How to make eye lotions from tea. Eye lotions made from herbal, green and black tea. How to make lotions correctly

Since ancient times, compresses have been considered one of the most effective means in a wide variety of situations. In modern tribes, healers still grind plants into pulp and apply them to a wound or bruise. This is considered a compress, because useful material from plants penetrate the skin and promote rapid healing.

Types of compresses

There are two types of eye compresses for fatigue:

  1. Warm (contrast) compress. Same as in contrasting soul, the principle of this procedure is to change the temperature from warm to cold. It tones you up blood vessels and strengthens muscles. Excellent prevention of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and dull skin.
  2. Cold compress. It is done using means with a temperature no higher than eighteen degrees Celsius. This procedure will refresh your complexion, shrink pores, and narrow blood vessels. It perfectly tones the skin around the eyes and reduces the production of sebum. This type of treatment combats skin laxity and wrinkles.

Rules for applying a compress for tired eyes

The most important thing is to completely remove your makeup! You can mix water with any cosmetic oil and use a cotton pad to remove any remaining makeup from your eyes. This must be done very carefully so as not to stretch the skin of the eyelids - this is what contributes to sagging skin.

Now you can take a napkin made of natural fabric, apply the prepared mixture on it and apply it to the eye area.

Some tips for using eye compresses for tired eyes:

  1. Use contrast procedures only with a doctor's prescription. At home, cold compresses are better. They will ideal option with loose skin.
  2. To get a stronger effect, place a sheet of parchment paper on a napkin with a medicinal product and a warm towel on top.
  3. Many women find that compresses are useless. The whole problem is that while using medicinal products they think about the bad, about pressing matters and everyday problems. Negative thoughts prevent muscles from relaxing and the skin from accepting the beneficial substances you have prepared for it. The best solution will not think not only about the bad, but also about the good too. Try to turn off your thoughts and just enjoy the process. You can meditate - you will do two useful procedures at once.
  4. Eye compress for tired eyes magic remedy. After one application, the effect is visible immediately and will last throughout the day. However, if you do not repeat the procedure regularly, there will be no point in it. Make it a habit.
  5. Apply compresses while lying down to make it easier to relax. Remove the pillow and place a small pillow or folded blanket under your neck.
  6. Compresses for the eyes will also be useful for the entire face - just take a larger napkin.
  7. If you are using a contrast compress, let it last stage the temperature will be cold. This is important for narrowing pores and blood vessels. The skin will become very soft and elastic.

Useful components

The most common recipes involve infusions medicinal herbs. They contain many useful components, vitamins and minerals. The most useful herbs for fatigue are mint, chamomile, dill and parsley.

For very light skin can be used birch leaves, Linden blossom, sage and hawthorn. dark skin these plants can lighten one or two shades.

Also, calendula is good for the skin. This is one of the most effective plants for the prevention of wrinkles.

Compress from herbal infusion do this as follows: pour one tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and infuse.

In the Ancient East, women took a bag made of natural fabric, put tea leaves into it, left it to swell, and then put it on their eyes. This compress perfectly relieved fatigue and swelling under the eyes.

Other compresses

Except useful herbs can be used cosmetic oils. The most useful are olive, soy and fir. After such a compress, the skin will be smoother and softer.

Under the influence of the computer, lack of sleep, solar radiation, working with paper media or small details or others unfavorable factors the eyes get tired, bruises and bags appear under them.

In such cases, compresses for bruises under the eyes and swelling will come to the rescue.

Types of compresses

To get your eyes in order, you can use: by professional means care that an ophthalmologist can advise you on, as well as those at hand.

For eye compresses it is not at all necessary to use rare or expensive components. Quite suitable and simple products, which almost every housewife has at home.

One of the most simple compresses- This is a cotton wool soaked in cool water. It must be attached to tired eyes for fifteen minutes and lie down.

