German boxer: description of the breed, character and reviews. German Boxer: description of the breed, character and reviews History of the origin of the Boxer breed

It is well known that sports and physical education have a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the emotional and psychological spheres. Immunity and resistance to disease increase, a person becomes more energetic, more cheerful, and the functioning of all internal systems and organs improves. Sports people cope with stress much more confidently, experience success and joyful events more vividly, and have higher self-esteem. But there are also several sports that carry not only continuous advantages and benefits for their adherents, but also have a number of disadvantages. This article will examine in detail a truly masculine sport - boxing.

Boxing very popular in the world for several reasons. Firstly, it is a combat sport in which two opponents fight in a fair fight for the title of the best. To some extent, it even resembles the battle of ancient Roman gladiators and warriors. Secondly, boxers have always been associated with such concepts as courage, endurance, determination, courage, honor and strength. It is not surprising that many generations of boys (and men too) admired the spectacular fights of world champions on TV, and, inspired by what they saw, went to boxing gyms and signed up for sections. But few become boxers. The average statistics are as follows: out of a hundred newcomers who come to the gym, only 8 - 10 people will become fighters. So what are the advantages of this sport and the tangible disadvantages that force 90 percent of aspiring boxers to quit training?

So let's start with the good

  1. Boxing provides everything that other sports do for health. Boxing training is very diverse: there is jogging, jumping rope, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, working in pairs with a partner, working on pears and heavy bags. Accordingly, all muscle groups of the body, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems are trained and developed.
  2. The second plus can be called psychological or moral. With each training session, the practitioner grows in self-confidence, willpower and discipline. An experienced boxer will always be able to protect himself and his loved ones in a difficult situation.

Now about the cons

1. Injuries. Although training fights are not carried out at full strength and fighters use gloves, the specifics of boxing are such that much attention is paid to developing the speed of punches. And this cannot but affect those who receive these blows. Noses break. If you forget your mouthguard at home, you may lose one or more teeth. It’s not even worth talking about abrasions, bruises and cuts - this is absolutely common for boxers. Training also has a very negative impact on the brain, because boxers get hit on the head during the training process, and even more so in competitions. This effect on the brain can lead to chronic diseases of the nervous system, deterioration of vision and memory.

It is impossible to completely avoid all these injuries. But protective equipment and well-practiced defensive skills will significantly reduce their number.

2. The second disadvantage is psychological. A person is designed in such a way that when he is threatened with some kind of danger, he begins to feel fear and tries to avoid it by any means. This is called the instinct of self-preservation, which is quite natural and normal. This is why people avoid fights. Boxers, in the process of training, systematically receive blows and deliver them. Accustoming to pain occurs, the level of fear decreases. Accordingly, the fear of physical confrontation also passes. Where an ordinary person would simply avoid conflict, a boxer may not be able to resist the temptation to show off his strength. This very often results in a prison sentence, hospitalization or death for the hero. Many fighters become overconfident, forgetting that it is wrong to harm others and that boxing is ineffective against a knife or a crowd of hooligans.

The second disadvantage can be completely avoided if from the very first days the novice athlete understands that boxing is primarily a sport, and not a martial art for the street. It is necessary to develop a child not only physically, but also mentally and morally, so that he thinks with his head and not with his fists.

As you can see, boxing has both positive and negative sides. Before sending your child to the section, carefully weigh your decision. In addition to boxing, there are many sports disciplines that will have a beneficial effect on your child. If you definitely decide that he needs boxing, good protective equipment, your attention, as well as proper upbringing will save the young athlete from trouble.

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That's all for me. See you on the pages of my blog.

Sincerely, Yuri Kutsenko

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Boxing for children

Speaking about the harmonious development of a child, many parents mean the timely mental development of the child, as well as the formation and growth of the body according to age due to proper nutrition. Unfortunately, sports that contribute to physical improvement of the body are rarely remembered lately.

