Growing crayfish on a farm. Organization of a farm for breeding and growing crayfish at home. Recommendations and business plan

Anyone who has tried crayfish meat at least once knows how tasty and tender it is. Currently, the breeding of these representatives of the fauna in Russia is practically not developed. However, demand for the product is high. Some villagers manage to make good money from crayfish fishing in their natural environment habitat, but in this way they negatively affect the natural population of these animals. Such fishing is essentially poaching. Even before the revolution, Russia was successfully breeding crayfish in an artificial environment. The resulting meat was exported to many European countries. Current situation the situation is such that the main suppliers of this product to the world market - Turkey, China and Spain - countries where previously crayfish were not found at all.


How to breed crayfish in ponds? To begin with, if it is silted or swampy. The proximity of crayfish to crucian carp, carp and other non-predatory fish is allowed. However, keep in mind that such businesses will suffer when winter comes. This is explained by the fact that crayfish tend to hibernate if the air temperature drops below fifteen degrees Celsius. In a state of suspended animation, they stop consuming food and, accordingly, do not gain weight. If the pond completely freezes to the bottom, your pets will die.

However, many businessmen are wondering how to breed crayfish in ponds, because such reservoirs are the most sustainable aquatic systems, capable of self-purification and self-renewal. At the same time, there is an opportunity to save a lot on feed, filters and aerators. Crayfish will happily feed on plankton, algae and insect larvae. The disadvantage is that in the natural environment these animals do not grow fast enough. The commercial mass is gained approximately in the fifth year of life. Thus, the business will begin to generate income only after six years. The attractive thing is that there is virtually no initial investment required.


How To do this, you will need an aquarium with a capacity of at least two hundred and fifty liters (frameless). Pour soil into the bottom of the container, and also place stones and driftwood there (your pets will hide behind them).

How to breed crayfish at home so that they do not hibernate? To do this, it is important to ensure that the water temperature fluctuates insignificantly and does not fall below fifteen degrees Celsius. In addition, it is important to ensure high-quality filtration and aeration of the liquid. Under such conditions, it is allowed to increase the stocking density of animals to three hundred and fifty individuals per square meter.

The only drawback of the described business is its small volumes. Industrial scale is difficult to achieve due to the limited cultivation area. However, some entrepreneurs have figured out how to breed crayfish in an aquarium in order to get maximum profit. At home, they raise the larvae to “fingerlings,” and only then release them into a natural or artificial reservoir. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to organize successful business. But how to breed crayfish at home to minimize losses? Control over water quality should come first. In this case, not very many larvae will die, in addition, they will develop much faster.


How to breed crayfish at home if you don’t want to clutter up your living space with huge aquariums? Use your basement. For most people, it plays the role of a place to store unnecessary things, but for you it will become a way to get money. If necessary, you will need to insulate the basement to prevent the crayfish from hibernating at low water temperatures. To organize lighting, purchase a lamp with a power of two hundred watts and hang it in the center of the ceiling. Equip your basement with multi-tiered shelving to accommodate aquariums. After completing the preparatory work, it will be time to ask yourself how to breed crayfish.

Where to buy

Buying larvae is not easy. Most likely, you will have to raise the young animals yourself. You can even buy crayfish at the supermarket. For every male there should be two females. In autumn, mating time begins. At the end of spring, females can be easily visually distinguished from males by the presence of eggs under the tail. A kilogram of these animals can cost you from three hundred to five hundred rubles. And even such small expenses can be avoided by catching crayfish yourself in the pond.

What to feed

How to properly breed crayfish so that they actively gain weight? To do this, it is important to organize high-quality good nutrition. Crayfish prefer earthworms, insect larvae and small snails. In an artificial habitat, they will not refuse steamed and crushed grains, boiled potatoes and grated carrots. These products should make up the majority of the animals' diet. Meat and fish are valuable sources of protein. How to breed crayfish without making mistakes in the process of feeding them? Calculate the daily food intake of animals. It should be 2% of their weight.

Features of reproduction

Mating occurs in September and October. Males are able to fertilize up to two females in a row. If they come across a third one, they will simply eat it. This fact determines the optimal ratio of individuals of different sexes in the reservoir (two females for one male).

Initially, the eggs are located under the animal’s shell. Once laid, it is secured under the tail. In order for the embryos to develop properly, the female constantly washes the eggs, thereby effectively cleaning them. After two months, the larvae hatch. For another three weeks they rest under the female’s tail to avoid many dangers. After this time, completely independent crustaceans leave their cozy shelter forever. In their natural habitat, each female is capable of raising up to twelve larvae. She cannot have more than twenty descendants a year. As for home conditions, this number can actually be tripled.


Young crustaceans molt eight times in the first twelve months of their lives. They will have to go through this up to seven to nine more times over the next two years. Adults molt much less frequently - once or twice every 12 months. During this period, the old shell is simply discarded, as it becomes too small for the growing animal.

How to breed crayfish correctly? We need to give them Special attention during the molting period, when the animal becomes especially vulnerable to attack not only predatory fish and birds, but also their relatives.


Breeding sites

If you are serious and plan to turn crayfish farming into a highly profitable business, we recommend organizing a farm. Only in this case will it be possible to establish the production of a tasty product on an industrial scale. To do this you will need the following:

- Incubation aquariums. It is very important that they are equipped with powerful heaters, compressors and a filtration system.