If you alternate tampons with cold and warm water, this will improve blood circulation in the vessels of the eyes and tones the skin.

The following components are used for eye compresses:

  • Water;
  • Tea leaves;
  • Chamomile decoction;
  • Cucumber;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Raw potatoes;
  • Linden decoction;
  • A decoction of mint (or a number of other medicinal herbs).


Calming. If the cause of eye fatigue is long work at your PC, you can use this recipe in the evening when you get home.

Take a raw potato, wash it, then cut two thin slices and place it on your eyelids, closing your eyes. Leave on for five minutes, then remove.

Refreshing. A big plus is that you can do it even at work. Wet your eyes a couple of times cool water from the tap.

Then you need to sit on a chair or sofa for a couple of minutes, lightly pressing your fingertips to your eyelids.

So you need to sit for a few minutes, thinking about something pleasant. This method is not suitable for those who constantly use decorative cosmetics.

Anti-stress. If you are stressed and cry constantly, your eyes will also suffer. This recipe can help the trouble. Soak a cotton swab in clean warm water and apply to your eyelids for 3 minutes.

Soak the other two swabs in cold water and apply to your eyes for 5 minutes. So you need to alternately change warm and cold fleeces up to 7 times.

Based on herbal infusions

Tonic. If your eyes are very inflamed and your eyelids hurt, then you need to do tea compress for eyes. To do this, brew strong black or green tea.

Let it cool to slightly above room temperature. Then soak the cotton wool in the broth and place it on your eyes. So you need to lie down for a quarter of an hour.

Anti-inflammatory. If your eyes are very tired and swollen, you can make a chamomile compress for the eyes. To do this, you need to brew chamomile herb: 2 tablespoons of dried flowers need to be brewed with a glass of boiling water.

Let it brew in a sealed container for about half an hour. When the broth has cooled to room temperature, wet the cotton wool and apply it to your closed eyelids.

This compress should be kept for up to fifteen minutes. You can also prepare a decoction in a water bath. It is especially convenient to use chamomile in bags for a compress, which is also sold at the pharmacy.

Lime. This compress will help with red eyelids and bruises under the eyes. Take 2 teaspoons of linden flowers, pour a glass of boiling water over them, let it brew for a quarter of an hour, then strain.

Rinse your eyes with the resulting infusion or apply a compress. Moisten a piece of gauze in the warm infusion, squeeze it out and leave it on your eyes for five minutes.

Other types

Nutritious. If you suffer from dry eyelids, you need to make a compress based on vegetable oil. A cotton swab or gauze should be soaked in olive oil or other vegetable oil and apply to eyes for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Bleaching. So that it doesn't happen dark circles, make a cucumber compress. Cut thin circles fresh vegetable and apply to your eyes for 10 minutes. You can also grate the cucumber, put the resulting paste on gauze and apply it to the eyelids for fifteen minutes.

To keep your eyes healthy and shining, compresses alone are not enough. Constant swelling and circles under the eyes indicate existing health problems.

To look good and feel great, you need to get enough sleep, eat right and avoid bad habits– smoking and alcohol.

You also need to pay attention to quality decorative cosmetics which you use and choose the right cream to care for the skin around your eyes.

Many modern people have poor eyesight which may gradually worsen due to their line of work and other reasons. This may be related to bad environment, permanent job at the computer, watching TV and using various gadgets.

Constant exercise leads to severe fatigue and redness in the eyes, which provokes health problems such as vision loss. All sorts of ailments can be prevented if certain measures are taken in a timely manner to treat tired eyes. We will tell you in this article about folk remedies for eye fatigue.

Express recipes for eye fatigue

There are many various recipes, allowing you to quickly get rid of redness, swelling under the eyes and relieve fatigue around the eyes at home.

Cold spoons

This is not a recipe, but simply an effective remedy for quick removal swelling. Cool two spoons in the freezer and apply them to your eyes through thin napkins. The spoons should not be icy, but simply cold. IN otherwise, you may irritate the thin skin around the eyes.