The result of a sedentary lifestyle is many diseases: scoliosis, obesity, arrhythmias and others, which cannot be avoided with the help of a balanced diet.

Despite the great variety of teachings, the opinions of the sages regarding the development of a person, and in particular a child, come down to the development of body, soul and spirit. In other words, while improving your mental abilities, you should also take care of building a strong, healthy and resilient body.

We should not forget about the formation of character, including sensuality and emotionality. You can get an excellent school and hone your style if you attend not only group classes, but also individual training. Boxing has long been considered a male sport that promotes the development of such qualities as strength, endurance, and coordination of movements.

Like chess, boxing can be called an intellectual sport, since the child develops and improves the ability to quickly analyze a situation, identify the enemy’s weak points, predict his movements, and plan a battle strategy. During exercise, almost all muscle groups are involved. Thus, systematic exercise not only helps to keep the body in good shape, but also helps to avoid diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

Boxing has a positive impact on the development of a child’s character and psyche. A boy (or girl) who studies this type of martial arts has willpower, is able to control his emotions, he becomes restrained and disciplined. Many parents are against boxing because they believe that this sport can cause irreparable harm to the health of their child.

As practice shows, you cannot do without injuries, stretch marks and bruises.

However, during athletics, swimming or trivial football, a boy can also get a hematoma, dislocation or fracture. You can avoid troubles at the initial stage if you practice boxing under the close supervision of an experienced trainer and following all safety precautions. Gradually, the child will develop skills to defend himself during battle.

It should also be noted that in martial arts there are a number of rules that prohibit striking certain areas of the opponent’s head and torso. There are stereotypes that when doing boxing, children often fight outside the ring. Felix Venidiktovich Turtygin, a boxing coach at Dynamo, the first master of sports in boxing in the Urals, winner of the USSR team championship, champion of Russia, says that every coach teaches his students to box only with gloves and in the ring.

Violation of this rule may result in expulsion from the club.

When young boxers find themselves in the ring, you can notice how with age they become more active, stronger, their actions are clearer and more effective. Boys turn into men.

They sincerely rejoice in victory and accept defeat with dignity, and their teammates and coach are always there to provide support. For a child to take up boxing, you need to decide on a club, find a good coach, purchase equipment: gloves, a T-shirt and shorts, sneakers, a helmet, and most importantly, your son or daughter wants it, who knows, maybe they will become the next champions.

So, let's look at the main arguments of opponents and supporters of boxing. It is immediately worth noting that there are not so few of them on both sides. Let's start with the positives.

Six benefits of boxing

The main advantage of boxing is actually why people in general strive to engage in martial arts, and boxing in particular - this is learning the skills to effectively stand up for themselves. Many will ask: “Isn’t it possible to stand up for yourself without practicing martial arts?” - the answer is simple: of course, it is possible, but not as effective. In the confrontations on the street that almost all guys have faced, self-confidence is one of the most important character traits.

Of course, confidence must be supported by certain skills, and boxing provides them in full. With a well-placed blow, you won’t have to fear anyone. Someone will say: “boxing will not help a fighter at close range,” but is that true? In many ways, yes, in boxing they don’t teach how to escape a grab, how to hit the legs, etc., but a competent boxer won’t even let his opponent get close to him. If this does happen, then the fighter’s technical and striking arsenal in close combat will allow him to emerge victorious over an opponent with wrestling skills.

