Providing first aid at altitude. Injury from falling from height

Research shows that regular (even moderate) strength training reduces the risk of falling by 65%. And if we supplement strength training with coordination exercises (for example, dancing), then no amount of ice will defeat us! But if a fitness club is only in your plans, then please read the rules of first aid in case of a fall on ice. Tells doctor general practice Vladimir Yashin.

Both adults and children can fall after slipping on ice, but first aid measures are approximately the same for both. What are they?

Just a bruise

A bruise is a nuisance that each of us has encountered. The signs of a bruise are simple and familiar from childhood: pain, usually slight, that occurs at the moment of impact. Soon after this, it subsides, and swelling forms at the site of the bruise. It can be limited or diffuse, depending on the properties of the tissue and the degree of its damage. Bruising (bruise) appears after a few hours with a superficial bruise or after 2-3 days with a deep tissue injury.

First aid aimed at reducing hemorrhage and relieving pain. To stop internal bleeding the bruise site is cooled. To do this, use ice from the freezer, cold compress or other available funds(wet cloth, cold object). In case of large subcutaneous hemorrhage, the duration of cold action should be limited due to the danger of skin necrosis.

What if it’s dislocated?

Dislocation is a persistent displacement of the ends of the bones that make up any joint. This trouble occurs when the joint capsule (that is, the ligaments that hold the joint) ruptures. Dislocations most often occur due to a fall or blow, but sometimes they can also occur due to awkward movement.

The main characteristic of a dislocation is sharp pain at the time of injury and intense after it. The function of the limb is impaired and normal movements in the joint are impossible. A forced typical position of the limb is noted, for example, an arm dislocated at the shoulder is bent at the elbow and slightly abducted from the body. Leg with dislocation hip joint bent and turned with the toe inward (rarely outward).

First aid aimed at reducing pain and delaying the development of edema. To do this, cold is applied to the damaged joint and the limb is fixed - the arm is hung on a scarf or bandaged to the chest, and the leg is covered with soft objects in the position in which it finds itself. The victim must be urgently taken to the emergency room or hospital, with a dislocated arm in a sitting position, and with a dislocated leg only while lying down. You cannot adjust dislocations yourself under any circumstances.

Sprain or fracture?

The most common ice-related injury is a sprain. ankle joint. Amateurs especially often encounter this problem. high heels. As a result of the “twisted leg,” a sprain of the ligaments, a rupture or a fracture of the bones of the ankle joint can occur. How to understand what happened? Sprained ligaments signal about themselves aching pain, which periodically subsides and resumes with awkward movement. Torn or completely torn ligaments hurt so much that it is unlikely that you will be able to endure this trouble for a long time. As for the fracture, it may not be that painful.

To distinguish it from a sprain, gently apply pressure to both sides of the protruding ankle bone. If pain is felt during this manipulation, a fracture may be suspected - this is a reason to go to the emergency room. If there is no pain, it is most likely a sprain. In this case, the joint needs rest, cold packs immediately after the injury and dry heat the next day. If you need to actively walk, use an elastic bandage.

Fracture is different from fracture

Fractures, as we know from the film “The Diamond Arm,” are closed (without violation skin) and open (with their rupture). We will talk about the most common type of fracture - closed. It is characterized by severe pain at the site of injury, which intensifies when trying to move an arm or leg. Tissue swelling also develops.

First aid. First of all, it is necessary to immobilize the limb to relieve pain and prevent displacement of bone fragments. This is done using a standard tire or improvised means - for example, a plank, a narrow piece of plywood, or stiff wire. The splint should be of such length that it covers two joints adjacent to the damaged part of the body. And if you suspect a fracture of the shoulder or hip, three joints should be immobilized. The limb is fixed to the splint with a bandage, scarf, belt or other available means, and then the victim is sent to the emergency room or hospital.

Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injuries include concussions and fractures of the vault or base of the skull. A skull fracture is usually associated with a serious car accident or similar impact injury, while a concussion can occur even from a fall in the street. Quite often, a concussion is combined with a brain contusion.

