From a burn at home for a child. Treatment of burns from boiling water in a child at home. How to prevent household burns in children

Children, especially preschool age, very active, they are constantly studying the world, and unfortunately, sometimes this leads to injury of various nature. In first place are bruises and fractures, in second place are burns. Every parent should know what to do to help their child if he has a burn from boiling water.

Features of thermal injuries in children

IN childhood burns appear on any part of the body, it depends on where the child spilled, for example, just boiled water. Statistics show that the arms and lower legs are most often affected. Less frequently exposed to hot temperatures are the face, neck, hips and inner part shoulders, but it is in these areas that the deepest and longest-healing damage occurs.

The most dangerous burn to the face with boiling water is that it simultaneously injures the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth and causes a thermal burn of the respiratory tract.

Burns from boiling water occur in children even with short-term exposure hot water, despite the fact that after boiling it had time to cool down a little. Adults should remember high sensitivity baby's skin. So, for children in the first months of life, a four-minute exposure to water at a temperature of 60°C is enough to get a burn; up to 1-1.5 years old - 10 seconds; older children require a little more time, but they will also have a mark from this temperature. The higher the water temperature, the less time it takes for a burn to form, and the larger the affected area.

To assess the child’s condition, they use the well-known classification based on the depth and symptoms of skin damage:

To diagnose childhood burns, information not only about the depth, but also the area of ​​the lesion is important. How larger area, those worse condition child even with mild degree burn.

Possible complications

A child getting a burn from boiling water is dangerous not only due to the occurrence of severe pain, but also the development of more serious consequences. The most important of them is burn shock. This is a condition in which the body, sensing a danger, rearranges internal processes to protect the most important organs - the brain, lungs, heart and liver.

In response to the effects of heat, the body prepares for fluid loss and, in an attempt to retain it, constricts renal vessels. This causes fluid retention - oliguria. At the same time, hyperglycemia occurs - blood sugar levels rise to nourish vital organs.

At its core, burn shock is a protective reaction aimed at preserving the life of a child. But, trying to preserve some organs, the body disrupts the nutrition of others, which can lead to death.

Burn shock lasts from several hours to 2-3 days. This condition requires urgent hospitalization - self-medication can be fatal. Burn shock is divided into three degrees of severity with characteristic symptoms:

To less dangerous, but also unpleasant consequences relate:

  • abscesses;
  • sepsis;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • phlegmon;
  • motor dysfunction;
  • scars at the site of injury.

First aid and further treatment

First aid for a child who is burned by boiling water should be provided immediately. First of all, it is necessary to free the affected area from clothing and carry out the following measures:

  1. Apply cold to the burn for 5-10 minutes. Running water and ice are suitable for this, and if they are not at hand, you can apply cold metal.
  2. Apply a healing agent. The best ointment for burns with boiling water for children - Panthenol or similar means: Bepanthen, Dexpanthenol.
  3. Apply a not very tight bandage. Can only be used sterile bandages, if they are not there, then it is better to leave the burn open and seek medical attention. medical care.
  4. Give your child a pain reliever.

If the burn is mild, then you can cope with it yourself, but for deep lesions and suspected burn shock, consultation with a surgeon or combustiologist is necessary.

What not to do in case of burns:

  1. Lubricate with fermented milk products.
  2. Apply cotton wool.
  3. Open blisters and peel off scabs.
  4. Cover with adhesive tape.
  5. Apply tight bandages.
  6. Treat affected areas alcohol solutions and oils.

Treatment of burns depends on the severity of the injury:

  1. Light injuries are lubricated with healing ointments (for example, Panthenol), and dry bandages are applied.
  2. For a second degree burn, not only restorative but also bactericidal ointments are used, for example Levomikol or Dermazin. A bandage is applied on top, which must be changed as it dries.
  3. Third degree burns form a scab, which must be treated with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, 3% peroxide or weak solution Furacilina. After the crust is rejected, bactericidal ointments are used.
  4. Treatment of the fourth stage is aimed at rejecting the crust and preventing infection. It is possible to remove necrotic tissue using surgical methods.

For deep burns it may be prescribed antibacterial therapy systemic drugs to prevent the development of sepsis:

  • cephalosporins (Cefixime);
  • penicillins (Bicillin, Amoxicillin).

For recovery, physiotherapy can be prescribed to stimulate skin regeneration and increase blood circulation. These methods include:

  • ultrasound;
  • infrared or ultraviolet irradiation.

