Key points on how to raise a puppy. Raising dogs: useful tips How to raise a yard dog correctly

Raising a dog is a difficult task, but quite doable. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of training so that the owner always remains the indisputable leader for the dog. Today we’ll look at possible training mistakes and find out why animals grow up disobedient.

To raise a pet correctly, it is important to understand the peculiarities of canine psychology: every dog ​​sees a pack in his family, so the owner’s duty is to show himself as a strong and confident leader from the first day of the puppy’s presence in the house, otherwise your pet will take this place (at least in his family). presentation). The consequence of this position of the animal is disobedience and excessive aggression.

The dog must be trained in basic skills and natural needs (regular walks, toilet, sleep). However, this will not be achieved without mastering the simplest commands. To make raising an ideal pet possible, you will have to show strength of character and not back down until you achieve unquestioning obedience.

The dog's place in the domestic hierarchy

Still, it is important to make the animal respect its owner from the very beginning. If you don't do this, you will never be able to influence your pet's behavior. There are several important rules that must be followed in the education process:

  • feed the dog only after the whole family has had lunch: in pack conditions, the leader is always the first to get enough, and only after that the weaker members of the pack are allowed to eat;
  • immediately stop the dog’s attempts to be the first to go through the door - the leader always and everywhere goes first, and the rest of the pack members obediently let him through. Confidently and firmly detain the animal, giving a strict command “No!”, and enter first. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to hit the dog - a firm hold is enough;
  • remember your unconditional leadership even during games - victory always remains with the stronger member of the pack, that is, with you;
  • if we are talking about an adult dog, try not to give in to your pet’s suggestions to start playing: such an initiative should come purely from you;
  • The animal should be raised so that it follows the commands received the first time;
  • Teach your pet that he has his own place in the house, and stop all attempts to occupy the owner’s furniture, especially if the dog stubbornly refuses to leave it.

Basic principles

  • The dog needs a constant daily routine. If you follow a clear schedule, over time the pet will get used to walking and eating at approximately the same time, and will patiently wait for the appointed hour;
  • the animal must feel the authority of not only the owner, but also all family members;
  • regularly devote time to training - the success of mastering basic commands will depend on their frequency;
  • start training work immediately after the puppy appears in the house. Animals are receptive to learning up to 2 years of age. When your pet gets older, it will become much more difficult to re-educate him. The question of how to raise an adult dog requires a different, more comprehensive and professional approach;
  • To the question of whether it is possible to beat your dog during training, the answer is clear - it is impossible. Even in natural conditions, leaders and mothers of wolf cubs only lightly bite their puppies on the withers, or simply push them onto their backs with their noses.

Be that as it may, it is quite possible to re-educate a dog, the process will just take more time and require maximum effort, because you have to change the already established character of an adult animal.

Common mistakes

Many inexperienced dog breeders are prone to common mistakes when purchasing and raising dogs:

  • You should not buy an animal spontaneously - the decision to have a pet should be conscious and balanced;
  • training should not be neglected - the puppy’s basic habits are formed early, and if time is lost, it will be more difficult for you to achieve obedience;
  • be united in prohibitions and encouragements with all family members: for example, if one person forbade the dog to sleep in the master’s bed, the rest should under no circumstances violate this prohibition;
  • do not abuse rewards - a treat should always act as a pleasant bonus for following a command or other merit;
  • pay due attention to your pet’s physical activity;
  • You should not leave your dog alone for a long time - animals do not like this.

Making a puppy obedient and flexible is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing when raising a dog is to become familiar with the important points that beginner dog lovers must study. By following the rules, a person will remain a dog’s leader for life, and the owner’s word will be law.

The basis of dog education is that the dog sees a pack in the family; if a person does not prove himself to be a strong and confident leader, the dog will take on the specified mission, turning into a teacher and leader. This is where the roots of the pet’s disobedience and aggression come from. It is better to spend time eliminating the rebellion at its roots than to spend a lot of time later unsuccessfully correcting the situation.

Dogs should be trained from the first puppy squeak: trained to the toilet, to a place, to commands and requirements. Unfortunately, when most people bring a puppy home, they are interested in what to feed and what vaccinations to give, forgetting that the importance of education is extremely relevant.

At the forefront of education is training to basic needs and skills (sleep, toilet, walking), but without teaching simple commands, a well-mannered dog will not work. It is worth familiarizing yourself with special literature on dog training, working with your pet daily, so that later you can avoid trouble and not pose a danger to others. Until you achieve unquestioning execution of commands, do not stop training.

