Why fat doesn't make you fat. What types of fats exist? Insulin and adipose tissue

Fats- This construction material, for the brain and nervous system which contribute to the development of immunity. They are stored in the body in reserve, and are used if the body lacks food or there is a large expenditure of energy.

Fats are classified according to the presence of healthy fatty acids. Basically, the product is very high in calories, but is beneficial for the body. They are necessary for lubricating joints, stopping the absorption of cholesterol, saturating with vitamin E, and improving brain function and memory.

Carbohydrates- This organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They include fiber, sugar and starch. After all the breakdowns, carbohydrates are converted into glucose.

Types of carbohydrates:

  • simple carbohydrates, or fast carbohydrates as they are also called. They are contained in food products processed sugar, buns, cakes, fruits, carbonated drinks and so on;
  • complex carbohydrates or long. They are part of plant products, porridge

Scientists have proven that people recover from both difficult and simple carbohydrates. It all depends on the number of calories, the time of day of eating foods rich in carbohydrates and regular physical activity.

Nutritionists recommend consuming complex carbohydrates in the morning. So they split for a long time and at the same time constantly release energy. Porridge and durum pasta are best. And for dinner, eat a light vegetable salad. It is better to avoid simple carbohydrates as much as possible. They are very quickly processed by the body and excrete great amount energy that the body does not have time to use and again requires “feeding”. Thus, a story that is painfully familiar to us emerges. I bought a cookie, drank tea, and an hour later I wanted to eat again. Sound familiar? Of course they exist. They are based on the idea that there is a large release of insulin, and since it does not disperse throughout the body on its own, it is deposited in fatty tissues. There are diets of a different nature. Basically, like protein ones, they are suitable for people who are engaged in active species sports not at the amateur level.
As for regular weight loss, for example, before the beach season, then nothing can be better than counting calories.

Let us conclude that when proper nutrition and in case of partial refusal fast carbohydrates, you can maintain a great figure, good mood and a healthy body.

  • lentils and legumes;
  • rice, barley, bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • wholemeal bread.

The main thing is not to forget that if you eat more calories per day than you burn, then weight gain cannot be avoided!

There is an opinion that you cannot combine fats and carbohydrates. Rave! Our body is designed so that they cannot live without each other. Many experiments were carried out, which proved that this division does not bring much results. On the contrary, there were negative reactions. When separated, different responses of acetone to extraordinary nutrition arose. There is nothing beneficial from such nutrition! If you put carbohydrates and fats on the scales, you will maintain balance. The most important thing is to observe the number of calories consumed per day, exercise, and healthy image life. It is very good for the body to combine carbohydrates and fats together. After all, it’s tastier to eat porridge with butter than just with water. It's healthy and tasty at the same time! Let's be friends with our bodies and listen to its needs! Let's not go to extremes! The body will thank you! Be healthy and beautiful!

Video about fast and slow carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a hotly debated topic: how much impact do they have on weight loss? Research on low-carb diets has shown that they don't work. The journalist looked into the results Julia Bellaz.

According to the stars and authors of diet books, bread, cookies and pasta are the worst enemies of a figure. Opponents of carbohydrates vividly describe the magical effect of a low-carb diet: supposedly, you lose weight faster and burn calories more easily. Indeed, many of those who went on diets like Atkins or Dukan noted at least a temporary effect from such nutrition.

In July 2017, a group of scientists tested whether this was true and published their work in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This is the best of its kind to date.

Is it true that carbohydrates are the magic key to weight loss? Scientists have not found anything like this. The work, however, shows that reducing carbohydrates in the diet is a controversial measure, fraught with dangerous consequences, and that, despite the assurances of the “gurus,” there is still much we do not know about such a diet.

Carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis

The low-carb approach to nutrition is based on the “carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis,” which is actively promoted by journalist Gary Taubes, Harvard professor David Ludwig, Robert Lustig of the University of California at San Francisco, and others. According to this hypothesis, a diet rich in carbohydrates (especially refined grains and sugars) leads to weight gain through a special mechanism: carbohydrates cause the body to produce more insulin, the body does not use fat reserves and suppresses calorie burning.

To lose weight, you need to reduce your intake of calories from carbohydrates and replace them with calories from fat. It is expected that insulin levels will decrease, calories will be burned faster, and fat will begin to melt.

This method arose as an alternative classic diet, in which the intake of any calories is limited. It turns out that you don’t need to cut calories - you just need to replace one with another, and you will lose weight.