- Pools where crayfish are bred and have become independent individuals. There they need to be raised to the fingerling stage.

- Indoor ponds. There should be at least two, but it’s better to try to organize even more. This way the business will develop faster. The minimum area of ​​the reservoir should be 25 square meters. m, and the depth is 2 m. Keep in mind that gas exchange occurs better in elongated ponds. It is recommended that they have running water. That is why it is so important to have a river flowing nearby. If this is not possible on your farm, drill several water wells.

Be sure to place shelters for crayfish at the bottom of reservoirs. They can be fragments of plastic or ceramic pipes, stones, driftwood, etc.

Important point

What kind of crayfish is best to breed? On the territory of Russia, the most common are the Far Eastern and European species. The latter are most often used on an industrial scale. They are divided into long-fingered and broad-fingered. The latter are the most valuable species. It is their abdomens that are called “crayfish necks” in cooking. However, keep in mind that this type is listed in the Red Book, so it is still better to breed long-toed crayfish. This way you will avoid problems with inspection authorities.

Lake and river crayfish are also distinguished. The first ones are most suitable for home business, because they do not hibernate and can reach impressive sizes. However, there is one drawback: lake crayfish are very capricious. To breed and successfully maintain them, you will need a warm room with an area of ​​at least twenty square meters. Crayfish are not so demanding, but they are smaller in size, and accordingly, they are not so expensive.

When purchasing animals, do not lose sight of the fact that crayfish of different species do not live in the same body of water.

A dacha is not only for garden beds

Arranging a pond on personal plot, keep in mind that it is very important for crayfish to have holes. That is why the pond should have clay banks and a rocky bottom. It is very important that it is located on your territory, then you will be able to control the breeding process and protect the animals from criminal attacks.

How to breed crayfish in the country? If the area is large enough, it is better to organize three or four reservoirs. Of course, you can do it yourself, but an excavator can handle such work much easier. Spare no expense and order the necessary equipment. After completing this stage of work, think about landscaping the reservoirs. It is better to cover the bottom with stones and sprinkle them with river sand. Plant grass (field or garden) along the edge of the pond.

Next, proceed to organizing drainage. To do this, you can use a regular pipe, which is closed on top with a valve. Put a net on the pipe so that the crayfish do not have the opportunity to leave the reservoir through a kind of tunnel.

The most exciting moment is filling the pit with water and launching the first crayfish. Now comes a period of constant concern for the habitat of animals. Remember to change the water every two to three weeks. It is better to renew the pond by about a third, so as not to greatly disturb the established microclimate.

Is it profitable to breed crayfish?

To obtain at least one ton of these animals over several years, you will need to purchase about six hundred individuals. The main costs occur during the start-up period. They amount to approximately 120 thousand rubles. for equipment of reservoirs and 50 thousand rubles. for the purchase of young animals. If you invest two hundred thousand rubles, you will earn your first million in about two years. Of course, these are just rough estimates. In fact, income depends on sales prices. In addition, keep in mind that what more crayfish, the more expensive they are.

How to sell?

The absence of problems with points of sale is one of the main advantages of this business. The fact is that currently competition in this area is low, and this is despite a constant shortage of crayfish. Numerous restaurants, cafes and bars may be interested in your product. As a rule, they prefer wholesale suppliers.

Did you know that salted crayfish caviar is almost as good as red caviar in taste and nutritional quality? This can also be emphasized in the process of searching for buyers. In addition, in various types of production, the chitinous shells of the animals considered, amazing in their properties, are widely used.


We examined in detail the question of how to breed crayfish. This business is profitable, but don't expect instant profits. Proper organization habitats and careful care looking for crayfish is the key to success.

Breeding crayfish on a private plot is a simple and profitable business. To raise arthropods at home, you need to acquire a reservoir and maintain minimal comfortable conditions for its inhabitants. Experts give recommendations on where to start and how best to build the process of growing crayfish. Video tips will help you understand in more detail.

Basics of crayfish breeding. Preparatory work

The entire process of growing crayfish can be established with minimal financial investment. But you will have to be patient. Crayfish grow over 2-3 years. Accordingly, starting from scratch, until this time you will not receive either delicious meat or profit. But you will need to constantly feed the animals and care for them.

The efficiency of the process is influenced by the quality of the crayfish used for reproduction:

  1. For breeding, it is better to use purchased purebred individuals. Crayfish caught in a regular reservoir grow more slowly.
  2. Adult arthropods should be purchased. You can raise young animals on your own.
  3. The optimal ratio of males and females for good offspring is 1:2.

For breeding it is better to use purebred crayfish

It is calculated: to get 1 ton of crayfish, you need to buy 400 females. For a beginner in water management, 40 pieces will be enough for the first time. They are sold in specialized fishing companies. This to a certain extent guarantees the authenticity of the type you have chosen.

Advice. You don't have to buy males if the females have eggs on legs.

How to properly equip a pond

Water is the natural habitat of crayfish. For home breeding, both natural and manually created reservoirs are used. Good housing for arthropods has the following qualities:

  • area - 30-60 sq. m;
  • depth - 1-3 m;
  • optimal heating is not lower than +18 °C, otherwise the crayfish will go into hibernation;
  • The water is completely renewed every 2-3 weeks.

