Toothbrushes for children 10 years old. Children's electric brush Oral-b

It is the responsibility of the parents to teach the child proper oral hygiene. Diseases of the teeth and gums often arise due to failure to comply with basic dental care - regular brushing and rinsing. You can teach your baby to brush his teeth after the first central incisors erupt. At first, caregiving responsibilities fall on the parents, but by the age of four, the child can cope on his own under the strict guidance of adults. To help him, it is important to choose a quality toothbrush.

By the age of three or four, it is important to teach your child to brush his teeth.

Types of children's toothbrushes

Modern toothbrushes for children are classified according to the principle of operation into the following types:

  1. Finger silicone massagers. Soft models are designed for babies from 3 months and can be used even when teeth have not yet erupted. Stop inflammatory processes, prevent bleeding gums and early caries. At the same time, carefully care for the oral cavity and gently massage the gums. By the age of two, this model can be replaced with a regular one, and the baby can be taught to brush his teeth on his own.
  2. Plastic models with soft bristles. Help children cope with hygiene procedures independently thanks to a special limiter. For additional safety, the plastic base of the products is surrounded by a silicone stopper. Soft silicone is used to produce bristles, which can gently clean baby teeth.
  3. Battery powered brushes. The principle of their operation is the automatic movement of the head in different directions. According to research, electrical products are cleaned of plaque several times better regular brushes. Until the age of 7, an electric brush should not be used too often, otherwise the child will get used to passive brushing of teeth.
  4. Ultrasonic products (a type of electric). Unique devices with a built-in ultrasonic frequency emitter. Ultrasound neutralizes plaque bacteria, reduces bleeding, and helps clean teeth well.
  5. Sound models (electric version). The instruments use sound technology and have a built-in generator that produces waves. Together with the rotating head, they weaken the attachment of pathogenic organisms and help to easily clean the oral cavity of plaque.

Toothbrushes for children can be equipped with a number of additional functions, for example, a sound or light signal

Features of choosing models for children 3-7 years old

Parents note significant differences children's and adult models of brushes. They consist in the color, size, and stiffness of the bristles. However, these are not all the points that are taken into account when choosing models for children. It is important to pay attention to the following features:

  1. Products for children differ in the size of the handle and head. For a year old, their heads are round in shape, for age period from three to seven years - more elongated.
  2. The brush handle is always thick and has a characteristic bulge in the middle. Thanks to this, it is easy for a child to hold such a model in his little fingers, because motor skills are not yet fully developed.
  3. The bristles of the children's model are always soft. For children from three years old you can find models medium hard, which are recommended to be purchased after consultation with a dentist. The soft bristles gently massage sensitive gums.
  4. Bright design. To make brushing their teeth interesting for children, manufacturers depict their favorite cartoon characters on the handles of toothbrushes and complement the models with attractive caps.

When choosing a brush for your child, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the bristles. The fiber bundles must be structured and placed in several rows.

If your teeth grow sparsely, it is advisable to choose a model with gaps in the tufts of bristles. The size of the brush head should not be longer than two of the child’s teeth (this will allow him to carry out manipulations comfortably). Children who brush their teeth on their own should choose brushes with colored bristles arranged so that it is clear how much toothpaste should be applied.

The very first toothbrush should have a small base and soft bristles. And the thickened handle will be comfortable for the baby to hold

Electric models: pros and cons

When your baby refuses to brush his teeth with a regular brush, you can consider an electronic, battery-powered model. The buzzing invention will attract attention with its unusualness, gently stimulate the gums and cleanse oral cavity from the raid. To choose the right model for a child 3-7 years old, you should visit a dentist, who will tell you about the real hygiene needs of the baby, based on the condition of the oral cavity.

The technical parameters of the model should be selected based on the recommendations of the dentist. For example, for whitening and removing soft coating Ultrasonic and sonic brushes are more suitable. It is also worth considering the child’s opinion regarding appearance models, choose brushes with a wide handle that will fit comfortably in the palm of your hand.

An electric toothbrush may not be suitable for all children, so you should consult your dentist before purchasing.

Advantages and disadvantages of models

Among the advantages of children's electric toothbrushes:

  • the most best cleansing tongue and oral cavity from plaque, causing disease teeth, gums;
  • cleaning up to two minutes (instead of three minutes when using a regular brush);
  • a built-in timer in a number of models, which allows you to brush your teeth as much as you should, and develop a habit that will not allow you to turn brushing into a useless procedure.

The disadvantages of a children's electric toothbrush include depletion of enamel and inflammation of the gum tissue if the models are incorrectly selected. Ultrasonic models clean more effectively, but they can also cause bleeding.

In any case, before purchasing, you should consult a dentist, who will tell you how often and for how long you can use the electric and ultrasonic model for children, and select correct option pasta.


