How to reduce palpitations. Reducing heart rate with folk remedies. How to lower your heart rate with medication

High heart rate at normal pressure, what it could be, what are the causes, symptoms, what to do, what measures need to be taken, are detailed in this article.

A person's pulse depends on the rate at which the heart beats in one minute. If the number of beats exceeds 90 times in one, then this is a symptom of tachycardia. In some situations, these indicators are considered the norm.

You can determine whether a rapid heartbeat is normal only by measuring your blood pressure. In some cases, an abnormal heart rhythm may be accompanied by a fast or slow heartbeat. It is necessary to understand the causes of tachycardia at normal pressure.


A high pulse with normal blood pressure can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Stress. Emotional stress may occur. You can calm your nervous system with herbal tea.
  • Endocrine system, especially problems at work thyroid gland. Additionally, symptoms such as mood swings, increased irritability, insomnia, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.
  • With normal blood pressure, a rapid heartbeat may occur. This disorder is called tachycardia. This condition can occur when food poisoning, anemia and acute heart failure. This problem can only be solved with the help of a specialist.
  • Binge eating. People who love to eat delicious food often notice an increased heart rate. It occurs due to overload of the stomach. You need to try to control yourself and not overeat, especially before bed.
  • Toxication of the body from drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Side effects from use medicines.

These are the most common causes this symptom, but there are many more of them. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to determine the necessary restorative technique.


Failure of heart rhythm necessarily affects general condition human body. In parallel, the following may occur:

  • pulsation,
  • weakness,
  • darkening of the eyes and...

But if these manifestations are repeated repeatedly, they can lead to loss of consciousness and the development of heart failure.

What should be done?

First, you need to see a doctor. Sometimes this is a very symptom serious violations, which pass inside the body and have not yet revealed themselves. To determine the disease, you need to consult an endocrinologist, take tests and undergo an ultrasound examination. After this, the doctor makes a diagnosis.

First of all, treatment of the disease begins with eliminating the cause of tachycardia. For example, if the cause of tachycardia is hidden in anemia, thyrotoxicosis or a septic process, then treatment must be used to solve these problems. If there are diseases of the endocrine system, it is necessary to eliminate these disorders.

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Ideally, the heart rate healthy person is not less than sixty and not more than eighty beats per minute. Due to various reasons, for example, the presence of heart disease, or bad habits, the usual heart rhythm is disrupted. The pulse becomes rapid.

A rapid pulse is a fairly common phenomenon that requires immediate medical attention. It is important to understand that a pulse rate that is more than eighty beats per minute is a serious deviation from the norm and poses a danger to life. It is very important to control your heart rate, especially if you are familiar with this problem.

There are many ways to normalize your heart rate. Among them is reception medications and traditional medicine. But maximum results can be achieved only if you use traditional and alternative medicine to reduce your heart rate.

There are many folk remedies that help stabilize the pulse. ethnoscience– it’s always effective and convenient. After all, unfortunately, most people cannot afford to purchase an expensive drug. In this case, funds from medicinal plants will be more useful than ever.

Folk recipes

  1. They are taken, washed, crushed, after which a spoonful of raw materials is filled with half a liter of alcohol. Then the product is infused overnight. Take a few drops of tincture, previously diluted in a spoonful of water, four times a day. The duration of treatment is thirty days.
  2. Healing infusion. To prepare this medicine you will need: white willow flowers, adonis and motherwort. Chop finely and mix all ingredients. Brew a couple of spoons of the vegetable mixture in a glass of boiled water. Leave the product to sit for eight hours. Take a spoonful of the medicine daily, preferably in the morning and on an empty stomach. Duration treatment course- fourteen days.
  3. A decoction to reduce heart rate. You will need garlic and onions. Take a medium-sized onion and six cloves of garlic, chop finely. Add a spoonful of rowan berries to this onion-garlic mixture, then pour in the raw materials boiled water, place on the stove and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. Then add dill, parsley and dried cucumber (previously dried and crushed) to the broth and boil the mixture for another ten minutes. Now let the product sit for about an hour. Filter and take a spoonful of the decoction every morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is half a month.

