Why and what to do if your dog has bloody stool. Black feces in a dog - symptoms, treatment, medications, causes, our best friends

Normally, the color of animal feces varies from light to dark brown. In dogs, black feces are not considered normal and can signal various pathologies. The animal needs immediate examination by a veterinarian if accompanying symptoms are observed: abdominal pain, refusal to eat, lethargy, diarrhea, fever.

Causes of black stool in dogs

The reason for the change in color of excrement is the content of digested blood in it. When the pet feels normal and does not exhibit the above symptoms, then black feces in the dog can be caused by iron-containing drugs or the use of raw food.

Let's look at why dogs have black feces. If the blood is bright in color, this indicates bleeding in the large intestine; blood in the excrement is more dangerous if it is dark in color, which indicates bleeding in the digestive system and small intestine.

During treatment, hemostatic drugs are administered, and after diagnosis, antibiotic therapy is administered. Additionally, diet, gastroprotectors, deworming, surgical removal of foreign objects and tumors are used.

Treatment of a pet with characteristic features of gastrointestinal bleeding is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian and monitoring of tests.

People who experience diarrhea in their dogs often go to extremes. Some do not pay attention to indigestion, while others begin to panic. In fact, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the animal and take into account various associated factors. In difficult cases, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

To determine the exact cause of diarrhea in a dog, a veterinarian should be consulted, because the choice of treatment method depends on this.

Main types of diarrhea

Bloody diarrhea is a serious problem. If even a small amount of blood is found in your dog’s feces, you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic.

Diarrhea and vomiting often occur together. So, in case of poisoning, vomiting begins first, and then diarrhea occurs. If both phenomena occur simultaneously and last for quite a long time, then we are talking about serious damage to the body.

Diarrhea with mucus most often occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process in the colon.

Black diarrhea gets this hue due to the presence of semi-digested blood. This happens when there is bleeding in the duodenum or stomach.

Yellow diarrhea is often observed with normal indigestion. If the shade of feces is close to orange, then this indicates liver damage and an increased concentration of bilirubin.

Green diarrhea occurs when feeding an animal rotten food. The appearance of a greenish tint is caused by the processes of fermentation and decay occurring at this moment in the intestines.

White diarrhea can occur in the absence of bile. This indicates blockage of the bile ducts, which is considered a rather serious problem.

Establishing diagnosis

Typically, diarrhea in dogs does not last long. If the diarrhea is not short-term, it is necessary to identify the exact cause. For this purpose, the following tests are most often prescribed:

Depending on the results of the above tests, your veterinarian may order additional tests. This includes bacterial culture, pathological and serological studies, abdominal ultrasound, endoscopy, and toxin testing.

How to treat diarrhea in a dog?

As a rule, the dog is prescribed the following treatment:

  • After a daily semi-starvation diet, only easily digestible food is used for feeding. More often the animal is given boiled beef or chicken with the addition of low-fat cottage cheese. A similar diet should be followed for 3-4 days, and then gradually transfer the animal to normal food;
  • additional infusion therapy helps avoid dehydration, compensate for the loss of electrolytes and restore the acid-base balance;
  • Antibiotics are given to those dogs that have been diagnosed with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis or are suspected of having an intestinal infection. Also, similar drugs are indicated when observing diarrhea with blood;
  • Adsorbents and medications are often prescribed that protect the intestinal mucosa.

Nutrition for diarrhea

If your dog has indigestion, you should not force feed it. It is recommended to skip at least 2 feedings or not at all. do not give food to the animal during the day. The next day, the dog should be given rice water to drink. You can also feed your pet liquid rice. To normalize the condition, 1-2 tablespoons are enough. During the day you can give a little low-fat cottage cheese. Some dog breeders recommend pouring sweet tea into the drinking bowl instead of water.

If your dog barely eats for several days, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. You should not give her medicine or any food yourself.

After the feces become hard again, familiar foods should be gradually introduced into the diet. The main thing is to avoid fatty foods.

