Sodium chloride effect on the human body. Sodium - general characteristics of the element with photo; its daily norm; excess and deficiency of a substance in the body with a description of symptoms; list of sources. How much sodium does the body need?

First, understand and accept one thing: even though you have known each other for a long time and you know the person inside out, now this does not mean at all that his behavior will meet your expectations. "There are some general stages experiences of grief. You may well be guided by them, remembering, of course, that each of us still needs individual approach“, explains psychologist Marianna Volkova.

Our experts:

Anna Shishkovskaya
Psychologist at the Gestalt Center Nina Rubshtein

Marianna Volkova
Practicing psychologist, specialist in family and individual psychology

How to support someone if they are in shock

Stage No. 1: usually the person is completely shocked, confused and simply cannot believe the reality of what is happening.

What should I say. If you are really close friends, it is best for you to be close without relying on the phone, Skype or SMS. For some people, tactile contact and the ability to see their interlocutor in person are very important. “At this time, conversations and attempts to express condolences are not necessary,” Marianna Volkova is sure. - None. Therefore, if your friend asks you to stay close and refuses to communicate, do not try to get him to talk. Contrary to your expectations, things will not get easier for him. It’s worth talking about what happened only when your loved one is ready for it. In the meantime, you can hug, sit next to, hold hands, stroke the head, bring tea with lemon. All conversations are strictly on business or on abstract topics.”

What to do. Loss of a loved one, sudden terrible diseases and other blows of fate require not only reflection, but also a lot of worries. Don’t think that providing this kind of help is easy. It requires a lot of emotional investment and is very exhausting. How to support a person in such a situation? First, ask how you can help. A lot depends on what state your friend is in. You may have to take on organizational issues: calling, finding out, negotiating. Or give the unfortunate person a sedative. Or wait with him in the doctor’s waiting room. But, as a rule, it is enough to at least deal with everyday issues: clean up, wash the dishes, cook food.

How to support a person if he is acutely worried

Stage No. 2: accompanied by acute feelings, resentment, misunderstanding and even aggression.

What to do. It is clear that communication at this moment is difficult. But right now, a friend needs attention and support. Try to come more often, to be in touch if he is left alone. You can invite him to visit for a while. It is important to clearly understand whether you are mentally ready for this.

Words of condolences

“Most people, when expressing condolences, use common phrases that do not carry any meaning. Actually, this is a manifestation of politeness and nothing more. But when we're talking about about a loved one, you need something more than a formality. Of course, there is no template that fits every situation. But there are things that definitely shouldn’t be said,” says Marianna Volkova.

  1. If you don’t know what to say, be silent. It’s better to hug one more time, show that you are nearby and ready to help at any moment.
  2. Avoid expressions like “everything will be fine,” “everything will pass,” and “life goes on.” You seem to promise good things, but only in the future, not now. This kind of talk is annoying.
  3. Try not to ask unnecessary questions. The only appropriate one in this situation is: “How can I help?” Everything else will wait.
  4. Never utter words that could devalue the importance of what happened. “And some people can’t walk at all!” - this is not a consolation, but a mockery for a person who has lost, say, an arm.
  5. If your goal is to provide moral support to a friend, first of all you yourself must be stoic. Sobbing, lamenting and talking about the injustice of life is unlikely to calm you down.

How to support someone if they are depressed

Stage No. 3: at this time the person becomes aware of what happened. Expect your friend to be depressed and depressed. But there is also good news: he begins to understand that he needs to somehow move on.

What should I say. We are all different, so the best thing you can do is ask what exactly close person is waiting from you.

  1. Some people need to talk about what happened."There are people who difficult situation It is vital to speak out loud your emotions, fears and experiences. A friend doesn’t need condolences; your job is to listen. You can cry or laugh with him, but you shouldn’t give advice or put in your two cents in every possible way,” advises Marianna Volkova.
  2. Some people need a distraction to cope with grief. You are required to talk about extraneous topics, to involve a person in resolving some issues. Invent urgent things that require full concentration and constant employment. Do everything so that your friend has no time to think about what he is trying to escape from.
  3. There are people who, in difficult life situations, prefer loneliness - this makes it easier for them to cope with their emotions. If a friend tells you that they don't want any contact yet, the worst thing you can do is try to get under their skin with the best of intentions. Simply put, to forcefully “do good.” Leave the person alone, but be sure to make it clear that you are nearby and ready to provide all possible help at any time.

What to do.

  1. In the first case, help of a domestic nature is often required, especially if your loved one is not one of those who easily negotiate, communicate and can easily choose the best of several proposed options.
  2. You must help your friend move a little away from what happened. If you are connected by work issues, you can carry out distracting maneuvers in this direction. A good option is playing sports. The main thing is not to torture yourself and his grueling workouts, but choose what you like. You can go to the pool, court or yoga together. The goal is to try to have fun.
  3. In the third case, you only need what is asked of you. Don't insist on anything. Invite them to “go out and unwind” (what if they agree?), but always leave the choice up to the person and don’t be intrusive.

How to support someone when they have already experienced grief

Stage No. 4: This is a period of adaptation. One might say – rehabilitation.

What should I say. It is at this time that a person re-establishes contacts, communication with others gradually takes on its usual form. Now a friend may need parties, travel and other attributes of life without mourning.

What to do. “If your friend is quite ready to communicate, you don’t need to try to somehow behave “correctly” in his company. You should not try to forcefully cheer up, shake and bring to your senses. At the same time, you cannot avoid direct glances or sit with a sour face. The more familiar you establish the atmosphere, the easier it will be for a person,” Marianna Volkova is sure.

Visit to a psychologist

No matter what stage a person is in, friends sometimes try to provide help that is not needed. For example, forcefully send you to a psychologist. Here you will have to be especially careful, because sometimes it is necessary, and sometimes it is completely unnecessary.

“Experiencing trouble, sadness is a natural process that, as a rule, does not need professional help, says psychologist Anna Shishkovskaya. – There is even a term “grief work”, the healing effect of which is possible provided that a person allows himself to go through all stages. However, this is precisely what becomes a problem for many: allowing oneself to feel, to face experiences. If we try to “run away” from strong, unpleasant emotions, to ignore them, the “work of grief” is disrupted, and “stuck” may occur at any stage. That’s when the help of a psychologist is really needed.”

Cons of support

The tragedy they experience sometimes gives people a reason to manipulate others. We are, of course, not talking about the first, most difficult period. But you may be required to be present continuously for a long time. Your personal life, work, desires will not be taken into account. Let's say you invited a friend to stay with you for a while - a fairly common practice. But all the agreed upon dates have long passed, and the person continues to visit. You are silent, because it is impolite to talk about inconveniences, but the natural result will be a damaged relationship.

The financial issue is no less important. Happens, time is running, everything that was needed has been done, and the need for investment never goes away. And you, by inertia, continue to give money, afraid to refuse. " I noticed that you are starting to sacrifice yourself and your interests, which means there is a reason to talk and clarify the situation,” recalls Anna Shishkovskaya. – Otherwise, the accumulated resentment and indignation will one day provoke a serious conflict with mutual claims. It would be good not to lead to a scandal, but to define the boundaries in time.”

Personal dramas are just one of those very troubles that friends find themselves in. And your behavior during this period will certainly affect your relationship in one way or another. Therefore, you should rush to help only if you sincerely want it.

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If the person you care about is having a hard time, you should be there. Even those who do not want to seem weak are waiting for a kind word. It's easier to deal with problems this way. Yes, circumstances do not always contribute to this. But if you are alive and well, and have not gone on an expedition into space, then there are many ways to support a loved one without personal presence. One of the options is instant messengers.

IN dark times good visibility bright people.

Erich Maria Remarque

So that these words touch you with positive side, we offer full list with examples of supportive messages you can send. Copy the SMS and send it to the recipient immediately.


    In your own words

    * * *
    I want you to know that even in this moment you are not alone. There are many like you. So many. You just don't know each other. And this confirms the fact that it can be survived!
    * * *
    To reach your goal, you must first go. If something happens, it means you are not standing still. This is just an event that happened along the road of life. Nothing just happens.
    * * *
    The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be constantly afraid of making mistakes.
    * * *
    Life is not suffering. It's just that you suffer from it, instead of living and enjoying it.
    * * *
    There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create this well anywhere.
    * * *

    * * *
    When you feel very bad, raise your head. You will definitely see the sunshine.
    * * *
    When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.
    * * *
    You can only see what you believe. Believe it and you will see.
    * * *
    Tell everyone who doesn't believe in you to hell. Remember once and for all: faith in your strength is the main incentive to achieve your goal.
    * * *
    If you don't believe in yourself, you won't achieve anything. Therefore, avoid those who make you doubt your own abilities.
    * * *
    Do not waste your thoughts, emotions and feelings on unworthy people.
    * * *
    By helping others you improve your own life.