You can relieve tired eyes with a folk remedy based on ordinary cucumber. Cut two slices of the vegetable and place them on your eyelids, closing your eyes. Cucumber creates a calming and softening effect, and swelling under the eyes and redness quickly disappear.


You can overcome the problem of swelling around the eyes with the help of this product. If you want to look fresh in the morning, pour milk into a plate and blot a soft towel in it. Wring it out and place it on your eyes for a few minutes. Milk has a softening effect and makes the skin softer and silkier. At the same time, the eyes receive a cheerful glow. It should be noted that chilled milk must be used.


It is great for combating the problem of puffy eyes. If you have strawberries in the refrigerator, place a couple of them on your eyelids and leave for a few minutes. You should feel relieved and relaxed. Strawberries create an antioxidant effect and help relieve puffiness under the eyes.

Tea bags

Many people have tried this well-known folk remedy for tired eyes. It would seem, who would treat eyes with tea? You need to take already used bags of mint or chamomile tea, cool them in the refrigerator and then place them on your eyelids for about five minutes. The redness will disappear, the eyes will become fresher, and the swelling will disappear along with the tea drunk before getting rid of eye fatigue.

Soothing eye compresses to relieve fatigue

If you are wondering how to relieve fatigue around the eyes, be sure to try various compresses, which we will discuss below.

Ice compress

The simplest and most sufficient effective compress, to create which you will need regular ice. Wrap the cubes in a thin cloth and apply to swollen eyes for 30-120 seconds, but no more. It is impossible to apply ice for a long time, since strong cooling contributes to the narrowing and reflex spasm of blood vessels, which impairs blood circulation in this area. Be careful before you decide to relieve tired eyes folk remedies- consult your doctor.

If there is no ice, even a towel soaked in cold water will do. Apply it to tired eyes for 3-5 minutes. Cold relieves stress eye muscles and eliminates discomfort in the area around the eyes.

Raw potatoes

Juice raw potatoes- an excellent component for creating a compress that relieves fatigue under the eyes. You will need peeled potatoes, grated. Place it in two gauze bags and start applying them to your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.

After the procedure with folk remedies, the remnants of the compress are removed with a damp cotton swab and the skin is covered with a nourishing cream. A potato compress relieves redness and swelling due to lack of sleep.

Herbal compresses for eyes

To quickly get rid of eye fatigue, herbal compresses are very effective. Here are the most popular and available recipes herbal eye compresses that will help you cope with the task of relieving fatigue under the eyes using folk methods.

Linden blossom and chamomile

These herbs will help relieve eye fatigue and prevent stye. Pour a glass of boiling water over any of these herbs in the amount of 1 spoon and place on low heat for 2-3 minutes. After preparing the decoction, wrap the container with it in a warm cloth and leave to infuse for several hours. When the product has cooled, it will need to be strained. You can use a decoction of herbs to create compresses before bed, wash your eyes, or freeze ice from it.


A decoction of blue cornflower is an excellent preventive folk remedy against eye fatigue. You will need a glass hot water and a couple of spoons of dried cornflower flowers. Fill the grass hot water and leave to brew for several hours. You need to apply a compress with this decoction to your eyes regularly - at least two or three times a week.


Parsley helps fight eye fatigue and dark circles around them. To make a compress, you need to chop fresh parsley and put it in two gauze bags, and then put it in boiling water. Allow small compresses to cool until normal temperature, squeeze out the bags and apply to tired eyes for 8-10 minutes.

Compresses against redness and swelling under the eyes

In addition to the usual soothing compresses, you can use other recipes that effectively help with swelling and severe redness of the eyes.

Birch infusion

You will need fresh birch leaves - 5-6 pieces, as well as a glass of mineral water without gas. Pour water over the leaves and leave in an open glass container for a day. After this, you can try moistening your eyelids with this decongestant. The condition of the eyes quickly returns to normal, the redness goes away and the swelling disappears.