Signs of a concussion include: headache, tinnitus, dizziness and nausea. Externally, pallor, lethargy and drowsiness are noted. Almost one hundred percent of a concussion is indicated by one of the following signs: loss of consciousness at the time of injury even for a few seconds, vomiting (single or multiple), loss of memory of the events preceding the injury.

First aid is aimed at preventing vomit from entering the respiratory tract during vomiting. The victim must be placed in a supine position and a cold pack placed on the head. After a person has been examined in an emergency room or hospital, he will have to remain in bed for at least a week.


Concussion - more minor injury rather than a brain injury. Most often, brain contusion occurs during an accident: in this case, the brain hits cranium from the inside twice - during sudden braking and rolling back. In case of a brain injury, internal swelling and hemorrhages in the brain are possible.

Question: How to walk in icy conditions without falling?

Editor's response:

Elderly people are recommended to use a cane with a rubber tip or a special stick with pointed spikes. If you slip, sit down to reduce the height of your fall. To avoid fractures when falling, do not put your arm forward, try to keep your legs together.

Before crossing the road, it is best to wait once again for a car to pass, and not cross directly in front of it, even if it seems to you that it is far enough away. Otherwise, you may fall and not have time to get up. In this case, you risk ending up in a hospital bed as a result of an accident.

Try not to wear high heels in icy conditions. It is better to wear shoes with flat soles, preferably made of rubber with treads that do not harden at low temperatures.

Regardless of what shoes you wear in winter, when it’s icy, walk as if you were wearing skis. It is advisable to step on the entire sole and do not raise your feet high when walking. If possible, it is better not to walk, but to slide. If you have slippery shoes, you can give them grip. There are several ways to do this.

Rubber prevention

The easiest option is to take your shoes to the nearest shoe shop and ask for “slip prevention.” You will have a special rubber pad on your soles and heels, which will protect your shoes from ice.

Medical patch

You can buy a regular medical plaster, cut small pieces from it and stick them on the sole. The patch prevents slipping well, but, unfortunately, it quickly gets wet and peels off. But it is impossible to predict how long the patch will stay on the sole. As a rule, from several hours to two - three days. That's why it's a good idea to carry a supply of patches with you so you can update your stickers when you're out and about.


Anti-slip protection can also be made from old unnecessary felt boots. To do this, you need to cut small pieces of felt from the boot and glue them with waterproof glue or Moment glue to the heels and soles. To ensure that the glue on your boots dries completely, do not go outside wearing these shoes for 24 hours. This method effectively prevents slipping, but over time the felt wears off.


The soles of old boots can be rubbed with sandpaper - new shoes such prevention from slipping will ruin it. In addition, this radical method will not be as effective as the previous ones, since with active wear, the sole of the boots is naturally polished and begins to slide. After a few days, the boots will have to be polished again.

Ice access

If the ice is very strong, you can try special anti-slip pads on the soles - ice pads. They have a universal size, are sold in sports and hardware stores and reliably protect against falls.

AiF infographics

Ice is especially dangerous for older people, as it can lead to a hip fracture, which is difficult to treat and after which it takes a long time to recover. Therefore, if you do not walk very confidently, before leaving the house it is better to grab a cane or a long umbrella, which will become additional support.

When choosing clothes for the winter, remember that it should not only be warm, but also comfortable, because sometimes, when balancing on ice, you have to actively swing your arms. It is also better to avoid any clothing that restricts movement. In particular, tight skirts and trousers - no best clothes for winter.

Rule of politeness

If you see a passerby swaying or already falling next to you, you should not run away for fear that he will hit you. On the contrary, show solidarity - extend your hand and help maintain balance.

If you feel like you are falling, in the first minutes, try to move your body and body weight forward and to your side. In this case, your hands will reflexively help you weaken the force of the fall. Under no circumstances should you fall back.

