Dogs for human protection. Guard dog breeds: for a house or apartment, selection criteria. Black Russian Terrier

Nothing warms a person’s soul like capital real estate. So, you are a happy homeowner. You have a dacha, cottage or private house in the village. Choosing a way to protect your property is the most important task for everyone who does not want to lose their property.

One of the best options is to supplement your security system with technical means with your most faithful friend - a dog.

Why is a dog better?

All conventional methods have their pros and cons. A specialized security company can connect you to a surveillance system, but this costs a lot of money. It is much cheaper to hire a security guard, but a person’s vigilance is easy to deceive. An affordable way of protection for any person and with any income is a guard dog. in the fence, and the joy of communicating with your most devoted friend will be a pleasant bonus. On what basis do you choose a dog to guard your home?

The best dogs for guard duty

Such a dog should have an innate sense of territory and impressive size. Usually the following breeds are offered for such work:

Central asian shepherd dog

This is a giant dog up to 80 cm at the withers. Thick, medium-length coat with good undercoat, does not require special care, and is capable of self-cleaning. Easily tolerates both heat and cold. The owner dog will closely monitor all family property, be it the yard, any belongings, livestock, family members. Non-aggressive on foreign territory, loyal to children. Can make decisions independently. Requires a firm approach in training in puppyhood, but once formed, it will become an excellent watchdog. A detailed article about this breed can be found.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Also a very large dog, “obsessed” with protecting the territory. Very independent, silent. Some representatives can be very aggressive; it is better not to leave such a dog with children. Bonds to only one owner. Excellent wool protects well from frost, but in hot weather overheating is possible. Requires the most competent training so as not to become an uncontrollable monster. You can learn more about the breed from the material at.

South Russian Shepherd

Very spectacular huge dog with long snow-white fur. Wool requires careful care, as it quickly gets dirty and matted, becoming clogged with debris. If not properly trained, it can become uncontrollably aggressive. There are both friendly and strict dogs towards children.

Moscow watchdog

Relatively young. Large, with a spectacular bright appearance. Very self-confident, independent dog which will perfectly guard the territory entrusted to it and fearlessly protect its owner. It will not choose only one owner among family members. Thick fur does not require special care, but feeding such a guard will not be very easy, and she may also suffer from food allergies!

Tibetan mastiff

Breed, specially bred in ancient times to protect. The thick coat allows it to be kept outdoors. Suspicion of strangers goes well with a lack of excessive aggression. A very clean and independent dog. Read more about the breed in.

Service breed dogs suitable for protection

A significant drawback of the options considered is the huge size of the listed dogs. Naturally, they eat a lot, which can make their maintenance too expensive. In addition, they do not tolerate mistakes in education. Service breeds may be an alternative


Although it is a short-haired dog, it Thanks to its thick undercoat, it can easily be kept outdoors. This breed is often used as a service dog, but will perfectly serve as a guard for your site. The dog is very beautiful thanks to its smooth shiny coat and defined muscles, one glance at which evokes respect. It is important to ensure proper feeding, as Rottweilers are prone to overeating and obesity.

The main thing is to resolve the issue of leadership in your favor once and for all, otherwise it will not be easy to cope with an adult dog, although in general this is a breed of moderate aggressiveness.

Black Russian Terrier

This wild temperamental dog is sometimes compared to lightning. Suspicious of strangers, energetic, tall, strong, jumps well. a shaggy muzzle with a mustache, beard and bangs give the dog a serious expression. This breed requires special coat care. The black terrier does not shed, so it must be plucked twice a year, otherwise the coat will be too soft and will no longer protect it from moisture and cold.

Giant Schnauzer

German Shepherd

One of the most popular service breeds all over the world. Very smart, capable of any type of training, calm. Will diligently guard the owner, his family and property. Does not tolerate chains well, as it requires human contact and constant workload. on the chain can become aggressive and uncontrollable.

Need to remember

Protecting the territory of your site with the help of dogs does not at all eliminate the need for organization.

Block 50% from the beginning of the article

You also need to choose a durable steel door for your home. Details.

And remember that the door must be equipped with reliable locks. One of the most modern is an electronic lock. It is described in our article at .

East European Shepherd

Calmer and larger than the German, has a thicker coat. Distrustful of strangers, with a pronounced aggressive-defensive reaction. Just like the “German”, it is unpretentious and easy to learn. It tolerates loneliness better than its German counterpart, but more often has an unstable psyche.

