What is plantar aponeurosis: symptoms, risk factors, treatment methods, causes. Plantar aponeurosis: what it is, symptoms and treatment Inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis symptoms

Plantar aponeurosis is a disease of the lower extremities, manifested by pain in the heel area. The leg is constantly in motion, the entire center of gravity falls on the heel. As a result, a lumpy growth is formed, causing inflammation, interfering with the patient’s normal life, causing discomfort.

Plantar aponeurosis of the foot is a serious inflammatory process associated with dystrophic changes in the plantar fascia. The fascia is the connection from the tubercle of the heel to the head of the metatarsal bones. Two elements provide support for the longitudinal arch of the lower limb.

The calcaneal aponeurosis manifests itself in the form of the following features:

  1. Increasing pain.
  2. When walking, the entire load falls on the foot, resulting in a heel spur.

Inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis of the lower part of the foot is observed when the articular-ligamentous apparatus is sprained. It occurs when a person walks incorrectly, turning his foot inward.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation

There are a number of reasons why the foot may become inflamed:

  1. Shoes with high heels, stilettos or insteps.
  2. Intensive jogging.
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Age over 40 years.
  5. Intense sports activity.
  6. Professional activities associated with prolonged standing.
  7. Thin soles on boots.

Women are at risk for the occurrence of aponeurositis due to prolonged wearing of high heels and aerobics and dancing. This pathology in men is diagnosed as an occupational disease or from excessive physical training.

The main symptom is painful spasms in the heel area, causing discomfort when moving. The sensations increase in the morning hours, until the patient leaves, when climbing stairs, or active movement. When the disease is advanced, a growth forms on the bone, deforming the tissues of the foot. As a result, lameness becomes noticeable with limited mobility of the limb. Aponeurotic damage is the reason why athletes end their careers.

Features of aponeurosis ligamentosis

Ligamentosis of the plantar aponeurosis is a complication after the development of a spur on the heel. The phenomenon appears in professional athletes after injury to ligaments, progressive osteoarthritis, wear and tear of the body, and chronic ligamentitis.

The disease belongs to a number of orthopedic ailments of a chronic nature. Ligamentitis is manifested by the proliferation of cartilaginous fibrous tissue with subsequent deposition of calcium compounds. The result of this process is tissue ossification with damage to the knee ligaments.

It has a symptom expressed in the form of a severe painful spasm in the affected area. An auxiliary sign is the appearance of swelling in the soft tissues of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

Timely treatment will prevent the development of intervertebral hernia and arthrosis.

Tendinosis of the plantar aponeurosis is a process in which the tendon is deformed at the junction with the bone, spasm is observed. Tendinosis of the ligaments occurs due to increased physical activity, leading to damage. Due to microscopic injuries, the elasticity and resilience of the tendon structure decreases.

Tendinitis is caused by the following circumstances:

  1. Autoimmune diseases.
  2. Lack or excess of calcium.
  3. Severe injury.
  4. Age-related changes.
  5. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Allergic reactions.

Features of tendonitis include manifestations: painful spasms, sensitive palpation, crackling noise during movement, swelling, redness, increased body temperature.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD), in its tenth revision, contains the name “stenosing ligamentitis” (snapping finger) under the code M65.3. The disease manifests itself as a clicking sound when flexing and extending with force. Flexion of the fingers occurs due to special extensor muscles. These tendon joints begin to glide poorly due to inflammation of the annular ligament. To move the fingers, the tendons slide along special channels.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment methods

Diagnosis of plantar aponeurosis includes an x-ray examination. The picture shows an increase in size of the aponeurosis. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment therapy.

The course of treatment is approximately a couple of months. An enlarged aponeurotic junction can be cured in the early stages of development using the following means: physiotherapeutic sessions, massage. In advanced cases of the disease, intramuscular injections are used.

Traditional treatment methods include medications, physiotherapy, massage, etc.