Let's try to raise the perfect dog. You will need to muster your willpower and be patient. You will have to spend a lot of time trying to ensure that the dog grows up obedient, faithful and healthy. It is worth recognizing the fact that there is no dog that is stupid or untrainable by nature (or breed), but lazy, not very diligent owners are found everywhere.

A specific dog requires an individual approach. In this article we will consider only the basic principles of forming the rules of education.

The main rules of raising dogs

First, focus on creating a daily routine. A four-legged friend needs a routine no less than a human. The dog cannot speak, ask for food or say that it wants to go for a walk or play. A strictly observed daily regimen will help the dog feel confident, saving the owners from plaintive, incomprehensible whining. The regime prescribes the following points: sleep and food, training and communication with relatives, playing and walking, etc. Training, for example, takes up to 20 minutes daily and consistently.

Secondly, roles are immediately distributed in the family. A dog cannot be given the place of leader. Even in older children, the dog must feel a strong will, so that it does not turn out that the dog is raising a child and does not obey during a walk. The main leader is the main one. The rest of the family must be subordinated, otherwise the care of the four-legged animal will fall entirely on the head of the family. This is unacceptable.

The remaining roles are not so important at the beginning of the educational process; gradually the dog will automatically remember them (enemy or friend, etc.).

Thirdly, the accuracy and speed of the dog’s assimilation of commands (“sit”, “lie down”, “near”, “front”) depends on the regularity of training. If you spare no time and effort, your pet will soon delight its owners and others with excellent behavior and perfect obedience. The opinion that each breed of dog has different training abilities is not entirely correct. It depends only on the owner how to raise a shepherd or poodle dog: with enthusiasm or hoping for chance. Breed doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. The information is provided for careless owners who are accustomed to attributing direct responsibility for an inconvenient result to other factors. If you don’t know how to teach a dog simple commands, go to thematic Internet forums and buy an educational disk with training rules. Not everyone is able to afford to seek help from a special dog instructor. If you have the money, raising a dog to be angry and disobedient is definitely not a problem. A professional has the right not to train the dog, but will point out obvious errors in training and education, help correct the dog’s behavior and show how to act and speak with the animal.

If time is lost, the dog is already an adult (more than 2 years old), you will have to apply double the strength and patience, and coordinate training methods with dog handlers. It is difficult to break the character and already formed habits of an adult dog, which does not mean it is impossible to re-educate - it will just take longer and much more difficult.

Exhausting long workouts are strictly prohibited - this is abuse of an animal, which is punishable by law. Classes are held in moderation, but constantly. If you notice that your pet’s condition is worsening, contact your nearest veterinarian immediately to immediately determine the causes of the unhealthy condition.

Every dog ​​has its own place

  1. Sit down at the table and eat first; in a pack, the leader starts eating first, and later the rest of the animals join. The main mistake of dog owners is to give up leadership to the dog from a small point of view. According to pack rules, feed the dog after the meal. Complaining looks are ignored.
  2. The fatal mistake of most owners is to let the dog go home first from the street. This absolutely cannot be done! A man, as a full-fledged leader, walks forward into a house, apartment, elevator, then, according to the rules of a wolf pack, a subordinate “wolf” enters. When trying to persistently crawl forward, use the appropriate and previously learned command to demand courtesy and obedience from the dog.
  3. Try to beat the dog, even in a simple competitive game. It is the human responsibility to start and finish the games.
  4. The dog's commands are carried out instantly, the first time.
  5. The dog must maintain its own place. Firm home teams will help.
  6. Sometimes you have to punish the dog; beating the dog is inappropriate, which has the opposite effect: the animal becomes disobedient and aggressive.

What is acceptable when raising a dog

If you want to properly raise your beloved dog, it is prohibited:

  • You can't hit. An occasional light tap on the butt is recommended.
  • You can’t constantly lock a dog in a cage, avoiding paying with the dog’s upset psyche, which will become an insoluble and serious difficulty.
  • You cannot shout for a long time; using a tone of authority in your voice is highly desirable.
  • You cannot punish your dog by depriving him of food or water.
  • You cannot leave a dog alone for a long time, a dog is a pack animal, and loneliness is detrimental to the psyche of a four-legged friend.

Remember, a kind and loving heart cannot raise an angry dog. That’s why the statement is vivid: “What kind of owner is such a dog.”