To avoid digestive upset in your pet, you need to follow simple tips:

Every dog ​​owner should understand that the most effective way to treat diarrhea in an animal is prevention. So, owners should pay special attention to the dog’s diet. In addition, it is necessary to ensure appropriate drinking regime. If, despite these precautions, the animal experiences indigestion, need to skip next feeding and go to the vet.

How serious and dangerous is it when a dog has bloody stool? If there is fresh blood in the stool, this indicates bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract. But not only profuse red blood is a dangerous condition. The appearance of the slightest streaks of blood and black, tarry stool should alert the owner, otherwise it could cost the dog’s life.

Causes of the disease

How can you understand why a dog poops blood? Bleeding can develop as a result of injury or serious illness.

Types of diseases leading to bleeding in dogs:

  • tumor;
  • infectious;
  • exchange;
  • somatic.

There are 3 types of blood in a dog’s stool:

  • scarlet blood in large quantities;
  • streaks of blood;
  • tarry liquid stool.
  • white chair

List of diseases accompanied by bleeding in dogs:

  • constipation, formation of anal fissures;
  • infectious, toxic gastroenteritis;
  • space-occupying formations in the stomach and intestines at any level, helminthiases;
  • ulcers in the stomach, duodenum (duodenum);

Symptoms of the disease

The appearance of blood from your pet's anus can indicate various diseases. Therefore, it is important to know the main symptoms of this disease.

Typically, dog poop is light or dark brown in color. If blood impurities appear in them, this is very serious and indicates failures or internal damage. Thus, bright scarlet veins may indicate damage to the large intestine, in particular in the rectum.

If blood discharge changes the color of the stool to dark, almost black, then one can judge that there is a disorder in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

It happens, although rarely, that an animal develops diarrhea mixed with blood. This may indicate severe poisoning or serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What to do?

It is quite clear that if you discover blood impurities in your pet’s stool, you should immediately show him to the veterinarian. In this case, you should not show independence. But the faster you do this, the more chances he will have to recover.

If you cannot do this right away, then first of all, provide your pet with rest and apply a cold compress to the abdomen and sacrum. Under no circumstances should you feed him, give him a laxative, or give him an enema!

The appearance of blood in the stool almost always indicates the seriousness of the illness, the real cause of which can only be determined by a veterinarian after performing the necessary examinations. For the dog owner, only an auxiliary function remains. For example, therapy for rectal bleeding involves a high-quality and balanced diet, timely examinations by a specialist and monitoring the nature of bowel movements.

Show care and attention to your pet, record all deviations in their health, then it will be easier to treat them for various diseases. And some of them will not be able to appear at all.

Examination and diagnosis

Determining the severity of the disease in an animal and its severity involves a number of examinations:

  • visual inspection of the dog;
  • stool examination;
  • examination of the rectum;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the peritoneum;
  • performing a colonoscopy or gastroscopy (depending on the color of the blood impurity).

For a correct diagnosis, the information that is required from the dog owner also matters a lot:

  • timing of the onset of symptoms of the disease;
  • whether deworming was carried out in a timely manner and when;
  • what kind of diet does the pet have (does it chew bones, picks up food or other objects from the ground);
  • does he suffer from loss of appetite, etc.

Based on all this, a diagnosis is established, and a treatment regimen is determined accordingly. Elimination of blood from stool is possible only if the root cause that caused such a symptom is cured. Therefore, do not delay your visit to the veterinary clinic with your four-legged friend. Not only his health, but possibly his life will depend on the speed of your actions.

Hemorrhoidal bleeding

In adult dogs, varicose hemorrhoids develop as a consequence of labor and regular constipation. When these nodules are injured by hard feces, intense bleeding develops. In this case, the feces are intensely stained with fresh blood due to its large amount. Blood loss is regular, significant and leads to anemia. A dog's feces with blood scare everyone, but the bleeding stops on its own. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a veterinary hospital to prescribe adequate therapy and eliminate the risk of recurrent hemorrhage.

In case of rectal prolapse, the diagnosis is not difficult, since the defect is visible to the naked eye. When prolapsed, the intestine is visible from the anus, is easily injured, and bleeds slightly. Most often it is a complication of constipation and bladder stones. Immediate contact with a veterinarian is necessary, because the intestinal wall may be pinched, blood flow stops, and necrosis develops. This situation requires emergency surgery.

