Cleansing by running. How to cleanse your lungs after years of smoking Proper breathing and exercise

Dr. Matsko is a retired physician from Pennsylvania. He graduated from Temple University School of Medicine in 2007.

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Clearing your lungs before running will help you exercise more effectively and feel more comfortable during your exercise. The lungs provide your body with oxygen. If your lungs are weakened and mucus has accumulated in them, this will reduce the oxygen supply to your muscles. You can clear your lungs with breathing exercises, vitamins and nutritional supplements, or medications.


Breathing exercises

    Practice controlled breathing. As the name suggests, this method involves breathing deeper to help clear mucus from the lungs. Proceed as follows:

    • Take 2-3 deep breaths. Try to inhale as much air as possible and then exhale it completely. This will force air into the areas of your lungs where mucus has accumulated, allowing you to cough it up.
    • Take 4-5 regular breaths, and then another 2-3 deep breaths. Repeat this step again, alternating between regular and deep breaths.
    • After the next deep breaths, try to exhale the air sharply and thereby clear your lungs.
    • Take 2-3 normal inhalations and exhalations, and then try to exhale the remaining phlegm.
    • Repeat this procedure until you feel that your lungs have cleared.
  1. Try a controlled cough method. Coughing is your body's natural way of getting rid of secretions in your lungs. This method can also be practiced while running. Proceed as follows:

    • Sit on a chair or bench. Lean forward and place your hands on your stomach. Leaning forward helps maximize lung expansion.
    • Take a deep breath and hold your breath for three seconds. As you inhale, you should feel with your hands how your stomach rises.
    • Open your mouth slightly and cough sharply and briefly. At the same time, apply pressure to the diaphragm - press your hands on your stomach from bottom to top.
    • Inhale slowly and smoothly through your nose. Inhaling this way will prevent the secretions from going back into the lungs.
    • Spit out the mucus.
  2. Have someone tap you vigorously on the back. This will help you get rid of mucus in your lungs. Have someone do the following:

    • Fold your palms into a boat and in this position tap them on your back. You should start from the middle of your back and gradually move up.
    • This will help lift the mucus up and help you get rid of it.

    Food and drinks

    1. Cleanse your lungs before your run with peppermint. To get rid of excess mucus, rub peppermint oil or juice on your chest. Peppermint has an expectorant effect due to the fact that it contains menthol. In addition, it contains a ketone, which helps dissolve mucus.

      • You can also drink an infusion of peppermint or breathe in the vapors of the oil of this plant.
    2. Drink enough water before and after your run. Your body needs fluids to help dilute mucus and secretions. Water will make the secretions in your lungs thinner, making it easier to cough up.

      • Try to drink small amounts of water throughout the day. Each person needs a certain daily fluid intake. On average, the daily water requirement for an adult is 3 liters for men and 2.2 liters for women.
      • If you have a dry cough without phlegm, try drinking very cold water. Cold water helps calm a cough. Often, a dry cough does not help clear the lungs so much as it irritates the throat.
    3. Increase your vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is known to prevent cough-related spasms and promote normal lung function. Lime contains a large amount of vitamin C. Add lime juice to the water.

      • A lot of vitamin C is also found in foods such as peppers, guava, dark leafy vegetables, kiwi, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas, papaya.
    4. Take vitamin A. One of the functions of vitamin A is to help repair the lining of internal organs, which helps strengthen the lungs. Carrot juice contains large amounts of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

      • A lot of vitamin A is found in sweet potatoes, dark leafy vegetables, pumpkin, lettuce, dried apricots, cantaloupe, red peppers, tuna meat, oysters, mangoes.


    1. Take an expectorant to clear your lungs. These medications will help you get rid of secretions in your lungs, chest, and throat.

During the adaptation period with


And without running, after quitting smoking, the body gets rid of excess phlegm secretions associated with the elimination of accumulated substances associated with smoking in two weeks. Running can serve as a good motivation to quit smoking. With each new run, you will clearly see how less and less you choke on your phlegm and snot while running. Regular mild coughing with sputum goes away within two weeks. Processes in the body associated with smoking and alcohol are, for the time being, reversible.

Our body is designed in such a way that our lungs cleanse themselves within about six months. Running can help in this case, but only if you run in an environmentally friendly place. But in a large city, completely saturated with carbon monoxide from the exhaust of cars, factories and everything else, it is better not to run at all, since in doing so you only get a huge portion of toxic substances and nothing more.

