About love. Movie quotes. Best Romantic Movie Quotes

Many films pass almost unnoticed for us, but quotes from them are remembered for a long time, others, on the contrary, leave an indelible imprint on our hearts, but individual statements are quickly forgotten. Today we will remember the most beautiful, sentimental and unfairly forgotten quotes from films that, perhaps, everyone has seen.

“One day you will know what true love is, it is both bitter and sweet; I think the bitterness is to better appreciate the sweetness.”

(Vanilla Sky, Cameron Crowe)

“It’s easier to become a victim of a terrorist than to get married after 40.

It is not true!

These are statistics."

(Sleepless in Seattle, Nora Ephron)

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

("When Harry Met Sally" by Rob Reiner)

“There will be poetry in my life. And adventures. And love. Love is the main thing. Not an artificial shadow of love, but love that transforms life. Spontaneous, unruly, like a heart attack. It will come - either death or delight.”

(Shakespeare in Love, John Madden)

“If you are a person, then love a person, and not some ethereal dream.”

(“Formula of Love”, Mark Zakharov)

“A man without a woman runs wild: a few days of solitude - and he stops shaving, washing, and purrs like an animal. It took man several million years to reach civilization, but you can return to the Neanderthal state in six days.”

(“Love lasts three years”, Frederic Beigbeder)

“Maybe we’ll go back? Shall we be born again? That's the only thing we can't have here. Finding each other... again and again. Fall in love. Make different decisions. Try again.

How will I find you?

I found you in hell. You don’t think I can find you in Jersey?”

(What Dreams May Come by Vincent Ward)

“We have forgotten how to do big good stupid things. We stopped climbing into the windows of the women we love.”

(“The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!”, Eldar Ryazanov)

“Fear has enormous power - it takes away your freedom of choice. Now you let fear decide for you, and then that same fear will make you change your mind again. You don’t have to do anything out of fear.”

(The Sea Within, Alejandro Amenabar)

“It doesn't matter how people meet. They may be from completely different worlds, never walking the same paths, but one day they collide and their lives change.”

("The Chase", Adam Rifkin)

“We were together - I forgot the whole world.”

(“Forgive me for love”, Federico Moccia)

“If a woman wants something, then you must definitely give it to her, otherwise she will take it herself.”

(“The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, Alla Surikova)

“If Amelie decided to dream and live in her own closed world, that’s her right. For ruining one’s life is an inalienable human right.”

(“Amelie”, Jean-Pierre Genet)

“And what are we going to do?

“I will certainly return to find you, love you, marry you and live without shame”

Robbie, film "Atonement"

2. To be in love is to understand that you want to be better.

“To please you, I wanted to change.”

Melvin, film "As Good As It Gets"

3. Love is the most important lesson in life.

“The greatest thing you can learn is to love and be loved.”

Christian, film "Moulin Rouge"

4. Sometimes love is a sacrifice. And persistence.

“The ticket I won was the best gift of fate for me. I met you. And for that I am grateful to her, Rose. Very grateful. You must... must do what I say. Promise me that you will stay alive. That you won't give up. No matter what happens. Whatever happens, promise... Promise me now, Rose. And keep your promise at any cost. Do not give up."

Jack, Titanic movie

5. In love, you completely see a person the way you first met him.

“You will never grow old for me. You won't fade. You'll not die."

Will, film "Shakespeare in Love"

6. You always protect the one you love.

“I won’t allow Baby to be put in a corner.”

Johnny, movie "Dirty Dancing"

7. You don’t want to live for a minute without your love.

“I just realized that if I decided to spend the rest of my life with someone, that rest should begin as soon as possible.”

Harry, movie "When Harry Met Sally"

8. You cannot control life, you can only believe.

“Of all the eateries in the world, she had to come to mine.”

Rick, movie "Casablanca"

9. Love takes over all our emotions.

“I wish I knew how to leave you.”

Jack, movie "Brokeback Mountain"

10. One of life's greatest achievements is to love with all your heart and be loved the same way.

“There’s nothing special about me. I am an ordinary person, with ordinary thoughts, I have lived an ordinary life. But in one respect I succeeded more than in others. My heart was filled with love. And that was enough."

Duke, film "The Notebook"

11. There are no limits to the depth of love.

“The heart is not a box that can be filled. It expands and contains more and more love.”

Samantha, movie "Her"

12. Love is a wonderful mystery.

“I don’t know if each of us has a destiny or if we’re just going with the flow. I think maybe both at the same time. I miss you Jenny. If you need anything, I'll be nearby."