To restore the skin after healing, medications are prescribed that prevent the formation of scars and stimulate intercellular exchanges. These drugs include: Contractubex, Solcoseryl and Actovegin. For severe lesions to prevent proliferation connective tissue phonophoresis is performed with Hydrocortisone or Lidase.

If parents are in doubt about how to provide first aid or what means to use, they need to go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital or call an ambulance.

Burns caused by hot liquids are classified as thermal burns. Hot soup, water, tea or compote do not have to boil for a child to get severe burns. After all, the baby's skin is very delicate. A plate of hot soup or broth, a cup of tea, carelessly left by mom on the edge of the table can cause a burn for your child. If the baby pulls the edge of the tablecloth, reaches the dishes with a pen or toy, or hits the table, all the hot liquid will spill onto him and the child will receive an extensive burn to the skin of the face or chest. Very often, due to the carelessness of adults, children receive burns to their buttocks, perineum and thighs.

What should adults do if a child is burned by hot liquids (scalded)?

First of all, in case of thermal burns, it is necessary to stop exposure high temperature on the affected area of ​​skin. For this purpose, you need to carefully remove the child’s clothes (at the burn site). If it is stuck to the skin, do not try to tear it off under any circumstances, as your actions may cause additional damage to the child;

Next, it is necessary to reduce pain and burning to prevent the development of pain shock. To do this, you need to cool the burned area. To this end, pour cold (but not ice) water over the burn site for a long time (15–20 minutes) until the pain subsides. If your limbs are burned, place them in a basin or bucket of cold water. If a child has a burn to the torso and there is a possibility, place him under cool shower. Perform this procedure for 10 – 20 minutes. In young children under one year of age, cooling should not exceed ten minutes. Cool water will help stop the burn from spreading into the lower layer of skin. But do not use snow and ice for cooling. They will only make the injury worse;

After treatment with cold water, you can apply special anti-burn agents to the burned area, such as: Levian, Panthenol, Levisol;

Then apply a clean cloth bandage to the affected area, maybe gauze, but not fleecy;

You can also apply a special gel bandage to the burn site (they are sold in pharmacies);

If bubbles form, do not open them under any circumstances. They protect the wound from infection. If the bubble bursts on its own, carefully trim the edges with disinfected nail scissors;

Remember that you cannot use alcohol, cologne, iodine, brilliant green and other antiseptics to treat burns. This will only make it worse;

Do not treat the wound with oil, cream, grease or petroleum jelly, because they maintain a high temperature at the burn site, and this can lead to its spread wider and deeper;

Even with minor burn give it to the child antihistamine(diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen, claritin) and an analgesic (analgin, panadol).

A bran bath helps with burns. You can prepare it as follows. Take 200 grams of bran, pour it into a cotton bag and fill it with cold water. Boil over low heat for thirty minutes. Then infuse the decoction for an hour. Strain and add the infusion to the bath. The water temperature in the bath should be 36 degrees. Immerse the burned areas of the body (or the entire child) in the bath. As it cools, carefully in small portions add hot water, but not boiling water. The duration of such a procedure should be at least fifteen minutes.

In case of extensive burns (if the burn area is larger than the baby’s palm) or if the child has scalded the face or perineum, call immediately ambulance or take your child to medical institution. When transporting a child, wrap him in a blanket so as not to overcool the baby.

If a child has a tongue burn, proceed as follows:

First of all, to relieve pain, apply something cold to the wound - a piece of ice, ice cream, frozen fruits or vegetables. But under no circumstances should you put your tongue on frozen food. metal products, since the tongue sticks to them, which leads to additional damage. Powdered sugar and honey will help relieve pain (this should not be given to children in their first year of life, because infant botulism may develop);

Then lubricate the child's tongue with an ointment (you can use cough drops) containing benzocaine or menthol, which has a local anesthetic effect. When using an ointment, be sure to read the instructions and make sure that it can be used for the oral cavity;

Do not use the ointment before feeding the baby, because... after its anesthetic effect, he can bite his own tongue;

Do not use a lot of ointment, as this can lead to numbness in the throat, which in turn will complicate the breathing process and make it difficult for the child to swallow food;

Until the wound heals, do not eat sour and salty foods (tomatoes, citrus fruits, juices, chips, etc.) - they will irritate the burned area of ​​the tongue and slow down the healing process.

