Tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid (ac-anatoxin) (anatoxin tetanic purified adsorbted for donors (at-anatoxin for donors)) instructions for use. Tetanus toxoid horse serum purified concentrated

AS-anatoxin: instructions for use


AC toxoid consists of purified tetanus toxoid adsorbed on an aluminum hydroxide gel. The preparation contains 20 binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoid in 1 ml. Preservative - merthiolate at a concentration of 0.01%.


The preparation is a suspension of a yellowish-white color, which, upon settling, separates into a transparent supernatant liquid and a loose precipitate, which breaks up when shaken.

Indications for use

Clinical contraindications for routine vaccinations with AS-anatoxin:

1. Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases - vaccination is carried out no earlier than one month after recovery.

2. Aggravation chronic diseases- vaccination is carried out in a state of clinical and laboratory remission.

3. Long and serious illnesses (viral hepatitis tuberculosis, meningitis, myocarditis, diffuse diseases connective tissue etc.) - vaccination is carried out individually 6-12 months after recovery.

4. severe forms allergic reactions to the administration of ADS, ADS-M, AD-M, AS-anatoxins (shock, Quincke's edema, polymorphic exudative erythema, etc.).

5. Severe post-vaccination reactions in the form of anaphylactic shock, encephalitis, agranulocytosis - vaccination is carried out no earlier than 6 months after recovery (remission).

6. Hereditary and progressive neurological and joint diseases, sub- and decompensated hydrocephalus, acute disorders cerebral circulation, convulsions more than 1 time in 6 months, epilepsy and epileptic syndrome with attacks not more than one attack in 6 months.

Note. Children with non-progressive cerebral palsy and other stable neurological disorders can be vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid after one year of age; children with convulsive syndrome in history, they can be vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid 6 months after the attack against the background of anticonvulsant therapy.

7. Immunity disorders: oncological diseases, immunosuppression as a result of cytostatic therapy and the use of corticosteroids for more than 14 days. Such children can be vaccinated 1 month after the abolition of these treatments.

8. Anemia: contraindications for vaccination are patients with hemoglobin levels below 80 g/l.

Vaccination with AS-anatoxin is carried out no earlier than 2 months after vaccinations against other infections.

In every separate case disease that is not on the list of contraindications

about contraindications regarding vaccination is decided by the commission.

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (feldsher FAP) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of persons who are vaccinated, with mandatory thermometry. Persons temporarily exempted from vaccinations should be monitored and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner after the removal of contraindications.


1. Presence in history hypersensitivity to the respective drug.

2. Pregnancy:

  • in the first half, the introduction of AS-anatoxin and PSS is contraindicated;
  • in the second half, the introduction of PSS is contraindicated.

Dosage and administration

1. Active immunization

The drug is injected subcutaneously into the subscapular region. A full course of immunization with AS-anatoxin for adults consists of two inoculations of 0.5 ml each with an interval of 30-40 days and revaccination after 6-12 months with the same dose. With an abbreviated scheme full course immunization includes a single vaccination with AC-anatoxin at a double dose (1.0 ml), revaccination after 1-2 years with a dose of 0.5 ml and then every 10 years.

Immunization of some contingents of the population (elderly people, unorganized population), taking into account the specific conditions in certain areas, by decision of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, can be carried out according to an abbreviated scheme, providing for a single vaccination with AC-anatoxin in a double dose (1.0 ml) and revaccination after 1-2 years with a dose of 0.5 ml and then every 10 years.


1. Active immunization of children against tetanus at the age of 3 months is carried out in a planned manner with adsorbed pertussis diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DTP-vaccine) or adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS-anatoxin, ADS-M-anatoxin) in accordance with the guidelines for " the use of drugs.

2. Revaccination of adults previously fully immunized with associated preparations containing tetanus toxoid is performed every 10 years with AS- or ADS-M-toxoids at a dose of 0.5 ml.

3. Persons who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus (from 26 to 56 years old), who received ADS-M toxoid for the prevention of diphtheria once, to form full-fledged immunity to tetanus 30-40 days after the administration of ADS-M toxoid, AC-toxoid is administered at a dose of 0.5 ml. Revaccination is carried out after 6-12 months once with the same dose of AC-toxoid.