To relieve pain, take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Ibuprofen, Naproxen). Ibuprofen is taken orally for adults, 3 tablets three times a day. Take with caution during pregnancy and lactation. For diseases of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, liver. The permissible average daily dose is 12 tablets. Naproxen is taken in the dosage indicated in the instructions. The maximum amount per day is 1.75 g. Before use, consider contraindications: personal intolerance, peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, liver and kidney failure, pregnancy, lactation, child under one year of age.

As intramuscular injections, a corticosteroid drug is used - Prednisolone - an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory drug with a rapidly absorbing effect. The dosage depends on the course of the musculoskeletal disease and is determined by the doctor. There are cautions in using Prednisolone. The medication can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Physiotherapy sessions are presented in the form of ultrasound, warming procedures, and laser therapy. Heel spurs are treated using the shock wave method.

The massage technique improves blood circulation, damaged cells are regenerated, and the aponeurosis is reduced.

Osteopathy - manual therapy with the basics of biomechanics - will help restore the mobility of the foot and toes. It is produced by using special kneading and stretching techniques on the damaged areas.

It is recommended to wear special orthopedic shoes or insoles while undergoing complex therapy.

You can remove inflammation of the ligaments using traditional medicine recipes.

A useful folk method is applying a compress based on medicinal mixtures. Garlic paste will help cope with inflammation. To prepare, take a couple of cloves of garlic and press it through a press. The resulting porridge is applied to the affected area, and a small piece of lard is placed on the top. The foot is wrapped in plastic wrap and a warm woolen sock is put on. The compress is applied before bedtime and removed in the morning. The procedure is carried out until the growth resolves.

You can get rid of the painful growth with flaxseed and potato peelings. The components are taken in equal quantities, pour 250 ml of water, and bring to a thick state. The mixture is cooled, applied to the plantar side, wrapped in plastic wrap for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the residue is washed off and the limb is rubbed with light massage movements.

If these methods of eliminating the growth are ineffective, surgical intervention is resorted to.

You can get rid of trigger finger syndrome by injecting it with Diprospan. The injection is given in a place where the tendon ligament will not be damaged. The procedure is fast and safe. For stenosing ligamentitis, surgical dissection of the annular joint that holds the flexor muscles of the fingers is performed.

Forecast and prevention of occurrence

With proper and timely treatment, the lower part of the foot stops hurting, and the resulting growths disappear. A serious complication is chronic spasm, rheumatoid arthritis of the knee and hip joints.

To prevent the occurrence of aponeurosis there are several recommendations:

  1. Make sure that the skin on your feet does not become rough.
  2. Massage your feet regularly and rub in special foot care products.
  3. Give your feet a rest from uncomfortable shoes with high platforms or heels.

As soon as discomfort appears in the heel, you should urgently consult a doctor to avoid complications.

Often not every person pays attention to foot diseases. In addition to the discomfort associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes, pain in the heel area may indicate the development of a more serious disease. And this cannot be left to chance.

Medicine offers many ways to eliminate diseases in the foot area, including plantar aponeurosis.

What is the disease?

When we talk about the plantar aponeurosis, we mean its inflammation. The disease itself is called plantar fasciitis.

The plantar aponeurosis of the sole is the plantar fascia, which is the connection of the heel tubercle and the head of the metatarsal bones.

At the same time, the longitudinal arch of the foot is maintained. Aponeurosis is an inflammation of this plantar fascia, together with which dystrophic changes are formed.

The first signal about the development of such inflammation is the manifestation of pain syndrome in the heel area. Taking into account the heavy load that falls on the heels when walking, a heel spur may occur, which is caused by inflammation of the aponeurosis.

Causes of inflammation

A pathological condition such as inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis occurs when the ligaments that support the arch of the foot are sprained. Stretching may result from:

  • presence of a high arch of the foot;
  • strong inward rotation of the foot when walking;
  • long walks;
  • long distance running;
  • excess weight;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • wearing one pair of shoes for a long time (more than 4 years);
  • hypertonicity of the calf muscle.

