Male sterilization (vasectomy): pros and cons. Male sterilization (vasectomy) has an unexpected effect

Male sterilization is the most effective way contraception. At the same time, the man does not experience significant changes in the body. The operation is well tolerated by the patient. Recovery occurs quickly. Many modern clinics By men's health widely advertised this procedure. Before making a decision about sterilization, it is necessary to carefully study the process and its possible consequences.

Characteristics of the operation

A vasectomy is significantly different from surgically castrating a man. During castration, the paired sex glands are removed. The process is irreversible. During sterilization, part of a man's vas deferens is excised. This is necessary to prevent sperm from entering the seminal fluid. All basic sexual functions are preserved.

Some medical centers position surgical sterilization as a temporary process. This is true. But this effect lasts for 5–7 years. It should be borne in mind that restoration of the vas deferens is expensive. The operation is being carried out long time and causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

Sterilization is resorted to in the following cases:

  • Unwanted pregnancy;
  • Genetic abnormalities;
  • Allergic reactions to all types of contraception.

The main reason for sterilization is a man's reluctance to have children. Many of them have several children. In such couples, conception occurs quickly. To avoid this, it is necessary to choose the right method of contraception. The most effective of these is a vasectomy. In such couples, unwanted pregnancy does not occur.

Some patients have pathological genetic changes. The genotype is passed on from parent to child. To prevent the birth of a child with strong genetic abnormalities, the patient is recommended to undergo sterilization. It helps protect future generations from unwanted diseases.

A rare cause of sterilization surgery is allergic intolerance. various means protection from unwanted pregnancy. However, the couple does not want to have a child. In this case, the man needs a vasectomy. The operation has no serious contraindications. It also does not cause any allergic reactions in the body.

Although male sterilization is not a serious operation, it is a surgical intervention on the body. It requires fulfillment certain rules training from a man. A specialist explains all the necessary rules.

Rules for preparing for surgery

A vasectomy is a surgical method of contraception. At the same time, the patient is required to prepare for it in a timely manner. Specialists require compliance with the following rules:

  • Be examined by a cardiologist and urologist;
  • Take a blood and urine test;
  • Spermogram;
  • Sexual peace.

A man must be examined by a cardiologist. This is necessary to avoid adverse reactions during the operation. The patient may not be aware of various abnormalities in the heart. A cardiologist can identify them. The examination is carried out using ultrasound machine and a cardiograph. A cardiogram is taken from the patient twice before surgery and once after surgical intervention. An ultrasound of the heart will help determine whether there are abnormalities in the functioning of the valves and blood vessels.

An examination by a urologist is carried out in advance. Recommended to visit this specialist one month before the scheduled surgery. A doctor examines a man for genitourinary diseases. If the patient exhibits any inflammatory processes, the operation is postponed. A new appointment is issued after completing the necessary treatment.

For surgical intervention, it is necessary to donate blood for a detailed study. Specialists identify a man’s hormonal background, the presence of pathogenic bodies in the blood, and clarify group affiliation patient. The analysis is also informative for various viral diseases. Various harmful microorganisms can be present in the blood in live or cystic form.

A spermogram is taken from a man at mandatory. This analysis confirms the presence large quantity live and healthy sperm. If the patient’s level is reduced, he must be notified about this.

One week before sterilization, the patient is prohibited sexual contacts. This is necessary to preserve the secretion of seminal fluid in pure form. When the patient has an active sexual life, spermatozoa are present in small quantity in secret. Therefore, a week before sterilization, sexual rest is necessary.

Alcohol and nicotine intake should be stopped 3-5 days before surgery. These substances have a pathological effect on the condition of the genitourinary and of cardio-vascular system. If the patient this rule does not comply, the operation is postponed. Alcohol is especially dangerous during surgery. Alcohol molecules have a strong thinning effect on the blood. During surgery, such patients experience significant blood loss.

Progress of the procedure

The essence of the operation is to stop the flow of sperm into the vas deferens. To do this, you need to block them. Overlapping is carried out in two ways:

  1. Excision of part of the duct;
  2. Clamping of the duct with special mechanisms.

Excision of part of the duct is performed more often than clamping. The part to be removed is pinched on both sides with surgical forceps. The selected area is removed with scissors. The resulting ends are either tied together or clamped with sutures. Basic adverse reaction is the restoration of the vas deferens. This occurs in 3–5% of men undergoing surgery.

