Explanation of the process of ovulation in the female body, signs and cycles. What is ovulation in women? Does body temperature change during ovulation?

For women who want to get pregnant, it is very important to know the exact date ovulation. It is on such days that the likelihood of fertilization is highest. What is ovulation and how to calculate it is described below in the article. We hope that the information contained in it will be useful to you.

What is ovulation

The word "ovulation" comes from the Latin ovum, which translates as "egg". This concept denotes one of the periods menstrual cycle when a mature follicle ruptures. After this, the egg cell, ripe for fertilization, is released from the ovary into abdominal cavity. It travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus itself, which takes an average of 24 hours.

It is during this period of time that there is highest probability that the sperm will meet the egg and fertilize it. If this happens, then, once in the uterus, the egg attaches there, after which pregnancy occurs and the fetus begins to develop. Ovulation is regulated by the hypothalamus, which controls the release of hormones.

The ovulation cycle is individual. It starts when you reach reproductive age, along with the appearance of menstruation. WITH at this moment the body is ready to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. This usually occurs between 12 and 14 years of age and lasts until menopause at the age of 47-55.

Every month in a woman's ovaries and endometrium, cyclical changes. They are called the menstrual cycle. It lasts on average 24-35 days. The countdown starts from the first day of menstruation and ends with the beginning of the next one. Ovulation is closely related to this cycle. Usually it happens in the middle. If a woman wants to get pregnant, the exact date of ovulation is very important. Experts offer several methods for determining it.

Main features

There are several symptoms that indicate that a woman has ovulated - the day of her cycle when an egg is released from the ovary. All signs are divided into objective and subjective. The first, more reliable, are ultrasound studies and results laboratory tests. The latter do not provide a 100% guarantee of determination. They rely on the sensations of the woman herself and her observations of her own body.

The main symptoms of upcoming ovulation are:

All higher indicated symptoms can appear singly or together, weakly or intensely. If a woman listens to her own body, she will definitely understand how to calculate ovulation by own feelings.

Reasons for absence

If for some reason the egg does not leave the follicle, ovulation does not occur, and then the woman cannot become pregnant. In this case, menstruation may proceed as usual or be absent altogether. In the second option, or if it is impossible to get pregnant for one to two years, you should check with specialists.

In every healthy young woman, failures in ovulation occur once or twice a year, and at an older age, reproduction decreases and alternate more and more often. In a normally functioning body, ovulation is absent during pregnancy, regular lactation, or taking oral contraceptives. Its absence can be caused by stress or overwork. This also happens with metabolism, insufficient or overweight, gynecological diseases. In any of these cases, examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Calculation by cycle

What is ovulation? And how to calculate it? The answer to the first question has already been described above. And in order to independently calculate days favorable for pregnancy, you should keep a menstrual cycle calendar for at least six months, since this is all very individual, and for more accurate results You should know your performance for a couple of months. You need to mark the start of each period. From the recorded data, you can find out the length of the cycle, which ranges from 19 to 40 days. Ovulation occurs two weeks before the start of menstruation.

With an average frequency of 28 days, the days of the cycle from the 13th to the 15th are considered favorable for conception. If its duration is longer or shorter, the date of egg maturation shifts. How to calculate ovulation in this case? You need to add the number of days of the menstrual cycle to the start date of your last period to find out the date when the next ones should start. We subtract two weeks from the result obtained. The final date is the time of ovulation. The coming days are also added to it.

Determination by calculator

Today many publications offer various tables, with which you can keep a calendar of menstruation and ovulation. Using them, it is very easy to calculate the days that are favorable for conception and days that are safe for unprotected sexual intercourse.

In order to calculate the required dates using an ovulation calculator, you should enter the following data into it: the start date of the last menstruation and the length of the cycle. After this, calculate the result. A reliable date can only be obtained with a stable regular cycle, so you shouldn’t rely 100% on such tables. They may be an additional screening option, but not a stand-alone method of contraception.

