How to correctly fill out an international veterinary passport for cats. How to make a veterinary passport for a dog

Whose origin is confirmed by an entry in the stud book. It is recommended to issue a veterinary passport for everyone. It can be received and certified regardless of origin and in any veterinary clinic. If you are going to travel or take part in exhibitions and competitions, be sure to fill out veterinary passport to yours. It is best if it is an international passport. If you doubt whether your clinic will have one, purchase it in advance from a pet store.

Visit your veterinarian for vaccinations. Vaccination against viral diseases carried out no earlier than two months of age. From - no earlier than three. The vaccine is administered to the puppy twice with a break of two to three weeks. Adult dog can be vaccinated once. The veterinarian will issue a veterinary passport in accordance with the rules: date of vaccination, type of vaccine (most often a sticker from the bottle is affixed there), doctor’s signature and clinic stamp.

Nowadays, a passport is needed not only for people, but also for dogs. Only if available four-legged pet will be able to travel by any means of transport, go on vacation with the owner abroad and participate in exhibitions. We will tell you how to get a veterinary passport for a dog.

A veterinary passport for a dog should be issued to any responsible owner. This document will be useful not only for exhibitions and travel, but will also help the veterinarian quickly and correctly determine the treatment of the pet in case of illness. Unfortunately, not all clinics know how to fill out a veterinary passport for a dog correctly, so the owner of the animal must himself know the requirements for the content of this important document.

How to get a veterinary passport for a dog: step-by-step instructions

A veterinary passport for a dog must be issued at the clinic where the pet was first vaccinated. It is best if you complete this document immediately after the first vaccination so that the doctor can timely and regularly enter information about all subsequent vaccinations there. If on your first visit you forgot to ask about how to get a veterinary passport for a dog, don’t worry. IN medical card pet, as well as the necessary notes will be made in the clinic’s registration log, according to which the staff will be able to draw up a document, but this will take some time.

Contents of the veterinary passport

Before receiving a veterinary passport for a dog, make sure that the document contains all the necessary information.

A properly prepared veterinary certificate must contain:

    information about the owner (last name, first name, patronymic, contact phone number and address). You can fill out this section of the document yourself;

    information about the dog (name, breed, date of birth, gender, distinctive features exterior, data on microchipping, if any, photo of the dog);

    data on all vaccinations;

    information about rabies vaccination (in a separate column);

    data on the reproductive state of the animal;

Requirements for the contents of a veterinary passport

An incorrectly completed veterinary passport may be invalidated. Before getting your hands on it, make sure you have all the necessary seals, signatures and special marks. This rule should be followed when obtaining any important documents, including animals. When receiving a veterinary passport for a dog, check:

    the presence of pasted stickers attached to vaccines;

    the presence on each of the stickers of the clinic’s seal and (or) the doctor’s personal seal, certified by his signature;

    presence of marks on the date of vaccination.

If the vaccination was carried out by the club and certified by its seal, the passport may be invalidated. All vaccinations, especially against rabies, should be carried out in clinics.

Help form No. 1

This document will be required for a pet traveling with the owner of any type of public passport. Without a certificate, the dog will not be allowed on the plane, train or bus. Certificate of form No. 1 is issued by the state veterinary service authority on the basis of a veterinary passport. Required condition To obtain a certificate, a rabies vaccination is required, which the dog must undergo no more than a year and no less than 30 days before the document is issued.

All necessary veterinary procedures and documents for transporting an animal abroad.

Almost every pet owner may encounter a problem animal transportation, what to do with an animal if the owners need to go on a trip. You can leave your dog or cat at a foster care facility or in a pet hotel, but you can also take it with you. What requirements must be met for this? Where can I get a veterinary passport? What vaccinations are required to transport animals? How to transport a dog or cat on a plane or train?

The primary condition is the health of the animal. A healthy animal can go on vacation or a business trip with its owner, but a sick animal needs veterinary care, otherwise they are prohibited from being transported.

Veterinary passport and vaccinations

Documentation required for transporting an animal in Russia and abroad.

Animal before export must be chipped. The data on this reflects it veterinary passport and pedigree, if available. Moreover, chipping must be done before the vaccination, which some countries are paying attention to Special attention.

Immediately before the trip, the owner, along with the animal and his veterinary passport It is necessary to obtain a veterinary certificate (Form No. 1 vet.) from the local State Veterinary Station, which is valid for no more than three days.