By the way, when choosing a dog for protection, you can save money if you buy a mixed breed. The main thing is to know that the puppy had working parents, but in this capacity half-breeds are not inferior to dogs.

Keeping a dog in the yard of a private house

Any dog ​​kept outdoors an insulated booth is required, this is especially true for our frosty winters. The dog must be able to control the area of ​​the gate, gate, and front door. The booth should be in a dry place, protected from the wind. For the winter, it is better to cover the entrance with thick fabric.

If you plan to let your dog out at night, the fence should be at least 2 meters high and exclude the possibility of digging, so that the animal does not walk outside the fence unattended.

You can keep a dog in an enclosure, then you definitely need to make a wooden flooring, make shelter from the rain and scorching sun, it would be nice to put a booth.

The dog should always have fresh water, and it is better to remove the food bowl after feeding.

Block at 75% from the beginning of the article

Although the dog lives in the fresh air, it daily walks are necessary to maintain good physical shape.

How to raise a guard dog

There are a few simple rules here:

  1. Limit your puppy's interaction with strangers except family members and a few close friends. This will help build the suspicion and pack feeling necessary to protect the territory. Do not allow strangers to feed or play with the puppy.
  2. Socialize your dog To help her calmly perceive a variety of situations, visit new places more.
  3. Let your leadership skills develop so that the dog grows self-confident. Let the puppy win games more often until he is 6-7 months old.
  4. Take an obedience course. This is very important, especially if you plan to keep a dog freely or have children.

A guard dog is An excellent option for protecting your private home. She will be the first to greet you when you return home, rejoice at you and make you happy. And intruders will avoid your yard only when they hear a menacing bark from behind the fence.

And, of course, a short video about raising a dog - a guard - a faithful friend.

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Security dogs have begun to appear more and more not only in private sector homes, but also in ordinary city apartments.

They are suspicious of strangers and are infinitely loyal to their owner, have developed muscles, a kind and sympathetic character, and obedience. Therefore, such dogs are often kept in homes where there are small children. But do not forget that guard dog breeds are able to protect their owner by getting into fights not only with other dogs, but also with people.

Unguarded dogs

Some breeds can almost immediately cross off the list of guard dogs. Breeds that do not have protective qualities:

  1. Hunting dogs (except those belonging to universal breeds, for example, schnauzers). And also some huskies and huskies are quite weak as guards. Animals that have aggression and anger at the genetic level are not recommended to be kept in a residential area.
  2. Oddly enough, fighting dogs are also considered non-protective breeds. As a result of selection, many animals began to have a good-natured and quiet disposition. But if a pet is raised correctly, it will definitely come to the aid of its owner.
  3. Dogs are companions, guide dogs, rescue dogs. These pets (even sometimes despite their impressive size) are unlikely to be able to scare the enemy and engage in a serious fight with him.

Gallery: guard dog breeds (25 photos)

Guard dog breeds

There are a number of breeds that are ideal for performing security and guard duty and for performing bodyguard functions. As a rule, representatives of the category are service breeds belonging to the subgroup “breed of dogs for protection”.


If you have the desire and opportunity to have a giant-sized pet, you can choose from the following:

  1. Fila - Brasileiro. At the withers, this animal reaches 75 cm and is considered a rather serious dog. Phil must be respected and under no circumstances should you show your weakness. He must understand who is in charge in the house. Only experienced dog breeders will be able to raise a representative of the breed. The owner must not only have special knowledge, but also be patient and have enough time to spend with his four-legged friend. The security guard from Phil is smart and balanced, he will never get confused in a difficult situation and will always come to the rescue. The breed's peculiarity is an imperceptible and quiet attack without growling, barking or angry facial expressions.
  2. . The breed was specially bred for protection. These dogs are light, fast, they are able to hold the enemy without causing him significant injury. They attack almost silently and perform their service well at night. Due to their short fur, they are not suitable for permanent keeping in an outdoor enclosure.
  3. Dogue de Bordeaux. A very colorful and powerful dog with excellent protective qualities that need to be developed with the help of special training. Despite its impressive size, the Dogue de Bordeaux makes a wonderful pet.
  4. Dogo Argentino (Argentine Mastiff). A large dog with a snow-white, smooth coat. Representatives of the breed are so serious that they are capable of tearing apart an enemy in a matter of seconds. In some states it is prohibited to breed and buy Argentine Mastiffs, since without proper education and training they are considered dangerous.
  5. Russian (Stalin's dog). The breed was bred in the USSR and was intended for military service. These shaggy, black and large dogs protect the local area well, but at the same time they need communication and attention from their owner. If the animal goes into a rage, it will be very difficult to stop it. Therefore, dog experts recommend raising and training your pet from an early age.
  6. Giant Schnauzer. A large and black dog that can live in the yard in the summer, but in the winter it requires an insulated enclosure and unobstructed entry into the house. Like all representatives of schnauzers, this little blackie adores all family members, but treats guests with extreme caution and restraint. When danger appears, he will definitely show all his security qualities, and will protect both his owners and their property.
  7. Leonberger. Representatives of the breed love everyone, and everyone loves them. Thanks to their gentle and accommodating disposition, they can become excellent nannies for children, reliable protection for their family and a nightmare for the enemy.
  8. . The breed is ideally suited to permanent living on the street. Hardy, large and temperamental dog. It is not recommended to joke with the Moscow watchdog. If she attacks, then with all the ensuing consequences. It is not advisable to keep a pet in an enclosure all the time; the dog must “patrol” the local area 24 hours a day and be aware of all events.
  9. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. A shaggy and huge dog that terrifies those around him with just his appearance. Anyone who enters his territory will be in trouble. His goal is to liberate his territory from the stranger. It is important that the dog understands that the owner is a leader. Only then will he obey him unquestioningly.
  10. Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd). Outwardly he is very similar to a Caucasian, but is distinguished by greater attachment to his family. Alabai practically does not conflict with other animals. Dogs of large breeds can become his enemies.

Large breeds

There are dog breeds that are not so large, but still have excellent protective qualities and considerable dimensions:

Medium and small breeds

  1. American Pit Bull Terrier or better yet Staffordshire Terrier. They make excellent bodyguards, subject to constant training.
  2. Airedale. Dogs are distinguished by their courage and protective instinct, although their funny appearance suggests otherwise. Airedales have strong jaws and an innate distrust of strangers.
  3. Miniature Schnauzer. Representatives of the breed are ideal for keeping in an apartment. After all, they do not have an unpleasant odor or shedding. But at the same time they will perfectly protect their family and property. Miniature Schnauzers (the smallest species among Schnauzers) also have similar qualities.
  4. Jagdterrier. This is a small dog that is very active, restless and with a fearless disposition. The dog is capable of inflicting many bites on an enemy in a matter of seconds.

Criterias of choice

There are many factors that influence the choice of breed. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the living conditions for the future dog, but also the owner’s capabilities - the willingness to devote a lot of attention and time to training the pet.

The best dogs for home

Breeds for private homes, as a rule, are dogs that have free access both to the house and to the yard. There is also an alternative option for living - in the yard in a landscaped enclosure or kennel. Main criteria, which determine the choice of breed for protecting the territory and home:

  • gigantic or large size, and in some cases medium;
  • well-developed undercoat and thick coat;
  • independence and devotion;
  • innate distrust of strangers.

The optimal breed will be one whose representatives analyze and make independent decisions in difficult situations.

Ideal guard dog breeds for the home:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • alabai;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Giant Schnauzer.

Apartment security guards

The choice of a guard dog for an apartment is limited to a more serious framework, but still a lot depends on the preferences of the owner and the area of ​​the home. Some dog breeders live quietly in apartments with Great Danes or Mastiffs.

  • small or medium sizes;
  • lack of shedding or mild shedding;
  • short hair;
  • lack of dog odor (an individual indicator, many owners do not consider it the main thing);
  • compactness, cleanliness, lack of drooling.

The best guard breeds for an apartment:

  • Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Rottweiler;
  • boxer;
  • Cane Corso;
  • Doberman

Bodyguard dog for humans

Any dog ​​that has security and guard skills can become protection for a person. Moreover, even if these skills are weakly expressed and the pet is not a worker. Thanks to his boundless devotion and love, he is able to protect his master in any dangerous situation.

A stable nervous system and psyche of a pet is another important factor. For example, a dog that is afraid of everything will be able to bite an enemy, but only if it is he who is in danger. In turn, a large and kind dog will get involved in a squabble, defending its owner.

Thus, we can conclude that a properly raised animal with a balanced psyche can become an excellent bodyguard for a person.

The guard dog is entrusted with a special mission - protection, protection of the owner and his property. With the right approach, the dog will cope with this task perfectly. In fact, a representative of any breed is capable of becoming a guard, but for this each dog must be trained. It is important not to forget, whatever the character of a four-legged friend, a person takes full responsibility for his behavior and upbringing.

Attention, TODAY only!