Rosehip will help normalize heart rhythm

The fruits of the plant contain substances that help normalize heart contractions. In addition, rose hips have beneficial influence on the condition of the heart muscle. To prepare the medicine, take the berries of the plant, chop them and pour half a liter of boiled water.

After this, the product must be boiled for twenty minutes, and then filtered. Let the broth brew for half an hour. Drink 200 milliliters of broth every day, preferably around lunchtime. The duration of treatment is fourteen days.

Motherwort decoction. The recipe for its preparation is similar to the previous one. Before taking the decoction, add to it peppermint oil or honey

Valerian will help lower your heart rate

Not only does it have calming properties, it is one of the most effective plants, which can normalize the pulse.

A pre-dried valerian rhizome is taken, crushed, filled with boiled water and placed on the stove. Boil the product for no more than thirty minutes, leave for four hours. Take a spoonful of the medicine several times a day.

Honey is an ideal assistant in the treatment of illness

The healing properties are probably known to everyone. It is possible that it can also be used to reduce heart rate. It is added to compotes, decoctions, juices and teas. Honey in combination with chamomile not only normalizes heartbeat, but will also lift your spirits. Chamomile flowers are poured with boiled water, after which the product is infused for half an hour. Drink tea instead and replace sugar with honey.

Reducing heart rate with currants

Due to their rich composition, blackcurrant berries and leaves have long been used as a heart-lowering medicine. In addition to the fact that this plant can normalize heart rate, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is recommended to prepare infusions and decoctions from the leaves of this plant, eat fresh berries and make jam.

Treatment fees

  • Take lemon balm leaves, valerian rhizome, hops and dill seeds, finely chop and combine all the ingredients. Brew five spoons of the vegetable mixture in half a liter of water. Let the product sit for thirty minutes. Drink 100 milliliters of infusion three times a day. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  • For cooking next medicine you will need the following plants: St. John's wort, motherwort, peppermint, oregano and valerian. Finely chop all the ingredients, then brew a couple of tablespoons of the vegetable mixture in a liter of boiled water. Leave the product to sit for three hours. Filter and take 100 milliliters of infusion at least four times a day.

Adonis decoction

Finely chop the herb of the plant, pour one spoon of raw material with water. Boil over low heat, preferably in an enamel saucepan for no more than five minutes. Cover the container with a lid and leave the product to infuse for two hours. Take a spoonful of decoction no more than three times a day.

As you can see, the remedies that promote healing of this disease, there are plenty. But you should understand one simple truth. No medicine will help you if you do not take care of your health. Therefore, first of all, minimize your consumption of caffeine-containing products, stop drinking alcohol, and quit smoking.

Walk more fresh air, play sports, only in moderation. If you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, lack of air, or malaise, immediately seek help from a cardiologist.

Pulse rate is an indicator of the work of the heart, the rhythm of which changes due to emotional experiences, excitement, excessive food intake, and physical activity. The attending physician, after listening to the pulse, will determine how rhythmically the heart muscle works and put preliminary diagnosis. If the accelerated pulse is regular and is accompanied by discomfort in the chest, shortness of breath, and a feeling of lack of air, then a specialized examination is necessary. When increased heart rate occurs periodically, it is possible to reduce the pulse on your own.

Causes of rapid heart rate

The heart muscle requires regular workout. At sedentary even the smallest lives physical exercise force the heart to speed up its contraction rhythm, pumping blood. In a trained person during active activities sports, an increase in heart rate by several times is not a cause for concern, since the muscles performing intense work require increased amount oxygen. In moments of intense emotionality, the need for oxygen for the brain also increases. The heart rate returns to normal a few minutes after the cessation of forced activity.

Excess weight is one of the additional burdens, since the blood vessels located in the fat layer must also be supplied with blood, and the heart has to work harder for this. As a result, the heart muscle contracts more often and the pulse increases.