If you do fall, go to a traumatologist, even if there is no noticeable bruise. Firstly, not all injuries manifest themselves immediately, and secondly, sometimes not even strong pain may speak of a dislocation, but put accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can.

Conclusion. Tips from Infonarod

We are grateful to the weekly "Arguments and Facts" for useful and current advice. We will only add that if you lose balance, it is best to bend your knees and sit gently on one buttock, remove your elbows, press your chin to your chest, and, if necessary, gently roll onto your side. By going down in this position, you will not hit your tailbone, elbows, or head.

Before putting the advice into practice, it is better to practice at home, on soft matting, or in the snow, after making sure that there are no hard or sharp objects under the snow.

Good luck everyone!

First medical aid for electric shock and other accidents (drowning, falling from a height, filling with soil, etc.). Prevention of defeats. Emergency medical care for victims

First aid for electric shock. Prevention of defeats. Emergency medical care for victims

In case of natural disasters, industrial accidents, malfunctions of electrical appliances, exposure to lightning and other accidents, people may be injured by electric shock - electrical injuries.

They call painful sensations, convulsive muscle contractions, disruption of the activity of nerve centers, respiratory and circulatory organs. It may also be observed immediate death. At the site of contact with the source of damage, so-called current signs appear, sometimes burns varying degrees, up to charring and combustion individual parts bodies. The severity of electrical injury depends on the magnitude and degree of exposure to the current and the paths through which it passes through the body.

Electric shock is possible due to unauthorized overcoming of electrified wire fences used for the protection and defense of various objects, including military ones.

Electric shock occurs not only from touching a source of electricity, but also when approaching high voltage installations at a distance sufficient to form a spark or arc.

FIRST AID FOR ELECTRICAL INJURY. A person who has come under voltage must first of all be freed from the effects of electric current as quickly as possible (Fig. 1). If it is impossible to turn off the current with a switch, knife switch, or unscrew the electrical plugs, you need to cut the wires with an ax with a wooden handle or a tool whose handle is wrapped in insulating material. To avoid short circuits and burns, wires twisted into a cord should be crossed one at a time, at some distance from each other.

Rice. 1. Freeing the victim from the action of electric current

You can remove wires or the conductive part of a live object with a dry board, stick, pole, dry roll of an overcoat and other objects.

When electricity passes through the victim’s body into the ground, you need to move a dry board or other insulating material under his feet. It is very important to take precautions to avoid getting energized yourself. In this case, it is advisable to use rubber gloves and rubber shoes.

Victims of lightning often suffer severe injuries - severed limbs, crushed bones, paralysis of limbs, etc. Characteristic is the appearance on the skin of a sinuous, branchy pattern of reddish color.

After releasing the victim from the action of the current, in case of stopping breathing and heartbeat, it is necessary to immediately begin closed heart massage and expiratory breathing “from mouth to mouth” or “from mouth to nose”. The success of resuscitation is determined by the timeliness of the start of these measures - they should be carried out, as a rule, no later than 1-2 minutes after an electric shock.

If breathing and heartbeat are maintained, but the victim is unconscious, he needs to unfasten his clothes, ensure the flow of fresh air, let me smell ammonia or spray your face with water and evacuate the victim in a stabilized lateral position medical institution.

The conscious victim must be laid down without being allowed to remain on his feet, as complications associated with severe violation blood circulation and metabolism. A sterile bandage is applied to the burned areas of the body. The victim should be protected from cooling.

For objective assessment severity of condition and purpose further treatment It is necessary to call a doctor to the scene of the incident as quickly as possible.

Prevention of electrical injuries consists of strictly complying with safety requirements during installation, operation and repair of electrical installations and electrical appliances.

First aid for drowning. Warning. Emergency medical care for victims
Drowning usually occurs as a result of neglecting bathing rules. The causes of drowning may be inability to swim, malaise, overwork, previous overheating, alcohol intoxication, fright of a person in the water. Sometimes they drown because they overestimate their capabilities even good swimmers. Drowning occurs when crossing water barriers, natural disasters associated with floods and high water rises.