If a puppy has settled in the house, then you now have to teach him everything necessary that an adult dog should be able to do. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a purebred or a mongrel. You've probably already read a huge number of articles where you learned the basics of raising puppies for dummies. But it happens that the baby came to you completely by accident, and you have no experience in keeping a dog. So how to properly raise a puppy?

First steps in training

Training is a kind of science, by studying which you will find the answer to the question “How to raise an ideal dog?” Remember that without it the puppy will not be able to become a worthy member of society. There are many ways to train, some of which can be found in the video. But you won’t teach a tiny puppy to commands that are still difficult for him. So where to start?

Meeting the puppy

Raising a puppy begins from the first days of its appearance in the house. Now you are both a parent and a teacher for him. The dog baby doesn’t know anything yet and is not familiar with your household.

As soon as you get home, put your baby on the floor and let him sniff the new territory. He will be scared, but natural curiosity usually overcomes fear and forces the puppy to start exploring everything around. At this time, you should be close to him, talking in a calm voice.

Once your puppy is familiar with his surroundings, squat down to appear smaller and call him. He doesn’t know his name yet, but he will respond to your voice. When the puppy runs up, praise him. If the baby is scared and does not want to approach, then you can lure him with a treat.

After the baby gets comfortable with you, introduce him to your household. At the same time, ask not to make noise - loud sounds will scare the puppy.

But it is advisable to get acquainted with other pets on neutral territory or not from the first day the puppy moves into the house. First, accustom the animals to each other’s smell: let an adult dog or cat sniff the baby’s thing and vice versa. After some time, organize a meeting for them under your supervision. Remember, even if an old-timer animal is wary of a new resident, you cannot beat him! This will develop bad relations between them.

Place and toilet training

The key to successful coexistence of a dog and a person in the same apartment is the absence of problems with the toilet. Naturally, at first the puppy will pee wherever he feels like it - it’s difficult for him to control this process. Therefore, it is very important to correctly explain to your baby where to go to the toilet. Use the following method.

For the first time, choose a place for the WC next to the puppy’s bed. Also place several “toilets” in other areas of the apartment. Absorbent diapers are best suited for these purposes. They can be moistened with baby's urine - the smell will help identify the toilet.

In the next video you can learn more about toilet training a puppy.

The key to success in training is your attentiveness and reaction. Observe your puppy after sleeping, feeding, or playing. As soon as he starts sniffing everything around, you need to pick him up and take him to the place prepared for the toilet. When he recovers, praise him. Be patient: some dogs grasp this science on the fly, others will have to be swaddled many times - you cannot beat them for mistakes.

Gradually reduce the number of toilet diapers to one, which you move to the corridor towards the exit. When the baby learns to endure for a long time, it is thrown away, but until 5-6 months there should be a “duty” diaper in the apartment.

Another command that people start learning right away is “Place”. It's easy to learn how to do it correctly. When the puppy has had enough of playing and is tired, take him to the bedding, saying “Place,” put him on the bed and pet him. This is one of the best ways.

To ensure that your puppy grows up healthy and strong, teach him hygiene and veterinary procedures from an early age. Such as bathing, ear cleaning, nail trimming, etc.

We teach you to answer the call

One of the important commands for a dog is “Come to me.” You can easily get used to it while the baby is small. To do this, say the puppy’s name and, when he runs up to you, say “Come to me.” Be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Repeat for a few minutes every day, and turning your practice into a game is a great way to reinforce it.

This video will tell you what a beginner in the world of dog breeding should know about training.

Night cry

At the very beginning of their life together, a puppy weaned from its mother will cry at night. Many dog ​​owners are not prepared for whining and, in order to calm the dog down, they take it to bed with them. If you don't want your dog to sleep with you always, then don't do it! The best way is to move the baby's bedding closer to the bed and lower your hand towards him. This way he will feel your warmth and will not be lonely.

By the way, in no video you will find a demonstration of training a puppy to sleep alone.

How to properly limit the scope of what is permitted

Any crime entails punishment - the great Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote about this. However, when it comes to dogs, things are not so simple. Remember that animals have their own society, rules and orders, they perceive the world differently - many videos and films have been made about this. Our task is to teach them to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. The main thing is to avoid the verb “beat”, because there are many other ways of education.

Learning to prohibit correctly

Raising a puppy is impossible without prohibitions, but remember that you can only scold the baby while committing a crime. If you come home from work and everything in the apartment is upside down, it is useless to make a row and beat the puppy. He will associate punishment with your arrival, but not with a torn pillow.

