Neapolitan Mastiff breed characteristics. An excellent guard from ancient Rome, features of caring for the Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Neapolitano) dog breed. Description of appearance

Mastino Neapolitan is a formidable watchman, frightening ill-wishers with his very appearance. At the same time, it is an affectionate and gentle pet, capable of giving its life for its beloved owner.


Since ancient times, Neapolitan mastiffs have participated in baiting wild animals in the arenas of the Apennine Peninsula. In everyday life, the dog served as a guard for commoners: butchers and farmers, so the selection was not targeted.

In 1946, 8 individuals were presented at the exhibition, which had the desired parameters to establish a certain type. As a result of targeted breeding, a high-quality male was created, from which the breed standard adopted in 1949 was written.

Breeding work without checking working qualities led to the fact that the highest awards at exhibitions were given to animals with excessive data. Breeders also preferred such individuals.

The Mastino's exterior has undergone dramatic changes. The breed standard also changed. The last one was approved in 1999.


A frightening-looking dog with wide bones and prominent muscles. Height is 60-75 cm, weight can range from 50 to 70 kg, depending on the size of the animal. A brutal pet, a little rough in appearance.

The head is large and heavy. The muzzle is covered with folds that smoothly descend to the powerful neck. Highly set, fleshy ears are subject to mandatory cropping to avoid infections.

The back is muscular and straight. The belly is lean. The tail is saber-shaped, thick at the base. You can leave it natural, or cut it off by a quarter.

Various colors, except white. Light markings are only allowed on the chest and toes. The coat is short, close-lying, without undercoat.

Pair of Neapolitan Mastiffs.


Despite his frightening appearance, the dog is friendly, sociable and kind. The pet establishes a strong bond with the family. Left alone, he gets bored and can get sick from melancholy if he is separated from his owner for a long time.

An excellent watchman and formidable security guard who knows his territory well, will never show aggression if loved ones are not in danger. He is patient with children, but due to his clumsiness he can accidentally knock the child down.

Mastino Neapolitan has a good memory and intelligence. When training, physical punishment should not be used, otherwise the dog will become stubborn and uncontrollable.

Important! The Neapolitan Mastiff does not have the characteristic dog odor, but has increased salivation. Wiping the muzzle must be constant, otherwise a constantly wet chin will become a breeding ground for infections.

Neapolitan Mastiffs.


The giant of the dog world cannot boast of longevity. Life expectancy is 8-10 years.

Like many giant breeds, the Mastino is prone to hip dysplasia. It can be congenital, genetic, or acquired. The defect destroys the joints and causes pain for the pet when moving. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment method. But surgery can make life significantly easier.

Allergic reactions can occur due to improper feeding of the dog, or unfavorable environmental factors. They can manifest themselves as rashes, otitis media, conjunctivitis.

Obesity puts unbearable stress on the heart and joints. It is the result of overfeeding or unbalanced feed.

Also, Neapolitan Mastino is occasionally diagnosed with:

  • Retinal atrophy.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Heart failure.

Regular preventive examinations by a veterinarian will help identify diseases in the early stages and avoid relapses.

Timely vaccinations will protect your pet from various infections.

Interesting! The largest Neapolitan mastiff, named Hercules, was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2001. The male weighed 128 kg, neck circumference was 97 cm.

If you feel the need to get a watchdog, then one of the best candidates for this role, without a doubt, is Neapolitan Mastiff . A formidable appearance and the ability, if necessary, to drive away an unwanted guest from their possessions are harmoniously combined in this breed with good nature and friendliness towards household members, and high mental abilities and excellent memory only add reasons for pride to this breed.

This article is intended to answer all your questions about the Neapolitan Mastino and contains a detailed description of the breed, the history of its origin and a description of the basic principles of caring for these dogs.

Mastino Neapolitan

This breed is quite large in size and gives the impression of a terrible and dangerous beast to an uninitiated person. However, if you let your guest get used to each other, then there will be no trace of fear left. A dog that is not too aggressive even towards strangers inspires fear primarily with its appearance, and not with its behavior. A kind and faithful friend, attentive and sensitive towards his owner, obedient, but at the same time a little stubborn - all this can deservedly be said about the Neapolitan Mastiff. An excellent mastiff can become your well-deserved pride and a real decoration of the yard.

Standard and photo

  • Lifespan : from 8 to 10 years.
  • Character : dominant, trainable, brave, obedient, stubborn, protective.
  • Weight (average): male– 60-75 kg, bitch– 50-65 kg.
  • Height at withers (on average): male – 65-80 cm, female – 60-70 cm.
  • Colors : black, brindle, bluish, mahogany.
  • Purpose : guard dog.
  • Number of puppies in the litter : varies from 2 to 10.