Attention! You cannot renew more than 30% of the volume of a reservoir at a time. This will lead to disruption of the microclimate.

The advantage of natural reservoirs is the presence of a clay or sandy bottom with a silt cushion: it is in such conditions that crayfish dig their burrows and create a comfortable microclimate. The downside is that the growth rate of crayfish is slowed by 3 times.

Pond for growing crayfish

Aquariums are most often used as artificial places. This is quite expensive: you will most likely need several containers. Support correct temperature they are simpler, but more expensive. You can install filter units at the inlet to the aquarium and save yourself from the need to manually refresh the water.

Advice. People who decide to start breeding crayfish for sale choose aquariums. All costs for additional equipment are covered by rapid growth crayfish

The best types of crayfish to breed at home

Having equipped a place for growing, proceed to purchasing a living base for propagation. The following varieties are popular among crayfish lovers:

  • Australian. Has a good layer of meat. It is grown only in buried artificial reservoirs. Comfortable volume for 3-4 individuals - 100 l. Inside, you should equip many holes and shelters for feeding, resting, and molting. They eat dead fish, bread crumbs, algae, and special food.
  • Blue Cuban. Small looking. It is unpretentious, except that it needs a water temperature of about +26 °C. The water itself must be hard. It is also necessary to equip many shelters in the reservoir. The species develops to adult in just six months.

Blue Cuban crayfish

  • Marble. Large and meaty. Capricious about leaving. Requires water heating to +20…+28 °C, relative large quantity stern. The comfortable volume of the reservoir is 100 liters for 20 individuals. In reproduction, one individual acts as both a female and a male. Fry should be removed due to the risk of cannibalism.

Attention! Initial purchase crayfish for breeding - not the last. To get a full-fledged herd that can independently reproduce its numbers, periodic purchases will be needed over 5 years.

Crayfish Care

The main features of caring for a herd of crayfish will help you get full-fledged and healthy individuals:

  1. Separate and transplant each new young generation to another pond.
  2. In the spring, catch the females and transplant them into another container. This will help prevent cannibalism and maintain the size of the colony.
  3. The optimal temperature for females is +22 °C or slightly lower.

Crayfish are known scavengers. Their diet includes fish remains and algae. However, when home breeding animals should be supplemented. To do this, use vegetables, boiled meat, plankton, larvae, worms, the same algae and fish. You can buy special food at a pet store.

Attention! You can't overfeed crayfish. It's better not to feed.

The ratio of 1:2 males and females is relevant based on physiology. One crayfish can fertilize only two females. If after that he sees another one, he will probably decide to eat it. After fertilization, the layer of eggs is located under the shell of the female. By the end of next spring it moves to its hind legs. On average, about 20 young crayfish emerge from the eggs of one arthropod, although at home, experienced breeders reach 60.

Breeding crayfish for sale is a profitable business

An important sign of normal development of livestock is molting. Cancer sheds its shell, which has become too small for it, and acquires a new one. Young individuals do this about 8 times a year. In the next 365 days of life, this number is reduced to 5, then to 3-4. Normal indicator cancer growth - weight about 50-60 g and body length about 10-12 cm by the end of the second year of life.

Additional equipment for crayfish breeding

Greater efficiency can be achieved by improving the living conditions of animals. To do this, for example, you can equip a reservoir with an air compressor. The device will prevent water from stagnating in the pond. An oxidizer will do a good job. In autumn, the device is installed at the bottom of natural reservoirs and in winter saturates the water with oxygen.

For open ponds, stakes and lakes in cold weather, the installation of greenhouses is relevant. They retain heat by maintaining normal level temperatures for crayfish. Farmers also use various filters to keep the pond clean, and polypropylene frames to retain water in the pond.

Many of those who have tried crayfish meat at least once became real fans of its delicate taste. Crayfish meat is popular and not cheap, there is a demand for it all year round. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​breeding crayfish for business deserves close attention. In Russia, the cultivation of crayfish on an industrial scale is practically undeveloped, and the demand for their meat remains invariably high. Before the revolution in Russia, crayfish were grown in artificial conditions, crayfish meat was imported into many European countries at that time. Today, the main suppliers of crayfish to the world market are China, Spain and Turkey, where they are not found at all.

Almost any body of fresh water is suitable for this, except those that are swampy or silted. Fish ponds are also suitable, but populated with non-predatory crucian carps, carps, etc. Breeding crayfish in ponds as a business is made difficult by the harsh conditions of the Russian winter. When the ambient temperature becomes lower than optimal for the life of crayfish, they go into suspended animation (hibernation), stop eating and do not gain weight at all. If the pond freezes to the bottom, the crayfish will die.

IN natural conditions crayfish grow slowly, gaining marketable weight and length (40–50 g, 9–10 cm in length) by approximately the fifth year of life. That is, another disadvantage of this method of growing crayfish is that profits are made in the sixth year of the business’s existence. In natural ponds, the population density of crayfish is low: 8 animals per square meter. But there is practically no initial investment in such a business. Breeding and growing crayfish in a pond has a number of advantages; the pond is a sustainable aquatic system that itself is cleaned and renewed. And you can save significantly on aerators and filters, as well as on food, since crayfish feed on natural plankton, algae and the larvae of various insects.

