Something is stabbing in my chest. Natural and pathological causes of tingling in the chest. Stitching pain during lactation and menopause. Tingling in the chest: diagnosis of possible diseases

Many women throughout their lives experience discomfort in the chest, which makes them nervous and worried about their health.

Tingling in the mammary gland can occur both due to natural processes in the body and due to various diseases. It is important to be able to recognize the causes of discomfort, thereby preventing the risk of complications.

Swelling, tingling in the chest and pain occur in both young girls and women who have given birth. Regular self-examinations and visits to a mammologist will help identify health problems at an early stage of their occurrence and prevent possible consequences.

Tingling in the mammary gland and discomfort are not always a manifestation of disease. Causes may include premenstrual syndrome (PMS), pregnancy, or lactation.

All these conditions affect a woman’s hormonal levels, which can cause discomfort in the mammary glands. However, they do not require treatment.

Premenstrual syndrome

The hormone progesterone (the growth of which increases before the onset of menstruation) can cause discomfort in the breasts (they can be “pricked with needles”) and swelling of the mammary glands. Typically, these pains are cyclical and are normal for most women during their periods. They subside closer to the beginning of ovulation and do not require treatment.

Pregnancy period

In preparation for the upcoming birth, the female body undergoes hormonal changes that can affect the woman’s emotional background and cause pain in the early stages (a month after the first day of the delay). The glandular tissue grows to prepare the mammary gland for lactation, and the breasts swell. As it grows, it can compress nerve endings, which can lead to unpleasant sensations.
This process is normal and does not require treatment; short-term pain and tingling will go away on their own.

Breastfeeding period

A stabbing sensation in the area of ​​the nipples and breasts while feeding a baby is associated with a rush of milk; this condition is considered normal. How to recognize whether sensations are normal or a reason to consult a doctor is described below in the paragraph “Tingling during lactation.”

Pathological causes

The causes of tingling in the mammary glands can be certain diseases. Pain may indicate the onset of the development of some serious diseases that require a visit to the nearest clinic.


Many women face this disease; mastopathy is the most common reason for visiting a mammologist. Symptoms include the presence of lumps of different shapes and sizes (which may appear or disappear depending on the phase of the cycle), pain when pressed, and sometimes discharge from the nipples.
Mastopathy needs treatment, so if you suspect it, you should seek help from a specialist.

Intercostal neuralgia

If unpleasant sharp pain occurs in the chest and side during movement, a sharp turn of the torso, or a sharp breath, then the cause may be a pinched nerve. The most unpleasant pain is caused by coughing. Despite clearly defined symptoms, intercostal neuralgia can be confused with pain in the heart (especially when the pain is localized on the left side of the chest).

Formations in the mammary glands

Benign and malignant neoplasms in the breast have a large number of symptoms, including an unpleasant “tingling” sensation. If there is pain, changes in the shape of the mammary glands, or lumps, you should consult a doctor.
Tumors require either drug treatment or surgery. Early diagnosis and therapy will allow you to quickly get rid of sharp stabbing sensations and other symptoms.

Heart diseases

Pain localized in the left side of the chest and its middle may indicate heart problems.
Systematic paroxysmal pain may be a sign of angina or coronary heart disease.

Spinal diseases

Unpleasant aching pain in the middle and on top of the chest, which occurs after training, staying in one position for a long time or during a sudden change in weather, may indicate diseases of the spine: severe scoliosis, osteochondrosis, hernias, consequences of impacts and injuries.

Endocrine disorders

If there is severe tingling in the chest, you should pay attention to possible problems with the thyroid gland. Painful sensations may indicate insufficient production of hormones or, conversely, their excess. To verify the presence or absence of a problem, you need to visit an endocrinologist.

Tingling during lactation

Breast tingling during feeding is common and does not require treatment. However, in some cases, a seemingly harmless tingling sensation can become a sign of lactostasis or mastitis, which requires treatment.


When feeding is accompanied by fever, itching, burning and pain in the chest, you should consult a doctor, as together these symptoms may indicate lactostasis. This disease consists of obstruction (blockage) of the milk ducts; it requires diagnosis and further treatment.


With incorrect breastfeeding, lumps form in the mammary gland, which cause acute pain and a feeling of tightness.

Mastitis is a common problem for women who have given birth; it usually occurs at the very beginning of lactation. Most often, pain occurs in only one breast, which eliminates most other possible diseases.