At the same time, people lose sight of the fact that this hypothesis has not been proven by science.

The essence of the experiment

Scientists led by Kevin Hall, who studies the problem of obesity in National Institutes US health authorities tried to take into account earlier mistakes and find out whether a low-carbohydrate diet (and the resulting decrease in insulin production) really leads to the sensational fat burning and calorie consumption.

Hall and colleagues placed 17 subjects with overweight and obesity. They recorded every movement, measured energy expenditure, and strictly controlled their diet. (Diet researchers call this experiment the “gold standard”—it was highly controlled, all food was available, and energy expenditure and body composition were measured using the best technology.)

In the first month of the study, participants received a basal diet - it was approximately the same as in their ordinary life, with an abundance of sweet carbohydrates. In the second month, participants received the same amount of calories and protein as in the first month, but there was more fat and less carbohydrates.

The scientists then measured changes in insulin production and assessed energy expenditure and weight loss with fewer carbohydrates.


The results were not nearly as rosy as anti-carbohydrates claim. “We found that insulin production decreased day by day in the first week and then remained low,” Hall says. “But energy expenditure increased very little and only in the first two weeks of the low-carb diet, and by the end of the study this did not increase at all.”

With an increase in energy consumption per day, only 100 more calories were burned, and not at all 300 or 600, as opponents of carbohydrates promised. In addition, on a low-carb diet, no more fat was burned than with the usual diet. It took the study participants a full 28 days to burn the same amount of fat that they burned in the first 15 days on the basal (carbohydrate) diet, even though it was not designed for weight loss.

In other words, scientists have not found confirmation of the fairy tales about the magical effect of a low-carb diet.

“According to the carbohydrate-insulin model, by reducing insulin production by 50%, the rate of fat loss would increase,” Hall says. However, this did not happen. According to Hall, this suggests that fat tissue reserves depend not only on insulin and carbohydrates obtained from food.

The new results echo previous research on this model. Hall then found that people who ate less fat had the same or more fat loss than those who cut carbs.

“These studies are the first time we have seriously tested the carbohydrate-insulin model in humans,” Hall says. “People need to understand that there is now strong scientific evidence against it.”

Translation - Marina Nestrugina, Center for Intuitive Eating IntuEat ©

You are in careful control calorie intake Are you eating right, but the weight just doesn’t want to fall? You are no exception. I have many friends who only get fatter every year. They get fat, despite the fact that they make a lot of effort to maintain the weight. Particularly indicative is one of my friends, who not only skins chicken, but also eats foods containing zero fat content and does not dress the salad with oil. She even uses oil spray! (I didn't know it existed until she asked me to give her one for her birthday). This is a sprayer for applying oil to a frying pan so that, God forbid, you don’t pour more than two drops. So today - fats and carbohydrates.

Contents [Show]

Calorie intake in our lives

When my friend, whom I started talking about, is visiting me, I see how she looks at my preparation with poorly concealed horror vegetable salads where do I pour olive oil with a generous hand. At the same time, she knows that I am a nutritionist. I eat a lot and enjoy it, but at the same time I am much slimmer and healthier than she is. Although, even in fitness, she is ahead of the rest, and I definitely can’t keep up with her. Zumba, step, exercise bike, strength training... She once tried to ask me how she should eat in order to lose weight, but the advice to add fats to her diet scared her so much that she doesn’t ask me about anything like that anymore. It's been two years now. True, her weight is growing and growing...

Fats got a bad rap many years ago. At first there were people who claimed that a person, just like a machine, consumes energy from food and burns it. Then a man appeared who not only decided to denigrate fats, but came up with a theory (by the way, still not really confirmed) about the dangers of animal fats. In general, let's be honest, fats got a real hard time.

If you find women's magazines even five years ago, you will find that they are full of advice on how to reduce the calorie content of any dish. At the same time, the most “effective” tool for optimizing caloric intake in these tips is reducing fat. Chicken is skinless and bluish, tasteless chicken breast, teaspoons of oil for a decent portion of food or just one lemon juice instead of a gas station, it all comes from there. And maybe it’s just me who is surprised, but, my dears, this approach is a thing of the past.

But how difficult it is to convince people who have avoided fat for years. Just the other day I spoke with a client who claimed that she is not at all afraid of fats and does not avoid them. But when we began to select options for snacks and breakfasts for her, she carefully asked: “And if I eat 15 nuts for breakfast, does that mean I can’t have nuts for a snack that day? After all, they are so high in calories.” Answer: it is possible and necessary. Let me explain why.