    In verse

    * * *
    While we are alive, everything can be fixed...
    Realize everything, repent... Forgive.
    Don’t take revenge on your enemies, don’t lie to your loved ones,
    Bring back the friends you pushed away...
    While we are alive, we can look back...
    See the path from which you left.
    From scary dreams waking up, push off
    From the abyss to which we came.
    While we are alive... How many have managed
    Stop loved ones from leaving?
    We didn’t have time to forgive them during our lifetime,
    But they couldn’t ask for forgiveness.
    When they go silent
    To a place from which there is definitely no return,
    Sometimes it only takes a few minutes
    Understand - oh God, how guilty we are...
    And the photo is a black and white movie.
    Tired eyes - a familiar look.
    They have already forgiven us a long time ago
    For being around too rarely,
    For no calls, no meetings, no warmth.
    Not faces in front of us, just shadows...
    And how much was said wrong
    And not about that, and in the wrong phrases.
    Tight pain - guilt is the final touch -
    Scraping, cold on the skin.
    For everything we didn't do for them,
    They forgive. We ourselves cannot...
    * * *
    When a tear drips from pain...

    You sit quietly in silence...
    Close your eyes, and realizing that you are tired...
    Tell yourself in private...
    I will be happy! Through thick and thin!
    * * *
    Yes, everyone is missing something...
    For some reason the snow is melting quickly,
    That morning comes late,
    There are not enough warm days.
    There's always something missing.
    But, living the rest of my days,
    Suddenly I see - there is no shortage
    In nothing... just not enough years
    To stop being angry
    For life and to enjoy it.
    * * *
    You don't have to live to go to heaven
    But we need to create paradise!
    Do not slander, do not betray
    And don't steal the lives of others.
    It happens that an atheist
    According to my conscience,
    Closer to God than an artist
    What's in the cassock for people...
    Once God is in the heart, then heaven is in the soul!
    And if it's dark there,
    You can't get to heaven anymore
    It’s all the same...

Losing a loved one


    * * *
    Hold on! In memory of my mother. She wouldn't want to see you in despair.
    * * *
    The death of the closest person is an irreparable grief. I understand how difficult it is for you. Be strong in spirit.
    * * *
    The bright memory of her is forever in our hearts. She was a good person, you need to continue to carry out her mission.
    * * *
    We sincerely mourn and sympathize with you at this bitter moment.
    * * *
    We will carry the bright and kind memory of him throughout our lives.


    * * *
    Accept my condolences! There has never been anything more expensive or closer than him and there never will be. But both in yours and in our hearts he will remain young, strong, full of life person. Everlasting memory! Hold on!

    * * *
    My condolences to you! You need to find the strength to survive these most difficult moments and hard days. He will remain in our memory forever a good man!
    * * *
    Let me express my most sincere condolences on the occasion of this severe, irreparable loss!
    * * *
    For all of us, he will remain an example of love of life. And may his love for life illuminate the emptiness and grief of loss for you, and help you survive the time of farewell. We mourn with you in difficult times and will remember him forever!
    * * *
    It is very bitter to lose loved ones and relatives, but it is doubly difficult when the young, beautiful and strong leave us. May God rest his soul!
    * * *
    I would like to find words to somehow ease your pain, but are there such words on earth at all? Hold on for the sake of blessed memory. Everlasting memory!


    * * *
    Love never dies, the memory of it will always light up your heart. Just believe it!
    * * *
    A loved one does not die, but simply ceases to be around. In your memory, in your soul, your love will be eternal! Be strong!
    * * *
    The past cannot be returned, but the bright memory of this love will remain with you for the rest of your life. Be strong!
    * * *
    I mourn with you in this difficult moment. But for the sake of the children, for the sake of loved ones, we need to get through these sorrowful days. Invisibly, he will always be there - in the soul and in our eternal memory of this bright man.


    * * *
    My condolences! It hurts to think about it, it's hard to talk about. I sympathize with your pain! Everlasting memory!
    * * *
    It's little consolation, but know that we are with you in your grief and our hearts go out to your entire family! Everlasting memory!
    * * *
    Please accept my sincere condolences! What a man! Just as she lived modestly and quietly, she left humbly, as if a candle had gone out. May she rest in heaven!


    * * *
    I know he meant a lot to you. They say that heaven takes the best. Let's believe in it and pray for his soul!
    * * *
    You were like sisters, I understand your feelings. I want to share this grief with you. How can I help you? You can always count on my support.
    * * *
    He was a good man. I understand how difficult it is for you now. Time heals wounds, you must be strong for your best friend. he wouldn't want you to become limp.
    * * *
    I'm very sorry that this happened. I'm truly sorry! You hold on. Your friend is looking at you from the sky. Make him proud of you. For the sake of your friendship.



    * * *
    God does not send such trials to man that he cannot survive. This means you can and will definitely cope with this. I believe!
    * * *
    Listen to the advice of doctors and take care of yourself. For the sake of a happy future and people who care about you.
    * * *
    I'm sorry about what happened. Remember, you can always count on me.
    * * *
    The soul would not have a rainbow if the eyes did not have tears. You can handle it.
    * * *
    Everything will be fine. You will get better and life will be filled with bright colors, remember: after a black stripe there is always a white one!
    * * *
    Believe in your recovery, because good mood and optimism can play an important role. Everything will be fine! It cannot be otherwise!
    * * *
    It may be bad now, but then everything will be fine. Everything will change and the pain will go away. God will give you the strength to endure everything, don’t lose hope, hold on.
    * * *
    Think about the good, believe in recovery, don’t give in to the disease, fight! It's difficult, but you have to stick with it! We love you and believe that together we will definitely overcome the disease.

    Recipient's loved one

    * * *
    He/she will definitely recover, you just need to believe and not lose hope.
    * * *
    Everything will be fine! We are always there. If you need help, please contact us.
    * * *
    Think only about the good! The disease will pass, he/she will get better. It won't always be bad. You just have to wait.
    * * *
    We will pray for him/her, and you hold on!
    * * *
    God does not send trials that a person cannot survive. And she can do it! We are sure of it! If you need our help, please contact us. Let's do our best and everything will work out!



    * * *
    Everything in life is for the better, only we understand this over time. The pain will subside, and you will look at the world with different eyes. And then there will be much more worthy people nearby!
    * * *
    Darling, everything will pass, everything will work out. I know you Strong woman, you can handle it. He turned out to be unworthy of you. Find the strength to survive this pain. And believe me, all good things are ahead!
    * * *
    Everything will be alright. You are a self-sufficient and smart woman. Collect the pain into a fist and throw it away along with all the memories.
    * * *
    Start your life with clean slate, don't think about the past. This can be learned. You can do it!

If similar situation For example, find out from a close friend and help her good advice.


    * * *
    A woman does not cheat with her body, she cheats with her soul - remember these words. Why do you need a person who betrayed you? Find the strength to survive this with dignity. And the faster you do this, the faster something good will come knocking in life.
    * * *
    When leaving, you need to leave! Find the strength not to return to the place where you were once betrayed. If you need moral support, you can always contact me. I think you are worthy better attitude to yourself!
    * * *
    Respect yourself and understand that you are not on the same path with this person. She doesn't deserve respect. Forgive her, let her go and make room next to you for a more worthy woman.

Find out and help the man make the right decision.


    Life filters people who are not worthy of you. Be grateful higher powers that they care about you and remove those from your life who will not make you happy. It's difficult for you right now, that's normal. But over time you will be convinced that everything is only for the better.
    * * *
    Don't be upset, it's not last man on the ground.
    * * *
    He doesn't deserve your suffering, be strong.
    * * *
    You are beautiful, interesting and smart, so therefore you are not in danger of loneliness.
    * * *
    I will always support you, you deserve better. Remember this, and don't humiliate yourself.


    * * *
    Consider that in this way, forces from above filter out people you don’t need. Head higher and forward, the light did not converge on it like a wedge.
    * * *
    You are a strong guy, you will be able to erase her from your life. I will always support you!
    * * *
    You good guy, it’s her own fault that she didn’t value you.
    * * *
    Everything will be fine, the girls will hang themselves on your neck, you’re a macho!

    In verse

    * * *
    How people's lives filter. Have you noticed?
    But she is smarter and wiser,
    Just yesterday we slept in the same bed,
    Today I’m not even among friends.
    * * *
    In someone else's glass, the mash is stronger.
    Someone else's wife has bigger breasts.
    When the abyss is half a step away,
    our loved ones no longer need us.
    I realized one of the truths
    that a pig will find dirt everywhere.
    There aren't enough bullets to shoot rats,
    that they are running away from the ship.

