West Highland White Terrier, snow-white, robust. White Terrier All about the West Highland White Terrier breed

Despite the fact that these Scottish dogs were originally bred for hunting purposes, today representatives of this breed are exclusively pets, and for their owners, most often female, they are household toys or faithful companions. You can play with them, walk, share thoughts, take photos, shoot videos, etc. However, they have not completely lost their hunting spirit and at the first opportunity, at the sight of a “prey”, their getter instinct is triggered, and they rush headlong to catch it.

Everyone should watch a video where they film how “vesti” (as dogs of this breed are affectionately called in a number of countries) hunts for rodents. It's very entertaining and funny at the same time. A small fluffy dog, looking like a toy, quickly runs after the ferrets and boldly dives headfirst into their holes, first digging the ground and widening the hole. This is how they are - smart and funny, dexterous and pugnacious dogs of this breed. At the same time, they are friendly, benevolent and loyal.

West Highland White Terrier - general introduction

The West Highland White Terrier breed was developed in Scotland in the Middle Ages. In the literature you can find their other name - “White Highland Terrier”. These dogs were originally considered hunting dogs and were used to catch small animals living in burrows: ferrets, badgers, foxes, etc. Of course, looking at them, so small, defenseless and snow-white fluffy, it is difficult to believe that they are distinguished by great endurance, efficiency, and even courage.

There is a version that this dog is a descendant of Cairn Terriers that were bred in neighboring England. Their price, of course, is not as fabulous as that of other types of terriers, but it is also decent and not everyone can afford to have such a home toy.


Once upon a time, the English king James the First (1566-1625), having once become acquainted with the West Highland White Terrier breed, was so delighted with them that he immediately bought several from their owner, and sent several more copies as a gift to the French monarch. In those distant times, the price for them was quite high. And after the king himself fell in love with them, representatives of this breed became fashionable, which was beneficial to the dog handlers involved in their breeding. After this, their price increased significantly, and they began to be considered one of the most expensive, both in France, England and Scotland. Naturally, only nobles could keep them and therefore they mainly lived in palaces, at royal courts, and, as a rule, they were taken hunting.

The name of the breed of these snow-white dogs - West Highland White Terrier - was given by Colonel Edward Malcolm. In addition, he was the first to send terriers to an exhibition in London, where he instantly won the sympathy of all dog lovers. Today they are briefly called “vesti” and are very loved in all corners of the planet. Video recordings of these beautiful and very intelligent dogs clearly show how they behave at home and during walks. There are also many paintings, illustrations and even photo wallpapers with their images on sale. Of course, before they are removed, they undergo special training: trimming, haircuts, etc.

External characteristics

I would like to begin the description of these dogs by citing their main characteristics. The West Highland White Terrier has the following parameters:

  • Height ranges between 25-28 centimeters.
  • As for weight, this characteristic is slightly inconsistent with height and ranges from 6-10 kilograms.
  • The color of these dogs is white, and can have the following shades: snow-white, milky, light wheaten. The fur coat has a medium length of pile.
  • The body of this type of terrier is disproportionate to the head, which is much larger. This impression is created due to the furry muzzle with small and pointed ears, which gives this snow-white baby a funny, slightly toy-like appearance. A wide jet black nose completes the look. Just look at his funny photos.
  • The bite is regular and scissor-shaped. Their eyes are mostly very black, of course, sometimes they can be lighter, which is extremely rare and not desirable.
  • The front and hind limbs of the Westie are quite consistent with the size of the body. Their waist is quite wide, and their chest is slightly sunken.
  • As for the main advantage of dogs - their tail, it is straight, of medium length (about 15 cm) and quite thick at the base and tapered towards the end.

We think that this description helped you mentally imagine what these dogs look like. In addition, if you have not yet fully imagined them, you can carefully look at their photos on the Internet. This dog is by no means a long-liver: the average lifespan is 12-15 years, and only with good care. After all, despite their endurance, these are gentle and vulnerable dogs, perhaps this is due to weak immunity. Reviews from owners indicate that these representatives of this breed need constant monitoring of their health and special care (timely receipt of necessary vitamins, proper nutrition, regular vaccinations, haircuts, bathing, trimming, etc.)


Since the size of the West Highland White Terrier is a small dog, it is convenient to keep it even in a city apartment. However, we must not forget that this is, first of all, a hunting dog and it needs a hunting load. Don’t be lazy to devote a lot of time to your little friend, walk him at least twice a day. Let him run after cats and pigeons to his heart's content. He will be happy and you will read it on his satisfied face. If you noticed, in all the photos where he looks happy and cheerful, “Vesti” is outside the house.