Basal temperature measurement

Most women who want to get pregnant or, conversely, determine, carefully study what ovulation is and how to calculate it using own body. This method is one of the most reliable. However, it requires care and daily implementation of the procedure for three menstrual cycles.

Measurements are taken in the morning. They should be performed while lying in bed, immediately after waking up. The temperature is measured in the rectum with a regular thermometer. A woman needs to keep a table in which she must enter the data received every day. You can make it in the form of a graph to make it easier to track the dynamics. The obtained indicators are compared with the control ones:

  • in the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature is less than 37 °C;
  • a day before the release of the egg, the temperature decreases slightly;
  • during ovulation there is an increase to 37-37.4 °C.

This method shows false information after sexual intercourse, during illness, when taking certain medicines or alcohol.

Ovulation test

If you cannot calculate the exact date using a calendar, thermometer or ovulation calculator, you can try another method - a special test. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The principle of operation is a reaction to an increase in urine levels. This indicates the maturation of the egg.

If you want to determine days favorable for conception, you need to start doing this in advance and twice a day (morning urine is not good). this test for ovulation. Reviews about it are different, some get reliable result, and some of the women are disappointed in this method. After all, a hormonal surge can also occur during an anovulatory cycle, but the reagents will still react to it and show a positive result - two stripes. But still, in most cases the result is correct.

In addition to determining the concentration of hormones in urine, there is another test for ovulation, reviews of which from women are very good. It acts on the basis of saliva, which also reacts to changes in female body increasing the amount of salts in the composition.

Ultrasound diagnostics

Most correct result the presence of ovulation can be obtained using modern method- monitoring folliculogenesis using an ultrasound machine. If the result is positive, then its progress can be monitored and controlled, and if it is negative, violations can be identified.

The exact time for the examination is determined by the doctor. Typically, with a regular 28-day cycle, the first monitoring is carried out on the 8-10th day after its start. Then the procedure is repeated every 1-2 days until the fact of ovulation is recorded. If it is absent, further examination is carried out to correct diagnosis reasons for the failure.

Medical methods

In addition to the methods described above for determining ovulation, there are several others that are only available when visiting a doctor. One of them is a blood test for increased concentrations of hormones. It is rarely used due to its high cost and the need to have blood tested several times.

Another medical method- “fern symptom.” A smear is taken from the patient and applied to a laboratory glass. When ovulation occurs, cervical mucus crystallizes - and then under a microscope you can see a characteristic pattern in the form of fern leaves. This happens due to increased concentration sodium chloride. This method is labor intensive. A woman needs to visit a doctor several days in a row. Because of this, it is rarely used.

Determining ovulation with an irregular cycle

Unfortunately, not every woman can boast of a stable periodicity of menstruation. How is ovulation determined? irregular cycle? in this case it will be ineffective.

If your cycle is disrupted, doctors will help determine the exact date of ovulation using ultrasound monitoring. You can also use the measuring method basal temperature or purchase special tests to detect increased concentrations of hormones.

So, we told you what ovulation is and how to calculate it. We hope that this information will help in determining the days favorable for conceiving a baby. Those who want to learn about the safe time for unprotected sexual intercourse will also find a lot of useful information in the article.

The hormonal system is a very delicate mechanism. Thanks to the hormones that are inherent in the female body by nature, representatives of the fair sex can bear and give birth to children.

Every girl knows that such a phenomenon as menstruation will accompany her until old age. Very young girls, when faced with bleeding from the genital tract for the first time, do not understand at all why and why this happens. But everything is simple: it is menstruation that tells the girl that pregnancy has not occurred and that she can part with a small layer of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus), which was growing in order to begin to grow a human embryo within herself, but now turned out to be unnecessary. However, the most interesting thing happens in the middle of the cycle, during the period from one menstrual bleeding to others. Ovulation occurs at this time, which in simple words implies such a phenomenon as the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization.

How does ovulation occur?