There are a number of requirements for guard dogs. Such dogs must be able to master the following disciplines: protective guard, sentry, patrol service, as well as escort and watchdog. Naturally, only physically developed dogs with the necessary innate instincts and natural inclinations can cope with such volumes. People who are far from cynology and its features look at this issue more simply, not knowing about the nuances - a guard dog must be able to protect property, territory or the owner. Breeds of this type have one thing in common - they are universal, but at the same time they have a number of serious differences.

What criterion is fundamental when choosing a four-legged guard? Should the dog have an impressive size, cause serious injuries to an attacker, or be distrustful of strangers? In fact, many factors are taken into account, the wishes of the future owner and the conditions in which he will live.

Guard dog for the home

People living in a private house need a four-legged friend who can protect them, property and guard the surrounding area. The dog must be suitable for street keeping and can freely enter the house or only move around the local area. Aviary keeping or living in a booth is suitable. The main wishes in this case include the following:

  • It would be better if the dog belongs to a giant, large breed or, in extreme cases, to a medium one.
  • The dog should have a thick coat with well-developed undercoat.
  • The pet must be able to make independent decisions and at the same time be devoted to its family.
  • An innate wariness towards strangers is a must.

It is not recommended to keep a guard dog on a chain at all times. In this case, the leash is only a temporary measure when you have to keep the gate open or guests are expected to arrive. Representatives of guard dog breeds are distinguished by their activity and endurance, given to them by nature, so if their freedom is limited, tragic consequences can be expected.

The dog will constantly feel stress, which will lead to mental illness, and a large, aggressive, unbalanced pet is a real threat to others.

Apartment security guard

A more stringent selection is required here, because the pet will live side by side with a person. Sometimes the main criterion is the size of the animal, especially if we are talking about modest areas. But for fans of large and giant breeds, this factor is not decisive, and they get a mastiff or Great Dane while living in a small apartment.

If we talk about average indicators, most future owners pay attention to the following:

  • the dog must be medium or small in size;
  • it is desirable that the animal sheds little or does not have this tendency at all and does not have the characteristic smell of a dog;
  • short coat;
  • the pet should not have excessive salivation;
  • the dog must be clean;
  • the animal should not be hyperactive and require a lot of space.

Of course, the owner himself determines what is important to him and what he can “turn a blind eye to.”

The best protection for a person

Any dog ​​that has a set of security qualities can become a bodyguard, even if they are not bright, and the animal is not a working dog. Boundless love for the owner and his loved ones will help him protect his owner.

Of course, all dogs have teeth, but can they all use them when necessary? Hardly. Another important factor is the presence of a stable nervous system. For example, a tiny dog ​​that is shaken by loud noises may bite, but only if they are in danger.

But a good-natured, large dog will get involved in a fight if a threat hangs over its owner. We can draw certain conclusions that, thanks to proper upbringing and a strong psyche, a dog can become an excellent bodyguard.

What breeds of dogs are not capable of being guards?

Considering dogs of various breeds as a pet and guard, some of them can be crossed off the list almost immediately. According to dog handlers, the following do not have protective qualities:

  • Hunting dogs, except those that belong to universal breeds - huskies, schnauzers and some types of terriers. And one more nuance - dogs that have anger and aggression towards animals at the gene level are not recommended to be kept in a private home. Moreover, not only a personal yard, but also a neighbor’s one can suffer.
  • Fighting dogs - thanks to selection, modern representatives of these breeds have a good-natured disposition. But if such a pet is raised correctly, in case of danger, he will definitely come to the rescue.
  • , guide dogs, as family pets - even a large dog, uncontrollably rejoicing at everyone who comes into the house, is unlikely to be able to instill fear in intruders.

Giant Security Guards

If you have the desire and opportunity to have not just a four-legged companion, but a giant-sized dog capable of excellent security service, you should take a closer look at the following breeds:

This animal can reach 75 cm at the withers and is considered a rather serious, large dog. Fila needs respect, but at the same time you should not give her any slack - the pet must always remember who is in charge in the house.

A representative of this breed is suitable only for experienced dog breeders who know how to raise such giants. In addition to knowledge, the owner must be patient and have free time to spend with his four-legged friend.

Fila makes an excellent guard - balanced, intelligent, who will not get confused, even in serious situations. These dogs are distinguished by their special behavior in case of danger - they attack quietly, without making a voice, and even their facial expressions do not reveal their mood.