    To the one who changed

    * * *
    Don't blame yourself for what happened. It is human nature to make mistakes. Let this mistake teach you a great lesson: every sunset is the beginning of a new, bright dawn.
    * * *
    I don't blame you, and I don't support you. After that you didn't bad person, you just made a mistake. Don't try to fix the problem, try to fix your thoughts, and then, I'm sure, the problem will solve itself.
    * * *
    You won't be able to forget it. But you can stop blaming yourself, and then you will think about it less often.
    * * *
    There are reasons for everything, and I'm sure you had them too. Do not blame yourself. The one who really cares about you will not reject you even after what happened, and will give you the opportunity to explain. What matters is that you sincerely regret it and did correct conclusions. There are many examples in the world where, after betrayal, people really begin to appreciate each other and are more afraid of losing than those who remain faithful. The first ones faced the problem head-on and can assess all the risks. I wish everything gets better!



    * * *
    A person who betrayed love can find an excuse, but a person who betrayed friendship cannot! Draw the right conclusions and learn to live without this person.
    * * *
    Pull yourself together and understand that a true friend could not do this to you! Dry your tears and start singing!
    * * *
    They say that true friends cannot be replaced, your friends easily replaced you. Conclusion - there were no “real” ones. Everything is ahead, believe me!

    * * *
    I wonder what your exes are doing now best friends, they are probably saying nasty things about you to those they used to say nasty things about. You don't need people like that. You are better, and communicate with the best!


    * * *
    Life provides us with experience in the form of communication with different people. Seasoned and not so, good or bad. Learn from this and move on with your life. Now you are one situation more experienced! And that's a plus!
    * * *
    Let this only be a good lesson for you, and not suffering. Draw conclusions about this person and communicate with him only about work.
    * * *
    The main thing is to remain human in this situation, do not act out of spite.
    * * *
    Don't stoop to someone else's level and don't let other people drag you down.


    * * *
    You will now calm down, because you have already been given the full measure of our sincere sympathy. And now there is no time to cry, the matter is waiting.
    * * *
    I understand that it’s hard to realize his betrayal, but now you see who surrounds you. And you can change this by communicating only with the worthy.


    In your own words

    * * *
    Every finish is the start of something completely new.
    Everything will be as it should be. Even if it turns out differently.
    * * *
    I understand how difficult it is for you right now. But hold on, you are strong, you will succeed.
    * * *
    If you want to discuss something, you can always count on me.
    * * *
    Everything will definitely be fine. Everything will end well, and if it’s not good yet, then it’s not the end.
    * * *
    You are a good worker, you still have everything ahead of you!
    * * *
    Everything will work out, you will find your dream job, most importantly, take care of your health.
    * * *
    I can't live through this for you. But I can live through this with you. And together we can do everything.
    * * *
    Chaos and troubles precede great changes - remember this.
    * * *
    Most likely, the problem will not go away in 24 hours. But in 24 hours your attitude towards this problem can change. Let's change this together. You can always count on my help.

    In verse

    * * *
    “She has no chance,” circumstances declared loudly.
    “She’s a loser,” people shouted.
    “She will succeed,” God said quietly.
    * * *
    You will win - I know for sure.
    You will get through everything - I believe in it.
    And they won’t bend and they won’t break
    You get blows and losses.
    Let it be smooth only on paper -
    Although there are many trials,
    You will overcome it step by step
    All of them! Through thick and thin!


    In your own words

    * * *
    Honey, you will get better and soon we will be running to discos :)
    * * *
    Everything will be fine, it’s no one’s fault that this happened!
    * * *
    Your guardian angel protects you, because he gave you a chance to live.
    * * *
    Nothing terrible happened, everyone is alive, and this is the most important thing.
    * * *
    I'll come to you for tea, bring cookies and heal you :)

    In verse

    People, cherish every day,
    Cherish every minute.
    We only live once on earth,
    Rejoice, morning has come again!

    God gave life and blessed us,
    So that we walk the righteous path.
    It’s not in vain that He infused soul into us,
    To ask later, beyond that threshold.

    Live, love, help each other
    We must, it cannot be otherwise.
    And for this - God's grace,
    And you will become spiritually richer.

    The years will fly by unnoticed,
    Rejoice and enjoy life!
    Don't be stingy with kind words,
    Make everyone happy and smile more often!

Animal death

    Briefly in your own words

    * * *
    Sorry. It's like losing a loved one. I understand you. Everything will be fine, hang in there.
    * * *
    Just believe that your dog is there, invisibly nearby.
    * * *
    I understand how you feel, time will pass and you will feel better.
    * * *
    You've been in worse situations. And nothing, you did it! And you can handle it, I’m sure!
    * * *
    Everything will be fine! We will get through this together.
    * * *
    I see how dear he was to you, but continue to live.

Find out and help a person who is feeling bad. For him, this is the same as losing a loved one.


    In your own words

    * * *
    Take my word for it that there is something to live for. You're just closed to it now. Time will pass, and life will take on colors. Believe me, faith will help this fact happen faster.
    * * *
    Remember, it won't always be like this. We'll still laugh out of this together.
    * * *
    Life is not suffering. It's just that you suffer from it, instead of living and enjoying it. Remember this whenever sadness wants to take over you.
    * * *
    Most people are as happy as they allow themselves to be. Give yourself permission to be happy.

    In verse

    Or maybe just get up on the other foot,
    And instead of coffee, take it and drink juice...
    And turn your usual steps
    In the direction where there will be more benefit...

    And on this day, do everything wrong:
    Place numbers from end to beginning,
    And the most insignificant trifle
    Fill it with good and high meaning.

    And do what no one expects
    And laugh where you cried so much,
    And the feeling of hopelessness will pass,
    And the sun will rise where the rain fell.

    From the circle created by fate,
    Take it and jump out at the unknown station...
    You will be surprised - the world is completely different,
    Life is more unexpected and more interesting.


    In your own words

    * * *
    The fate of the person who sits still does not move. Go for it, I believe in you!
    * * *
    You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can always raise the sails to achieve your goal.
    * * *
    There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create this well anywhere...
    * * *
    Remember that when you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

    In verse

    Look into your eyes again.
    Fly forward again.
    You can't just go back.
    Everything that has passed does not count.

    And it's easy to let go.
    Believe: movement is life.
    The past is far away
    Just don't turn around!

To my beloved girlfriend/wife

    In your own words

    * * *
    My beloved, everything will be fine, you are strong! I'm always there, remember that!
    * * *
    Honey, you can always rely on me!
    * * *
    Remember: we invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks. Free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do anything. I love you and that's all that matters.
    * * *
    You best woman for me all over the world, remember that. Smile and never be sour.

    * * *
    Darling, there will always be people who will hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful.
    * * *
    The secret of happiness, my dear, is to enjoy every little thing and not be upset by every stupid thing.
    * * *
    You are the most the best man in the world. And for the best, everything will be fine. You just need to be patient a little. Remember - sugar is at the bottom. In the meantime, you have me, and we can handle it.

    In verse

    * * *
    If only, darling, I could
    At a time when it's so hard for you,
    Substitute two wings for a raid
    Under your tired wing.
    If only I could do it
    Disperse the clouds above you,
    So that you forget all the worries of the day
    And peace will return again.
    It's a pity, but I'm just a woman - not God,
    My heart is with you, and you hold on.
    So that you can withstand the storm,
    I pray quietly for your life.
    * * *
    Who is it that hangs his nose so low?
    Who is sad for no apparent reason?
    I want you to be happy again
    Don't come up with stupid things!
    Let your mood soar,
    Look at the colors in life again!
    Happiness awaits ahead,
    Well, quickly give me a smile!
    * * *

    There is no point at any point.

    And a glass - for success ahead.

To a friend

    In your own words

    * * *
    This world is yours, just always remain yourself!
    * * *
    Remember that you will remain a winner in any situation.
    * * *
    Any problem must be met with a smile. The problem will think you're stupid and run away :)
    * * *
    Tomorrow the one who reads this SMS will find his happiness :)
    * * *
    Until tomorrow comes, you will not understand how good you had today. Therefore, believe in the best and don’t give up. You are the best friend in the world!
    * * *
    You, the best and most faithful friend, I am very glad that I have you.