To be honest, he is pleased that he is loved, cared for and given special care. But even more he likes to be in nature and play sports, play, etc. Of course, it is much more convenient to keep him in a country house or dacha, since, living in an apartment, he creates a lot of noise: these terriers have a loud bark, and he can bark at it for hours on end without a break, which, naturally, the neighbors do not like. Some people think that in order to avoid prolonged barking, he needs to be fed more often, however, in this way he simply wants to express himself, and does not call on his owners to fill his bowl. And these kids love to dig, and in a matter of minutes there may be nothing left from your flowerbed.


One of the famous English dog handlers once said that the West Highland White Terrier is “the embodiment of terrierness.” A dog of this breed, despite its small size and harmless appearance, has such qualities as boundless Scottish assertiveness, determination, courage, and, well, devotion to its owners.

I would like to supplement the description of the character with other, completely different characteristics: tenderness, gentleness, loyalty. At the same time, he absolutely does not like to fawn, because the “Westie” is a small and very proud dog with a high sense of self-esteem. This is evidenced by reviews from owners. It is thanks to all these qualities that they become not just pets, but friends for their owners and real family members.

Often their photos adorn the most important walls of the house in which he lives. As we have already noted, it is not long-lived, so the owners, aware of this fact, like to videotape them as souvenirs. Children especially adore terriers. After all, the “Westie” is very similar to a toy - just as funny and hooligan-smart. She can participate in common pranks with children. The reviews from the owners of these dogs about them are very touching, as if we were talking not about a dog, but a child.

They are also particularly jealous of other pets and intolerant of those children who actually take them for a toy and can roughly squeeze and bother them. In this case, bites cannot be avoided. After all, she values ​​her dignity very highly and believes that all members of the household should respect her.

West Highland White Terrier - education and training

The West Highland White Terrier is by nature an intelligent dog, it has good manners and a friendly character, however, it needs training just like other pets. This process is easy for them. However, reviews from owners say that almost always flexible “newsies” can suddenly become stubborn and show character, disagreeing with the orders of their owner. And in families where children are raised, it is necessary to instill in representatives of this breed tolerance and the ability to keep their feelings under lock and key.


Like many other pets, this small dog needs proper care. From time to time she gets sick with one or another specific canine disease. These include atopy, dermatitis, allergies to certain foods, pulmonary fibrosis, deafness, diabetes mellitus, etc. Heart disease is also very rare. Care in such cases should first of all include a trip to the doctor. You should not self-medicate in any way. Only a highly qualified veterinarian will be able to correctly determine the severity of the disease and help obtain proper treatment. At the same time, you should not confuse two concepts such as care and maintenance.

The second includes the diet (what and how many times to feed), and the first is taking care of physical health (prevention of diseases, vaccinations, diet), haircuts, walks, trimming, etc. By the way, such a procedure as a haircut is allowed by veterinarians only in the anus, on the head, chest, and paws. But the rest of the body needs trimming.

What is trimming?

Let's find out in more detail what trimming is? This is plucking overgrown hair using special devices or simply with your hands. After it, the new layer of wool turns out to be tougher and of higher quality. For the first time, this procedure can be performed on 3-4 month old dogs. It is during this period that their coat becomes more mature and durable. If you look at the photo of the terrier before and after plucking, it immediately becomes clear why this is even necessary. After all, without this procedure, your pet will look like a slob and a hooligan.

This procedure is also necessary if the dog must take part in any competition. However, you don’t need to try to do it yourself, even if you carefully watched the video about it. Trimming should only be performed by an experienced professional. This procedure, by the way, costs much more than a haircut and amounts to approximately 2000 rubles. As you can see, caring for a Westie requires not only a lot of energy, but also money. Probably, after all this, the following question pops up in your mind: “How many times should you trim?” It turns out that the procedure can be done only 2-3 times a year. “Oh wow, a little expensive.” This is why the price of dogs of this breed is not cheap.

The West Highland White Terrier is a fairly ancient breed, so there is not as much reliable information about its origin and development as we would like. The few written sources from the Middle Ages claim that the ancestors of today's West Highlands successfully hunted small animals back in the 12th century. At the same time, modern researchers are sure: the true history of this variety of terriers began at least several centuries earlier.