If the wound is serious, take your child to the doctor immediately.

Most The best way do not get your tongue burned - wait until the food has cooled down, it will become normal temperature for your child.

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Children learn about the world around them through their senses, one of which is touch. But not all objects can be touched - the baby of even the most attentive and responsible parents can get burned. It is enough to pull the edge of the tablecloth towards you from the table on which there is hot tea, grab the sole of the iron or the handle of a pan of boiling water. Children's skin also suffers on the beach during prolonged sunbathing. What to do if a child gets burned, how to provide first aid to your baby?

Causes of thermal and chemical childhood burns

In most cases, children become victims of heat or chemical exposure on the skin. Causes of burns caused by high temperatures:

Less commonly, children get burns caused by chemicals - acid or alkali. Aggressive compounds are present in our lives in the form of means for removing carbon deposits from frying pans and hobs, gels for cleaning toilets and removing rust, and liquids for bleaching clothes. Some of them can only be handled with protective gloves, which the child may not know about.

What types of burns are there?

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Thermal or chemical burns are classified according to severity. Doctors distinguish four stages:

  • First. Amazed upper layer dermis - redness appears at the site of exposure, the child feels pain.
  • Second. This degree of damage is characterized by the involvement of the subcutaneous layer in the inflammatory process. In the affected area, 1 or several bubbles filled with clear liquid. The child may complain of pain and burning that does not go away for a long period.
  • Third. A dangerous type of burn that requires immediate intervention specialist Tissue damage affects the superficial and internal layers of the dermis and muscles. The third stage can have two varieties - A and B. The first is characterized by the appearance of blisters in a dense membrane, the formation of scabs, and swelling of adjacent areas. In stage B, the presence of pus, tissue necrosis, and ulcers is noted.
  • Fourth. At this stage, the skin, subcutaneous layer, muscles, and tendons suffer. Sometimes a child’s burn reaches the bone - charring and complete necrosis of the affected tissues are noted.

What is the danger of a burn in a child?

Healthy epithelial tissue synthesizes fibronectin (glycoprotein), which is involved in the binding of immune cells to pathogens. The occurrence of a burn is damage to the epithelial layer, which ceases to function fully. This leads not only to pain, but also to possible development complications.

The body in children is especially sensitive to damage to the dermis, so the likelihood of infection is high.

First aid for burns at home

Timely and competent first aid is the key successful treatment burn. Besides, correct actions help parents avoid worsening the problem, because later it will be much more difficult to treat. In case of a thermal burn (exposure to an iron, hot water), experts recommend proceeding according to the following scheme:

If the burn is caused by exposure to chemicals (acid or alkali), the affected area should be kept under running water. cold water. This must be done in order to wash off the remnants of the aggressive compound from the skin. It is recommended to wash burns in children for at least a quarter of an hour. The acidic component can be neutralized with a solution of soda and water (2–3%) or soap, and the alkaline component can be neutralized by washing with a weak solution of citric acid.

How to treat thermal and chemical burns?

Treatment of 2nd-3rd degree burns should be medicinal, and adjuvant therapy can be used folk recipes. IN severe cases Immediate hospitalization and skin grafting are indicated. The course of drugs should
prescribed by a doctor based on the severity of the condition little patient, age, and also takes into account contraindications. Treatment of chemical and thermal burns is almost the same, however, in the first case, the degree of damage to the skin is finally determined only after 5 - 7 days.

Pharmacy drugs

The goal of therapy is to relieve inflammation, dry the wound (if necessary), and stop the proliferation of pathogens. In this case, the body will be able to independently cope with the damage and restore the epidermis. In a standard situation, burn treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Elimination of hyperemia, reduction of inflammation. Preparations based on dexpanthenol are used. It is recommended to apply such products in the first minutes after receiving a burn. In the presence of blisters or weeping ulcers, more strong drugs(we recommend reading: ).
  • Antiseptic. Sometimes the doctor recommends pre-treating the wound with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, a solution of Furacilin or potassium manganese to eliminate microorganisms that could get on the surface of the wound. In this case, it is advisable to remove the remaining antiseptic by blotting the wound with a piece of gauze or bandage.
  • It is recommended to apply an antibiotic ointment to the affected area. This could be Levomekol, Doxycycline. Apply a thin layer twice a day.
  • In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics.
  • If relief does not occur within 2-3 days, you should consult a specialist. The doctor may change the prescription or suggest hospitalization.
  • If a baby under one year old is injured, he must be shown to a pediatrician, regardless of the extent of the damage. At the same time, infants are less likely to become victims of burns, unlike children one year old and preschoolers.

