physical activity, swelling of the damaged part of the leg is relieved;
  • exercises, in addition to rehabilitation purposes, are aimed at preventing flat feet and curvature of the finger;
  • blood circulation improves.

How long does it take to recover from a broken ankle? It depends on how the rehabilitation process goes. Sometimes doctors prescribe additional exercises to speed up recovery. For example, flexion exercises are quite popular; they are performed with fingers and joints. Walking on your heels and toes alternately is also very useful during this period. In this case, you must have special orthopedic insoles, which must be placed in your shoes.

It must be remembered that recovery time also depends on the severity of the ankle fracture. All doctor's recommendations must be followed. Otherwise, the rehabilitation process will take a long time and lead to serious consequences. The area of ​​the ankle where the fracture occurred will constantly hurt and give you no rest. What then to say about broken ankles? Recovery after surgery takes a very long time. Of course, breaking both ankles is a very rare case, and certainly the most severe.

Recovery from a displaced ankle fracture

This is probably one of the most complex cases. The rehabilitation period for such a fracture cannot be determined even approximately. However, we can say for sure that the recovery will be very long. The fact is that with such a fracture lower limb remains immobile and must be carefully and systematically developed. These procedures begin while the plaster cast is still applied. Doctors usually recommend intervention in the second week.

To begin with, the simplest movements are performed, which the tongue cannot call exercises. The doctor determines the time when new tasks can be introduced using an x-ray. If signs of bone fusion appear, then gradually the ankle begins to be loaded.

As you know, a displaced ankle fracture is one of the most complex injuries, and therefore recovery takes a very long time. The rehabilitation process is monitored by a specialist using regular x-rays. If they do not show improvement over a long period of time, it means they need surgical intervention. And after the operation it is also necessary to go through the recovery process.

What exercises should not be performed during the rehabilitation period?

Many people, due to their constant employment, cannot wait until the bone heals completely and put a lot of strain on their leg. This is strictly prohibited, such actions will lead to very unpleasant consequences. During rehabilitation, you cannot run, jump, walk on the outside or inside of your feet, ride a bike, dance, walk in heels, or do strength exercises.

Properly performed gymnastics will help the patient fully recover from the fracture and return to normal life. You need to treat the injured leg with care, do not overload it with unnecessary physical exercise, and avoid injury. It is recommended to take short walks, preferably with a guide. The elastic bandage can be left in place until full recovery, if without it there is a feeling of discomfort.

During the year after the fracture, you should once again take care, because if a relapse occurs, the ankle may not fully recover.

A common type of injury is an ankle fracture. It is formed due to motor activity a person with an excessive range of motion, as well as taking the leg into an uncharacteristic position. Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is very important, since a person’s continued ability to walk depends on its proper use. All the details of this period can be found in the article.

Doctors note that this injury is characterized by the following typical signs:

  • Severe pain, the appearance of a crunch and hematoma in the damaged area;
  • The formation of edema and loss of general performance of the limb.

Usually, pain appears in a person at the moment of impact, but most often the person is in a state of passion and may not feel it at all. Later, he experiences severe pain and is unable to step on his injured leg. If you do not consult a doctor in time, a person may develop pain shock.

If a strong crunch is heard during the impact, this indicates that the bone is broken. If this is the case, the person will later experience swelling in the injured area. If damaged large vessels swelling may appear over the entire surface of the injured limb.

Appearance dark spots on the surface of the skin indicates the formation of a hematoma at the site of injury. It is formed if soft tissues available internal bleeding. This phenomenon leads to a decrease in the performance of the injured leg.

Types of Ankle Injuries

Doctors distinguish the following types of injuries:

  • Supination and pronation.
  • Isolated. They are divided into lateral and medial. The lateral ones appear on the outside, and the medial ones on the inside ankles.
  • Multiple. They are classified into bimalleolar and trimalleolar. The latter are characterized by separation of the rear part tibia.
  • Injuries with ligament damage.
  • Closed and open fractures.
  • Ankle fracture with or without displacement.
  • Damage with the presence of irregularities in the ankle ring. They form between the ankle fork and the ligaments. These fractures are also divided into stable and unstable. At stable fracture the damage affects only one ankle. Unstable fractures are characterized by double or triple malleolar fractures, as well as the presence of ligament tears. Such injuries are also characterized by the presence of external subluxation in the foot.