This disease most often occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. Females are more susceptible to fasciitis. In men, pathology practically does not occur.

But not only running and walking contribute to the development of the disease. Also, some sports can cause it. These include aerobics and dancing.

But this does not mean that you need to quit classes. In this case, it would be advisable not to exceed the required load.

The disease can also affect people who are engaged in certain professional activities. These include teachers, salespeople, workers in factories and factories, and those who spend long periods of time on their feet during the working day.

Signs of inflammation

The first symptoms of inflammation are pain syndrome and stiffness in the heel area. The pain can be dull or sharp. It is almost impossible to confuse inflammation with another disease, since the symptoms are quite characteristic.

The pain intensifies in the morning, when a person gets out of bed and takes the first steps, when heels are supported by prolonged standing. Also with swelling in areas such as the ankle and ankle, climbing stairs and intense activity of the extremities.

The pain syndrome develops slowly. In this case, the occurrence of lameness in humans is noted. Mostly, bilateral damage occurs, but damage to one foot is no exception.

As the disease progresses, the aponeurosis begins to thicken and fuse with the skin. A person is concerned about limited mobility of the foot, which affects the quality of life. This stage is often the reason for many athletes to leave sports and is the reason for going to the hospital.

As noted above, the most common complication of fasciitis is the development of heel spurs. The symptoms are clearly expressed: growths form on the heel, which consist of calcium salts. In both cases, with fasciitis and heel spurs, the treatment will be identical.

How to diagnose the disease?

Only a doctor can correctly make such a diagnosis after a complete examination of the person. An ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the foot is also performed. as well as x-ray. Based on the results of such diagnostic methods, a final diagnosis is made.

A clearer picture of the condition of the feet can be obtained from the results of CT and MRI. Thanks to them, it is possible to identify the accumulation of fluid along the aponeurosis, the process of inflammation in the nerves, and other abnormalities that cause pain in the heel area.

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment.

How to treat inflammation?

Treatment of aponeurosis may take more than one month. This is determined taking into account the extent of the disease.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the inflammation process can be eliminated and stopped using physiotherapy, massage and other methods.

But in the case when the disease is already advanced, it should be understood that treatment and recovery will be long. The necessary course of intramuscular injections will be no exception.

Traditional treatment for inflammation involves prescribing medications and other methods that will help reduce the load on the feet:

Nonsteroidal drugs.



In the case where the aponeurosis is a consequence of excess weight, treatment is aimed at eliminating it. The same applies to the presence of degenerative changes in the joints.

Massage will help improve blood circulation, restore damaged cells and reduce inflammation.

Wearing orthopedic shoes and orthopedic insoles in the presence of concomitant flat feet or excessive pronation of the foot.

Elimination of those causes that are sources of pain (uncomfortable shoes, long walking).

If conservative treatment does not bring recovery, surgical intervention is prescribed. This method of treating inflammation is rarely observed and only when it is accompanied by the presence of a heel spur.

Surgical treatment

Usually, when conservative treatment is not effective, doctors recommend surgery. Plantar fascia incision surgery is performed if a person has pain despite treatment, symptoms of the disease interfere with physical activity, or the disease has lasted more than 6 months.

The operation is performed using local anesthesia and endoscopic instruments. The flow of the operation is as follows:

  1. Making an incision in the area above the fat pad.
  2. Cutting the plantar fascia or separating it from the heel bone. This is necessary to reduce her tension.
  3. If the situation requires it, the doctor removes a small area of ​​the affected tissue.
  4. Smoothes the bone surface for less stress on the fascia.

It is worth noting that some complications may occur after the operation. These include:

  • neuroma, benign formation;
  • nerve damage;
  • recurrent pain;
  • long healing period;
  • infection.