Calories are different. I wrote about this in detail here. Today let's compare fats with carbohydrates. For example, let's take a bun (any bun, even a healthy whole grain one) and nuts.

How proteins and fats affect calories

Calorie parameter(I hate that word because it's confusing, but oh well...) So, the calories from the bun will be absorbed very quickly, and your body will have almost no work to do to get them. After all, why is bread so tasty? Because even if it is baked without adding sugar, the sugar molecules from it are broken down under the influence of saliva. That's why bread has such a sweet taste, and it's so hard to give it up.

But if we take nuts, then in order to get calories from them, we need to expend a decent amount of energy. Therefore, if nuts, for example, contain 500 kilocalories, and we need 200 to break them down, then the calorie content is already reduced to 300. Do you see where I’m going with this?

Exactly! Calories are different.

Absorption of calories: the bun, rest assured, will completely break down and go towards covering energy costs. But at least 10% of the nuts will come out of you along with everything else. And even large quantity- this already depends on your digestion and the quality of its work. Therefore, if you eat 30 grams of nuts, then a maximum of 23 grams will be absorbed. As a result, the calorie content of the nut diet in the sense of “eaten and burned” is rapidly decreasing.

“Ha!”, you say. “It’s just nuts! But butter, for example, does not contain fiber and nothing will remain from it in the toilet. And its calorie content is absolutely insane...” So let’s go further to dissect this myth about fats.

For example, you need 100 kilocalories to cover your energy costs, and you decide to eat a bun or porridge. Calories from carbohydrates can only go to two places:

  1. Enters cells in the form of glucose
  2. They are stored as fat.

This is because glucose cannot be used for anything else. And if, for example, you have insulin resistance, then for this reason glucose cannot be completely absorbed by the cells. And if she didn’t go into the cages, then she has nowhere better to go than to settle on your sides and other slender curves of your body. And if the bun contained not exactly 100 kilocalories, but 125, then these extra 25 will settle on the sides of even the most healthy person, whose insulin works with a bang.

Calories created by fat consumption

It's a completely different picture if you get your calories from fat.

Even from regular oil. Fats, in principle, are absorbed longer and more difficult. To split them you need a lot digestive enzymes and time. And if you lack enzymes or have low stomach acidity, it will be even more difficult for you to fully absorb them. That is, the likelihood of assimilation of fats and all their caloric content is generally in question.

In addition, the body needs fats in the diet for many other purposes: building cells, producing hormones, producing cholesterol (and we need it vitally!)... When our body receives something, it cares primarily about providing the most important processes in survival. And if the body needs (and it does) to produce hormones and protect cells, but it doesn’t have enough fat, then it won’t care about your fatigue or providing you with energy. It will first take care of the main thing - the construction of new cells and the production of hormones. And only then, everything that remains from the incoming fats will be used to provide energy.

That is why there is a high probability that if you received 100 kilocalories from fats, then you may not have enough energy from them at all. For example, you “ate” 100 kilocalories, but your body took 60 from you to build everything it needed there. In the end, you only have 40 left! That is, you have a lack of calories in your diet. It is on this principle that fatty diet when a person almost completely eliminates carbohydrates (but not completely, as in the Kremlin diet or on the Dukan diet), but at the same time, the fat content of his diet is off the scale even to the eyes of a fat lover like me. I promise to write more about this diet in the near future.

Yes, it’s over, if you have too much of anything, be it fats, even carbohydrates, even protein, all of this will invariably be deposited in the form of fat reserves. But, as can be seen from the example, the likelihood of gaining weight from fats is several times less than from carbohydrate foods.

Are we denying ourselves carbohydrates? Not at all!

I'm not advocating that you give up carbohydrates completely. We also need them, and, above all, from the point of view of providing us with energy. But if you are still counting the nuts you eat per day in your diet, give it up. Urgently. I hope I have convinced you, and now you will indignantly read women's magazines with advice on “how to pour less oil into your salad.”

Finally, I would like to note that all of the above applies to ALL fats, not just vegetable ones. Therefore, you should not be afraid of them.

Good health to you!

My dears! Thanks for reading. I am sharing valuable information with you for free and will be very grateful if you share this article on your social networks or leave a comment.

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ATTENTION! This article is not a direct guide to action. Please do not self-medicate and consult a specialist. The author is not responsible for the consequences of independently selected treatment.