Business of breeding crayfish in aquariums

Breeding crayfish at home is possible, but technically difficult. You will need a frameless aquarium with a volume of 250 liters or more. Soil is poured onto the bottom of the aquarium, and driftwood and stones are also placed to cover the crayfish. This method of cultivation allows them to prevent hibernation at a constant optimal temperature, as well as intensive aeration and filtration of water. Under such conditions, the stocking density of crayfish is increased to 350 animals per square meter and ensures rapid weight gain.

The only drawback of such breeding is the limited area; large industrial volumes cannot be achieved. But they proceed as follows: crayfish larvae are raised in an aquarium until they become so-called fingerlings, and then they are released into the RAS pool or simply into the pond. The quality of water in the aquarium should be strictly controlled so that the larvae do not die, and also so that they develop faster.

Growing crayfish in the basement

Basements are used to store unnecessary things, but it is wiser to try to get additional income from the use of this space, which is not used for housing. Growing crayfish in the basement will not require additional insulation: for these animals it is enough when the temperature does not drop below +7 degrees, and in the summer they stay within 17–20 degrees. To illuminate the basement, you only need one 200 W bulb in the middle of the ceiling. In the basement, install multi-tiered shelving to house aquariums.

Breeding crayfish at home

For those who are not strapped for money and are planning to make crayfish as a business generate significant income, we advise you to organize a farm for breeding on an industrial scale.

Where to buy crayfish

It is not often possible to purchase crayfish larvae, so you will have to purchase adult animals and raise the young ones yourself. You can buy crayfish at any place where they are sold. For every two females there is one male. The mating season for crayfish begins in the fall, and at the end of spring, females differ from males by the presence of eggs under the tail. Depending on the size of the animals, a kilogram of live crayfish costs from 300 to 500 rubles, but you can avoid these costs by catching animals yourself in the nearest pond.

What do they eat

Crayfish are herbivorous animals, but in natural conditions they do not disdain a variety of organic remains and carrion. Insect larvae and small ones also serve as food. When artificially bred, the diet of crayfish is made up of steamed crushed grain, boiled potatoes and grated carrots, and the source of protein is fish and meat. The daily food intake is 2% of weight.

How do they reproduce?

Crayfish mate between September and October. Males fertilize two females in a row, and when they come across a third, they eat her. This determines the recommended ratio of females and males in the reservoir. First, the eggs are placed under the female's shell, and later she lays them, and the eggs are attached under the tail to the shell and abdominal legs. For proper development The embryos are constantly cleaned and washed with water. The larvae hatch from the eggs after two months. For another three weeks the female hides them under her tail from everyone possible dangers, until they turn into independent crustaceans. IN natural conditions habitat, each female on average raises 12 young crustaceans. At home, the number of offspring from one female is increased to 60 crustaceans per year.


In the first year of life, young crayfish molt eight times, in the second year the number decreases to four to five, and in the third to three to four times. Adult crayfish molt 1–2 times a year. During this period, the cancer sheds its old shell, which becomes tight, and at the same time the animal grows. The molting period in the life of a crayfish is important; at this time it becomes vulnerable and represents easy prey for both birds of prey and fish.

Important points about growing crayfish

  • Temperature. 17–20 degrees are considered optimal for adult crayfish. For rapid development of larvae, approximately 23 degrees is required. When it is lower, crayfish eat poorly and grow worse, and in winter they go into suspended animation (hibernation);
  • Aeration. Young crayfish are sensitive to the quality of water and the oxygen content in it. When growing in a country pond, gas exchange occurs in a natural way, since the surface area of ​​the pond in relation to the depth is large. Pools and aquariums require forced aeration;

For the full functioning of a crayfish farm, it is necessary to properly equip and select a place for them. Options for arranging successful crayfish breeding on a farm:

  • Aquariums. Aquariums are used that are equipped with a filtration system, heaters for incubating eggs and compressors. When water quality is constantly monitored, the loss of larvae is minimal and they develop quickly;
  • Swimming pools. From the incubation aquarium, young crayfish that have become independent are transplanted into one pool, and adolescents into another (or several). As they mature, young crayfish are sorted into different tanks, where they grow to the fingerling stage, and then they are released into special indoor ponds;
  • Ponds. Two or more of these are made for breeding crayfish. Area 25 sq. m, and a depth of 2 m. For gas exchange, it is recommended to arrange elongated ponds. When it is possible to dig a number of ponds on a farm, it is recommended that two or three of them be covered. Plus, when the water in the ponds is running, it’s good to have a river nearby. If there isn’t one, drill water wells. Shelters are needed at the bottom of ponds: stones, fragments of ceramic or plastic pipes, driftwood, etc. In indoor ponds, intensive cultivation of fingerling crayfish is carried out. Use one of them as a “mother cell” - permanent residence of the brood stock. Crayfish are grown in open ponds naturally. Division is necessary to expand the range so that crayfish of different weights and sizes are obtained; they will also differ in price.