The duct is clamped using medical clips. They are made of anti-allergenic metal. The clip is installed in the middle of the duct and remains in the patient's body for life. It is not susceptible to oxidation and various chemical reactions. IN in rare cases The man has an intolerance to this metal. This problem is solved by excision of part of the duct.

The operation is performed in a special department. The man is not put under anesthesia. The surgical field is being processed antiseptic solution and is injected with an anesthetic drug. After the freezing begins, the surgeon makes a small incision. Since the duct has a small diameter, the incision does not exceed 2 cm. Then excision or clamping is performed and the wound is sutured. For this, a special absorbable thread is used. The suture is applied cosmetically. After the thread dissolves, a small scar remains, which will disappear over time.

Recovery after surgery

Although the procedure is carried out quickly and does not cause any particular inconvenience, it is necessary to carry out restorative measures. After the operation, the patient leaves the operating room independently. He stays on outpatient treatment within 2–3 days after sterilization. Upon discharge to home restoration The patient must comply with the following rules:

  • Avoid getting water on the wound;
  • Sexual peace;
  • Antiseptic treatment;
  • Quitting alcohol;
  • Physical peace.

In the first days after surgery, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the wound. Disinfection wound surface carried out with special solutions. It is recommended to wash the seams aqueous chlorhexidine or furatsilin solution. Washing the body is allowed after the redness in the operated area has completely disappeared.

The main condition should be sexual peace. It is necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Sperm can survive in seminal fluid for up to 10 days. To not have undesirable consequences, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse.

Physical activity is not recommended for the first 7 days. Severe muscle tension can cause the seam to come apart. In this case, additional surgical intervention will be required. Also, the activity must be reduced to secure the medical clip. After surgery with compression of the vas deferens, the man recovers faster and begins to lead a normal life. But the clip needs to be fixed in place. This occurs within the first month after sterilization.

Alcoholic drinks affect blood clotting. If a man has undergone sterilization by excision, bleeding may occur. In this case, medical assistance is necessary.

Side effects after the procedure

The development of complications after surgery is rare, but they should be taken into account. Phenomena such as:

  • Swelling of the genital organs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Viral infection;
  • The appearance of subcutaneous bruising;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Painful sensations.

Swelling of the genital organs may occur due to the accumulation of fluid in the scrotum. This occurs due to the accumulation of a large amount of blood serum. This complication occurs in 1% of operated patients. The pathology is eliminated by puncturing the scrotum. Appointed additional therapy antibiotic drugs.

Body temperature rises with a strong inflammatory process in the body. If such a complication occurs, you must immediately visit a specialist and undergo additional tests.

Viral infection is rare. It can appear if the seam is not properly cared for. An accumulation of exudate appears on the untreated area. He is favorable environment for reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Microbes settle in the wound surface and cause necrosis of tissue cells. In this case, the seam may come apart. Poor tissue fusion occurs. This is detected 10–14 days after sterilization. Treatment is carried out using antibacterial drugs.

The appearance of subcutaneous bruises occurs due to the accumulation of dead blood cells. Blood accumulates due to severe thinning or poor clotting. The hematoma should be shown to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe special ointments that promote rapid resorption of the bruise.

A decrease in sexual desire may occur due to strong pain syndrome And discomfort in the scrotum area. This phenomenon disappears after complete healing of the operated tissues. If sexual activity does not increase, you should consult a specialist. He will identify the cause of decreased libido.

Sterilization is not a mandatory procedure. A man makes his own choice of contraception. If there are various side effects from the proposed means of protection, male sterilization is a way out of this situation.

Currently, voluntary surgical contraception or sterilization(FCP) is the most common method of family planning in both developed and developing countries. DHS is an irreversible, most effective method protection against pregnancy not only for men, but also for women, and at the same time the safest and most economical method of contraception.

Frequent use of local anesthesia with minor sedative effect, improvement surgical technique and best qualification medical personnel- all this has contributed to increasing the reliability of the DHS over the past 10 years. When performing DHS in postpartum period experienced staff under local anesthesia, a small skin incision and improved surgical instruments The length of stay of a woman in labor in the maternity hospital does not exceed the usual length of bed days. A suprapubic minilaparotomy (usually performed 4 or more weeks after birth) can be performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia, as with laparoscopic surgical sterilization.