When traveling by train or flying by plane, a special baggage ticket is issued for the animal.

Transporting animals abroad. Veterinary certificate, veterinary passport

Veterinary passport

At taking a cat or dog abroad the owner exchanges the veterinary certificate received the day before at the State Vet Station for an international veterinary certificate ( international veterinary passport).

He can do this at the airport half an hour before registration at the Border Veterinary Control point. This certificate will be presented by the animal owner at customs. When returning, the owner again exchanges it during veterinary control for certificate No. 1-vet.

Not so long ago transporting dogs abroad required permission from a special department of the Russian Canine Federation, since the export of animals of breeding value was prohibited. Now there is no such requirement.

When is a veterinary passport needed?

Veterinary passport You may also need it while traveling, for example, at an exhibition or when moving to another country.

Different countries may have different requirements and conditions for importation of animals, so it is better for the owner to inquire about this at the consulate of a given country. For example, the import of certain breeds may be prohibited fighting dogs.

Many European countries quarantine imported animals in specialized institutions. For example, in Iceland and the UK it is 6 months.

Banned in EU countries import of kittens and puppies up to 4 months of age, which is associated with vaccination against rabies These vaccinations for cats and dogs are done at three months of age, after which another month should pass.

Veterinary passport for veterinary hotel

A prerequisite for admission to the pet hotel is the veterinary passport of the animal. The veterinary passport must contain all the necessary marks from annual vaccinations from plague, hepatitis, enteritis, adenovirus infection, leptospirosis and rabies.

Transportation of exotic animals

Export various exotic animals(pythons, parrots, monkeys, turtles, etc.) is accompanied by special difficulties. To transport them, the sanction of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Protection is required. environment, the receipt of which is also subject to certain conditions. To do this, you need documents that the animal was acquired legally and confirmation of the fact of its birth in Russia.

Airlines may also have some special requirements and conditions for transporting animals. These requirements are transportation of pets It's better to find out in advance.

Transporting animals on an airplane

Transporting a dog: conditions

Transporting a dog carried out in a special insulated luggage compartment. The dog must be placed in a transport crate/transportation, the requirements for which are also best checked with the carrier company. Here are some general rules regarding the transport cage:

  • The cage must be ventilated;
  • The cage must be equipped with absorbent bedding and be waterproof;
  • The size of the cage should match the size of the dog. She should be able to stand up in it, with another 10 cm of space above her head, turn around and lie down;
  • It is necessary to have a drinking bowl in the cage;
  • The dog must have a collar (not a harness!) and an unfastened leash at the bottom of the cage. There should not be a muzzle on the animal.
  • A tag with the following information must be attached to the cage: the name of the animal, a copy of the veterinary certificate (form No. 1 vet.), full name, telephone number, address of the owner.

A dog weighing less than 8 kg can be carried in the cabin, but must be carried in a box-cage. Typically, no more than two dogs are allowed in the cabin.

When transporting an animal within the Russian Federation, a veterinary passport with notes on all necessary vaccinations and treatments and a veterinary certificate in form No. 1. Please note: the validity period of the FNo. 1-vet certificate is five days, and it will need to be issued before the trip itself. At a minimum, the veterinary passport must contain notes on timely vaccinations against rabies.

Veterinary passport for traveling abroad

An international veterinary passport will be required. The main difference from a document valid within the country is duplication in English language title of the document, data on the first page and section titles. There is no need to duplicate entries in the language of the country you are going to travel to. The easiest way is to immediately purchase a new passport - it is adapted for international travel.

Neither a regular nor an international veterinary passport needs to be periodically redone - only once a year to update its registration with the veterinary service (usually done along with annual vaccinations).

What data is included in the veterinary passport?

When filling out, be sure to indicate:

  • information about chipping, it is better if a special sticker with the chip number is pasted;
  • names of vaccines and drugs, their series and other information. Where possible, labels should be affixed, especially for international travel;
  • dates of vaccination, period of validity of the vaccine.

Rules for issuing a veterinary passport

In many cases, a veterinary passport is issued by breeders and given to the animal owner when purchasing a pet. Thus, it is sufficient to fill it out in a timely and correct manner. According to the law, a veterinary passport is issued by a veterinarian at a state clinic at the place of residence of the owner and animal. For issuance, only the desire of the owner is required. It is more convenient to issue so-called new passports - they have fields for notes and special notes, and are duplicated in English. The old forms only have space to indicate processing details.