In the hospital, doctors carry out primary processing wounds, remove particles of debris, foreign bodies, as well as dead tissue. Next, a set of anti-shock measures is performed: pain relief with analgesics, use sedatives, well infusion therapy. If necessary, the child is prescribed antibiotics, as well as an emergency tetanus vaccination.

Folk recipes

There are many ways to help your child with improvised means at home. Recipes traditional medicine time-tested, they do not use expensive components. Most Popular:

  • Raw potatoes. You can apply root vegetables crushed into pulp or cut into small slices to the burn site. Carrots and beets also have healing properties. You can apply the juice squeezed from these vegetables to the burn.
  • Cabbage. Fresh leaves have the ability to relieve inflammation and lower the temperature of the burned area of ​​the skin. Should be applied to the wound cabbage leaf, and after half an hour replace it with fresh one.
  • Oak bark. Prepare a decoction of oak bark, moisten a bandage folded several times in it, and apply to the wound. Do the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Possible consequences

First- and second-degree burns usually heal within a week and do not pose a threat to the child’s health. In case of massive skin damage or 3rd-4th degree burns, it is important that therapy is carried out on time.

Possible consequences include:

  • Infection of the damaged area. A weeping wound is an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogens (we recommend reading:). Inflammatory process caused by bacteria can lead to burn cellulitis or pyoderma.
  • After wounds heal, scars may form. Except cosmetic problem, such consequences can cause limited mobility and functionality of the limbs (palms, feet, joints of the arms, legs).
  • If the area of ​​damaged skin reaches 20–25% of the surface of the entire body, dehydration is noted. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, severe consequences, even death.

What should you not do if you have a burn?

IN stressful situation Many parents make a number of mistakes, trying to alleviate the baby’s suffering as quickly as possible. If a child is burned, the following actions are unacceptable:

  • Usage medical supplies on oil based, especially in the first minutes after the baby burns his hand with an iron or is scalded with boiling water. The fatty component of the product forms an impenetrable film on the surface of the wound, which is why damaged tissue do not cool down, but continue to collapse under the influence of high temperature.
  • Do not use alcohol-containing products: brilliant green, iodine, calendula tincture. Similar drugs annoying wound surface, which contributes to the aggravation of pain.
  • Do not rush to immediately anoint the wound after a burn medical device– First you need to reduce the temperature of the affected area.
  • If blisters have formed at the site of the burn, you should not puncture them; it is advisable to have this manipulation performed by a specialist. IN otherwise there is a high probability of wound infection, which can lead to complications.
  • You should not cover the wound with a band-aid even after the skin has peeled off. It is better to use a sterile, breathable dressing.

A burn is a type of injury that is characterized by damage to the dermis. Since in childhood the skin is very delicate and sensitive to external influence, then the pain is stronger than in an adult and the likelihood of complications is much higher. Therefore, treating a child’s burn at home is only permissible for minor injuries.

The clinical picture of the injury directly depends on the factor and the degree of the body’s response. Blisters, swelling, pain appear, in some cases shock may occur. The main goal When diagnosing burns in children, it is necessary to determine the nature of the injury, the area of ​​the damaged surface and the degree of severity; depending on this, a course of treatment is selected; the analysis must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Burns in children and adults can be thermal, chemical, electrical and radiation. If we take into account the entire population, then the share of this injury in children accounts for 30%. Most often the age does not exceed four years. The most dangerous burn is for a newborn, since the skin of the breast is very sensitive to the slightest influence. Therefore, you must immediately contact medical institution. Cases reach up to four percent deaths. In some cases, the child may remain disabled. Since the skin is very thin, a burn of even a small area requires consultation with a doctor.