Everyone knows that a woman has two ovaries, in which, as a rule, the egg matures alternately, every month. With the beginning of each menstrual cycle, this mechanism starts again and again, and this will happen as long as the fair sex continues to menstruate. The follicle, or “capsule” in which the egg grows, bursts at the moment of its “birth” and releases the egg into the fallopian tubes. This phenomenon is called the ovulation period or day, which will be more accurate, because the release of the egg from the “capsule” occurs within 2-3 minutes, and the egg itself lives no more than 24 hours.

How to determine the date of ovulation?

A woman's menstrual cycle consists of two phases: follicular and luteal. The first is responsible for the maturation of the egg, and the second for the possible conception and development of pregnancy. At the end of the follicular phase, a phenomenon called ovulation occurs, the fact that the egg is “born” when it leaves the follicle and enters the fallopian tube, where conception may occur.

It is not difficult to calculate this significant event, or the date of ovulation; the most important thing is that the fair sex’s periods are regular. For example, let's take a 30-day menstrual cycle. The second phase, as a rule, is always 14 days, regardless of its duration. Therefore, calculating the date of ovulation will not be difficult: 30 – 14 = 16. So, ovulation will occur 16 days from the start of menstruation.

However, this method is not applicable for women with irregular cycles. In addition, ovulation can be either early or late, which does not at all correspond to our calculations.

Therefore, if you are not entirely sure of the mathematical calculation method, then you can resort to two more. In the first case, an ovulation test will come to the rescue, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The second is based on the construction of To do this, first menstruation, you need to immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, rectally basal temperature. It is worth considering that continuous sleep before measurement should be at least 6 hours. On the day when ovulation occurs, you will mark on the chart sudden jump temperatures up (at least 0.3 degrees).

So, in simple words, ovulation, both in women and girls, is a phenomenon that can guarantee pregnancy in 70% of cases if unprotected sexual intercourse was performed during this period. It is worth remembering that 5 days before the date of ovulation and the day after it, you should exclude any unprotected sexual intercourse, unless, of course, you are planning a pregnancy. And these are completely reasonable figures, because doctors have proven that despite the fact that the egg lives only for a day, sperm are able to maintain mobility in the woman’s genital tract for five days.

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle, and the mechanism of this event is the same for both young girls and mature women. This phenomenon has no age limits and occurs as long as a representative of the fair sex has her period.

To identify violations in reproductive system women, competent pregnancy planning, the right choice method of contraception, you should have a clear understanding of the menstrual cycle, the main element of which is ovulation. Therefore, in this article we will try to reveal the main questions that most often concern women: What is ovulation? How to determine the right moment to conceive a baby? How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy?

What is ovulation?

Ovulation- translated from Latin means “egg” - physiological process in the female body, when a mature egg, ready for fertilization by sperm, is released from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity. In women, this process occurs periodically (every 21-35 days). It begins from the moment of puberty and lasts until the onset of menopause, interrupted only during pregnancy and postpartum period. For conception, this process is very important, because if ovulation does not occur, fertilization will not occur.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle- the period starting from the 1st day of menstruation and ending on the 1st day of the next one. Its average duration is 28-29 days, the maximum duration is 23-35 days. If less or more, then this indicates a failure in hormonal system women.

The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases. At normal cycle the first phase is 7-21 days. During this period, the female body prepares for possible conception- matures in the ovary dominant follicle, from which an egg will later emerge, ready for fertilization. After the release of their follicle, the egg enters the abdominal cavity, where it is captured in the ampulla of the fallopian tube and begins to move very slowly along it. If sperm meets on its way, fertilization will occur. The second phase begins from the moment of ovulation, which, regardless of the duration of the menstrual cycle, lasts 14 days (plus/minus 2 days). During the 2nd phase, the corpus luteum matures in the ovary at the site of release of the egg, which, in the event of pregnancy, will ensure its safety at first. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum will collapse, the egg will die, hormone levels will drop and menstruation will begin. That's it - one menstrual cycle ended and the next one immediately began.