The head is quite large, the brain skull is twice as large as the facial skull. The lips are quite massive, the upper ones are in the shape of the letter V, they carry a large mass of skin, which is why they hang downwards.

The jaws are very powerful, the bite shape resembles pincers or scissors. The eyes are on the same line, set quite wide, the color almost always matches the color of the coat. The nose is quite large in size and has a flat shape. The ears were previously cropped in a triangular shape, but are now left to hang freely.

The chest is quite massive, the ribs and muscles are clearly visible. The neck is very thick, “bull”, in its lower part it contains a double dewlap, formed from thick folds of skin. The paws are located symmetrically in relation to each other, very powerful, with clearly visible muscles.

The length of the body is greater than the height at the withers by at least 10%. The tail in its structure resembles a saber, thick at the base and gradually tapering towards the end. The fur is quite short, rough, and pleasant to the touch.

Did you know? The Mastino Neapolitan breed is the largest dog among all breeds, along with the St. Bernard, Great Dane, Alabai and Irish Wolfhound.

Character traits

As already mentioned, despite their rather terrifying appearance, these dogs cannot be called ferocious animals. If the mastiff gets used to you well, then it will not be difficult to control him, since he shows exclusively positive emotions towards his owners and home circle.
This dog does not tolerate a change of owner very well and may experience negative feelings even in the short-term absence of the owner. Possessing a fairly calm disposition, these dogs are rarely the first to get into a fight, and this applies to both clashes with their own kind and fights with humans. But if your mastiff nevertheless enters into a fight, then most likely he will continue it until the enemy surrenders or until he hears the owner’s command.

A dog of this breed can be left alone with your children without any fear, since he does not show any impatience, aggression or malice towards them, no matter how much they squeeze him. In situations where there is increased danger, these dogs are capable of sacrificing their lives for the safety of their family without hesitation. The outstanding intelligence and excellent memory of the Mastino Neapolitan dog breed greatly facilitate the training process and make it quite comfortable and enjoyable. These dogs are quite sedentary, they can lie in one place for hours, contemplating what is happening around them, but if their owner tries to impose some kind of game on them, they will happily accept it, because family comes first for them.

History of the breed

It is not known exactly which ancestors were mixed to produce the first Neapolitan Mastiffs. Many point out their external resemblance to Tibetan mastiffs, from which Neapolitan mastiffs are distinguished only by the texture of their coat.

The first mentions of dogs, which looked very much like the heroes of our article, go back to the times of the ancient Roman Empire. According to these references, dogs bearing similarities to modern Neapolitan mastiffs performed in arenas, engaging in fights with bears, lions and other predators.

Official recognition of this dog breed took place not so long ago - only in 1949. The breeder Pietro Scanziani is considered to be the main creator of the breed. The mass distribution of this dog breed among the European population began only in the 70s of the last century.

Wise choice and price of a puppy

If you are purchasing a puppy solely as a watchdog, then there is no great need for a thorough and scrupulous study of the pedigree and checking with breed standards - just buy the dog that appeals to you the most in appearance. It would also be useful to observe for some time before buying the character and behavior of the puppy: is he calm enough, how does he react to playing with other dogs, how does he behave during feeding, etc. This will allow you to protect yourself from buying an unbalanced and angry individual.
However, if you intend to participate in various exhibitions and competitions, it is recommended to strictly study the puppy’s pedigree on both sides, carefully check the vaccination and worming calendars of the mother and father, and also carefully study all the external parameters of your future pet in order to protect yourself from purchasing a dog with defects.

It is best to make a purchase in large nurseries with a good reputation, whose name is well-known. You should not purchase a puppy at spontaneous animal markets or in ordinary pet stores, since these establishments are rarely able to ensure the proper quality of the puppies they sell.

The price for Neapolitan Mastiff puppies can vary depending on your region of residence, the puppy’s pedigree, the financial condition of the kennel and averages from five hundred to three and a half thousand US dollars.

Is it possible to keep in an apartment?

There is no clear answer to this question, since each individual owner determines for himself the scope of what is permitted. For example, the barking of dogs of this breed is distinguished by high volume and bass, and its running will be accompanied by loud paws hitting the floor and shaking furniture, so your neighbors will obviously not be delighted if you decide to keep such a dog in an apartment.

As for the dog’s health, if there is regular and proper physical activity, keeping it in an apartment should not harm it. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that many of your neighbors will fall into a stupor when they see you and your pet on the staircase, so you will definitely need to purchase a muzzle for your dog.

Pet care

Caring for a Neapolitan Mastiff is, in general terms, not much different from caring for any other dog of similar size. However, there are some nuances due to the peculiarities of their anatomy, about which you can read in more detail below.


It is highly not recommended to bathe these dogs without a special reason. This is due to the fact that their fur is covered with a special fatty layer, which is designed to protect against insect bites. During the bathing process, especially if the dog is shampooed for a long time and thoroughly, this layer may be unintentionally damaged or completely removed.