  1. We shouldn’t consider the parody that we see on TV to be a fight. It is there that you can watch your opponents perform perfect spin kicks, all kinds of somersaults and the like. In fact, a fight comes down to two or three blows, and often with proper preparation one is enough. This same training can be obtained in boxing sections under the guidance of a qualified trainer.
  2. Formation of personality and character in boxing is one of the main factors for which men simply need to engage in boxing. Boxing strengthens willpower, teaches you to overcome weakness, and as a result, contributes to the formation of a strong spirit. Not everyone can withstand constant training, and most of the newly arrived guys cannot withstand even a year of stress in the section. Others, after holding out for a year, taking part in sparring and competitions, so to speak, “inhaling” the boxing spirit, became forever close to their gym. Such athletes are unlikely to leave their section even if they lose.
  3. Development of strength and speed endurance, improvement of reaction and balance, and, of course, constant maintenance of proper body tone after six months of active boxing training. Development of the shoulder girdle, chest, arm muscles, abs and legs.
  4. Those people who believe that boxers are aggressive, loving to show their strength to everyone, are very mistaken. Boxing gives the practitioners the necessary composure and calm.
  5. It’s not news to anyone that boxing involves sparring, which in turn allows you to relieve stress and release emotions.
  6. Acquiring a goal in life and new friends can also be attributed to the advantages of practicing this type of martial arts.

Now that we've sorted out the pros, we can move on to the cons.

Three disadvantages of boxing

These, people who have little knowledge and poor understanding of this sport, may include:

disadvantages of boxing

  1. Numerous injuries, ranging from minor injuries to the hands, fists and ending with serious head injuries. Yes, like any other type of martial arts, boxing is dangerous, but compared, for example, with football, head injuries are many times less. The force of a blow to the head with a ball is comparable to a blow to the head of a middleweight in boxing, only in boxing you are taught to defend yourself from blows - by diving, dodging, side-steps, blocking, or to soften as much as possible a blow from which you do not have time to dodge (the accompanying head movement and muscle relaxation ), in football, on the contrary, they tend to head more often and harder - you can see the results when one of the football players gives an interview. The first and basic rule for beginners in boxing is to listen carefully and try to remember this during each training session, what the coach said about how to properly defend and where to hold your hands while working in sparring, how to hold your hands at the moment of impact and constantly monitor execution these “simple” rules. Undoubtedly, it is very important during the training process to use good quality boxing equipment, bandage your hands correctly, do not hit the punching bag without bandages and equipment gloves, and then your training will bring only joy and satisfaction.
  2. Health problems after prolonged boxing (applies only to professional boxers).
  3. Fanatical boxing practices have a bad effect on their studies, because there is always no time for it, and many training students consider boxing lessons to be quite an important reason for not completing lessons, attending an educational institution, etc.

These disadvantages are easy to avoid, and they are unlikely to become a significant obstacle for future boxers. However, it’s worth thinking about: if from the very beginning there is a desire to look for disadvantages in martial arts training, is it worth going to practice at all?

To all those who have firmly decided to devote their lives to boxing, we can only wish them good luck on the way to their cherished goal and remember the advice of Muhammad Ali:

“Whatever your goal is, you can achieve it if you are willing to work hard.”

On sports grounds and stadiums you can rarely see children with a ball. Parents are getting used to the fact that their children are glued to their phones and computers. Indifference is unacceptable! If you want to raise a morally and physically healthy person, help your child get involved in sports!

Enroll the boy in the sports section, namely boxing for children Benefits This kind of activity is noticeable just a few weeks after the start of training. Every father wants to see his son as a real man, capable of defending himself, his family and his homeland. Can a boy with poor health and lack of serious hobbies grow into a brave and strong man? Don't wait for magical transformations, start acting.

If you have a daughter and you want to be sure of her safety, feel free to enroll your girl in the martial arts section. Thanks to classes, your little one will always be able to stand up for herself. As for boys, in most cases their idols are legendary football players and, of course, boxers. Children see athletes as an ideal to which they need to strive.

Benefits of boxing:

  • alternating aerobic and anaerobic exercises;
  • education of physical and moral endurance;
  • regular exercise as a way to keep the body toned;
  • development of coordination and quick reaction;
  • strengthening the muscle corset.

An experienced trainer will dispel your doubts and fears

Boxing section for children- an excellent choice for caring parents.

Get involved with the sport, and you will forget about the myths regarding the influence of boxing on the unformed psyche of a small athlete. Don't be afraid that training will make the boy aggressive and nervous! As he grows up, the little boxer will gain self-confidence, become reasonable and quick in making decisions.