Depending on our lifestyle, we need an average of 2000 - 3000 kilocalories per day. The calorie content of food depends on the three macroelements found in it - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These three macro elements are the only sources energy. For optimal health, we don't need to consume protein, fat, or carbohydrates at all. equal quantities. On average, a person needs to consume 70-100 grams of protein per day, 6-10 grams of linoleic acid (a type of fat that we need). Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the most “available” source of energy for our body, the amount of carbohydrates necessary for health is zero!

It turns out that using large quantity carbohydrates (replacing fats and proteins with carbohydrates) stimulates our body to store fat. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose as a result of digestion, and in order to assimilate it, our body must secrete the hormone insulin, which helps transfer glucose from the blood to the organs. The greater the percentage of our diet made up of carbohydrates, the more insulin our body will need to release.

What does insulin have to do with it, you might think? In addition to regulating blood sugar levels, insulin has many other important functions:

Controls fat deposits;

Controls the flow of amino acids, fatty acids and carbohydrates to tissues;
- regulates the release of cholesterol by the liver;
- functions as a growth hormone;
- controls appetite;
- causes the kidneys to retain fluid in the body and much more.

This wonderful hormone is simply necessary for life, without it you will simply disappear very quickly. However, this wonderful hormone also has the opposite, dark side. The optimal amount of insulin is needed for healthy life, but its excess can cause serious problems with health. Excess insulin can cause increased arterial pressure, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, high cholesterol in the blood and diabetes.

What to do to tame this “monster”? The answer is to limit carbohydrates in your diet.

Doctors Michael and Mary Eades developed a diet called Protein Power.

In addition to the “Power of Proteins”, developed by the Eades couple, there are several other diets that are based on regulating (reducing) the amount of carbohydrates consumed. This is the South Beach Diet, developed by Dr. Arthur Agatson, the Zone Diet, developed by Barry Sears, the pyramid healthy eating, which was compiled by nutritionists from Harvard University and, to some extent, the Dr. Atkins diet.

According to the Protein Power diet, it is customary to divide the body into three parts - lean body mass - LBW, fat necessary for normal operation body (essential fat) and just fat. BDC is the skeleton, muscles, internal organs and fabrics. Those. everything that makes up your body, with the exception of fat. There are formulas that can be used to calculate BW, but in any case, BW will be less than just your body weight. The more muscle you have, the larger percentage of your weight will be at LBW.

The Power of Protein diet requires you to consume approximately 1.3 grams of protein per kg. (NMT).

Include fish, poultry, meat, low-fat cheeses, and eggs in your diet. Your body cannot “store” protein, so if you are hungry, you can eat more protein than you need, according to your lean body mass.

Formula for calculating lean body mass (LBM).

For women:

BDC = (1.07 x weight) - 148 x weight squared (kg)

height squared (cm)

For men:

BDC = (1.10 x weight) - 128 x weight squared (kg)

height squared (cm)

For example, for a woman with a height of 176 and a weight of 60 kg, the BW will be as follows:

BDC = (1.07 x 60) - 148 x 3600 = 47kg

Add 30 (or less) grams of carbohydrates if you need to lose weight. Eat up to 55 grams of carbohydrates per day if you just want to get rid of a little excess fat and improve your health a little. Divide carbohydrates between all meals throughout the day. Eat greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and zucchini, avocados, cabbage, mushrooms. All of these vegetables contain carbohydrates, but you may want to subtract a few grams that come from fiber (carbohydrates that the human body cannot digest). Fiber helps intestinal function.

Try to consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day.

Don't worry about fat, but try to eat "good" fats - olive and sunflower oil, nuts.

Don't let yourself get too hungry, eat regularly.

A glass of wine or beer won't hurt your health, but keep in mind that alcohol contains a lot of carbohydrates and will need to be subtracted from your daily allowance.

If you are trying to lose weight, eliminate sugar and starch from your diet (temporarily). This means you will have to abstain from potatoes and pasta.

Be sure to engage in physical activity and sports. Any physical exercise“until you sweat” are good, but according to the “Power of Protein” diet, it is recommended to do strength exercises with weights (dumbbells, barbells, weights) or on weight training machines.

When you're not sure what you should eat, eat lean meat, fish or poultry and a large salad with fresh vegetables.

Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet completely can be difficult. After all, carbohydrates are found even in such “healthy” foods as, for example, tomatoes and carrots. If you watch your diet very carefully and almost completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, as Dr. Atkins recommends, you can completely “rebuild” your metabolism. This is the so-called “ketogenic diet”, where your body will receive energy through beta-oxidation of fats and the production of ketones. So your body will use fats as its main source of energy. As a result, you will lose weight.