Peppermint compress

If you want to overcome swelling of the eyelids under the eyes using folk remedies, this recipe will certainly help you: pour a glass of boiling water over a large spoonful of leaves peppermint and place the mixture on low heat for about 5 minutes, and then leave the product to infuse for half an hour without removing the lid. After some time, the liquid must be filtered, moisten cotton pads with it and apply them to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes.

Chamomile compress

Dried flowers of this plant should be wrapped in cloth, making small bags. They must be placed in water and boiled for about 10 minutes. Start applying the pouches to puffy, red eyes every few days and you will notice a more refreshed appearance on your face.

Egg white

You can prepare a mask from this product. Separate from raw egg white and beat it, and then add witch hazel extract to it (just a little). Apply to affected areas around the eyes to relieve inflammation, swelling and soothe skin.

Sea salt

From sea ​​salt You can prepare a wonderful compress for eye redness and swelling. Just wet it cotton swabs solution, squeeze them slightly so that the liquid does not get into your eyes, and place on your eyelids for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, treat the skin with some nourishing cream.

Melissa and white bread

A slightly unusual compress is prepared from fresh lemon balm (you will need two large spoons) and bread crumb. Moisten the bread with juice and apply the pieces to the swollen area. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes, and after it you need to wash with cool water.

The eyes often suffer from inflammation caused by infection, overexertion, and fatigue. Redness and swelling appear, blueness and bags form under the eyes. How to deal with this? It should be remembered that eyes require regular care to minimize discomfort. A miracle drink - tea - will help with this.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Eyes require constant care. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive; after procedures with lotions, you should apply an emollient cream.

Contrast wash

Before taking drastic measures, it is worth carrying out preparatory procedures. Contrast washing will very quickly and effectively remove congestion, activates metabolic processes and blood flow. You need to wash your face for several minutes, alternating cold and hot water, focusing on the eye area. Washing must be completed with cool water. You should not wipe your face; just blot off excess moisture with a towel.

Tea lotions

To perform the procedure, you can use green, black or red tea. All types of tea contain tannins, which can strengthen and protect blood vessels. Due to large quantity beneficial substances contained in tea, eye compresses relieve fatigue, eliminate the effects harmful impurities, obtained from the air and negatively affecting the eyes. Eye lotions made from tea should be done regularly.

Properties of tea

Tea tones the facial muscles and stimulates the production of collagen. He provides beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the facial skin. Green and white teas have more pronounced soothing and anti-inflammatory properties compared to black. Tea decoction is useful for mature skin, providing a rejuvenating effect.

The easiest way is to make lotions from warm, damp tea bags, holding them on your closed eyes for 15-20 minutes. But it's better not to use this method as the main one. Tea bags contain low-grade tea, in which minimum content useful substances. There is no need to be lazy and save money to brew a glass of good loose-leaf tea, soak cotton or gauze pads in it and hold it on your eyelids, closing your eyes.

You can freeze the brewed tea and use ice cubes to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Herbal eye lotions

. Medicinal plant- chamomile contains azulene, a substance that has anti-allergenic, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant also contains glycosides, various acids, essential oil that increases the metabolic rate, which allows you to quickly get rid of eye bags, puffiness, and inflammation of the eyes. It is necessary to prepare a chamomile infusion by brewing pharmaceutical drug boiling water Place cotton swabs on the eyes, under the eyes and hold for 15-20 minutes, every two to three minutes the swabs need to be replaced with new ones.