    In verse

    * * *
    When a tear drips from pain...
    When your heart beats with fear...
    When the soul hides from the light...
    When life is torn apart from grief...
    You sit quietly in silence...
    Close your eyes, and realizing that you are tired...
    Tell yourself in private...
    I will be happy! Through thick and thin!
    * * *
    Each of us has a breaking point
    When your heart gets heavy,
    When we feel like we're falling off a cliff,
    And life becomes like a black spot...
    Each of us has a ray of hope
    And someone very close and dear
    Will not let you fall into the abyss,
    And he will say: “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!”
    * * *
    Smile! There's no room for sadness
    In such a beautiful and young soul.
    After all, to be honest, we should be sad
    There is no point at any point.
    Every day is filled with new happiness,
    And a glass - for success ahead.
    You are capable of a lot in life,
    Just believe, don’t give up and wait!


    In your own words

    * * *
    You are doing a great job - protecting your homeland! You are strong, may your guardian angel always be by your side!
    * * *
    I am proud of you, you are my protector! I am warmed by the thought that we will meet soon and be together.
    * * *
    Honey, you are strong, you can handle it! Remember that my thoughts are always with you! We will meet soon, remember that.
    * * *
    For me, a military man is an example of courage and strength. Therefore, you have no right to give up; life has awarded you a worthy position, which is already in your blood. I believe in you! You are the best!

    In verse

    * * *
    Forget everything, don't fall low
    Be brave, be happy, dream
    Don't take things too seriously
    And don't take it at all.
    Words are just someone's opinion
    They don't mean anything.
    Be strong in battle and change your mind
    At the call of your heart.
    * * *
    There were, are and will be problems,
    There's no need to suffer because of them.
    There are films, books, people around -
    You will find something to keep yourself busy.
    Learn to learn from mistakes
    (Of course it’s better on strangers).
    And don’t be ashamed of your full cones,
    Life is like that, where would we be without them?
    Be a positive person
    Love people, love yourself,
    Fill your life with cheerful laughter,
    Take a deep breath!
    * * *
    Our whole life is just one moment,
    Dependent on us.
    And from diapers to wrinkles
    There is a bridge as long as "now".
    And we will remember about Yesterday,
    Then we want to wait for tomorrow...
    But heaven has its own game...
    Seven rules and reasons.
    Live without breaking them
    To save your soul.
    When the war ends -
    They will start to appreciate you...
    No need to look for logic,
    After all, you may not have time,
    Kiss your relatives,
    And sing the song of the heart...

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How to cheer up a girl in difficult times? Words of support for a woman in difficult times

SMS with words of support in difficult times: in prose and poetry

If the person you care about is having a hard time, you should be there. Even those who do not want to seem weak are waiting for a kind word. It's easier to deal with problems this way. Yes, circumstances do not always contribute to this. But if you are alive and well, and have not gone on an expedition into space, then there are many ways to support a loved one without personal presence. One of the options is instant messengers.

In dark times, bright people are clearly visible.

Erich Maria Remarque

To ensure that these words touch you in a positive way, we offer a complete list with examples of supportive messages that you can send. Copy the SMS and send it to the recipient immediately.


Losing a loved one


    * * *Everything in life is for the better, only we understand this over time. The pain will subside, and you will look at the world with different eyes. And then much more worthy people will be nearby! * * *Darling, everything will pass, everything will work out. I know you are a strong woman, you can handle this. He turned out to be unworthy of you. Find the strength to survive this pain. And believe, all good things are ahead!* * *Everything will be fine for you. You are a self-sufficient and smart woman. Collect the pain into a fist and throw it away along with all the memories.* * *Start your life with a clean slate, don’t think about the past. This can be learned. You can do it!

If a close friend has a similar situation, for example, find out how to behave if your husband cheats, and help her with practical advice.

    * * *A woman does not cheat with her body, she cheats with her soul - remember these words. Why do you need a person who betrayed you? Find the strength to survive this with dignity. And the faster you do this, the faster something good will come knocking in life.* * *When leaving, you need to leave! Find the strength not to return to the place where you were once betrayed. If you need moral support, you can always contact me. I think you deserve better treatment!* * *Respect yourself and understand that you are not on the same path with this person. She doesn't deserve respect. Forgive her, let her go and make room next to you for a more worthy woman.

Find out how to behave when your wife cheats on you and help your man make the right decision.

    Life filters people who are not worthy of you. Be grateful to the higher powers that they take care of you and remove from your life those who will not make you happy. It's difficult for you right now, that's normal. But over time, you will be convinced that everything is only for the better.* * *Don’t be upset, this is not the last man on Earth.* * *He doesn’t deserve your suffering, be strong.* * *You are beautiful, interesting and smart, that’s why you there is no threat of loneliness.* * *I will always support you, you deserve better. Remember this, and don't humiliate yourself.

    * * *Consider that in this way, forces from above filter people you don’t need. Head higher and forward, the light did not converge on her like a wedge. * * *You are a strong guy, you will be able to erase her from your life. I will always support you!* * *You are a good guy, it’s her own fault that she didn’t value you.* * *Everything will be fine, the girls will hang themselves on your neck, you’re a macho!

    * * *How people’s lives filter. Have you noticed? But she’s smarter and wiser, Just yesterday we slept in the same bed, Today we’re not even among friends.* * *In someone else’s glass, it’s stronger than mash. Someone else’s wife has bigger breasts. When we’re half a step away from the abyss, our loved ones no longer need us. I understand one of the truths is that a pig will find dirt everywhere. There are not enough bullets to shoot at the rats that are running away from the ship.

    To the one who changed

    * * *Don't blame yourself for what happened. It is human nature to make mistakes. Let this mistake teach you a great lesson: every sunset is the beginning of a new, bright dawn.* * *I don’t blame you, and I don’t support you. After this you didn't become a bad person, you just made a mistake. Don't try to fix the problem, try to fix your thoughts, and then, I'm sure, the problem will solve itself.* * *You won't be able to forget it. But you can stop blaming yourself, and then you will think about it less often. * * *Everything has its reasons, and I’m sure you had them too. Do not blame yourself. The one who really cares about you will not reject you even after what happened, and will give you the opportunity to explain. The important thing is that you sincerely regret it and have made the right conclusions. There are many examples in the world where, after betrayal, people really begin to appreciate each other and are more afraid of losing than those who remain faithful. The first ones faced the problem head-on and can assess all the risks. I wish everything gets better!


    * * *A person who betrayed love can find an excuse, but a person who betrayed friendship cannot! Draw the right conclusions and learn to live without this person.* * *Pull yourself together and understand that a true friend could not do this to you! Dry your tears and start singing!* * *They say that true friends cannot be replaced, your friends easily replaced you. Conclusion - there were no “real” ones. Everything is ahead, believe me!

    * * *I wonder what your former best friends are doing now, probably talking bad things about you to the people they used to say bad things about. You don't need people like that. You are better, and communicate with the best!

    * * *Life provides us with experience in the form of communication with different people. Seasoned and not so, good or bad. Learn from this and move on with your life. Now you are one situation more experienced! And this is a plus!* * *Let this be only a good lesson for you, and not suffering. Draw conclusions about this person and communicate with him only about work.* * *The main thing is to remain human in this situation, do not act out of spite.* * *Don’t stoop to someone else’s level, and don’t let other people drag you down.

    * * *You will now calm down, because you have already been given the full measure of our sincere sympathy. And now there is no time to cry, the matter is waiting.* * *I understand that it is hard to realize his betrayal, but now you see who surrounds you. And you can change this by communicating only with the worthy.


To my beloved girlfriend/wife

To my beloved boyfriend/husband

To a friend

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Top 20 quotes for words of encouragement and inspiration

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Words of support in difficult times

Words of support are not just sympathy, thanks to them you express your involvement in the problems, troubles and grief of another person. Of course, there are no standard phrases that will be correct in a certain situation, suitable for a man or a woman, a grandmother or young man. It is very important that the words come from the heart and are permeated with your feelings, but you should not forget about some human factors either.

For example, be prepared that a person who is worried about something may react differently to your words than usual, be more hot-tempered, not make compromises, etc. In addition, words that will calm nervous system women may not be correctly perceived by a man and vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to observe not only tolerance, correctness and subordination, but also take into account the peculiarities of the given situation.

Words of support for a loved one

Your significant other should always feel your support, because you are a support for her in a difficult situation, a vest in grief and a person with whom they share happiness. You definitely need to say again about your feelings, repeat that there are two of you, and it’s easier to overcome any difficulties together.

Be sure to express your feelings:

  • "It hurts me to see you upset"
  • "I'm just as worried as you are."

This formulation brings you closer, makes the conversation more frank and creates a trusting atmosphere. And if you can’t find the right words or see that words are unnecessary now, just stay nearby. Sometimes no words can replace the presence of a loved one.