With a constant shortage of crayfish, persistent demand and low competition, one of the main advantages of this business is the absence of problems with the place of sale. The sale of crayfish is negotiated with bars, cafes and restaurants; in many cases, we immediately talk about wholesale supplies. They offer live crayfish to relatives, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, etc. Few people know that salted crayfish caviar is almost as good in nutrition and taste as red caviar. And the chitinous shell of animals is a valuable raw material for various types production.

Business plan for crayfish farming

A business plan for a crayfish farm looks something like this:

When the farm has a pond of 25 square meters. m of natural origin, it is optimal to place 200 young-of-the-year crayfish with a total weight of 30 kg. Feed consumption for this number of animals is 600 g. per day. After a year and a half, each crayfish weighs twice as much, during which time the cost of food will reach four thousand rubles. Please note that crayfish reach marketable weight in 2–3 years (in an equipped farm) or 4–5 years (in natural conditions). On the market, a kilogram of crayfish costs 450–500 rubles; in a year and a half it will cost 26 thousand net profit. This figure may seem small, but taking into account the fact that the proposed business does not require start-up capital investments, the profit is tangible. With work at crayfish farm Children or old people can handle it. Tangible profits from the crayfish breeding business appear in the sixth to eighth year of existence, and increase in subsequent years. Long-term income generation is a disadvantage of this business.


Register as an individual entrepreneur. Many farmers recommend completing the paperwork immediately after receiving the first catches and accessing the opportunity to sell and make a profit. This will allow you to get rid of such problems: for so much long terms legislation changes, you will not have to deal with reporting during the initial breeding of the population.

There will be no differences in registering and registering a business from any other farm. The only thing that is required to sell the product is the presence of documents on the sanitary inspection of the farm, as well as a veterinary certificate, which confirms the safety of crayfish for consumption. In practice, obtaining such documentation does not require large expenditures both in terms of finances and time, taking into account the fact that in this activity a month of waiting is not critical for further development business. All that is required is to allow employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station to enter the farm territory, ensure water intake and examination, and also provide the animals for veterinary control for inspection.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 9 minutes


The benefits of crayfish for the human body do not require proof; the demand for this delicacy is invariably high. Ecological deterioration, as well as the use of barbaric fishing methods, have contributed to the decline in the population of this invertebrate species. That is why today the crayfish breeding business is a promising and profitable activity. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of this business idea.

How to open a crayfish breeding business officially in the city - minimum documentary

To open an official crayfish breeding business in the city, you will first need to obtain a certificate confirming the status individual entrepreneur. Next you need to register with the tax structure. An entrepreneur engaged in breeding crayfish is classified as an agricultural producer, which means possible form taxation may be UST (Unified Agricultural Tax).

To open a crayfish breeding farm, you need to find land plot, where a pond or several reservoirs will be built.

According to the law, certain conditions will be required:

  • The future businessman must be the owner of the site (the tenant will have big problems with paperwork when obtaining permits). He has the right to build a pond or other objects on his land, and no one will interfere with his decision.
  • The reservoir can be used for the owner’s own purposes , if during its construction urban planning, environmental and sanitary standards are not violated.
  • Pond should not be connected to natural bodies of water.

Crayfish are bred for subsequent sale, therefore, a number of additional documents will need to be completed in order to sell invertebrates:

  1. Certificate for products in accordance with GOST R 50380 of 2005.
  2. Certificate issued by the veterinary service (form No. 2).
  3. Declaration , reflecting the product’s compliance with all standards.
  4. For auto The vehicle on which the crayfish will be transported requires a sanitary passport.

The above documents will be required by both individuals and legal entities.

What else do you need to know about crayfish farming?

Naturally, documentation is an important component of business. However, the conditions for growing crayfish are no less important.

To make them acceptable, you need to study a lot of information and understand the following details:

  • Where to keep crayfish

Crayfish can live and breed in natural conditions - in the nearest rented pond. If we're talking about about more profitable business, then it is better to equip an artificial reservoir or reservoirs (aquariums) on your personal property and use an intensive method of breeding crayfish.

  • What equipment will you need?

For crayfish, water quality is a very important factor; having a pond alone is not enough. A set of special equipment is what you should take care of.

What does it consist of:

  1. Made from thermal insulation structure , maintaining water at the specified temperature parameters. In fact, a polycarbonate greenhouse can perform this function.
  2. From a pond frame . It is usually made from polypropylene sheets. This material is durable, waterproof, and quickly joined using polyfusion welding. The main advantage is that it is neutral towards water.
  3. Aerator or air compressor . This technique will not allow the water to stagnate. IN otherwise crayfish will not survive.
  4. Oxidizer . Its function is to oxygenate water. This is especially important in winter for open ponds. Ice prevents the flow of oxygen.
  5. Flow type filter – the filtration system removes toxic substances in the form of food residues and waste products of the pond inhabitants. She supports vital activity crayfish, allows production volumes not to decrease.
  6. If the quality of water during breeding plays a decisive role, then you cannot do without measuring instruments , which determine its parameters: oximeter (measures oxygen concentration), selenium meter (determines water hardness), conductivity meter (assesses the efficiency of filters).
  • What to feed crayfish

Crayfish are omnivores. They feed on earthworms, insect larvae, and small snails. In an artificial reservoir, grain (steamed and crushed) will suit them. boiled potatoes, grated carrots, fish, meat.