Why know the symptoms and signs of ovulation

  1. Determining ovulation will help you find out the favorable day to conceive a child.
  2. Will help prevent unplanned pregnancy. But this is only possible if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle.
  3. They will help in planning the gender of the unborn child. There is an opinion that sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation will lead to the birth of a male child, and 1-2 days before it - a female child. It is believed that sperm carrying male chromosomes are faster, but less hardy, therefore, if a couple wants a boy, then on the day of ovulation these sperm are able to get to the egg faster. Sperm that carry female chromosomes, on the contrary, are slow, but have high viability. If sexual intercourse occurred 1-2 days before the release of the egg, then the sperm with male chromosomes will all die, and the sperm with female chromosomes will swim to fulfill their purpose.

How to determine and find out the day of ovulation

Signs of ovulation

Often, women can determine the day of ovulation without tests and analyzes - they just need to listen to their own feelings. This may be short-term aching pain in the lower abdomen, usually on one side; swelling of the mammary glands; increased flatulence; mood changes (irritability, tearfulness); acute sexual desire.

The changes taking place in the body can not only be felt, but also seen. During ovulation, vaginal discharge changes its consistency - it becomes viscous, slightly foamy, similar to egg white, and its quantity increases noticeably. During gynecological examination the doctor will see changes in the cervix - it becomes looser, softer, changes its position and opens slightly.

Determining ovulation by basal temperature

If in the morning every day, without getting out of bed, you measure the temperature in the rectum for 5 minutes with the same mercury thermometer, noting the readings and constructing a graph from them, you can notice that one day a flat line of readings will drop sharply one day, and then the next day it will rise sharply - this decline is the day the egg is released from the follicle. The method is 70% reliable.

Calendar method

As mentioned above, menstruation occurs after ovulation after 14 days (plus/minus 2 days). Thus, with a regular cycle of 28 days, the release of the egg from the follicle will occur on day 13-14. We suggest determining the day of ovulation using the online calculator on the website.

At birth, a woman’s body has two ovaries, located to the left and right of the uterus. The function of the ovaries is to create eggs. The name of the ovum is translated from Latin ovum - egg. It contains a lot of nutritional material and enzymes. Hormones: estrogen, progesterone are produced by the ovaries.

About ovulation in simple words

Ovulation is the release of a developed, mature egg from a follicle in the ovary. Its release occurs halfway through the cycle, 14 days from the beginning of the previous menstruation (with a cycle of 28 calendar days).

Know! Innovative gynecology uses supersonic examination to determine ovulation.

How and when does ovulation occur?

From the birth of female babies, approximately 1 million eggs are present in their ovaries, located in the follicles. By the time of sexual maturation, not all eggs survive; the surviving, correctly formed ones are ready to carry out the most important mission - conceiving a new one. healthy body. From the time of the 1st menstruation, one egg matures and leaves the ovaries every month.

The menstrual cycle is accompanied by the maturation of twenty eggs in the follicle. Only one mature egg is released. Having passed fallopian tubes, and once in the uterine cavity, it meets sperm. If fertilization does not occur, the egg leaves the woman’s body with menstrual flow.

From this moment, a new follicle begins to develop. Implement necessary appointment few eggs are produced. What is ovulation is asked by representatives of the fairer sex who want to get pregnant or women for whom pregnancy is undesirable.

Attention! In case of infertility, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound to determine the dynamic growth of follicles.

Representation of the ovulation process is important for the purpose of speedy conception if a woman has seriously set out to become pregnant. The timing of ovulation varies noticeably among women. Even for one woman, the possible period may vary depending on different months.

Attention! Not so long ago, for the first time, science captured the ovulation process during an IVF procedure, filmed on video. Previously, it was a mystery; one could only guess about the action taking place in a woman’s body.

The process lasts approximately 15 minutes in total. An opening is formed in the wall of the follicle, similar to a wound, from which the egg emerges. She seems small and inconspicuous, but she is the most big cage human body.

How to determine the time of ovulation with an irregular menstrual cycle

Many women have irregular cycles: shorter, longer than the average - fourteen days. A woman with short term cycle, ovulation occurs at the end of menstruation.