Words to a man in difficult times

Men react much more sharply to life's troubles, believing that responsibility for everything lies with them, because they are taught this way from childhood. But in fact, there are situations when the man is not to blame for what happened, but he still reproaches himself. In this case, we need to, as gently as possible, not persistently and not aggressively (after all, we remember that upset people are prone to unexpected reactions to any of our words), convince the man that he does not need to blame himself.

Suitable phrases:

  • "It's your fault in this case No",
  • “This is a confluence of circumstances independent of you,” etc.

It is important to help a man stop beating himself up and start looking for a solution to the problem.

Never express your sympathy through the adjectives “poor”, “unfortunate”, do not say that you feel so sorry for him. On the contrary, you need to encourage him with phrases about how strong he is in spirit, that his vital energy is enough to cope with more difficult tasks. If you say that a man is very smart and will find a way out of this situation, then his ambitions simply will not allow him to sit in one place with a sad expression on his face. To confirm your words, the man will begin to act.

For a woman - support in your own words

On the contrary, a woman needs to be calmed down first, perhaps later she won’t have to search for solutions to problems, everything can go away with hysterics. Finding words of support is very important in such a situation. For example, if the reason for her bad mood is a breakup with a man, then compliment her on her attractive appearance, say that she is a good housewife and is still quite young.

It’s good if the situation allows you to get distracted and do other things, a walk, entertainment, cooking new dishes - all this can distract a woman from sad thoughts.

Words to a girl in difficult times

Young girls in stressful situations They can do extremely rash things. Therefore, it is important not only to calm them down and distract them from the problem, but also to isolate them as much as possible from important matters and tasks. Try to immerse the young lady in a sea of ​​positive emotions, avoid standard phrases: “Everything will be fine,” “Everything will pass,” “I sympathize,” etc. They will only aggravate the situation.

Be sure to try to talk to the girl about how she feels, to help release all of her negative emotions, and then put her in a positive mood or help her find a way out of a difficult problem for her.

To a friend who found herself in a difficult situation

To whom, no matter how best friend, will a girl turn in a difficult situation? Of course, initially you need to listen to your friend, especially if you see that the person wants to speak out. Statement of the problem lightens the soul and helps to look at the problem from the outside. Words of consolation and advice are what the girl will clearly want to hear in response, so do not hesitate to express your constructive thought, just remember that in this situation you need to present your position gently and not persistently.

SMS to a person in difficult times

If you suddenly find out about the problem of a loved one you just know, but it is not possible to be with him, then you can always send short message with words of support. There is no need for long epithets about your sympathy.

Sometimes it’s enough just to write an SMS:

  • “I know what happened. You can always count on my help."

These two sentences are quite short, but their meaning will be clear immediately. Don’t expect an immediate answer; a person may need some time to decide to ask you for support or just talk about their problem. But when your loved one knows that you are ready to share the burden of the situation with him, the world will immediately seem a little brighter to him.

Words of support in prose

Even if you send a message of encouragement to social network or by phone, let them be better in prose. This way, you will express your words sincerely and clearly. IN otherwise the recipient may get the impression that instead of calling or a personal visit, you searched for a poem on the Internet, and then simply copied it and sent it. This will ruin the impression of even the most sincere empathy.

Be close to your loved one during his joy and share the burden of troubles with him. After all, together you are stronger! And find for him exactly those words that convey your real feelings.

Words of support for a sick person

Kind words of support for a sick person in prose, quotes spoken by you will only provide positive impact to a loved one.

Necessary attitude good treatment- faith in the best. If the prognosis for the development of the disease is doubtful, focus attention on encouraging signs, life-affirming words help improve the patient’s condition.

“Fortitude makes a person invincible.” Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

“You will be cured and everything will be fine, the main thing is don’t be nervous and don’t cry. Stress and depression greatly reduce the immune system, which cannot be allowed now; the body is generally capable of self-healing, the main thing is not to put a spoke in its wheels. Despite the difficulties and circumstances, just Believe in yourself - in your strength! I understand that it is easy to say, but difficult to do, But try. We are all with you, and together we will make every effort to improve your health situation.”

“Now you are going through a difficult period, you are tense, tired, all this affects your health. Rest more and gain strength, follow all the doctor’s instructions and think less about the bad. You are the best and kindest among us, everything will pass soon.”

“Don’t be too nervous, hold on! All diseases come from nerves. Your health will certainly be restored. Remember that I always support you mentally, and look forward to the improvement of your health.”

“Our dear little man! They say that if you strive for something with all your heart, then it will undoubtedly come true. You will definitely be cured! Nowadays medicine is progressing very much. We are your family, together with the doctors, we will try to do everything possible to restore your health.”

“Believe in your recovery, because a good mood and optimism can play an important role. Everything will be fine! It simply cannot be otherwise!”

“The main thing is to think about the good, believe in recovery, don’t give in to the disease, fight! It's difficult but you have to stick with it! We love you and believe that together we will definitely overcome the disease.”

“So bright, and positive person like you, everything will definitely be fine! Try to follow all the advice of doctors, think only about the good, dear, because thoughts materialize!”

“Try not to give in to sadness and despair, or anger at the disease, because only a positive mood and a strong spirit will drive away your illness. If you need my help, just let me know, I’ll be there in no time.”

“It may be bad now, but then everything will be fine. Everything will change and the pain will go away. God will give you the strength to endure everything, don’t lose hope, hold on. You need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. We believe in you and will pray for your recovery."

Quotes and sayings about illness and recovery

As soon as a person gets sick, he needs to look in his heart for someone to forgive. We must sincerely forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves. Even though we don’t know how to forgive, we have to really want it. Our every thought literally creates our future. (quotes from Louise Hay)

My dears, all your illnesses are from your cruelty: from warmth, from delicious food, from peace. Don’t be afraid of the cold, it mobilizes, as it is now fashionable to say, the body’s defenses. Cold releases a health hormone into the body. Let everyone think about what is more important to him - business or small joys. Everything must be a victory. Man must live in victory; if you don’t get it, you’re worthless on market day... Why get treatment when you can and should not let the disease enter your body! Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov

Don't be sad! Recipes for happiness and a cure for sadness

“Grief will not help matters, and if trouble befalls you, the best thing you can do is try to adapt to the circumstances. I knew a man who had an amputation left hand from the shoulder itself due to illness. He did not fall into despair and did not lament over this, but showed patience and decided for himself that he needed to live on despite this test. He got married, had children, was a master at driving with one hand, and did his job diligently and diligently, without complaining about anything. He lived as if the Almighty had created him with one hand” Hades al-Qarni.

“Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. This trait is characteristic of “small” people. great person“On the contrary, it gives you the feeling that you too can become great.” Mark Twain

Illness is a cross, but maybe also a support. The ideal would be to take her strength and reject her weaknesses. Let it become a refuge that gives strength to right moment. And if we have to pay with suffering and renunciation, we will pay. Camus A.

The hope of recovery is half the recovery. Voltaire

Just as you cannot begin to treat the eye without thinking about the head, or treat the head without thinking about the whole body, you cannot treat the body without treating the soul. Socrates

If the egg is broken by an external force, life ends. If an egg is broken by force from within, life begins. Everything great always starts from within.

Life sometimes beats us, it is, of course, very unpleasant, but the day will come when you will understand that you are not a victim, but a fighter, that you can cope with all your troubles. Brooke Davis

The one who conquers himself is truly strong. Victory over yourself is a victory in which there are no vanquished, because the force that commanded you against your will becomes a conquered force.

Mix your sorrows with the sorrows of the whole world, and you will have fewer sorrows. Yakov Abramovich Kozlovsky

Your determination not to give up will allow you not to break even when everything collapses.

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

When running water encounters an obstacle in its path, it stops, increases its volume and strength, and then flows over the obstacle. Follow the example of water: stop and increase your strength until the obstacle no longer interferes with your path. I Ching

Nothing is impossible, everything you can imagine is possible!

No desire is given to a person separately from the power that allows it to be realized. Richard Bach

If you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it.

It doesn't matter that you walk slowly... the main thing is don't stop.

Topic of the section: words of encouragement and support for a sick person in prose, quotes, sayings for men and women. And lastly, remember that happiness hormones (endorphins) are formed in the brain when a person is happy and laughs. Thus, they strengthen the immune system, improve the properties and composition of the blood, change the endocrine status of the body, relieve stress, and help recovery! “The only doctor who thinks that everything is fine with you works at the military registration and enlistment office.”

Topic 3. What words to say in difficult circumstances? (Series on the influence of words)

Throughout life path Every person has to face different difficulties. This could be minor troubles at work, a quarrel with a loved one, illness or the loss of someone close. And in these difficult circumstances, it is so important to know that there is someone nearby who will not spare warm words of support. After all, one spoken word can heal a bleeding wound or, conversely, cause even greater harm.