Thus, when unpleasant signs Finally, the person should be taken to the hospital immediately. Only an experienced doctor based on examination, additional diagnostic procedures can deliver accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Rehabilitation after injury

Most people are often interested in the question of how long rehabilitation will take. Doctors note that if a person does not experience any complications after breaking an ankle and removing the cast, the recovery period will take from 1 to 2 months.

Complications that the patient may experience may include:

  • The presence of swelling in the soft tissues;
  • Decreased joint activity and lameness.

If the injury was accompanied by bone displacement and surgery was performed with a plate, the rehabilitation period will be extended to six months.

After removing the bandage, the patient is recommended to bandage the leg. An elastic bandage after a fracture is necessary to give the limb an optimal position. At first, the patient is prohibited from stepping on the injured leg while walking. He usually gets around on crutches. Only after 2 weeks a person is allowed to use a cane instead of crutches. If the patient does not know how to walk correctly with a cane, then this should be discussed with the attending physician in advance.

Remember that how will undergo recovery after an ankle fracture, and how long it will last, depends on the severity of the injury received.

Overall during rehabilitation period the following tasks are solved:

  • We increase muscle tone and elasticity;
  • We get rid of congestion and swelling in the leg and normalize blood supply and lymph outflow;
  • We restore the mobility of the injured limb.

Assign what is necessary during the rehabilitation period additional procedures Only the attending physician can.

Thus, the rehabilitation process after a displaced ankle fracture generally consists of the following important stages:

  1. The patient undergoing physical therapy. He is also prescribed physiotherapy and massage;
  2. Eating only healthy foods;
  3. Applications for him medicines and wearing orthopedic devices.

Physiotherapy Basics

Initially, the patient is prescribed electromagnetic therapy. Next, mud baths are used, as well as influencing the damaged limb using ultrasound, electrophoresis and heating.

If the patient has a displaced fracture, he is prescribed oxygen and pearl baths, as well as the use of underwater massage, thermal baths, applications with ozokerite, paraffin and mud.

If there is severe pain in the ankle area, physiotherapy includes the use of UHF, electrophoresis, and the use of an Almag-type device.

When bone healing is slow, extracorporeal shock wave therapy is used.

Exercise therapy for a broken ankle is not performed for the following categories of citizens:

  • If they have severe chronic diseases;
  • When diseases appear in the circulatory system;
  • With the development of neoplasms of both malignant and benign nature;
  • With a tendency to heavy bleeding.

Massage technique

Typically, massage after an ankle fracture is prescribed to the patient after he has completed several courses of physiotherapeutic procedures. Massage makes muscles elastic, improves blood flow to the damaged area and lymph outflow, and also helps to work out better joint and restores limb mobility.

In general, massage for an ankle fracture is based on performing light circular and flexion-extension movements. It is done either by an experienced doctor or by the patient himself if he has knowledge of massage techniques.

The massage is performed in several stages:

  1. With warmed hands, stroke the shin. Movements are made from below and move upward. You cannot press on the limb.
  2. Next, the ankle is worked with knuckles or fingertips. Circles are drawn on it, it is rubbed and lightly pinched.

Also during recovery, the patient is given baths with aqueous solution sea ​​salt. To improve the healing process of the limb during massage, use various ointments and compresses.

Ointments and their recipes:

  1. Mix: 50 ml olive oil, 15 mg copper sulfate, 20 mg spruce resin and 1 finely chopped onion. The resulting paste is applied to the damaged area after a massage or bath.
  2. Mix rose oil and mummy. The composition should be applied 3 times a day.
  3. To get rid of bruises, fistulas and wounds in the first days after removing the bandage, many people recommend using badger fat.
  4. In order to get rid of severe pain on problem area You should apply a compress with potato pulp.
  5. Alcohol compresses are used to improve blood flow and get rid of swelling.

The patient undergoes about 5-10 sessions therapeutic massage using various ointments.

Stages of securing fixing bandages

Fixing devices are:

  • Soft and elastic;
  • Semi-rigid and rigid;
  • Pressing and protective;
  • Treating and corrective;
  • Immobilizing.

Additionally you can purchase orthopedic shoes and orthopedic insoles for your shoes. They help relieve swelling and prevent the development of flat feet.