Mastitis is difficult to treat with medication, so doctors advise following recommendations and advice from the very first feeding to reduce the risk of the disease to zero.
Proper feeding includes compliance with the following points:

  • It is unacceptable to wear tight and constrictive clothing, this will lead to blockage of the milk ducts in the breast and provoke lactostasis.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the child grasps not only the papilla, but also the areola.
  • The feeding schedule is important; skipping is not allowed. If it is impossible to feed the baby, you should express the milk into a container using a breast pump.
  • You cannot feed a little boy or girl using only one breast. Proper feeding involves alternating breasts (the baby should alternately feed from the left and then from the right) and positions so that the milk does not stagnate and comes out completely.

Menopause and tingling in the chest

In adulthood and later old age (usually after 45 years), the production of sex hormones decreases and the postmenopausal period begins, which carries some unpleasant consequences, including pain in the mammary glands. They occur in most women and are most often the norm.

When taking medications containing sex hormones (especially without a doctor's prescription), unpleasant symptoms may intensify.

The first sign of taking the pills incorrectly will be nausea. Also, pain can arise from stressful situations and emotional experiences.
To get rid of unfavorable factors and minimize discomfort during menopause, it is recommended:

  1. Eliminate from your wardrobe tight clothes that squeeze your chest. T-shirts, sweaters and especially bras should fit properly to avoid squeezing the mammary glands, allowing the skin to breathe.
  2. Make an appointment with a massage therapist or do self-massage. It's easy and doesn't take much time.
  3. Adhere to basic hygiene rules to eliminate the risk of infectious diseases. Even a common cold can have a detrimental effect on women's health and breasts.
  4. Move and exercise as much as you can (you should start by doing morning exercises).
  5. Take care of your diet, enriching your diet with healthy vitamins and minerals.
  6. Get your daily routine in order, get up and go to bed at the same time.

How to get rid of the tingling feeling

If you have diseases that cause chest discomfort, you should visit a specialist with good reviews, get tested and choose the correct, comprehensive treatment plan. It may include both medication and surgery. After treatment is completed, the symptoms will go away.
When there is a tingling sensation in the breasts, and the tingling is caused by natural causes, you should adhere to several rules and recommendations. They will allow you to no longer encounter stabbing chest pain and discomfort.

  1. Caffeine-based drinks should be excluded from your diet.
  2. The wardrobe should not contain things that hinder movement and put pressure on the chest. This is especially true for bras. They will put pressure on the gland, and in response it will hurt and add discomfort to everyday life.
  3. Stress can cause pain. Avoid conflict situations and try not to get nervous.
  4. Self-examination using palpation for compactions and damage to the skin will allow you to identify the disease at the initial stage. A visit to the doctor will allow you to get all the necessary recommendations.

Tingling in the chest can periodically bother all women of reproductive age. Often these sensations are caused by a slight hormonal imbalance, but it also happens that the cause of tingling in the chest may not be at all harmless processes or diseases.

Every woman should take care of her health and, if problems of this kind arise, contact a gynecologist for a diagnosis and treatment. Let's look at the most common causes of tingling in the chest in women today. They can be conditionally divided into natural (non-hazardous) and pathological (hazardous to health).

When a woman is breastfeeding, she may also experience quite strong tingling in the mammary glands associated with the flow of milk, especially at the very beginning of the process. If such discomfort is not accompanied by fever and painful lumps, which is typical for lactostasis (blockage of the milk ducts), there is no need to panic.

A few days before the start of menstruation, some representatives of the fair sex begin to experience pain in the chest. This is due to hormonal fluctuations and occurs mostly on a regular basis.

In all other cases, a woman’s chest pain is pathological in nature and is most likely associated with one or another disease, which, however, does not necessarily affect the mammary glands themselves, but can also be a symptom of problems with the spine, thyroid gland, heart, etc.

Dangerous causes of tingling in the chest

Now let's look at more dangerous conditions in which a woman may feel tingling in the chest area. The most common causes of chest discomfort:

  • Mastopathy
  • Mastitis
  • Heart diseases
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Spinal problems
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • Breast formations


It is characterized by tingling in the mammary glands, sharp pain when squeezing the breasts and the formation of lumps that change in size depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. A gynecologist will help you cope with mastopathy.


Mastitis is a threat to any breastfeeding woman. The reason for its occurrence is often the incorrect organization of breastfeeding, when a nursing mother does not put the baby to the breast often enough or tries to feed him with only one breast, as a result of which milk stagnation occurs.