Today, unfortunately, people underestimate the importance of spoken words. But it is in them that a huge power is hidden, which can both give life to a person and take it away. The Bible says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat the fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:22 As we see, the tongue has power, and despite the fact that it is a small member, it is the one that controls everything.

Why is it so important to offer words of encouragement in difficult times?

The fact is that when a person is supported and told that together they will cope with any problem, that there are those next to him who love him and will help, then by this they strengthen the one who is in a difficult situation and give him strength. However, lack of understanding and support can kill even the slightest hope that everything will be fine.

Words of support for the patient

Unfortunately, in life it also happens that illnesses come into our lives. Some of them are easily cured, others have more serious consequences, and others lead to death. And when we learn about the illness of a person close to us, it plunges us into shock and bewilderment. However, what does the patient himself feel at this moment? Of course, he suffers more than others. Different thoughts may arise in his head, and it is at this moment that words of support for the patient can help him feel not alone, and that there is still hope.

Faced with such a circumstance, everyone understands that something needs to be said, but most often people cannot find the right words and begin to show pity. This is the last thing the patient needs. Our participation and kind words are what the patient needs. This is what will help him worry less, knowing that he is still loved.

What words of support can you say to a patient?

  1. To a loved one you need to say that you love him and no matter what happens, you will always be there.
  2. Give compliments, praise for some merits, even the most insignificant ones. For the patient, this merit can be a real feat.
  3. There is no need to talk about the disease itself and how shocking news it has become for you; it is better to distract the patient with some good news or, in as a last resort, a funny joke.

Any sick person needs words of support and attention. This is what will help him come to his senses faster and recover faster.

Words of support and condolences

The loss of a loved one is perhaps the greatest test for everyone. And during this difficult period, a person needs to be given help and attention so that he can go through this path and begin to live a full life again. In this case, instead of words of support, words of condolences would be appropriate. However, you can express your condolences in different ways. For example, let's compare two options.

  1. "My condolences! Everything will be fine!" – such support seems completely indifferent and sounds more like a formality. How can everything be good if everything is very bad?
  2. Or: “Please accept my sincere condolences! Know that you can always count on my help. If you need anything, I'm always here! – such words really make your soul warmer. After all, knowing that there are people who are ready to help in any situation helps to cope with many difficulties.

So, what words to say in difficult circumstances?

  • First of all, these must be thoughtful words. What we say can change a person's life for the better or for the worse. After all, every word we say will definitely bear fruit.
  • If a person himself is in a difficult situation, then there is no need to dwell on his condition and constantly tell everyone how bad everything is. After all, these words will bear fruit. Difficulties will come our way more than once, so we must learn to extract something positive and good even from the worst. And that’s exactly what we’re talking about.

The Bible says: “I said, I will take heed to my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth while the wicked is before me” Ps.39:2

Our unbridled words can be a blessing or a curse for someone. Therefore, even when expressing words of support to someone in difficult times, you should control yourself. Unfortunately, very often it turns out that you wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Therefore, sometimes it is better to remain silent at all than to say something stupid that hurts a person to the core.

Words of faith in difficult times

There are circumstances in which words of unbelief cannot be spoken.

When you are under pressure at work.

When there is no money

When relationships with loved ones are difficult.

Under no circumstances should these words be proclaimed into your life.

"Why?" - you ask. And ask correctly. Remember part 1 of our study? God created the entire Universe with a word. And we are created in His image and likeness.

And therefore, what we say in our lives is what we have.

For example.

Example 1. Business.

When I started doing business, for the first 4 months I had practically no orders. Only small ones, or from relatives.

I remember my birthday. I haven’t had any orders for 48 days now, it’s a warm March evening. A friend called me, congratulated me and then casually asked:

“How’s business?”

So many things went through my head at that moment. But in response I answered smartly:

"Everything is fine!".

Instead of words of disbelief and despondency, I said what I believed in.

But isn't this a lie?

No. For the reason that this happened.

Example 2. Relationship with a person.

The principle here is very simple.

Saying is not what the soul feels. Because the soul is always on a roller coaster, sometimes good, sometimes bad.

But say what you believe in your spirit.

And soon what you see will agree with what you say.

Example from the Word of God.

This is exactly what Jesus did.

One day a man approached Him, the leader of the synagogue, whose daughter was dying. Imagine his grief. The girl he raised with love lies with a disease for which this man had no cure. He turned to God.

22 And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue, named Jairus, came and, seeing Him, fell at His feet 23 and earnestly begged Him, saying: My daughter is about to die; come and lay your hands on her so that she may get well and live. 24 Jesus went with him. Many people followed Him and pressed Him.

The Lord God always answers human needs. Jesus went after the leader of the synagogue.

But something happened on the road that made Jesus stop. Time is very precious. The daughter dies, the head of the synagogue is terribly worried.

And at this time Jesus is talking to a woman who was healed by touching Him.

35 While He was still speaking these things, they came from the ruler of the synagogue and said, “Your daughter is dead; Why else are you bothering the Teacher? 36 But when Jesus heard these words, he immediately said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid, only believe.” 37 And he suffered no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.

See how important words are. The man still believed. But they came from home and said that their daughter had died.

Jesus' first reaction was to say, "Do not fear, only believe."

And the leader of the synagogue obeyed. He did not utter a single word of disbelief in the most difficult circumstances. He did not become hysterical, did not shout at his subordinates and did not get angry. He gave the situation to Jesus.

And when Jesus spoke the words to him, “Do not be afraid, only believe,” he did it.

He didn't give in to fear. He submitted to faith.

38 He comes to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and sees confusion and people weeping and crying out loudly. 39 And he entered and said to them, “Why are you troubled and crying? the girl is not dead, but is sleeping. 40 And they laughed at Him. But He, having sent everyone out, takes with Him the father and mother of the girl and those who were with Him and enters where the girl lay. 41 And, taking the girl by the hand, he says to her: “talifa kumi,” which means: girl, I tell you, stand up. 42 And the girl immediately stood up and began to walk, for she was about twelve years old. Those who saw it were in great amazement. 43 And He strictly ordered them that no one should know about it, and said that they should give her something to eat.

There are several surprising things in this story.

  1. The way Jesus behaved.

In the East there is a profession - a mourner. Such people are invited to mournful events. But Jesus sent them away, even though they laughed at Him.

And then Jesus spoke words filled with faith and what He declared happened. He didn't ask his daughter to stand up. He proclaimed it “maiden, I tell you, stand up.” And it happened.

But most of all I want to draw your attention to this man.

But the situation is truly terrible. A beloved child dies. Nothing can be done. Since he is the leader of the synagogue, he is not a poor man, and he has tried everything he can. But nothing helped.

But notice his behavior around the Lord.

During all this time, he only uttered words once. And these were words of faith. “come and lay your hands on her so that she will get well and live.”

He spoke words of faith when he came to Jesus. And when it was very difficult, he simply remained silent.

But during all this time he never uttered words of disbelief, words of fear or doubt. HE didn’t lament: “Ah-ah-ah, Jesus, my daughter is already dead, lying in the house. How will I live now? But you didn’t come.”

He was silent. And he believed.

Sometimes faith manifests itself in words. But there are times when it’s even difficult to say. But be silent and continue to believe. And this faith will materialize into the fact that you will see the result of faith.

A word of encouragement for difficult circumstances.

First. Your words of support are very important to your neighbor.

Second. In difficult circumstances, do not allow your tongue to speak words of doubt and unbelief. Because what you say surrounds you.

words of encouragement in difficult times

All women are very sensitive, so even a minor disturbance can upset them. At this moment, support is important for girls, especially if it comes from a loved one. How to support a girl when she feels bad?

There are two ways to support a girl in difficult times. The first is moral support, that is, words. The second involves actions that allow a woman to feel the care and protection of her loved one. If everything is done correctly, you can achieve a quick change in the mood of your chosen one.

  • Seeing that a girl is upset about something, it is necessary to find out the reason for this. If a woman wants to tell, then you just need to listen to her, without interrupting, but simply nodding your head. Personal opinions should be kept to yourself. If a girl does not want to tell anything, then under no circumstances should you force her. You just need to let her cry and be there.
  • You should not try to impose your solutions to this problem or advise something. This is especially true in situations where the decision is complex. Otherwise, the girl will be even more upset, thinking that there is no way out.
  • It is necessary to empathize, but only positive emotions should come from the young man. This point is very important. It is necessary to set up a woman for positive developments in the future, that everything will change for the better. Thus, the girl herself will soon believe that everything will be fine.
  • Whatever the problem, no matter how minor, should not be downplayed. Therefore, phrases such as “it doesn’t matter at all”, “yes, I’ve had this happen a hundred times and nothing” is not suitable. Otherwise, the woman will think that her loved one does not perceive her problem in any way and it will seem to her that he is simply mocking. And this will create even greater frustration.
  • Humor is one of the most important components of human life. But it should always be appropriate. If a girl is upset, then you can try to make her laugh, distract her from her problems with an entertaining and comic story. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid of looking funny and ridiculous. You can sing a funny song. Even if the guy doesn’t have a voice, it will only be a plus. If the cause of the experience was some certain person who offended her, then you can try to talk about him in a humorous tone.