The homeland of the West Highland White Terrier is considered to be western Scotland with its rocky ridges and minimalist mountain landscapes (West Highland from English - western highlands). It was here that the small but tenacious shaggy creatures revealed their hunting potential, pulling otters out of rock crevices and digging up badger holes. What’s interesting: at first, West Highland White Terriers had a wider range of colors, ranging from fawn to brindle varieties. But in those ancient times, individuals with white fur were not valued, as they were considered too sickly, so the owners tried to get rid of all the white puppies in the litter.

The breed owes its current appearance to two eminent Scots who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries - Colonel Edward Malcolm and the 8th Duke of Argyll, George Campbell. Both gentlemen approached the issue of breeding animals innovatively, starting to select and in every possible way promote white-haired Westies. Well, since in those days the name West Highland White Terrier had not yet been assigned to the breed, the colonel’s charges were dubbed Poltalloch Terriers (after the name of the estate in which they were bred), and the Duke of Argyll’s pets were called Rosenet Terriers.

The first club for fans of the West Highland White Terrier breed opened in Scotland in 1904, and its founder was a descendant of that same George Campbell. Quite soon, or more precisely, three years later, the first nursery, specializing in breeding snow-white Westies, began its activities. However, it was possible to put an end to the formation of the unique exterior of the breed only in 1924, after breeders were officially prohibited from exhibiting at exhibitions dogs whose pedigree included other representatives of the terrier group (Scottish terrier, Cairn terrier).

Video: West Highland White Terrier

Appearance of the West Highland White Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is a snow-white, compact shaggy dog ​​with an inquisitive look, vaguely reminiscent of a Bichon Frize. Thanks to their sweet appearance and more than modest dimensions (the height of an adult dog is up to 28 cm, weight is up to 10 kg), West Highlands are quite suitable for the role of apartment dwellers. At the same time, they are not particularly fragile, like most representatives of decorative breeds, which means the owner does not have to control every step and jump of the pet.


The skull of the West Highland White Terrier is wide, slightly convex, with a pronounced stop and prominent brow ridges.

Jaws and bite

Despite the fact that the West Highland White Terrier is an almost miniature dog, its jaws are powerful. As for the bite, representatives of this breed have a full, scissor-type bite.


The wide and fairly deep-set eyes of the West Highland White Terrier have an almond shape and a dark iris color. The dog's gaze is intelligent and insightful.


The Westie has a large, black nose, which almost does not protrude beyond the muzzle.


The West Highland White Terrier's small, pointed ears are not set too wide and are carried straight. The outer side of the ear is covered with velvety fur, which is never cut.


Dogs have a moderately long and well-muscled neck, which gradually thickens towards the body.


The body of representatives of this breed is compact, with a straight back, strong lumbar region and wide croup.


The front legs of the West Highland White Terrier are short, well muscled and without curvature or turning outward. In some cases, the animal's paws may be slightly turned out. Experts explain this feature by the fact that during the hunt, the ancestors of today's dogs tore up the ground, throwing it to the sides, which caused the slight spread of the limbs. The hind legs of the West Highland are short but sinewy, with a fleshy and broad upper part. Dogs' paws are round, with plump pads and tightly knit toes, with the front paws being noticeably larger than the hind paws.


The Westie has a straight tail up to 15 cm long, which it carries almost vertically.


The West Highland White Terrier's coat consists of a dense furry undercoat and coarse outer coat, the length of which can reach 5 cm.


The West Highland White Terrier is one of those few breeds, modern representatives of which exist in one single color - white. An important point: the color of the wool is extremely unstable and very dependent on external factors, so among animals there are often individuals whose “fur coats” have a yellowish tint.

Defects and disqualifying defects

Any more or less noticeable deviations from the standard can affect the exhibition assessment of show-class West Highland White Terriers. These are usually wavy or curly fur, large ears, a short or, conversely, excessively long neck, and atypical position of the limbs. As a rule, a dog may not be allowed to participate in competitions for two reasons: for displaying causeless aggression or cowardice, as well as for obvious defects in behavior and physical development.

Photos of West Highland White Terriers

Character of the West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terriers are white and fluffy on the outside only. Inside, these charming “Scots” are far from being such good boys as they seem at first glance; moreover, they are quite stubborn and do not really like to obey the chain of command. At the same time, compared to their more aggressive and temperamental relatives in the terrier group, West Highland White Terriers seem, if not quite quiet, then quite manageable pets. However, this is not an innate advantage, but rather the result of the work of breeding specialists, who for a long time “extinguished” the hunting instincts of the breed and stimulated its companion qualities.