In categories such as the elderly and children, the heart rate is different. Their increased heart rate is due to age physiological characteristics. For example, in newborns 120-140 beats/min is not critical indicator, its occurrence is associated with rapid growth all fabrics. During pregnancy, an increased heart rate is associated with psychoemotional activity and hormonal imbalance. For children under seven years old, the norm is 95-100 beats/min, and by the age of 15 the pulse is 80 beats. For older people, 60 bpm is not a concern.

The pulse may increase due to illness. If at rest the heart rate of an adult is above 90-100 beats per minute, tachycardia is evident. A pulse that exceeds the norm occurs with diseases of the central nervous system, and:

  • heart failure, myocarditis, anemia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • problems with endocrine system and etc.

Quite often the pulse increases after taking blockers, hormonal drugs and some others medicines. Also, a deviation from the norm can appear in a healthy person. Most often in this case, a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is made.

For an adult at rest, the normal pulse is 60-80 beats/min. You can determine it by placing your fingers on your wrist or area radius the other hand and counting the number of beats. To be sure, change hands and count again. The results should match. To control the rhythm of the pulse, you need to know the initial indicators. To do this, in the morning, before getting out of bed, about five minutes after waking up, you need to record the frequency of the beats.

Rapid decrease in heart rate

First of all, you should visit your doctor, who will determine the cause of the increased pulse and prescribe treatment for each category of patients individually.

IN emergency situation The following methods will help reduce your heart rate:

  1. Close your eyes, press lightly with your fingertips. eyeball. Your heart rate should return to normal within half a minute.
  2. Take a deep breath, cover your mouth and nose with your hand, then try to exhale. This procedure will help to excite nervus vagus, and your heart rate will begin to slow down.
  3. Lie face down on a flat surface. After 30 minutes the pulse returns to normal.

There are cases when the pulse rate reached up to 200 beats. This will require emergency medical attention. Before the ambulance arrives, it is advisable to call the patient vomiting reflex, do deep breath and then exhale with your mouth closed. Additionally, massage the eyelid at the bridge of the nose.

Home Recipes to Lower Heart Rate

Traditional medicine offers its own methods to reduce heartbeat.

  1. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over a spoonful of dry motherwort and leave for an hour. Sweeten the decoction with honey and a few drops of peppermint. Drink for one month.
  2. Mix lemon balm, valerian, dill seeds and add hop cones. Take 1 tsp of each ingredient, add 2 cups of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take 20 minutes before meals for two weeks.
  3. Pour one glass of boiling water over a spoonful of calendula and motherwort, leave for about three hours, strain. Drink after lunch for three weeks.
  4. Boil two tablespoons of chopped rose hips in 300 ml of water over low heat for 15 minutes, let cool and strain. Use the decoction daily, one glass. A recipe with rose hips is also recommended for hypotension.

If you regularly monitor your arterial pressure, it will be easier to choose the most best option in each individual case.

Normal pressure
Even in this case, a change in heartbeat of up to 100 beats can be observed, and most often such deviations in a healthy person are caused by physical activity. But just take a break and you won't need medication.

It is worse when the increased heart rate is accompanied by dizziness and discomfort in the sternum. First of all, you need to lie down and free your neck and chest from clothing so that air can flow freely. Apply the soaked one to your forehead cold water handkerchief and hold your breath for a while. If attacks recur periodically, consultation with a specialist is required.

High pressure
An increased heart rate indicates possible hypertension. As a first aid, take medications prescribed by your doctor to lower your blood pressure. This will help reduce the heart rate, and then the specialist should give recommendations on self-therapy.

Low pressure
Increased heart rate causes headache, a feeling of anxiety and fear, nausea and vomiting are possible. Most effective in in this case tinctures of valerian and motherwort, as well as heart medications such as validol and valocordin. From natural products– honey, black currant, rosehip infusion.

When starting a workout in the gym, be sure to do a short warm-up. If your heart rate begins to increase during exercise, pause the exercise and take a few breaths. Accept warm shower and finally a cup of green tea. In the future, increase physical activity gradually.