Many people have successfully lost weight by trying Dr. Atkins' diet.

If the complete exclusion of carbohydrates is not entirely to your liking and you are of the opinion that nutrition should be balanced, then you need to learn to distinguish “bad” and “good” fats and carbohydrates from each other.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats - found in olives, olive, sunflower, corn and cottonseed oils, nuts, avocados, fish. Effect on health - reduces " bad cholesterol» LDL, increases “good” HDL. And here Palm oil on the contrary, it is a saturated fat, although it also belongs to vegetable oils.

Saturated fat - (animal fat) found in milk, butter, cheese, red meat, chocolate, ice cream - increases both types of cholesterol - LDL and HDL.

Trans fats are fats produced by heating vegetable oils in the presence of hydrogen. This is margarine, a butter substitute, fried food(especially French fries). This fat only raises the “bad” LDL cholesterol. Trans fats are the most “harmful” fat.

Fats significantly increase taste qualities food. Some studies have found that eating plenty of vegetable oils, nuts and fish not only makes your diet more interesting, but also has positive effect to your health. Fish is also good because it contains fats called OMEGA-3 fatty acid- one of the types of polyne saturated fat. OMEGA-3 fatty acids have many beneficial properties.

Scientists first noticed the link between omega-3 fatty acids and health in the 1970s while studying the Inuit Eskimos who live in Greenland. On average, Inuit suffered from obesity, cardiovascular disease, rheumatism and diabetes much less than the average Europeans. The Inuit diet consisted of a large amount of fat, because... they ate a lot of salmon, whale and seal meat. Scientists soon realized that all these foods are rich in OMEGA-3 fatty acids and have beneficial effects on health, namely:

1. reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood ( high level triglycerides is a precursor cardiovascular diseases).

2. reduce the growth of atherosclerotic deposits in blood vessels.
3. reduce the risk of arrhythmias.
4. reduce blood pressure.
5. Omega-3 fatty acids can increase your body's sensitivity to insulin, meaning your body can make do with less insulin to lower blood sugar levels after eating.

“Bad” and “good” carbohydrates can be distinguished from each other by their glycemic index. This index tells you how quickly and how strongly your blood sugar levels rise after you eat something that contains carbohydrates. It has been established that in people who eat a lot of foods with a high glycemic index, which causes rapid and severe "spikes" in blood sugar, there is high risk diseases of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Canned foods, refined foods, refined cereals, etc. have a very high glycemic index.

On the other hand, the fiber that is lost during refining is very beneficial. The more fiber, the lower the glycemic index.

The following characteristics affect the glycemic index:

Fruit maturity - a ripe fruit or vegetable contains more sugars than fruits that are not yet fully ripe, therefore the glycemic index is higher in ripe fruits.
Type of starch - The type of starch granules in a food affects how quickly carbohydrates are digested and released into the bloodstream. The starch in potatoes, for example, is digested and enters the bloodstream quite quickly.
Physical form- Finely ground flour has a higher glycemic index than coarsely ground flour. It might make sense to replace your favorite loaf with a doctor's bran bun.

Scientists at Harvard have paid a lot of attention to healthy eating. Their focus was also on the combination of fats and carbohydrates and that's what they recommend.

The best source of carbohydrates (your body still needs some of them) are unrefined grains. These cereals take longer to digest, the level of sugar and insulin in the blood does not change much, so the feeling of hunger occurs much later. They have a low glycemic index.

Vegetable oils are “good” unsaturated oils.
Vegetables - with every meal, fruits - 2-3 per day.
Fish, poultry, eggs - up to two servings per day. These are important sources of proteins. Fish is good for OMEGA-3 fatty acids; chicken and turkey contain relatively small amounts of saturated fat. Eggs are rich in protein unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals.
Nuts and legumes (1-3 servings per day) are excellent sources of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Dairy products or calcium in the form food additives for a healthy musculoskeletal system. Attention! Try to use low-fat dairy products, as milk contains a lot of saturated fat.
Don't get carried away with red meat and oil. These foods contain huge amounts of saturated fat. If you are used to eating meat every day, try to replace it with fish or chicken at least a few times a week. if you love butter, try to replace it with olive oil.
Avoid refined white rice, white bread, potatoes, pasta and sweets. These products cause rapid and very strong increase blood sugar. This can lead to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Take a multi-vitamin.
Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages (1-2 glasses of wine per day) can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is very important to use alcoholic drinks MODERATELY.