A prepared person reacts to negativity much calmer. A guy who is confident in his own abilities will not waste his time over trifles and get nervous about little things. It's hard to get a boxer angry. No one will be able to disturb the peace of mind of your son or daughter, and the key to peace of mind will be individual boxing training for children.

You don't have to worry about a high level of injuries. The coach of the children's section will not test the endurance of a beginner section participant. First, he will assess the general physical condition of the child, and then load the young athlete in accordance with his abilities.

Don't be afraid, no one will beat your baby! The student will be allowed to take part in the first competitions only after six months - after special training and intensive physical training. The younger the little athlete, the more the coach is focused on the health and overall physical development of the child.

One-on-one battles are just one part of the multi-faceted boxing experience. The benefits of boxing for children This is explained by the fact that an important part of training is a variety of physical exercises, including gymnastics. The presence of equipment in the form of bandages, mouth guards, helmet and gloves eliminates the possibility of injury to the athlete.

The results of boxing lessons are not immediately visible, but soon the baby will become more energetic and self-confident. A month after the start of regular training, the child becomes more disciplined and resilient. Not a single young boxer has any problems communicating with the children's team! Self-confidence attracts peers to athletes and makes them the life of the party.

The German Boxer is a strong and resilient dog breed. Mostly this breed is simply called “boxer”. These dogs are often used for security and police service. But you can also keep them at home. Boxers are very intelligent and great with children. But these dogs need to be raised strictly. Strict discipline is required. The breed got its name due to the way these dogs deliver precise strikes with their paws.

History of the Boxer breed

Boxers' ancestors were hunting dogs. They were used to bait animals. In Germany, such dogs were called Brabant Bullenbeissers. But outwardly they looked very little like modern boxers. The formation of the existing breed dates back to the 18th century. At the same time, dogs began to have their tails and ears cropped. Decades later, the Bullenbeiser began to be called the phrase “German boxer.” A feature of the breed was a groove on the nose, visually dividing the nose into two parts.

After the advent of firearms, the persecution of animals by dogs stopped. Boxers began to be used for guarding and herding livestock. To improve working qualities, the breed was crossed with English bulldogs. The result was dogs with a wide body and a large, short head. In 1885, boxers participated in the exhibition for the first time as representatives of a separate breed.

Boxer standard

After many years of selection, specific standards for the German Boxer breed were identified. This is a dog of medium height, smooth-haired, with dense, prominent and strong muscles. The height of the withers is from 57 to 63 centimeters in males and from 53 to 59 in females.

The oblique length of the body should be proportional to the height of the withers. The body forms a square. The chest reaches the elbows, its depth is equal to half the height of the withers. The length of the nose in relation to the skull is 1:2.

The shape of the head is cubic, with a slight convexity at the top and a sharp transition to the muzzle. There should be no wrinkles on it. They are allowed only on the skull. The dark mask should be clearly distinguished from the rest of the head color.

The boxer's lower jaw protrudes one and a half centimeters. Fleshy lips hang down the sides of the muzzle. The nose is upturned, slightly flattened. Mandatory Eyes are large, dark, but not bulging. The nose is curved slightly upward, black and wide.

The Boxer's neck is round, muscular, without dewlap. The tail is docked in puppyhood. However, the German boxer standard does not require such a procedure to be performed on the ears. Although mostly they are also docked.

The front legs are straight, the hind legs have more muscular thighs. All limbs have hard feet and short toes. The sacrum is sloping and wide. The coat should be shiny, short and close to the body.

Boxer colors

The Boxer can have several colors. The main one is brindle or red, with any shade and a black mask on the face. White spots should not occupy more than 30 percent of the body surface. The most popular is the German brindle boxer. But there are dogs that are completely white. Only such boxers do not meet the breed standard.