All West Highland White Terriers do not like to be ignored, and these snow-white babies do not cope well with loneliness. So before you bring a young messenger into your home, think about whether you are ready to sacrifice silence and your own peace for the sake of a four-legged nimble. West Highland White Terriers have a partnership-like relationship with children: they enjoy playing together, while both parties taking part in the process feel equal. It’s another matter if the dog has to deal with kids who, due to their thoughtlessness, can annoy it with intrusiveness or cause pain. In this case, the news will definitely fight back (guess in what way).

The West Highland White Terrier can easily delegate guard duties. Most representatives of this breed have acute hearing and are able to warn the owner about the appearance of a stranger with a ringing bark. At the same time, they do not experience any particular hostility towards strangers, which means they will not frighten your guests with sudden attacks and dissatisfied grumbling.

Despite all the efforts of breeders, the specialists in burrow hunting in West Highland White Terriers have not completely died out, so from time to time the dogs will be drawn to feats. In particular, on walks, Westies will selflessly dig trenches in search of an imaginary gopher, and when they see a garbage rat or some other small animal, they will immediately rush into battle. Treat this pet behavior with slight irony: after all, every breed has its own harmless cockroaches.

Education and training

A West Highland White Terrier will never follow the commands of someone it doesn’t respect and considers obviously stupider than itself, so the first thing you should start training a dog with is asserting your own authority. In addition, the pet will have to be constantly stimulated, since this is not a breed that will work on sheer enthusiasm. If your charge has successfully completed the command, appease him with a tasty treat, and then give him a play break - West Highland White Terriers love to rage aimlessly and fool around no less than they love to hunt. By the way, about games: from the very first days, let your pet understand that practicing hunting skills on the owner and other family members is strictly prohibited. If your angry West Highland White Terrier still tries to taste your hand or foot, gently redirect his attention to the toy.

Important: while training and practicing commands, try to remain alone with your pet. The presence of strangers only slows down the training process, since it is more difficult for a dog to concentrate if two people are communicating with it at the same time.

You should accustom your West Highland White Terrier puppy to a collar and leash before going on its first walk. To do this, buy a one and a half to two meter strap and an unfastening collar with a lock, which will not need to be put over the head, thereby frightening the animal. Once your Westie is 10 months old, you can train with him on the playground. It is better to enroll difficult-to-train and particularly stubborn individuals in some kennel club, where an individual training program will be selected for them, and their behavior will also be adjusted.

If you don’t want your time together with your West Highland White Terrier to turn into a “who will win” confrontation, pay special attention to teaching your pet basic norms of behavior. In particular, do not let the Westie lie on your bed and do not let him look with hungry eyes at the family members gathered at the table. And there are no exceptions to the rules or concessions: despite the external weakness and fragility, the West Highlands are simply masterful at twisting the rope out of the owner.

Hunting with a West Highland White Terrier

As noted earlier, it is not customary to go after foxes and badgers with today's West Highland White Terriers. Moreover, at competitions and exhibitions, representatives of this breed have long been evaluated exclusively by external parameters and almost never by working qualities. On the other hand, no one has the right to prohibit the owner of a West Highland White Terrier from going with his ward to hunt the animal. So if you are eager to try out your pet in action, sign up for any kennel club that has a training hole, and practice your pupil’s hunting talents as much as you want. As practice shows, people are extremely reckless in their work, but at the same time they do not lose their minds. In addition, they very quickly learn the habits of a wild animal and can change tactics at lightning speed if the situation requires it.

Every year, West Highland White Terriers are increasingly turning into indoor/sofa pets, and the reason for this is the desire of the owners to keep the soiled “fur coats” of their charges relatively clean. However, by nature, Westies are not such sissies and are quite capable of spending time outside, even if the weather leaves much to be desired. Bright, cute clothes and blankets, which West Highland White Terriers are often dressed in, are by no means a forced measure, but rather the owner’s desire to emphasize the uniqueness of his pet. In reality, West Highland White Terriers do not suffer much from the cold even in the winter months, provided, of course, that you do not keep the dog outside all day.