When a rapid heartbeat is a consequence of overwork, insomnia or a stressful situation, in sedative collection you can include valerian, motherwort, lemon balm and St. John's wort.

Black currants, rose hips and honey are good for normalizing the contractions of the heart muscle. If possible, these products should be present in the daily diet.

Do not use medications without consulting a doctor and carefully read the instructions that come with them.

To normalize heart rate and as a preventive measure the best remedycorrect image life. Give up bad habits, maintain sleep and nutrition patterns. Fat, spicy food, alcohol, coffee, smoking are the first enemies for people predisposed to increased heart rate. And definitely move more. Without the opportunity to actively engage in physical exercise, take walks, and while resting, massage your shoulder and knee joints.

Having mastered primary knowledge of how to lower the pulse at home, without having the necessary medications, everyone will be able to quickly help themselves and to a loved one or reduce the risk of an attack of tachycardia.

Video: which pulse is considered normal and which is dangerous to health

For patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it is important to be able to quickly lower their heart rate at home. To do this correctly, you need to have knowledge about the factors that accelerate the pulse in each specific case, and about various methods that allow you to reduce the pulse to normal values. It is also important to know about the contraindications that exist for each treatment method.

Pulse rates

The heart rate of a healthy adult with normal blood pressure ranges from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

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Factors affecting heart rate in healthy people:

  1. Age - newborn heart pulse 2 times more often than in an adult.
  2. Gender - the heart rate of women is on average 10 beats per minute more than that of men.
  3. Physical activity - the heart muscle of athletes contracts more slowly than that of people leading a sedentary life.
  4. Nutrition - eating fatty, spicy foods speeds up your heart rate and increases your pulse.
  5. The presence of bad habits - smoking and alcohol increase heart rate.
  6. Pregnancy - in pregnant women, blood volume increases and the pulse accelerates.

Reasons for increased heart rate

People who have cardiovascular diseases, excessive coffee consumption is dangerous to health.

Factors for the development of abnormally high heart rate in humans:

  • excess body weight;
  • hot climate;
  • increased body temperature;
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • excessive consumption of strong coffee;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of menstruation, menopause;
  • stress;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • diseases:
    • hypertension;
    • ischemia;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • tachycardia;
    • anemia;
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • pathology of the heart valves.
  • taking antidepressants.


A person feels a rapid pulse throughout the day. This could be a consequence nervous tension, fatigue, physical activity, unusual for the body. After the influence of external factors ends, the rapid heartbeat is restored to normal. If the heart rhythm does not return to normal on its own, medications should be used to lower the heart rate.

Signs that a patient should lower their heart rate using pills or folk remedies:

  • feels pulsation in the temporal zone and ringing in the ears;
  • cold sweat appears on the forehead;
  • Weakness, drowsiness, dizziness are a concern.

A condition where the cause of increased heart rate is external factor(excitement or physical overload), called sinus tachycardia; if palpitations occur due to internal diseases cardiovascular system, this is paroxysmal tachycardia.

First aid to quickly lower your heart rate at home

At increased irritability and emotional distress, you can take sedatives.

Reducing your heart rate at home is important both when high blood pressure, and at reduced. It is important to understand the reason why this condition is caused. If anxiety is a factor in your excessive heart rate, you can calm your nerves at home with sedatives(“Corvalol”, “Valocordin”, “Nitroglycerin”, valerian, motherwort). If high heart rate appeared against the background of an increase or decrease in pressure, you can restore heart rate at home with medications and folk remedies hyper- and hypotensive effect.