How to calculate ovulation

  1. Determine the shortest cycle in a year and subtract 18.
  2. They take the most long cycle and subtract 11.
  3. The results obtained will determine the time of ovulation.

Know! Healthy women can independently conduct tests at home to determine the date of ovulation using saliva analyzers and urinary tests.

If you have an irregular cycle, you need to know exactly the duration of your menstruation per year. Effective methods include saliva crystallization and temperature measurement.

Methods for determining ovulation:

  • tests;
  • calendar;
  • according to the state of mucus;
  • by basal temperature;
  • according to the condition of the cervix;
  • by saliva;
  • according to your health, without a doctor.

How to determine ovulation by urine

The urine test is based on luteinizing hormone. The hormone is always present in urine. A sharp increase in its concentration indicates that the egg will be released in 24–36 hours.

When should the test start? It all depends on the length of the cycle. If the cycle remains unchanged, testing begins seventeen days before the start of the future menstruation. With a 28-day cycle, tests should begin on the 11th day, with a 35-day cycle, on the 18th.

The urine test is quite simple. The package contains 5 paper test strips. Each strip is divided into 2 halves. One strip is a control strip with a colored line. The other, with an applied reagent, is diagnostic. This stripe is colorless until it comes into contact with urine. With the 28th cycle, testing begins on the 11th day.

Attention! Women with unstable cycles select the shortest cycle from the last six months and calculate the test time.

It is recommended to drink more fluid during the testing period and carry out tests daily, at the same time. The test works like this: dip the strip into the urine for 3 seconds and look at the result. A strip that becomes the color of the control or slightly darker indicates positive result. If the strip is lighter, the tests are repeated on the following days.

Know! If there are delays of more than a month and cycles are inconsistent, it is not advisable to use a urine test due to the ineffectiveness of the results and the high cost of the tests. Only with joint monitoring with ultrasound, it will be obvious that the follicle has reached 18–20 cm, and the test will give a positive result.

Determining the ovulation period using a calendar

The calendar method is one of the most popular. With a systematic menstrual cycle, a woman can easily calculate the time of ovulation. Typically, egg maturation occurs in the middle of the cycle. The increased possibility of fertilization is 4 days before ovulation and 4 days after ovulation. That makes nine days.

Why do they add 4 days? This happens because the sperm in the uterus are functional for two - three days, the fourth day is added for safety reasons.

If the cycle is 28, conception is possible on days 10–17. Here, day 1 is considered to be the 1st day of the onset of menstruation. The last day is considered to be the 1st day of future menstruation. If you do not want pregnancy at this time, you should abstain from sexual intercourse or resort to contraception.

Attention! At calendar method The ovulation period is calculated - a cycle is 28 days: 18 are subtracted from the last day of the cycle to get the tenth day. This day opens the period of probable conception. The last day will be day 17 (28–11=17).

Calendar method with scientific point vision is considered ineffective. Women during the ovulation period closely monitor their health. It is necessary to monitor your well-being, uterine discharge, condition of the mammary glands.

Ovulation time based on basal temperature

The procedure is performed using a thermometer. For safety reasons, it is advisable to use not mercury, but electronic thermometer. Every day, waking up in the morning and without getting up, measurements are taken in the vagina, rectum for seven minutes, oral cavity- five minutes. The results are recorded. The basal temperature before the release of the egg does not rise above 37ºC. When the temperature rises above 37ºС, this will be evidence that ovulation has occurred.

Know! For the purpose of family planning and the birth of offspring, it should be remembered that the life of an egg lasts 24–28 hours. This is the period for the undeniable and effective conception new life.

Signs of the cervix

Most women do not resort to this method, although the genitals are the best weather forecasters. The fear of vaginal penetration frightens the female sex. If you have an irresistible desire to have a child, it is easy to learn to understand the degree of dilation of the uterus, its density and position. It is recommended to master this method for breastfeeding mothers, women in their 40s and 50s during premenopause, when the body changes as it approaches menopause.

