Mercury retrograde periods during the year. Real examples of actions while Mercury is stationary. Is it possible to meet people during the retro period of Venus?

Retrograde means moving backwards. However, this is the path of the planet visible from Earth. In fact, neither Mercury, nor Venus, nor Jupiter move backward during the “retro period”.

During the period of planetary retrograde, things are going well under the motto “I’m returning…” to a task (person, place, paper, contact, thought) that I had already started earlier.

If we are talking about retrograde Mercury, the winter loop of which ends on January 27, then it is worth returning contacts and friends that have disappeared from sight, re-evaluating thoughts about purchases, concepts that were formed earlier, and rewriting manuscripts. There is no need to start new contacts. There is also no need to rush to sign agreements for the first time. It is not recommended to make purchases, especially means of communication and transportation, unless with reservations; in this case, only an astrologer can provide guidance during a personal consultation.

What should you devote the period to – retrospection of some important thoughts, contacts, finalization of projects.

Mercury retrograde in 2017:

For those born at the junction of Sagittarius and Capricorn, Aries and Taurus, Leo and Virgo, important thoughts, contacts, news can come on the first passage of Mercury along its retrograde path, that is, before the beginning of the specified period. The final decision on them should be from January 8 to January 27, if we are talking about the winter loop.

Venus retrograde in 2017.

Venus is responsible for ratings and likes. We like a person, we are attracted to him, and we perceive him as valuable in our life - we love him. The key word here is “pleasant.” The retrograde period sends us back to find something valuable in past experiences and draw conclusions about what valuable things are close to us now.

We re-evaluate our affections, loved ones, image and financial capabilities during Venus retrograde.

Venus retrograde in 2017:

from March 4 to April 15. The retrograde loop is wider, so early Aries and late Pisces can feel the influence of Venus retrograde earlier in the allocated period.

The Venus loop will begin on January 30, so from February, look at what topics life throws up on the topic of Venus, and read my article about the Venus loop in 2017 - it will appear very soon on my website, and then here on the Oculus blog.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2017.

Jupiter is the planet of social success, opportunities for advancement, education, international cooperation, and earnings.

Retrograde Jupiter:

Libra should be ready to re-evaluate and clarify some of their guidelines even before the period begins. When Jupiter is retrograde, it is not advisable to start business aimed at obtaining material gain. It is good to examine the liver, find out and clarify the terms of the loan, reissue visa documents (but do not apply for a visa for the first time).

Retrograde Saturn in 2017:

Saturn is the foundation of any enterprise. Therefore, its movement back is associated with a revaluation of what we rely on: work, real estate, parents, musculoskeletal system. Saturn in Sagittarius rechecks our readiness to move forward. Sagittarius must be very responsible even before the period begins, preparing for the return of some problems that temper them psychologically.

© Astrologer Olga Ivanova

my website

In 2017, Venus will not go retrograde so soon - on March 4th, but it will enter the loop on January 29-30, so it’s time to talk about it.

Why is it worth paying attention to the planet entering the loop even before it turns?
When the planet reaches the point of its future direct entry, events begin to occur in our lives that set a trend for the entire period of the retrograde loop. There are four important points in the loop:
1) 01/29-30/2017 – entrance to the loop (27 degrees Pisces);
2) 03/04/2017 – transition to the retro movement (14 degrees of Aries);
3) 04/15/2017 – return to direct movement;
4) 05/18/2017 – exit from the loop.

To put it very briefly, from the end of January to March 4, 2017, the main topic of the retrograde loop will appear, on which we will work until April 15, 2017 (the entire period of the retrograde itself), and this topic will be resolved at the last stage - before the twentieth of May.
Thus, retro-Venus will influence us from the end of January to the end of May, and this is almost 4 months. What will its impact be?
Venus is the planet responsible for:

a) for partnerships (business and romantic);
b) for our internal criteria of beauty, harmony, aesthetics, which guide us when choosing everything, from our significant other to shoes;
c) for how we prefer to spend (accumulate) money and any material assets.