Stages of physical therapy

One of the important components of the entire rehabilitation period is physical therapy. This is a set of special exercises that develop the limb and restore mobility in it. Therapeutic exercises after an ankle fracture relieve swelling and reduce the risk of such phenomena as post-traumatic flat feet, bone deformities, and heel spurs.

Typically, physical training is prescribed by doctors in the first days after osteosynthesis with minimal load, but then it gradually increases. The first few days of leg development are carried out with a physician, who selects exercises and monitors the correctness of their implementation. When the patient has learned the entire complex, therapeutic exercises for a broken ankle are performed at home.

Exercises after an ankle fracture include:

  • The patient flexes and extends his toes and grasps any small objects with them.
  • Rolling a shady ball or small bottle between the soles of your feet.
  • Rotation of the ankle joint: first counterclockwise, and then clockwise.
  • Walking by rolling your feet from heel to toe.
  • Performing adduction and deviation of the foot from the shin.
  • Walking around the room in a half-squat.
  • Performing the “bicycle” exercise.

A person at home should bend and straighten the ankle joint as often as possible.

If during exercise therapy after a fracture the patient develops unpleasant symptoms, then you should seek advice from a specialist.

A list of actions that a patient should not perform during rehabilitation:

  • Jumping, running and leaning heavily on a limb and walking for a long time on the outside and inside of the foot;
  • Raise a limb while overcoming obstacles;
  • Ride a bike;
  • Practice active sports

Often, doctors, when answering the question of how to develop a leg after a fracture, recommend that patients sign up for a swimming pool.

What to eat during recovery

Physical therapy after an ankle fracture is not the only way fast healing legs. The patient also needs to know how his nutrition should be structured during a fracture. Every day his diet should contain elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as vitamins and mineral complexes. A specialist may also prescribe medications that increase the amount of calcium in the bones.

Failure to follow the recommendations of a specialist can lead to a person developing complications that are dangerous to his health, which can appear both during rehabilitation and after a certain period of time after it. Proper rehabilitation– is the key to rapid recovery and resumption of physical activity.

Restorative techniques are capable of short time return the victim to normal life, and therapeutic exercises after an ankle fracture are the basis of rehabilitation measures.

Basic methods of treating injury

The most common treatment is immobilization using a plaster cast.

Depending on the nature of the fracture, the following is also carried out:

  • manual alignment of fragments or reposition with auxiliary means during surgery;
  • traction of the injured leg;
  • reduction of a dislocated foot.

All measures taken must be carried out under the control of an x-ray to prevent improper fusion of fragments of damaged bones.

The importance of proper and timely rehabilitation

In order to fully return activity to the injured leg, it is necessary to begin recovery measures from the first days after the injury and end when motor function completely resumed.

The modern approach to rehabilitation includes:

  • massage;
  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

The combination of such techniques provides:

  • improvement of trophic processes in the damaged bone and surrounding soft tissues of the leg;
  • rapid fusion of damaged fragments;
  • reduction of inflammatory changes and swelling in the affected area;
  • intensive blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

There are three main stages of rehabilitation after a fracture:

  1. During strict immobilization (first 10-14 days after injury).
  2. Expansion of the motor mode with certain restrictions.
  3. Restorative procedures during residual effects after damage.

The volume and nature of the treatment provided is determined depending on the period of rehabilitation and the individual characteristics of the body.

What factors can influence the speed of recovery?

The patient's recovery time is affected by:

  • age;
  • intensity of metabolic processes in the body;
  • characteristics of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • the presence of concomitant pathology of internal organs ( chronic diseases lungs, kidneys, diabetes) And musculoskeletal system(osteoporosis, osteoarthritis);
  • food quality;
  • complexity of the fracture (presence of displacement of bone fragments and extent of surgical intervention);
  • compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician on physical activity depending on the stage of rehabilitation;
  • volume of rehabilitation measures (massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures).

The process of returning to physical activity occurs most quickly in children and young people; in old age, the recovery period and the likelihood of developing complications significantly increases. It is advisable to begin incorporating a variety of techniques into the treatment regimen as early as possible.

How long the recovery process takes depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. In most patients, after two months of rehabilitation measures, the function of the affected limb is completely restored.

Principles and schemes of rehabilitation

Most important basics rehabilitation measures are:

  • subsequence;
  • gradual loads on the injured limb;
  • individual approach;
  • dosage of exercises and procedures;
  • systematicity.