Why are some carbohydrates a source of energy and fill you with strength, while others disrupt metabolism and make you gain weight? excess weight? How to learn to distinguish healthy carbohydrates from harmful ones?

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the human body; in addition, they regulate many processes, including metabolism. Carbohydrates are classified according to the number of structural units; simple carbohydrate compounds consist of several sugar molecules, complex carbohydrates - from a huge number of molecules. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed by the body very quickly, which is why they are called fast carbohydrates, they sharply increase the level of glucose in the blood, and with frequent excessive consumption they become the causes of excess weight and diseases with metabolic disorders. Complex carbohydrates are called slow, they are absorbed and provide energy gradually, and do not cause a sharp increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. Advantage slow carbohydrates before fast ones in that after consumption they provide long-term satiety, but at the same time do not cause excess weight.

There are not many products that consist exclusively of simple carbohydrates, these are table sugars and honey. Confectionery sweets consist of approximately 50% carbohydrates, at least one fifth of carbohydrates are simple compounds. Fruit juices 10-15% consist of carbohydrates, all carbohydrates are present in them simple sugars, which makes juices an unhealthy product. Some juices have more sugar than sweet carbonated drinks; cola contains 10% simple sugars.

The rate of carbohydrate absorption is indicated by the glycemic index; the higher the index, the faster simple sugars from the product enter the blood. Simple carbohydrates have a high glycemic index, while complex carbohydrates have a high glycemic index. Sharp increase the concentration of glucose in the blood after eating simple carbohydrates is dangerous for the body; it rids itself of danger by redirecting glucose to fat deposits.

After glucose is utilized, its level in the blood will decrease, and the person will want to eat again, which is how addiction to sweets begins.

The most beneficial for a person and the safest for his figure will be complex carbohydrates from vegetables with minimal heat treatment, whole grains can be placed in second place; they have an average glycemic index and contain alimentary fiber, improving digestion. When the shell is separated from the grain, it glycemic index increases, consumption of white refined rice and white wheat flour leads to excess weight. Fruits are a source of vitamins, but they contain many simple carbohydrates, so consuming fruits in very moderation is appropriate in a healthy diet.

Replacing simple carbohydrates with complex ones will make your diet healthier and also allow you to lose weight. It will not be difficult for anyone to replace sweets cornflakes whole for breakfast oatmeal that need to be cooked, instead of regular bread, buy toast from whole grain, refuse white rice in favor of brown, replace mashed potatoes for buckwheat porridge.

Types of carbohydrates:

Simple carbohydrates, or fast carbohydrates as they are also called. They are found in processed foods with sugar, buns, cakes, fruits, carbonated drinks and so on; complex carbohydrates or long ones. They are included in plant products and cereals.


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The fashion for low-fat products has become most widespread in the last 10 years. People strictly monitor the amount of fat in their diet, firmly convinced that “fat makes you fat.” No one monitors the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, believing that calories without fat are safe calories. However, the only type of calories that should be controlled are the calories found in carbohydrates. Low fat, high carbohydrates - this is the most “full” diet of all.

To understand how you can gain weight on low-fat foods, you must first understand what a calorie is.

Calorie is a unit of measurement of the energy contained in food. This is the amount of energy required to heat one gram of water by one degree Celsius. To measure the number of calories in food, the laboratory measures the change in water temperature due to the energy released during complete breakdown chemical bonds in a particular product (for example, during the decomposition of proteins...

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It is very simple to answer the question of what foods make you fat. Carbohydrates make you fat! And therefore the most effective diet for weight loss low carb.

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates (all types, not just sugar itself) underlies the development of obesity, insulin resistance and subsequently type 2 diabetes.

Unfortunately, official medicine For decades now, people have been unjustifiably extolling the benefits of eating carbohydrates, sometimes even placing them at the base of the food pyramid. As a result, many who follow a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet struggle with overweight constantly, virtually non-stop. And not only with excess weight, but with other health problems.

And all because the inclusion of a large amount of cereals and sugars in the diet prevents the production of energy from fats and, even on the contrary, contributes to their active accumulation. And what's worse, it leads to increased insulin levels and the development of resistance to...

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Home » Nutrition » Do carbohydrates make you fat - the stunning truth about insulin! Do Carbs Make You Fat? The Stunning Truth About Insulin!

Do carbohydrates cause an increase in insulin levels and, as a result, fat formation? Read this article and you will find out whether carbohydrates make you fat or not!