Before ovulation, the cervix feels dry to the touch, quite hard, like the tip of the nose. It is lowered into the vagina and closed. By the time the egg is released, the cervix becomes covered with mucus, becoming wet. Then the cervix opens and rises, occupying upper area The vagina is in a convenient position for the passage of sperm. At this time, the cervix is ​​soft, like an earlobe.

At the end of ovulation, the cervix occupies bottom part vagina, that is, it descends, closing and becoming hard again.

By vaginal mucus or “Pupil Effect”

The pupil effect is a specific secretion called cervical and located in the cervix. The existence of mucus is determined during examination by a gynecologist. The presence of mucus is considered an indicator of ovulation. The path to the cervix is ​​filled with mucus, which prevents microorganisms from penetrating from the vagina into the uterus.

During monthly cycle the secretion is very viscous and prevents microorganisms and sperm from entering the uterus. During the period of ovulation, the secretion becomes less viscous, and sperm freely rush to the uterus. The pupil effect is explained by the appearance of mucus, similar to a droplet (pupil).

Attention! The “pupil effect” is an archaic technique not used in the present period.

Despite the antiquity of the technique, women use it at home. Regular mucus testing helps determine when an egg is about to be released.

How to determine ovulation by saliva

This method is called the “fern symptom” or saliva crystallization method. During ovulation, a woman’s body maintains a certain hormonal balance. Saliva applied to a microscope glass forms crystals similar to a fern leaf.

Signs of ovulation determined without a doctor:

  • pulling, It's a dull pain lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back;
  • increased discharge from the uterus: viscous, cloudy or transparent;
  • breast sensitivity increases;
  • the “wet panties” sign is evidence that ovulation has occurred;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • increased rectal temperature.

Attention! Urine or blood tests can help determine the time of ovulation.

Traditional methods of treating anovulation

Anovulation is the absence of ovulation, which sometimes women are not aware of. Symptoms:

  1. Increased and heavy periods.
  2. Violation of the regular cycle.
  3. Always low basal temperature.

To restore the correct efficient work ovaries folk remedies be sure to carry out research first: on patency fallopian tubes. They periodically take hormone tests to determine the condition of the whole body.

Recipe with sage

  • 1 tbsp. l. sage;
  • 250 gr. boiling water

Steam and leave for twenty minutes. Drink: from the seventh day of the cycle, 4 times a day, 60 grams. Duration ten days. Repeat the infusion for 2 months.

They won't accept it for three months. Then they start drinking sage tincture from the fourth day of the menstrual cycle.

Linden and sage

  • 1 tbsp. l. linden;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sage;
  • 300 gr. Hot water.

Pour in the herbs and infuse. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day (from the fifth day of the cycle).

Adam's root

Take 2 tsp. Adam's root brewed in 1 cup hot water. Leave for 120 minutes. Strain. Drink one tablespoon 4 times a day.

Plantain seeds

  • 1 tbsp. l. seeds;
  • 250 gr. water;

Pour water over the seeds and bring to a boil. Cook for five minutes over low heat. Leave for 60 minutes. Take two tablespoons 4 times a day for 1–2 months half an hour before meals.


  • 4 tbsp. l. herbs;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Brew, leave for 4-5 hours, filter. Drink three times a day: 15–20 minutes before meals, 200 grams.

Ramisha is one-sided

In a thermos, steam 3 tbsp with 0.5 liters of boiling water. l. herbs. Leave for 12 hours. Drink 4 times a day after meals (every hour) 150 grams.

Linden and plantain seed

Linden blossom and plantain seeds are mixed (ratio 1:1). A tablespoon of the mixture with 200 grams of hot water is placed in water bath. Stand for 15 minutes. Drink a full cycle of 1 tbsp. l. four times a day.

Foods such as dates, apples, pineapples, milk help cope with anovulation. high fat content, beans, hard cheese, yolks, soy. Hormones are intensely produced: pumpkin and sesame seeds, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, beets, spinach.