Constant exposure to electromechanical vibrations negatively affects tooth enamel, so the time of use of ultrasonic and electric brushes should be agreed with your doctor. They should not be used in the following situations:

  • wedge-shaped tooth defect;
  • weak enamel;
  • age up to three years;
  • abrasion of enamel;
  • spots on the enamel (a symptom of insufficient mineralization);
  • inflammation of the gums

Some children cannot tolerate the effects of vibration and sound waves, which produce special brushes. Signs of intolerance - headaches, weakness after cleansing. If parents notice this, they should refrain from using electrical devices. Perhaps when the baby grows up, everything will return to normal.

Silicone brushes: main advantages

The silicone brush has a massage effect; you can clean both your child’s teeth and tongue.

Silicone toothbrushes for little ones have a tip with a soft small brush on one side. They are placed on an adult's finger and provide gentle touch to the child's gums and access to hard-to-reach places. When using, the mother should place the brush on her index finger and gently brush the baby’s teeth and oral cavity, including the tongue. The product should be stored in an individual cup with the bristles facing up.

For children over 6 months old, small brushes have been developed that imitate adult models. The restrictive ring prevents the baby from swallowing the product, and the ergonomic non-slip handle is comfortable for parents. When brushing your teeth with such a brush, your baby experiences a pleasant sensation and enjoys the process itself. Products are replaced as they wear out, at least once every 3 months.

The best children's toothbrushes, according to parents' reviews

It is quite difficult to answer which brush cleans teeth better - mechanical, ultrasonic or electronic. Each option has its own advantages. However, a mechanical product is suitable for everyday use, while an electric and sound model should be used by a child periodically.

The Oral-B brush has a comfortable handle and also has high quality cleaning teeth

The list of brushes that parents have compiled only positive reviews, is given in the table:

Manufacturer, nameTypePeculiaritiesAge
R.O.C.S KidsMechanical
  1. Soft bristles.
  2. High-quality plastic that prevents the accumulation of bacteria on the handle.
3-7 years
Oral-B Stages Advance Power 900TXElectronic
  1. Unique music timer (more than 15 melodies).
  2. The need to change the brush head is indicated by discoloration of the bristles.
  3. Operates on 1 battery.
  4. Extra long central bristles for a quality tongue brush.
From 5 years
Colgate (Barbie or Spiderman)Electronic
  1. Soft vibrating movements.
  2. No additional attachments.
  3. Battery operated.
From 3 years
Philips HX 6311/02Electronic
  1. Battery operation.
  2. Sound technology, timer with children's melodies.
  3. The set includes 2 different attachments and several replaceable front panels.
From 4 years old
Braun Oral-B Mickey Kids D10.513KElectronic
  1. Bristles split at the ends for better cleaning of chewing surfaces (innovative development by Brown).
  2. Two-minute timer on a Braun electric toothbrush.
  3. 5600 rotations per minute for thorough cleansing.
From 4 years old
Canpol babiesMechanical silicone nozzle
  1. Soft silicone bristles.
  2. You can massage the gums during teething (if the child refuses the teether) (see also:).
  3. Used as a first brush for babies.
From 3 months
Silver CareMechanical
  1. There is a hole between the bristles for the required amount of paste.
  2. Thorough cleaning of plaque.
From 1 year
COLGATE® ELMEX® JuniorMechanical
  1. Multi-level bristle profile.
  2. Compact head adapted for the mouth of children aged 6-12 years.
  3. InterX technology for thorough plaque removal.
6-12 years

If you have any doubts about choosing a toothbrush, parents should consult a pediatric dentist.

During use, a Braun or other brand children's toothbrush should be kept clean and the following conditions should be observed:

  • regularly change attachments and batteries for electric models;
  • store the product vertically, in a separate cup;
  • You should wash the brush every time before and after each cleaning;
  • there is no need to boil the products, since their materials cannot withstand high temperatures;
  • It is important to provide conditions under which the brush can dry between cleanings (bacteria often multiply in a humid environment).

It is important to be careful when choosing a brush for your child. Only a high-quality product will help teach your baby hygiene and preserve dental health. Psychologists advise parents to conduct evening and morning cleansing rituals with their children. Joint procedures will form good habit which will help preserve healthy teeth for many years.

Choosing your first toothbrush is not as simple as you might think. Store shelves are literally filled with goods of varying shapes and materials. You, of course, can use the rule, the more expensive the better, however, in practice, this axiom is often refuted.

Another option is marking, but in most cases the age limit is too spatial: from 1 year to 7 years. So what should your first toothbrush be and how to choose the perfect one?

Time of first purchase

You can arm yourself with a silicone toothbrush that fits on your finger. With this simple device you can massage your gums and remove plaque from your child’s first tiny teeth.