White boxer

The White German Boxer is a very rare dog. Thanks to the non-standard color. There was an opinion that such boxers even bring good luck. Since ancient times, it was believed that these dogs were deaf from birth, withdrawn and difficult to train. But this is not true. They do not differ from other representatives of their breed either in temperament, character, or appearance. Only by coat color. But it is precisely because of this that such boxers do not fall under the established world breed standards.

Character of dogs

The initial aggression inherent by nature in the “progenitors” of boxers was eliminated over time during the formation of the breed. Now these dogs have a strong nervous system. They have a bright temperament and a calm character. They can be left with children without fear. The German Boxer is a good-natured dog, he gets along well with all family members. Representatives of this breed easily make contact. They need to feel the attention of their owners. Excellent guards.

While at home, dogs behave calmly, but outside they love to be active and frolic. Boxers are very energetic and require long walks and regular exercise. Dogs of this breed are very loyal to their owners. The Boxer is cocky only towards other dogs and does not react aggressively to people.

At home, a boxer must feel the power of the owner. Dogs should not be given any concessions, otherwise they may become disobedient. Representatives of this breed are very wary of strangers. They will not bark, but they may bark intimidatingly a couple of times. Boxers are very smart, smart, and brave.

Dogs of the German Boxer breed require constant heavy physical activity to release accumulated energy. But at the same time they are very sensitive to heat. Therefore, it is not recommended to give a heavy load in hot weather. It is better to let them frolic before lunch and in the evenings.

The Boxer's fur can only be wiped with cloths. Dogs of this breed are prone to conjunctivitis, so they need to rub their eyes daily with a soft material. Ears can only be cleaned with a scarf wrapped around your finger. Nails are trimmed regularly. But so as not to touch the blood vessels.

Food should be varied. Dry food should not be given frequently. It is imperative to include a variety of cereals, vegetables and fruits in the Boxers' diet. Dogs must have constant access to water. It is even recommended to take it with you for a walk in hot weather.

How much do German boxers cost?

Residents of Russian cities do not lose interest in dogs. But you need to purchase a puppy, taking into account the area of ​​your apartment. It is best to get a small dog with a non-aggressive character. A good attitude of a four-legged friend towards children is also important. The ideal option based on the combination of the above conditions is a German boxer. Its price depends on several factors:

is a strong, muscular, very energetic dog. This is one of the toughest and strongest dog breeds in the world. Thanks to these qualities, the boxer often works in the police or security. The Boxer is very popular because it is one of the best breeds for families with children. Presumably, boxers were so named because of their interesting habit. They fight with their front paws like boxers. You can immediately see from him whether he is sad or happy.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

The Boxer is a distant relative of the Rottweiler. The ancestors of boxers hunted wild boars, deer and even bears. Thanks to its pincer-like bite and huge head with a wide muzzle, the four-legged hunter could easily hang onto the victim and not lock his teeth for long minutes. However, the same ferocious dog could easily turn into a peaceful shepherd guarding the cattle on the drives.

Poisoning dogs were cultivated in all parts of Europe until the 18th century. For example, two varieties lived in Germany. Large individuals were called Danzig Bullenbeissers, and smaller ones were called Brabant. The latter became the prototypes of the modern boxer.

The word "bullenbeiser" is translated as "bull biter". This was the name of all the pickling dogs in the country, which were quite different in both color and appearance. In the Kunstkamera of St. Petersburg there is a stuffed animal of such a dog. Once upon a time, Peter the Great personally brought it from Holland. Even a person with a developed imagination is unlikely to guess that this is a distant ancestor of the boxer.

Honorary Donor
Winston the dog is just a dog, but he regularly donates blood. In American veterinary clinics, animals often have to undergo transfusions. And boxers have a universal blood type, suitable for dogs of any breed. So Winston saved more than one life!

Dog with two noses

The familiar appearance of the breed began to take shape only in the 18th century. Single-colored red or brindle dogs without white spots had the same wide and shortened muzzles as those of their Molossian ancestors. The upper jaw was shorter than the lower jaw, so the dogs could simultaneously hold the victim with their teeth and breathe. Even then, baiting dogs had their ears and tails cropped—the most vulnerable parts of the body in fights.