Important! It is strictly contraindicated to bathe dogs of this breed until they reach the age of 1 year, since this risks getting water into the ear canals that are not yet fully formed, which will inevitably lead to the development of infection.

Cleaning eyes, ears, teeth

Brushing your teeth is a must for this breed of dog, since its representatives are prone to the development of tartar, which subsequently leads to injury to the gums and exposure of the necks of the teeth. You need to brush your teeth using a special toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs once a week. It would be best to start accustoming your puppy to this procedure immediately after purchasing it.
Since the ears of Neapolitan Mastiffs do not have a pronounced muscular and cartilaginous system and simply hang, their ear canals also require regular toileting. Cleaning is carried out using cotton swabs, on which special lotions are applied, at least once a week.

If a pathological process is suspected, it is necessary to perform “ventilation” by bending the outer edges of the ears and fixing them to the head with an elastic band. You can also use special talc preventive powders, which will help prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the ear.

The eyes of this dog breed are a fairly problem-free area, and, as a rule, they do not require additional care. However, if you notice that they have begun to water, become sour, or have found signs of inflammation on the eyelid, you can begin to wash them using special lotions.

Combing the wool

The coat of these dogs is quite short and smooth, so most of the time there is no particular need for combing it, however, during the molting period, which lasts 10-14 days, they need daily combing. You can determine the beginning of this period by the dog’s behavior - it will begin to lick itself more actively, as well as by small scraps that will begin to appear everywhere around the house.

Despite the fact that these dogs are not fans of an active lifestyle, for their normal development and growth, especially if they live in an apartment, it is necessary to take them for walks at least 2 times a day. Each walk should last at least half an hour. It would not be amiss to introduce additional physical activity in the form of a game or train the dog on the street.

Important! On a hot day, it is better to limit the time your dog spends outside, as this breed has some problems with thermoregulation, due to which they very easily get heat and sunstroke.

What to feed a Neapolitan Mastiff

The main rule of feeding Neapolitan Mastiffs, as well as any other dogs, is to avoid eating foods intended for humans, including: sweets containing a high amount of spices, onions, fish and nuts. A dog's ideal diet should consist of balanced food, no matter whether it is dry or semi-moist.

Mastiff puppies must be fed strictly according to the schedule that each dog breeder develops individually. This will help your dog develop a sense of responsibility, and he will stop begging you for food outside of meal times.
The total number of feedings should be at least 4 times a day. At a very young age, puppies need to be fed large volumes of formula milk, which can be purchased at veterinary stores. Up to 4 months, puppies need to be given a lot of fish oil, yoghurt, eggs, yeast, and raw liver.

Diet of an adult

Adult dogs should include at least 40% meat products in their natural diet, while various by-products (cartilage, bones, entrails, etc.) cannot be considered meat products. You can give your dog almost unlimited quantities of various cereals and cereals, as well as add boiled vegetables (except potatoes).

Or semi-moist food, if you feed it to your dog, should be super premium or premium. You should definitely monitor your pet’s weight, as this breed is prone to obesity. It is best to feed once a day, in the late afternoon. The bowl of food is left for 15-20 minutes and then removed. There should always be a container of clean, fresh water available.

Training and education

As already mentioned, the nature of these dogs favors their quick and successful training, however, you need to remember that when punishing them for disobedience or failure to comply with a command, in no case should you use physical force, since this will contribute to the formation of aggression in the dog towards you, and her good memory will help consolidate this phenomenon.

Training should begin with accustoming a very young puppy to a leash. Next, the dog must remember its name. When these stages have been completed, you can begin to learn simple commands - “lie down” and “sit”, gradually moving on to more complex ones, for example, “voice”, “wait”, “near” and “fetch”.
All commands must be given in a clear, loud and confident voice. Taking into account the size of the Mastino Neapolitan, training is best done outdoors. Don't forget to stock up on a sufficient amount of dog treats, which will be used to reinforce the formed conditioned reflexes.

Health care

These dogs can boast of a fairly strong body and significant resistance to many pathogens. However, there is still a list of diseases, given below, the occurrence of which in these dogs is quite likely. It is also necessary to remember about the mandatory vaccination of the dog in order to prevent the development of certain infections.

The diseases most often affecting Neapolitan mastiffs are primarily related to their anatomical features. They include in their list:

  • Dysplasia of the knee and elbow joints. It can be either congenital or acquired, due to the fact that such a weight is quite difficult for fragile dog joints to withstand. A dog susceptible to this disease experiences joint pain and eventually stops moving independently.
  • Various cardiomyopathies. A very common companion of all large breeds of dogs, it occurs as a result of the fact that the heart cannot easily cope with supplying blood to all parts of such a large canine body, as a result of which it begins to expand. This disease can also be triggered by a previous viral or bacterial infection.