Food also has no effect on this process, so just live calmly, and in a month you will get rid of all the problems associated with smoking - cough, etc. (I know from myself!).

Each person has the right to choose for himself whether to smoke or not, and it’s good if you saved yourself from temptation and thus saved your health. And most people know that smoking is harmful to health, but they smoke anyway. If the lungs had the right to vote, they would never choose a cigarette.

Tobacco smoke contains a large number of harmful substances. It accumulates in the human body, and this in turn increases the negative impact on many organs and systems. The lungs suffer the most after smoking, which means that they need to be cleansed, this will make it possible to remove toxins from the body. People who smoke need to know how to quickly cleanse their lungs effectively after smoking.

Whatever one may say, the body of a person who smokes is affected by the intake of nicotine and other substances that make up tobacco smoke. When you quit smoking, be prepared for changes that will initially negatively affect your general condition. This is temporary, and you need to understand that this is an intermediate stage, do not return to cigarettes again, have patience.

During the adaptation period with immunity decreases, psycho-emotional state is unstable, weight increases. These changes can be overcome by quitting smoking. Cleansing the lungs is carried out in various ways, even combining them. On average, it takes up to a year for the body to recover, and toxins from the lungs are eliminated from the body.

Smoking is the cause of many fatal diseases.

The cigarette is not at all harmless; it contains tobacco leaves and paper. When it burns, more than 4 thousand hazardous substances are released. Thanks to these substances, great harm is caused to the human body.

Along with cigarette smoke you inhale: with moles, arsenic, benzene, polonium, formaldehyde and other substances.

Unpredictable diseases may develop after prolonged smoking , harm to the skin, figure, and oral cavity.

If, after reading above, you are ready to quit smoking and quickly restore your lungs to health, or you simply need to cleanse your lungs, in this case, pay attention to the recipe below, and, of course, you will get results from it!

2 days before getting your lungs in order, you need to give up dairy products. They also contain toxins that settle in the body.

The night before your first day, drink herbal tea.

Ginger root (small piece);

Garlic 400 g (peeled and cut into slices);

Sugar 400 g (you can use regular sugar, or preferably brown).

Bring water to a boil, add garlic, ginger, turmeric, sugar. Please note, sugar comes last!

Cook over low heat, and when half of the liquid has boiled away, remove the pan, wait until it cools down, pour into a jar and put it in the refrigerator.

You immediately need to set yourself up for the result and do everything clearly, in such cases you need discipline and consistency: take 2 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. mixture every morning and your breathing will return to normal.

It’s even better if you take this mixture twice a day: in the morning and in the evening before dinner. Many experiments have been conducted and it has been proven that the mixture helps!

These very easy actions will return you to a completely different world of easy breathing. Your brain works better when it gets more oxygen. After such cleansing lungs It will be easier to think and light in your soul.

For all its simplicity, running is a great workout.

Regular exercise has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. They stimulate metabolic processes.

Finally, thanks to them, the respiratory system gets used to functioning in an efficient, economical mode.

How does running affect the lungs and other organs?

We run not only with our legs, but also with our lungs, which are required to intensively supply the body with oxygen.

A person of average age and weight at rest needs approximately 150-200 milliliters of oxygen per minute. The predominant part of it enters through the lungs.

While jogging at a speed of 5-6 kilometers per hour, the body already requires 1-1.5 liters of vital gas every minute. At the same time, about 40 liters of air are pumped through the trachea and bronchi. Such a significant increase in “productivity” is precisely what ensures the training effect. Systematic loads increase the functional potential of the entire respiratory system.

Deep, but rare breathing while running increases not only the vital capacity, but also the ventilation capacity of the lungs (which, in turn, ensures their normal cleansing).

Let us note one more important point. The runner's body receives significant doses of useful ions (charged particles) from the air. This occurs as a result of active gas exchange through the mucous membrane of the mouth, nasopharynx, trachea, alveoli and through the skin.

Free ions help a person feel energetic. Their beneficial effects have long been noted by scientists - just remember the Chizhevsky chandelier, which increases the concentration of ions in the air, creating a similar effect.

Additional training of the respiratory system

If desired, the athlete can replace sprints with hypoxic ones - i.e. with holding your breath - training.

Artificially created oxygen hunger will force the muscles of the body to work with full efficiency, increasing the number of open capillaries that are necessary to supply O2.

As a result of such exercises, the athlete’s heart rate decreases - over 8 weeks it drops by 4% at a standard distance.