Verbal support through real communication or correspondence is only the first stage; then physical contact is required. It involves light touches and hugs. But under no circumstances should you blatantly pester, this will not only not reassure your beloved, but can also destroy the relationship.

When a person hugs or touches another, the latter releases oxytocin. This is the name of the hormone that increases the feeling of connection, affection, trust and intimacy. You can simply hold the girl’s hands, stroke her palm, put your hand on her shoulder. These actions will be quite enough.

You can also encourage a girl by going to the cinema, bowling or some other entertaining place. It’s good if you come up with something truly unusual and romantic for a woman. This will pleasantly surprise your beloved and distract her from resentment.

What should you be careful about?

The main goal of a man is to support the girl, to show her his care, love, protection. Therefore, it is important not to “go too far”, but to act very carefully. You need to be careful with jokes. If it is clear that they are not having an impact on the girl, then it is better to stop doing it.

Women always appreciate all the efforts of men to console them, but not every girl likes this, preferring to be alone in difficult moments of life. If a guy sees that she wants to be alone, or a woman speaks so directly about it, then you should leave her. But there is no need to go far, because she should feel something about her loved one nearby and she can talk to him at any moment.

  • When talking with your chosen one, you must be sincere, patient, and kind. You don't need to ask her to smile, otherwise she might get angry. Therefore, you should try to make her smile not because of a request, but because of a joke, a pleasant compliment, or good news.
  • Under no circumstances should a man pester an upset woman, intrude with kisses and other intimate things. In difficult moments, a girl wants to be understood, surrounded by care, and not pestered.
  • You cannot ignore your beloved because her problem is insignificant. She needs to know that the young man supports her, whatever the situation.

How to cheer up a sick girl?

Disease is unpleasant phenomenon, which every person encounters more than once in his life. For representatives of the fair sex it is perceived poorly, because even common cold worsens appearance which they value so much. At this point, women usually do not want to be seen by their loved one, especially if the relationship is still developing.

In this case, a good way for men to cheer up a sick girl is to give compliments. She needs to do them often. Nose nice words you also need to be careful. The compliment should express a comparison of the recovering state with the patient.

For example, you shouldn’t just tell a sick person: “What are your beautiful eyes”, and should be paraphrased as follows: “Today your eyes radiate notes of a healthy princess.” You can also use the following compliments for a man: “Every day your cheeks are getting pinker,” “You may look tired, but you are still the most beautiful girl in the world"

If your loved one has fallen ill with some serious pathology, then the young man should not show her his experiences. When she is sick, you need to behave positively, put the young lady in the same mood, make her believe that everything will be fine.

Throughout this difficult time, a girl should not feel lonely for a second. It is important to surround her with care, love, to always be there, to show how dear and loved she is. All problems come to an end someday, you should understand this and not get hung up on it. unpleasant moments life.

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Words of support for your loved one in prose

Tender words to a beloved man in prose

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  2. Night again. She lit the stars and scattered them throughout the heavenly expanse. I don't need a bouquet of stars. Leave them alone. Let them decorate the sky, illuminating the way for the awake and lost. I need you…. When I'm next to you, I fly straight to the stars. I can even touch them. They say that the stars are very cold, despite their dazzling radiance... Not true! They are the lights of our passion with you. And, since they are awarded with flame, cold cannot be hidden in them. I love you!
  3. Prose. - We are so similar to you. We are almost the same. Even the first letters of our names are striking in their “sameness.” We are already used to it... As well as that, and externally, we are not very different from each other. It happens. And I'm very happy about it. Thank you for finding me, so similar, among millions of others! The fact that you met me and fell in love with me is the most wonderful event in my no less wonderful life.

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Continuation of the tender theme: “Tender words to the beloved man”...

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, situations arise when our family, close people or friends need support, because they experience strong emotional experiences. The normal and correct desire of anyone in this case would be the desire to provide help. But at such a delicate moment it is important that it be correct and effective. To do this, you need to know how to behave so as not to harm and really support a person in difficult times.

  • Allow and help express emotions. Powerful emotions and feelings should not be suppressed, help to do everything so that the person expresses what is in his soul. It doesn’t matter whether it’s grief or joy, resentment or disappointment. Until all emotions are spilled out, your interlocutor will not feel relief, and his condition will not improve. Sometimes a person can simply withdraw into the world of his experiences. Provoke him, piss him off, or, conversely, delicately start a conversation and watch his reaction.
  • Offer your help. Return it overnight peace of mind and harmony, no one can, but everyone can help with real deeds. Therefore, offer something that can make it easier serious condition person. For example, clean the house, cook food, go to the store. Try to help regularly until the difficult stage is overcome.
  • Try to be close. It's no secret that at such moments a friend needs you more than ever. Spend as much time as you can with them. Try to eliminate the source of suffering or things that may remind you of it. You should not say banal general phrases like “everything will definitely be fine” or “wait, time heals.” Just show that this person is very important to you, how much you value, love and respect him.
  • Let the person talk. Show tolerance and patience, listening to everything your interlocutor wants to tell you. Believe me, being a correct and good listener is a special art. And, despite the fact that he will do most of the talking, your reaction should express complete participation and understanding, as well as support.
  • Try to distract from sad thoughts. Try to distract the person at least for a while from the experiences or thoughts that are preventing him from returning to normal life. Invite him to take a walk in the park, go to the cinema or theater, a cafe, here you should rely on the tastes of a friend. However, remember about the appropriateness, if a person is in mourning, do not invite him to entertainment events.
  • Give good advice. If you successfully managed to get through the moment of emotional release and listening to experiences in the form of a monologue, the person cried a lot and spoke out. The time has come to give advice, but not in a recommendatory form, but rather simply share your thoughts about the current situation and ways out of it. At such moments, you have the advantage of sobriety of mind and the ability to reason sensibly, without unnecessary emotions. With this behavior you will show genuine concern and care for your loved one. And if he is suddenly wrong in his thoughts or actions, and cannot pull himself together, it’s time to carefully hint to him about it so that he does not make a mistake.
  • Be lenient and as tolerant as possible. In such difficult moments, you should not show anger, irritability, nervousness or short temper. Think about the fact that a person in moments of mental discomfort, worries, negative thoughts sometimes I am simply unable to control myself and control the situation.
  • Act in the moment. In the process of communication, you yourself will understand what else can help your friend. Each personality is individual, relationships between people are also unique and do not lend themselves to standards or templates.

What words of support can you say in difficult times?

Words of support in difficult moments, when a person is in difficult times emotional state, are no less important than actions. Psychologists say that words seem to connect you with reality and prevent you from falling into the abyss of worry. They give you the feeling that you are not alone with the problem, that there is someone who understands, supports, and shares the bitterness of your experiences.

There are probably no universal words of consolation and support for all people, but an attentive and caring attitude towards the problems of your neighbor is in itself a wonderful support. Do not think that these words are not important to your interlocutor, that he does not notice them and can do without them.

The best words of support will be sincere, coming from the soul and heart. If you also experience bitterness, pain, or worry about a loved one, you should not say cliched phrases. Often they may not console, but, on the contrary, aggravate suffering.

If your words do not come from the heart, you don’t know how or what to say, just remain silent. Believe me, if you force yourself to say something without sincerity and openness, it incredibly feels and is perceived as false and nothing more.

How to support a person when he is sick?

At the time of illness, any person needs care, attention and support from loved ones. To do this, it is important to show and make it clear how much you love him, how much you value him.

If the illness has disrupted your plans for work, leisure or personal life, explain that his condition will not become a burden for you, so that caring for him is more important.

If the illness is not serious, reassure the person in a joking manner that you are looking forward to his speedy recovery. Agree that after discharge you will go to your favorite place or just interesting place, for example, in a cafe or for a walk. Saying that a sick colleague is missing from work is also excellent support. Try to spend as much time as possible with the patient, telling him about the news, asking his opinion or advice.

Come up with a joint activity or business that would bring pleasant emotions and joy to the patient; at the time of illness, it is important not to feel lonely and unnecessary.