Infectious, toxic gastroenteritis

The mechanism of development of gastroenteritis with bleeding is the same during infection or toxic damage to the gastrointestinal tract and is explained by the release of toxic products into the intestinal lumen. It often develops in puppies when they are improperly kept in a cold room or improperly fed, which lead to a decrease in immunity.

Due to the addition of an infectious agent or endogenous toxins, for example, due to pyelonephritis, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract becomes swollen. Exposure to food masses, gastric juice, and pancreatic enzymes injures the delicate mucous membrane, and the dog poops blood. The severity of bleeding varies. The less pronounced the bleeding, the more dangerous it is for the dog, since it does not get to the veterinarian sooner, but only after complications develop.

As the disease progresses, the dog develops diarrhea with blood. She refuses to eat, becomes lethargic and apathetic, hides in secluded places, and periodically moans. If a dog has diarrhea with blood, then I should treat it myself; I need to urgently consult a doctor, undergo a full examination aimed at finding the source of bleeding, the cause of the disease, and select individual therapy and diet.

Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, helminthiases

With a long-term oncological disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the tumor growing into the lumen of the organs is constantly injured by feces and gradually begins to bleed. The severity of bleeding varies. It must be remembered that blood in the stool may not be visible to the naked eye. Hidden bleeding is also dangerous for the body, as it indicates a serious pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations by a veterinarian.

If a dog poops blood due to tumor diseases, then it is too late to ask the question of what to do. Regular examination of the dog by a veterinarian is necessary, which will allow diagnosing the disease at an early stage and preventing its progression and the development of complications. Helminthic infestation - eimeriosis develops more often in puppies at the age of 2-3 months, leading to the appearance of blood streaks in the stool.

Ulcers are the cause of bleeding

Ulceration in the stomach and duodenum with a complicated course leads to bleeding. Intense ulcerative bleeding from the stomach is accompanied by bloody vomiting. But blood loss of about 200 ml will not cause vomiting. A transformation of the blood occurs as a result of the work of enzymes and intestinal bacteria, and the dog develops tarry black liquid or mushy sticky feces. In this situation, immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary.


The following basic activities are required:

  1. If possible, eliminate the causes of the disease.
  2. Hemostatic agents.
  3. Replenishment of circulating blood volume.
  4. Detoxification therapy.
  5. Maintains liver and kidney function.
  6. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer agents according to indications.
  7. Compliance with diet.
  8. Local treatment in the form of enemas, gastric lavages, if prescribed by a veterinarian.

Prevention after recovery consists of regular examinations by a veterinarian, preventive vaccinations, anthelmintics, and proper nutrition to avoid relapses.

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Digestive disorders in dogs are not only common, but even commonplace. This is largely due to the specific features of the gastrointestinal tract of these animals (short length and poor symbiotic microflora). But still, you should not perceive diarrhea in a dog as something completely harmless: sometimes it indicates serious and very dangerous pathologies.

It's all about the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of dogs:

  • The length of the intestines in dogs is relatively short. Any “disturbance” is enough for the digestion process to be disrupted.
  • For the same reason, a very meager set of symbiotic microflora is collected in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. It dies quickly, which is why the digestion process is immediately disrupted.

In addition, there is one more nuance that many breeders forget about. The point is that dogs are not the most sophisticated gourmets.

Firstly, they often pick up rotten and even downright rotten food on the street, and this needs to be monitored (not only banal diarrhea is possible, but also).

Secondly, dogs especially do not need a very varied diet. Moreover, even a one-time sharp change in diet practically guarantees the dog severe and prolonged diarrhea, since its gastrointestinal tract is not at all different in its rapid adaptability.

Thus, when feeding your pet you need to follow a couple of simple but extremely important rules:

  • The less often it changes, the better. We recommend feeding dogs aged five years and older with high-quality, balanced food. If this is not possible, you need to consult a veterinarian and create a normal, high-quality and balanced diet. Practice shows that in this case dogs not only vilify much less often, but also live on average three years longer.
  • Dogs may benefit from giving probiotics from time to time. We recommend using drugs in liquid form, as they have a more pronounced effect. Many experienced breeders recommend regular kefir and other fermented milk products in small quantities for these purposes. Practice shows that they are not much inferior in effectiveness to “famous” commercial products.