Depending on the traumatic factor, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Thermal damage. May occur as a result of contact with hot steam, boiling water, hot cookware, fire, oil, fat. Often a child gets a burn while eating. For example, hot soup, milk, water, tea, etc. Parents may also not notice how they took a bath with high temperature water, which causes damage to the skin. If you take teenagers, pyrotechnic entertainment is common among them. They become the factor thermal burn.
  2. Chemical. Not so popular, but found among types of skin lesions in children. Usually, parents do not hide chemicals, but at the same time, the child may accidentally spill acid or alkali on himself. It’s worse if the chemical gets inside, in which case you should immediately provide first aid to the child for a burn and quickly take him to the doctor.
  3. Electrical. There may be faulty appliances and appliances in the house. Small children are very curious, so exposed wires and sockets cause burns. They like to stretch their hands wherever they see something attractive to them, as a result of which the child’s fingers get burned.
  1. Radiation. In summer we like to sunbathe. Often times spent on the beach do not comply with recommendations. If an adult is slightly burned, then children develop burns. Exist special means protections that parents neglect and do so in vain. After all, they are the ones who help to avoid negative consequences.

The causes and classification of burns vary clinical picture. The second degree of severity of injury occurs most often; it is this that is easy to obtain and damage the skin. In any case, a child’s burn is dangerous and requires prompt attention to a specialist.

Degree of damage

Since the diagnosis is carried out, the severity of the injury is determined. It all depends on the factor of damage and symptoms. There are four degrees of severity:

  • First. In this case, the upper layer of skin, the epidermis, is affected. There is slight peeling, burning, itching. After a week, traces of the injury disappear.
  • Second. Penetrates middle layer skin - dermis. IN in this case the epidermis dies, blisters, swelling, and pain appear. Recovery is slow - about two weeks. The skin becomes sensitive to various infections and infection.
  • Third. The dermis is also damaged, but more deeply. Such burns leave children with scars. Healing occurs over three weeks. Necrosis (death) of tissue may occur.
  • Fourth. The most dangerous degree. Exposure occurs at the level of tendons, muscles, and bones. Through the cracks in the scab, you can see the depth of the damage. If a child receives such a burn, there may be severe complications. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time, otherwise an abscess will develop. In the worst case, thrombosis occurs, organs are affected and death occurs. Therefore, if your baby is severely burned, call an ambulance. Only a doctor will tell you the whole picture, the nature of the injury and prescribe adequate treatment.

Regardless of the degree, it is important to provide first aid for children with burns before visiting the hospital or the arrival of a team of doctors. This way you can avoid complications and, in addition, relieve painful discomfort.

Emergency measures for thermal injury of a child

Often damage occurs to the upper or lower limbs, this is due to the fact that they perform a tactile function. It is important to be careful and explain to your child the rules of behavior at home, but they do not always listen and it is quite difficult to avoid accidents.

If a child has a burn, then it is necessary to provide first aid to the little patient:

Drug therapy

In each episode, the trauma presents a different picture. The first minutes appear severe pain. Then the state changes skin, blisters form and redness increases. In order to correctly determine what to apply to a burn at home, a child should contact a pediatrician. Therapy depends on the severity of the disease, medications are prescribed based on symptoms, chronic pathologies and the general health of the patient.

What to apply to a burn in children should be intended for the treatment of a patient exactly his age. There are ointments, gels, creams, aerosols. Each drug has instructions that indicate the age of the patient for whom it is intended to treat. What to anoint a child’s burn depends on your preference and the injury. If the surface of the body is shallowly damaged, then the shape will suit gel, it soothes the skin and relieves pain. Creams are often prescribed after an injury; they soften the surface and prevent dryness. Aerosols are also used as effective remedy for children's burns, they form foam and easily relieve inflammation. They are also very convenient to use, because you just need to press the dispenser.

Any parent should know what to apply to a child’s burn at home. In addition, you should not miss the moment when you need to seek medical help.

Treatment of burns in children should be accompanied by a visit to a doctor. This way you can avoid complications and prevent damage internal organs.

How to treat a child's burn

This type of injury is becoming popular from year to year. By percentage deaths second only to car accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to treat a child’s burn first in order to prevent complications. After all, you need to slow down the process of tissue destruction and relieve pain.

In case of an injury of 2-3 degrees of severity, only a doctor should prescribe how to treat a child’s burn. The affected area is protected with a napkin or gauze and pre-treated with ointment or gel.