When rescuing a drowning person, you should first take care of your own safety. A drowning person is characterized by convulsive, not always sufficiently conscious movements, which can represent serious danger for the rescuer.

You should swim up to the drowning person from behind and, grabbing him by the hair or armpits, turn him face up so that he is above the water. The victim must be pulled out of the water as quickly as possible and freed from clothing that makes breathing difficult (unfasten the collar, waist belt, etc.).

Rice. 2. Removing water from respiratory tract

After this, the rescuer places the victim with his stomach on the thigh of his leg bent at the knee, face down, so that the victim’s head is lower than the body, and cleans the oral cavity of silt, sand, and mucus. Then, by vigorous pressure on the body, the lungs and stomach are freed from water. No more than 20-30 seconds should be spent on clearing the airways and freeing them from water. (Fig. 2).

If the victim is not breathing, it is necessary, without wasting a minute, to begin resuscitation measures.

It is possible to restore the victim’s vital functions if the person stayed under water for no more than 5 minutes, and he was immediately provided with assistance. However, there are cases when, due to spasm

the larynx, the lungs do not fill with water, and the heart continues to work for some time. In these cases, rescue is possible even after a person has been under water for half an hour.

It should be remembered that artificial respiration And indoor massage hearts are only primary measures.

To determine the severity of the condition and further treatment, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor and, if possible, quickly transport the victim to a medical facility, where resuscitation measures should be continued in full.

First aid for a fall from a height. Warning. Emergency medical care for victims
When falling from a height, the most mild damage the victim may be bruised.

Swelling quickly appears at the site of the injury, and bruising is also possible. When breaking large vessels Collections of blood (hematomas) may form under the skin.

In case of a bruise, first of all, it is necessary to create rest for the damaged organ. A pressure bandage should be applied to the area of ​​the bruise and this area of ​​the body should be exalted position, which helps stop further hemorrhage in the soft fabrics. To reduce pain and inflammatory phenomena Cold is applied to the site of the injury - an ice pack, cold compresses.

When falling from a height to various areas open bleeding wounds often appear on the body. They can cause most deaths due to acute blood loss, therefore, the first measures should be aimed at stopping bleeding by any possible way(pressure of the vessel, pressure bandage, and with pronounced arterial or venous bleeding- applying a tourniquet, etc.). An equally important task of first aid is to protect the wound from contamination and infection. Proper processing wound prevents the development of complications in the wound and reduces its healing time by almost 3 times.

Treatment of the wound should be done with clean, preferably disinfected hands. When applying an aseptic dressing, you should not touch with your hands those layers of gauze that will be in direct contact with the wound.

The wound can be protected by simply applying an aseptic dressing (bandage, individual bag, scarf). The skin around the wound is lubricated with 5% iodine tincture, and loose foreign bodies are removed from the wound.

When providing first aid to a patient with a penetrating chest wound, it is necessary to stop the communication as soon as possible using a sealing bandage pleural cavity With external environment.

The wound should not be washed with water - this promotes infection. Cauterizing antiseptic substances should not be allowed to enter the wound surface. The wound should not be covered with powders, ointment should not be applied to it, and it should not be applied directly. wound surface apply cotton wool - all this contributes to the development of infection in the wound.

Another result of a fall can be a fracture. A fracture is a break in the integrity of a bone.

Fractures are divided into closed (without damage to the skin) and open, in which there is damage to the skin in the fracture area. A fracture is characterized by: sharp pain, intensifying with any movement and load on the limb, change in the position and shape of the limb, disruption of its function (inability to use the limb), the appearance of swelling and bruising in the fracture area, shortening of the limb, pathological (abnormal) bone mobility.

The main task of first aid for bone fractures is to immediately immobilize the bone fragments by immobilizing the limb (limb immobilization). This is done by applying a splint. The tire can be standard (service) or made from available material (boards, pieces of plywood, sticks, weapons, etc.).