Do carbohydrates make you fat or thin?

Super Scientist Athlete: “Hey man, you need to lose weight—eat less carbs!”

His friend: “Why?”

Super Scientist Athlete: “Because carbohydrates cause increased production insulin, and insulin promotes fat formation. If you eat few carbohydrates, your body will only burn fat and you will lose weight. Look at me, how slim I am, I haven’t eaten carbohydrates for 2 years” (he lifts up his T-shirt and proudly shows off his puny, bony body).

His friend: “Damn, then I need...

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Do carbohydrates or fats make you fat? What's worse for your figure?

Do you want to lose a few kilos, but can’t figure out whether carbs or fat make you fat? In fact, this is not surprising for the reason that there are a huge number of diets on the Internet, many of which are simply misleading. One says that you should never eat fat, while the other diet is a terrible opponent of carbohydrates. Of course, in such a variety it will be quite difficult for you to understand what can still be consumed and what cannot.

You can understand whether carbohydrates or fats make you fat only when you understand what it is and why calories accumulate in the first place. Maybe you won’t even necessarily need to adhere to some kind of strict diet, but it will be enough to balance your diet in order not to feel hungry and give your body everything it needs to produce energy.

Do fats make you fat?

How much have you heard about fats, and...

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What makes you gain weight more: fats or carbohydrates?

Unfortunately, statistics say that many Ukrainian women suffer from excess weight. Numerous diets often contradict each other: some recommend giving up fats, others recommend giving up carbohydrates. Stores sell low-fat products with high content sugar or products with sweeteners, but high in fat. This means that despite the abundance dietary products in stores, only our wallet loses weight from them. And not ourselves. So who are the real enemies of our figure? What really makes us fat?

For centuries it was believed that “a person is what he eats.” In other words, if you eat fat, you get fat. This makes some sense: fats contain 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins contain only 4 calories per gram. This means that logic says that by reducing fat in your diet, you will inevitably lose weight. But is this really so? Moreover, as...

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The statistics are merciless: a good half of Russian women are overweight. Numerous diets often contradict each other: some recommend giving up fats, others recommend giving up carbohydrates. Stores sell low-fat products with a high sugar content or products with sweeteners, but high in fat. This means that despite the abundance of dietary products in stores, only our wallet loses weight from them. And not ourselves. So who are the real enemies of our figure? What really makes us fat?

For centuries it was believed that “a person is what he eats.” In other words, if you eat fat, you get fat. This makes some sense: fats contain 9 calories per gram, while carbohydrates and proteins contain only 4 calories per gram. This means that logic says that by reducing fat in your diet, you will inevitably lose weight. But is this really so? Moreover, as some studies show, low-fat/high-carbohydrate diets...

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Why are you getting fat and what should you do to avoid gaining weight? This question is relevant not only for modern women, but also for the stronger sex and even children. Surprisingly, most often people ask it to themselves and, of course, cannot find the correct answer due to their incompetence. In this regard, we recommend turning to experienced nutritionists who know their business and will certainly be able to tell you what makes you fat and cannot lose weight.

Unfortunately, not all people have free cash to visit a specialist. That is why we will try to answer this question in this article.

Why are you getting fat?

There are several factors why a person begins to gain a lot of weight. And most often people understand what exactly their fatness is connected with. But the likely abandonment of their favorite habits makes them literally “blind.” In this regard, our task becomes to open the eyes of overweight people who...

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If the amount of calories consumed in the form of food eaten in excess of needs exceeds a person’s energy expenditure, the body tries to store it as fat. In this case, it does not matter at all what exactly got into the stomach, proteins, carbohydrates or fats.

And yet there is a difference in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. Preference should be given to foods rich in carbohydrates, since calories from carbohydrate consumption are not often stored as fat. For carbohydrates to turn into adipose tissue, you need to spend about 25% of calories, and fats can turn into adipose tissue by losing about 3% energy value. By consuming the same amount of “carbohydrate” and “fat” calories, you need to understand that slightly less adipose tissue is formed when eating foods containing carbohydrates.

But this does not mean that by eating a lot of carbohydrates, a person will not gain weight. Carbohydrates can be roughly divided into two types. The first includes simple refined carbohydrates, for example, refined sugar, wheat...

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Simple and complex carbohydrates: which ones make you fat?

Our diet consists of three main components: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And all of them are vital for our body.