Forrest, movie "Forrest Gump"

13. The most beautiful thing in love is to accept another with all their flaws.

"People call them flaws, but they're not, they're wonderful traits."

Sean, Good Will Hunting

14. To be in love is to be in your own magical world.

“I looked up, where not far from heaven, where you were.”

Terry, "An Unforgettable Affair"

15. When you love someone deeply, you love them with the past, present and future.

“Today you are the same girl whom I loved yesterday, and whom I will madly love tomorrow.”

Adam, film "If I Stay"

Love is in the air when the best quotes from films about relationships, love experiences and the search for a soul mate are heard.

There is nothing more delightful than films about love. Even if the thought of showing affection in public and finding a soul mate makes you sick, you can't help but agree that these films show love in all its glory. Thanks to the perfect harmony between the music soaring in the air and the sincere performance of the actors, Hollywood is able to melt any, even the stony heart, bring to tears and sentimentality when these lines about love are heard.

We've collected 30 of the best romantic quotes from movies ranging from Moulin Rouge to The Princess Bride, perfect for this Valentine's Day. It's time to find your love (or the person you absolutely love for who they are) and say one of these phrases to him...maybe you will be lucky and have a wonderful date. But even if not, these are still great films.

1. " The greatest thing you can learn in this world is to love and be loved." Christian, Moulin Rouge! (2001).

2. " I will definitely return. To find you, love you, marry you. And live without knowing shame" Robbie Turner, Atonement (2007).

3.“ Faint, I'll pick you up" Count Laszlo Almasy, The English Patient (1996).

4.“No, I really like you. As she is" Mark Darcy, Bridget Jones's Diary (2001).

5. " I crossed oceans of time to find you" Dracula, "Dracula" (1992).

6. " I miss you, Jenny. If you need anything, I'll be there" Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump (1994).

7. " You will not grow old, you will not fade, you will not die, you will live like this in my soul" William Shakespeare, Shakespeare in Love (1998).

8. " Do you want the moon? Just tell me and I'll quickly lasso it for you" George Bailey, It's a Wonderful Life (1946).

9. " I would rather share one mortal life with you than live all the eras of the world alone" Arwen, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).

10. " I looked up. There, where it’s not far from heaven, where you were..." Terry McKay, An Affair to Remember (1957)

eleven. " Do you know? Everything I did after that meeting on the bridge, I did to get closer to you." Sayuri, Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)

12. " I wanted it to be you. I really wanted this" Kathleen Kelly, You've Got Mail (1998)

13. " How I want this to end" Jack Twist, Brokeback Mountain (2005)

14. " I'm ready to die, Clem. So I'm happy now. This has never happened to me" Joel Barish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

15. “Love is an obsession with the person in whom your life is. Without love, life loses all meaning. To go through the measured course and not fall in love with anyone means not to live at all.” Joe Black, Meet. Joe Black" (1998)

16. " Death cannot stop true love. All she can do is hold her back for a while" Westley, The Princess Bride (1987)

17. " I love you. You are my other half" Jerry Maguire, "Jerry Maguire" (1996)

18. " The ticket I won was the best gift of fate for me...I met you" Jack Dawson, Titanic (1997).

19. " It is better to touch her hair once, one kiss, one touch of her hand, than an eternity without it. One" Seth, City of Angels (1998).

20. " I'm an ordinary girl who came to a guy and said that she loves him" Anna Scott, Notting Hill (1999).

21. " Maybe it will be better if you know that those hours that we were together were worth a lifetime of love" Sarah Connor, "Terminator" (1984).

22. " I always missed you so much" Nick Mercer, "Rental Groom" (2005).

23. " I love you without knowing how or when or where" Petch Adams, Healer Adams (1998).

24. " I want you to be with me, every moment, always" Noah, "The Notebook" (2004).

25. “You are not perfect. That girl you met is not perfect either. The main thing is whether you are perfect for each other, that’s what it’s all about.” Sean Maguire, Good Will Hunting (1997).

26. “I vow to love you passionately, now and forever. I promise, I promise to keep this feeling, I know this is love for life.” Leo, "The Oath" (2012)

27. " It seems like everything I've ever done in my life has led me to you." Robert Kincaid, The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

28. " Your trouble is that you were kissed by those who don’t know how to do it" Rhett Butler, Gone with the Wind (1939)

29. " It seemed at that moment the whole universe existed only to connect us" Jonathan Treyger, "Intuition" (2001)

thirty. " You have captivated my poor soul and I love you...love...love you" Admiral Darcy, Pride and Prejudice (2005)

I asked Him for one thing. To see you. Last time. And he promised - no more requests. Never. And... I don’t regret it.