However, if a baby has a burn, it is important to be careful when choosing a medication; their skin is very thin and sensitive to various drugs. Panthenol or Bepanten is often used. It is best to prevent your baby from getting burned, but if this happens, see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Panthenol is a drug that accelerates tissue healing, relieves inflammation, reduces redness and pain. Absolutely safe for treatment of children of any age.
  • Bepanten Plus - has similar properties to Panthenol, however, thanks to Chlorhexidine, which is included in the composition, it also has antiseptic properties that are necessary for wounds and blisters.
  • Olazol – drug complex action, relieves pain, disinfects and restores tissue.
  • Levomekol is an ointment with antibacterial characteristics that also effectively heals the burned area.
  • Solcoseryl - the main effect of the ointment is regeneration of the injured area. When open wounds Before taking the drug, you should carry out antiseptic treatment with Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin.

Precautionary measures

Parents worry about their child and strive to completely protect him; they need to protect them as much as possible from such negative consequences. This is done to prevent burns in children. It is reflected in conducting conversations, creating safe conditions both at home and on the street. It is important to close cabinets tightly and store household chemicals out of reach of children. When going to the beach, take protective equipment with you.

All types of burns, regardless of how they are received, are considered injuries. It is best to avoid such cases. Parents need to know how to provide first aid to their children for burns, and for injuries of more than the first degree of severity, they should definitely consult a doctor.

The health and sometimes the life of the child depends on the correctness and speed of first aid for burns.

A burn is damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by temperature, chemical substance, radiation energy or electric current.

They occur quite often in children, because curiosity and lack of fear push children to dangerous items. According to statistics, every fifth childhood injury is a burn.

Parents are obliged not only to make their child’s life as safe as possible, but also to understand well how to help him if trouble does happen.

Degrees of burns

All burns are divided into 4 groups according to severity and depth of damage:

  1. 1st degree burn . Damaged surface layer skin. Redness, swelling, and a burning sensation appear. The burn will go away on its own in 3-4 days. The skin will be completely restored, no marks will remain.
  2. 2nd degree burn . Deep damage to the epidermis. Characterized by the formation of bubbles filled with liquid. Watery formations in them may increase, so after some time new blisters may appear or old blisters may grow at the site of injury. The skin recovers on its own within 7 to 12 days. At the site of the burn, a new layer of bright pink epidermis appears. Then the skin returns to its normal color. There are no marks or scars left.
  3. 3rd degree burn . Deep damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The damage is extremely painful, with the formation of large blisters. The burned area loses sensitivity to touch over time. There are 3(a) and 3(b) burns. In the first case, the blisters are filled with a yellow jelly-like mass, and in the second - with bloody fluid. 3(a) burns heal in 15 - 20 days, after 1.5 - 2 months the natural pigmentation of the skin is restored. Healing of 3(b) burns occurs after 20 - 30 days, scars remain at the site of damage.
  4. 4th degree burn . Everyone gets damaged subcutaneous tissue, necrosis of tendons, muscles and bones occurs. The surface is covered with a black crust, insensitive to touch. Full recovery after such burns it is impossible. Scars form at the site of injury.

Types of burns and methods of their prevention

Depending on the cause that caused the lesion, burns are divided into several types.

  • Thermal – occur as a result of contact with hot objects. The damaging factor may be boiling water, fire, hot metal, hot steam or air, hot viscous masses. This type of burn is the most common. Children usually receive such injuries due to parental carelessness.

IMPORTANT: To minimize the risk of thermal burns, adults should make it a rule to always place potentially dangerous hot objects out of the reach of children.

  • Electrical – appear after careless handling of electrical appliances, wiring, and also due to a lightning strike. General state The victim is worsened by dysfunction of internal organs, stopping or difficulty breathing. If contact with the damaging factor is short-lived, mild fainting and dizziness are possible.

IMPORTANT: To prevent electrical burns, children should not be allowed to play with household appliances. chargers, switches and sockets.

  • Radiation burns – consequence long stay in the scorching sun. Children's skin is very delicate, so the likelihood of a child getting a radiation burn is extremely high.

IMPORTANT: Reliably protect the baby from negative impact Sun exposure can be achieved using a special anti-tan cream.

  • Chemical – the result of contact with chemicals active substances. They are not often found in everyday life. The depth of these burns depends on the time of exposure and the concentration of the chemical. If the chemical liquid was swallowed by a child, then poisoning is added to the burn. The formation of blisters is not typical for such burns.

IMPORTANT: Chemicals used for household purposes should not be left in sight of children.

Burns in children

IMPORTANT: Burns in children have a number of features that should be taken into account by both parents and medical staff when helping a child.