When a lump appears in a woman’s chest, accompanied by severe pain, redness and fever. Usually it occurs in either the left or right mammary gland, extremely rarely in both. If you do not take action in time and consult a doctor, mastitis can become purulent and require surgical intervention.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, chest pain occurs predominantly on the left, which is directly related to the location of the heart. Burning pain in the center of the chest may indicate a heart attack. Paroxysmal pain in the left side of the chest, which periodically bothers a woman, is most likely a sign of coronary heart disease or angina pectoris. A cardiologist deals with problems of the cardiovascular system.

Thyroid problems

The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of female sex hormones. If this organ does not work well enough or, on the contrary, produces hormones in excess (especially estrogen), a woman may experience pain in the breast area. With this problem you need to contact an endocrinologist.

Spinal problems

Acute pain in the chest and back that appears after physical overload, stress, or even a change in weather may indicate that a woman has a spinal disease such as. Pain may radiate to the chest area. For help in this case, you should first contact a therapist, who will then refer you to a neurologist or vertebrologist.

Intercostal neuralgia

With a disease such as intercostal neuralgia, sharp pain and slight tingling in the left or right side of the chest are possible (the localization of pain depends on the location of the pinched nerve endings). Often the pain intensifies when turning the body or making sudden movements.

The symptoms of intercostal neuralgia are quite deceptive, and patients often confuse this disease with problems of the cardiovascular system, thinking that they have heart pain. In any case, if you suspect pinched nerves, you should visit a neurologist.


Neoplasms of breastfeeding women can be both benign and malignant and are also accompanied by pain and tingling in the breast. Typically, with benign breast tumors, the symptoms remain unexpressed for a long time: the woman experiences only slight discomfort and does not associate it with any disease.

During a malignant process, spasms in the chest area and severe pain appear, the growth of the tumor is very rapid and there is no time to waste here. Therefore, if you suspect a tumor in the mammary gland, you should visit a mammologist.

The list of diseases, as you can see, is quite impressive. Only a competent specialist can determine which disease is giving you pain in the chest, so if you have frequent troubling tingling in the chest, you should go to a medical facility for examination and identify the cause of the pain.

Examination for chest pain in women

Depending on the nature of the pain, its cyclicity and your medical history, the local physician will refer you to the right specialist for examination. As part of the diagnosis of diseases, you will have to undergo the following procedures:

  • In-person examination
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (if mastopathy, neoplasms are suspected) and the thyroid gland
  • Mammography (if mastopathy or neoplasms are suspected)
  • Clinical tests
  • Biopsy (for neoplasms)
  • Electrocardiogram (if heart problems are suspected)
  • X-ray of the thoracic spine

A stabbing pain that occurs in the chest, especially affecting the left side of the torso, is an extremely alarming symptom. It may indicate the development of a pathological disorder in the form of vascular ischemia, hypertension, cardiomyopathy or heart disease. When colitis in the chest, this symptom can, in turn, signal problems of the musculoskeletal system, and the manifestation of diseases of the spleen, stomach, and large intestine can spread to the left side.

The human heart has a typical location, which occupies the borders from the upper edge of the 2nd rib on the right along an oblique line to the space between the 5th and 6th costal bones. Such great vessels as the superior vena cava, pulmonary trunk and aorta flow into the organ. To clearly identify a pain symptom, it is necessary to know the location of the organ and the structure of the occurrence of stabbing symptoms affecting the heart.

What reasons can provoke pain?

If there is colitis in the chest on the left, this may indicate the development of the following pathological processes that have their own characteristics:

  • Angina pectoris. The disease develops when blood circulation in the network of myocardial vessels is disrupted, and depending on the degree of damage, it determines the acute or sluggish stage of the disease. During an attack, patients experience a characteristic pain sign in the area where the heart is located, which radiates to the left limb and subscapular region.
  • Myocarditis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the muscular tissue of the heart, which develops against a background of prolonged chest pain combined with shortness of breath. A typical sign of pathology is a change in the rhythm of the organ’s beating with a periodic sensation of its stopping.
  • Pericarditis. It is an inflammatory reaction involving the cardiac sac - the tissue sac that covers the heart. With a pathological deviation, fluid may accumulate in its lumen. The pain affects not only the left, but also the right side of the body, subsiding when bending forward. The intensity of the manifestation of the sign decreases when taking a horizontal position face down.
  • Prolapse of the mitral passage system. The pathology affects a change in the valve functionality of the organ when it does not provide a tight connection of the valves, as a result of which they allow blood to pass through, bending into the area of ​​the left atrium. The disease is characterized by a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, weakness, and dizziness.