Main causes of diarrhea in dogs

In fact, it is hardly possible to fit all the reasons into one article, since there are a lot of them. But we will still try to describe the main predisposing factors.

Diarrhea from poor quality food

Simply put, this happens from food. But not from everyone and not always:

  • A sudden change in diet– we have already written about this.
  • Long term nutrition It doesn't do any good either. Such food often stagnates in the intestines, begins to rot, and severe dysbiosis occurs, which results in diarrhea.
  • Poor quality, spoiled food. Owners who prefer to feed their pets stale leftovers from the refrigerator have dogs that vilify constantly.
  • Excess meat trimmings and offal can cause diarrhea. when feeding dogs over five years of age. At this age, the digestive system of animals can no longer cope with such a volume of proteins, and therefore putrefactive processes begin in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by the same diarrhea.
  • Food intolerance to food components(ie). You should immediately find out which foods cause this reaction, and then immediately and completely eliminate them from your pet’s diet. Ignoring the problem sometimes leads to the development of deadly autoimmune pathologies.

Diarrhea before and after childbirth

The period before and after birth is a very difficult time for a dog’s body. It is not surprising that the likelihood of developing digestive disorders increases several times.

Immediately before giving birth, diarrhea can be caused by the dog's irregular diet. In the last days or hours before the birth of puppies, bitches have a “floating” and irregular appetite, the body’s resources are diverted to other needs.

In addition, the uterus, which has greatly increased in volume, strongly compresses other organs of the abdominal cavity, including intestinal loops. Because of this, peristalsis suffers greatly. Accordingly, if the expectant mother suddenly eats heavily, nothing good should be expected. The food will not be properly digested, it will begin to rot, which will cause diarrhea.

Postpartum diarrhea. There is a possibility that diarrhea is also caused by some relatively “harmless” reasons, such as:

  • Eating the afterbirth. This behavior is absolutely natural and normal for these animals, but from time to time it leads to digestive disorders.
  • Overfeeding. Many owners overly pamper a pet that has given birth, but this should not be done: its digestive system has not yet “developed”, and peristalsis is still slow.

But diarrhea that often appears a few days after birth is a good sign of the presence of inflammatory processes in the animal’s uterus. So in this case, we would recommend taking the dog to the vet immediately.

We must not forget that all the harmful and toxic substances that inevitably appear in a dog’s body during diarrhea will sooner or later end up first in the milk, and with it into the delicate digestive system of newborn puppies. And this will certainly lead to dire consequences, including the death of the entire litter!

Dog has diarrhea after vaccination

It is not at all uncommon for a dog to experience an attack of diarrhea after vaccination. The owners, as a rule, in such cases immediately panic. But how justified is such excitement? Most likely, there is no serious cause for concern, since this is often associated with individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine.

A visit to the veterinarian is necessary when the following signs appear:

  • Enhance your overall body.
  • Severe weakness, lethargy and indifference of the animal.
  • or, more seriously, water.

In such cases, we are talking about either an exacerbation of some chronic infection, or an animal illness. Immediate veterinary attention is required. Every year veterinary vaccines are improved, and therefore complications are becoming less common. However, this does not mean that the likelihood of their occurrence is reduced to zero. After each, you need to carefully monitor your pet in order to notice signs of something wrong in time.

Signs of diarrhea after anthelmintic

Often attacks of diarrhea occur. This is a fairly typical situation that all experienced breeders have encountered from time to time. There is nothing wrong with such diarrhea. The reason lies in the composition of modern anthelmintic drugs: they always include agents that enhance peristalsis.

Read also: Polyuria - frequent urination in dogs

In general, diarrhea most often occurs not from anthelmintic drugs, but from the action of the worms themselves. There are several important reasons for this:

Severe helminthic infestation can manifest itself not only in the form of diarrhea. A little less often, it leads to chronic constipation, liver and kidney pathologies, and other serious problems.