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of energy to our body - from 50 to 70%. A deficiency of carbohydrates in the body provokes metabolic disorders. The body begins to compensate for the lack of energy through proteins and fats. This substitution leads to increased load on the kidneys, violation salt metabolism. If such a picture persists for a long time, then “acidification” of the body occurs, as a result of the body using fat as an energy supplier, which leads to poisoning of brain cells.

Also chronic deficiency carbohydrates causes fat deposition in liver cells and depletion of glycogen stores. This leads to dysfunction of the liver and its fatty degeneration.

I think that after all of the above, no one has any doubts about the enormous importance of carbohydrates for...

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Myth 1: You gain weight only from fat.

Fact: In fact, research shows that it makes no difference whether we eat butter or wholemeal bread. The main thing is the amount of food eaten. An example of this is overweight American women who eat dietary, low-fat biscuits. In fact, you shouldn't deny yourself small quantity fat - thanks to it we will be filled much better than from a ton of dry biscuits.

Myth 2: Fat turns into fat.

Fact: This statement, just like the fact that you can’t eat fatty foods at all, is not entirely true. Our body is programmed in such a way that it is always configured for the worst, and therefore has the habit of stocking up “for a rainy day.” Every unspent and unburned gram of fat in human body Packed into bins: at the waist, hips, back and arms. However, impose on fatty foods a strict taboo is not allowed: the absence of fats in food leads to metabolic disorders, failure to absorb vitamins A and E and stop production...

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Do fats or carbohydrates make you fat?

To answer this question, let’s first understand what fats are and what carbohydrates are.

Fats are building materials for the brain and nervous system, which contribute to the development of immunity. They are stored in the body in reserve, and are used if the body lacks food or there is a large expenditure of energy.

Fats are classified according to the presence of healthy fatty acids. Basically, the product is very high in calories, but is beneficial for the body. They are necessary for lubricating joints, stopping the absorption of cholesterol, saturating with vitamin E, and improving brain function and memory.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They include fiber, sugar and starch. After all the breakdowns, carbohydrates are converted into glucose.

What carbohydrates make you fat?

Scientists have proven that people gain weight from both complex and simple carbohydrates. It all depends on the quantity...

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Why don't fat make you fat? We are what we eat. Harmful and healthy fats.

Why don't fat make you fat?

We are what we eat. And this statement applies always and in all senses, especially when it comes to issues with fats. Why don't fat make you fat? Excess body fat is a direct path to heart disease, atherosclerosis, kidneys and liver. Why won't people stop eating fatty foods to become beautiful and slim? And why not, those who want to achieve something and change their body do so.

What types of fats exist:

Modern bodybuilding is a competition of opinions. During the preparation stages for competitions, bodybuilders give up not only large amounts of carbohydrates, as in mass gain, but also fats. Physiology does not approve of this. A person needs fats, regardless of whether they belong to the group of bad or good.

Fats are also called lipids or triglycerides. The triglyceride molecule consists of a base and three arms. IN...

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The word “fat” itself often evokes associations negative reaction. We are more accustomed to thinking that fat inevitably makes us fat. And that’s why people drink skim milk in droves and eat only foods with reduced content fat... but it’s not getting slimmer. Why? There are simply “good” fats, and there are “bad” ones. And it’s not enough just to know about it, you also need to distinguish the “low content” of what kind of fat you consume.

In fact, fats are vital for any body to function properly. A deficiency of fat can have a detrimental effect on your health. So you need to eat them, but only at the same time know how much and what fats to include in your diet.

Mono-, poly-, I

"Healthy" fats or "fatty acids". They are formed during the breakdown of fats and serve as a source of energy for body cells and necessary elements any healthy diet, because they enrich with oxygen circulatory system organism, participate in the process of formation and...

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Do you carefully control the caloric intake of your diet, eat right, but the weight just doesn’t want to fall? You are no exception. I have many friends who only get fatter every year. They get fat, despite the fact that they make a lot of effort to maintain the weight. Particularly indicative is one of my friends, who not only removes the skin from the chicken, eats zero-fat foods and does not dress her salad with oil. She even uses oil spray! (I didn't know it existed until she asked me to give her one for her birthday). This is a sprayer for applying oil to a frying pan so that, God forbid, you don’t pour more than two drops.

Calorie intake in our lives

When my friend, whom I started talking about, is visiting me, I see how she looks with poorly concealed horror at my preparation of vegetable salads, where I pour olive oil with a generous hand. At the same time, she knows that I am a nutritionist. I eat a lot and with pleasure, but at the same time much...

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