Synthetic, allowing you to normalize your heart rhythm quickly at home:

  • "Reserpine". The medicine is effective for hypertension, neuroses, and psychoses. Take a two-week course of 100-250 mg per day.
  • "Etacizin." Scope of application: tachycardia, ventricular extrasystole. The product helps bring your heart rate back to normal if you drink it 50 mg 3 times a day. The attending physician controls the duration of treatment.
  • “Pulsnorma” is a medicine in the form of dragee tablets, indications: arrhythmia, intoxication with cardiac glycosides. Drink 2 pieces. three times a day during meals. Reduce the amount of drug consumed to zero, gradually reducing the daily dose.
  • "Phinoptin." Indications for use: angina pectoris, increased heart rate, nervous tension. The appointment can last from 2 weeks to six months, depending on the severity of the case. Dosage - 3 times a day, 1 tablet.
  • "Rytmilen" is taken when acute disorders Heart rate. You should take 300 mg of the drug as a one-time dose at home. Relief occurs 3-4 hours after taking the pill.

Healthy foods

Suitable Products nutrition has a positive effect on the body thanks to useful substances.

Certain foods will help stabilize rapid pulse without drugs at home. You can reduce your heart rate by eating foods containing omega-3: fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna), fish oil, seafood (shrimp, oysters, cod), vegetable oils(coconut, olive, flaxseed, sesame, mustard), nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts), pumpkin and sunflower seeds, greens (spinach, beet leaves), green salad. Dried fruits raisins, figs, dried apricots, rich in minerals (potassium, magnesium), important for normal operation myocardium.


Regular aerobic exercise can gradually lower your heart rate without using heart rate-lowering drugs. You need to choose swimming, walking, cycling, dance exercises, jogging. The training regimen can be any, but it is advisable to train for at least half an hour a day.

You can lower your heart rate by breathing. It is easy to do such exercises at home. Necessary:

  1. Sit up straight.
  2. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach.
  3. Take a deep breath through your nose.
  4. Exhale smoothly through your mouth.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

Another breathing exercise to do at home:

  1. Take three quick breaths in and out (about three per second) through your nose.
  2. Inhale and exhale smoothly through your nose.
  3. Repeat for 15 seconds.

Meditation helps calm your heart rate and relieve nervous tension. To begin with, you can meditate for 5 minutes. Required to sit on the floor comfortable posture(lotus position) and focus only on breathing, driving away extraneous thoughts. Such exercises are called clear-mind meditation. Yogis use them in their practice to calm the soul and gain physical and mental balance.

Article publication date: 06/08/2017

Article updated date: 12/21/2018

From this article you will learn: how to lower your heart rate at home, using techniques that have been proven over the years. Methods rapid decline pulse with special physical and breathing exercises and other non-drug methods.

The most common places to measure heart rate

Physical ways to reduce heart rate (quick)

To reduce heart rate when stressful situations, sit down or lie down and try to relax. The condition will return to normal very soon.

You can also provoke a gag reflex by inserting your fingers into the mouth and irritating the root of the tongue.

Breathing exercises to lower heart rate

How to quickly lower your heart rate at home:

  1. Squat down quickly, lower your head between your legs and cough. This technique although approved in medical practice, but still requires confirmation of the possibility of application in each case individually.
  2. Try to calm down and slow your breathing. Sometimes this exercise reduces your heart rate.
  3. Try using the asymmetrical breathing technique, which involves inhaling in 2 seconds and exhaling in 4.
  4. Hold your breath for 5 seconds and strain. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times. It changes the pressure in the large blood vessels in the chest, which will cause the heart rate to slow down.
  5. Complete the sniper drill. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth. Usually after 5 repetitions the condition returns to normal. At frequent use With this practice, the heart rate can return to its equilibrium value after the first exercise.
  6. Sing loudly. The rhythm of breathing performed to music can reduce the frequency of your heart muscle. Within the 2–3 minutes that the song lasts, your heart rate will return to within acceptable limits.

Water treatments

Wash your face with cold water or place your face in a container of cold water and hold for a few seconds. This method stimulates the vagus nerve and activates the reflex to slow down metabolism in the body.

Simple things can help lower your heart rate: cold shower. The operating principle is based on narrowing blood vessels, which will lead the heart to a “reduced mode”.