Trimming and cleaning the coat of the West Highland White Terrier

A pleasant bonus for fans of sterile cleanliness: West Highland White Terriers do not shed and have virtually no odor. Of course, the coat of animals is regularly renewed, but dead hairs from their “coats” do not fall out, but simply fall off. Accordingly, in order to maintain the pet’s image, it will have to be trimmed once every couple of months or, if it is a show dog, every 30 days. Grooming is prohibited for these charming shaggy dogs, as it changes the structure of the coat, softening it and causing the hair to curl into a curl. As a result, the West Highland White Terrier loses its original appearance and becomes like a hybrid of a lapdog and a Bichon Frize. However, if you are not ambitious and do not plan to go to exhibitions, you can try to cut your ward’s hair. Your self-esteem will not suffer from this at all.

Before trimming, the West Highland White Terrier is thoroughly combed, after which the throat area and the area at the elbows are treated as briefly as possible with a stripping knife. The line from the withers to the croup, as well as the ridge of the neck, is also pinched with a knife, maintaining a total length of fur of 4-5 cm and smoothing out the transitions. As an example: an exemplary West Highland White Terrier should have short hair on the sides and a so-called skirt - lush, adorning hair on the chest. The hair on the forehead, crown and cheekbones is plucked by hand (placking technique), giving the head the shape of a chrysanthemum. The hair on the legs is usually not shortened.

If you want to preserve the unique snow-white color of the West Highland White Terrier, be prepared to spend an extra hour and a half on your pet’s “fur coat.” The fact is that the fur of representatives of this breed often turns yellow when dog saliva or food gets on it, so to neutralize the unwanted undertone it is necessary to use a cleaning composition of crushed chalk and boric acid. The mixture is rubbed into slightly moistened wool, after which its chalky particles are combed out with a regular hair brush.


Once a month, West Highland White Terriers are bathed using diluted pet shampoo (conventional products are not suitable). Not the most useless purchase is a whitening shampoo, which allows you to preserve the exquisite shade of the Westie's coat. Just don’t test it on a puppy, otherwise you risk seriously damaging the baby’s hair structure. Otherwise, representatives of this breed are suitable for any detergent compositions designed specifically for wire-haired dogs.

Once every 5-6 days, the West Highland White Terrier should be combed with a sparse comb with metal teeth, which will not tear the undercoat, but will only gently remove dead hair and debris. But this is only if the pet’s coat is tough and healthy. Individuals with soft fur will have to be combed more often, otherwise you will get tangles. In addition, do not forget to wipe your dog’s face with a napkin after eating so that food debris does not get stuck in the fur and cause a change in its color.

Once a week, you need to pay attention to your ears: pluck out long hair that interferes with the free circulation of air inside the ear funnel, and remove dirt accumulated in the ear shell. It is best to examine the West Highland White Terrier's eyes every day. If brown streaks are found on the fur under the lower eyelids, the dog most likely has an allergy, so grab your pet and run to a veterinarian for a consultation. Westies have their teeth brushed a couple of times a week. In addition, it is useful to introduce various solid foods into the dog’s diet, particles of which act as abrasives and partially remove plaque. The paws of the West Highland White Terrier also need care, so after each walk they should be washed thoroughly, and in winter, when the roads are sprinkled with reagents, they should also be lubricated with vegetable oil.


If your West Highland White Terrier does not hunt (and he most likely does not hunt), he will have to compensate for the lack of adrenaline and positive emotions with walks and training. Westies must be taken outside at least twice, or preferably three times a day, and this should not be a 15-minute run around the playground. The first walks begin at 3 months of age, after the puppy has undergone routine vaccination and spent a week in quarantine. By the way, up to 6 months, babies are taken outside (they are taken out, not taken out) 5-6 times a day, which is due to the need to develop in them the ability to relieve themselves outside the home.

Westies love to rummage in the ground and are capable of destroying a well-groomed flowerbed or green lawn in a matter of minutes, so if you don’t want to constantly argue with landscape designers and utility workers, it’s better not to let your pet off the leash within the city. When walking with a West Highland White Terrier in nature, it is also better not to lose vigilance. Firstly, because dogs intoxicated by unfamiliar smells and sounds instantly become difficult to control. And secondly, because the Westies have a real passion for carrion, in which they prefer to wallow thoroughly before responding to the owner’s command.


The diet of the West Highland is not much different from the menu of its other terrier brothers. In particular, half of the dog’s meal should consist of lean meat, which is supplemented with vegetables (broccoli, pumpkin, turnips), cereal porridge (rice, buckwheat), fermented milk products and fruits. However, since most dogs are prone to food allergies, menu planning should be approached with the utmost caution and preferably with the involvement of a veterinarian.