Causes of diarrhea based on impurities in stool

Often, by the presence and characteristics of impurities in feces, it is possible to determine the cause and/or severity of the pathology that caused diarrhea. So owners of sick pets should put aside their disgust and take a closer look at the contents of the litter box.

Diarrhea with blood

Perhaps bloody diarrhea occurs most often in veterinary practice. And there are many reasons that can lead to bloody diarrhea:

  • Neoplasms. The older the dog, the more likely cancer is. grows and destroys nearby tissues, which provokes chronic indigestion.
  • Poisoning. If the dog has eaten something particularly caustic, diarrhea may occur not only with blood, but even with debris from the mucous membranes.

Diarrhea with mucus

This is also a fairly common phenomenon for dogs. As in the previous case, such diarrhea can be due to many reasons:

Another way to determine the original source of the problem is to study the color characteristics of stool. In addition, it is much simpler and more “pleasant” for the owner, since there is no need to dig through the feces themselves.

Yellow diarrhea

What does it indicate? Most likely, significant problems with the liver, as well as pathologies of the small intestine. In addition to diarrhea, the following signs indicate liver disease:

  • Appetite is weakened, pieces of semi-digested food are often found in stool.
  • Diarrhea of ​​this color (in cases of liver disease) often occurs when the dog eats something fatty.
  • As a rule, such diseases progress gradually, due to which over time the animal becomes more and more skinny, the skin and all visible mucous membranes acquire a visible icteric tint.

In addition to the liver, yellowing of feces and their liquefaction are a sure sign of pancreatic problems. In such cases, the dog should definitely be shown to a veterinarian, without delaying too much in going to the clinic.

Black diarrhea in a dog

If a dog has black diarrhea, then things are most likely very, very bad for the animal. The reason is simple - this color of stool indicates severe bleeding in the upper intestines.

The released blood is partially digested, acquiring this color. It is called “melena”. Also, the following signs that develop simultaneously with diarrhea may indicate intestinal bleeding:

  • Progressive weakness.
  • If the bleeding is not too severe but chronic, the dog's condition will slowly but steadily worsen over several days. Not only strange-colored diarrhea, but also visible pallor of all mucous membranes and skin of the animal should make the owner wary.
  • In addition, dogs with such pathologies will most likely have a complete or partial lack of appetite against the background of very pronounced thirst (their body seeks to compensate for the loss of large volumes of fluid).

The direct causes of intestinal bleeding are very diverse, but in practice you often have to deal with the consequences of the following factors:

  • Poisoning by some caustic substances that have corroded the walls of the stomach and small intestines.
  • stomach or small intestines in the stage of perforation.
  • Sharp foreign bodies (bone fragments are especially dangerous).
  • Oncology.

Green diarrhea

This color of feces, as a rule, also does not bode well for the dog. The fact is that it usually appears in cases where putrefactive processes are actively occurring in the intestinal lumen, accompanied by the release of huge volumes of gas and toxic decomposition products.

Accordingly, the animal’s condition at this time cannot be called good:

  • There is complete or partial absence of appetite, but thirst is usually noticeably increased. This is due to the desire of the dog’s body to cope with severe intoxication. As a rule, sick animals experience severe flatulence; in some cases, dogs' stomachs become like inflated balloons. Palpation reveals a highly tense wall of the abdominal cavity. When you press a little harder, the dog begins to squeal in pain.
  • Feces are excreted in large portions, often. Diarrhea is accompanied by abundant and violent release of intestinal gases, which makes it difficult to stay near the animal.
  • With such pathologies, you can often see whole pieces of mucous membranes in the stool. If it comes to this, expect a rapid and serious deterioration in the dog's health.

Read also: Ligament rupture in a dog: causes, types and first aid

Gray feces

Diarrhea of ​​this color occurs in practice much less frequently than all of the above options. As a rule, there is one reason - problems with the pancreas or biliary system of the liver. In all these cases, the gray color of the feces is due to the large amount of fat in them.

It's simple. If the pancreas does not secrete a sufficient volume of its secretions, or in cases where little bile is synthesized in the liver (or it does not enter the intestinal lumen for other reasons), lipids are not digested.