Non-drug means of lowering heart rate

Calming the nervous system

How to lower your heart rate at home without using medications? You can drink a herbal infusion of two parts motherwort and one part valerian. Reception of such herbal infusion will slow down the pulse.

The same reduction can be achieved by taking herbal infusions or infusions:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • linden color;
  • passion flowers (passiflora);
  • Scutellaria

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Also taking sedatives medications will lead to calmness and heart rhythm.

The influence of sharp and loud sounds can increase heart rate by 13 beats/min. Therefore, you should avoid being in places with increased level noise.


Regular body massage can reduce your resting heart rate. According to studies conducted by physical therapists, periodic relaxing massage reduces the generation of adrenaline, norepinephrine and epinephrine - hormones responsible for stress levels.

Regular massage can reduce your resting heart rate by 8-10 beats per minute.

Tanning and artificial tanning

Sun exposure twice a week or tanning in a solarium will help lower your blood pressure and heart rate. The effect is achieved due to the generation of vitamin D by the body.

Healthy sleep

A sleep duration of at least 8 and no more than 10 hours ensures stabilization of cardiac activity. Sleep should be without interruptions.

"Long-term methods"

  • One of possible reasons increase heart rate – increased content calcium. To reduce calcium levels, you need to: daily diet include foods rich in manganese and magnesium. This soy products, leafy vegetables, nuts.
  • Your heart rate is affected by products containing caffeine and should be avoided. This list includes coffee itself, chocolate, diet pills, and caffeinated soft drinks. You should limit yourself to drinking tea, as tea contains caffeine and other tonics that can increase the heart rate.
  • Vitamin D reduces heart rate: 1 gram daily intake fish oil within two weeks can reduce heart rate at rest by 6 beats per minute.
  • It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. The common myth about reducing nervous tension by smoking or drinking alcohol has already been debunked many times. To eliminate the effect of stress, which can raise the pulse to critical values, quitting smoking should be gradual under the supervision of a doctor.
  • The influence of sharp and loud sounds can increase heart rate by 13 beats/min. Therefore, you should avoid places with high noise levels.

Regular exercise

In order for the pulse to remain normal during various physical activities, as paradoxical as it may sound, the volume should be increased physical exercise. Regular physical exercise trains not only the muscles of the body, but also cardiovascular system. Over time, training or performing even simple tasks gymnastic exercises will lead to a decrease in heart rate and ability quick recovery Heart rate after exercise.

When performing physical exercises, the main thing is not the level of load, but the frequency of repetitions and the rhythm of performing tasks. In some cases, daily exercise may be contraindicated; in this condition, it is possible to adjust the physical activity plan to avoid overwork and increase the load on the heart.

As general exercises we can recommend:

  1. Nordic walking with poles.
  2. Jogging.
  3. I ride a bike.
How to run correctly

Aerobic exercise during this type of physical activity can lower your resting heart rate by 5 to 25 beats per minute. Statistics show that a course of the above physical activities, alternating with each other, leads to a decrease in heart rate at rest in 11% of patients.

Walking alone does not affect the reduction of heart rate at rest - to the same extent as intense physical activity - although it allows you to reduce the time it takes for the rhythm to reach normal level after undergoing physical exertion.

Often an increase in heart rate is associated with climbing stairs. This is especially true when carrying heavy loads. Eat useful exercise“step”, which consists of climbing onto a low bench, alternately using one or the other leg. This exercise can be done at home without any help. In the first stages, you will need to control your pulse and not allow it to go beyond 110–115 beats per minute. As you train, the number of approaches will gradually increase, which will allow you to climb real stairs without shortness of breath and increased heart rate.

Fighting excess weight

Another provocateur of increased stress on the heart muscle is excess weight. With excess weight, the heart is forced to pump large volumes of blood to supply oxygen to all organs of the body. Having a limited volume, the heart increases the frequency of its contractions to ensure normal functioning of the body. With a decrease in body weight, the cardiac load also decreases, since a smaller volume of blood is required to ensure the normal functioning of the body.