Sage infusion. By chemical composition Sage is similar to tea. It also contains flavonoids, tannins, acids, and antioxidants. Sage has analgesic, soothing, anti-inflammatory properties, which are more pronounced and stronger than in ordinary tea. The lotions should be carried out according to the same scheme as described above. It is advisable to carry out a course with lotions after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Parsley infusion. In terms of keratin and vitamin A content, parsley is close to blueberries and carrots. It contains a lot of vitamins C and group B, which are good for the skin. Parsley has whitening, rejuvenating, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is often used in natural cosmetology. For lotions, you can prepare an infusion of the plant, soak cotton pads in the warm infusion and apply to the eyes. Or you can apply chopped fresh parsley leaves to your eyes and cover the top with wet swabs. The procedure will take 15 minutes.

Compresses for red and tired eyes

Components for eye compresses are selected individually.

Linden compress. Designed to get rid of bags under the eyes, puffiness, and swelling. It will help relieve fatigue from the eyes. To prepare the decoction 1 tbsp. l. linden color is poured with a mug of hot water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Then it is left for six hours to obtain a rich consistency. The skin under the eyes is wiped with an ice cube. Cotton swabs are soaked in the broth, lightly wrung out and placed on closed eyelids. Periodically you need to soak the tampons in the broth; the entire procedure takes about 15 minutes. When redness occurs, it is useful to simply wash your eyes with linden decoction.

Cornflower compress. With this compress you can soothe sore eyes, get rid of swelling, irritation, and redness. 3 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the cornflowers, then cool. Soak cotton swabs in the infusion and leave on your eyes for 15 minutes. The broth can be poured into ice cube trays and frozen. Use ice cubes to wipe the skin around your eyes in the morning. This will help prevent red eyes.

Mint compress. 1 tbsp. l. Add peppermint to a glass of water, boil for five minutes, leave for another five minutes with the lid closed. Strain. Soak cotton swabs in mint infusion and leave on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

Birch compress. Crush birch leaves and pour cold water(200 ml). Leave overnight. The compress will help remove swelling, cope with fatigue, and give your eyes shine.

Since ancient times, people have known such a procedure that is beneficial for beauty and health as body lotions. Natives in the African jungle still apply herbs to the sore spot, grind the leaves into a pulp and apply it to bruises and bruises. These can also be considered lotions, because the beneficial substances contained in plants penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect on the skin and muscle tissue, producing a therapeutic effect.

Why are lotions needed?

The action of eye lotions is based on the same principle. The skin of the eyelids and under the eyes is very thin and delicate, it is devoid of fat and needs constant replenishment with moisture and nutrients using lotions. Of course, this procedure is very useful, it does not cause allergies and has virtually no side effects. It is especially valuable for those for whom steam baths are contraindicated.

It may be strange to hear this, but experts unanimously say that you need to start making eye lotions from the age of 20. After all, it is always easier to prevent skin aging processes than to deal with their consequences later. Starting to take care of your eyes early age, you can postpone the formation of such unwanted wrinkles and bags under the eyes for a long time and always remain attractive.

What are they?

Hot eye lotions

Lotions are considered hot if the temperature of the water or other lotion or product reaches temperature regime at 38-42 °C. This procedure leads to the expansion of blood vessels and skin pores, it increases blood flow to the upper layers of the skin, relaxes muscles, and also helps remove old skin cells.

The benefits of cold lotions

Cold eye lotions are applications using products at a temperature of 15-18 °C. This procedure tones the skin of the eyelids well. With its help, you can improve your complexion, narrow blood vessels, shrink pores and reduce sweating. These lotions help prevent the formation of wrinkles and remove skin laxity.

Warm or variable

Variable eye lotions are made by changing the temperature from hot to cold and back again. They are also called contrasting. This procedure strengthens muscles, tones blood vessels, prevents wrinkles and prevents sagging skin around the eyes.

How to do it at home

In order to make lotions at home, the skin around the eyes needs to be cleaned of makeup. You can take a special lotion or prepare it from improvised means: a mixture of water with olive oil. Using a cotton swab soaked in lotion, remove makeup with careful movements so as not to stretch delicate skin. Now you can make lotions: in medicinal product moisten a gauze, linen or other linen napkin and apply it to the eye area.