The Venus retrograde period has a direct impact on all these areas of our lives. How? During retro periods, all matters for which the winding planet is responsible begin to go differently than always - confusing situations arise, old passions appear, and a powerful reassessment of values ​​begins in the head. So, if in the case of retro-Mercury we were talking about confusion in documents and not the best time to start studying (or starting anything at all), then in the case of retro-Venus we will talk about more personal things. The recommendations apply for the entire period of the retrograde loop.

What NOT to do on retro Venus:
- Conclude marriage and engagement. There is a high risk that relationships formed on retro-Venus will be fragile.
- Enter into new love relationships. Observations show that, more often than not, such relationships fall apart. However, do not panic if you happen to fall in love on retro Venus: after she comes out of the loop, you will most likely evaluate the object of your passion completely differently (read: “More soberly”).
— Turn on the “Shopaholic” mode. Well, that is, if you really want to, then you can, of course, but it’s better to treat yourself to something not very expensive. There is a great risk that the fur coat, Louboutins, and diamond necklace purchased on retro Venus will begin to seem tasteless and unnecessary when Venus becomes “normal.” If the purchase still cannot be postponed, we simply evaluate and weigh everything much more carefully than usual.
— Conclude agreements with new partners. The exception is those partnerships that, in principle, do not imply long-term cooperation.
- Cut from the shoulder. On retro-Venus, we begin to carefully analyze existing relationships, all the unpleasant moments will be felt very strongly, turning from the usual “Well, we just have such a relationship” and “That’s the kind of person he/she is” to “I can’t and don’t want to put up with this anymore " This is a huge plus of the retro-Venus period - indeed, it’s time to think that we don’t have to endure all our lives what we don’t like. But before you leave, slamming the door, weigh everything carefully and take action after Venus leaves the loop.
— You should not lend, invest, or launch projects related to beauty and aesthetics.
— Plastic surgery is strictly prohibited!

Why the retro-Venus period is good:
- This is the best time to return to your old relationship. If you've been waiting for the moment to make peace with your ex-lover, here it is.
- Think about and re-evaluate your relationships and image from the point of view of “What would I like to change”
— If your activity is related to trade, then keep in mind that during this period there is a high probability that you will be able to sell a product that was not previously in demand among buyers.
— Return to old projects, conclude deals long postponed for some unknown reason, return yourself to the gym and proper nutrition - we restore the aesthetics of the body.
- It's time to repay debts.
— If you don’t want a long relationship, fall in love! An excellent period to arrange an unforgettable romantic adventure. Moreover, circumstances will give you opportunities.

Instead of a postscript, I would like to remind you that an individual horoscope is always more important than general trends, and if, in general, the “weather” in the sky is not conducive, for example, to launching a new project, it is quite possible that an individual forecast will “reflash” the negative readings.

    Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite, and I have doubts about the infinity of the first of them

    On August 13, 2017, the third stage of the retrograde movement of the planet begins, which is responsible for success in commerce and productive negotiations between people. Mercury retrograde in August 2017 brings both new opportunities and dangers. Use this time to correct mistakes and reunite with people with whom you lost communication for some reason earlier.

    In a normal state, Mercury promotes the search for new sources of income. The retrograde of this planet almost completely kills both the desire and ability in people to search for new opportunities. At work, try not to turn off your attentiveness to details and little things. Listen to your mind, not your heart or intuition. Mercury always transfers people's lives from the spiritual to the purely material.

    In a normal state, Mercury promotes the search for new sources of income. The retrograde of this planet almost completely kills both the desire and ability in people to search for new opportunities. At work, try not to turn off your attentiveness to details and little things. Listen to your mind, not your heart or intuition. Mercury always transfers people's lives from the spiritual to the purely material.

    In a normal state, Mercury promotes the search for new sources of income. The retrograde of this planet almost completely kills both the desire and ability in people to search for new opportunities. At work, try not to turn off your attentiveness to details and little things. Listen to your mind, not your heart or intuition. Mercury always transfers people's lives from the spiritual to the purely material.