For children over one year old, you need a regular brush with a small head of about 15 mm and a small handle. For a child from 2 to 5 years old, you need to choose a larger brush - a head of about 20 mm and a handle of about 15 cm.

Criteria for choosing the first brush

Don’t be alarmed when a store consultant, when asked about a toothbrush for your baby’s first teeth, literally bombards you with counter questions about hardness, bristles, handle design, brush head size and material.

All these criteria are important when choosing a device for cleaning teeth, and they are individual and the advice of mothers will not help in this case. The task before you is to choose your personal ideal option.


You know that all toothbrushes are divided into three main categories based on hardness: soft, medium hard and hard. There is also a distinction between ultra-soft and ultra-hard brushes. Children's dental hygiene products are divided according to the same principle.

  1. If your baby's teeth and gums are fine, you can use a stiff brush. It removes plaque well and fights caries, and also massages the gums well;
  2. A soft brush is worth buying when the enamel on the baby’s teeth is weak and the gums bleed at the slightest pressure;
  3. Medium-hard brushes are an option for those who have doubts.

You may hear recommendations that your first toothbrush should be soft or ultra-soft. But this option may not be effective for tightly fitting teeth with good enamel. It's better if the first one tooth cheek the baby will be of medium hardness, so to speak, for testing, and then, in practice, you will decide which type to give preference to.


There are two types of bristles - natural and synthetic. When choosing a brush, you will most likely opt for a natural material, however, in practice, this type is significantly inferior synthetic analogue. And its service life is much shorter.

  • With intensive use, natural pig bristles begin to break and flake, and the baby can swallow these fragments along with toothpaste. In addition, bacteria multiply very quickly in such bristles, and such a device simply cannot withstand constant sterilization and becomes unusable;
  • Natural bamboo brush is a new trend in dentistry. Despite 12 month period operation of the products, which the manufacturers declare, this product must be replaced every 3 months. In addition, you need to ensure that mold or fungi do not grow on the surface, as well as in the bristles itself; such a brush must be dried well;
  • Silicone bristles – a good option for the first teeth, however, when the mouth is actively filled with teeth, it is not able to cope with plaque and bacteria;
  • Synthetic fibers are a proven option and quite durable. High-quality fibers do not flake and clean the tooth surface well. It is possible to combine synthetic and silicone bristles to achieve better results.

Please note that a silicone toothbrush is only suitable for babies up to one year old, after which you need to switch to a brush with bristles. In addition, no matter what condition the brush is in, it must be replaced every 2-3 months. Some manufacturers apply a color indicator to the bristles. As soon as the villi have lost their former brightness, the product must be replaced.

Bristle length

A toothbrush for children over 1 year old should have bristles 10-11 mm long. The surface of the dentifrice does not have to be uniform. For example, a brush with a V-shaped arrangement of bristles is useful for sparse teeth with large gaps. Longer bristles will clean hard-to-reach areas well.

Handle design

You've probably noticed that the handles on children's products are most often rubberized and have bends near the head mount.

  1. Rubber or silicone inserts are applied to the handle so that the brush does not fall out of the baby’s hands;
  2. The zigzag near the head is needed to prevent excessive pressure on the child’s gums or teeth, especially when the little one is just learning to brush his teeth;
  3. Don’t forget about the length of the handle; it should fit in the child’s fist, but not be too long.

Head design

  • An option with a head of about 15 mm is suitable for your one-year-old. In general, when choosing a hygiene product, you should use the rule that the brush head should not exceed the length of 2-3 teeth together. After 2 years, the length of the head can be up to 20 mm;
  • The shape of the head itself should be streamlined, without corners or protrusions; brushes are most often made oval or round;
  • Please note that the bristles on the head can be on two sides: on one side there are long synthetic bristles, on the other there are short silicone bristles for massaging the gums or cleaning the tongue from plaque.


  1. The first toothbrushes for children should be bright and interesting, because your main task at this stage is to teach and accustom the child to this important everyday process;
  2. You can go shopping together, offering your baby a brush with his favorite character;
  3. An interesting option is brushes with a flashing timer; kids especially like this design;
  4. You can buy a product with a silicone hero on the tip of the handle, but you won’t be able to store it in a glass; you can also buy a silicone holder for this brush.

Choice for the little ones

Standard brushes with bristles are useful for children after one year, but the first toothbrush for a child should be special;

  • You can choose a silicone fingertip and brush your baby’s teeth by putting the device on your finger;
  • Brushes with silicone stops are a good option for independent toddlers. By shape this option does not differ from a standard brush, but the bristles on it are small and silicone, in addition, a silicone ring is attached to the top of the handle, which prevents the device from falling too deep into the mouth;
  • Dental wipes are another option for little toothies. Fragrance-free and odorless wipes are made in the shape of a fingertip and are easy to put on the index finger. It can be used to clean the surface of the tooth, massage the gums, and clear plaque from the tongue and cheeks. Can be used from birth to six months.