In addition to the listed pathologies, when intense colitis in the chest, the following can cause symptoms:

  • diseases of the spinal tract and ribs.

Factors that provoke the appearance of pain on the right

It is much more difficult to make a reliable diagnosis when the patient has colitis in the chest on the right. The retrosternal space contains many internal structures, and in order to clearly identify the process, the specialist conducts a thorough survey and examination, finding out all the subtleties of the current pathological abnormality.

Pathologies of the spinal tract are the most common cause of stabbing chest pain, including the following diseases:

  • costovertebral osteophytes;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • Tietze syndrome, etc.

The formation of pain symptoms is associated with the process of destruction of intervertebral cartilage tissue. As a result, severe compression of the nerve roots occurs, causing pain. In some cases, signs of osteochondrosis can completely characterize the condition of a heart attack. In this case, the patient should initially consult a cardiologist, who, if the diagnosis is not confirmed, will refer him to an orthopedist.

Development of colitis during the inhalation interval

If there is colitis in the chest when inhaling, the following conditions may be the causes of the development of the pathological disorder:

The main and rather alarming reasons for the formation of stabbing pain when inhaling are the development of angina pectoris, heart attack, pneumonia, and inflammation of the pleura. Diagnosis of pathology includes accurate identification of the source of pain, for this it is necessary to take into account the following indicators:

  1. Any internal structure of the body can cause alarming symptoms.
  2. In the chest area there is a rather complex neuromuscular plexus of tissues, causing pain through third-party causes or forming it in a distant part of the body.
  3. The retroperitoneal organs can also provoke stabbing pain in the chest.

What to do when there is colitis in the chest?

If any type of stabbing pain is detected in the chest area, the development of cardiac muscle infarction should be excluded; for this purpose, electrocardiography is performed. The presence of questionable pain indicators over a long interval leads to observation and examination of the patient in the hospital.

Based on the results of diagnosis and identification of the causes of pain discomfort, drug therapy includes the following measures:

  • anesthetics are prescribed;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids;
  • antimicrobials;
  • prompt correction of the condition is carried out in case of detection of blood clots, a tumor process, or the presence of a foreign object;
  • physiotherapy is effective;
  • It is recommended to maintain a balanced and limited diet with a complete rejection of bad habits;
  • for problems with the spinal tract, diuretics are used to relieve tissue compression by relieving their swelling.

A treatment plan is developed by a specialized specialist in each specific case of pathological deviation. It is based on the results of an examination of the current parameters of the patient’s condition.

Tingling in the mammary glands sometimes occurs in all girls without exception. This symptom is not necessarily a sign of a dangerous disease. Tingling occurs at the beginning of the cycle during menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation. Sometimes they also harass healthy girls. Let's figure out why there is tingling in the mammary gland, what is happening in the body and what does this symptom mean?

Absolutely all causes can be divided into two categories: natural causes and signs of disease. It is important to understand in time why the tingling appeared, so as not to miss a serious illness.

Among natural causes, there are three main ones:

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Menses

There is a kind of rapid test for some pathological causes not related to breast diseases:

  • Cardiovascular problems manifest themselves as tingling sensations on the skin on the left side. Very often, heart diseases are manifested by paresthesia, a feeling of skin numbness and goosebumps.
  • Diseases of the spine (most often osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region) are also accompanied by tingling in the mammary gland on the left side. If this symptom is accompanied by fatigue, problems with posture or headaches, it is necessary to treat the spine.
  • A common cause of strange chest symptoms is intercostal neuralgia. It disguises itself as diseases of the mammary glands, heart or spine.

It is best to contact a specialist. Modern diagnostics make it possible to accurately determine the problem, and it will be possible to begin treatment immediately. It is important to treat breast diseases at an early stage, before complications arise.

If none of the above reasons apply, you should more carefully evaluate the symptoms and read about other possible diseases of the mammary glands. Let's look at the most common ones.

Natural Causes of Tingling

There are a number of natural conditions for the female body that lead to the occurrence of such a symptom. They do not require special treatment.

  • Tingling in the mammary gland may occur during menstruation. This is a natural reaction of the body to changes in hormonal levels. Usually this symptom clearly manifests itself on the first day, along with other individual signs of the beginning of the cycle. Tingling may be accompanied by pain, swelling, and changes in emotional state. You should be concerned if the menstrual symptomatic complex interferes with normal life.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the chest often accompany pregnancy. They may subside and reappear throughout the ten months. They are caused by the restructuring of the mammary glands to feed the baby. All you can do is ask your doctor about safe symptomatic therapy.
  • Sometimes during lactation, nursing mothers notice that the mammary gland tingles. Discomfort may include pain, tenderness, and a feeling of pressure. Discomfort manifests itself most clearly in the first days of lactation. This is also normal: milk appears, changes occur in the mammary glands. As long as there is no sharp pain and lumps appear, there is nothing to worry about. But lumps and pain indicate the development of mastitis, for which you will have to consult a doctor for treatment.