Not everyone finds love because they are looking for the perfect one. But this doesn’t happen. True love is imperfect. (Dawson's Creek).

Did you fall in love? Congratulations! This will only lead to one thing: she will never ask for forgiveness. Movie: Love Story

Thanks to all the staff who lived and studied at my school and made it fun all the years of study. School without you is empty and boring. Without love and colors. I would never have gone there if it weren't for these characters. Movie: Never Been Kissed

Film: Kill Bill. Film 1. Love? I've hated you for as long as I can remember. But you still deserve respect.

Love is when, having lost your soul mate, you realize that this is not your soul mate at all. This is all one hundred percent... And it would be better to die than to lose love. /Film: It'll be a good hunt

Having chosen you, I’ll spit on my homeland. I'll cheat on her. But if I don’t give a damn about you, I’ll change my heart... I’ll destroy love. / Masked Man

Scene. There are two on it. And light. Bright spotlight light. Two in the whole world.

Continue reading the quotes and aphorisms of Arthur Schopenhauer on the pages:

And here I stand, my deal burned out. And I'm about to leave. I won't ask you for anything. / Pearl Harbor

He who loves waits. / Love At Large

You just have to try. If you don't try, then you will live your life in vain. / Meet Joe Black

Film: The Painted Veil. When love and duty are one and the same, it is a blessing.

He loves me, Harold. He loves me - and that’s the most precious thing. / Moulin rouge

I should have died there.

Find someone you can love like a madman on the loose, and who will love you just as madly.

If you were the only man on Earth, you wouldn’t be able to persuade me to marry you!

I love you without knowing why, why, how or where. / Adams Correction

Love is a minefield along which you take only one step and are already torn to pieces, back up and... in the most stupid way, you take two more steps forward... It seems to me that this is so characteristic of human nature, because loneliness inflicts bleeding mental wounds, so it’s better to blow on a burnt heart than to be lonely... / Love And Sex

Film: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I will give you not just something, but some of something better than anything...

I was a real fool for leaving you.

Love is a minefield along which you take only one step and are already torn to pieces, back up and... in the most stupid way, you take two more steps forward... It seems to me that this is so characteristic of human nature, because loneliness inflicts bleeding mental wounds, so it’s better to blow on a burned heart.

Evelyn, my feelings for you made me survive.

And you wanted to laugh and cry because you felt so happy and scared at the same time that the vision instantly disappeared... / Never Been Kissed

Film: Evan Almighty. When God is asked for patience, does He give patience or the opportunity to show this patience? And the one who asks for courage receives courage or the opportunity to be courageous? When people ask God for a happy family, do you think God showers them with warmth and tenderness or does He give them the opportunity to prove their love?

All that is special about me... is you. / Great Expectations

Don't waste time, it's what life is made of.

Michael, I love you. I have loved you for 9 years.

All my life you have convinced me that I am worth something only because you need me.

Just understand that this feeling comes at the most inopportune time, however, I still ask you to do me a big favor - Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. / My best friend's wedding

Film: The Painted Veil. Women sometimes get the impression that men are much more in love with them than they really are.

Film: Juno and Avos. There is no price for love, there is only one life...

Only a deep feeling can push me down the aisle, so I should be an old maid.

But Christian loves me. And I'm scared too.

Until now, the coolest guy gives the coolest girl a ride to the school porch in the morning.

Everything I do, I do for you.

This is the professional risk of soul mates: one cannot survive without the other!

Can't fall in love? But life without love is simply terrible. / Moulin rouge

And he is completely sure that every girl is simply obliged to melt in front of him.

While I was in the water, I made a deal with God.

You know, at that moment when you kissed her and everything around was covered in fog...

You made me survive, Evelyn, you brought me home.

And you realized that she was just a toy to whom you offered your kisses for the rest of your life. In one second you received this gift.

And at that very moment, the creature in love, turning on the afterburners, rushed off on a date! (Only old men go into battle)

I was born to kiss you. /Only You

But you were too arrogant and cowardly to understand this.

Forgive me for everything that was and for everything that will be

Love is perhaps the most important feeling, the strongest and brightest. She is the one who makes people happy. And sometimes it pushes you to heroic deeds!

But sometimes it also happens that love acts in the opposite way - you want to say so much, but nothing suitable comes to mind! And then quotes about love will come to the rescue: words spoken by great and famous people.