Remember that a toothbrush is not a toy; do not leave your child with the device unattended, but rather, immediately after use, put it out of reach.

Electronic toothbrush

You can find electronic toothbrushes on store shelves. Definitely, an electric toothbrush is intended for children from one year old, or even older.

  1. Inside this product there is a battery and a mechanism, which significantly increases its weight. It will be difficult for a small, fragile child’s hand to hold it; he may drop it;
  2. It is recommended to use the electronic device after 5 years. At the age of 2-5 years, such a device can be used 1-2 times a week to eliminate the possibility of injury to the enamel of the first teeth.

When purchasing this type, you need to study the labeling on the package and strictly adhere to age restrictions. Don't forget about the quality certificate and expiration date hygiene product. Buy children's toothbrushes only in specialized stores or pharmacy chains.

Plaque is the worst enemy of teeth; it is the cause of all dental diseases. You need to especially carefully monitor the health of your teeth in childhood, when the bite is formed and permanent teeth replace milk teeth. That's why daily cleaning teeth need to be given special attention. An electric toothbrush can successfully cope with this difficult task.

When can a child use an electric toothbrush?

At what age should children use an electric toothbrush?

Numerous clinical trials have proven that an electric brush cleans teeth of soft plaque many times better than a regular one. In addition, this is a great way to accustom your little fidget to the daily procedure of brushing his teeth.

You need to brush your teeth as soon as your baby’s first teeth appear. And it is very important to teach your child the correct technique for brushing teeth. It is necessary for the baby to get used to doing this correctly with an ordinary brush. Therefore, the electrical model in early age(2-3 years old) can be used infrequently so that the baby does not get used to passive brushing of teeth, when this miracle brush does everything for him.

The enamel of baby teeth is very thin and fragile, so you need to be extremely careful with an electric toothbrush so as not to harm the baby’s delicate teeth and gums. Dentists strongly recommend that children over 6 years old start using an electric toothbrush regularly.

It is during this period that the baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones, and the device cannot harm the enamel. Starting from 13-14 years old, a child can buy an adult model of an electric brush.


In some cases, the use of an electric brush is contraindicated:

  • increased abrasion of enamel: it can be determined by short crowns,
  • If there are stains on the enamel, this is a sign of a lack of mineralization of the teeth. White spots are areas of enamel that have lost a lot of calcium. This is the initial stage carious process. Such teeth may simply not withstand the pressure of the brush. White spots are a reason to undergo a remineralization procedure,
  • wedge-shaped tooth defect,
  • inflammatory gum diseases, soft deposits. Active cleaning can only aggravate the inflammatory process.

How to choose an electric toothbrush: what to look for

Manufacturers of such brushes, trying to please their young consumers, turn hygiene items into real colorful toys. Bright design attracts kids and makes brushing teeth fun exciting game. Parents need to approach the choice of this hygiene item with all responsibility, paying attention to some nuances:

  1. Age category indicated on the package.
  2. The stiffness of the bristles.
  3. Manufacturer.
  4. Electric model type.

Some manufacturers make excellent bright brushes, but completely forget about comfort. As a result, the child simply plays with the device, since it is simply uncomfortable for him to hold it in his hand. So before buying, look carefully at the handle: it should fit freely in a child’s palm.

Brushes for children from 3 years old

Your baby is already 3 years old and you want to buy an electric brush for him? Please pay attention to these points before purchasing:

  1. For kids who have already mastered the skills self-cleaning teeth, you need to select a brush with a short and thick handle (this is comfortable to hold).
  2. The bristles are only soft (you can recognize this by the inscriptions “soft” or “extra soft”). The height of the bristles should not be higher than 11 mm.
  3. It’s great if there are bristles different lengths, this will help the baby thoroughly brush his teeth in the most difficult to reach places.
  4. Also pay attention to the corrugated neck, which perfectly protects the delicate mucous membrane of the gums. This connection between the handle and the brush head allows you to adjust the force of pressure of the bristles on the enamel.
  5. The brush head should be small - this will make cleaning much more effective.
  6. The bristles should be made of artificial material, since natural materials are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

Brushes for children from six years old

Selection criteria for children over six years old:

  • degree of bristle hardness – medium (marked “medium”),
  • small head,
  • different levels of bristle length,
  • comfortable handle that is easy to hold,
  • verified manufacturer.