Please note: all marks are certified by the signature and seal of a veterinarian or clinic. Without this, the information will not be taken into account during controls at the border or elsewhere. Even a kennel club seal won't do.

Veterinary passport form for the Russian Federation and the EU

For trips abroad, the information on the first page of the veterinary passport and the names of sections will need to be duplicated in English. In most cases, veterinary clinics have ready-made “books” of passports that you just have to fill out. But you can purchase the form yourself by asking for it to be drawn up and filled out during your next visit to the veterinarian.

When crossing borders, only the information in the passport is strictly controlled. The design of the pages and cover is not a basis for refusal to cross borders if all vaccinations and treatments required in a given country are listed inside and certified with seals and signatures in compliance with the correct deadlines.

Customs declaration for a dog

The customs declaration does not apply to veterinary documents, but will be needed by everyone who plans to cross the border between the Customs Union and countries that are not members of it. It is presented along with the veterinary passport.

Filled out by the owner himself, directly at the border (“red” customs corridor). You will need to provide information about the dog (breed, weight, estimated cost) and the purpose of transportation (commercial or non-commercial). There are no additional duties associated with the value of the animal indicated in the declaration if it is transported for non-commercial purposes.

Please note: in many EU countries, attempting to follow a dog along the “green” corridor will result in a hefty fine.

Import and export of animals from the country

When exporting to countries far abroad animals must have a veterinary passport with them. The result of the owner’s forgetfulness will be a refusal to cross the border. But a number of other documents must be attached to the passport, filled out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the recipient country.

The veterinary certificate must indicate that the requirements of the importing country have been met. The route must also be indicated - the city from which the animal is departing, where it is going and where it will arrive (if it is planned to be imported back). Before returning home, it is better to undergo veterinary control again, receiving a certificate stating that the animal is healthy. If your pet has not received any vaccinations in the country where you visited, there will most likely be no additional entries in the veterinary passport.

If the stay was long and the dog had to be vaccinated or dewormed abroad, that’s okay. Let veterinarian will paste special stickers from vaccines or other used drugs into the veterinary passport, sign and “redeem” them with a personal seal or the seal of the clinic. This will be enough for the processing to be taken into account by inspectors at any border.

Veterinary passport for exotic animals

A veterinary passport is also required for exotic animals, but its form remains standard - there is no need to look for special options for a turtle or jerboa. Make sure that all treatments are immediately indicated in it - it is not always possible for a snake or hamster to be vaccinated again, and such data is not entered into the veterinary passport “retrospectively”. Please note that for different types The list of vaccinations and required tests will vary.

Transporting animals on an airplane

When planning a flight, it is best to check the requirements for transporting animals with a specific airline. If the information is not on the website, contact the carrier’s representative by phone and clarify the main points (it’s best if they give you a link to full list requirements). The veterinary passport will most likely be checked at the airport when going through control. You won't need it in air transport itself. Its replacement, which will always be near the animal, will be several special tags, one of which will contain information about the owner (contact information).

Transportation by rail: take your veterinary passport with you

This is a popular option when traveling short distances. Transportation of large pets must be carried out in a separate compartment, with an accompanying person or owner, with correctly executed documents. These must include a veterinary passport; other documentation will vary depending on the distance of the trip. IN in this case The veterinary passport indicates not only that the pet is vaccinated and treated, but also that it belongs to the person transporting it. If the veterinary passport is not issued in the name of the accompanying person, a power of attorney will be required. IN otherwise the animal may be seized to be returned to its legal owner (indicated in the veterinary passport).

Payment for carriage

Most likely, the animal and cage will need to be paid for as additional baggage. This is true even if you are transporting a small carrier with a cat, and besides it you only have a light bag, i.e. The dimensions and weight included in the ticket price are not exceeded. The fact of payment is confirmed by a special baggage ticket, which is issued at regular ticket offices. The ability to purchase such travel documents is also available on most ticket ordering sites.

Transportation of animals within the Russian Federation

When transporting within Russia, the animal will need a veterinary passport and a veterinary certificate (form No. 1). Another requirement is that the animal be microchipped. The introduction of a microchip is an inexpensive procedure that can be performed in almost every clinic. It is best to install the chip as early as possible. Make sure that a note about microchipping is also made in the veterinary passport.