The scheme of rehabilitation measures must include exercise therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and massage. Rehabilitation should be stopped only after complete restoration of function of the affected leg.

Balanced diet

Food products with high content vitamins and microelements strengthen the immune system and help intensify reparative processes in the body. To replenish calcium reserves in order to increase strength and accelerate bone fusion, the patient needs dairy and fermented milk products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • hard cheese;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt.

Full absorption of calcium is possible from dairy products with a high percentage of fat, since only such foods contain a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Calcium from skim milk is not able to strengthen the bone structure!

The patient's diet should include:

  • fish (freshly cooked, lightly salted and canned);
  • vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage of all types, greens);
  • cereals and legumes;
  • seeds and nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, sesame, chia);
  • unrefined vegetable oils(olive, sunflower, flaxseed).

Restorative nutrition also includes adequate consumption clean water(up to 1.5-2 liters per day), natural freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes. Balanced diet leads to recovery being much faster and more efficient.

Taking medications

Calcium supplements are used to shorten rehabilitation time and speed up healing of damaged bones. The patient is prescribed:

Promote restoration of means of adaptogenic and biostimulating action:

  • mummy in tablets or solution;
  • extracts of ginseng, deer antlers;
  • tinctures of eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass.

Course duration drug therapy is determined individually and depends on the reserve capabilities of the body.

Orthopedic accessories

After removing the plaster or splint, it is recommended to wear elastic bandage. You should bandage your leg in the morning without getting out of bed. Begin applying the bandage from the foot, each turn should overlap 2/3 of the previous one. The bandaging is completed at the level of the lower third of the shin.

Wearing special devices - orthoses - may be recommended by an orthopedist. The type of orthopedic device is recommended individually and depends on the severity of the fracture.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy methods help to successfully cope with the restoration of normal blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, eliminate pain syndrome and trophic disorders. It is advisable to begin ankle recovery after a fracture with electromagnetic therapy sessions. Positive Impact on the injured leg has:

  • electrophoresis with medicinal substances(novocaine, potassium iodide, aminophylline, lidase);
  • ultrasound (with hydrocortisone ointment);
  • thermal procedures (applications with paraffin, ozokerite, therapeutic mud);
  • laser therapy.

Treatment using physiotherapeutic methods is an integral part of the rehabilitation of an ankle fracture, but this method is contraindicated in the presence of benign and malignant processes, blood diseases. Osteosynthesis for bimalleolar and trimalleolar fractures, as well as the presence of an established metal plate in the tibia does not interfere with physiotherapeutic treatment methods.


Sessions must be started after completing physiotherapeutic procedures. The following techniques are shown:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • tingling;
  • "finger rain"

Massage movements should be directed from bottom to top to activate lymphatic drainage. The course of procedures is capable of ensuring the development ankle joint and lasts at least 10 days.

Exercise therapy

Dosed exercise stress promotes active recovery. It is necessary to begin a course of physical therapy after an ankle fracture under the guidance of an instructor. After a series of trainings in medical institution You can develop your leg at home.

Volume gymnastic exercises for the ankle after a fracture depends on the individual characteristics of the recovery period, age and concomitant pathology of the patient.

Exercises after an ankle fracture to restore muscle function can be performed in the following sequence:

  • in a sitting position, pull your socks first towards you and then in the opposite direction;
  • the injured foot needs to grab any thin object (pencil, pen, etc.);
  • alternately stand on the inner and outside feet (10 approaches);
  • jog in place for 5-10 minutes;
  • squat for 10-15 approaches (at first it is permissible to lift your heels off the floor, later you will need to lower yourself completely to the entire foot);
  • roll a gymnastic ball or rolling pin on the floor with the fingers of the affected leg;
  • go up and down the stairs for 5-7 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Exercise therapy after an ankle fracture should not cause pain or discomfort. If swelling of soft tissues and pain occur, it is necessary to urgently consult your doctor and adjust the volume of restorative measures.

Exercises after a broken ankle can quickly restore function to a leg that has been broken. A visit to the pool is good for strengthening flabby muscles and ankles.

What to do if your leg swells after the cast is removed

The occurrence of edema after the immobilization devices have been removed is due to a violation of trophic processes, as well as lymph outflow. Reduce swelling by rubbing ointments and gels based on troxerutin and horse chestnut:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Indovazin;
  • Essaven-gel.