The most common mistakes owners make

Now you know how to raise a dog, but there are always shortcomings and aspects that you do not know. Unfortunately, no matter how much literature dog owners study, they continue to make mistakes when training a puppy. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Few incentives. When the dog does everything right, don’t be greedy with kind words; you can give him a treat and pet him. Prove that she is the best in the world.
  • Poking the muzzle into excrement. The baby should not be beaten for what he has done on the floor. This will only scare him. So just calmly clean up after him and watch him more carefully next time so you have time to take him to the diaper.
  • Lack of games. Yes, puppies can ruin things in the apartment. Therefore, it is important to teach the baby to play. He must distinguish his things from the owner's things. Never let him play with shoes; the dog will not distinguish old sneakers from new ones, which may become his next toy.
  • Lack of communication. It is also important not only to communicate with the puppy yourself, but also to allow him to contact other four-legged animals, as well as people. This is necessary for socialization.
  • Tidbits from the table. A dog drooling at the table is not a pleasant sight. You can wean your animal off being in the dining room using the “Kitchen” command. The method is quite simple: when you sit down at the table, take the puppy out into the corridor and say the command.

Remember that dogs are smart - if things don’t work out right away, then learn to communicate with her, just as she learns to understand you. Proper upbringing of a puppy is the key to a successful life together with an adult dog.

We all admire trained dogs that faithfully look into the eyes of their owner and follow all his commands. And, do you know that your dog can be so devoted, faithful, and obedient? Don't believe me? The secret to such ideal behavior lies in... raising the dog. And how competently and correctly you raise your pet will determine how obedient your dog will grow up. Ready? Then go ahead and get acquainted with the rules of raising a dog...

A dog that does not listen to its owner simply does not respect him. In order for a dog to become flexible and obedient, you need to gain authority in its eyes and earn its trust.

It is noteworthy that a dog of any breed is a descendant of the predator wolf. And, we are talking not only about representatives of large and aggressive breeds, but also about lap dogs, such as a pug or Pekingese. Therefore, in the behavior of any dog ​​one can trace the behavioral traits of a predatory wolf, which sacredly observes the rules of the wolf pack and respects its elders. This elder can be called whatever you like, the leader, the alpha male and the leader - the meaning does not change from the name, this is an individual who has all the privileges and sets the rules of behavior in the pack. Some may say, but my poodle is not a wolf, and I am not an alpha male. Perhaps... But, regardless of whether you accept the rules of behavior, communication and raising a dog according to this principle or not, these rules apply. And it is simply impossible to impose human dogmas of education on an animal. Another thing, learn to dictate rules to the dog in a dog language that the dog understands. Take the place of leader in your pack, which consists of you and your dog, whom the animal wants to respect. Ah, obedience, it will come after respect. It is noteworthy that if you adhere to this line of raising an animal, you will not have to resort to violent methods, beat the dog or cause it physical pain. Extremely humane methods aimed at the consciousness of the animal.
Very often, beginning dog breeders confuse concepts such as education and training. And this is their mistake.

The dog may not know all the nuances of training, but it must be educated, because it is your face, it is a member of your pack.

So, how to raise a dog(not to train is another topic)? First of all, you must be consistent. Having once accepted these rules, you, as the leader of your small flock, must adhere to them constantly, regardless of your mood and circumstances. Some may say that you need to raise a dog from childhood... Perhaps. But you can also raise an adult dog (it’s actually much more difficult). But difficult does not mean impossible!
So here are these rules of education:

Difficult? Cruel? But good upbringing requires sacrifice, and the victims in this case are the whims of your animal and your weak character. After all, you want to see an animal next to you that will not betray you, that respects you? Then, be patient and...train your dog.

Shevtsova Olga

Video about raising a dog:

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In order to preserve your dog’s health and psyche, teach it order and raise it to be obedient, it is important to remember what can interfere with this. We present to you the top mistakes in raising a dog, most often made by animal owners. Read it so you don't repeat it!

Although the first mistake is not directly related to raising a dog, we included it in this list because it causes many problems in your relationship with your pet.

Buy a dog spontaneously

By purchasing a pet under the influence of a momentary impulse or out of pity, you risk getting a completely different friend than you dreamed of. Despite the fact that the stray dog ​​looks very harmless in appearance, it is unknown what kind of character he has. And a cute dog that is sold second-hand in an underground passage may turn out to be sick.

Finally, do not underestimate the characteristics of the animal's breed: some pets really need a lot of attention. And, for example, if today you “save” such a dog from hunger, then tomorrow, when you go to work for a day, you will doom him to loneliness.

That is why it is better to first study the habits of your pet, which are inherent in its character by genetics, the features of caring for it, and only then make a decision that is fateful for you and for it.

Terriers love to dig. Dachshunds are not allowed to walk on stairs. If you are interested in a particular breed, read everything you can find about it, talk to those who already have a similar animal.

If you are planning to buy a pet from a breeder, carefully consider the puppy’s parents; they must be healthy and behave adequately.

Parenting Mistake 2

Neglect training

Dogs develop bad habits at an early age. Moreover, getting rid of them, if they are completely entrenched in the pet’s mind, can only be done with the help of a specialist. Therefore, do not lose sight of raising your four-legged friend. If you have little idea how to train an animal, entrust this task to an experienced instructor.

But even before your puppy begins training with a professional, you yourself can teach him simple

You should start formally training your puppy as early as 8 weeks, and ideally before 12 weeks, as this is the most favorable period for learning information and developing behavioral norms.

In order for your pet to remember valuable lessons for the rest of his life, it is advisable to repeat professional training bites every 2-3 years.

Dog training mistake 3

Be fickle in prohibitions

If one family member allows the dog to sleep in the owner's bed, but the other does not, the pet will, of course, become confused. He will begin to set his own rules, which you are unlikely to like.

To avoid this, make sure everyone in your family knows – and follows it exactly! - laws established for the pet. You do not want? To have an animal beg for food during your lunch? Then do not make exceptions even under the most pitiful gaze. By making an indulgence only a couple of times, you will create problems for yourself and your pet for a long time. And vice versa - by showing strictness at the beginning, you will live calmly in the future.

Error 4

Pamper the dog

Treats that are used not only for reward, but for no particular reason at all, quickly lose their value. Think of treats as a kind of “pocket money” that is given out as a reward for particularly good behavior. And don’t do this too often, otherwise the animal will stop obeying if it doesn’t get food for it. Moreover, culinary abundance will have a bad effect on your pet’s health.

Mistake in raising a dog 5

Deprive your pet of communication

Animals whose childhood is spent alone develop fears and suspicion, and then, as a consequence, aggressive behavior.

Try to introduce your pet to new people, both adults and children, from an early age. Sometimes place him in unfamiliar surroundings, including transport. This is necessary to save him from unnecessary fears, and yourself from unnecessary troubles.

Error 6

Neglect exercise

Animals have much more energy than humans, and it must be spent. Otherwise, your beloved dog will turn first into an uncontrollable mischief-maker who destroys everything in his path, and then into a grumpy lazy person with shortness of breath and heart problems.

The dog needs to be walked at least twice a day for at least half an hour per approach. And not on a leash, but let her run around properly. A ball, a flying saucer or an ordinary stick will be useful for this.

It is very good if you are riding a bicycle and the dog is running after you. For a dog, with an error due to the characteristics of the breed, this is the norm of activity - birds fly, fish swim, and dogs run.

Error 7

Don't care about your pet's mental development

In nature, an animal is forced to direct all its energy and all the power of its intellect to searching for food, shelter and protection from enemies. At home, the need for this disappears, and the pet begins to get bored. And a bored individual is, of course, more likely to get into trouble.

To avoid a domestic disaster, keep your friend busy with an exciting game. If there is no one to keep him company, buy special toys for the animal.

Error 8

Leaving the animal alone for a long time

Dogs and cats who miss their owner can be very creative. Therefore, do not be surprised if, upon returning from a business trip, you find that the floors are covered with a thin layer of feathers from torn pillows, and toilet paper “scatters” in a bizarre labyrinth throughout the apartment.

To prevent this from happening, you should not leave the puppy alone for more than seven hours. If you have to leave for a day, ask someone to look after your four-legged baby.

But this does not mean that loneliness is good for the dog. On the contrary: the sooner the dog understands that the owner may have business to do and learns to wait for him, the sooner he will become the best protector for your property and a companion for you. Just before you teach your pet an “obedience lesson,” be sure to leave him toys so that the dog has something to occupy himself with.

Error 9

Do not equip your home for your pet's needs

The home where you brought the animal is its home too. Which means he should feel comfortable here. Therefore, you will have to give up some of your space to provide your new friend with the proper conditions.

The pet must have its own place. A dog that doesn't have a comfortable bed to sleep on will inevitably take over your own bed sooner or later.

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