2.Emergency prevention tetanus

Emergency tetanus prophylaxis includes primary surgical treatment wounds and simultaneous specific immunoprophylaxis.

Emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is indicated for:

Injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes;

Frostbite and burns (thermal, chemical, radiation) of the second, third and fourth degree;

community-acquired abortions;

Childbirth outside medical institutions;

Gangrene or tissue necrosis of any stage; abscesses;

Animal bites;

Penetrating damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

For emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus, apply:

Adsorbed tetanus toxoid (AS-a);

Adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS-a) with a reduced content of antigens (ADS-M-a);

Tetanus toxoid human immunoglobulin (HTI) made from blood immune people. One prophylactic dose of PSNI contains 250 international units (IU);

Anti-tetanus serum (PSS) obtained from the blood of hyperimmune horses. One prophylactic dose of PSS is 3000 IU.

Selection scheme prophylactic when carrying out emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is presented in table No. 1.

AS-anatoxin is injected subcutaneously into the subscapular region.

PSCI is administered at a dose of 250 IU intramuscularly in the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock.

PSS is administered at a dose of 3000 IU under the skin.

Before the introduction of PSS, an intradermal test with horse serum diluted 1:100 is required to determine the sensitivity to horse serum proteins (the ampoule is marked in red).

To conduct an intradermal test, an individual ampoule and a sterile syringe with divisions of 0.1 ml and a thin needle are used.

The diluted serum is injected intradermally into the flexor surface of the forearm in a volume of 0.1 ml. Accounting for the reaction is carried out after 20 minutes. The sample is considered negative if the diameter of the edema or redness at the injection site is less than 1.0 cm. The sample is considered positive if the edema or redness reaches 1.0 cm or more in diameter. With negative skin test PSS (from the ampoule marked in blue) is injected subcutaneously in a volume of 0.1 ml. If there is no reaction after 30 minutes, the rest of the serum dose is injected with a sterile syringe, the ampoule with which must be kept closed sterile napkin.

Comment. Persons with allergic diseases and reactions to various allergens, as well as those who were previously injected with preparations with horse serum (PSS, anti-rabies and oral and encephalic heterogeneous gamma globulins) before the introduction of the main dose of PSS, it is recommended to administer antihistamines. Persons with a positive reaction to the intradermal injection of 0.1 ml diluted 100 times horse serum or those who have had a reaction to the subcutaneous injection of 0.1 ml of PSS, further administration of PSS is contraindicated.

Active routine immunization and emergency specific prophylaxis tetanus is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

Before use, the drug ampoule is carefully inspected;

The drug can not be used if there is no label on the ampoule, the presence of cracks in the ampoules, the content of foreign inclusions, the presence of sediment, the expiration date, improper storage;

Immediately before the introduction of AS-anatoxin, the ampoule is shaken until

homogeneous mixture;

Before opening, the ampoule is wiped with cotton wool moistened with alcohol before and after the incision with a file. An open ampoule with AS-toxoid or PSS can be stored, covered with a sterile napkin, for 30 minutes;

The drug is drawn into the syringe from the ampoule with a long needle with a wide lumen. For injection, be sure to use a new needle;

The skin at the injection site for disinfection is wiped with cotton wool moistened with 70% alcohol. After the injection of the drug, the injection site is lubricated with iodine or alcohol.

The vaccinations carried out are recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the date of vaccination, the list of administered drugs (ADS, PSS, PSCI), doses, time of administration, series, manufacturer of the drug, as well as reactions to the administered drug.

Side effect

After the introduction of AS-anatoxin can be observed as general reactions, manifested in malaise and fever, as well as local reactions in the form of redness, swelling, soreness, passing after 24-48 hours. IN exceptional cases shock may develop. After the introduction of PSS, complications may develop: serum sickness, anaphylactic shock. In this regard, for each vaccinated, it is necessary to establish medical supervision within an hour after the vaccination. If symptoms of shock appear, urgent antishock therapy. The room in which vaccination and emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is carried out should be equipped with anti-shock therapy.

Individuals who receive PSS should be warned of the need to urgently apply for medical care in case of fever, itching and rashes on the skin, joint pain and other symptoms characteristic of serum sickness.

Release form

AS-toxoid is produced in ampoules of 1.0 ml (2 vaccination doses). The package contains 10 ampoules.

Storage conditions

AS-anatoxin is stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of (6 + 2) ° C. The drug, subjected to freezing, is not subject to use. Transportation is carried out by all types of covered transport at a temperature of (6 ± 2) "C.

Best before date

2 years.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
It is necessary to consult a doctor, and also read the instructions before use.

Tetanus - serious infection affecting the nervous system. The danger of infection lies in the fact that the effect on the head and spinal cord leads to paralysis of muscles, including respiratory. This is fraught with respiratory failure and danger to human life. The disease is difficult to treat. However, there are ways to prevent it. Purified adsorbed liquid tetanus toxoid for routine and emergency tetanus prophylaxis is one of them.

AS-anatoxin: composition and form of release

Tetanus toxoid is available as a solution for subcutaneous injection. One ampoule contains 0.5 or 1 milliliter. One package contains ten ampoules along with instructions and a scarifier.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • Active ingredient: tetanus toxoid - 10 binding units.
  • Excipients- formic acid (not more than 100 mcg) and aluminum salt.

Tetanus toxoid is available in two versions: with and without a preservative. Thiomersal, a mercury compound, is used as a preservative.

Pharmacological action of vaccination

Toxoids - toxins released by bacteria, which, after special treatment, have lost their toxic properties. At the same time, they retain immunogenicity - the ability to induce an immune response in the human body. pharmachologic effect AS-toxoid consists in a number of reactions that occur in the body after the administration of the drug:

  • The vaccine causes a local inflammatory process at the injection site. This promotes activation immune system and migration of leukocytes, lymphocytes and other cells to the focus of inflammation.
  • After that, the absorption of toxins, fermentation and removal of antigens to the surface of the cell.
  • After recognition foreign substance there is an active production of anti-toxic antibodies that bind and remove toxins from the body.
  • The memory of the pathogen retains special kind lymphocytes.

Antitoxic antibodies continue to circulate in the blood, protecting the person, but over time their number decreases.

Indications and preparation for the introduction of toxoid

The vaccine is used in adults and children older than seven years to protect against tetanus. Toxoid is used for injuries with damage to the skin, if more than 5 years have passed since the last vaccination against tetanus. Emergency prophylaxis of infection is indicated in such cases:

  • For severe burns and frostbite.
  • With penetrating damage to the wall of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • During childbirth at home.
  • For animal bites.

Also, the vaccine is used every ten years, even if there was no damage. Emergency and planned prevention of infection with tetanus toxoid does not require special training in healthy people. In the case when the patient has diseases in acute or chronic form, you need to contact family doctor or a therapist. He defines possible contraindications to immunoprophylaxis.

Method of application of AS-anatoxin and doses

AC toxoid is administered subcutaneously. One vaccination dose is 0.5 milliliters. Anatoxin, like other means for parenteral administration, must be visually inspected for the presence of foreign components, change in color or consistency. Before performing the procedure, the health worker takes the patient's temperature. The injection site is treated with an antiseptic solution. The ampoule with the drug is slightly shaken. One patient is given one vaccination dose. The fact of immunoprophylaxis is recorded in the relevant medical documentation.

In people who have not received a course of vaccination DTP vaccination apply active immunization. It consists of two injections of AS-anatoxin with an interval of 30-40 days and one revaccination a year later.

Doctor's advice. After vaccination, it is recommended to stay on the territory of the medical institution for at least half an hour. So that in the event of an early post-vaccination reactions seek help in a timely manner

Contraindications for the introduction of toxoid from tetanus

Contraindications to immunization with tetanus toxoid are divided into absolute and relative. The first group includes allergic reactions and post-vaccination complications for previous drug administration. To the group relative contraindications includes:

  • Passing a course of chemotherapy.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • neurological diseases.

In all these cases, immunoprophylaxis is carried out in usual doses not earlier than one month after achieving stable remission.

Important! Immunodeficiency states caused by HIV infection, hormonal drugs do not interfere with tetanus prevention

Side effects, complications, possible reactions to toxoid

Tetanus toxoid is a weakly reactogenic drug. Post-vaccination reactions and complications are rare. These include:

  • Slight rise in temperature.
  • Redness, swelling at the injection site.
  • Joint pain.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Rash, hives.

Very rarely, after the introduction of toxoid, allergic reactions of the anaphylactic type, convulsions, and difficulty breathing occurred. If the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are violated during vaccination, sometimes complications such as post-injection abscess, regional lymphadenitis occur. If any pathological post-vaccination reaction occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist can properly assess possible risks and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Therapeutic tactics in post-vaccination reactions

Treatment of post-vaccination reactions should be carried out after medical consultation and under the supervision of a physician. Slight swelling, redness and local boost temperature at the injection site - physiological reactions that occur with local inflammatory process. They do not require treatment and go away on their own. Other complications are treated with symptomatic therapy. With a significant increase in temperature, antipyretics are used. In case of allergic reactions - desensitizing and anti-allergic agents. Purulent complications vaccinations - abscess and lymphadenitis, treated after consulting a surgeon. Use an antibacterial infusion therapy. In more severe cases - surgery: opening and drainage of the abscess.

Storage conditions for toxoid

The drug must be stored in a dark place inaccessible to children at temperatures from zero to eight degrees above zero. Transportation of the vaccine must be carried out in an appropriate temperature regime. The maximum shelf life of the vaccine is 3 years. An expired drug can be disposed of.

Vaccination analogues

For immunoprophylaxis of tetanus, in addition to toxoid, other drugs are used. These include:

  • DTP is a three-component vaccine that is included in National calendar vaccination. It also contains components for the immunoprophylaxis of diphtheria and whooping cough.
  • ADS-m - differs from the previous drug in a smaller amount of tetanus and diphtheria toxoid. This vaccine is used for revaccination. ADS-m does not contain a pertussis component.

The drug for immunoprophylaxis of tetanus should be selected by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the state of health and immune status.

People do not even imagine how many invisible tiny enemies surround them in Everyday life. Microscopic creatures are much more dangerous than predators, because they are invisible and intangible until they penetrate inside a person. And the tetanus bacillus is one of the most dangerous representatives of the microcosm, waiting for an opportunity to penetrate the human body through a scratch.

Infection with tetanus most often occurs with street and agricultural injuries. However, community-acquired abortions and childbirth are also dangerous for tetanus bacillus infection. Just in such cases it may be necessary urgent prevention tetanus. To provide emergency assistance tetanus toxoid is used. Let's find out what toxoid is, for what and in what form it is used.

Reaching the nervous system, the poison strikes motor muscles- first chewing, and then the extensors of the back. The first signs of the disease appear in severe difficulty when trying to open the mouth due to spasm of the masticatory muscles. The spread of the toxin along the mimic muscles of the face causes them to stretch in such a way that the "sardonic smile" characteristic of tetanus is formed.

With the development of tetanus tonic spasm covers the muscles of the back in such a way that the body takes the form of a strongly pronounced arc, with reference points on the back of the head and heels. The horror of the infection is that a terrible spasm occurs with the full consciousness of the patient, who is unable to take a breath due to spasm respiratory muscles. The funeral procession of tetanus bacillus poison through the body is not limited to this. The strongest tetanus toxin, when it enters the bloodstream, causes hemolysis (dissolution) blood cells. Death is the real deliverance from the torments of hell.

Tetanus differs in a variety of forms - from lightning manifestation c lethal outcome before chronic course ending in recovery.

What is tetanus toxoid? Anatoxin is biological preparation, which is obtained from the toxins of various bacteria by neutralizing them different ways. Most often, formalin exposure at a temperature of 39.0–40.0 °C is used to inactivate bacterial toxins. Neutralized in this way, the toxoid loses its pathogenic properties, while acquiring the ability to form immunity against tetanus toxin. Toxoids are used to prevent tetanus or diphtheria.

Contains tetanus toxoid exclusively antigens of tetanus toxin and has a high ability to induce antibodies. In addition to being used in pure form, tetanus toxoid is contained in the combined DPT, DTP and ATP-M vaccines.

Tetanus toxoid is a purified adsorbed liquid preparation(AC-toxoid). Its manufacturer is Russian company NPO Microgen. After the introduction of toxoid, antibodies against the infection are formed in the blood. Tetanus toxoid is administered to create antitoxic immunity against tetanus, as well as in emergency care.

0.5 ml (1 dose) contains:

  • 10 binding units (EU) of tetanus toxoid;
  • additional components: merthiolate, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide.

AS-toxoid is produced in 1 ml ampoules containing 2 doses, in dosage form suspensions for subcutaneous use. Immunity after three vaccinations is formed for at least 10 years.

How to use tetanus toxoid

AS-anatoxin is injected at a dose of 0.5 ml subcutaneously into the subscapular region. The use of the drug is recommended according to the following schemes.

  1. Immunization against tetanus of people who were not vaccinated in childhood is carried out with two injections of toxoid, 0.5 ml each, with a break of 30–40 days. Immunity is maintained by revaccination after 6-12 months with a dose of 0.5 ml. Every 10 summer period a new immunization with AS-toxoid or ADS-M vaccine at a standard dose is required. Protection of children from tetanus is carried out according to the calendar from the age of three months with DPT, ADS-M or ADS vaccines, which are administered intramuscularly.
  2. Emergency immunization against tetanus is necessary if there is a threat of contracting the disease if 5 years have passed since the previous vaccination. In this case, 0.5 ml of toxoid is used. However, along with it, it is necessary to inject intramuscularly 250 IU of tetanus immunoglobulin (ITSI). If it is not available, 3,000 IU of tetanus toxoid (PSS) subcutaneously can be used. It should be noted that the dosage and multiplicity of AS-toxoid differs in each clinical case. With extensive wounds, toxoid is also injected into the tissues around the wound.
  3. Donor immunization is required to obtain tetanus toxoid immunoglobulin (ITSI). To do this, donors who previously received 2 injections of toxoid 1.0 ml each (20 EU) are given the first revaccination, and subsequent ones every 5 years.
  4. Prevention of tetanus to the unorganized population is allowed to be carried out according to a simplified scheme: one injection with a dose of 1 ml, followed by revaccination after an interval of 6 months to 2 years at a dose of 0.5 ml. In case of emergency, the toxoid can be replaced with the combined ADS-M vaccine.

Indications for emergency vaccination

The use of an emergency vaccination schedule is acceptable within 1-20 days after injury or childbirth. The main indications for the use of the accelerated regimen of tetanus toxoid:

  • injuries of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • childbirth not in a hospital setting;
  • deep burns of any origin;
  • community abortion;
  • penetrating wounds of the abdominal cavity;
  • gangrene.

When providing emergency care, surgical treatment of the wound is carried out, around which toxoid is chipped. In addition to AS-toxoid, when providing emergency assistance, IPSC or PSS is administered.

Possible reactions after application

From the use of tetanus toxoid, as after any drug, side effects. Most often, the reaction is limited to manifestations at the injection site. Hyperemia, burning and swelling usually disappear within two days. Are common side effects tetanus toxoid manifests itself in a rise in temperature up to 38.0 ° C, malaise and headaches. In some cases, exacerbation of allergic diseases is observed. However, all reactions last no more than 3 days.

IN rare cases It happens that an allergy develops to tetanus toxoid. It is manifested by urticaria, fever, skin itching. In exceptional cases, it is possible to develop Quincke's edema, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • temperature increase;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • barking cough;
  • swelling of the earlobes, lips and larynx.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Considering possible complications AS-anatoxin, its introduction is permissible only in rooms adapted for the provision of anti-shock therapy. As a precaution, you can move away from the injection site of the toxoid no earlier than half an hour. In the event of an unexpected reaction, the patient will receive emergency care.

Contraindications for the use of tetanus toxoid

Attention! When conducting emergency care, there are no contraindications for tetanus toxoid.

The instructions for tetanus toxoid indicate contraindications only for routine immunization. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases or acute respiratory viral infections with fever or exacerbation of allergic diseases, toxoid should be administered no earlier than 30 days after full recovery. Skin forms of allergy are not a contraindication.

Permanent contraindications to the use of tetanus toxoid are:

  • a pronounced reaction to the previous administration of toxoid;
  • progressive neurological diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Immunodeficiency diseases and HIV infection is a temporary contraindication. The introduction of AS-anatoxin to patients suffering from these diseases is indicated no earlier than a year from the onset of remission. Vaccination of individuals with a history of allergic diseases should be carried out against the background of the use of antihistamines.

In conclusion, we recall that AS-anatoxin is used for immunization of the population, as well as in the provision of emergency care against tetanus. In addition, toxoid is used in the immunization of donors to obtain specific immunoglobulin against tetanus. Since toxoid in rare cases gives allergic reaction need to take precautions. On the day of vaccination, a doctor's examination is required to measure the temperature. If a person is prone to allergies, antihistamines should be taken a few days before vaccination.

May be required in emergency situations accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. For this, several drugs are used. The introduction should be carried out strictly by a specialist, taking into account general condition the victim. What drugs are used? Why is prevention carried out?


This disease is caused bacterial pathogen. Infection occurs by contact when microorganisms enter the bloodstream through damaged skin. The disease is dangerous because its target is the central nervous system. Her defeat is characterized by severe generalized convulsions and general tension in skeletal muscle tone.

Clinical manifestations are associated with the fact that, getting into the human body, the bacterium begins to produce tetanus toxin. Tetanospasmin, which is part of it, causes pronounced tonic muscle contractions. In addition, tetanohemolysin accumulates in the body, which causes damage and death of red blood cells (hemolysis). An uncoordinated distribution of impulses is noted, and the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases. Subsequently affected respiratory center, which can lead to death.


Purified and adsorbed on the gel, tetanus toxoid is used to form immunity to the pathogen. It is used for planned and emergency prevention.

After recovery, the patient does not acquire immunity to the pathogen. This indicates that there is a risk reinfection. That is why it is necessary to use tetanus toxoid. Outwardly, it is a suspension yellowish color. During storage, it is divided into two parts - a clear liquid and a precipitate. Available in 0.5 ml, which is one vaccination dose. This amount contains tetanus toxoid - 10 EU. It also contains a sorbent and a preservative. Liquid for injection is in ampoules of 1 ml.

Carrying out emergency prevention

To prevent the development of the disease, the following drugs: tetanus toxoid, tetanus immunoglobulin and The choice of one or another drug, their combination depends on clinical case. If they were delivered and the person has documentation confirming this fact, prophylactic injections do not carry out. Skipping only one last scheduled vaccination is an indication for the introduction of toxoid. If several injections were missed, then a combination of toxoid and immunoglobulin is required. Serum is administered to children under 5 months of age, in whom planned prophylaxis has not yet been carried out. The most difficult situation is with pregnant women. In such cases, any introduction preventive drugs in the first half of pregnancy is prohibited, and in the second, only serums are contraindicated. That is why the planned prevention of the disease is so important.

Tetanus toxoid is often used. Although the instruction is simple, it can only be introduced in specialized institutions.

Planned Prevention

Timely administration helps to prevent the occurrence of such a formidable disease as tetanus. combination vaccine carried out in a planned manner. Tetanus toxoid is the neutralized toxins of tetanus bacteria. They cannot harm the body, on the contrary, they contribute to the formation of substances to combat the active toxin. The use of toxoid is the basis of prevention.

On this moment used for planned prophylaxis DTP vaccine- not only against tetanus, but also whooping cough, and diphtheria.

Tetanus anatoxin: instructions for use

The vaccine is administered routinely and intramuscularly, subcutaneous injections are not allowed, as they lead to the formation of seals. It is preferable to inject the drug into the deltoid muscle in the adult population and into the anterior-lateral surface of the leg (middle) in children under 3 years of age. The routine prophylaxis procedure includes three vaccines. They are administered, observing an interval of 1.5 months and starting from 2 months of the baby's life. Revaccination - a year after the third.

Side effects

Vaccinations often result in mild side effects. This points to correct formation immune system and soon passes. However, parents should be alert and contact their pediatrician if the reaction to the vaccine is severe. At the injection site, a local reaction may normally occur - a slight swelling, hyperemia and soreness. The child is concerned about loss of appetite, vomiting, fever and diarrhea. If necessary, antipyretic drugs are allowed. Among the complications, an allergic reaction is distinguished. It is not harmful if it only appears skin rash. However, if the baby develops Quincke's edema or convulsions, you should immediately call ambulance. In any case, planned prophylaxis should be supervised by a pediatrician at all stages. This will avoid serious complications. Specialists will ensure the correct administration of a drug such as tetanus toxoid. It must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Prevention is a mandatory event that is carried out in a planned manner. Such a complex helps prevent the development of tetanus, which is considered an extremely dangerous disease.