Here are a few important advice To make eye lotions successful:

  • Hot lotions for the eyelids are used only when prescribed by a doctor. The best option the lotions will be at room temperature. For loose skin, cold compresses are ideal.
  • For achievement best result It’s good to put a small piece of parchment paper on the napkin, and a terry napkin or terry towel on top to warm the product.
  • An important nuance that can ruin the entire effect of the procedure: if outsiders are allowed during the compress, and even more so negative thoughts, then it may not work out at all. We need an absolute “switch off” from problems, complete relaxation and concentration on the effect you want to achieve. The face should be completely relaxed.
  • The compress does wonders and you will look gorgeous for one evening. However, if you do not repeat the procedure, the effect will not take hold and will not become permanent. It is better to make this procedure a habit.
  • To ensure complete relaxation, apply eye lotions while lying down. It is best to do this without a pillow, with a small cushion under the neck. By the way, eye lotions can be turned into a facial compress - to do this you just need to take a larger napkin.
  • Contrasting lotions are important to finish cold temperature. This will tighten blood vessels and pores, making the skin elastic and soft.

Lotions with herbs

The most useful lotions are made from infusions of medicinal herbs. These products nourish the delicate skin around the eyes with vitamins, minerals, and also strengthen blood vessels. The most popular lotions are made from chamomile, mint, dill and parsley. Especially for pale skin, hawthorn, sage, linden blossom, and birch leaves are used.

About calendula for the eyes separately!

Separately, we can say about this excellent remedy like calendula. She's rich essential oils, phytoncides, carotene, organic acids, resins, proteins and enzymes. This is a very good anti-inflammatory agent. Calendula eye lotions are one of the most effective remedies for preventing wrinkles and tired eyes.

Herbal lotions can be prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs and leave for half an hour. Then cool until desired temperature and wet the napkin.

Tea eye lotions

It must be said that eye lotions are not necessarily gauze or cloth. Here, for example, is the method of preserving beauty that women used Ancient East. They put tea leaves into a cloth bag, dipped it in boiling water and let it swell well. Then they cooled slightly, distributed the tea leaves evenly throughout the bag and applied this device to the eyes. With these lotions, oriental beauties relieved puffiness under the eyes and relieved inflammation.

Using oil lotions

In addition to these products, there are also oil options. They use olive oil, fir oil, soybean oil and others. The result of oil lotions will be smoother, younger and healthy skin. These treatments are especially beneficial for eyes that frequently experience temperature changes.

For people with sensitive skin Around the eyes the most common option is dry lotions. They are often contraindicated in standard cosmetic procedures. Dry lotion is “ layered cake"from a napkin and dry herbs. Place any herb inside a warm napkin and apply it to the eye area for 2-3 minutes. Such lotions are very good to do before masks and applying cream.

Recipes for bags under the eyes

The tea brew here is good. Soak cotton swabs in it or use tea bags, placing them under the eyes or completely over the eyes. closed eyes- there will be no harm. Swelling and bags will disappear, the skin will become more elastic.

How to remove dark circles

Soak cotton swabs in baby urine and apply to the bruised area. This excellent remedy traditional medicine very effective and gives quick results. Some people use their own urine. Keep the lotion for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Lotions for swelling

Brew dried parsley, apply cotton wool soaked in the decoction or warm herb placed in gauze on your eyes, hold for 10 minutes. Then apply a special cream or gel to the skin of the eyelids.

For tired eyes

Cut two thin slices from a peeled potato and place them on your eyes. Relax and lie down for 5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. The same can be done by cutting slices from a cucumber. It is better if the cucumber is cold. When the circles get hot, they need to be replaced with fresh ones. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

The second option for an unusual lotion if you are at work: you can simply wet your eyes cold water from the tap several times. Or put cold wipes over your eyes and sit back in a chair for a few minutes. The eyes rest and relax.