  • Skin infections of various origins. They can be caused by bacteria or insects lodged in the folds of the skin. The dog becomes irritable, stops eating, itches and constantly bites itself.
  • Nutritional allergies or allergies of any other nature. As a rule, they are inherited, so you can avoid purchasing a puppy with a similar illness by asking to see his passport.
  • Obesity of nutritional origin. It occurs when the owners think that such a large dog needs constant access to food, as a result of which it constantly overeats.

Vaccinations and vaccinations

All vaccinations must be performed exclusively under the supervision and recommendation of a veterinarian. Among the mandatory vaccinations for these dogs, only vaccination at two months of age against glanders, leptospirosis and hepatitis is distinguished. All other vaccinations, for example, against rabies or parvovirus, are desirable, but not mandatory.

So, we hope that this article answered all the questions you had about the Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed. Remember: by purchasing such a dog, you first of all acquire a faithful comrade and family member, and only then a guard for your home. Love your pet with all your heart, and he will definitely return this feeling to you a hundredfold.

Today, many people want to have a pet at home. The Mastino Neapolitan dog has been known since the times of Ancient Rome. This is a fairly large individual with a massive build. Is it difficult to keep her at home? And what is her character? This review is devoted to these and many other questions.


It is believed that modern representatives of this breed are descendants of those dogs that fought in ancient Roman arenas. Some believe that the roots of this breed should be sought in the East. Its ancestor, in their opinion, is a guard dog from Tibet. According to legend, the progenitor of the breed was brought to Italy on a Phoenician ship. There she underwent a number of changes as a result of crossings. When the Roman Empire collapsed, representatives of this breed were mainly stationed in Naples. This explains the name.

In addition, it is believed that the ancestors of the Neapolitan Mastino were representatives of the Italian Molossian breed. They came to Rome thanks to Paul Emil the Macedonian. He brought a hundred fighting dogs to the procession, including Mastino dogs. This happened in 168 BC. e.

History knows a number of factors confirming that the Mastino Neapolitan dog appeared in Italy even earlier. As Pliny wrote, such puppies were given by the conquered Indian king to Alexander the Great. Dogs of identical sizes and proportions can often be seen in works of art created in India, Nineveh, and Persia. Huge representatives of this species were also described by Lucretius (1st century BC). In his works he called them Molossians.

Characteristics and description

Let's look at this in more detail. The Mastino Neapolitan dog breed is distinguished by its good disposition. It is perfect for families with children.

This is a fairly large massive dog. The breed has been known for several hundred years. The first descriptions of the breed date back to 1897. Their author was the famous processor Tezze. He listed the main characteristics of mastiffs. In 1946, an exhibition was held at which Piero Scanziani noticed this breed. He managed to acquire two individuals of different sexes on it. It is thanks to this deal that the Mastino Neapolitan breed continues to delight modern dog breeders. Without it, the breed would simply disappear from the face of the earth.

Many people associate this Mastino dog with other Mastiffs, which actually have nothing in common with the Neapolitan. The breed standards were last adjusted in 1999. It was then that these animals began to gain increasing popularity in Russia. This dog breed has always been popular in Rome. Animals guard the house well, are very attentive and active.

The Mastino Neapolitan dog looks quite menacing due to its impressive size. Keeping such an animal in a city apartment is quite difficult. In addition, these dogs love long walks in the fresh air. For them, it is preferable to live in a private house outside the city.

Back in the mid-20th century, this breed was on the verge of extinction. However, Italian dog handlers still managed to restore the population. Today this breed is quite widespread. Many people love these dogs for their kindness and flexibility.


What does a Mastino Neapolitan dog look like? The breed standard describes mastiffs as watchdogs and guard dogs. The appearance of a dog can already discourage an attacker from coveting other people's property. It can be safely classified as a large dog with a fairly strong build. The body height of an individual can reach 75 cm. The weight of the dog reaches 70 kg, and a large weight is allowed, but a weight of less than 50 kg indicates a serious defect.

Let us describe the Mastino constitution in more detail. Photos will help you understand what body features meet the standards.