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Retrograde planets in astrology carry their own special meaning - they return to past situations for which this planet 2017 is responsible. For example, retrograde Mercury brings a slowdown in business, with documents, a different look at familiar things. Retrograde Jupiter 2017 returns a person to spiritual issues. The retrograde period of planets or the position of retrograde motion means that the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct motion, that is, it returns back in its motion. Mercury retrograde 2017 has already passed its first period this year; its second period, retrograde 2017, awaits us ahead.

Mercury retrograde 2017
April 10 - May 03, 2017
August 13 - September 05, 2017
December 03 - December 23, 2017

The retrograde movement of Mercury on Earth is felt very strongly. At this time, there are obstacles in communication, problems with communications, misunderstandings in communication, and sluggishness in business. At this time, people begin to think deeply, find the causes of events, rethink what has happened, redo past affairs, and complete the old.

Retrograde Jupiter 2017

Jupiter always brings happiness, in any position. He is responsible for growth, expansion, prosperity, diversity, everything that is very positive emotions and moods. Jupiter symbolizes patronage, protection, as well as education, universities, politics, law, distant countries and long journeys, international trade, social institutions, publishing houses, and the social status of a person. During its retrograde motion, Jupiter can impart increased self-confidence. At this time, it is better not to start new business related to the spheres of influence of Jupiter. It is better to update and quickly adjust current affairs. It is not advisable to take loans.

Retrograde Saturn 2017

Saturn has a retrograde period every year, and this period is about 4.5 months. Saturn is responsible for state and legislative power, hierarchy in various organizations, superiors, profession, service, construction, real estate. Saturn has a restraining, compressive nature, concentrating on the important, freezing, cutting off the unnecessary, highlighting the essence. During the period of Saturn retrograde, you should beware of signing contracts aimed at the long term, registering a marriage or a new enterprise, starting a business, starting training in a new profession, starting a new activity, buying real estate, starting construction, quitting your job.

Uranus Retrograde 2017

Uranus is retrograde for about 5 months throughout the year. It brings everything new, innovative, surprises, sudden changes. Uranus relates to the aviation industry in general, computers, new technologies, electricity, business partners or other activities. During Uranus retrograde, insights come, life moves on new tracks. At this time, there is a desire to change everything at once and radically. Although it is better to beware of such irreversible decisions with consequences that are always difficult to predict. Uranus always acts unexpectedly.

Neptune retrograde 2017

The retrograde period of Neptune - the planet of eternity, secrets, intuition, faith - averages 4 - 5 months. Neptune owns the world of dreams and fantasies, dreams and meditations; it is the planet of musicians, chemists, psychologists, etc. If Neptune in the horoscope is strong and kind, then it gives us the ability to soar beyond the ordinary, to be imbued with divine love. Also in the power of Neptune is everything that has to do with an altered state of consciousness - drugs, alcohol, sects. Retrograde Neptune will contribute to a somewhat greater withdrawal from reality, and especially for those people who were born in the retro phase of this planet. During this period, it is useful to meditate, address issues of spirituality, true faith, and read prayers. Just remember the danger of being deceived and drawn into a sect - Neptune casts a fog. When plunging into the world of dreams, do not break away from reality, be careful.

Pluto retrograde 2017

Pluto is the planet of resources, enormous hidden power, and rebirth. Cleaner planet. Symbolically associated with collective energy, the energy of the crowd, the deep psyche, law enforcement agencies, the mafia, the metro, on the physical plane - tumor diseases. The periods of Pluto's retrograde motion and the periods of its direct motion are approximately equal in duration, averaging 4.5-6 months. Retrograde Pluto deepens mental processes, encourages us to get rid of unnecessary, outdated things that hinder our development in this life.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

The retrograde of a planet means that from the point of view of an observer on Earth, it moves in the opposite direction in the Zodiac, as if moving backwards. Venus goes retrograde every year and a half. In 2017, Venus makes a loop in Aries and Pisces, the first stationary point is at 13 degrees of Aries, the second stationary point is at 26 degrees of Pisces. During the entire retrograde cycle, Venus is in the sign of Aries from March 5 to April 3, and looks into the sign of Pisces from April 3 to April 16.

The influence of Venus retrograde

It is most significant for those whose planet is strongly manifested in the natal chart, including people of the signs Taurus and Libra, since they are ruled by Venus. Venus retro invites us to bring out the real value and dignity of the people and things in our lives. The signs Taurus (values, money) and Libra (relationships) are associated with these themes. Since the planet makes a loop in Aries and Pisces, the period is important for representatives of these zodiac signs.

As you know, Venus in astrology is considered the planet of love, so its influence affects love and relationships. Retrograde Venus emphasizes the themes of fidelity and devotion in love, material and financial interests of spouses, and issues of raising children. At this time, problems may arise that originate in the past. This is not the time for active action; assessment is more important than direct action. If there is friction or disagreement in love, it is a reminder that all is not well. If the relationship is generally positive, then the existing difficulties will not affect the quality of communication, but it is necessary to assess the seriousness of the problem and weigh the pros and cons of the relationship.

The most stressful time may be the first half of April 2017, when Venus forms a square with Saturn in Sagittarius (the exact date of the aspect is April 8). Unpleasant events, disappointments, obstacles in love and financial difficulties are not excluded.

Many people will feel unloved, unappreciated, and feel like they should be getting more out of the relationship. Perhaps your loved one will break his promises. Only after Venus goes direct can you begin to act as you see fit. For example, if you come to the conclusion that it is necessary to end the relationship, then it is better to do this when the Venus retrograde cycle ends. It is important to understand that if problems arise in a relationship at the very beginning, then they will always remain in them, and will only get worse over time. Assess them during Venus retrograde and determine what you can accept and tolerate and what you cannot.

Love and relationships born during Venus retrograde in the spring of 2017 can be controversial. The retrograde movement of the planet of love changes your usual point of view; you are often unable to see the obvious, something that you would easily notice at another time. This does not mean that retro Venus implies deception, but a distorted view of relationships is present in one form or another, erroneous assumptions are quite likely. These assumptions can lead to misjudgments and disappointment later when you discover that the person of our dreams is not what you thought.

What is the period not suitable for?

Goddess of love Venus The period of Venus retrograde from March 5 to June 16, 2017 is not suitable for marriage. If you are choosing a day for your wedding, wait until the planet goes into direct motion so that the prospects for marriage will be more expected.

In astrology, Venus is the natural ruler of the second house (house of money and values), so it has a certain amount of power in financial matters. This is not a good time to invest and start a business that is directly related to financial activities. In the future, it may turn out that the cost of the product or product was inflated or its value does not correspond to what was expected. When the planet becomes direct, losses may arise due to financial actions taken during the retrograde movement of Venus.

The time of Venus retrograde is not conducive to purchasing luxury goods. Item may be mispriced. For example, it may turn out that an item that looked very attractive in a store will lose its charm in the future.

What is the period suitable for?

Old friends or lost loves may return on retro Venus. The time from March 5 to June 16, 2017 is favorable for restoring relationships that existed in the past and were broken. But only if there are serious intentions. If there are difficulties in your existing relationship, you will have opportunities for reconciliation.

Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces brings financial advantages to those who know how to use them. The retrograde period is suitable for selling unnecessary things and stale goods, as well as real estate for which a buyer has not been found for a long time. At this time, many people make unnecessary purchases, so it’s good to sell what you can’t sell at other times. It is quite possible that someone will see the inner beauty of a stale item or feel that they cannot live without it. They will regret it later, but it's not your problem anymore.

An excellent time to purchase antiques and any second-hand goods. During the retrograde movement of Venus, many people manage to make profitable purchases of such things. It may be that you know the real cost of the product, but the seller does not.

Buying real estate is not always a problem when Venus is retrograde. You can make a good deal if you know a lot about it and with a balanced approach. An essential factor is to check whether any flaws are hidden behind a flashy appearance.

Venus retrograde is a favorable time for repeated negotiations regarding finances, for example, a bank loan agreement. It is good to deal with legal issues that have a long history.