Once and for all, eliminate chicken and wheat from your West Highland White Terrier's diet. The same rule applies to industrial feed. If you find wheat flour and “chicken” in the store-bought “drying”, return this product to the shelf and never look at it again. As for vitamin supplements, you can periodically add crushed greens (nettle, dandelion, parsley), brewer's yeast and salmon oil to the food of West Highland White Terriers. Once a week it will be useful to treat your fluffy with a quail egg, and during the season you can pamper him with half an apricot, a piece of pear or a ripe plum. By the way, despite the fact that sweets are strictly prohibited for West Highland White Terriers, dogs are simply crazy about them. So when you're ready to enjoy some ice cream or candy, don't forget to hide well from the four-legged beggar.

Please note: the West Highland White Terrier's coat may change color and acquire a yellowish tint if the dog's diet includes foods containing artificial or natural dyes. For pets this is not critical, but for show-class animals such changes can seriously spoil their exhibition career.

Health and Diseases of West Highland White Terriers

West Highland White Terriers live an average of 13-15 years and are less prone to hereditary diseases than their terrier counterparts.

Diseases that may occur in West Highland White Terriers:

  • cranial osteopathy;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • epidermal dysplasia;
  • ichthyosis;
  • congenital deafness;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • diabetes;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • meningoencephalitis of white dogs;
  • Perthes disease;
  • Shaker syndrome;
  • hyperuricosuria.

How to choose a puppy

  • Choose reliable, proven nurseries registered by the RKF. Usually all matings in them are planned.
  • Give preference to breeders or nurseries who are ready to provide their clients with advisory support throughout the puppy’s entire period of growing up. Unscrupulous “breeders” whose main goal is to make a profit from the sale of animals, as a rule, do not make such concessions.
  • If possible, look at several litters. Offspring from different parents can differ significantly in both external and behavioral indicators.
  • The gender of the West Highland White Terrier has virtually no effect on its temperament type and intellectual abilities, although it is believed that males of this breed learn faster than females.
  • Assess the level of hygiene and living conditions of the puppies in the kennel. It’s great if the kids don’t sit in dirty cages, but move freely around the territory allotted to them.
  • Touch the belly of the puppy you like. If additional swelling is felt in the navel area or there is bulging of the peritoneum, there is a possibility that the baby will be diagnosed with a hernia in the future.
  • Responsible breeders test West Highland White Terriers for the presence of genetic diseases, so before purchasing, do not be lazy to read the results of the test, so that later you will not be surprised why your baby has health problems.

Photos of West Highland White Terrier puppies

How much does a West Highland White Terrier cost?

The average price tag for a promising West Highland White Terrier puppy, whose pedigree includes international champions, is 30,000 - 45,000 rubles. A pet with minor exterior defects can be purchased for 15,000 - 20,000 rubles.

Among dogs, there is a group of breeds called terriers - they are used to hunt burrowing animals. There are about 30 such breeds, and among them is our handsome West Highland White Terrier, originally from Scotland. This is a small, stocky dog ​​of exclusively white color, in past times it could easily pull a fox or badger out of a deep hole. Now it is exclusively a pet, which can often be found at exhibitions.

West Highland White Terrier

Breed characteristics

There is an interesting legend about its white color. In ancient times, the Scottish landowner Edward Donald Malcolm, who is considered the founder of the breed (but this has not been proven), created red-colored West Highland White Terriers, but accidentally killed one of the dogs, confusing him with a fox. This incident greatly upset the breeder, and Edward bred snow-white dogs, since they are very visible in the forest.

Breed characteristics:

  • Height – up to 28 cm;
  • Weight – up to 10 kg;
  • Life expectancy – up to 15 years;
  • The coat is hard, straight, long, with a thick, warm undercoat;
  • Color – exclusively white;
  • Intelligence is above average, the dog is easy to train.

Walking the dog

Even though it is small, one may get the impression that the dog can spend all its time in the apartment - this is a very big mistake of inexperienced owners. The West Highland White Terrier (let's shorten the name to lead) is a hunter by nature, he definitely needs walks outside to rummage in the ground, run and jump, this is not a lap dog.

Westies do not get along very well with other pets - this is worth considering before purchasing. This is not due to a bad character, the dog is very kind, but rather to jealousy of the owner. The dog is ready to attack anyone for its owner, but it will not tolerate “competitors” either.

Buying a Westie puppy

You can buy a West Highland White Terrier puppy from an advertisement, but we still recommend choosing the nearest kennel.

New puppy from the kennel

In puppyhood, they look like a cute plush toy, but quite expensive - the price starts at 30,000 rubles. But when you see a photo of this beautiful creature, you realize that this is still a low price.