These are the main natural causes of tingling. But there are also more dangerous conditions that need to be noticed in time in order to begin treatment at an early stage of the disease.

Pathological causes

The main pathologies that lead to tingling in the chest:

  • Mastitis and infectious diseases of the mammary glands.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Tumors, both benign and malignant.

Let's consider the symptoms and consequences of possible diseases.


Most often develops in the first weeks of lactation. It can also appear in non-breastfeeding women and then has an infectious nature. The main cause of mastitis is errors during breastfeeding. If you don’t feed your baby often enough, latch on incorrectly, or don’t express milk, lumps will form in the breasts and pain will appear. The skin of the breast turns red, may tingle and lose sensitivity.

The main treatment for breastfeeding women is decanting, following the rules and order of feeding. If mastitis is detected in a woman who is not breastfeeding, a test is ordered to detect the infection and appropriate antibiotics are prescribed.

Mastitis usually affects only one breast - left or right. Prevention consists of proper feeding and regular expression of milk with a special device, as well as maintaining hygiene.


May also cause tingling. Other symptoms: pain when pressed, a lump that can be easily felt on palpation and has clear contours. Symptoms disappear and then reappear as the menstrual cycle progresses.

Pain appears several days before menstruation. At an early stage, the disease practically does not manifest itself, so mastopathy can only be diagnosed using ultrasound or mammography.

Endocrinological diseases

Diseases of the endocrine system are closely related to breast diseases. Hyper and hypothyroidism can cause discomfort. An endocrinological disease needs to be treated, but you will have to be monitored by a mammologist.

Heart diseases

Malfunctions of the heart very often manifest themselves as tingling of the skin. Discomfort usually occurs on the left side and does not affect the right breast.

If a tingling sensation appears in the center of the chest and turns into a burning sensation - this is a sign of a heart attack, you need to call an ambulance. If symptoms occur periodically, angina may be suspected.

If you suspect heart disease, it is important to contact a cardiologist and undergo an examination.

Intercostal neuralgia

Neuralgia manifests itself with typical symptoms: tingling and sudden sharp pain. They are localized either in the right breast or in the left. Very often, patients with intercostal neuralgia mistake its manifestations for heart or chest disease. Only diagnostics will help determine the diagnosis. For examination, you need to contact a neurologist.

Spinal diseases

Tingling discomfort is typical for problems with the joints and spine. Unpleasant signs appear in the chest and back. Osteochondrosis is manifested by a number of symptoms, among which the main one is acute pain that is associated with stress or changes in weather. The pain radiates to the chest, but comes from the neck or thoracic spine.


Benign and malignant breast tumors may also be accompanied by tingling. This symptom is usually not the most alarming: changes in the shape of the breast, discharge from the nipples, and changes in the skin may be observed.

The main danger is that with oncology, symptoms may be absent for a long time. When the tumor grows, pain and burning appear. To eliminate the disease, long-term treatment is needed. Tumors are best treated in the early stages of development. To prevent breast cancer, you need to know its main symptoms and carry out self-diagnosis on time.

Tingling in the mammary glands sometimes occurs in all girls without exception. This symptom is not necessarily a sign of a dangerous disease. Tingling occurs at the beginning of the cycle during menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation. Sometimes they also harass healthy girls. Let's figure out why there is tingling in the mammary gland, what is happening in the body and what does this symptom mean?

Reasons and background

Absolutely all causes can be divided into two categories: natural causes and signs of disease. It is important to understand in time why the tingling appeared, so as not to miss a serious illness.

Among natural causes, there are three main ones:

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Menses

There is a kind of rapid test for some pathological causes not related to breast diseases:

  • Cardiovascular problems manifest themselves as tingling sensations on the skin on the left side. Very often, heart diseases are manifested by paresthesia, a feeling of skin numbness and goosebumps.
  • Diseases of the spine (most often osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic region) are also accompanied by tingling in the mammary gland on the left side. If this symptom is accompanied by fatigue, problems with posture or headaches, it is necessary to treat the spine.
  • A common cause of strange chest symptoms is intercostal neuralgia. It disguises itself as diseases of the mammary glands, heart or spine.