  • Children's skin is delicate and thin, so burns are deeper than in adults.
  • Children, finding themselves defenseless against the damaging factor, usually receive severe burns.
  • Even with a small surface lesion, a child may develop burn shock.
  • Children have a high risk of post-burn complications that develop due to immaturity of tissue structures.

IMPORTANT: More than 50% of all childhood burns require immediate qualified assistance.

First aid for burns at home

Providing assistance to a child who has received a burn depends on the type of injury.

First aid for thermal burns

  • quickly remove the source of injury
  • free the affected area of ​​skin from clothing, but the stuck fabric must not be torn off to avoid further damage to the burn
  • Cool the affected area with water or ice

IMPORTANT: You can cool a damaged area of ​​skin with a 1st or 2nd degree burn under water. 3rd and 4th degree burns cannot be treated this way.

  • give the child a painkiller to calm him down
  • apply a dry cotton cloth to the wound
  • seek medical help if necessary

IMPORTANT: Do not open the formed blisters, seal the damaged area of ​​skin with a band-aid, or lubricate the wound with anything yourself.

1st degree thermal burns are left without special treatment, 2nd degree burns are treated with herbal ointments, panthenol or local antibiotic. Only a doctor can prescribe a remedy to treat a child’s burn.

First aid for a child suffering from electric shock

and getting burns, it is necessary:

  • urgently turn off the source or pull the victim by the clothes if turning off the current supply is impossible. You can use plastic, rubber, wooden objects to free the child from the damaging factor

IMPORTANT: You must not touch the victim until the current is turned off.

  • if the child is unconscious, check the pulse and breathing and, if necessary, perform indirect massage hearts and artificial respiration
  • call an ambulance
  • free the wound from excess clothing, cover with a dry, clean cloth
  • give it to the child warm drink and 10 drops of valerian tincture

First aid for radiation burns in the sun

  • take the victim indoors or into the shade
  • cover the burned areas of the skin with a light cotton cloth
  • give your child plenty of warm drinks
  • apply cool compresses and treat with panthenol

IMPORTANT: In case of serious radiation burns urgently need to consult a doctor

First aid for chemical burns

  • identify and remove the source of damage
  • remove clothing, especially if it contains traces of the chemical that caused the burn
  • rinse the wound under cold running water
  • call an ambulance

IMPORTANT: If a chemical burn is caused by sulfuric acid, lime or aluminum compounds, under no circumstances should you wash the wound with water, as a reaction will occur on the burned surface of the skin. large release heat.

Treatment of burns with folk remedies

Recipe No. 1 . Raw grated apples are spread in a thick layer on the affected area. This helps relieve swelling and inflammation.

Recipe No. 2 . 2 tbsp. oak bark is boiled for 25 - 30 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. The resulting broth is cooled and used for compresses.

Recipe No. 3 . 1 tbsp. aspen bark pour 2 tbsp. water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth is taken orally, 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals, and also make compresses on the burned area of ​​the skin.

Recipe No. 4. Make compresses from cold brewed black tea. This helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

Recipe No. 5. Thickly lubricate the burn area with a mixture of sour cream (2 tbsp), vegetable oil (1 tbsp) and yolk chicken egg. Such compresses can be left overnight.

Recipe No. 6. Aloe promotes healing of burn wounds. Its juice accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and relieves inflammation. The damaged area can be wiped fresh juice or make applications from a cut aloe leaf.

IMPORTANT: Using folk remedies Only first degree burns can be treated. Other burns can only be treated by a doctor!

Remedies for burns. Preparations for burns. What to apply to a burn?

Drug treatment of burns must perform several functions simultaneously:

  • prevent the penetration of germs
  • dry the wound
  • reduce inflammation
  • do not let the wound dry out

The simplest and available means are gels, ointments, creams and sprays. Ointments have proven themselves well Levomekol, Povidone-iodine, Rescuer, spray Panthenol, gels Apollo And No burns. When using gels, more quick cleansing wounds from pus and other necrotic tissue, but it is recommended to use them only on initial stages treatment.

Expensive, but very effective way recovery after serious burns is the use of flaps of natural donor or polymer artificial skin. When treating extensive burns, additional intravenous administration drug.

Children's burns are easier to prevent than to treat. But if trouble does happen to your child, you need to seek medical help as quickly as possible at the nearest clinic or call an ambulance.

IMPORTANT: And for all responsible parents, it is better to replenish the children's first aid kit with any anti-burn cream or gel, just in case.

Video: Burn in a child. What to do?