Prevention of inflammation

In the case where the risk of such a disease is increased, you need to adhere to the rules of prevention, which are as follows:

Eliminate excess weight and maintain a healthy weight. This helps reduce pressure on the fascia of the sole.

When playing sports, it is important to stretch before exercising. This is especially true for athletes who run.

Wearing shoes at home. Walking barefoot at home does not have the best effect on the condition of the feet: pain may occur, as well as aggravation of existing fasciitis. The sole of house shoes must be stable.

Uncomfortable shoes can also contribute to the development of inflammation. It is recommended to wear models with instep support and shock absorption.

This disease has a favorable prognosis, but with timely consultation with a specialist.

After a long walk or run, many people complain about pain in their feet, but not everyone turns to a specialist for help and lets the pain take its course. Pain in the foot can signal many diseases, one of them is aponeurosis. If the necessary treatment is not prescribed in time, an inflammatory process begins, which causes acute pain in the heel and prevents the person from moving freely.

Features and concept of plantar aponeurosis

This includes severe inflammation of the plantar part of the foot or aponeurosis. This is where the name plantar aponeurosis or fasciitis comes from. Fasciitis is the heel part and head of the metatarsal joints, disruption of the functioning of the longitudinal arch of the foot and the development of dystrophic changes.

A person almost immediately recognizes that he is developing this disease by the pain syndrome, which is especially pronounced while walking. First, a heel spur or painful bump and growth on the heel may develop, then an inflammatory process occurs and plantar fasciitis develops.

The pain is especially felt in the morning, and if the leg is at rest during the day, the burning pain decreases.

However, with frequent walking and running, the process will only worsen, and the consequences can be serious: lameness in both legs, instability and staggering when walking, weakness in the legs, impaired activity. If you do not see a doctor in time, you will need urgent surgery.

Risk group

The aponeurosis most often begins to develop after a sprain of the supporting ligaments. The following patients are at risk of getting a disease of this nature:

  1. Elderly and middle-aged people, the disease is most often diagnosed in women aged 50 to 60 years. Men with this diagnosis are very rare.
  2. Athletes who engage in running, aerobics, gymnastics, figure skating and competitive dancing. for the athlete above all else, therefore it is necessary not to exceed the recommended loads.
  3. In addition, plantar aponeurosis develops in people who very often spend the whole day on their feet, this applies to the following professions: teacher, salesman, factory workers.
  4. Women who wore high heels or shoes with thin soles.

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Causes of the inflammatory process

The main reasons for the development of foot pathology are:

  • internal circulation and pronation of the foot
  • high arch or flat feet
  • uncomfortable shoes
  • long distance race
  • long walking over long distances
  • excess
  • underdeveloped Achilles tendon
  • wearing the same pair of shoes for five years
  • hypertonicity of the calves

If a person leads such an active lifestyle, then it is important to take care of his health in advance. Buy suitable comfortable shoes so that your feet are not stiff and compressed, and if possible, give your feet rest for as long as possible.

Symptoms of pathology

Plantar aponeurosis cannot be confused with another disease. Its directly indicative of the problem.

The most pronounced sign of inflammation of the sole is a terrible, burning pain. Most often, the patient complains of pain in the area, however, if the pathology has not been cured for a long time, the pain spreads to the entire foot. If the leg or affected area is given time to rest, the pain immediately disappears, but this does not indicate a solution to the problem.

With aponeurosis, the affected area will turn red, slight swelling and a heel spur may appear. Severe pain is felt in the morning or during pressure on the foot. The pain is very severe, the patient feels as if a nail is being hammered into his sole.

With such symptoms, you should seek help from a specialized doctor to confirm the diagnosis. An examination is ordered, and based on the results, the necessary drug treatment is prescribed; it may be necessary to perform surgical intervention.


Diagnosis of such a physical condition is determined quite quickly and easily. The doctor prescribes the following examinations: computer diagnostics, MRI and x-ray examination. These procedures allow us to understand the exact cause of the inflammatory process; perhaps the disease appeared due to pinching or damage to the heel.