It is best to contact a specialist. Modern diagnostics make it possible to accurately determine the problem, and it will be possible to begin treatment immediately. It is important to treat breast diseases at an early stage, before complications arise.

If none of the above reasons apply, you should more carefully evaluate the symptoms and read about other possible diseases of the mammary glands. Let's look at the most common ones.

Natural Causes of Tingling

There are a number of natural conditions for the female body that lead to the occurrence of such a symptom. They do not require special treatment.

  • Tingling in the mammary gland may occur during menstruation. This is a natural reaction of the body to changes in hormonal levels. Usually this symptom clearly manifests itself on the first day, along with other individual signs of the beginning of the cycle. Tingling may be accompanied by pain, swelling, and changes in emotional state. You should be concerned if the menstrual symptomatic complex interferes with normal life.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the chest often accompany pregnancy. They may subside and reappear throughout the ten months. They are caused by the restructuring of the mammary glands to feed the baby. All you can do is ask your doctor about safe symptomatic therapy.
  • Sometimes during lactation, nursing mothers notice that the mammary gland tingles. Discomfort may include pain, tenderness, and a feeling of pressure. Discomfort manifests itself most clearly in the first days of lactation. This is also normal: milk appears, changes occur in the mammary glands. As long as there is no sharp pain and lumps appear, there is nothing to worry about. But lumps and pain indicate the development of mastitis, for which you will have to consult a doctor for treatment.

These are the main natural causes of tingling. But there are also more dangerous conditions that need to be noticed in time in order to begin treatment at an early stage of the disease.

Pathological causes

The main pathologies that lead to tingling in the chest:

  • Mastitis and infectious diseases of the mammary glands.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Tumors, both benign and malignant.

Let's consider the symptoms and consequences of possible diseases.


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Most often develops in the first weeks of lactation. It can also appear in non-breastfeeding women and then has an infectious nature. The main cause of mastitis is errors during breastfeeding. If you don’t feed your baby often enough, latch on incorrectly, or don’t express milk, lumps will form in the breasts and pain will appear. The skin of the breast turns red, may tingle and lose sensitivity.

The main treatment for breastfeeding women is decanting, following the rules and order of feeding. If mastitis is detected in a woman who is not breastfeeding, a test is ordered to detect the infection and appropriate antibiotics are prescribed.

Mastitis usually affects only one breast - left or right. Prevention consists of proper feeding and regular expression of milk with a special device, as well as maintaining hygiene.


It may also manifest itself as tingling. Other symptoms: pain when pressed, a lump that can be easily felt on palpation and has clear contours. Symptoms disappear and then reappear as the menstrual cycle progresses.

Pain appears several days before menstruation. At an early stage, the disease practically does not manifest itself, so mastopathy can only be diagnosed using ultrasound or mammography.

Endocrinological diseases

Diseases of the endocrine system are closely related to breast diseases. Hyper and hypothyroidism can cause discomfort. An endocrinological disease needs to be treated, but you will have to be monitored by a mammologist.

Heart diseases

Malfunctions of the heart very often manifest themselves as tingling of the skin. Discomfort usually occurs on the left side and does not affect the right breast.

If a tingling sensation appears in the center of the chest and turns into a burning sensation - this is a sign of a heart attack, you need to call an ambulance. If symptoms occur periodically, angina may be suspected.

If you suspect heart disease, it is important to contact a cardiologist and undergo an examination.

Intercostal neuralgia

Neuralgia manifests itself with typical symptoms: tingling and sudden sharp pain. They are localized either in the right breast or in the left. Very often, patients with intercostal neuralgia mistake its manifestations for heart or chest disease. Only diagnostics will help determine the diagnosis. For examination, you need to contact a neurologist.

Spinal diseases

Tingling discomfort is typical for problems with the joints and spine. Unpleasant signs appear in the chest and back. Osteochondrosis is manifested by a number of symptoms, among which the main one is acute pain that is associated with stress or changes in weather. The pain radiates to the chest, but comes from the neck or thoracic spine.


Benign and malignant breast tumors may also be accompanied by tingling. This symptom is usually not the most alarming: changes in the shape of the breast, discharge from the nipples, and changes in the skin may be observed.

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that all your attempts to combat chest pain have not been successful... Have you even read anything about medications designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because mastopathy can be fatal to humans - it can develop very quickly.

  • Frequent chest pain
  • Discomfort
  • Experiences
  • Discharge
  • Skin changes
Surely you know these symptoms firsthand. But is it possible to defeat the infection without harming yourself? Read the article about effective, modern ways to effectively combat mastopathy and more... Read the article...