Basic first aid measures for bone fractures:

Creating bone immobility in the fracture area;

Carrying out measures aimed at combating shock or preventing it;

Organizing the immediate delivery of the victim to a medical facility.

Rapid creation of bone immobility in the fracture area - immobilization reduces pain and is the main point in preventing shock. Limb immobilization is achieved by applying transport tires or tires made from available hard material.

The splint must be applied directly at the scene of the incident and only after that the patient must be transported.

In case of an open fracture, an aseptic bandage must be applied before immobilizing the limb. If there is bleeding from a wound, methods of temporarily stopping bleeding should be used (pressure bandage, tourniquet, etc.) and an anesthetic should be administered from a syringe tube in an individual first aid kit.

First aid when backfilling with soil. Warning. Emergency medical care for victims
Victims who find themselves under the rubble of buildings, defensive structures, etc. may have various damages, and also be in a state of acute hypoxia from suffocation caused by blockage of the respiratory tract with dust, earth, lack of air, compression of the chest and neck.

After carefully removing the victim from the collapse, his mouth and nose are cleaned and, if necessary, resuscitation measures are performed. After the victim's recovery spontaneous breathing if necessary, carry out anti-shock measures, apply a bandage, immobilize fractures, and then evacuate to a medical facility.

Particular attention is paid to identifying the fact prolonged compression the victim. A peculiar complex of disorders, called compression syndrome, arises and develops as a result of prolonged (over 3 hours) compression of soft tissues - more often lower limbs. This syndrome develops after the resumption of blood circulation upon release from prolonged tissue compression. The severity of the victims’ condition depends on the extent of the soft tissue damage and the duration of their stay under the rubble. On the limbs that have been subjected to prolonged compression, pallor and sometimes bluish spots are observed. The general condition of the victims is usually not alarming at first. However, after a few hours, a bluish-purple coloration of the limb appears, and blisters filled with bloody contents appear on the skin. Subsequently, tissue necrosis is observed. Absorption of toxic decay products of damaged tissues leads to sharp deterioration general condition affected, kidney function is especially significantly reduced. A complete cessation of urine output is possible.

If signs of prolonged compression are established, the victims are considered seriously affected, regardless of their condition. Helping them medical care begin with quick fix compression, tight bandaging (from the foot) and transport immobilization of the injured limb. It is necessary to administer the analgesic from a syringe tube. In case of severe injuries to the limb, a tourniquet is applied.

And no one is insured against other serious troubles, so everyone should know the basics of first aid at home and at work.

A fall from a height “provides” for the victim multiple injuries, ranging from bruises to extensive rupture internal organs. How eyewitnesses to the tragedy will act when providing assistance first aid, as well as the speed of delivery of the victim to a medical facility depends on the safety of his life.

Types of injury after a fall

The localization, severity and extent of injuries depends on the distance that the person “flew”. If it was insignificant (less than human height), the victim may receive the following injuries:

  • And bone tissue;
  • Soft tissue bruises;
  • Abrasions, hematomas.

Hit human body on the ground as a result of falling from high altitude can cause most deaths due to the following injuries:

  • Fracture spinal column;
  • which are accompanied by hemorrhage;
  • Ruptures of internal organs;
  • Extensive bleeding of external and internal nature;
  • Numerous combined fractures of bone tissue.

After a person falls, it is important to correctly assess the situation in order to quickly navigate the methods of providing assistance. emergency care. Let's consider the algorithm of actions of eyewitnesses in the event of damage various localizations and heaviness.

First steps in emergency care

First aid for a fall from a small height begins with diagnostic measures, which allow you to assess the condition of the victim:

  • Conduct an external examination of the victim’s body and head, identifying the presence of abrasions, skin damage and open wounds;
  • Ask him to make movements with his fingertips to make sure that the spine is not damaged;
  • Movement of the arms and legs will eliminate the presence of fractures;
  • Interview the victim about violations in general health: dizziness, drowsiness, attacks of nausea. These signs indicate a concussion.