These bullenbeisers, as before, took part in the hunt. Usually they waited in ambush, and when the hounds drove the beast out, they rushed the whole pack at the bulls. The poisoning hunter had to hold the victim until the owner approached and finished off the prey. Therefore, the centuries-old selection of the breed was focused on the development and consolidation of working qualities.

The new variety of Bullenbeiser received the name “boxer”, and several decades later the word was transformed into “boxer”. Some individuals had a distinctive feature - a groove on the nose. At times it was so deep that it seemed as if the nose was divided into two halves. Such dogs were called double-nosed and considered true boxers. One of the first famous owners of the breed was the Bavarian robber Matthias Klostermann. Many engravings have survived where he is depicted with his beloved dog. Surely such a pet made a stunning impression on his contemporaries. In 1771, Matthias, in the company of his gang and his faithful dog, committed a high-profile robbery in Dillingen.

Princess and the dog
The boxer's ancestors also appeared in paintings by Russian artists. For example, in 1825, A. Bryullov depicted Princess Golitsyna along with her pet Brabant Bullenbeiser.

Boxer's lawyer

When firearms appeared, public baiting of animals was banned by the state, and baiting dogs were retired. Butchers and livestock traders became interested in the breed - it was they who saved the boxer from oblivion. The fighter turned into a shepherd and a security guard.

To improve the working qualities of dogs that had changed their qualifications, they began to be mixed with old English bulldogs. From the latter, the boxer received a wide body and a large short head, as well as white spots on the coat.

Unfortunately, until the end of the 19th century, the service dog of traders in Germany was treated with disdain. When in 1893 there was a proposal to include the Bullenbeiser in the stud book, breeders of other breeds were indignant.

The four-legged shepherd's lawyer was the authoritative trainer Friedrich Robert, who had already encountered boxers before. His experience showed that the new breed was better at most tasks than the established baiting dogs.

Thanks to this, already in 1985, boxers were allowed to participate in the exhibition. At the same time, with the support of Robert, the German Boxing Club was established and the first edition of the breed standards was developed. A year later, the first All-German breed exhibition opened, in which 50 individuals with different colors and appearance were presented.

Some of the dogs on display had cleft palates. Others looked more like bulldogs. Still others had an elongated body and a long muzzle. So the standard has been clarified and changed more than once. For example, white individuals, who were often born deaf, were excluded from it.

Breed sculptors

However, at the turn of the century the boxer was entered into the stud book, and he became so popular in Germany that he often outnumbered other breeds at shows.

Approaches to Bulleneiser breeding have changed. Previously, breeders were only interested in working qualities, but now... real artists got down to business. In 1910, the Shtokman family presented to the public a sculpture of the ideal boxer of the future. The creator of this image was Mrs. Friederum Shtokman. A year later, she, together with her artist husband Philip, opened the private nursery “Von Dom”, where she tried to make her fantasies come true.

The family faced many obstacles on the way to the ideal. At the beginning of the First World War, Philip went into the army, and Mrs. Friederum was left alone with a baby in her arms and a whole nursery at her side. Fortunately, it survived two wars and avoided bankruptcy. She also managed to create a modern type of boxer.

Conscripted into the Army
In wartime, the boxers themselves served successfully. For example, during the First World War, they mastered different specialties: from a four-legged signalman and orderly to a guard. In 1917, the German army was assisted by 60 boxers trained in Bavaria.

Breed standard German Boxer

As a rule, German boxers have docked tails, so they wag their entire hindquarters and it looks very funny. The Boxer was bred in Germany around 1850 by crossing the German and. Boxers were originally used for dog fighting and bull baiting. But over the decades, its aggressive qualities were eliminated. Currently, the Boxer is an ideal family dog. He is good-natured and playful. They adore children.