  1. Before using, be sure to rinse the bristles under running water. Do not boil under any circumstances, as synthetic materials will not withstand high temperature, and you just might ruin the device.
  2. Store the brush in vertical position. Use cases and caps only for travel.
  3. Nozzles need to be changed regularly - every two to three months.
  4. Change batteries or charge batteries promptly.

How to use it correctly

This brush must be used correctly. The main condition is that even if the child already knows how to brush his teeth, he should do this only under your supervision. Also remember some rules:

  • do not help the brush and do not imitate the movements that you make with a regular brush,
  • do not press too hard on the bristles,
  • First you need to clean the front surface of the dentition, then the back surface. Only then can you move on to the second jaw,
  • The brush head should be applied so that the bristles completely cover the tooth.

Ultrasonic models

The ultrasonic model is a type of electric brush. The device has an electric motor that converts electricity into ultrasonic waves. Such ultrasonic waves can destroy infection and significantly reduce bleeding gums.

These models have a special timer that notifies you with an audible signal when you need to switch to next tooth. But an ultrasonic brush is not recommended for use on children under three years of age, or on those children with weak enamel.

Review of the best electric brushes for babies

Name Peculiarities Age
Oral-B (Oral Bi) "Stages Advance Power 900TX"
  1. There is a unique musical timer (16 different melodies): 2 melodies are played for 2 minutes at the rate of one melody per 1 row of teeth.
  2. 5600 movements per minute.
  3. The central bristles are elongated, which contributes to high-quality cleaning chewing surface of teeth.
  4. One nozzle included.
  5. The device runs on 1 battery.
From five years
Oral-B (Oral Bi) "Kids' Power Mickey D10"
  1. Musical timer for 16 melodies.
  2. 9600 reciprocating movements per minute.
  3. Comfortable rubberized handle.
  4. The bristles become discolored when it's time to change the brush head.
  5. Powered by one battery.
  6. The kit includes replaceable nozzles.
  7. Small convenient head.
From 3 years
Oral-B(Oral Bi) "Stages Disney Power Toothbrush"
  1. Built-in sound timer (2 minutes).
  2. 9600 movements per minute.
  3. The bristles have a whisk shape, which ensures soft and gentle cleaning.
  4. The central row of setae is elongated.
  5. The bristles have an indicator.
  6. There are designs for girls and boys: Cinderella and Cars.
  7. Battery operated.
  8. Has 1 operating mode.
  9. Equipped with one nozzle.
5-7 years
OralB(Oral B) Tiger or Winnie the Pooh
  1. Extra-soft bristles.
  2. In the center of the head the bristles are elongated.
  3. There are 2 designs: Winnie the Pooh or Tigger.
  4. Battery operated.
  5. There is one operating mode.
From 3 years
Colgate (Barbie or Spiderman)
  1. Soft bristles.
  2. Vibrating movements.
  3. 2 designs: Barbie and Spider-Man.
  4. There are no replaceable nozzles.
  5. Runs on two batteries.
From 3 years
Philips (Phillips) HX 6311/02for children
  1. Sound technology.
  2. 31,000 sweeping movements per minute.
  3. There is a timer with funny melodies.
  4. There is a Kid-timer function that increases the cleaning time over 3 months to 2 minutes.
  5. The set includes 2 nozzles of different sizes.
  6. There are 2 cleaning modes.
  7. 3 replaceable bright multi-colored front panels.
  8. Comfortable rubberized handle.
  9. Battery operated.
From 4 years

How much does an electric toothbrush cost for children?

The price of the device depends on the type of power source, as well as on the manufacturer. A model that runs on batteries can be purchased for 250-650 rubles. Such models, as a rule, have weak power and perform only one type of movement: rotational.

Models powered by batteries are more expensive - from 1.5 to 8 thousand rubles. The cost will depend on the type of head movements, the number of cleaning modes, and replaceable attachments.

Many parents ask dentists what a children's toothbrush should be like. Among the huge assortment of a wide variety of hygiene products, it is difficult for the buyer to navigate the choice, especially if the purchase concerns small child. Parents are always faced with the question of the safety and harmlessness of the goods provided.

In addition, oral hygiene devices for infants began to appear on shelves. And many mothers and fathers experience various questions about what age you should start oral hygiene procedures, and how to make the right choice of care products.

The first toothbrush for a child should be purchased in advance. Nowadays, dentists are inclined to believe that it is necessary to take care of the oral cavity even before the appearance of the first tooth. For this purpose, they began to produce special silicone brushes that are worn on the finger. One side of such a device looks normal, and on the other side there are soft round pimples.

This product performs 2 functions: cleanses and massages the gums. When the baby begins the process of teething, such massaging will quickly calm the child and make the teething process less painful.

As for cleansing the gums of a newborn baby, in order to simplify this process, special ones began to be produced for infants. wet wipes in the form of a fingertip. They are impregnated with a special harmless composition, which allows you to gently cleanse the baby’s oral cavity of white cheesy plaque due to thrush. Clean with a napkin inner side cheeks, gums and tongue. Previously this procedure was carried out sterile bandage, which was wound around a finger.

High-quality silicone oral care devices for babies are absolutely harmless. They cannot injure the mucous membrane, since silicone is a fairly soft material. The adult himself controls the force of pressure of the fingertip on the child’s gums.

Toothbrush for babies

While the child is small, adults clean the first teeth. It is important that by the time the child brushes his teeth independently, he learns to rinse his mouth and spit out water. Usually by the age of 3 the child begins to perform independently this procedure, if you teach him to do it.

A toothbrush for babies should have a small cleaning head and a large handle that allows it to be held comfortably. This is important for a baby, since his hand motor skills at this age are not fully developed, and a large holder will be just right. And what is also important, the holder should not be made of slippery material, otherwise the brush will slip out of your hands.

To make the process of brushing teeth enjoyable for the child, brushes for children are produced with a bright and interesting design. They are produced in the form of toys with characters from familiar cartoons and fairy tales.

Larisa Kopylova


As for the bristles, they should be soft and with slightly rounded ends so as not to injure the gums. There should be approximately 20 tufts of bristles on the head. This is quite enough to avoid damage to the mucous membrane.

Manufacturers even came up with electric models who can teach a child how to brush their teeth. When moved correctly they produce certain sounds, and so that the child does not spend a lot of time on this activity, the indicator changes color after time.

How to choose the right brush for your baby

When choosing, it is important to consider the size, shape and stiffness of the bristles. These parameters must correspond to the age of the child and anatomical structure his oral cavity. If you find it difficult to choose, a pediatric dentist can always help you.

The bristles are the most important part of the product, so you need to pay attention to them Special attention. It is better to give preference to synthetic materials.

Pen oval shape prevents the brush from being pushed deep into the mouth, and the ring in the middle allows the baby to hold it comfortably

Natural bristles are unhygienic and have a very short lifespan. If natural fiber is examined under a microscope, you can see a structure similar to pasta. When brushing your teeth, microbes enter these holes, remain in them and begin to multiply. Therefore, dental hygiene products made from natural bristles always smell unpleasant. Natural bristles quickly break and become prickly, they can easily injure the gums.

Silicone bristles

The thinner the synthetic fiber, the more expensive the brush. That is why products with soft and thick bristles are considered the most expensive. But you can ignore the various silicone inserts and other details; they look very beautiful, but are absolutely not functional.

The bristles come in different lengths. Young children need to choose products with short, even bristles and a not very long handle, so that the baby does not put extra effort when brushing their teeth. Watch the video with a detailed description of the choice:

For older children

For older children, you can buy standard-shaped products with thick bristles. The fibers must be middle length so that they can easily penetrate into the interdental space.

The quality of dental care depends on the child’s skills: it is important to perform the correct brushing technique, which determines the quality of hygiene. Even the most expensive toothbrush for children will be ineffective if used incorrectly.

There are options on which you can see both soft and hard bristles. It will be suitable for children during the period of changing teeth, as it will be possible to brush their teeth with different effectiveness.

Larisa Kopylova


Dental hygiene products with bendable handles are designed for easier penetration and cleaning of hard-to-reach places.

You can find products whose bristles are V-shaped. They are suitable for children with large spaces between their teeth, as well as for those who wear braces.

Oral-B Ortho with V-shaped bristles

When wearing orthodontic appliances, it can be difficult to remove food debris from under them, and products with specially shaped bristles make this process easier. The head of the product should not be too long, and the arrangement of the bristles should be in 3 or 4 rows.

Electric toothbrushes

As for electrical devices for children, they are designed for those children who do not like the process of brushing their teeth. Manufacturers thus decided to draw their attention to this hygienic procedure. They are quite attractive and have more of a toy appearance. Here is an example from Philips Sonicare, which makes it clear what the industry offers to children today:

But is everything really so rosy? Electric dental hygiene products have a number of contraindications that parents should be aware of before purchasing them. They should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • at increased abrasion teeth - determined by reducing the height of the tooth;
  • if there are precursors of caries on the tooth enamel - white spots, indicating low mineralization of the teeth;
  • for various defects in the teeth;
  • in case of tartar formation;
  • with inflammation of the gums.

All of the above conditions when using an electric brush will aggravate the position of the teeth. Dentists are against this technology and do not recommend its use for children of any age. An electrical product does not spare the enamel, but in combination with it destroys it.

Larisa Kopylova


What to do if your child likes to brush his teeth with an electric toothbrush? Use it alternating with the usual one, coming up with any version for this.

Before use, rinse this product thoroughly under running water. Should be stored in an upright position. Caps or cases are only used when traveling. It is necessary to ensure that the cleaning attachment is changed in a timely manner, as well as the batteries.

Storage and care rules

Toothbrushes for children should be stored correctly and in an upright position. Before use (even if it was in a sealed package), you need to wash it thoroughly with soap. If it was sold without packaging, then you need to keep it in boiling water for a few seconds.

After each brushing of your teeth, the hygiene item should be rinsed under running water so that germs do not linger on it. It is advisable to change your child’s toothbrush every 2 months or, if necessary, earlier.

There is no need to cover the head of the toothbrush with different caps - the bristles should dry thoroughly after use.

Larisa Kopylova


When storing, make sure that the children's brush does not come into contact with the brushes of adults to avoid the entry of bacteria. It's better to keep it separate.

After suffering from infectious diseases, the toothbrush should be thrown out and replaced with a new one, no matter what it is in. good condition neither was. This must be done to prevent re-infection.

Rating of children's toothbrushes

Dental tests were conducted using the following brands of children's toothbrushes:

  1. Oral-B - Ireland.
  2. Trisa - Switzerland.
  3. Aquafresh - Germany.
  4. Jordan - Malaysia.
  5. Colgate - China.
  6. Chigour - China.

Moreover, testing was carried out for indicators of the cleansing effect and gentle effect. Excellent results showed Oral-B and Trisa.

For example. There are a great many models on the market from Oral-B.

Oral-B baby toothbrushes are a favorite of many parents. Everything about them suits them:

  • soft bristles that do not hurt the gums;
  • flat head allows you to penetrate hard-to-reach places;
  • comfortable handle;
  • a marking spot on the bristles that determines the right amount of toothpaste.

Toothbrushes from Aquafresh and Jordan received a “good” rating. And brushes from Chinese manufacturers Colgate and Chidour ended up on last places. And as the examination showed, the price of a product does not affect its quality in any way.

Although Silver Care toothbrushes did not participate in testing, many children loved them, especially the Happy Brush model:

Jordan brushes get good reviews, but their service life is limited by the fact that when they appear more teeth, it becomes uncomfortable to use them. The wide rubber handle can be used as a teether.

Toothbrushes Nuby and R.O.C.S. users are unhappy because of their high bristles, which spread out to the sides at the slightest pressure, and they have to brush their teeth with plastic.

Children grow, and with them the dentition changes and grows. Small teeth are replaced by strong and large ones, so teeth cleaning devices need to be selected according to age. For older children, stiffer bristles are selected, and the size of the brush head should increase as the area of ​​the teeth increases. As for the handle, it should always be comfortable, and even better, rubberized.

There is an unjustified opinion that caring for temporary teeth is unnecessary. But according to dentists, baby teeth affect the quality of permanent teeth, and therefore they need to be cared for from an early age.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to choose an electric brush for children 3, 5 and 7 years old,
  • independent video review of models,
  • analysis of prices for brushes and replacement heads (for 2019).

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

An electric toothbrush for children can be used as early as 3 years of age. In younger children, it helps form the habit of regular oral hygiene thanks to the playful moments that can be introduced into brushing their teeth with such a brush.

The most popular electric brush for children is produced under the Oral-B brand by Braun (Germany). The Oral Bi children's brush is available in 3 versions, differing from each other not only in visual design, but also in some options. Brushes can be designed either in the style of Disney characters, or the cartoons “Star Wars” or “Frozen”.

Children's electric toothbrush –

Electric models Oral-B brushes for children:

  • Oral-B Stages Power « Starwars" (Star Wars),
  • Oral-B Stages Power « Frozen" (Cold heart).

Please note that the Oral-B brand is owned by the German company Braun, and the same models of electric toothbrushes can be produced under both the Oral-B brand and the Braun brand. This is a marketing strategy of the manufacturer, apparently to create the illusion of choice for the consumer.

Choice of brush and child’s age –

According to the manufacturer's recommendations, all these brushes can be used by children from 3 to 9 years old. But, because they have several different characteristics, then depending on the model, they can still be recommended for children different ages. For example, if you need an electric toothbrush for children aged 3 years and older, it is better to purchase the Oral-B Mickey KIDS brush, which has a music timer of 16 changing melodies from Disney cartoons.

If you need an electric toothbrush for children aged 7 years and older, it is better to choose Oral-B Stages Power “Starwars” or “Frozen”. You can no longer surprise seven-year-old children with musical timers, and in order to further motivate the child to brush their teeth, a special application for the smartphone “Disney MagicTimer” was developed for these brushes. The application allows you to create an individual profile on your child’s smartphone with their favorite Disney characters, and has a visual game timer with a reward system for regular teeth brushing.

The application works as follows... After scanning the purchased Oral-B Stages Power “Starwars” or “Frozen” toothbrush - the hero on mobile device will come to life and will gradually reveal various drawings to the child. Those. The longer the child brushes his teeth, the more complete the picture he will see. The more often a child brushes his teeth, the more interesting drawings he will see with the characters of his favorite cartoons. In addition, you can monitor the regularity of your child's hygiene through a special calendar.

If you need an electric toothbrush for children from 5 years old, then you need to focus on your child and think about what will be more interesting for him - musical melodies from famous Disney cartoons, or a more advanced application for a smartphone (in the article below you can see how this application works and screenshots for it).

Important: choosing a brush for children over 9 years old

Oral-B is very smart and they don't want your child to use the same brush for too long. Therefore, they recommend children's brush models for children no older than 9 years. Let's figure out what the catch is... The fact is that the enamel of children's teeth still contains very few minerals (calcium and phosphorus), and the mineralization process itself occurs over a very long period time.

That is why manufacturers make replaceable heads for children’s brushes with very thin and soft bristles, so as not to injure the “soft” enamel of children’s teeth. Oral-B replacement heads for children's brushes have shortened, very thin bristles with split ends. Such attachments can indeed be used up to 8-9 years of age, but this does not mean at all that when the child turns 9 years old, you should throw away the electric brush.

Oral-B Stages Power “Starwars” or “Frozen” brush models perform 7,000 reciprocating movements per minute. This figure is almost identical to all models of electric toothbrushes for adults. Therefore, when your child turns 8-9 years old, you can simply buy him a replacement Oral-B “Sensitive” attachment (for sensitive teeth). The bristles of this brush head are slightly stiffer than those of children's brush heads, but much softer than regular brush heads for adults.

Children's electric brush Oral-B Mickey KIDS (can be called Oral-B Stages Power Mickey) - has bright color and attractive design for young children. This brush is recommended for children from 3 years old, and its main feature is the presence of a musical timer of 16 melodies from Disney cartoons.

The Oral-B Mickey KIDS children's toothbrush has 1 “Sensitive Cleaning” mode. In this mode, the head of the replaceable nozzle makes 5600 reciprocating rotation movements per minute, i.e. 2D cleaning technology is used (without pulsating movements). The bristles of the replaceable head are made especially thin and soft so as not to injure the still too poorly mineralized enamel of children's teeth.

Key Benefits –

  • has a built-in music timer that plays a new melody every minute, motivating the child to brush his teeth for the prescribed 2 minutes,
  • 5600 reciprocating movements per minute.

Equipment and price –
electric rechargeable toothbrush (1 pc), 1 replaceable brush head, 1 compact Charger, instruction manual, warranty card (made in Germany). Price from 1200 to 1900 rubles.

The Oral-B Stages Power "Starwars" children's brush has an image of the Star Wars cartoon characters on its surface. Recommended for children from 3 years of age, and can be used in children up to 12 years of age. This model also uses 2D cleaning technology (the brush head makes 7000 reciprocating movements per minute). The replacement head also has very soft, thin bristles that do not damage the enamel of children's teeth. The timer, unlike the previous model, is not in the form of a melody, but in the form of a short-term vibration that appears after 2 minutes.

Key Benefits –

The Disney MagicTimer application allows you to create a personalized profile on your child’s smartphone with their favorite Disney characters. The application features a visual game timer (to motivate you to brush your teeth for the prescribed 2 minutes), as well as a whole system of rewards for regular brushing of your teeth and visits to the dentist. The game timer works in such a way that the longer and more often a child brushes his teeth, the more interesting pictures he will see with his favorite Disney characters.

Equipment and price –
1 rechargeable electric toothbrush, 1 StarWars children's replacement brush head, 1 charger, instruction manual, warranty card (made in Germany). Price from 1200 to 1900 rubles.

The Oral-B Stages Power “Frozen” children's brush differs from the previous model only in that it has an image of the cartoon characters “Frozen” on its surface. All other characteristics and equipment are completely identical. Timer in the form of vibration, triggered after 2 minutes. Recommended for children from 3 years of age, and no older than 12 years.

Key Benefits –

  • "Disney MagicTimer" app from Oral-B,
  • 7000 reciprocating movements per minute.

Video review of the “Starwars” and “Frozen” models –

Children's electric toothbrush Oral-B: price 2019

Children's electric toothbrush Braun Oral-B Mickey KIDS, Oral-B Stages Power “Starwars” or “Frozen” - have the same price regardless of the model. The best price 2019 in Moscow for these brushes was recorded by us in the Ozon online store - only 1200 (+ delivery 300 rubles). On the official website of Oral-B – the cost will be 1,700 rubles (+delivery 300 rubles).