The more profitable it is to purchase a puppy from professional breeders than from an ad on Avito:

  • Only there will they give you a real pedigree;
  • There are all guarantees that the puppy is healthy, vaccinated, and surrounded by professional care from birth;
  • Serious kennels strictly monitor what dogs eat; nutrition is balanced from birth;
  • You will be introduced to the puppy's parents, told about their habits and character traits, and you will know approximately what to expect from your puppy.

Before purchasing, carefully examine the puppy; its nose should be wet, its eyes and ears should be clean, and its tummy should be soft. Of course, if possible, invite a breed specialist to help you make a choice. But if you do not need a show dog, but just for the family, then listen to your intuition and choose the puppy who has shown the most interest in you.

The Westie requires no more care than any terrier:

  1. Grooming. Trimming is required, twice a year;
  2. Physical activity, regular walks outside;
  3. Training, training;
  4. A couple of times a month - a bath with mild shampoo (for children).


It’s worth taking a closer look at trimming.


It is recommended to brush your dog daily with a stiff brush. The fact is that the upper, coarse hair does not fall out on its own after it dies. On the one hand, this is good - you don’t have to vacuum your apartment every day, but you still need to get rid of hair. It needs to be plucked (it’s best to leave this procedure to professionals), but a stiff brush will help to some extent. But if you decide to do everything yourself, then watch the visual video.

The first trimming can be done at the age of four months, thereby you will relieve the puppy from itching, and in some cases, from the unpleasant odor, the reviews won’t lie.

Also, for this breed, the service of a hairdresser is often used.

Please note that when plucking old wool, the new one will be harsher than if a haircut was used.

If it’s damp outside while walking, buy special overalls and shoes for your pet, so you won’t have to wash your pet’s paws every time after a walk.


The dog's food must be balanced, which is easy to achieve with the help of ready-made food of at least .

Food for small breed dogs

There is a general rule for pets - no food from our table! They don’t need the salts, sausages, and pasta that we eat. More useful for the West Highland White Terrier:

  • In puppyhood, more dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir;
  • From 4 months you can try giving boiled lean meat;
  • From the age of six months, a dog can eat sea fish, cereals, chicken eggs, vegetables and herbs.

There is a rule among dog breeders: it is better to underfeed an animal than to overfeed it. An adult should be fed 2 times a day. The diet should be mostly protein so that the body has enough amino acids. With proper nutrition, the coat will be soft, beautiful, and snow-white.

Dog and children

If you have children under 8 years old in your family, then it is better to refrain from purchasing. A Westie, unlike a Westie, will not allow its tail to be pulled or squeezed. She may even bite the child slightly. West Highland White Terriers, although friendly, do not like to be nervous. It is also important that the dog does not feel threatened by the person (and children, in their eyes, represent this danger with their constant annoyance), otherwise they will not be destined to become friends.

Company of puppies

But again, we repeat - this is not an evil breed, it all depends on the people themselves. If you don’t annoy the dog with excessive love, but just play catch-up, educate and train, then the dog will respond in kind, it will be a snow-white bundle of joy and kindness.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

A snow-white handsome man, a cheerful friend with a sharp mind - all this is about the West Highland White Terrier. A dog that will conquer and will definitely become the soul of every company and a devoted family friend.

The West Highland White Terrier is a small white dog with a strong build and a harmonious combination of strength and agility.

Height at withers: 23-30 cm
Weight: 6-9 kg

Color: exclusively white - spots of a different color are considered a deviation from the standard.

  • The dog holds its head in a proudly raised position.
  • The muzzle is not snub-nosed. The large nose is black and does not protrude.
  • The eyes are dark brown. The look from under heavy eyebrows is serious and intelligent.
  • The ears are pointed, erect, covered with short hair.
  • The tail is straight, not docked, and covered with rough hair.
  • The coat consists of two layers: the outside is hard, straight hair, each hair is 5 cm long. The undercoat is soft, short, and fits tightly to the body.

History and characteristics of the breed

The birthplace of the breed is Scotland. The Westie's ancestors were terriers of the 19th century, which over time divided into several branches: Scotch terriers, Skye terriers, West Highland white terriers and others. For some time, Scottish terriers were considered representatives of the same breed - dog breeders called them Scottish terriers and crossed them with each other.

The first description of small white dogs appeared in the 13th century - then the French king received six white digging dogs as a gift from the King of England.