The absence of visible open injuries, swelling, or impairment of consciousness indicates minor injury. In this case, a cold compress is placed on the bruised area, and then abrasions and small wounds treated with an antiseptic. The victim must be accompanied home, warning his family about the incident.

If swelling quickly appears in the injured area, this indicates a dislocation. To reduce swelling, use cold as a compress. Then a pressure bandage must be applied to the site of the injury and the patient must be taken to the nearest medical institution. After all, with any injury to the bones, you need to immediately take a picture to rule out the presence.

Among injuries received after a fall from a height, the leading positions are occupied by fractures of the limbs and spine. Another result of a fall is often open, bleeding wounds. Let's consider how you can help a victim with such serious injuries.

Dangerous injuries

As you know, fractures are divided into closed and closed. If the damage to bone tissue is of an open type, there is no doubt about its presence: from deep wound bone fragments are visible. If the bone is damaged, but there is no soft tissue, a fracture can be determined by indirect signs: A limb undergoes a change in position and shape.

The main task of first aid for fractures is to ensure maximum immobility of the broken bones. For this purpose, limb immobilization is used. This is done by completely immobilizing it with the help of special or improvised devices (skis, sticks).

If you witness a person fall from a significant height, your actions must be coordinated and quick:

  • Call an ambulance immediately;
  • After carefully removing the victim from the place of the fall (see picture above) onto a flat surface, a quick diagnosis of his condition is quickly carried out;
  • IN mandatory it is necessary to create peace for the patient;
  • If a fracture is detected or there is suspicion of its presence, immobilization is quickly carried out at the site of the injury;
  • Severe bleeding must be stopped in any possible way: by pressing the vessel with a finger, by applying a sterile pressure bandage for venous blood loss in case of damage to the arteries.


Providing medical care must be done very carefully. The patient should not be moved or actively turned over to minimize the risk of damage to internal organs from broken bone parts.

If the victim shows no signs of life, check for pulsation in the area carotid artery, placing your index and middle fingers on it.

If there is a pulse and breathing is preserved, then rescuers do not need to do anything else: after ensuring the victim is at peace, they need to wait for the doctors to arrive. The exception is the presence of bleeding, which is stopped in any case, as described above.

In this case, you should pay attention to dressing materials that will be in direct contact with the wound: if possible, you should use sterile bandages. Remember to disinfect the skin around the wound, as well as the rescuer’s hands, before treating the injured area. If it contains foreign objects remove them carefully.

When treating a wound, remember what you should absolutely not do:

  • Wash it with water;
  • Lubricate its internal part with antiseptics;
  • Put ointment in it;
  • Fill with powders;
  • Cover with cotton wool.

All these actions will lead to additional infection of the wound.

If breathing and circulation are impaired, it can be observed. In this case, resuscitation measures begin immediately. Moreover, it is important to avoid pressing or bending the patient’s neck. So to set free oral cavity from foreign objects and proceed to, the victim’s head is held between the knees. A collar is then placed around the neck to stabilize its position.

Other urgent action perform medical workers using special devices and medications.

When falling from a height, the slightest injury to the victim may be a bruise.
Swelling quickly appears at the site of the injury, and bruising is also possible. When large vessels rupture under the skin, accumulations of blood (hematomas) can form.