The main ones:

  1. The mastiff's head should be massive. It has peculiar folds. Many consider them to be a feature of the breed’s appearance. The skull is twice as large as the muzzle.
  2. Lips - this is what distinguishes the Mastino Neapolitan dog breed. Photos usually show characteristic fleshy lips, with the top one being V-shaped. A characteristic feature of the breed is also its powerful jaws. Their bite is similar to that of pincers or scissors.
  3. A dog's eyes are usually wide apart. The color must be the same as the color of the suit.
  4. As for the physique, the chest is especially prominent here. It's quite massive. The bones are very strong. The body is approximately 10% smaller in height than in length.
  5. On the neck you can see characteristic folds of thick skin. The neck itself is quite wide, or, as they also say, bullish.
  6. The limbs of the Neapolitan Mastino are quite powerful.
  7. Previously, according to the breed standard, ears had to be cropped in the shape of triangles. However, today they are often left in their original condition.
  8. The nose is dark in color.
  9. The tail is quite thick. According to the breed standard, he should be docked by about a third. Moreover, it is thicker at the base than at the end.
  10. The dog's coat is coarse and quite short. It is different for males and females. It is believed that females have smoother and softer fur.
  11. The most common pets are gray and black. However, Mastinas can also be red. The breed standard allows for white spots on the chest or paws, but there should be no variegated color.
  12. The dog's movements are slow and sweeping. Despite this, a dog of this breed is considered a good protector. They are often used as bodyguards and security guards. The breed has also gained popularity among police officers.

The cost of Mastino Neapolitan puppies can be quite high. The dark brown ones are most prized. There are currently not many nurseries operating in Russia where they breed this breed. Every year the relevance of mastino increases. The dog can easily take its place in the family and become everyone’s favorite.


Now you know roughly what a Mastino Neapolitan dog is. The characteristics of the breed and height make one think that the dog is quite serious. However, in reality, the mastiff cannot be called a ferocious animal. It is easy to control if desired. Since ancient times, the dog has shown guard instincts. She is quite wary of strangers. Be sure to take this into account when inviting guests to your home. Representatives of this breed demonstrate boundless devotion and goodwill towards their owners. Mastiffs do not tolerate changes in ownership very well. The dog will suffer greatly if left alone.


So, what should you pay attention to?

The Neapolitan Mastiff has the following characteristic qualities:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • cleanliness;
  • devotion;
  • restraint.

Thanks to his quiet disposition, the dog will never be the first to get into a fight. A dog will only attack if there is a serious danger to itself or its owners. During the fight, the dog does not bark, but growls sternly. If a mastiff gets into a fight, he will continue it until he wins or until he hears the owner’s command.

This dog differs from other breeds in its absolute dependence on the owner. She spends hours lying next to family members, watching them. These dogs are able to sit in one place for a long time. They seem to be contemplating something. This is exactly how they once lived in Ancient Rome.

It is very difficult to find a more loyal pet than a Mastino Neapolitan dog. Her character is truly unique. The devotion of representatives of this breed is limitless. The same applies to the desire to please the owner. You can safely leave your pet at home and not worry about the safety of your property. In addition, the dog quickly finds a common language with children. He shows care and gentleness towards the kids. He will not express anger and aggression towards small family members.

Many people are wary of Mastino Neapolitan dogs. Photos of massive, serious dogs are intimidating. However, you should not be afraid to have a pet of this breed in your home. The dog will be a wonderful guard. In a dangerous situation, he will not hesitate to give his life for his owners.

Devotion to man

According to experienced dog breeders, the Mastino Neapolitan breed is extremely human-oriented. A dog can sit with its owner for hours and listen to what he says. Many people believe that the pet understands everything, it just cannot answer. A strong emotional connection with the owner for a mastiff is the key to a balanced psyche. The breed has been used as a guard dog for many centuries. However, the dog shows its protective instincts only in case of danger for the owner, his family and the territory that needs to be protected.

Despite his rather serious appearance, the mastiff needs affection and love. The dog will never bark without a reason, which is important, because his voice is quite loud and menacing.


Neapolitan Mastiff dogs have excellent memory. They are very smart and remember all manifestations of cruelty. Therefore, when training, you should never resort to physical punishment. You cannot hit the dog or be rude to it. Otherwise, the dog may become nervous and uncontrollable. For the dog to understand that he is behaving incorrectly, it will be enough to simply slap him on the back with a newspaper.

Raising a puppy should be done from a young age. Then an adult mastiff will not create any special difficulties in maintenance.


This issue deserves special attention. A Mastino Neapolitan dog will be healthy only if it is provided with appropriate physical activity. Walking in the fresh air should be regular and take quite a lot of time. Keeping a mastiff in a city apartment can be somewhat problematic, since it requires space. It is better if the dog lives in a private house with a large territory, where he can fully demonstrate his protective qualities.

For a mastiff, it is extremely important to identify a specific owner. In this case, the dog will constantly try to earn his approval. The pet is wary of strangers. However, once he is convinced that the stranger does not pose a threat, he will simply stop paying attention to him.

At an early age, puppies on walks can strongly pull their owners along with them. You can correct the situation by using a compression collar. Once your dog breaks this habit, you can return to using a regular walking device.

It is best to adopt a puppy at the age of 2 months. Socialization of the dog should be started immediately. This will help eliminate one of the most powerful character traits of the mastiff - suspicion of others. Even adult animals may not take well to compliments and affection from strangers. The dog is very loyal to his owners and is wary of any outside interference.