Sages and philosophers, artists and poets, politicians and actors, contemporaries and long-gone famous personalities - they all loved. They all experienced passion and jealousy, happiness and disappointment. Their statements, collected in the “Quotes about Love” section, reflect pain and joy, hope and despair.

Love has many faces and everyone has their own. And that’s why quotes about love are not alike. But everyone will find among them those that will be in tune with his soul and heart.

Quotes about love - wisdom, concentrated in a phrase, expression or statement, about a feeling that can come to any person, about love. Moreover, this wisdom can come either from an outstanding, famous person, or from a completely ordinary person - only the depth of thought and its sincerity are important.

“And I’m afraid to love you,” he continued. You will torture me again.

Her love awakened powers in him that he himself did not suspect.

I can’t understand why I fall in love with a person and I have absolutely no idea what it means to be able to love.

It is common for young people to fall in love with love itself.

I have never deceived you and will not deceive you as long as I live, because love is also conscience, and it will not allow you to even think about betrayal.

When one person turns away, five others turn around. Then, by the way, the first one becomes interested in what those five found in you and he returns. But it’s no longer necessary.

Soul mates speak silently. Strangers, even when uttering words, remain silent.

You can treat a person endlessly well, but there are actions after which this attitude changes dramatically.

Maybe looking at the back of a person who is leaving forever is the worst thing you have to experience.

A happy marriage is not when, in the seventh year of family life, they climb into your window with a bouquet in their teeth, but when they respect you every second and do not trample on your spiritual territory.

Darling, what should I cook for dinner?
- Nothing.
- Dear, I just started to love you more now.

Everyone dreams of beautiful love, but few people understand that it begins not with the words “I, me, mine, I want,” but with the question, “What can I do for you?”

What could be better than a man in love? When he shows with all his appearance that he loves you and only you. When he hugs you from behind. When he kisses you at a red traffic light, it’s so unexpected and gives you goosebumps. When he kisses you while you sleep. When he writes SMS after 10 minutes of separation. When his eyes light up when he sees you. When his friends say hello to you and his parents invite you to visit. When he shares his experiences with you and asks for help. When there is only you in his future. When he sincerely wants to always be with you. It's priceless.

Well, smile, I want to kiss your smile.

If love lives in us, we are eternal.

Love overcomes everything.

Love conquers fear.

Love is the fire that ignites the soul.

To love means to live with your heart.

Love fights back against any fate.

He who does not love does not live.

In love, the winner is the one whom love has conquered.

You can't love what you don't know!

Love is all. And that's all we know about her.

The most valuable gift you can give someone is your time, because you give something that you can never get back.

It is not beauty that causes love, but love that makes us see beauty.

It doesn't matter what you feel in your heart... If you can't convey those feelings to another person, they are useless.

Only a fool admires so-called “success” with women, only a fool boasts about it. A real man is more likely to be confused when he feels that some woman is crazy about him, and he is unable to respond to her feeling.

Living with someone you love can be lonelier than living all alone if the one you love doesn't love you.

I kiss her and the whole universe falls into place. There's music in my head. Such beautiful music that I feel like I can hear the stars singing.

A woman returns when she sees that a man feels bad without her.
A man returns when he sees that a woman is awesome without him.

If you really care about a person, then no matter how much pain he causes you, you will forgive him.

Love is nothing more than the desire for happiness for another person.

The heart is not a stone - it melts.

That’s why I tolerate it because I love it more than anyone else.

A loving couple who is able to constantly forgive each other is destined to become the happiest couple in the world.

Love is a feeling. English scientists have proven that it is even a disease, and most importantly, no one argues with this. Love is probably the second most important theme of every person, even if he does not admit it, because it is an intimate secret of only two people and they determine the strength of feeling. Quotes about love occupy, if not first, then certainly second place in quote requests on the World Wide Web. Quotes about love will always be in demand, since love is an eternal feeling that does not subside even after the end of life. And we hope our quotes about love will help add another drop of eternity to your feeling. After all, eternity for love is so little.

Love... The feeling is magical and painful, beautiful and cruel. A topic that haunted many creators. Numerous quotes about love show us that modern heartaches are not so different from the torment and happiness of ancient lovers. The most successful and meaningful sayings travel all over the world, turning into aphorisms... Thanks to such catchphrases, we are convinced that geniuses and stars suffer from love experiences no less than mere mortals, in them we find words to express our happiness and inspiration for daily small feats.

Quotes about love - from songs, interviews, books, films... About the triumphant delight of reciprocity and the pain of loss, the injustice of unrequited feelings and at the same time its incredible beauty. This page contains truly golden words dedicated to the most mysterious and strongest of feelings.