In case of a bruise, first of all, it is necessary to create rest for the damaged organ. It is necessary to apply a pressure bandage to the area of ​​the bruise and give this area of ​​the body an elevated position, which helps stop further hemorrhage into the soft tissues. To reduce pain and inflammation, cold is applied to the site of the injury - an ice pack, cold compresses.
When falling from a height, open bleeding wounds often appear on various parts of the body. They can cause the majority of deaths due to acute blood loss, so the first measures should be aimed at stopping the bleeding in any possible way (pressing the vessel, a pressure bandage, and in case of severe arterial or venous bleeding, applying a tourniquet, etc.).
An equally important task of first aid is to protect the wound from contamination and infection. Proper wound treatment prevents the development of complications in the wound and reduces its healing time by almost 3 times.
Treatment of the wound should be done with clean, preferably disinfected hands. When applying an aseptic dressing, you should not touch with your hands those layers of gauze that will be in direct contact with the wound.
The wound can be protected by simply applying an aseptic dressing (bandage, individual bag, scarf). The skin around the wound is lubricated with 5% iodine tincture, and loose foreign bodies are removed from the wound.
When providing first aid to a patient with a penetrating chest wound, it is necessary to stop the communication of the pleural cavity with the external environment as soon as possible using a sealing bandage.
The wound should not be washed with water - this promotes infection. Cauterizing antiseptic substances should not be allowed to enter the wound surface.
The wound should not be covered with powders, ointment should not be applied to it, or cotton wool should not be applied directly to the wound surface - all this contributes to the development of infection in the wound.
Another result of a fall can be a fracture. A fracture is a break in the integrity of a bone.
Fractures are divided into closed (without damage to the skin) and open, in which there is damage to the skin in the fracture area. A fracture is characterized by: sharp pain, intensifying with any movement and load on the limb, change in the position and shape of the limb, disruption of its function (inability to use the limb), the appearance of swelling and bruising in the fracture area, shortening of the limb, pathological (abnormal) bone mobility.
The main task of first aid for bone fractures is to immediately immobilize the bone fragments by immobilizing the limb (limb immobilization). This is done by applying a splint. The tire can be standard (service) or made from available material (boards, pieces of plywood, sticks, weapons, etc.).
Take care of yourself colleagues. Remember, injuries are your neglect of TB!

What measures should be taken if it was still not possible to avoid falling in icy conditions and, as a consequence, severe bruise? The first thing to do is to apply something cold to the bruised area, for example, a bag of snow or ice. Apply cold for 5-10 minutes, taking short breaks. Exposure to low temperatures helps prevent the development of edema, inflammatory process and also stop internal bleeding.

A tight pressure bandage has a similar effect. Moreover, it will provide peace to the injured limb. If timely measures taken helped to avoid the appearance of edema, then you can move on to the next stage of “treatment” with physiotherapeutic procedures and warming ointments. These methods are used to quickly resolve bruises. If pain is still present after a few days, it is better to consult a traumatologist. You may not recognize damage to internal organs or a closed fracture on your own.

A traumatologist can recognize a sprain, fracture or dislocation after examination and x-ray examination. Their results will allow us to judge the severity of the injury and determine methods of further treatment. However, before contacting a specialist, you must provide yourself with first aid.

A sprain can be recognized if the main symptoms are sharp and severe pain at the site of injury, along with which there is uncharacteristic mobility of the joint and swelling that appears before the eyes. First aid consists of applying a tight bandage around the joint to limit its movement, as well as applying cold.

A dislocation is easily identified by an unnaturally twisted limb and almost complete absence mobility in the joint. Before being examined by a doctor, the patient’s condition can be alleviated with the help of painkillers, limited mobility of the limb, and cold.

The most serious is head trauma. For any bruises, you should consult a doctor immediately, especially if the fall was accompanied by loss of consciousness and subsequent headache. The danger of such an injury lies in the possibility of internal hematoma formation.

Practice shows that arm fractures are the most common injury. This is explained by the fact that when falling, a person instinctively puts his hands forward, bringing down the entire weight of the body on them. That is why experts advise that if you slip and lose your balance, do not fall on your straightened arms, but group yourself and turn to the side to fall on your side.

A bruise resulting from a fall is an indicator of the condition of the injury. If it gradually turns red, blue, green, or yellow, then the fall resulted in a bruise. If the bruise turns purple, the pain intensifies and even begins to fester, go to the doctor immediately.