Mastino Neapolitan requires careful care, as the dog is quite sickly. Upon reaching two months of age, vaccinations are required. It is better to coordinate all actions with a qualified veterinarian.

Before purchasing a puppy, be sure to consult the breeder about its diet. An excellent option would be specialized premium food for large breed dogs. They contain all the necessary microelements and vitamins. It is recommended to feed the dog only at strictly designated times. At the same time, the dog should always have access to fresh water.


Many people like the Mastino Neapolitan breed. The dog, whose photos are sometimes simply touching, is actually quite painful. Filariasis is common among representatives of this breed. This disease affects the cardiopulmonary system. The infection can be transmitted by mosquitoes. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect your pet from these bloodsuckers, because filariasis can be fatal.

Mastino Neapolitan dogs often suffer from bursitis. With this disease, fluid accumulates in the joints and blisters form in the elbow area. To avoid the development of such a condition, it is necessary to ensure that the dog has soft surfaces to live on. Then, when moving from a standing position to a lying position, the dog will not hit his elbows on a hard surface.

Mastino Neapolitan is extremely susceptible to such an unpleasant disease as hip dysplasia. During active growth (from 4 to 18 months), she may experience severe pain. This is due to the fact that with a rapid increase in body weight, muscles, ligaments and joints cannot keep up with them.

The ears are considered the weakest point of the breed. Depending on their age, they should be cropped. If this is not done in time, the dog will suffer from otitis media and other ear diseases all its life.


Now you know what the Mastino Neapolitan breed is. A dog whose photo does not convey all its beauty is best suited for keeping in a private country house with a large territory. It is not advisable to have such a breed in a city apartment due to lack of free space. Representatives of this species are human-oriented and do not tolerate long-term absence of their owners. If you are looking for a loyal and faithful friend, the mastiff is exactly what you need.

Since ancient times, the dog has been man's friend. She guarded the home, hunted with the owner, and helped the man graze livestock. A special place among the numerous dog breeds is occupied by the Neapolitan Mastiff (Italian Mastiff, or “Mastino Neapolitano”).

History of the origin of the breed

This giant dog has roots going back centuries. The ancestors of this breed are considered to be ancient fighting dogs belonging to the Molossians, which presumably descended from ancient Egyptian and Assyrian dogs. First mentions of mastiffs found in documents dating back to the time of the Roman Empire. Then these majestic and formidable dogs were used in battles. They were dressed in metal armor and released onto the battlefield. They often took part in spectacular events in the arenas of Ancient Rome.

In addition to participating in battles, these dogs were also kept by ordinary residents: butchers, farmers, peasants. Due to their enormous size, mastiffs were often used as draft force - they were harnessed to special carts, and in this way they transported cargo. Currently, mastiffs are mainly used as a guard dog.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the popularity of this breed declined sharply. Mainly mastiffs became common in Naples. Therefore, the modern name of this breed is sounds like a Neapolitan Mastiff.

Centuries of crossing Neapolitan mastiffs with Iberian mastiffs similar to this breed, as well as spontaneous crossing with dogs of other breeds, gradually led to the degeneration of the breed. Only in the mid-twentieth century, thanks to the efforts of Pietro Scanziani, the breed was restored. It was his dog that in 1949 became the model for describing the breed standard. This standard, with some additions, is still used today. The last amendments to it were made in 1999.

Gallery: Neapolitan Mastiff (25 photos)


The Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed is a very large dog, with well-developed muscles and powerful bones. Her appearance is very menacing and stern. But, despite its terrifying appearance, this dog is an ideal companion for humans. A Neapolitan mastiff named Martha won the 29th annual World's Ugliest Dog Show. And the Neapolitan mastiff named Hercules was recognized as the largest representative of this breed. And he rightfully bore this nickname. Hercules weighed 128 kg. And the neck girth is 97 cm. This dog is a record holder in the Guinness Book of Records.

The larger the dog, the greater the source of pride it is for the owner. However, exceeding the standard dimensions is not encouraged for dogs aspiring to become breeding producers.

Breed standards for Neapolitan Mastiffs currently the following

  • Height at the withers: male - 65–75 cm, female - 60–68 cm.
  • Weight: male 60–70 kg, female – 50–60 kg.
  • The length of the skull with muzzle should be ⅓ of the dog’s height. The skin on the head is folded, the lips are fleshy, drooping, with visible red stripes of the lips, the eyelids are drooping. The jaws are very powerful, with a scissor or pincer bite. The eyes are slightly deep, the color of the eyes corresponds to the color.
  • According to the standard, the ears of a Neapolitan Mastiff dog need not be cropped. Cropped ears are semi-erect or erect and have the shape of an equilateral triangle. The natural shape of the ears is flat, adjacent to the head.
  • The mastiff's neck is quite short in relation to the body, and very muscular. The neck must have a dewlap formed by two large, deep folds.
  • The back is wide, should be ⅓ of the height at the withers. The chest is powerful. Limbs with highly developed muscles.
  • The front paws are vertical to the ground, large, rounded. The hind legs are also very powerful, although smaller than the front legs. The toes should be in a ball. The tail is wide, tapering from base to tip. Usually docked at almost a third of the length.
  • The skin is thick, hanging loosely in folds. The coat is short and harsh. Colors include grey, lead grey, brown, fawn, black, fawn, hazel, blue grey, and Isabella. Small white spots on the chest and fingertips are allowed.