The main danger is that with oncology, symptoms may be absent for a long time. When the tumor grows, pain and burning appear. To eliminate the disease, long-term treatment is needed. Tumors are best treated in the early stages of development. To prevent breast cancer, you need to know its main symptoms and carry out self-diagnosis on time.

What can cause tingling in the chest?

Tingling in the mammary gland is not a rare occurrence for which a woman can consult a doctor. There can be many reasons for the appearance of such sensations, and the feeling can arise in both glands, or only in the left or only in the right. Most often, when describing any sensations in the chest, women choose the word “tingling,” and this symptom is especially common among those who are of reproductive age.

All pain in the mammary gland can be divided into two large groups depending on the reasons for these feelings.

Harmless tingling sensation

Stitching pain in the chest can occur in women during the premenstrual period. Such pain is not considered dangerous and cannot be treated in any way. The sensations are formed due to the fact that the hormone-dependent tissue of the gland grows slightly and compresses the nerve endings.

Pain associated with menstruation can occur in the left or right breast, or it can affect both glands.

Stitching sensations in the chest can develop during pregnancy. The reasons are the same as in the premenstrual period: the hormone-dependent gland tissue grows, preparing to provide the baby with milk, which is why the nerve endings are compressed.

Sensations can also accompany the process of breastfeeding. True, in this case, the woman should treat herself with maximum attention, since not all stabbing pains in the left or right breast are normal during this period.

The fact is that during breastfeeding, pain can not only be harmless and natural, but also be evidence of the development of pathology. If the glands become swollen, and lumps can be felt in them, this indicates that mastitis is developing and it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

If not one of the periods is happening in a woman’s life at the moment, then the pain is most likely caused by some pathology. In this case, it is recommended to contact not only a mammologist, but also consult a therapist.

Dangerous tingling

Stitching pain in the left or right mammary gland is not a symptom of any one disease, so if these sensations develop, you should not engage in self-diagnosis; it is better to consult a professional.

The most common causes of stabbing pain in the left or right breast may be the following:

Tingling under left breast

If only the left breast hurts, or rather even under it, then the reasons are rarely safe and you should not worry about them.

Most often, pain on the left under the breast is formed due to:

Stitching pain in the gland is formed not only due to harmless cyclic changes. It can become a sign of serious pathology. If a woman is not sure that everything is fine, then it is better to play it safe and once again seek help from a doctor.

It is necessary to pay close attention to yourself and note whether the pain is associated with the menstrual cycle or other physiological changes in the body. If the answer is yes, then there is no need to worry.

If not, then you should start looking for the causes of this unpleasant pathology and treat them.

Tingling in the mammary gland

Often girls have complaints of various kinds of tingling in the chest. And they are not always harmless - sometimes they indicate the development of a disease.

Tingling in the mammary gland - causes

Chest pain is usually divided into two types depending on what causes it:

  • cyclic;
  • non-cyclical.

Painful manifestations in the form of tingling can be caused by a number of changes occurring inside the glandular tissue:

  1. The most common cause is the menstrual cycle, when regularly, a few days before menstruation, the breasts swell, giving a feeling of stabbing in the mammary gland.
  2. During pregnancy or lactation, when the milk ducts are modified and prepared for the feeding process.
  3. Mastopathy in its development stage, as well as neoplasms and fatty tissues, also cause tingling.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland (disturbances in its production of female sex hormones cause similar pain).
  5. The formation of a sebaceous gland cyst sometimes also causes tingling in the mammary gland.
  6. The formation of benign or, what is much more dangerous, malignant tumors.

The first two causes (cyclic) cannot be considered symptoms of the disease, but only side effects of natural processes occurring in the body of a woman of reproductive age. The rest are a real cause for concern when it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and mammologist for a full examination.

Features of tingling pain in the mammary gland

Before you panic and look for signs of a terrible illness, you need to carefully listen to the pain and observe it. If there is a stabbing sensation in the left mammary gland, this may indicate the presence of problems:

  • with the heart (sometimes such pain is felt in the superficial tissues in the chest area);
  • with the spine (tingling pain syndrome can be provoked by cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis, which also “bounces” in the area of ​​the left mammary gland);
  • intercostal neuralgia (it is often disguised as cardiac or intrathoracic pain).

If tingling is not associated with menstruation or pregnancy, causing significant pain and discomfort, then you should immediately contact a mammologist to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment at an early stage of the disease.