The breeding of West Highlands as a separate breed began at the beginning of the 19th century - several Scots families got down to business. It is interesting that then each line of white terriers bore the name of the family in which it was bred - this is how the Pollatochs, Rosenites, Pitteniums and white Scotch Terriers appeared.

A significant contribution to the formation of the breed was made by Edward Donald Malcolm - he and his sons bred white terriers - Half Tullochs - for a century.

The reason for Malcolm's breeding of white dogs was a sad incident that happened to his favorite while hunting - a red terrier was mistaken for a fox and shot. Before this, Malcolm had already hunted with light-colored dogs, and after the tragedy he began to breed exclusively white dogs.

Another breeder was the Duke of Argyll, his line was called “Rosenit”. Roseneath dogs were considered Skye Terriers.

It is worth mentioning Dr. Flaxman, whose breeding line was called “Pittenium”. One of his dogs in each litter produced white puppies, which became the basis for breeding. Ten years later, Flaxam managed to get pure white dogs.

Individuals of the three lines differed from each other in the structure of the head and body, but in one thing they were similar - their fur was snow-white. White terriers first appeared at a dog show in the 19th century, where they gained fans.

West Highlands were also valued for their working qualities: they were used for hunting burrowing animals- fox, badger, otter. To drive such “game” out of the ground, the dog must be compact, nimble, and courageous. The remarkable intelligence of the Westies also came in handy here - underground the dog relied only on its own ingenuity. Westies worked in a flock, barking, driving the prey to the surface of the earth and notifying the hunters about it. And the white color of the coat helped people not to confuse dogs with wild animals.

Character and temperament

The Westie is a typical representative of the terrier group. His instincts constantly “speak” to him - he loves to bark, dig in the ground and does this with perfect tenacity. The West Highland is full of energy, which it will happily spend with its owner.

Positive sides:

  • funny;
  • confident;
  • smart;
  • brave;
  • friendly.

Negative features:

  • loves to bark;
  • narcissistic;
  • stubborn;
  • impatient.

Who should start

Previously, Westies were used to hunt burrowing animals, today they have turned into companion dogs. This is an intellectual who loves outdoor games and will happily stick his curious nose into the business of the owner.

A Westie is suitable as a friend for a child over 10 years old; the dog does not stand on ceremony with younger children and does not tolerate disrespectful treatment. You should not leave a small child alone.

The West Highland is unlikely to get along with other pets - no matter how much you cajole the dog, his instincts will speak.

The West Highland is a “perpetual motion machine”; walks should be active, especially if the dog lives in a small city apartment. In the winter season, their paws get cold, so it’s better to wear clothes in cold weather. suits And boots.

Trimming and cutting

Caring for fur is not that easy. Westies do not shed, so trimming is carried out once every three months, and in the intervals between procedures, the coat is combed 1-2 times a week. Vegetation on the face daily comb with a comb.

To prevent the coat from losing its appearance and becoming soft, the dog should not be washed frequently and should not be shaved. Dogs with this type of coat are only suitable for hand trimming.


Feeding your West Highland should be thoughtful and balanced. An incorrect diet provokes metabolic disorders. The ideal type of food is natural or dry food based on rice, turkey, lamb, and fish. Chicken meat, wheat cause allergies.

Meals include: lean meat, dairy products, boiled fish 1-2 times a week, quail egg yolks, cereals, vegetables and fruits. West Highlands that regularly participate in dog shows should be given some vegetables - carrots, beets - with caution (risk of yellowing of the coat). It is important to add vitamins to your food.

Dog training

Westies are smart dogs that learn quickly. But they have a stubborn character, so sometimes training is beyond the power of a beginner.

Training should begin from the first day after the puppy arrives. The “pillars” of success in training a Westie are patience, clarity, consistency of actions, positive reinforcement.

He needs physical and mental exercise in order not to get bored. A suitable option for realizing dog energy is engaging in outdoor sports: agility, flyball. For those who like to learn tricks, circus training is suitable.

Health and life expectancy

West Highland lives on average 12-15 years. But they are prone to various diseases, so careful care is required:

  • cataract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • deafness;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • dermatitis and other skin diseases.

The reason for the risk of disease is the white color of the dog's coat. With timely consultation with a veterinarian and proper treatment, these diseases can be avoided.

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

West Highland White Terriers have become a popular breed, making it easy to buy a puppy. In Russia there is a national breed club where you can find information about reliable breeders and upcoming exhibitions.

Puppy price: from 25 thousand rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of West Highland White Terriers.