Unfortunately, lack of ovulation is a very common female diagnosis today. However, medicine does not stand still and now there are many methods of treatment and stimulation.

Many women ask the question: how to stimulate ovulation at home? The reason for the interest is the desire not only to get pregnant, but also to have twins. Let's answer: yes, stimulate.

Ovulation is a rather complicated process that occurs monthly in the body of girls and women. How to feel ovulation and be able to determine the time of its onset will be useful for every woman, because it is this short time period that is considered the most successful for conceiving a baby. Well, if, on the contrary, you are not planning a pregnancy, calculating the “dangerous” period will also be very useful.

Ovulation is the process of a mature egg leaving the follicle. This phenomenon usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. At sexual contact During this period, the probability of pregnancy is very high, since the egg that has left the follicle is ready to meet with the sperm. But how to define or how to feel this period?

Signs of ovulation

There are several signs that indicate that ovulation is approaching or that it has already occurred. They can be divided into external signs and internal.

Let's get acquainted with the signs of approaching ovulation.

  1. The nature of the discharge changes. There are more of them and they acquire a different consistency.
  2. Observed discomfort lower abdomen.
  3. Swelling and engorgement of the mammary glands, painful sensations in the chest area.
  4. Changes in basal temperature.
  5. Opening and softening of the cervix.
  6. Increase in latinizing hormone.
  7. Increased sex drive.
  8. Bad feeling.

Some of them occur a couple of days before the release of the egg; other symptoms in girls and women are observed during ovulation or after its completion.

The first signs of approaching ovulation

The earliest signs before ovulation are nagging pain lower abdomen, lower back pain. Some women note that on the day of ovulation their breasts hurt or their ovaries feel tight. However, these pains are short-lived and disappear after the release of the egg.

Not all women necessarily have all these symptoms, because each woman’s body is individual, so if one feels a pull in the lower abdomen, another may not experience such discomfort at all.

However, if subjective physical symptoms Not all women feel, that is, obvious signs of ovulation, which occur with almost every girl at the moment of greatest fertility. We will talk about this further.

Objective signs of ovulation

If the sensations described in the previous section are subjective (for example, severe nausea, painful breasts, bloating, etc.) and are not found in every girl, almost every woman encounters objective signs of this phenomenon.

To the main objective symptoms the onset of ovulation include:

  1. Change in vaginal discharge.
  2. Increase in basal temperature.
  3. An ultrasound detects the release of the egg.

Let's start in order.

Change in vaginal discharge

Before the onset of ovulation, there is an increase in the amount of discharge. In addition, their consistency changes: they become more liquid. How long do these symptoms last? As a rule, white discharge begins 1-2 days before the date of ovulation and ends after it occurs. The onset of ovulation is characterized by mucous membranes transparent discharge, which also acquire stickiness and ductility. Some women note the appearance brown discharge or bloody discharge, do not worry and think that this happens due to pathologies in the genital area. In fact, the reasons for such changes are caused by an increase in progesterone in a woman’s blood during this period.

This period is called the fertile phase (increased ability to conceive). Be attentive to this characteristic, and you can plan your intimate life, easily determining the dangerous period of time if pregnancy is not yet part of your plans. The most favorable days for conception are considered to be 3 days before the release of the egg and 2 days after this event. Nature allots only 5 days a month to conceive a child.

Increase in basal temperature

The period of approaching ovulation is characterized by small stature basal temperature. To trace this sign, every morning a woman should measure her temperature without getting out of bed by inserting a thermometer into the anal hole. In the first phase of the cycle, basal temperature values ​​are in the range of 36.5 -36.7 degrees, and with the approach of ovulation they increase to 37.

The data should be displayed on a special graph, with the help of which you can understand the approach of the fertile period and its end. Also, using the chart it is easy to determine the day the egg is released. Thus, the approach of ovulation corresponds to an increase in basal temperature, and to the period when the release of a mature egg has taken place, its decline. A sharp drop in temperature is observed on the day of ovulation.