Vasectomy remains simpler, more reliable and less expensive method surgical contraception than sterilization in women, although the latter remains the more popular method of preventing pregnancy.

Ideally, a couple should consider using both irreversible methods of contraception. If female and male sterilization were equally acceptable, vasectomy would be preferred.

For the first time, surgical contraception began to be used to improve health, and later - based on broader considerations. In almost all countries, sterilization operations are performed for special medical reasons, which include uterine rupture, several previous caesarean sections and with other contraindications for pregnancy (for example, serious cardiovascular disease, multiple births and a history of serious gynecological complications).


Vasectomy or male sterilization involves blocking the vas deferentia (vasa deferentia) to prevent the passage of sperm. Vasectomy is the most common, simplest, easiest to perform, inexpensive and reliable method of male contraception.

Mortality after sterilization is extremely rare - approximately 1 case fatal outcome per 300,000 operations performed.

Laboratory research before sterilization should be carried out only in special cases. A study of hemoglobin content and determination of blood clotting is usually recommended. In most cases, conducting a survey and objective examination of the patient is sufficient to perform the operation.

Pregnancy may result from recanalization of the vas deferens, improper operation (occlusion of another structure), or, in rare cases, the presence congenital anomaly in the form of a duplication of vasa deferentia, which remained unidentified during surgery.

The method's failure rate is approximately 0.1 to 0.5% during the first year, similar to female sterilization.

Traditional vasectomy method

Immediately before the operation, the area of ​​the scrotum and penis is cleaned with soap and water, and the areas of the perineum, scrotum and upper thighs are treated accordingly with aqueous iodide or 4% chlorhexidine solution.

When performing this operation Special attention attention should be paid to observing the rules of asepsis.

The vas deferens, located on both sides of the scrotum, are fixed with an atraumatic instrument or fingers; the surgical site along with the perivasal tissue is infiltrated with a 1% lidocaine solution.

An incision in the skin and muscle layer is made over the vas deferens, which is isolated, ligated and, in most cases, divided through this small incision (see figure). After isolating and crossing the duct, both ends are fused to a depth of 1 cm in each direction by inserting a needle electrode or thermal cautery into the lumen.

Some surgeons, after isolation, ligate the ducts with non-absorbent or absorbent material without cutting it. The same is done on the other side.

It should be pointed out that sperm accumulates in the terminal parts of the crossed ducts with the development of an inflammatory granuloma after ligation more often than with other methods of vasectomy, which is the cause of frequent cases of “contraceptive failure”. To be on the safe side, removal of a small segment of the vas deferens is recommended, although this is not considered necessary.

A vasectomy is usually performed under local anesthesia. After fixing the duct, an incision is made in the anesthetized area and the duct is pulled out through the wound. A vasectomy can be performed using one or two incisions.

Vasectomy modifications

One modification of vasectomy consists of cutting the vasa without ligation (open end vasectomy) and electrocoagulating their abdominal ends to a depth of 1.5 cm. A fascial layer can then be applied to cover the crossed ends of the vasa deferentia. This modification makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of developing congestive epididymitis. It is important to note that, if necessary, performing an operation to restore the patency of the vas deferens becomes an easier task than after fulfiling both ends of the crossed segments of the duct. The wounds are closed with an absorbent suture.

A vasectomy can also be performed through a single skin incision, which is made in the midline of the scrotum. In some cases, the skin wound is not sutured. The patient is discharged from the clinic within 15-30 minutes after the operation.

No-scalpel vasectomy (Chinese method)

In some countries they use the so-called. no-scalpel vasectomy method. This method consists in the fact that to release the vas deferens, they resort to puncture, and not to cutting the skin and muscle layer of the scrotum with a scalpel. This approach significantly reduces the likelihood of complications from vasectomy, especially hematoma.

The method of no-scalpel, bloodless vasectomy was first proposed in 1974 in China, where 8 million men were performed with no-scalpel vasectomy. No-scalpel vasectomy is the standard vasectomy technique in China.