The best option for feeding crayfish is to reproduce their natural habitat, excluding negative facts such as the presence of predators . If the reservoir is filled with food supply (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and so on), then you don’t have to purchase expensive food. The introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers significantly improves the feed supply. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to excessively increase the growth of vegetation in the water.

There is a way to save on the purchase of fertilizers if you sow the bottom of the reservoir with legumes, oats, vetch, and so on. To do this, the pond is drained, and after sowing it is filled with water again. The method is environmentally friendly and cheap.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding at home and on an industrial scale?

To breed crayfish, you don’t have to buy them. You can catch crayfish yourself in the nearest body of water. Of course, you will need some experience and special equipment.

If there is no suitable lake/river nearby or you do not have skills in such a matter, then you can buy crayfish from those who catch them professionally or in a regular supermarket (at the market). The main thing is that the individuals are young, then you can count on a solid increase and a good income .

Please note that there are no farms specializing in crayfish breeding in Russia. Therefore, regardless of the scale of the enterprise, it is necessary to independently select crayfish for breeding. Viable and healthy individuals are needed.

Features of crayfish breeding technology - selection and preparation of reservoirs

The choice of reservoir largely depends on the size of the business. If this is a production scale, then it is more profitable to immediately invest funds (and considerable ones) in a farm for breeding crayfish.

It should consist of:

  1. Hatching aquariums heated.
  2. Pools for growing individuals - for young of the year. This is the name given to crayfish whose age does not exceed one year.
  3. Outdoor and indoor swimming pools to make production year-round.

However, you can start a cancer business with less expensive options:

  • Living conditions in a natural pond

A natural reservoir has its advantages: you don’t need to dig a hole, fill it with water, improve the bottom, or purchase large quantities feed. Nature has thought of everything. The only condition is the presence of a natural flow of water to eliminate the lack of oxygen. Complementary feeding is also needed, otherwise the crayfish will begin to eat young individuals. Periodic cleaning of the bottom will be required so that the depth of the reservoir is two meters. In this case, the crayfish will have favorable conditions for reproduction. However, even if all conditions are met, you should not count on business profitability in the first few years.

  • Conditions for keeping at home (artificial pond)

What size should the pond be? Depth within 1.5-2 meters, area from 30 to 60 “squares”. Clay is suitable as a soil. The bottom is lined with stones so that there are gaps between them. These are future burrows for crayfish. A drainage system equipped with a wooden mesh is required. The net will become an obstacle, and the crayfish will not leave their home.

Plants are planted around the pond. Caring for crayfish is simple.

They will reproduce well if the following conditions are met:

  1. Change the water every 14-20 days, but not completely, only 30%.
  2. Periodically remove mud and clean the bottom. This will ensure there is enough oxygen in the water.
  3. Water temperature is important. Usually 21ºС. For babies to grow quickly – 24ºС.
  4. Monitor the water hardness indicator. The pH level should be from 7 to 8.5.
  5. Feed regularly in the evening or morning. Magnitude daily norm for cancer – 2% of its weight.
  6. If the crayfish have produced offspring, then the adult individuals should be transplanted into another body of water (if available). Crayfish can eat babies. Young animals that have a hard shell can be combined with old crayfish.
  7. For profitable business It is better to organize 3-4 reservoirs.

During the season, the female lays 100 eggs, about half of which survive. The annual offspring from one female is 25-50 crayfish. After what period will the population begin to reproduce itself? In 5 years, not earlier. Cancer maturation time is at least two years. During this period, it grows up to 12 cm and gains weight up to 200 grams.

Types of crayfish and their purchase - which species are easier and more profitable to breed?

There are two types of crayfish: long-fingered and broad-fingered. The second species is valued for its fleshy bellies, which are popular in cooking as “crawfish necks.” However, the population of broad-clawed crayfish has declined sharply. They ended up on the pages of the Red Book. To avoid problems with inspection organizations, it is better not to breed this species.

Crayfish are also divided into inhabitants of lakes and rivers:

  • Lake crustaceans reach impressive sizes, they do not have a hibernation period - they are good for everyone for business at home. You need to know about the demanding maintenance requirements of this species. They must have a warm room - 20 m².
  • Crayfish characterized by smaller size and lower cost, although they are not as finicky. So decide which individuals are more profitable to buy for breeding?

Another nuance is how many crayfish are needed. What should be their number per square meter of reservoir? For artificial reservoirs, experts recommend the following density: six crayfish per square meter, one male for two females.

Profitability of a business for breeding and selling crayfish: costs, start-up capital, maintenance, etc.

How much should you invest in the business if a crayfish farm is built on a plot of 1100 m² and will have 20 reservoirs at once:

  • The construction of ponds will require about 290,000 rubles.
  • Equipment costs will amount to 2,800,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a plot of land is at least 70,000 rubles.
  • Feed costs are 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses up to 200,100 rubles.

Total investment amount – 3,510,100 rubles.

Note to entrepreneurs. In the crayfish farming industry there is no strict interconnection of infrastructure. Therefore, the figure should not be taken as mandatory. It is permissible to make only two indoor swimming pools, and after receiving the profit, invest it in further development.

What will be the earnings - revenue for the year:

  • On average, a kilogram of crayfish costs 510 rubles.
  • Over the course of a year, 12,500 crayfish will grow, weighing a total of 2,500 kg.

The annual revenue will be – 1,275,000 rubles.

Amount of expenses throughout the year:

  • For electricity – 9,500 rubles.
  • For feed - 12,500 rubles.
  • Other expenses (transport, veterinarian, etc.) – 100,000 rubles.

Total expenses – 122,000 rubles.

Net profit will be: 1,275,000 - 122,000 = 1,153,000 rubles. The payback period for the project is 3-4 years.

How and where to sell crayfish profitably: potential customers and important sales nuances

The main advantage of this business is the lack of competition with constant demand for products. This means that it will not be difficult to establish sales. Buyers of crayfish can be supermarkets and small shops, restaurants and cafes. They tend to prefer wholesale suppliers. Therefore, it is important to find stores and outlets in advance Catering who are ready to buy crayfish constantly . Next, all that remains is to catch the crayfish, issue a veterinary certificate and deliver the products to the customer.

The idea of ​​crayfish farming is not new. Similar farms were organized back in Rostov region even before the start of perestroika in the Soviet Union. However, today this business has not become a fully occupied niche in Russia. Let’s look at the specifics of crayfish farming to understand what the prospects for crayfish farming are and whether such a commercial enterprise can generate significant and stable income.

Breeding crayfish in ponds

Growing crayfish in an artificial pond is considered the cheapest and in a simple way in such activities.

If you have your own land, then building a pond will not be a big effort. In this case, the costs will be minimal.

The recommended area of ​​the reservoir is 25-60 m2, depth - 1-3 m. It is advisable to fill the bottom with sand and line it with stones so that arthropods can dig holes for themselves. Afterwards, you should stock up on food, and also build several concrete pools. They are useful for fattening and keeping young livestock.

Be sure to provide a reliable water drain and an additional source of water. Purchase cleaning and aeration systems. Study specialized literature, it will never be superfluous. In principle, after this you can release larvae or breeding stock into the pond.

An artificial pond requires replacement every 2-3 weeks. IN winter period It is advisable to catch the livestock and transplant it into an indoor reservoir so that the crayfish do not suffocate under the thickness of the ice.

You cannot build a pond in a sunny place!

If there is a natural reservoir near your place, then you can release the larvae there. However, it must meet the following requirements:

  • shaded sandy shores;
  • the presence of a rocky bottom;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a bottom suitable for the construction of holes;
  • absence of pathogenic flora.

A problem that can actually be encountered in in this case, - poachers. However, they also have control. You can hire watchmen, put up streamers with bells, and stretch a net over the surface.

This method of cultivation extremely saves the budget for organizing a habitat for crayfish and their nutrition, but the farmer does not have the ability to control the temperature.

This means that the weight of individuals raised in a natural reservoir will be approximately 30% lower than those individuals raised in a home pond.

In aquarium

Crayfish can be grown in an aquarium even in urban conditions, although on a somewhat smaller scale than in a pond. The premises can be rented in a quiet residential area. This method of breeding crayfish has many advantages:

  • convenient control of pets;
  • strict adherence to temperature conditions;
  • less feed consumption;
  • simplified crayfish catching;
  • possibility of installing a filtration system;
  • shortened wintering.

In such “greenhouse” conditions, young offspring develop quickly and efficiently, and the entrepreneur, in turn, makes a profit faster. However, you should not forget about the need to pay bills for electricity and heating the premises.

It is important to know the secrets of choosing the right aquarium:

  • volume from 250 l;
  • wide bottom;
  • plastic walls low to 1 m (to avoid metal contact with water).

Soil should be poured onto the bottom, pebbles and driftwood should be placed, and algae should be planted. The planting density of crayfish can reach 350 individuals per 1 m2.

Creating a farm

Entrepreneurs involved in crayfish breeding are advised to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of keeping arthropods in practice before investing significant sums in it. Despite the fact that the World Wide Web provides access to almost any information, you should not neglect the advice of professionals.

Farm for industrial breeding of crayfish

Experienced crayfish farmers will not reveal all the secrets, but by visiting their farm, you will have an idea of ​​what exactly a successful farm should look like.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding

It is difficult to find larvae, so you will have to buy adults. There is no need to purchase a lot of breeding stock at once. For a small farm, 40 males and 80 females will be enough. The latter are easily identified by the presence of eggs under the tail at the end of spring.

Sources for acquiring crayfish can be very different:

  • independent fishing in the river;
  • supermarket;
  • specialized farm.

Naturally, it is preferable to buy arthropods from specialists. They can advise which species will be preferable for your region, living conditions and breeding goals (by the way, crayfish have excellent caviar that can be salted). They will also tell you what care should be taken in the first months.

The following industrial types of crayfish are popular:

  • Blue Cuban (withstands temperatures only up to 26 C o, grows quickly, omnivorous).
  • Australian crayfish (suitable for aquariums, capricious in care and nutrition, is the most fleshy type of crayfish).
  • Marble (requires stable water temperature and large areas– 20 adult individuals per 100 cubic meters of water, reproduces by parthenogenesis (that is, there is a female and a male in one individual).


Being herbivorous animals, crayfish do not disdain various organic remains and even carrion in natural conditions.

Crayfish feed mainly on:

  • earthworms;
  • greens;
  • mixed feed;
  • insect larvae;
  • small snails and bottom fish.
When artificial breeding The diet of crayfish includes:
  • steamed crushed grain;
  • meat;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • fish;
  • grated carrots.

The daily food intake is 2% of the individual’s weight.

You can purchase food for crayfish from companies associated with the fishing business, feed mills, greenhouse farms, and specialized markets.


Mating of arthropods occurs in the fall - from September to October.

Male crayfish are able to fertilize two females in a row, and they simply eat the third.

That is why the ratio of individuals different genders in one pond/aquarium should be 1:2.

The eggs are initially placed under the shell of the female crayfish, and after being laid, they are attached by the abdominal legs under the tail. Females often wash the eggs with water, thereby cleaning them and allowing the embryos to develop properly. After 2 months, the larvae hatch.

Rachiha protects them for another 21 days, sheltering them from dangers under their tail. It is worth noting that in the natural environment, females raise 12 crustaceans, but no more than 20 offspring annually. In the case of crayfish breeding at home, this figure reaches 60 crayfish annually.

Want to know what other animals you can raise for sale? is a quickly paying off project with relatively low investments.

Read about how to open an online store from scratch.

You can open a business in any field - services, agriculture, sales. Here is a selection of ideas for small businesses with minimal investment. Read on to learn how to bring your ideas to life.

Features of growing at home

It is important to consider the following features:

Crayfish come in different varieties, and so do their commercial prices. Before starting a business, it makes sense to understand in detail the species of these freshwater arthropods.


To breed crayfish you will need the following equipment:

  1. Aquariums. It is desirable that they be equipped with heaters for incubating eggs, a filtration system, and compressors. Controlling water quality will allow the larvae to develop quickly and correctly.
  2. Swimming pools. Should be separate for teenagers and independent young adults. As crayfish grow older, they are necessarily sorted. This allows them to develop properly and also vary in weight/size, age and cost accordingly.
  3. Ponds. The more there are, the better. It is worth considering that the minimum pond size is 25 m2. It is advisable to give it oval shape, which promotes proper gas exchange. There should be shelters at the bottom (pieces of plastic pipes, driftwood, stones). It is worth equipping at least a couple of indoor ponds (in them, young-of-the-year crayfish are raised and the broodstock are accommodated).


To be able to legally sell goods, a business must be registered (OKVED codes 01.21; 52.23). This gives buyers confidence that the product is of high quality and safe.

Sorting crayfish before sale

There is always a demand for such products. Preference in the sale of crayfish should be given to wholesale trading enterprises. It is important to establish sales to establishments such as beer pubs, fish restaurants, saunas, baths.

Financial calculations

Regardless of what you choose as a home for crayfish (a pond or an aquarium), the starting capital will be about 200 thousand rubles. With this money you will need to purchase:

  • individuals (200 will be enough);
  • aquarium (dig a hole for a pond and equip it);
  • food and medicines.

You will also need to hire staff (1-2 people). Annual costs for feeding crayfish and replacing water will amount to no more than 100 thousand rubles.

Crayfish pond

It makes no sense to rent a pond. It is usually rented for 1 year. At the same time, the rental rate increases annually. Crayfish grow for about 4 years, so it makes sense to make your own pond.

Today in Russia, prices for crayfish fluctuate between 400-450 rubles. / kg and for adults; 200-250 rub. / kg and young individuals. You can sell goods individually. At the right approach from a pond of 50 m2, where 50 females are released, you can get in a year:

  • 3.5 tons of young animals (up to 13 thousand individuals);
  • up to 80 kg of breeding stock.

Crayfish farming is not a difficult task. Even a pensioner can cope with it. The only negative is the long duration of the project. Such a business does not pay off quickly, after about 2 years. After that, the business will begin to bring a stable profit - up to 450 thousand rubles. / year. Tangible income appears in years 6-8 with a tendency to constantly increase.

Business plan

Crayfish farming, like any other business, requires a responsible approach.

A carefully thought-out business plan will allow you to understand the project budget and correctly distribute funds at each stage.

Also, this document acts as a kind of reference summary, which reflects all important steps and nuances that can later simply be forgotten.

In a business plan, it is important to focus on:

  • project start time (preferably in early April);
  • competition (monopoly coverage of the market/region or the presence of similar farms);
  • purpose of the product (sale on the market, wholesale, processing, sale to breeding stock);
  • sales markets (better wholesale customersretail chains, restaurants, individual entrepreneurs);
  • method of breeding crayfish (natural water environment, aquarium, artificial pond);
  • cost of breeding stock (200-1000 rubles / kg);
  • type of farm (for cold regions it is necessary aquarium breeding crayfish, but it is more economically profitable to grow them in a pond).

In general, growing crayfish as a business is a moderately labor-intensive and time-consuming process, but it is also profitable. The farmer will receive a hundredfold for his efforts. In addition, crayfish rarely get sick, and it’s even more fun to watch your pets!

Purchase ready-made business- a solution for those who do not want to deal with the preparatory stages, but immediately have a ready-made, established production and customer base. Buying is a great decision, as you can find a lot of offers.

Read about how to make a million without having anything in the section.

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