Character and temperament

By temperament, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a phlegmatic dog. He is slow and balanced, but, if necessary, he can attack with lightning speed. Despite his menacing and intimidating appearance, he is a friendly dog. And with proper upbringing, he can become a true family friend. This is a very loyal dog. The Neapolitan Mastiff can treat all family members warmly, but it chooses one owner forever. Dogs of this breed experience separation from their owner very hard. Therefore, when purchasing a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy, you need to carefully consider whether you are ready to take responsibility for it.

There is an opinion that you can have many hours of conversations with dogs of this breed; he is an ideal listener. Treats children with tenderness. She is considered an excellent nanny. However, due to their size, you need to be careful with mastiffs, because even during harmless games, they can injure a child. In addition, Neapolitan Mastiffs extremely jealous. Therefore, they are not recommended for families with children under 12 years of age or if other dogs are present. With proper upbringing, this dog is friendly towards guests at home, but if the life or property of the owner is in danger, it is ready to attack.


A private house is an ideal place for Neapolitan Mastiffs to live. However, you can also keep these dogs in an apartment. But in this case, it is necessary to organize daily walks at least 2 times and a spacious corner in the apartment.

Since the Neapolitan has a short coat, caring for this dog is not difficult. Perhaps the main inconvenience is its excessive salivation and deep folds of the skin, which can become inflamed from constant saliva. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly inspect the folds and wipe them from dirt and drool.

Dogs of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed often susceptible to diseases such as:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • skin infections.

These diseases are caused by the dog's heavy weight and the presence of a large number of deep folds in the skin. With proper care and timely treatment, Neapolitan mastiffs live 10–12 years.

The Neapolitan Mastiff (or as it is also called - Mastino Neapolitano) is a ferocious guard who scares off strangers only with his menacing appearance. And at the same time, he is the most devoted and faithful family friend. Looking at the photo of this large animal, you can’t tell what a clumsy, good-natured animal he can be. This pet will require careful personal care, and in return will become an indispensable guard and loving companion for the owner.

History of the breed

The Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the dogs with an ancient history of origin. Dogs similar in size and appearance to modern Mastino dogs have been depicted in various Indian and Persian works of art. Huge dogs were present in the descriptions of Lucretius (1st century BC).

The ancestors of the breed are considered to be Roman mastinos, who accompanied legionnaires and participated in battles in the arenas of Ancient Rome. Their competitors in the arena were jaguars, bears and bulls. This breed was also a favorite of Alexander the Great.

Despite such an ancient history, professional breeding began quite late. Breeders became interested in her only after the Second World War. In 1947, cynologists, led by Pietro Scanziani, collected the best representatives of the breed (8 individuals), who became the ancestors of modern mastiffs.

The breed has its own record holders. Thus, the dog Hercules was listed in the Guinness Book as the heaviest dog in the world. This Neapolitan Mastiff weighed 128 kg and his daily diet included 1.3 kg of food and a kilo of steak.

Description of appearance

As you can see from the photo, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a large dog. Her body is massive and muscular. The head is large, the forehead is flat and wrinkled. The eyes are set deep. The ears are medium-sized, drooping, and have sharp tips.

Height - 68 and 75 cm (females and males, respectively). Weight can reach 50 - 70 kg. But he is not limited to these limits.

Males and females have different coat textures. In bitches it is softer and smoother. Male dogs have a hard coat. There are several color options for the animal: pure black, gray, brindle, mahogany, blue.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is more adapted to life in a country house. He needs a territory that he will guard and patrol. A dog can live in an apartment, but at the same time you need to exercise it every day, provide it with physical activity, and give it space for activity.

Animals of this breed are characterized by clumsiness and sloppiness. The dogs are not aggressive, but they do require early socialization to teach them how to behave around people and other animals.

These pets are prone to laziness, so they can often suffer from obesity. To prevent this from happening, the animal needs to be provided with daily physical activity and not overfed.

Character traits

Despite the fact that even in the photo the dog has a terrifying appearance, the character of these animals is distinguished by friendliness, kindness and sociability. Puppies quickly become attached to their owner and over time become true friends, loving and understanding. These dogs have a strong emotional connection with their owner. Without communication with the owner, the pet becomes sad and may even get sick if separated for a long time.