After local anesthesia of the corresponding area of ​​the scrotum, a specially designed ring-shaped clamp is applied to the vas deferens without opening dermal layer. The second instrument, which is a dissecting clamp with sharp end, used for puncture and making a small incision in the skin and wall of the vas deferens. The duct is isolated and occluded in an appropriate manner. The same is done on the opposite side.

You can also use the monopuncture method of scalpelless vasectomy, in which the puncture is performed in the midline of the scrotum almost bloodlessly. Only a sterile bandage is used to cover the wound.

The duct is grasped with a special ring clamp and the skin along with its membrane is pierced with a pointed clamp. Next, using clamps, a hole is made through which the duct is pulled out.

Consequences of a vasectomy

In approximately 1/2-2/3 of cases, men develop sperm antibodies after surgery, but there is no reliable data on any pathological consequences the specified process.

Contraindications to vasectomy

Absolute contraindications:

In general, a vasectomy should not be performed if a man:

  1. Intends to have a child;
  2. was informed about a vasectomy, but remains unsure about the desire to have children in the future;
  3. sick active infectious disease sexually transmitted disease, hernia, or painful swelling of the testicles;
  4. did not discuss the issue of vasectomy with your sexual partner or the partner is categorically against vasectomy.

Relative contraindications:

Special care is required:

  1. If the man has any bleeding or uncontrolled diabetes. Such conditions require treatment and management BEFORE undergoing a vasectomy;
  2. if the man is not married, has no children, if any family problems or if the man has not discussed the vasectomy with his wife.

While none of these factors preclude having a vasectomy, they will go a long way toward being satisfied with your choice. Ideally surgical sterilization should be a joint decision between a man and a woman. If one partner is against a vasectomy, the man is likely to regret his decision.

Preparing for a vasectomy

  1. Before the operation, you must be completely confident in your decision and choice. surgical method contraception, which is an irreversible method of preventing pregnancy. Before having a vasectomy, you can reverse your decision at any time.
  2. Before surgery, you should clean the scrotal area by removing hair and taking a bath or shower.
  3. After surgery, avoid long periods of walking or cycling to prevent friction on the scrotum or pressure on the surgical area.
  4. Avoid physical stress within the first 48 hours after surgery.
  5. If necessary, it can be used to prevent swelling, bleeding, or the development of pain or discomfort. cold compress on the surgical area (by applying an ice pack). After a vasectomy, the use of scrotal suspensors is recommended for the first two days.
  6. Avoid heavy physical work(weight lifting, etc.) during the first week after surgery.
  7. Do not take a bath or shower for the first 2 days after surgery.
  8. You can resume sexual intercourse 2-3 days after surgery. remember, that complete absence sperm in the ejaculate in most cases is achieved only after 20 ejaculations, so until this point, condoms or other methods of contraception should be used to reliably protect against pregnancy. To confirm the absence of sperm in the semen, laboratory testing of the ejaculate after 20 ejaculations is recommended.
  9. If pain or discomfort occurs, take painkillers at intervals of 4-6 hours (check the name and dose with your doctor).
  10. After surgery, pain and swelling may appear in the scrotum area; The color of the scrotum may change. All this is considered normal and should not bother you. If bleeding develops or the following complaints occur, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Postoperative complications:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • bleeding or discharge of pus from the surgical wound;
  • severe pain or significant swelling of the scrotum.

Vasectomy reversibility

Voluntary surgical sterilization should be considered an irreversible method of contraception, but despite this, many patients require restoration of fertility, which is common after divorce and remarriage, death of a child, or desire to have children. next child. You need to pay special attention to the following:

  • Restoring fertility after DHS is one of the most difficult surgical operations requiring special training of a surgeon;
  • in some cases, restoration of fertility becomes impossible due to the patient’s advanced age, the presence of infertility in a spouse, or the impossibility of performing an operation, the reason for which is the method of sterilization performed;
  • the success of the reversibility of the operation is not guaranteed even if there are appropriate indications and a highly qualified surgeon;
  • the surgical method of restoring fertility (for both men and women) is one of the most expensive operations.