Keeping a basal temperature chart will also help you plan your intimate life, depending on whether you want to become a mother in the near future or have decided to postpone this event for now.

If you have problems conceiving, a basal temperature chart will tell you whether your eggs are maturing at all and will help your gynecologist determine correct diagnosis, also prescribe appropriate treatment.

Ultrasound records the release of the egg

The fertile period can be easily determined using ultrasound examination. Ultrasound allows you to find out: Whether the follicle is increasing in size, that is, whether the egg is growing and maturing. Changes occurring in the cervix: its smoothing and opening. Appearance corpus luteum in the right or left ovary (at the site of a mature egg). The presence of follicular fluid indicates that the egg has left the follicle and ovulation has begun. Data ultrasound diagnostics quite accurate and allow you to answer with almost one hundred percent certainty when ovulation occurs in the body.

How to determine ovulation yourself?

There are many in various ways how to feel ovulation:

  • monitor your own well-being;
  • be attentive to mucous secretions;
  • monitor your basal temperature.

Also today, every woman has the opportunity to use a special test to determine ovulation. It works in a similar way to a pregnancy test, but it only determines not pregnancy, but the most favorable time for conception. The purpose of the test is to determine the maximum level of progesterone in the blood.

As a rule, 5 test strips are sold in a package. Testing should begin closer to the middle of the cycle, from 10-11 days, if menstruation occurs with an interval of 28 days. The test strip must be dipped into a glass of urine and wait 30 seconds, then placed on a dry surface and after three minutes the result can be interpreted. As the fertile period approaches, the test will show the presence of a second stripe (if ovulation is not yet imminent, the second stripe will not be present at all). The brighter the stripe, the closer the successful period of conception. When the egg release process is complete, the luteal phase begins and the test will again show one line.

Ovulation tests are simple and affordable way determine the fertile period, and in combination with analysis cervical mucus and other sensations characteristic of the ovulation period, the likelihood of accurately determining the most acceptable time for conception or, on the contrary, abstaining from sexual relations during the specified period.

Symptoms of the end of ovulation

If the process of releasing the egg is completed and ovulation has occurred, the following symptoms are noted:

  1. Mucous discharge disappears or significantly decreases in volume.
  2. The breasts cease to be painful and less sensitive.
  3. Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen disappear.
  4. The pimples that appeared on the forehead before the fertile period disappear.
  5. The basal temperature value is fixed at 37 degrees for some time, regardless of whether pregnancy has occurred or not.
  6. Improves general state(nausea and dizziness go away).
  7. Ultrasound results show the presence of a corpus luteum in the follicle.

The presence of these signs signals ovulation and the beginning of the corpus luteum period.

Why doesn't ovulation occur?

Reasons why a woman has anovulatory cycles, there may be many. 2-3 monthly cycles per year without ovulation are considered normal and do not require medical treatment. But if the eggs do not mature much more often, you should seek help from a specialist to find out the reasons and comprehensive examination. Most often such failures are caused hormonal disorders, for the elimination of which consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist is necessary. After undergoing an examination and determining the cause of “sterile” cycles, you will be prescribed appropriate treatment and given additional recommendations in this regard.

Reasons for the lack of ovulation that are not related to the presence of gynecological and endocrine diseases, can be divided into the following:

  1. Breast-feeding.
  2. Climax.
  3. Constant stress and nervous tension.
  4. Abrupt change climatic conditions.
  5. Dramatic weight loss.
  6. Strong physical activity.
  7. Cancellation of hormonal drugs.

Cycles without ovulation are characterized by a delay in menstruation by several days or by 2-3 months, severe breast tenderness, sudden changes moods. The bleeding that begins in such a cycle is different longer duration, pain and increased bleeding.

Women who experience hormonal imbalances are most prone to such cycles. Also, women whose age is approaching 50 are prone to cycles without ovulation.

If you notice frequent anovulatory cycles, it is still better to contact antenatal clinic and talk to your gynecologist about this