And the consequences of this are quite severe:

  • Not only the process of food digestion is disrupted, but also peristalsis, which is why periods of profuse diarrhea begin to alternate with severe constipation.
  • Due to the lack or absence of bile, which, among other things, is a powerful bactericidal compound, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora quickly begins to develop in the intestinal lumen. Because of this, diarrhea increases and attacks become more frequent.
  • At the same time, the general condition of the animal begins to rapidly deteriorate. Appetite disappears, thirst remains at the same level, and exhaustion develops.


In the vast majority of cases, brown diarrhea is a common occurrence and, one might say, “natural.” And all because this is the color that dog feces normally have. Natural dyes are products formed in the digestive tract of an animal during the breakdown of bile acids.

Thus, runny feces with a brownish tint indicate a mild digestive disorder. It is quite possible that in such cases we are talking about “physiological” diarrhea, which we considered at the very beginning of the article.

Most likely, the stool acquiring a liquid consistency and brown color is simply a consequence of a minor digestive disorder. However, in any case, it would not hurt the owner to show his pet to the veterinarian. It is possible that the causes of indigestion are much more serious (but unlikely).

Treating diarrhea in dogs at home

Yes, this is quite possible. Moreover, in cases of minor digestive disorders, when the dog does not defecate every minute, experienced owners are advised to cope on their own. In many cases, it is enough to put your pet on a daily starvation diet (water should be given without restrictions) for its digestive system to return to normal.

But no one prohibits the use of medications at home. True, this must be done wisely, as otherwise you can harm the dog’s health.


It has a sea of ​​analogues, but in essence it is the same Loperamide, but from different manufacturers. The medicine is bitter, and therefore, when serving it, it has to be ground into powder (available in tablet form), diluted with water and forcefully drunk.

It should be given in a dose of 0.05 to 0.1 mg per 0.5 kg of live weight. You can give it three times a day (i.e., the intervals between feedings are eight hours). You should not give this medicine to a dog for more than two days, as this can lead to severe poisoning.

In case of overdose, the following side effects are possible:

  • The most common trouble is persistent, “unbreakable”. Sometimes (but not often) apathy or, on the contrary, severe overexcitation of the animal is possible.
  • Quite rare cases have been described in which severe flatulence developed as a result of an overdose.
  • There is a far from zero chance of pancreatic inflammation.


An extremely widespread remedy for digestive disorders, which is based on purified clay. is deservedly considered one of the most effective sorbents (i.e., agents that absorb toxins). Since the product is available in powder form, it is advisable to mix it with water in a ratio of 1:3 before giving it to the dog.

One sachet of the drug is taken per animal. It can be given up to three times a day. If the animal resists and you have to forcefully give it the medicine, it is better to do this using a regular syringe. With its help, the product is carefully poured in a thin stream into the animal’s mouth.

When drinking this way, you need to try to make sure that the medicine flows in a thin stream directly into the animal’s throat. To prevent your dog from coughing or choking, we advise you to lightly massage its throat, stimulating swallowing movements.

This method, in particular, is excellent for delivering products with a particularly bitter and unpleasant taste, which causes strong rejection in animals.


Enterofuril is an antibacterial agent that works well against gram-positive and negative bacteria, most often causing digestive disorders in dogs. Belongs to the group of nitrofurans. They were used to treat bacterial pathologies back when there were no antibiotics.

The medicine is given only orally; it is advisable to give the animal a small amount of food before or after serving so that there is something in its stomach. The drug is given in a dose of 2.5 ml per kilogram of live weight.

For an adult dog of a medium breed you will need to spend about ten milliliters of the drug. As a rule, there are no problems with the supply of the product, since it has a mild, sweetish taste. Dogs like it, so the owner most likely will not have to force the product to drink.

Activated carbon

Perhaps one of the most well-known remedies against digestive disorders is precisely. It is obtained by special processing of deciduous wood (with the exception of birch). In veterinary medicine, it is used for concomitant therapy (i.e., in addition to other medications), as well as to eliminate mild digestive disorders in animals.