Apply the product to the affected area only in the direction of application. lymphatic ducts, i.e. from bottom to top (from ankle to knee).

Use of medications local action recommended 2-3 times a day.

What not to do after a broken ankle

After removing the plaster cast, you must be careful when placing weight on the affected limb. You should not step on your sore leg; first use crutches and then a cane for support. Avoid:

  • sudden movements;
  • dance classes;
  • sports training;
  • cycling and hiking over long distances;
  • jumping.

In any situation, it is necessary to avoid relying on the injured leg so as not to provoke a re-injury.

Features of rehabilitation in old age

Most older people are diagnosed with osteoporosis - a decrease in the mechanical strength of bone tissue. This disease makes recovery difficult.

For older people, the rehabilitation period is significantly longer. Physical therapy exercises And massage techniques should be gentle, since there is a possibility of repeated damage to the bones.

Complications of an ankle fracture

After injury, the patient may develop adverse consequences, which are caused by both improper organization of the rehabilitation process and individual characteristics sick.

The most common complications of an ankle fracture are:

  • infection of bone and soft tissue in the area of ​​the affected limb;
  • development of degenerative changes in the ankle joint;
  • prolongation of the period of healing of the damaged ankle;
  • deformation of the bones of the leg after improper healing of the fracture;
  • bleeding from damaged vessels;
  • lameness;
  • necrotic changes skin in the projection of the injured bone;
  • hypotrophy of the lower leg muscles;
  • habitual subluxation of the foot;
  • embolic and thromboembolic complications;
  • decreased mobility in the ankle joint.

To prevent serious condition, you need to constantly monitor changes in the body and monitor the basic functions of organs and systems.

Consequences and prevention of injury

After a fracture, there is a possibility of gait disturbance (limping), development of stiffness in the ankle and hypotrophic changes in the muscles. To fully recover, everything rehabilitation measures must be carried out to the maximum extent possible.

Patients should avoid:

  • traumatic sports (skating, football, alpine skiing);
  • walking in high-heeled shoes;
  • long periods of standing;
  • long hikes.

To prevent the development of flat feet, you will need to put orthopedic insoles in your shoes. People who have previously suffered a fracture must learn to fall correctly and group their muscles to prevent re-injury.

Elderly people are advised to follow special measures security in winter period of the year. During icy conditions, you must wear boots or boots that have special devices for outer surface, and especially dangerous days refrain from going outside.

The ankle, in conjunction with the heel, forms the basis of the ankle. Lower legs experience throughout the day heaviest load, especially in the presence excess weight. A fracture of this area of ​​the leg is considered a complex injury, the treatment of which includes professional rehabilitation and recovery.

If you ignore the specified period of treatment, they will develop serious complications, the resulting fracture will remind you of itself for a long period, sometimes for life. It is possible to do leg rehabilitation yourself at home, but better rehabilitation be under the constant supervision of a professional. The doctor will assess the risks and possible complications. Thanks to special knowledge, the process will take a minimum possible time. You should not rely solely on the doctor. It is important to follow the recommendations and appointments for the full period.

The first part of any rehabilitation after a fracture is wearing a plaster cast. The duration of the period depends on:

  • Difficulty of fracture;
  • Complications encountered during surgery or plaster application;
  • Nature of the ankle injury.

If no complications are observed, the plaster is removed after 5-10 weeks. If the fracture is displaced, the period may drag on for six months.

After a fracture, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and constantly be under his supervision. In practice, a temporary plaster cast is often initially applied and worn until the bone tissue heals. Then the temporary measure is replaced with a closed cast, which is removed after the fracture has completely healed.

In order for the fusion process to occur correctly and quickly, you should not lean on the injured leg until the doctor’s permission. Any recovery exercises are carried out with the permission of the doctor.

The second part of the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture is aimed at restoring the mobility of the leg that was in a cast. More often, the patient is prescribed procedures used in combination:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Physical therapy exercises.


During the recovery period, the patient is prescribed physical therapy procedures. Thanks to their use, clear and specific goals are achieved in restoring ankle mobility:

  • Strengthening bone tissue;
  • Acceleration of bone fusion processes;
  • Normalization of blood circulation processes;
  • Relieving swelling.