Already when the breed was bred, it was assumed that its representatives would become excellent guards and watchmen. agile, fast dogs that manage to hold the attacker without seriously injuring him until the owner arrives.

These dogs use certain tactics when attacking - they do not make noise and even at night they cope with their duties perfectly. But due to their short coat, they are not suitable for permanent outdoor living.

– powerful and colorful, he is an excellent guard, but requires special training. The pet has innate protective qualities, however, these dogs also make wonderful pets, lying on the sofas.

A snow-white, large dog with smooth fur, which is a serious weapon in the strong, skillful hands of an experienced owner. Having attacked an attacker, he is able to tear him to pieces in seconds. In some countries, there is a ban on the purchase and breeding of dogs of this breed, since they require an exceptional approach to education and training, which not everyone can do.

This amazing breed, bred in the Soviet Union, was originally intended for military service. These are large, shaggy, black dogs that are capable of protecting the local area, but at the same time need communication with their owner.

One who goes into a rage is a real storm, which can only be stopped by causing bodily harm to the animal itself! That is why dog ​​handlers warn future owners about the need for early socialization, education and further training of such a pet.

Another big black handsome guy who can live outside only in warm weather. Like all schnauzers, this robust fellow adores his family members, but, if he does not show aggression, he treats guests with restraint and wariness. If an approaching danger arises, the pet will definitely show all its protective qualities, and will protect both household members and property.

This dog can live quietly on the street, has endurance and temperament. Jokes with such an animal are bad - the dog will not just scare you and if it attacks, then with all the ensuing consequences. It is not recommended to keep a watchdog in an enclosure; it must “patrol” the territory around the clock and be aware of all events occurring in it.

A huge shaggy dog, reminiscent of a bear and terrifying by its appearance alone. And indeed, by entering its territory, a person is at extreme risk. Although, first of all, the dog is not aimed at killing, it is enough for him to drive out the stranger.

Must see the owner as a leader, otherwise you should not expect meek submission. If the owner finds an approach to this difficult pet, he will become a devoted, loyal friend, capable of protecting him to the last drop of blood.

Outwardly reminiscent of a Caucasian, but possessing greater affection for his family. The CAO gets along well with other animals; conflicts can only arise between the Alabai and other large male dogs.

Guard dog breeds must not only be large in size and intimidating in appearance, but also have other important characteristics. The pet should be selected taking into account the preferences of the owner and his family, living conditions, pace of life, etc. It is important to consider that any breed of four-legged bodyguards, despite good natural characteristics, needs constant training and attention from the owner.

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    What qualities should guard dogs have?

    According to experts, all guard breeds must have a certain disposition and innate characteristics and skills, which must be slightly adjusted during training in order to obtain a real protector for the home and family. The mandatory set of a guard dog must include the following qualities:

    1. 1. Healthy psyche and balance. A large, hot-tempered dog can become a threat not only to strangers, but also to its own owners.
    2. 2. The ability to quickly navigate a situation and make decisions independently. Four-legged bodyguards must correctly assess a potential threat and decide what to do under certain circumstances without the owner’s command.
    3. 3. Good learning ability and high intellectual abilities. Guard dogs are very serious breeds that are required to undergo a special training course as soon as possible so as not to pose a potential danger to others. They must obey the owner unquestioningly and follow any commands, constantly improving their skills through exercises.
    4. 4. Physical development. A four-legged fighter must not only be of a strong build without excess weight, with developed muscles, but also be able to overcome various obstacles and effortlessly snatch a toy from the owner’s hands.
    5. 5. Distrustful and wary attitude towards strangers. The dog should not show obvious aggression towards strangers. But when they approach, it is obliged to react correctly, warning the owner by barking.
    6. 6. The animal's temperament plays an important role. It affects his ability to focus on protecting the premises and the ability to fight back. A dog that is too sociable or affectionate will make a wonderful companion, but will not effectively guard the territory.

    It is important to note another necessary quality for a bodyguard dog - goodwill towards the owner and his family, especially children. An outdoor dog must switch from rage to calm behavior in a timely manner and respond adequately to small residents who may unintentionally cross the boundaries of his personal space. Also, a puppy that is afraid or does not make contact with people is not suitable as a guard.

    A security guard with all of the above characteristics will become an ideal friend and watchman. But even purebred representatives of breeds with a pedigree cannot always boast of them.