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Causes of tingling in the mammary gland

When asked whether you have ever experienced tingling in the mammary gland, most women will answer in the affirmative. The reasons for such discomfort may, of course, be harmless. But sometimes such sensations are caused by pathologies. Just don’t immediately panic and think, for example, about cancer. Let's figure out what this might be connected with.

Tingling in the mammary glands is a common phenomenon. We can say for sure that every woman has experienced it at least once in her life. It can stab in both or one breast. Very often women of reproductive age face this problem. Doctors call painful sensations in the mammary gland the term “mastalgia.” Doctors advise not to ignore any unusual sensations in the chest, because they may be associated with mammological diseases that require serious and timely treatment.

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Let's try to find the answer to why tingling “sounds” in the chest, when it is dangerous, and when it is related to the physiological characteristics of the female body or her special condition.

Common: Non-Dangerous Causes of Tingling

Let's start with the physiological reasons that cause tingling in the mammary gland:

  • menstruation or a few days before the start of menstruation. During this period, the hormonal levels in the female body change dramatically. This process is often accompanied by moderate pain in the mammary gland, which women describe as tingling. Such sensations are repeated regularly - every month before the onset of “critical days”;
  • ovulation. Many women have what is called ovulatory syndrome. They feel the release of the egg from the follicle, and in the literal sense of the word. And one of the specific sensations that occurs on such days is “needles” in the mammary glands;
  • pregnancy. At this happy time, the expectant mother’s body is intensively preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding. This is the reason for the discomfort in the chest;
  • lactation. Quite noticeable tingling and tugging pain - these sensations accompany the feeding process in some women. They arise because milk is being formed in the body, the milk ducts are changing, and this does not pose a threat to the woman’s life. But, unfortunately, pain can also indicate the development of mastitis, so if such discomfort occurs, you need to examine your breasts. If any lumps are detected, it is better to see a doctor.

There is a problem: pathological factors causing breast pain

Whatever the pain in the mammary gland - stabbing, aching, bursting, it can signal disease. Moreover, these are not always the diseases that a mammologist deals with. Such sensations occur with heart pathologies, disorders of the thyroid gland and other diseases. For example, they can be triggered by the spine.

Here are the most common pathological causes of tingling that require urgent and competent treatment:

  • mastopathy and mastitis. Many new mothers are aware of the problem of tingling in the mammary gland during lactation. This often happens when breastfeeding is not done correctly - if you rarely give your baby the breast, do not change it at each feeding, and do not express the remaining milk. In addition to pain, a woman can detect lumps through self-examination. Even if she did not find any lumps in the mammary glands, but noticed symptoms such as redness or blueness of the skin around the nipples, acute pain when pressed, it is better to visit a doctor and do an ultrasound. Mastitis usually develops in one of the glands. Mastopathy is characterized by increased pain two days before menstruation;
  • cyst. As a rule, it does not cause severe pain. But if a nerve bursts or is compressed, a stabbing pain will begin to bother you. With this pathology, the help of surgeons is required, since the cyst will have to be removed;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system. It is heart problems that can cause “colitis” in the left chest. The pain in this case will be felt as tingling and burning, which is sometimes accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances, shortness of breath, and a state of panic;
  • intercostal neuralgia. A rather unpleasant condition that causes stabbing pain or mild tingling in the left or right breast. They intensify when the body turns. The location of the pain depends on which nerve is affected. It is quite difficult to distinguish such pain from heart pain; you will have to do an ECG;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Since it is this gland that ensures the production of sex hormones, its dysfunction can result in a disruption in the formation of estrogen. This will lead to problems with the mammary glands. But it is almost impossible to find out on your own about hormonal imbalance - you need to visit an endocrinologist and get tested;
  • sick spine and joint problems. When vertebrae are displaced, poor posture, salt deposits, or osteochondrosis, nerves and blood vessels are compressed. This is also manifested by tingling in the back and chest. Their intensity depends on weather conditions, stressful situations and physical activity;

  • tumors. Neoplasms can also manifest themselves in this way. Mostly they are benign. Such tumors, unlike cancerous ones, grow slowly. Unfortunately, cancer is still detected in 2% of cases. If a malignant tumor grows in the mammary gland, then at first this process is asymptomatic. Then the woman begins to feel severe cramps in her chest. The mammary gland may change its shape, sometimes purulent discharge appears (but this is all in the later stages), the temperature rises, and a painful lump is felt in the chest. At the slightest suspicion of cancer, you should contact a mammologist as soon as possible.