In addition, during therapy, a test is carried out for the reaction and reflexes of the tone and muscle strength of the sole, adequacy of sensitivity, sense of balance and coordination of movement. This diagnosis allows the doctor to see the full picture of the pathology.


Since the pain in this case is not constant, but periodic, the patient does not seek help in time and tries to solve the problem on his own. But that's the whole danger. A frivolous attitude can lead to serious problems that will be impossible to cope with on your own.

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The first complication is severe pain from a chronic condition. The pain syndrome does not give rest either day or night; if measures are not taken, the inflammation will rise upward, and the legs, knees, and hips may suffer. Rheumatism and gonorrhea develop, abscesses and spurs appear, and the use of medications to eliminate pain becomes pointless.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis

In order to relieve pain as soon as possible, it is important to provide the foot with complete rest; you may need to give up all activities for several days and triple bed rest. If it is not possible to lie down, then you need to avoid stepping on the affected area of ​​the sole while moving. During the treatment period, you should categorically avoid sports activities, running and heavy physical activity.

To relieve the inflammatory process and relieve pain, the doctor may prescribe certain medications: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Prednisolone.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications should be taken either in the form or in tablets. Hydrocortisone ointment is prescribed for acute aponeurosis. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any medications, because some may be useless for fasciitis and will not bring relief.

The next equally effective treatment is physical therapy. Procedures are performed to warm the foot, as well as laser therapy and ultrasound. Thanks to warming, blood circulation in the vessels of the sole improves and inflammation goes away. To quickly remove the pain at home, you should apply cold pieces of ice to the swollen area, just hold for a few minutes, but no more, so as not to get hypothermia.

If medication and physical therapy do not help, then proceed to the next step - shock wave therapy. This procedure allows you to quickly break up accumulated salts and eliminate spurs and bone growths.

If all these treatment methods do not improve the patient’s situation, then the doctor prescribes surgery - a simple operation is performed.


To eliminate many pathologies, some resort to help. Traditional medicine helps to quickly eliminate pain and inflammation of the aponeurosis; there are a number of ways to do this.

Painful sensations in the feet after walking can be a sign of a serious illness. If unpleasant symptoms appear in your legs, you should undergo an examination and prevent the disease before complications develop.


Factors leading to foot aponeurosis:

  • flat feet, anatomical features of the structure of the foot (high arch);
  • obesity;
  • increased tone of the lower leg muscles;
  • excessive load on the legs: running, walking long distances;
  • uncomfortable narrow shoes, high-heeled shoes;
  • a long walk through the mountains;
  • using one pair of boots for several years.

Features of the inflammatory process

Plantar aponeurosis is an inflammation of the fascia connecting the heel bone to the metatarsus. The problem occurs after prolonged pressure on the ligaments, which leads to trauma and tension. The first sign of pathology is severe pain in the heel area and the formation of a growth.

The disease is popularly called “heel spur.”

Risk group

The likelihood of developing calcaneal aponeurosis is higher in women who spend a long time on their feet due to the nature of their profession (teachers, hairdressers) or often wear shoes with high, unstable heels. Among men, athletes, loaders and other groups who have frequent and heavy loads on the body have the opportunity to get inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disorder

Symptoms of plantar aponeurosis:

  1. Pain in the heel area or throughout the foot, radiating to the ankle.
  2. Unpleasant sensations appear in the morning when resting on the foot, at rest

signs of illness disappear.

  • Hyperemia in the affected area, slight swelling.
  • Deposition of calcium salts on the heel and formation of a build-up.

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes examinations:

  • collection of patient complaints and medical history;
  • palpation, assessment of condition and inspection of the lesion site;
  • testing for tendon reflexes, muscle tone of the sole, its sensitivity, coordination when walking;
  • X-ray examination in several projections;
  • CT, MRI to exclude other pathologies.