    The best breeds to protect homes and people

    Before getting a guard dog for a private home, you need to understand that not every breed is suitable for performing these functions. Experts are guided by the following criteria:

    1. 1. Features of the hairline. The coat of a dog intended to live in the yard must be dense and two-layered and consist not only of guard hair, but also of thick undercoat. The fur coat should provide protection for the pet from low temperatures, cold winds, heavy rainfall and heat to avoid overheating in the summer.
    2. 2. Features of the grip. The pressure from the jaws of the four-legged bodyguard should be sufficient to not only catch, but also hold the attacker for some time.
    3. 3. Dimensions. Representatives of large breeds have a number of advantages. They are capable of destroying the plans of ill-wishers with their terrifying appearance.
    4. 4. Unpretentiousness, endurance and excellent health. Street watchmen should not require constant care and should not have serious illnesses.
    5. 5. Indifferent attitude towards other animals. Country houses often contain livestock and poultry. It is important that the dog shows a tolerant attitude towards domestic animals and does not attack them.
    6. 6. Self-sufficiency. A dog who lives most of his life in the yard must be prepared to spend time completely alone. At the same time, he should not have a feeling of discomfort or anxiety.

    A person’s home in the city, especially in disadvantaged areas, is no less susceptible to looting than a country house. Choosing a guard breed to protect an apartment is not so easy. The following rules will help you navigate your choice:

    1. 1. In a metropolitan area, breeds with short hair and no undercoat should be adopted.
    2. 2. The dog should not be too large. Otherwise, she will feel uncomfortable in a confined space.
    3. 3. The pet should not be too active. Restless dogs can damage furniture and other interior items, and also require constant walking, which can cause difficulties for the owner.

    For a private home

    The breeds listed in the table are suitable for protecting a country house.

    Type nameShort descriptionPhoto
    German Shepherd

    A universal breed, adapted for guarding, searching, patrolling, escorting, etc. It has a number of significant advantages over other guard breeds:

    • It is of medium size and has a developed muscle corset. The average weight ranges from 22 to 40 kg, height - from 55 to 66 cm.
    • The jaws of Germans are powerful, developed and provide a good grip.
    • The coat is dense with moderate undercoat. It is not advisable for representatives of this breed to stay outside in severe frosts. They either need to be allowed into the house at night, or they need to be equipped with an insulated and spacious enclosure.
    • These dogs are distinguished by extraordinary intelligence, are easy to train and remember even very complex commands for a long time.
    • They are good with children and effectively protect their owners.

    When purchasing a German Shepherd, you need to take into account that they are very active and require increased physical activity.

    East European Shepherd

    This is a kind of analogue of German shepherds, also classified as universal service dogs. The breed is characterized by the following qualities:

    • Large sizes. The height of adult individuals varies from 62 to 76 cm, and weight reaches 60 kg. The physique is muscular.
    • The coat is dense and of medium length, the guard hair is even, hard and close to the body. The undercoat is thick and felt-like.
    • They have a sharp mind, learn effectively, are distinguished by devotion and good attitude towards all family members, including the child.
    • Fearless, they carry out protection functions well.

    Caucasian Shepherd Dog

    According to many experts, this is one of the best guard breeds. Its arsenal of qualities includes:

    • Big sizes. The weight of an adult reaches 50 kg and above, the height at the withers is 70 cm.
    • Dense coat with thick undercoat. This coat allows these dogs to survive even in the harshest conditions.
    • High level of intelligence. He has incredible mental abilities and can make decisions independently in difficult situations. When in danger, they do not show external signs of aggression, but attack without warning.
    • Courage and bravery. In the event of a threat, it will protect the owner to the last.
    • Devotion. Despite their independent disposition, they treat their owner and his family very well.
    • They are wary of strangers and constantly monitor their assigned territory.
    • They respond well to training. But classes should start as early as possible.

    It is important to note that representatives of the breed are very active, so they need a free enclosure and regular physical activity.

    South Russian Shepherd

    This breed is used to guard military installations. Has the following properties:

    • Large sizes. The height of adult individuals can reach 72 cm and weight exceed 50 kg.
    • Powerful and well-developed jaws that provide a secure grip.
    • The coat is fluffy and thick with a well-defined undercoat.
    • The four-legged fighter is fearless and resilient, and is distinguished by an extreme degree of aggression when angry.
    • The dog is independent, proactive and needs strict training.

    Moscow watchdog

    Powerful representatives of four-legged animals are an excellent option for protecting a country house and local area. They have the following necessary qualities:

    • The dogs are distinguished by their impressive size; the height of the animals at the withers can reach 69 cm, and the weight can reach up to 70 kg.
    • Dense wool provides them with comfortable living even in harsh climates.
    • They are fearless and will never retreat in the face of danger, protecting their owner and his property to the last.
    • These dogs have a fairly balanced character, and with proper upbringing they will become not only excellent bodyguards, but also true friends for all family members.