Dosing the medicine is extremely simple: for every kilogram of the dog’s body weight you need to take one tablet. To make the drug more convenient to administer, the pills are ground to a powder state and diluted with water to form a semi-liquid paste that is convenient to administer using a syringe. The frequency of feeding is up to three or four times a day.

This product can absorb not only toxins, but also drug components with equal efficiency. If you “overdo it” with coal, the effectiveness of treatment may be zero.


The medicine is available in four forms:

  • “Classic” Levomycetin tablets.
  • Levomycetin stearate. It is this form that is especially recommended by veterinarians for the treatment of intestinal disorders of bacterial etiology (due to the long-term effect of the medicine).
  • Sodium succinate. Used for parenteral administration (in other words, for injections).
  • Syntomycin. Form intended for external use only. It cannot be given orally, as this leads to serious poisoning and toxic damage to the liver and kidneys.

A dog can be given no more than one and a half tablets per day. The duration of treatment is no more than two days (maximum three).

Otherwise, you can easily poison the animal. Note that the drug is very bitter; when it is given, the dog may foam at the mouth. It is necessary to thoroughly crush the tablet and, diluting the resulting dusty powder with 10-15 ml of water, carefully pour the resulting mixture directly into the animal’s throat. This is done, as in all previous cases, using a syringe.

An attentive owner always notices in time the changes that occur with his dog. After all, this is the only way to diagnose and treat ailments that the dog cannot talk about in a timely manner. The same applies to your pet's stool, its color and character. Sometimes it turns black for some reason. What does it mean? How should the owner react and how can he help the dog? Let's find out specifically.

Why is the stool black?

A change in the color of an animal's stool to black may indicate that it contains blood. And this is an indicator of most dangerous diseases. That is why this cannot be left without attention. Delay in treatment can have serious consequences for your dog's health.

Black stool is a sign of internal bleeding. The color of the stool will help determine the real cause. If it is red or burgundy, then most likely your child’s bleeding occurs in the large intestine or in the rectal area. When the cause of bleeding is located higher, for example, in the area of ​​the esophagus or stomach, then the blood will already be in a processed state, which means that the feces will take on a black tint. In this case, it will even be more difficult for the dog to defecate.

What does bloody diarrhea mean?

Often a dog unpleasantly surprises his owner with a rare red feces. This type of diarrhea is always a danger sign. Its causes may be the following situations:

  • Plague of carnivores. In the initial stages, this disease develops in the same way as parvovirus enteritis. It can destroy the dog’s systems and organs, including the stomach. Diarrhea as a result of plague infection is burgundy or black in color. And besides this, signs of a dog’s illness will be fever, photophobia, and pus in the eyes.
  • Parvovirus enteritis. This disease in dogs is often fatal. The virus has an attachment to the heart and intestinal cells. It is so strong that it affects these organs quickly, which causes irreversible consequences. And the first “bell” may be black stool, often in the form of diarrhea. The stool contains blood clots. The disease is accompanied by a sharp apathy of the dog and loss of appetite.
  • Diagnosing and fixing the problem

    To make a correct diagnosis for a dog, you need to know exactly when it was last dewormed and with what drug. The veterinarian needs to be informed about the pet’s vaccination schedule and its diet. The specialist must know exactly how long ago the animal’s feces changed their natural color and what other signs of an unhealthy condition are present.

    Sometimes the cause of black feces in a puppy can be food poisoning or ingestion of inedible objects. They injure the digestive system and cause bleeding. Its causes in dogs in rare cases include cancer, acute pancreatitis, and Addison's disease.

    For an accurate diagnosis, in addition to collecting an anamnesis, the veterinarian performs a rectal examination, stool analysis and ultrasound examination of the animal’s abdominal organs. And based on the results of the above, treatment is prescribed for the dog.

    You don’t need to do this yourself, listening to the recommendations of other dog breeders. The same symptoms in different dogs may indicate completely different diseases. It is unlikely that self-medication will help your dog, but after it it will be much more difficult for the veterinarian to help the dog. Therefore, the only right decision when detecting black feces in your pet is to promptly contact a veterinarian.

    Treat your students with care and understanding. Observe changes in their behavior. This will help to diagnose in time, and sometimes prevent dangerous diseases.