Objectives and methods of treatment

Treatment of plantar aponeurosis should be comprehensive and selected taking into account the cause of the disease.

Therapeutic measures

During the course of health activities, it is not allowed to run or put weight on the foot. During and after treatment, the patient is prescribed to wear orthopedic shoes or insoles.

Taking medications is combined with physiotherapy and massage sessions. In cases where the cause of aponeurosis is obesity, the patient is selected a diet that will help reduce weight and reduce the load on the joints and ligaments of the foot.


For plantar disease, the following medications are prescribed:

  • To reduce the inflammatory process and pain, the doctor selects non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can be used both topically and orally in any form. Medicines are prescribed with caution to people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or blood clotting.

You cannot cancel the course of treatment on your own or increase the dosage without consulting a specialist.

  • If NSAIDs do not bring the desired effect, then a short course of glucocorticosteroids is prescribed.
  • Foot swelling is reduced with the help of diuretics.

Surgical treatment

In cases of advanced plantar aponeurosis or in the absence of a positive result after conservative measures, the issue of surgical intervention is decided.

The operation is performed in a hospital setting under local anesthesia in several stages:

  • An incision is made in the area of ​​the fat pad on the sole.
  • Excision of the fascia and separation from the heel bone.
  • If necessary, remove a small fragment of the lesion.
  • Aligns bone to reduce stress on ligaments.

Complications after surgery:

  • long postoperative period;
  • infection in the wound;
  • painful sensations due to nerve damage, changes
  • foot sensitivity;
  • neuroma.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods are suitable for people who are sensitive to pharmaceutical drugs. Before starting to use folk remedies, you should consult a specialist.

  • Finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press, place it on a cloth and apply it to the affected area. If desired, you can place a piece of fresh lard on top. Apply a compress at night.
  • Raw potato skins are mixed with flaxseeds and poured with a glass of warm water. Cook until thickened. Then apply to the foot and leave until it cools. After half an hour, rinse with water and massage the painful area.
  • To reduce inflammation in plantar aponeurosis, it is recommended to take baths of sea salt and chamomile. All ingredients are placed in a saucepan and filled with several liters of water. Bring to a boil and keep on fire for 10 minutes. Afterwards it is cooled and poured into a basin. Place your feet in the container and steam for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.
  • Peel and chop several chestnut fruits, pour alcohol or vodka into them and leave in a dark place for at least 20 days, shaking and mixing occasionally. Then strain and use as a rub overnight.

Traditional medicine helps only at the initial stage of the disease: when a spur appears, they become ineffective.

When a patient attempts to treat tendinosis on his own, serious consequences can occur:

  1. chronic pain;
  2. the spread of the inflammatory process is higher;
  3. joint damage - rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis;
  4. the appearance of a spur on the heel.

Preventive actions

To prevent relapse of plantar aponeurosis, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • proper, rational nutrition, weight control;
  • avoiding alcohol and smoking;
  • Before playing sports, you need to do a warm-up, warm up your muscles and joints;
  • use leg protection while performing complex elements in training;
  • wearing comfortable low-heeled shoes;
  • in the summer it is useful to walk barefoot on grass, pebbles or sand;
  • compliance with safety precautions in the workplace and at home;
  • people with flat feet are recommended to wear orthopedic insoles;
  • If you experience pain in your foot, you should consult a doctor.

Therapy for plantar aponeurosis is a long process. In an advanced stage, it can last up to six months. If you notice any unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a specialist and undergo the necessary examinations.

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Foot diseases in most cases go unnoticed. Pain in the plantar part is often explained by wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time.

Since the heel bears the entire load while walking, there is a development of a bone growth on the heel tubercle, provoked by inflammation of the aponeurosis.

As a result, a person suffers from burning and sharp pain in the morning. During the day you may notice some improvement, but only if you rest.