Marks in the veterinary passport on vaccination against rabies and other vaccinations

Special attention is paid to the vaccination marks in the veterinary passport when moving an animal within the Russian Federation or Customs Union, and when exporting it to EU countries. Some countries also pay attention to what exactly the animal was vaccinated with: the vaccine must be certified within the country. In addition, at the time of vaccination the pet must already be microchipped.

Be especially careful to ensure that each vaccination record is accompanied by a vaccine sticker with its number and other data. In many countries, an entry without this will be considered invalid, even if the doctor’s signature and the clinic’s seal are present.

Rabies test

This laboratory test, confirming the presence in the animal’s blood of the required amount of antibodies to the rabies virus. It is not necessary when applying for a veterinary passport and will not be required at all when traveling within the country. But some countries allow import certain types animals (cats, dogs, ferrets) only if such a test is available. It is carried out in state-accredited laboratories. Please note the time limits: the test is done no earlier than 30 days after vaccination, but no later than three months before the planned import into the country.

All deadlines and other information are controlled exclusively by the veterinary passport. Therefore, it is better to take it with you during visits to the clinic. The test results are also entered into the veterinary passport (but you can additionally present a certificate from the laboratory).

Age of animals allowed for import into the EU and non-CIS countries

The age of the animal, like many other data, is indicated in the veterinary passport (date of birth). If pet taken from the nursery, the passport will already be included with it. Otherwise, the date of birth is indicated according to the owner during the first veterinary examination. If the pet was taken from the street, it will be indicated approximately.

Veterinary certificates (certificates, certificates) that supplement the veterinary passport when traveling

When registering, it is necessary to inspect the animal and present the owner with a veterinary passport with valid vaccinations. All certificates from this list are issued only by government doctors - employees of commercial clinics do not have the right to issue such documents. It is better to check the cost of issuing certificates directly with the clinic. You must apply for issuance at the representative office of the state veterinary service (veterinary clinic) at the place of residence of the animal.

A veterinary certificate in form No. 4 will be required if the animal needs to be transported within a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or sold through a pet store or poultry market. It is better to issue it immediately before transportation - the validity period is limited to five days. Presented at the request of regulatory services along with the pet’s veterinary passport.

Veterinary certificate in form No. 1. It is issued at the place of residence of the animal by state veterinary clinics. F№1-vet is valid for five days from the moment of issue until the end of transportation (rules that came into force on September 1, 2015). The certificate indicates that the responsible person has conducted a veterinary examination and confirms that the animal is completely healthy. Along with a veterinary passport, it will be required when transporting an animal outside the region.

Veterinary certificate of the Customs Union, also form No. 1 (which can sometimes cause confusion with the previous certificate). Similar to a veterinary certificate, but valid in the territory of the Customs Union.

A veterinary certificate in form No. 5a will be required if you plan to take the animal with you outside the Customs Union. For issuance, you need to present a veterinary certificate in form No. 1 at the border or at the airport - it will be exchanged for F No. 5a. Taking this into account, it is better to arrive at the airport in advance.

F#5a is also valid for five days from the date of issue until the end of the trip. If you plan to return the animal to the Russian Federation, you must indicate the point of return in the “Route” column and take into account that the certificate is valid only for 90 days from the date of issue.

Additional examination and veterinary treatment will be needed if:

  • the 90-day period has been exceeded;
  • the animal was in places where outbreaks of infectious diseases have been recorded.

All these treatments are indicated in the veterinary passport.

Veterinary certificate of the European Union (also called “European certificate”). It is attached to the veterinary certificate in form No. 5a. If entry into the EU countries is carried out not from the Russian Federation, but from another CU country, instead of F5a you need a veterinary certificate of the Customs Union.

A “European certificate” is drawn up in three languages:

  • Russian (as the sending country);
  • English (general international requirements);
  • language of the country you are traveling to.

Presented together with a veterinary passport and customs declaration.

Dog brand

This distinctive sign, allowing you to identify the dog. Before, when there were no microchips, there was a stigma the only way identification. The alphanumeric designation in the stamp can be indicated in the veterinary passport even if there is a chip. Branding is mandatory in kennel clubs, but it cannot serve as a replacement for a microchip when traveling abroad.


It is a small capsule made of inert material with an electronic chip inside. It is injected using a special syringe under the skin in the withers area. The chip's source code cannot be changed and is a reliable option for international identification. It is read using a special device.