Effectiveness in recovery from ankle fractures are:

  1. Electrophoresis;
  2. Ultraviolet exposure;
  3. Warming up;
  4. Mud applications;
  5. Exposure to harmless currents.

At the beginning of recovery, procedures are carried out under the strict supervision of medical workers; in the future, it is permissible to develop the leg independently. Physiotherapy courses are often complemented by courses of therapeutic massage.

Features of massage during recovery

It is important to visit a professional massage therapist during the rehabilitation period for correct perception medical procedure. If there is swelling at the ankle fracture site, massage will help cope with the disorder. Regular manipulation helps restore sensitivity to tissues.

When performing a massage, the main procedures are:

  • Stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading.

To improve the result, massage is supplemented with the use of flavored oils, improving lymph outflow.

During the first procedures, there is noticeable discomfort, which gradually decreases.

It is advisable that the massage be performed by a master, but sometimes this is not possible. Then you should do the massage yourself at home, preferably in the morning and evening. When carried out, they are positioned standing. The procedures are similar professional massage. Each technique is performed at least ten times.

Remember, when carrying out a massage procedure, it is important not to overdo it and not cause pain.

The Power of Physical Therapy

After attending physiotherapy and massage procedures, further restoration of the damaged ankle is carried out, and physical therapy exercises will be required. By performing each exercise, the damaged joint in the ankle area will gradually regain mobility, muscles and tissues will regain elasticity and firmness.

It is worth starting the exercises under the guidance and supervision of a master who will help in compiling the complex; you will need to monitor the correct execution. In the future, you can perform the exercises yourself at home. The duration of the lesson does not exceed 10 minutes. The load on the injured limb increases gradually; if pain occurs, it is recommended to temporarily postpone the exercise.

When restoring an ankle after a fracture, the physical therapy complex consists of simple exercises that can be performed easily and simply. Approximately the complex includes:

  1. Walking with full support on the injured leg. It is important not to overdo it so as not to worsen the condition of the ankle;
  2. Swing your legs in different directions, back and forth. When raising your leg, you should hold it for a moment;
  3. Translational rotations of the foot;
  4. Lying on the floor, perform cross leg swings;
  5. Gradual lifts from heel to toe. The exercise can be done on one leg;
  6. Performing neat swings in different directions with a slight delay of the injured leg in the top position for a moment;
  7. Raising the leg back without bending the back;
  8. Knee lift with a slight leg hold.

Walking is important during recovery. It is acceptable to simply walk on level ground or use exercise equipment. For the most basic exercise machine, choose a simple staircase in your home. Going down the stairs after a fracture is much more difficult than going up.

The main goal of therapeutic physical education is the gradual restoration of mobility of the affected area of ​​the leg. There are other goals achieved when performing exercises:

  • Thanks to exercises, swelling of the injured ankle is reduced;
  • Exercises become preventive measures to the development of flat feet and curvature of the finger;
  • Blood circulation improves.

Additionally, the set of exercises with which recovery is carried out is filled with flexion exercises, performed with the fingers and other joints. It is acceptable to pick up small objects with your fingers and roll a tennis ball on the floor. Slow walking alternately: on your heels, then on your toes, has a good restorative effect. It is important to wear shoes with special orthopedic insoles during the recovery period.

Remember throughout the recovery period that the duration of the course directly depends on the severity and nature of the ankle fracture. If you ignore gymnastics, the consequences of a fracture are expected to be serious. The damaged area of ​​the ankle can cause discomfort for a long time, causing pain in the damaged area.

Features of recovery from a displaced fracture

With such a displaced injury, the recovery period is much longer; the damaged lower limb after a fracture remains in a stationary position for a long time; it needs to be developed more carefully.

Recovery procedures begin already during the period when a plaster cast is placed on the leg. The start of procedures is scheduled from the second week after receiving a fracture; exercises in the first stage of recovery are as gentle as possible. The signal about the possibility of conducting the first classes is X-ray when the doctor observes on film the beginning recovery processes fusion and damaged tissues. Exercises begin to be introduced gradually.

Anterior ankle dislocation is often one of the most difficult and dangerous injuries; recovery is monitored at certain intervals using x-rays. Thanks to this examination, the slightest changes in healing are monitored.

If the ankle bone does not heal within long period, surgical intervention by a surgeon and additional development are required. The complication will require an increase in the rehabilitation period.