It is recommended to start hypoxic training with approximately the following rhythm: inhale for 6 steps, hold your breath for the next six steps, exhale for the next six steps.

But - attention! — It’s better not to do such things for a beginner.

For enhanced training of the respiratory system, in the middle of the workout it is permissible to read a couple of verses of a song or quatrains of a poem - whatever you like best. It should be recited clearly, as in a recitation competition.

For all its simplicity, running is a great workout.

Regular exercise has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. They stimulate metabolic processes.

Finally, thanks to them, the respiratory system gets used to functioning in an efficient, economical mode.

How does running affect the lungs and other organs?

We run not only with our legs, but also with our lungs, which are required to intensively supply the body with oxygen.

A person of average age and weight at rest needs approximately 150-200 milliliters of oxygen per minute. The predominant part of it enters through the lungs.

While jogging at a speed of 5-6 kilometers per hour, the body already requires 1-1.5 liters of vital gas every minute. At the same time, about 40 liters of air are pumped through the trachea and bronchi. Such a significant increase in “productivity” is precisely what ensures the training effect. Systematic loads increase the functional potential of the entire respiratory system.

Deep, but rare breathing while running increases not only the vital capacity, but also the ventilation capacity of the lungs (which, in turn, ensures their normal cleansing).

Let us note one more important point. The runner's body receives significant doses of useful ions (charged particles) from the air. This occurs as a result of active gas exchange through the mucous membrane of the mouth, nasopharynx, trachea, alveoli and through the skin.

Free ions help a person feel energetic. Their beneficial effects have long been noted by scientists - just remember the Chizhevsky chandelier, which increases the concentration of ions in the air, creating a similar effect.

Additional training of the respiratory system

If desired, the athlete can replace sprints with hypoxic ones - i.e. with holding your breath - training.

Artificially created oxygen hunger will force the muscles of the body to work with full efficiency, increasing the number of open capillaries that are necessary to supply O2.

As a result of such exercises, the athlete’s heart rate decreases - over 8 weeks it drops by 4% at a standard distance.

It is recommended to start hypoxic training with approximately the following rhythm: inhale for 6 steps, hold your breath for the next six steps, exhale for the next six steps.

But - attention! - It’s better not to do such things for a beginner.

For enhanced training of the respiratory system, in the middle of the workout it is permissible to read a couple of verses of a song or quatrains of a poem - whatever you like best. It should be recited clearly, as in a recitation competition.

P.S. Large loads on certain organs are normal only for completely healthy people. If you suffer from asthma, varicose veins, flat feet and others, choose a different type of fitness for yourself.

Forget about fasting, vegetable purees and rinsing the body with water. If you dream of effective detoxification of the body, start run, and the body itself will restore order.

As soon as the spring sun begins to caress with its first rays, people immediately have a desire to cleanse their body. It is well known that exercise can help you get into shape, but its beneficial effects are not quite what you think. For years we have been fed the belief that certain yoga positions have a cleansing effect, and that squeezing out streams of sweat during aerobics combined with juicing helps the body rid itself of toxic waste. According to scientists, all these theories seem to have come out of the pages of fairy tales. However, the scientific world itself conducts research from time to time, the results of which should encourage more and more people to engage in physical education. For example, strength training leads to regeneration at the cellular level, which leads to new energy resources and improves immunity.

The body is able to cleanse itself of “garbage” using the so-called autophagy. This term comes from the Greek "self-digestion" and is based on the fact that cells carry away unnecessary material, such as bacteria, viruses, remnants of the cell membrane, damaged protein particles, and this is all burned, turning into energy. Some scientists believe that impaired autophagy leads to a number of diseases, including diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. They also noted that as a person ages, the cellular ability to remove all kinds of waste begins to weaken. Meanwhile Beth Levine, a professor of microbiology at the University of Texas, has shown that regular exercise can speed up the rate at which cells remove waste material, which has a profound effect on the entire body.

To prove the connection between exercise and inner cleansing, Beth made several mice run around in a drum. After a 30-minute training, a significantly larger number of cell membranes were found in the cells of these animals, which confirmed that the process of autophagy was accelerated in them. The second group of mice was genetically programmed so that, as a result of physical exercise, the process of autophagy would not occur in them at all. In other words, no matter how much effort the animals put into moving the drum, there was no cellular renewal. Because of this, they were less resilient and tired faster. All rodents were fed a high-fat diet that would eventually lead to diabetes. Only mice that exercised regularly were able to resist the negative effects of poor nutrition. In animals deprived of the ability to detoxify, cholesterol levels increased very quickly.