You can also distract the patient from the illness by creating a cozy atmosphere in the room where he is. If this is a hospital, bring things from home, photos of your loved ones, books, bright pillows or your favorite flower. If at home, just give a nice gift to show you care.

But how to support a person who is suffering? serious illness? Here you just need to please the patient with little things, maintaining a good mood and not letting him “give up.” He must know that tomorrow will definitely come and be better. Talk to them every day about the fact that he will be cured, perhaps tell examples of people who successfully coped with the disease.

How to hold your loved one?

You should show a special attitude when something unpleasant happens to your significant other or loved one. But support in such a situation is not as easy as it seems, because your opinion about the problem may differ from your partner’s perception.

They say that men have an easier time understanding how to comfort women. It is no secret that ladies are characterized by excessive emotionality; they love not only to talk about situations in detail, but also to express their feelings and experiences. Here a man just needs to listen, carefully and sincerely. Psychologists note that the most common mistake of the stronger sex is that, having recognized the problem, they immediately look for its solution.

Alas, this tactic is wrong, the woman needs to be pitied and reassured. And only after that try to solve the issue or understand how to do the right thing. Often real action and it is not required, the opportunity to speak out, to gain an understanding that they are ready to help you at any moment is more important for a woman.

If in a couple, a difficult moment in life has come for the man, the woman needs to gain wisdom and patience. Some guys perceive problems as new lessons and experience, while others perceive them as failure. There is only one rule here: do not try to find out more than your loved one is ready to tell. Sometimes a man’s support can manifest itself in the form of completely ignoring the problem, act as if nothing happened, try to please him with little things.

Men only in appearance seem strong and capable of any feat. But there are situations when you cannot cope without proper support from the fairer sex. When everything around begins to collapse, troubles arise at work, health fails, or any other difficulties appear, then anyone, even the most persistent person, can give up. At this moment, a wise woman should be nearby who can find the right words and support the man.

Mutual help

Any relationship should be based not only on love and trust, but also on mutual assistance, not so much physical as moral. A woman is a reliable backbone that you can rely on in any situation. In order for the fairer sex to provide the necessary support, they must be prepared for anything.

In this article we'll talk about how to support a man in a difficult situation, what words to choose, and what a woman should do.

Basic rules of behavior for a woman to support a man

When a beloved husband or boyfriend came home upset, with a thoughtful look, and refused the offer to eat, although he always ate with appetite upon returning from work, and at the same time wants to be left alone, then the conclusion follows that something happened to him, knocked him out of the usual rhythm of life. In this situation, it is important to choose the woman’s behavior very correctly, regardless of what problems the couple is faced with.

Of course, all men have different characters, and each will have to find their own approach. But there are basic methods for everyone:

How to support a man in a difficult situation? You need to listen to him, create a favorable environment for relaxation, give him a sense of inner peace and a positive attitude towards the future. Under such conditions, a person will gain some self-confidence, will be able to cope with his thoughts and find a solution to the problem. A woman cannot always tell you a way out of an unpleasant situation, but she can point you in the right direction.

Problems at a distance

It’s easy to understand that a man feels bad when he’s nearby, but how can you support a man from a distance? If a lover leaves for another city or country, and troubles arise there, then it becomes difficult not only for him, but also for his other half. Of course, a woman begins to feel sad that she is far away, but showing this to a man is strictly forbidden. Otherwise, it will become much harder for him, because it is his fault that a loved one suffers.

How to help if your loved one is far away?

Far from your loved one, you can find words of support that will help him. Therefore, it is important to know what and how to say.

  1. When receiving unpleasant news, it is very important not to fall into a state of panic, otherwise how to support a man in a difficult situation if a woman cannot even cope with personal emotions. When talking on the phone, the main thing is to let the interlocutor speak out, then, while maintaining your own calm, answer. If a man hears sadness or fear in his partner’s voice, this will only add to his worries. But a calm dialogue will help you tune in to finding a solution to the problem.
  2. During video communication, a woman should hold back her tears and not show even the slightest upset with her entire appearance. And if you can only talk to your boyfriend or husband through messages or letters, then it is important to think through every word, fortunately there is time for this, unlike a direct conversation on the phone or Skype.
  3. From the outside you can always look at the problem differently. Therefore, after receiving information about it, you should voice it in your own words and show understanding. There are several positive points this situation, give me some advice possible ways her decisions.
  4. Men do not always want to share their troubles with their significant other, so as not to upset her, or they believe that they can cope without anyone’s help. Knowing this character trait of your husband, you don’t need to question him, but it’s better to tell the positive moments that happened to the woman, or just talk about something else without touching on the problem. In this case, the man will relax, be distracted and be able to think calmly.

If you are thinking about how to support a man from a distance, then know that the best solution here it will distract him from negative thoughts, from immersion in himself. He needs to be helped to relax, to be made to understand that everything is not as bad as he thinks.

Low testosterone and self-esteem. What is the relationship between them?

How to morally support a man when he feels bad? A person can feel bad not only when his health fails, but also when his self-esteem decreases. How to support a man in this case? Help you regain your former self-confidence.

Men are designed in such a way that when self-esteem decreases, concentration drops along with it. important hormone- testosterone. It helps to increase the strength of guys and attraction to the opposite sex.

When the level of the hormone decreases, discord in relationships can occur, which leads to infidelity on the part of the man and to divorce of the spouses. In such a situation, the husband begins to think that the family is burdening him, and he is no longer able to support it, and the best way out is to remain alone. To prevent this from happening, there must be a clear understanding in his head that they are waiting for him at home and will accept him for who he is.

The second situation that a drop in testosterone leads to is the search for a mistress to raise its level. At the same time, there is an opinion that the wife is not capable of doing this.

As soon as a woman notices that her loved one has fallen into a state of depression, then she should immediately begin to increase his self-esteem, no matter for what reasons he became sad.

Raising a man's self-esteem. How to do it right?

How to support a man and raise his self-esteem? Everything is very simple:

  1. It's not just women who love compliments. For the male half of humanity, they are also very pleasant and important - it’s worth saying them more often.
  2. Nothing increases self-esteem more than success in business, which a woman notices. Therefore, you need to praise as often as possible, even for small things.
  3. If a man thinks that he is not capable of anything, and the family can cope without him, then the best option is to show his indispensability. To do this, you will have to artificially create situations in which you will need help. strong hands. For example, you can screw the lid on a jar of cucumbers as tightly as possible and ask your husband to open it, citing the fact that no one else in the family can do this.

To increase self-esteem and vitality men will have to make an effort. But this is important not only for him, but also for the woman. Because in a depressed state, her husband will stop paying attention and helping her.

A crisis

It happens that a man is fired from his job, he loses his source of income, and a difficult time comes in his life. Therefore, it is important for a woman to know how to support a man in a crisis. Having lost his place, he may not only become depressed, but also begin to abuse alcohol.

Therefore, a woman needs:

  1. Listen to the man, find out about the reasons for his dismissal, his future plans.
  2. Start searching for suitable vacancies together.
  3. Don’t put moral pressure on a man, don’t humiliate him, don’t compare him with other people’s husbands, don’t nag him, but kindly and calmly support him, offer solutions.
  4. Talk to your husband's friends so that they can also support him.
  5. Don't build relationships on finances, you need to base them on love and support.
  6. If possible, a woman can find temporary additional income for herself.

Women's mistakes

When a woman begins to think about how to support a man, she can very often make the following mistakes:

  1. There is no need to show pity; it is better to replace it with affection and care. A man must understand that he is strong and able to cope with any adversity on his own. And if you start to regret, your self-esteem will certainly fall. But if a woman becomes more affectionate, gives a massage, strokes the back, etc., then this will play the opposite role.
  2. You cannot joke or speak sarcastically. This may be interpreted incorrectly by emotions.
  3. You cannot harbor anger and resentment for lack of mood. It is better to leave the man alone so that he can be alone with his thoughts.
  4. If help is not asked for, then there is no need to impose it.

What should you say to support a man?

It is important not only to behave correctly, but also to be able to say the right things. How can you support a man with words? If you are looking for an answer to this question, then pay attention to the following phrases:

  1. Dear or beloved, you are (any compliment follows).
  2. I am very proud of you.
  3. I didn't doubt you.
  4. I believe in your strength.
  5. I'm with you.
  6. We can handle it.
  7. You can rely on me.
  8. I appreciate everything you do.

This sample list words with which you can support a man. The main thing is to show confidence in him, care, that he can count on someone. Words of support are very important for a man; if you say them in time, then a difficult situation will no longer be so insurmountable.

A little conclusion

In order to support strong half humanity, a lot of work needs to be done. But if a woman loves, then she is capable of anything for the sake of her other half.