After a vasectomy, the effectiveness of microsurgical surgery to restore fertility is 16-79% (on average about 50%). The rate of restoration of the presence of sperm in the ejaculate corresponds to 81-98%, which is not considered an indicator of the effectiveness of the operation, since its desired outcome is pregnancy. The success of pregnancy may depend on:

  1. How long ago did you have a vasectomy?
  2. presence of sperm antibodies;
  3. age of the patient or his spouse;
  4. method of vasectomy.

Based on the above, vasectomy should be considered an irreversible method of contraception, although improvements in microsurgical techniques have increased the effectiveness of fertility restoration operations.

It’s so difficult to control the reception every day or remember in the midst of foreplay. And all these with their side effects - bleeding and bloating - are also quite boring. Dressing fallopian tubes? You might think about it. But aren’t there too many risks and costs, but male sterilization (vasectomy) is much safer, and representatives are also restored strong point much faster. And before listening to lectures young man about why it’s you, and not him, who should take care of “not getting knocked up,” it wouldn’t hurt to arm yourself with some arguments about.

This is a common operation

It is effective if you follow your doctor's instructions

Vasectomy (in terms of quality) is successful in 99% of cases. To be on the safe side, doctors recommend using a backup control method for three months after the procedure. And some count differently: to be completely sure that a woman will not become pregnant and there is no more sperm left in the canals, 20 ejaculations are needed. Sperm finally disappears from the semen, but the volume does not change because it is no more than 1%.

This can be undone

Yes that's right. The restoration operation is no more complicated than the first: the doctor simply restores the patency of the vas deferens and everything returns to normal. True, success can only be guaranteed in the first 5 years after surgery. And if a man does not want to undergo a similar procedure again, there are many ways artificial insemination, For example, . The most common reasons for refusing this effective procedure are remarriages or the loss of a child, which prompted the desire to have a baby. But there are very few known cases when, due to pain and discomfort after the procedure, patients ask to cancel it.

It does not affect a man's potency

Unlike many male fears, sterilization has no effect and testosterone levels always remain the same. There is no change in sexual desire, just no sperm being produced.

And three more arguments in favor

1:0 in favor of men. A vasectomy significantly reduces the risk of developing vasectomy. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the American Urological Association.

1:0 in favor of women. A 2015 study by scientists at Stanford University (USA) found that women whose partners had undergone a vasectomy were 46% more likely to have sex at least once a week, compared to women whose men had not undergone the procedure.

Yes to spontaneous sex: draw. If a couple chooses a vasectomy as their first choice, they are much more likely to have spontaneous sex, says Werthman.

Operation vasectomy - surgical sterilization of men

Operation vasectomy - surgical sterilization of men

Vasectomy (Moscow) - reliable way contraception

Vasectomy surgery is an irreversible method of contraception achieved surgically. A man's vas deferens is blocked. As a result, during sexual intercourse, sperm does not enter the vagina, and the partner does not become pregnant.

This method of contraception is considered reliable - the risk of becoming pregnant is 0.8%. In addition, the operation is performed once, and rehabilitation period comes down to one week. Having undergone such sterilization once at the ABC clinic, you will lose the opportunity to become parents for the rest of your life.

Prices for vasectomy at ABC Clinic

Indications and benefits of male sterilization

Male sterilization- this is a responsible step, because to return it back reproductive function it will be extremely difficult. Consult with your partner or wife, since after some time 6% of those undergoing surgery want to have children again.

In Moscow and Russia, unlike residents of the EU, China and the USA, vasectomy is viewed somewhat skeptically. And completely in vain. Sterilization of a man does not have negative consequences for representatives strong half humanity, which cannot be said about the installation intrauterine device, tubal ligation or admission hormonal drugs by women.

Russians incorrectly believe that manipulation of the vas deferens by urological surgeons will lead to a decrease in potency or male desire. In fact, the testicles, as before, synthesize testosterone, which is responsible for libido and erection. The only thing, - male body produces less sperm, but this will not affect the quality of sexual life.

Benefits of a vasectomy:

  • it is carried out only once, therefore it minimizes the cost of contraception;
  • is different high efficiency;
  • does not disrupt hormonal levels;
  • none external signs castration;
  • the ejaculate is released in the same quantity, because the access of sperm, constituting only 1% of the total mass, is stopped;
  • recovery to ordinary life in just a few days;
  • good tolerability of the operation, minimum contraindications and negligible risk of complications.