To date, the relationship between exercise and detoxification has only been studied in animals, but Professor Levin says there is good reason to believe this applies to humans as well.

In her post, Beth explains how 30 minutes of exercise activates autophagy in the brain, which can potentially reduce the effects of memory loss associated with aging, and also protects brain cells from the effects of degenerative diseases. The professor is currently researching the mechanisms by which exercise-stimulated autophagy becomes metabolically beneficial.

Physical activity can be considered a detoxification method for other reasons. It is well known to help repair DNA and keep it in good condition. This helps a person look younger than his age. According to research conducted by Dr. Jim McKenn, a professor at the University of Leeds, cells from physically active people are more able to protect DNA from damage.

Until recently, fitness hid many myths regarding cleansing. For example, there is no evidence that some yoga positions act like a “brush” on the body, removing all debris. It’s the same with breathing: enthusiasts of mat exercises are convinced that in this way they can remove carbon dioxide from the lungs and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs. But one fact is undeniable. It doesn’t matter whether a person does yoga, aerobics or dancing, any physical activity has a positive effect on health.

There is also no scientific evidence to suggest that drinking water during exercise speeds up the release of toxins. Scientists say with all confidence that it is not water that allows you to cleanse the body; the kidneys and intestines are responsible for this. Although the body should be kept properly hydrated, it is not necessary to absorb huge amounts of water, which puts extra strain on the excretory system.

What about sweating, which everyone values ​​for its cleansing properties? According to the conclusions of the same scientists, this is not true. Sweat is primarily water with small amounts of electrolytes and salts. A study conducted by toxicologists showed that sweating is responsible for the removal of less than 1% of harmful substances. Sweating should be considered a process of thermoregulation, and not at all detoxification.

The best exercise for detoxification, according to Beth Levine, is run. Most studies have shown that the connection between removing harmful substances from cells and running on a treadmill is greatest. But if the choice falls on physical aerobic activity in the fresh air, the effectiveness will be much greater.

Five steps to cleansing with movement:

1. Start with daily walks. Aerobic exercise is the best way to healthy, clean cells. To start, 10-15 thousand steps daily is enough;

2. Be active. The more intense the type of exercise, the better. Change the walking route to a more winding and mountainous one: walking or running on uneven surfaces increases the effectiveness of training by 5%;

3. Run/walk 30 minutes a day.
If you do this two to four times a week, then the chances of making your body cleaner increase significantly. Studies have shown that regular 30-minute jogging/walking increases the autophagy process by 50%;

4. Run 50-80 minutes a week. Experts believe that one long run can stimulate the body's regeneration and provides more health benefits than short runs;

5. Try your hand at a marathon. The further you run, the more you stimulate the cells to the process of self-cleaning. In a study published last year, scientists from Belgium observed a small group of runners who participated in a 200 km race. Analysis of muscles before and after the race showed that long-term effort caused strong autophagy in the body.

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Meaning physical activity in a person’s life is very accurately reflected in the following statement: “Movement replaces all the medicines in the world, but all the medicines in the world will not replace movement.”

It is movement, which activates all vital processes in the body, that is one of the best natural ways to cleanse the body.

In addition, for a long time, walking, which gradually warms up the body and revitalizes blood circulation, has been known as an excellent stimulant of mental activity.

It is enough to recall the once existing philosophical school of the Peripatetics, who indulged in thinking exclusively on the go - the great Aristotle belonged to it.

A wonderful means of cleansing and maintaining internal purity are exercises. yoga. However, there are simpler ways to cleanse the body with movement.

When starting any physical exercise, it is important to follow two basic principles - systematic exercise and a gradual increase in loads.


Even in the old days, doctors prescribed long walks in the fresh air, or so-called exercise, to their patients as a general tonic and health-improving remedy.

Walking- the most natural type of physical activity, which does not require special training, but at the same time is quite energy-intensive (when walking, not only the musculoskeletal system, but also most vital organs experience significant stress).

A person who has been accustomed to walking since childhood does not need to persuade himself every time to go outside and start moving. And if physical activity is natural, it does not require a person to have any control over the actions performed - the process proceeds as if spontaneously, and the head can be occupied with some pleasant or useful thoughts.

By the way, statistics say that when examining men who spend more than 1 hour a day walking, coronary heart disease is detected 5 times less often than when examining those who walk little.

However, when walking slowly waste products are poorly removed from the body. But when moving at a fast pace in all muscles, including the heart, the number of actively working capillaries gradually increases, metabolism increases, and cleansing occurs at an accelerated pace.