Walking and staying on your feet for a long time aggravates the process and leads to serious consequences - a person begins to limp, his movements lose their former activity, the treatment of such complications occurs only with the help of surgical intervention.

Who is at risk?

Inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis begins as a result.

This may result from:

  • improper walking of a person - when the foot is turned inward;
  • when wearing high heels for a long time;
  • walking long distances, especially if there is uneven terrain - hiking and other walks;
  • running - plantar aponeurosis is a disease of runners;
  • if you are overweight, as a result of which the aponeurosis experiences serious overload;
  • long-term wearing of one pair of shoes - for 4-5 years;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • the presence of hypertonicity of the calf muscles.

Middle-aged people are at risk.

The majority of patients are representatives of the fair sex - they wear high-heeled shoes, do dancing, aerobics, and have the profession of teacher, hairdresser, and salesperson.

In men, these pathologies are rarely diagnosed. The cause of the inflammatory process in the stronger sex is playing sports and staying on your feet for a long time due to professional activities.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disorder

Symptoms of plantar aponeurosis include pain in the heel area or along the entire sole of the foot.

Often, a doctor can determine the development of the disease described only by the patient’s complaints. This pain cannot be confused with the others - it is difficult for the patient to walk, but after a short rest during the day the unpleasant symptoms subside a little.

To accurately determine the nature of the unpleasant manifestations, the doctor sends the patient for a full examination. Here the person is treated, as a result of which inflammation in the form of an enlarged aponeurosis can be clearly seen in the picture.

In advanced cases, the development of a heel spur is diagnosed - the formation of a bone growth. Using X-rays, the doctor can prescribe effective treatment.

Difficulties and goals of treatment

Treatment for plantar aponeurosis may take several months. It all depends on the degree of development of the disease.

If a person consults a doctor on time, the inflammatory process can be stopped and eliminated by physiotherapy, massage and other actions, which subsequently do not stop and are performed independently for prevention.

However, if the disease is advanced, the patient must be prepared for long-term treatment and recovery, as well as undergo a course of intramuscular injections.

Traditional Treatments

Traditional treatment methods include medications and activities that help reduce stress on the leg, which is the basis of prevention.

All treatment comes down to the following steps:

A person must carefully monitor his health. If he experiences pain, it must be immediately eliminated by regular rest, as well as by changing uncomfortable shoes.

If conservative treatment methods do not lead to positive results, a decision is made to perform surgical intervention. This occurs rarely and is associated only with the presence of heel spurs.

Folk remedies

The patient can eliminate inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis and alleviate his suffering by using traditional medicine.

For example, you can use an effective mixture of garlic.

The garlic is peeled and squeezed through a press. The gruel is applied to the heel, and on top of it is a thin piece of lard. The leg is wrapped in polyethylene and woolen socks are put on. It is better to make such compresses at night until the bone growth is completely removed.

To eliminate the inflammatory process, use flax seeds and potato peelings.

Take a handful of both components and mix thoroughly. The mixture is poured into a glass of water and boiled until thickened. As soon as the composition has cooled a little, apply it to the sole of the foot and wrap it with polyethylene. You can spend no more than half an hour with the mush on your feet. After the time has passed, rinse off the composition and massage.

What does the disease mean?

As mentioned above, complications of plantar aponeurosis include the formation of a heel spur.

This is only a part of those diseases that can develop as a result of untimely drug intervention. Some of the most common complications include chronic pain syndrome.

This unpleasant defect is practically impossible to treat, but only causes discomfort. Among other things, the development of diseases of the knee and hip joints, even pathologies with the spine, is not uncommon.

Warn so as not to treat later

As a preventive measure, use the methods given above to treat the presented illness, with the exception of taking medications and physical therapy.

If pain occurs, consult a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

Leg problems, whatever they may be, cannot be ignored. This is fraught with the development of serious pathologies, which leads to partial immobility. Monitor your health and seek help from specialists.