Microchipping must be indicated in the veterinary passport. Often, when chipping, an additional certificate is issued - this can also be saved. The mark on microchipping in the veterinary passport is very important: veterinarians in the EU and many other countries only take into account vaccinations and other treatments done on the day the chip was inserted or after. Everything that came “before” is not taken into account.

Bottom line

A veterinary passport is issued by an employee of the state veterinary service at the request of the animal owner. This is the main document confirming the fact that the pet has been vaccinated and treated against all diseases dangerous to people and animals. There is no strictly established form of a veterinary passport; there is only a list of main points that must be reflected in the document. This also applies to the international veterinary passport. All other veterinary certificates, references and certificates are issued on the basis of this document.

The sample passport is established by the state veterinary services of a particular district or city, and a corresponding order is issued. Passport forms are sold in veterinary clinics or pet stores.

International cat passport

Here is a sample of filling out an international veterinary passport for a cat - filling out this document correctly is not so difficult if you take your time and know some of the nuances. It is produced for both dogs and cats and is universal in content for most countries, including the EU.

Please note that the international veterinary passport, EU form - 576/2013 has some specifics that comply with EU standards. All column names in it are duplicated in English, and it should be filled out both in Russian and in Latin (on the Internet there are many free transliteration services,,, etc.) . Currently, most clinics issue such a document the moment you come to the clinic for the first time for vaccinations or to have your pet examined. But still, you should be more careful, because in some places there could be old forms left; state in advance that you need an international veterinary passport for cats.

Don’t be surprised if the clinic gives you a document slightly different in format from the samples presented - the columns can be positioned horizontally, vertically - the main thing is to fill them out correctly. By the way, you must fill out the international veterinary passport for cats by hand, using a pen with blue or black ink.

What should be specified

The cat's passport must contain the following information:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the owner;
  • Address (street, city, country).

Your full name should be written down as in your own passport. An actual address is preferable (this will make it easier to find you if necessary), and if possible, it is better to indicate both your place of residence and your place of registration.

Phone - first of all, mobile, but again it is better to write down all the numbers that you can call.

As for the photo of the pet, it should be in color, no larger than 5.5 by 8 centimeters in size and show the whole cat, not just the face.

Describing the pet

What is included in the description of a cat? The international veterinary passport for cats must contain the following information:

  • The cat's nickname (the pet's name must correspond to what is indicated in the metric or pedigree - for purebred animals, if the cat is not purebred - you can write the nickname at your discretion);
  • Ident. number (stamp for dogs);
  • Pedigree number;
  • Date of birth (also indicated by metric or pedigree. If you do not know exactly when your pet was born, write the approximate date and month);
  • Gender (in this column you need to put a tick in the box F (female - female) or M (male - male). Sometimes special icons are used to indicate gender. If your passport contains the “Neuter” box, put a tick there if your the animal is sterilized);
  • Breed (we copy the name of the breed from the pedigree or metric. For “nobles” we write “mixed breed”);
  • Coat color (we again attribute the color to official documents purebred cats- this can be a name or encoding. About pets common blood you can simply write “red”, “black with white spots”, “gray striped”);
  • Type of coat and markings / Special features.

When filling out this column, we choose from four options: hairless, shorthaired, semi-longhaired or longhaired. Special features may include “extra” fingers, torn ears, missing eyes, spots or stripes that are not typical for the breed.

Animal identification

The passport must also have a section on microchipping, where the microchip number, a sticker with a barcode, as well as the date of microchipping, with the doctor’s signature and the clinic’s stamp, are entered.

In some international passports you may see a section of marks from the genomic certification laboratory. These studies are needed to accurately identify animals in controversial cases or legal proceedings.

However, a microchip is enough to cross the border - today this method is the only recognized way of identifying an animal.

Registration date

The second page is reserved for notes on the registration of the animal at the veterinary clinic, which are made within 1 month from the date of purchase of adult animals, and puppies and kittens upon reaching 3 (2) months of age.

Re-registration is carried out after 1 year from the date of registration and then no later than 2 months from the date of expiration. Remember that re-registration notes must be made by a veterinarian - all of them are accompanied by the doctor’s signature and the clinic’s stamp with the license number.

Vaccination data

The section on basic vaccination contains information on vaccinations against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis, and is completed in the same way as the previous section.

In special sections on deworming and treatment for fleas and ticks, marks are made and drug stickers are pasted. This can be done either by the owner himself or by the doctor.

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