However, children need to be careful around young, excited individuals who may inadvertently knock them down. Dogs of this breed need serious physical activity. They can live well in an apartment only if given regular and thorough exercise twice a day. Otherwise, their unspent energy may find the wrong way out. The German Boxer is sensitive to heat and therefore strenuous exercise should be avoided on hot days.

Representatives of the breed are more compact and shorter than their close relatives, the Rottweiler, but look very impressive. The proportions of the body form a square. A well-honed boxer will have strong bones and developed muscles. That is why strength and nobility are felt in every energetic movement of his.

The shape of the head is reminiscent of ancestors who participated in animal baiting. The cranial part has a cubic shape and a slight convexity on top. The transition to a massive and upturned muzzle is quite abrupt.

The lower jaw protrudes by 1.5 cm. Fleshy lips hang down on the sides. The nose is funny and slightly flattened.

At the dawn of the breed, the tail and ears were always cropped. When boxers were suspended from bullying, they decided not to cancel the tradition. It seemed to many that after such manipulations the dog acquired a more elegant appearance. But in 2002, the operation was banned in many European countries. So the breed standards had to be rewritten again.

But the acceptable color has not changed for many decades. The Boxer can have a brindle or red coat of any shade with a black mask. White markings are allowed, occupying no more than 30% of the body surface. But there is endless debate about albino boxers. There has been no objective evidence that white individuals are more likely to be born deaf than others, but this color is still not included in the standard.

Dog in science
Scientists from the University of Cambridge have uncovered the dog's complete genome and advanced the study of natural selection by studying the DNA of a boxer named Tasha.

Character of a German boxer

Boxers have a strong nervous system, flexible character and bright temperament. He treats all family members kindly, makes contact easily and enjoys the attention of his owners. At home he usually behaves calmly, but when free he likes to frolic. Frequent physical activity is a must. Energetic representatives of the breed love long walks, during which they are ready to participate in any entertainment. Natural curiosity haunts them. While exploring the territory, the boxer will move its nose along the ground like a vacuum cleaner and puff funny. But most likely he won't go too far. A master and friend with whom you can share joy 24 hours a day is most important to him!

The breed is characterized by cockiness. A boxer can easily get along with a cat in the same apartment, but will be aggressive with its four-legged brothers on the street.

The boxer is generally wary of strangers. It may bark as a warning, but will never bark for a long time. He has all the qualities of a fighter: strength, agility, courage - so thoughtful training will turn him into an excellent guard dog.

With all this, the boxer has some kind of childish spontaneity and amazing sensitivity. In his family, from an early age, he prefers to achieve what he wants not with aggression, but with humor and charm. The dog will quickly figure out which member of the household can lure the delicious candy out of him, and who will never drive him off the couch. So when raising a cunning person, you should be consistent. It is better to agree on prohibitions in advance.

The Boxer is suitable for beginners or for those who will have him as their first dog.

Famous hosts
Boxer dogs lived with the artist Pablo Picasso, actors Sylvester Stallone and Robin Williams, and singer Alexander Vertinsky.

Boxer care

The Boxer needs a lot of your attention, and he is quite unpretentious in care. The short coat does not tangle or tangle, so it does not need to be brushed frequently. It is also advisable to avoid swimming. If your fur coat gets dirty during a walk, you can rinse the dirty area with warm water.

Pay special attention to the dog's eyes. Keep a soft handkerchief ready to promptly remove grass seeds, dust and tear secretions from the corners. Ask your veterinarian to prescribe a soothing ointment that you can apply to your dog's eyelids even if there is mild redness.

Boxers have an excellent appetite, which can lead to... Therefore, try to regulate your pet’s diet and do not feed him pieces from the table! Remember, this breed begins to salivate profusely at the sight of food.

Joy for everyone

He is a wonderful companion for a large family, a sensitive and playful friend, and also a real service dog. The Boxer does not tolerate loneliness, needs long walks with games and competent training.

But, believe me, great responsibility is worth the effort and time spent. After all, this is a truly wise and enthusiastic dog that freely shares its joy with others.