The ABC clinic will help you perform a high-quality vasectomy in Moscow. Experienced urologists will ligate or remove a piece of the vas deferens.

The indication for a vasectomy is only male desire. But in our state, as in many Western countries, there is a restriction. The law allows for male sterilization:

  • after 35 years;
  • when a representative of the stronger half of humanity has 2 or more children, regardless of age.

There are also a number medical indications when the urologist recommends that a man resort to surgical method contraception. Among them: mutations that are inherited, a threat to the life and health of the partner if she becomes pregnant, and the inability to use other contraceptives.

Vasectomy for incompetent persons can be performed by specialists at our clinic in Moscow only with the written decision of their guardians. If you are married, you must provide your spouse's consent.


As already mentioned, the list of contraindications to surgical intervention to deprive a man of fertility is small. It comes down to:

  • inguinoscrotal hernia;
  • ;sexual infections;
  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • damage to areas in areas where the urologist plans to make a puncture or incision;
  • a man’s doubts or his wife’s categorical disagreement.

It should be noted that when establishing the fact venereal diseases, you must first cure the infection, and then go for ringing of the seminal ducts. During an exacerbation chronic diseases, elevated temperature, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, male sterilization surgery is not performed, because the immunity of such patients is greatly weakened.

Be sure to answer questions regarding local anesthesia correctly. If there are allergic reactions on a specific anesthetic drug, it will be successfully replaced with another one that is suitable for your body.

Remember, a vasectomy cannot protrude barrier protection from sexually transmitted infections.

To do or not to do sterilization?

In the United States, 20% of men choose sterilization as a form of contraception. In our country, due to poor information content, men either have not heard about this possibility at all, or consider the technique dangerous for their body.

Our fellow citizens have a completely logical question: “Where does the sperm go?”, “Will it lead to distention of the testicles and problems with the reproductive system?” Such interest is quite justified. There is absolutely no need to fear for your health!

During the operation, a barrier is created only for the passage of sperm, and the rest of the seminal fluid from the testicles moves freely to the penis and exits through the urethra during orgasm. In the ejaculate after ligation of the seminal duct there will simply be no germ cells leading to conception.

In addition, after ligation of the duct, the number of sperm begins to decrease significantly, and the germ cells themselves do not occupy more than 1% of the seminal fluid. Therefore, they will not be able to overfill the testicles.

The safety of the procedure has long been proven. Its consequences will not affect the reproductive system, libido, hormonal background and the quality of sex.

Preparatory measures

Since vasoresection is absolutely not complex operation, special preparation it is not required. You need:

  • answer all the urologist’s questions correctly (it turns out that you are taking medications that affect blood clotting, allergic reactions to local anesthesia, contraindications and other points);
  • a few weeks before the appointed date, stop drinking alcohol and, if possible, smoking;
  • eat properly before sterilization;
  • Wash your genitals thoroughly and shave your pubic hair clean.

How is surgical sterilization of men carried out in Moscow?

Vasectomy “Moscow” is a technically simple manipulation of ligation of the vas deferens. It is done under local anesthesia for 30 minutes. This type of surgery should not be confused with castration at all. In male vasoresection, the testicles are preserved sexual desire and ejaculation. The specialist excises a fragment of the ducts and then ties them, after which sperm do not enter the penis and, accordingly, fertilization of the egg does not occur during sexual intercourse.

The operation can be carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Classical. The urologist makes an incision in the groin area (but does not penetrate the peritoneum), after which he finds the spermatic cord, from which the duct is removed. It is cut and tied with threads. At the incision site, a suture is placed from self-absorbing threads, which will not need to be removed further. The manipulation is carried out alternately on both sides.
  2. Puncture method. Reduces the recovery period to a minimum, since no incision is made. In an invasive way (by puncturing the scrotum), the spermatic duct is reached, which is cut off and bandaged. Very often it is practiced to apply titanium clips, which will not allow sperm to enter the penis.

The second option is low-traumatic and practically does not cause side effects. With traditional surgery, the man feels discomfort for a few more days, which gradually subsides. After 3-7 days you can return to normal life, but just follow some of the doctor's instructions.

Is it possible to restore fertility?

Vasectomy can hardly be called reversible or irreversible, because restoration of fertility depends on individual characteristics body. Only a hundredth of a percent of men who agreed to sterilization experience spontaneous restoration of reproductive function.

If after a few years you want to have children again, you will have to seek help from reproductive specialists and undergo surgery. Unfortunately, the success rate of this type of surgical manipulation is only 60%. Fertility reversibility also depends on the number of years spent with the ducts tied. High probability restore reproductive function - up to 5 years after vasectomy.

For men who are not 100% confident in their decision, we would recommend freezing their sperm. If you wish to become a parent in the future, it will be implanted into the uterine cavity or used for IVF fertilization.

It should be noted that during the first 3 months after surgery, doctors strongly recommend using condoms. The fact is that sperm can penetrate into the ejaculate up to 20 times more ejaculation. To confirm the absence of sperm in the penis, a spermogram is taken. Her positive result gives " green light» for having sex without barrier contraception.

Recovery after surgery

Postoperative period comes down to just a few days. During the first week, follow the following doctor's instructions:

  • going to the bathroom or sauna is prohibited;
  • refusal of sexual activity for 7 days, and in the next 3 months, sexual intercourse is possible only with the use of contraceptives;
  • minimum physical activity;
  • taboo on long walks;
  • maintaining personal hygiene;
  • treatment of seams with an antiseptic.

If you still experience inflammatory process where the cuts were made, in addition to treating the seams with an antibacterial solution, carry out frequent shifts underwear and wash your genitals several times a day with antibacterial or laundry soap.

Negative consequence, which is observed extremely rarely, there may be swelling of the scrotum and the formation of hematomas. In this case, you will have to buy a special bandage or suspension, and also attach ice to the place.

Currently, more than 50 million men have had a vasectomy (sterilization). This is approximately 5% of married men reproductive age. For comparison, female sterilization 15% of families choose it as a method of birth control.

It depends on you and the doctor's decision. At first, you need to continue to use protection, since it takes 8-10 weeks and 15-20 ejaculations for sperm to stop being released. You can find out about the onset of complete sterility using seminal fluid analysis. A sample of the fluid can be obtained through masturbation or by using a special condom during normal sexual intercourse. Laboratory tests of the obtained sample make it possible to determine whether sperm are present in the fluid ejaculated during orgasm.

Until the analysis shows the absence of sperm, you will have to use other means of protection.

Does a vasectomy reduce sexual pleasure and potency?

Erections, orgasms and ejaculations will most likely be the same as before. Most men say that their pleasure has even increased since they no longer have to worry about possible offensive pregnancy. Many people don't notice any changes. Sometimes there is a slight decrease in sexual desire. It is extremely rare for men to lose the ability to have an erection. This is more likely due to emotional state before surgery.

A vasectomy makes a man sterile, not impotent. It does not affect the level of male hormones in the blood. Hormones responsible for beard growth, deep voice and sexual desire will still be produced. Hormones continue to circulate in the blood, so all male sexual characteristics are preserved. And even the amount of fluid released during ejaculation will remain almost the same: sperm makes up only 2-5% of the volume of seminal fluid.

Is a vasectomy reversible?

Yes. Modern development microsurgery has increased the efficiency of operations to restore the vas deferens. True, no one gives guarantees of the success of such an operation. It is very complex, expensive ($10,000 - 15,000) and takes about 2 hours. 2-6% of previously sterilized men want to undergo surgery to restore the vas deferens. The most common reasons are remarriage, death of a child, or the desire to have a child due to increased wealth.

There are 2 types of such operations: vasovasostomy and epididymovasostomy. During vasovasostomy, what was done during a vasectomy is eliminated, that is, the ends of the vas deferens are sutured together.

Epidimovasostomy is a much more complex operation, requiring enormous experience and skill from the microsurgeon. It is done if sperm does not enter the vas deferens due to inflammation of the epididymis, a canal located behind the testis. During the operation, the vas deferens are attached directly to the epididymis.

Efficiency of reverse operations

According to research, in 90% of cases, sperm begins to be released again during ejaculation. In 50% of couples, after the man undergoes surgery to restore the vas deferens (vasovasostomy), the partner manages to become pregnant. Reverse efficiency