Particularly useful intense walking on uneven roads, because such movement is accompanied by a sensitive shaking of the whole body. And shaking prevents the appearance of deposits on the walls of blood vessels and accelerates the evacuation of toxins. A certain rhythm of walking gives the effect of stimulation and a kind of massage of the internal organs.

The beneficial effect of moderate and not too long-lasting shocks on the human body is confirmed, in particular, by practice vibration massage And vibration gymnastics.

Sports medicine and physical therapy specialists recommend that people with different physical characteristics adhere to different walking modes.

There are four main modes in total:

  • very slow - from 60 to 70 steps per minute (2.5-3 km per hour);
  • slow - from 70 to 90 steps per minute (3-4 km per hour);
  • average - from 90 to 120 steps per minute (4-4.5 km per hour);
  • fast - from 120 to 140 steps per minute (5.5-6.5 km per hour).
An hour of brisk walking a day, regardless of the weather and mood, is exactly the norm that is needed to fully cleanse the body.


For people who are poorly trained and obese, but do not have pathology of the cardiovascular system, it is best to start walking at an average pace, gradually increasing it to fast, but without increasing the duration of exercise.


Run prolongs life, running around- shortens. But keep in mind that running, which requires a lot of energy, can only be done when fast walking has been mastered. During running, all processes in the body are activated: the release of hormones, hematopoiesis - there is a rapid renewal of blood leukocytes, which provide the body's immune defense. When running, the lungs are ventilated, cleansing them of harmful substances accumulated there due to increased and deepening breathing.

You should start with a light jog for 5 minutes at a brisk walking pace.

You need to run so that you get a good sweat. Firstly, this indicates that the load is just right, and secondly, toxins that load the liver and kidneys are removed along with sweat. It is advisable to run daily for 15-20 minutes for 2-3 km.

Not useful tiptoe running, since the shocks are weakened by the tension of the feet, they quickly get tired, and the process of cleansing from toxins worsens. When running, it is advisable to place your foot on your heel as firmly as possible.

Be sure to control your breathing while running. If you are out of breath, it means the pace is too fast, slow it down until your breathing is restored. As soon as there is not enough nasal breathing and you have to open your mouth to inhale, it means that the load is too heavy. You need to immediately train yourself to breathe through your nose while running. However, when running fast, nasal breathing may not be enough. Therefore, you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

When starting a running cleanse, be sure to know your resting heart rate. The norm for untrained people is 60-80 beats per minute. At the initial stage of training, the normal load will be such that the heart rate is equal to 180 minus the person’s age (provided that you are no more than 80 years old).

For example, if a 40-year-old person's heart rate exceeds 140 beats per minute, this means that the load was excessive and should be reduced. The pulse is measured no later than 2-3 seconds after the end of the run. 5-10 minutes after running, your heart rate should be the same as before.

Vibration gymnastics according to A. Mikulin

This technique also confirms the cleansing effect on the human body of moderate and not too long-lasting shocks.


It is useful for people who spend hours doing intense mental work, as a result of which the head feels heavy due to the rush of blood to it. After doing vibration gymnastics, the heaviness in the head goes away. This is explained by the fact that inertial forces vigorously propel venous blood from the head to the heart.

Vibration gymnastics shown to climbers and everyone who climbs the mountain. Minute exercises should be done every 150-200 m of ascent. Such exercises are especially effective in relieving fatigue during long hikes on foot.

Vibro-gymnastics, stimulating venous outflow,- an effective remedy for the prevention of thrombophlebitis and even heart attack (microthrombophlebitis of the veins of the heart muscle).

Execution method

It is necessary to rise on your toes so that your heels come off the floor by 1 cm, and sharply place them on the floor. In this case, a concussion will occur, due to which the venous blood will receive an additional impulse to move upward.

Concussions bodies should be produced no more than once per second. After 30 exercises (concussions), you need to take a break for 5-10 seconds. During the day, you should repeat the exercise 3-5 times (each repetition is 1 minute). You should not raise your heels more than 1 cm above the floor, as this will lead to unwanted fatigue of your feet.

Useless and too frequent shaking. In the intervalvular spaces of the veins, enough blood will not have time to accumulate, and its wave will not overwhelm the next “floor” of the vein.

Do no more than 60 shakes for each exercise. They must be performed harshly, but not to such an extent that they are painfully felt in the head. The shaking should be the same as when running.

Lisovsky P. P.