    It should also be taken into account that these dogs need a lot of free space. When chained, they can become aggressive and withdrawn. This variety is suitable for people who are willing to devote significant time to training the dog.

    Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

    The oldest variety of four-legged friends is distinguished by the following protective characteristics:

    • Large dimensions. The height of an adult reaches 70 cm at the withers, and weight reaches 63 kg. It has a large athletic build and powerful jaws, which allows it to effectively guard its possessions.
    • Abundant hair with a thick and dense undercoat. The coat is close-lying and reaches a length of 10 cm.
    • They are distinguished by loyalty, devotion and reliability. They get along well with all family members and are ready to protect them to the last.
    • They are aggressive towards strange dogs and warn strangers of their presence with a loud growl.

    It is important to note that this breed needs strict training, otherwise its representatives may feel superior to humans, this will lead to certain problems

    Black Russian Terrier

    This breed was bred specifically for official purposes, so its protective qualities are formed at the genetic level. It has the following properties:

    • Large, athletic and powerful build. Males reach 76 cm at the withers, females - 72 cm, and weight varies from 50 to 60 kg.
    • The coat is two-layered, coarse, with long guard hairs and soft undercoat. Provides comfortable living in any weather conditions.
    • They get along well in the same area with cats and other dogs.
    • They have quick reactions, are observant and courageous.
    • They are distinguished by loyalty and quick learning.
    • They are very suspicious of strangers, but with the proper level of socialization and training they will not create problems.

    Those wishing to have such a pet should know that representatives of this species need a strict and patient owner who is able to show not only strength of character, but also care and love towards their dog.

    Tibetan mastiff

    This rare, ancient variety originally originated in the Himalayan mountains. It was intended to protect Tibetan monks, shepherds and nomadic tribes. Breed characteristics:

    • The dog has impressive dimensions and well-developed muscles. Their height reaches 66 cm and above, and the average weight is 60 kg.
    • The dog has a double coat with a large undercoat, which closes at the neck and forms a mane reminiscent of a lion's.
    • She has a high level of intelligence and is quick-witted.
    • While guarding the house, she is constantly on guard and notifies of the approach of strangers with a guttural bark.

    In addition to advantages, representatives of this variety also have disadvantages. Mastiffs are stubborn and often defend their independence, which can complicate the training process and make the dog uncontrollable.

    For apartment

    The types of dogs for guarding urban homes are shown in the table.

    Breed nameShort descriptionPhoto
    Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)This variety is quite large and reaches 70 cm at the withers, and the weight of adult dogs can exceed 50 kg. Capable of becoming an ideal protector not only for an apartment, but also for a dacha. She shows aggression only in dangerous situations, the rest of the time she is a loyal and reliable companion. Feels comfortable in a spacious enclosure or apartment and needs regular walking. Animals must be trained from early childhood to ensure complete obedience and tolerance of their owners, especially small children.
    DobermanThey are distinguished by their large sizes, height reaches 72 cm, and weight - 5 kg. They have short, smooth hair and thrive in urban environments. Dogs of this species are moderately aggressive, have a stable psyche and good guard qualities. In dangerous situations, they immediately run to the owner’s aid and are capable of giving their lives for him. They will become excellent bodyguards with the proper level of training and physical activity.
    RottweilerThis breed is fierce and fearless, and therefore ideally suited for protection. Their height reaches 68 cm, and their weight reaches 50 kg. They are distinguished by good adaptation, are well socialized, but at the same time they need intensive training. They will not show aggression just like that, but will use all their protective functions only in case of serious danger. They are loyal to children, but still not recommended for living with them
    BoerboelThese large dogs, with a body weight of up to 90 kg and a height of up to 66 cm, were simply born to protect a person and his property. They have lightning-fast reactions and are able to pursue an attacker to the last. Representatives of this breed do not have excessive bitterness and unmotivated aggression. They are loyal to people, including children, and animals, so they can be kept in the same area as other pets. Nevertheless, they have an independent disposition and are prone to dominance, therefore they need high-quality training and an owner-leader.
    German boxerIn a large family with children, it is advisable to have this breed, since its representatives are very supportive of children and are ready to play with them tirelessly. Their height at the withers does not exceed 63 cm, and their weight is 30 kg. These dogs are physically well developed, active, intelligent, and highly trainable. Their powerful jaws provide a reliable grip on the enemy, making them perfect for defense

    Which dogs should not be chosen as guard dogs?