The dog has excellent protective and watchdog instincts, which “wake up” when a family, owner and territory appear that need to be protected.

The animal loves children, but should not be left unattended with children. Due to its sluggishness and clumsiness, the dog can, unwittingly, harm the child.

The Neapolitan Mastiff does not attack first and does not show aggression unless necessary, but at the same time it is always wary and suspicious of strangers.

The Neapolitan Mastiff has a good memory and intelligence. It needs to be trained from puppyhood. You cannot use force, otherwise the animal will be nervous and uncontrollable. Then it will be impossible to cope with him.

Pet psychology

Mastino Neapolitano is an excellent guard, which has both pros and cons. Here are the main ones:

  • friendliness. Looking at the photo of this giant dog, it is impossible to imagine that in fact this is an affectionate creature who loves children and is good with other animals;
  • equilibrium. With proper upbringing, a Mastino will always behave calmly and judiciously and will not show aggression;
  • devotion. At the same time, excessive closeness with the owner and family is fraught with the appearance of jealousy;
  • sloppiness. One of the few disadvantages of the breed. The dog can be clumsy, clumsy, and slobbery.
  • laziness. Large dimensions make the dog lazy;
  • socialization required. The breed is shy and stubborn, so puppies require training in communication and proper behavior with other animals.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is an animal that is not recommended for inexperienced owners, since caring for it is quite difficult.

Firstly, puppies and adult animals are prone to excessive salivation. They eat and drink sloppily. The place where they feed will have to be cleaned and washed frequently.

The animal's eyes are prone to inflammation. Therefore, they need to be inspected regularly. Food can get stuck in the folds on the face and need to be cleaned. The coat needs to be brushed regularly. Bath only if necessary. It is advisable not to bathe the dog at all until it is one year old.

This animal is quite large, so it requires a lot of space. You also need to be prepared for the fact that the clumsy mastiff will touch or break various things.

Choosing the right nutrition

The main thing in feeding mastiffs is not to overfeed them. The record holder for eating mastino Hercules is rather an exception to the rule, which should not be repeated.

Experts recommend feeding dogs ready-made dry food, which contains all the vitamins and microelements the animal needs. If you prefer natural nutrition, then chicken, bones and rice should be excluded from the animal’s diet.

Your dog needs to drink plenty of water, so the bowl should always be filled with clean water.

Hereditary diseases

On average, the Neapolitan Mastiff lives 8 - 10 years. This is a healthy animal, but it is not immune from hereditary diseases. These include the following:

  • joint dysplasia (this disease occurs in almost all large animals);
  • retinal atrophy;
  • demodicosis and dermatitis;
  • heart diseases;
  • thyroid diseases.

To prevent diseases, your pet needs to be provided with proper care and nutrition and regularly shown to the veterinarian. Puppies must be vaccinated.

Choosing a puppy

Before purchasing a Mastino Neapolitan, you need to make sure that you are prepared for the presence of a giant dog in the house that will shed, snore and behave rather sloppily: throw food around the bowl, slobber all over it. If you are ready to make such sacrifices and can provide your dog with decent care, you can buy a pet, in whom you will receive a reliable guard and protector, as well as an understanding friend.

Puppies are sold at poultry markets, through advertisements, as well as in specialized nurseries. The last option is more preferable. The price of such pets may be higher, but you get a guarantee that this is a purebred animal.

Before you buy a pet, you need to get to know it. Puppies are usually sold at two months of age. When meeting, you should pay attention to the following:

  • conditions for keeping children and their parents;
  • appearance of the puppy (it should look healthy, clean, well-groomed);
  • hind limbs (since these dogs often suffer from dysplasia, you need to check their limbs before purchasing).

The price of Mastino Neapolitan puppies varies from 400 to 1.5 thousand dollars. Inexpensive puppies belong to the pet class. They have certain shortcomings, often not noticeable to non-professionals, do not participate in exhibitions and are not suitable for breeding. The price is higher for breed class puppies. These are animals for further breeding. The highest price for show-class puppies are those dogs that participate in exhibitions; their photos can be found on the Internet.

Before deciding to own a mastiff, you need to weigh the pros and cons. This animal will require care, proper maintenance, attention and care from its owners. Improper upbringing can lead to serious problems in the future. Just imagine: a gigantic dog with strength and power, but uncontrollable and disobedient. How to deal with this? Therefore, you need to think about whether you are ready to raise your pet correctly, if necessary, turn to professionals, give it affection and care. And also, are you ready to put up with his clumsiness and sloppiness? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then the Mastino Neapolitan is your pet. For the time spent on him, he will reward you with sincere love and devotion, as well as reliable protection and security of you and your family.