    RescuersThese include St. Bernard or Newfoundland. These dogs have a good-natured disposition and are determined to help people, which is why they do not have security functions.
    Hunting dogsThese include, for example, the Australian Greyhound, Alaskan Malamute, etc. These breeds mainly have a predominant hunting instinct for other animals and birds, but they are too loyal to humans
    CompanionsThese include Labrador, collie, etc. They have too calm a temperament and react poorly to strangers
    Fighting breedsDogs such as bulldogs or bull terriers can be kept as guard dogs, but with some restrictions. They require serious training and do not like confined spaces (kennels, enclosures). When tied they become aggressive and uncontrollable
    Sled dogsHuskies, huskies and similar small breeds can control their assigned territory. But they tend to work in groups, so they cannot cope with security functions alone.
    Sporting breedsSpaniels, setters, etc. have good endurance and are physically developed, but are completely unsuited for protecting a person and his property. These species do not divide people into “friends” and “strangers”, but perceive everyone as “players”.

    Features of watchman training

    Whatever breed of dog is chosen as a guard, it is necessary to devote enough time and effort to training it. In order for an animal to unquestioningly carry out the owner’s commands and be effective in protection, it must undergo special courses in obedience and protection.

    When raising a bodyguard dog, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

    • Communication with strangers should be excluded completely or partially. This will instill in the dog distrust and wariness towards strangers.
    • Security guards require daily walks and activities in unfamiliar places. This way, they will be better able to navigate different situations and make the right decisions independently. In addition, the dog needs to be able to attack the attacker correctly: reduce the speed while running or increase it depending on the actions of the ill-wisher. And this can only be achieved through constant exercise.
    • It is important from childhood to suppress the dog’s leadership qualities and his desire to dominate a person. You can only let a dog win games for up to six months, otherwise the desire to overcome the owner may develop at a later age into inappropriate behavior and unreasonable aggression.

    In order for your dog to effectively perform the functions of a bodyguard, it is important to consider the following recommendations for its maintenance:

    • The animal should not constantly be in a confined space (kennel, enclosure), or on a leash, as this will lead to degradation. He should be given a place to play, walked regularly and given adequate exercise.
    • The booth and enclosure should be quite spacious and maximally insulated. The pet should be able to lie in it freely and turn gray.
    • A guard dog must be socialized. The animal needs at least minimal contact with people. But she should not listen to other people and take food from their hands.
    • It is necessary to ensure the dog's obedience not only in the house or in the local area, but also outside it. Otherwise, she will be able to show causeless aggression in unfamiliar places.
    • The dog needs to be provided with a nutritious diet. An animal that eats monotonous food will lose all interest in protecting its home.
    • You need to carefully monitor your pet's health. Constant exposure to outdoor conditions can negatively affect the pet’s condition and cause colds and skin diseases.

City residents get dogs mainly as friends and companions, but residents of the private sector primarily see the four-legged pet as a protector of the family and the owner’s property. Read on in the article about which dog is best to bring into a private home.

A breed suitable for guarding a private home must meet the following specific criteria:

  • medium-large or large size;
  • wool suitable for a dog to live outdoors all year round (thick undercoat);
  • wary attitude towards strangers: the pet should not trust strangers;
  • easy care and maintenance;
  • good learning and training abilities;
  • endurance and powerful strength;
  • indifference towards other animals.
  1. Genetically, they have a friendly and indifferent attitude towards people, and the hunting instinct greatly interferes with keeping them among other animals that are usually in the household.
  2. Breeds, such as, were bred to participate in battles; they are strictly forbidden to develop aggression.
  3. Breeds without undercoat. In winter, such pets are kept in a warm home. If you do not plan to move the animal home for the winter, pay attention to other breeds.
  4. Rescue dogs(Newfoundland, and others). These breeds were bred to help people: there is absolutely no malice in them. They are unlikely to scare away criminals and thieves.

Attention! Before getting a dog to guard a private home, you need to study special literature on this issue so as not to make a mistake with your choice. Not every breed is suitable for this important mission.

Optimal guard dogs for a private home

German Shepherd

Important! German Shepherds are very active, so the owner must devote a lot of time to the pet and provide physical activity.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Important! Alabai needs to be walked often so that he releases excess energy.

Giant Schnauzer

Additionally, visually check out the video below on how to choose a guard dog: