Severe pallor of the face. Pale face: causes

Why does a pale complexion appear?

A person's normal complexion is flesh-colored and pink.

If the face is pale, then there are disturbances in the microcirculation of blood under the skin, blood flows poorly to the skin, and the skin turns pale.

Pale complexion can be caused for various reasons, for example, stress, alcohol intoxication, emotional shock, poor nutrition.

Sometimes pallor appears with significant changes in temperature, from smoking, with infectious diseases, or with prolonged exposure to low temperatures.

Others perceive pallor as a sign of a hidden illness.

Most often this is true, and constant pallor may indicate some kind of disease.

In what cases does a pale complexion occur?

    Hypothermia or heatstroke as a cause of a white complexion.

    If the human body is very cool, then the blood vessels narrow and blood first begins to flow into the most important organs bodies to deliver nutrition and warmth to them. If a person is hypothermic, he turns pale, the reasons for this phenomenon lie in the outflow of blood from the skin. At heatstroke or overheating, there is also an outflow of blood from the skin, the skin turns pale. Overheating is accompanied by sweating and weakness.

    Lack of physical movement.

    With low mobility, with a sedentary or lying lifestyle, a person develops an unhealthy pale complexion. This is caused by the fact that the heart muscle is not loaded, pumping less blood, number of red blood cells in the blood decreases, and red blood cells deliver oxygen to the tissues, so when sedentary life, the skin does not receive oxygen and turns pale.

    Lack of iron in the body.

    A lack of an element such as iron can also cause a pale face, since iron promotes the formation of red blood cells, which give the skin a healthy complexion. pink color. A lack of iron in the body can be caused by an incorrect composition of the diet, which does not contain foods that supply the body with such a necessary element as iron. Iron deficiency can also occur due to large blood loss due to any disease. In case of improper nutrition, it is necessary to reconsider the structure of the diet, adding to it dishes from foods that supply the body with iron.

    Short-term pallor of the face.

    Such pallor can be caused by short-term factors: fear, stress, shock, pain.

    Age-related pallor.

    With age, usually after 60 years, the structure of the skin changes, the skin becomes dehydrated, lacks moisture and nutrition, and turns pale due to the fact that the blood vessels do not work as actively as in youth.

    Anemia or anemia.

    Paleness due to anemia and vitamin deficiency is caused by a lack of vitamins C and B12. Just like with iron deficiency, there is a deficiency of oxygen delivered to the surface of the skin due to reduced content iron in the blood. It is especially dangerous if the pale complexion due to anemia cannot be eliminated by taking medications containing iron, and special food. Products such as unripe dates, figs, rare meat, a little good red wine, and fresh vegetables help.

    Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Pale face, the reasons for which lie in cardiovascular problems, sometimes also called “marble”, because a vascular pattern appears on pale skin, similar to marble ligature. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, a person suffers from changes blood pressure, chest pain, dizziness. His limbs often feel cold. All this indicates serious problems With vascular system and can affect the functioning of the brain and heart.

    Impaired liver and kidney function.

    Problems with the liver and kidneys may be accompanied by a pale face. Pale in this case has a grayish or yellow tint, the skin is prone to swelling. Moreover, not only the face, but the whole body has such a grayish pale color. If at the same time bruises easily appear on the skin, and wounds form on the mucous surfaces, then this may indicate leukemia, which in initial stage looks like an acute respiratory infection. Just like acute respiratory infections, leukemia is characterized by lethargy, drowsiness, and unexplained temperature fluctuations. Sometimes an ultrasound shows an enlarged pancreas. That's why pale face These symptoms should definitely alert you and be a reason to consult a doctor.

How to restore a healthy complexion

As said earlier, a pale complexion does not always indicate a terrible disease, but if the pallor does not go away long time, then you need to consult your doctor.

Because a pale complexion indicates deep-seated negative processes in the body that can lead to serious illnesses.

For pallor caused by poor nutrition or bad habits, you should change the wrong diet, give up bad habits, study mild physical exercise, just walking fresh air.

Paleness will disappear, and a beautiful rosy complexion and healthy, elastic skin will return.


For example, yellowish skin is a sure sign of liver disease, and numerous acne rashes indicate either hormonal imbalance, or about problems with the intestines.

And what disease causes the hands and the rest of the skin to look pale? And does a pale face always indicate illness? Let's try to figure out what disease causes human skin to turn pale.

If, in addition to pale skin, there are symptoms such as low arterial pressure, fatigue, irritability, then it is quite possible to assume the presence iron deficiency anemia. Of course accurate diagnosis can only be diagnosed by blood testing. Anemia is a common disease, especially among young girls and women. childbearing age. And, quite often, the cause of the disease is adherence to a strict diet. Pale skin appears due to insufficient filling of blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin, as well as a low level of hemoglobin. Patients are troubled by shortness of breath, they are constantly cold, their hands and feet are especially cold. Anemia is a serious disease; if you suspect this diagnosis, you need to contact a clinic, and also significantly reconsider your diet, you need to consume more iron. The doctor will probably prescribe iron-containing drugs, as well as B vitamins and folic acid. In addition to medications, you should eat more products foods that contain iron are meat, liver, eggs. From plant products– beans, peas, broccoli, spinach. However, iron from plant foods is less absorbed, so you need to take additional vitamin C, or eat citrus fruits, drink.

Directly depends from its blood supply. Knowing this fact, you can easily determine which disease causes a person’s skin to turn pale. For example, the pallor of the left hand indicates poor performance hearts.

But not only low level hemoglobin may cause pale skin. In kidney diseases, especially chronic ones, pallor is caused by vasoconstriction, especially small capillaries, and swelling. If a patient has glomerulonephritis, the skin will be swollen and pale, although anemia may not be detected. At severe course In this disease, in addition to the dryness and pallor of the skin, a slight jaundice is added. Also for chronic inflammatory diseases kidneys on pale skin, bruises form in the absence external reasons. Fatigue also appears poor appetite, general weakness, sometimes the temperature rises, this indicates the presence inflammatory process. For chronic renal failure, blood pressure is always elevated. Under no circumstances should kidney disease be neglected. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of recovery. Lack of treatment can lead to kidney necrosis, after which the only way salvation will be an organ transplant.

Pale skin may indicate heart failure. Often mealy pallor occurs during an attack of angina pectoris. At this time, the patient is bothered by pain, which can radiate to the neck, arm, or less often to the back. Sometimes there is also a feeling of tightness and burning. The patient's body temperature decreases, breathing becomes intermittent. At the first stage, myocardial infarction occurs with the same symptoms. The difference is that an angina attack passes quickly enough, but with a heart attack the patient’s condition continues to deteriorate. Therefore, when the first pain in the heart appears, especially accompanied by pallor, rapid breathing and heartbeat, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Pale skin may also indicate this serious illness How peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum. These ailments are often accompanied by internal bleeding. Additional symptoms are dizziness, weakness, “fog” before the eyes or “flickering spots”. Internal bleeding is characterized by bloody vomiting and black loose stools. This is a serious illness that requires immediate hospitalization.

Hormonal imbalances also affect the condition of the skin. Pale, clammy skin is characteristic of patients diabetes mellitus. In patients with hypothyroidism (decreased function thyroid gland) the skin becomes dry, pale, cold to the touch, and swollen.

Pallor is a common symptom various infectious diseases . In particular, pulmonary tuberculosis. Patients with tuberculosis usually lose a lot of weight, their facial features become sharper, their facial skin becomes milky white, only there may be an unnaturally bright blush on their cheeks. IN XIX literature there is even an epithet “consumptive pallor”, which describes not healthy color faces.

Pallor may occur and after recovery from any infectious disease, but this condition will not last long, until the end of the recovery period.

Of course, not always pale skin face indicates such serious diseases as described above. Often a person looks pale after being in the cold for a long time. In this case, the blood is redirected to internal organs and the skin turns pale.

People look pale that are missing physical activity. Their hearts work at a lower intensity than those who move a lot. Moreover, physically active people the blood contains more red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues and organs. Thus, in people who neglect physical education, the body suffers from a lack of oxygen.

In addition, other factors that can be combined into common name Unhealthy Lifestyle. This can be a variety of stress, and bad ecology. As well as bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol. These factors are not limited to affecting the skin; all unhealthy habits undermine human body, causing various diseases.

– unhealthy complexion tone (pale, earthy-gray, lifeless). A dull complexion is not always associated with the aging process of the skin and can even occur in young people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle or suffer from various ailments. As a rule, a dull complexion is combined with increased dryness and sensitivity of the skin. The solution to this cosmetic problem requires giving up bad habits and carrying out home and salon health-improving activities. Among the latter, peelings, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, ultraphonophoresis, massage, etc. may be recommended for a dull complexion.

As a result chronic lack of sleep the skin does not have time to rest and recover normally overnight, resulting in pallor, deteriorating complexion, and the process of premature cell aging. Dietary restrictions lead to the skin not receiving enough essential nutrients, microelements and vitamins, which are “ building material"for new cells. Long stay in one position (for example, sitting at a computer), leads to overstrain and spasm of the muscles of the cervical-collar region, resulting in impaired blood circulation in the neck and head. All this immediately affects appearance skin - complexion becomes dull and lifeless.

Excessive tanning (long-term sunbathing or frequent visit solarium) contributes to the disruption of the hydro reserve, loss of elasticity and photoaging of the skin, causing the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Therefore, skin damaged by excess ultraviolet radiation looks dehydrated, dull and tired. The complexion changes due to improper skin care or lack thereof. Lack of fresh air, as well as poor condition environment can also cause dull complexion. No wonder this cosmetic problem considered relevant for residents of large cities suffocated by smog.

In winter, the condition of the skin is negatively affected by low air temperature outside, frosty winds, dry air in apartments and offices, lack of sunlight and vitamin deficiency. Therefore, by the beginning of spring, many women notice that the skin has lost its freshness and the complexion has become dull. Unhealthy complexion can be caused by the accumulation of dead cells and dust covering the skin - oily skin is most susceptible to contamination. In addition, with age, the regeneration of the epidermis slows down, keratinized cells exfoliate more slowly, which also leads to dullness of the epidermal layer.

The expression “smoker's face” has long come into everyday use. Premature wrinkles, grayish tint and dry skin, sunken cheeks, deep nasolabial folds - these are typical touches to the portrait of a person who cannot part with a cigarette. Toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke, cause spasm of skin capillaries. In addition, when smoking, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood sharply increases. This means that the skin of the face is poorly supplied with blood, enriched nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, smoking inevitably leads to changes in the structure of the skin - increased dryness, sagging, uneven and dull complexion, premature aging.

In some cases, a dull complexion may reflect a condition disorder. general health. Thus, dry and gray skin, brittle nails and hair loss are often signs of hypothyroidism. Changes in the condition and color of the skin are caused by gastrointestinal diseases (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, constipation, dysbacteriosis), osteochondrosis cervical spine spine, long-term use medications, menopause, etc.

Characteristics of dull complexion

A healthy complexion is the basis external beauty and feminine attractiveness. Healthy skin has a uniform color, a pinkish tint, a matte surface, and maintains its shape well. This skin is smooth and silky to the touch, has sufficient elasticity and firmness. It doesn't have any cosmetic defects: age spots, acne, areas of inflammation and irritation, spider veins.

Throughout life, the condition of the skin changes under the influence of the most various factors. Dull complexion can occur in those with dry, oily or combination skin. Dull skin has a grayish tint, an uneven, rough surface. Quite often, this problem is accompanied by dark circles under the eyes, dirty enlarged pores, pigmentation, peeling, and increased skin sensitivity. A dull complexion gives its owner a tired, sickly appearance. People with dull skin are often said to have an unhealthy complexion. Usually they try to camouflage a dull complexion with foundation, powder, and blush, but over time such tricks only further aggravate the problem.

Dull complexion is a reason to contact a dermatocosmetologist, and if necessary, get advice from others medical specialists(endocrinologist, gastroenterologist) and undergo in-depth medical examination(ultrasound of the thyroid gland, abdominal organs, biochemical research blood, etc.). This will help to correctly identify the causes of dull complexion and choose best practices improving skin condition.

Features of care for dull skin

You can return a healthy, radiant look to your face by changing your usual lifestyle and taking better care of your skin. General recommendations relate to the regulation of the daily routine ( sufficient sleep, increase motor activity, long walks in the fresh air, etc.); reviewing the diet towards a balanced and fortified diet; refusal bad habits. It is important to learn how to choose the right creams and cosmetics for the face, taking into account your age and skin type, and do not forget about protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays using products with SPF 30 and higher. Daily home care Skin care should consist of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. For dull complexion, deep exfoliation of the epidermis should be carried out at least once a week using

A pale face can be a completely physiological phenomenon. This happens if the skin is too thick and the blood vessels simply cannot be seen through it. But in most cases, pallor is a sign of poor circulation.

Get some exercise. Walking, cycling or other physical activity that involves active use of your arms and legs promotes the production of red blood cells and improves circulation, allowing you to regain your rosy complexion within a few weeks.

Moisturize your skin with fruit acids. If your skin becomes pale after an infectious disease, forget about blush. Instead, try using commercially available lotions that contain alpha hydroxyl acids, which are derived from fruits. This component of the lotion causes mild inflammation and the rejection of old cells, which give way to new cells. You will develop a slight tan without any serious consequences.

How to restore a healthy complexion

Be exposed to outdoor conditions, such as high altitudes or windy, wet weather, or immersed in cold water. When working at cold temperatures in the workplace in refrigeration units, which have certain health risks.

  • Not dressing properly, having wet skin or wearing wet clothing.
  • Tired or dehydrated.
Many people have cold hands or feet, which are often bothersome but not a serious health problem. You will most likely feel cold if you.

Hold your head between your knees. If you suddenly turn pale, sweat, or feel slightly dizzy after a heavy meal, tilt your head so that it is below the level of your heart. Under the influence of gravity, blood will rush to the brain, and a blush will appear on your cheeks. After that, have a drink cold drink, remove excess clothing and go to a cool place.

When blood vessels narrow, less blood flows into these areas, causing the arms and legs to feel cold. They are under a lot of stress or tired. Chronic stress or anxiety can cause your nervous system to release adrenaline, which acts to constrict the blood vessels that supply blood to the arms and legs. Have medical condition, such as hypothyroidism or Raynaud's phenomenon, which makes you feel stronger or react to cold temperatures.

  • The fat under your skin helps keep you warm.
  • People with low body fat may be more likely to get hypothermia.
  • Infants, adults or sick adults or malnourished people have low body fat.
  • Smoke cigarettes or drink caffeine.
  • Nicotine and caffeine cause contraction blood vessels in the arms and legs.
If you've already been exposed to the cold, first aid measures can keep you warm and even save your life.

For pale skin it is useful to apply contrasting compresses. Take two small towels and two bowls (one with hot water, the other - with cold). Start with a cold compress, then apply a hot one. Keep the hot compress for up to 2 minutes, and keep the cold compress - 2-3 seconds. Alternate contrast compresses 6-7 times, ending with cold ones. After hot or contrasting compresses, the effect of various masks is enhanced: from fruits, eggs, honey, yeast, cottage cheese. For pale skin, a mustard mask is very effective.

Check your symptoms to decide if and when you should see a doctor. You have a problem that you are exposed to low temperatures? This may include problems such as frostbite or hypothermia. Are you completely gone?

If you are in charge of someone else: Is the person unconscious now? Have you returned to your normal level of alertness? After you've passed, it's normal when you first wake up or come to, it's normal to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed. But if something else is wrong, these symptoms should pass fairly quickly and you should soon feel as awake and alert as usual.

If, in addition to pallor of the skin, weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath are noted, if pallor develops suddenly, accompanied by increased heart rate, sweating and breathing difficulties, consult a doctor immediately.

- This is a symptom that is manifested by unnatural whitening of the skin. If pale skin is not accompanied by paleness of the lips, tongue, palms of the hands and mucous membranes of the eyes, the inside of the mouth and nails, then most likely this is not a serious disease, and it does not require treatment.

Most common causes of the symptom

Returned to normal life after loss of consciousness. Has the loss of consciousness occurred within the last 24 hours? Loss of consciousness in the last 24 hours. Does the skin feel hard and rigid, like a piece of wood? Have you tried redoing leather for more than 1 hour? You can keep warm small areas by blowing warm air on them, tucking them into clothes, or placing them in warm water.

Reboot more than 1 hour. Do you still have symptoms despite trying to remodel the area? Symptoms persist despite overheating. Symptoms improved with repeated treatment. Have you had any new vision changes or problems with your eyes?

General pallor of the skin appears on the face, eye shell, internal parts hands and nails, mucous membrane. Pallor often affects one of the limbs.

Pale skin is easy to diagnose because it varies depending on the color of a person’s skin and the thickness of the blood vessels in the tissue under the skin. Pallor, difficult to detect in dark-skinned people, can be found in such people only in the eyes and inside the mouth.

This may be caused by sunlight reflecting off the snow. It may be 6 to 8 hours after exposure before you notice any problems. Have you had any new vision changes? These may include vision loss, double vision, or new problems seeing clearly.

Does the light hurt you? Is it easy to hurt so much that you have trouble opening your eyes? Difficulty opening eyes due to discomfort with light. Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what type of help you may need. Some medications, herbal remedies, and supplements may cause or worsen symptoms. Your health and lifestyle habits, such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, drinking or drug use, sexual history and travel.

  • Infants and older adults tend to get sicker.
  • Your general health.
  • Simple medical events such as surgery or injury.
  • Such events may cause symptoms later or make them more severe.
Pain in adults and older children.

Pallor may indicate the presence of heart failure, which is indicated by the inability to maintain adequate blood supply to the body. In this case, visible on the skin blue tint. The face and ears turn blue, shortness of breath and swelling of the extremities appear.

Causes of pallor.

Most often, pale skin can be caused by decreased blood supply to the skin and a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

Severe pain: The pain is so bad that you can't stand for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything other than focus on the pain. Modify the pain: The pain is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you may be able to tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate can also mean pain that comes and goes, even if it is severe when it is there. Mild pain: You notice pain, but it is not bad enough to interfere with sleep or activities. Pain in children under 3 years of age.

It's hard to tell how sick the pain or the baby is. Severe pain: The pain is so bad that the baby cannot sleep, cannot calm down, and cries constantly no matter what you do. Modify the pain: The baby is very fussy, clings to you a lot, and may have trouble sleeping, but responds when you try to calm him down. Minor pain: A small child is fussy and clings to you a little, but responds when you try to comfort him. The child may kick, make fists or grimace. . Early symptoms of hypothermia may include.

The following factors for pallor are distinguished: natural lightness of the skin, lack of sun, anemia, shock and stress, fainting, low amount of glucose in the blood, chronic diseases, frostbitten area on the skin.

Often, pale skin occurs against the background of the development of infectious diseases, this is accompanied by chills and fever.


Paleness is manifested by a change in the natural shades of the skin, i.e. pallor and loss of natural color skin. Often not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes turn pale.


When diagnosing, the doctor examines the skin and may also prescribe the following studies: arteriography of the extremities, general blood test, differential analysis blood.


Only knowing the cause of pallor can you begin treatment. If pallor occurs due to stress and overwork, the factor causing it must be eliminated.

“If you are pale due to insufficient nutrition or following a strict diet, you need to restore your normal diet and also undergo a course of treatment with vitamins.”

If pallor is caused natural feature, it can be combated with the help of special cosmetics, the use of which will give pale skin a more pleasant shade of tan. Such products are creams and lotions with fruit acids.


  • Balanced and rational nutrition.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Avoid hypothermia. Hands and feet should always be warm.
  • Minimize the amount of stress and nervous tension.
  • Regular physical activity.
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A few centuries ago, women poisoned their bodies with lead white, burned their skin with vinegar and did bloodletting for one thing - pale skin. In those days, such a complexion was considered the standard of beauty and aristocracy, but in modern world this is a sure sign possible diseases, especially if pallor accompanies the person for a long time. Many people notice that their faces are pale. The cause may be any disease, so it is important to be examined on time and begin treatment.

The cause of pale skin is not always flaw sun rays . A bunch of serious illnesses can make a person turn pale.

Heart failure

For angina pectoris normal blood circulation is disrupted in the heart, little blood flows to the vessels on the surface of the skin, which is why it turns white. In addition to pallor, symptoms may include:

Every day the symptoms intensify and begin to appear even at rest. It is necessary to begin treatment for angina as early as possible, otherwise there is a risk of developing myocardial infarction.

Anemia is the most common cause

With a lack of iron in the human body anemia develops, which can make a person’s skin white. The capillaries under the skin are not filled enough with blood, which is what causes a pale complexion. The reason, at first glance, is not very serious, since half of the world’s population has ever encountered it, but if anemia is not treated, then as a last resort the patient can wait death. Symptoms of anemia:

Anemia often accompanies those who are addicted to diets, as their food lacks iron.

Stomach or duodenal ulcer

These diseases may cause abundant internal bleeding , causing the skin to turn pale. In addition, signs of the disease are:

  • heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea, belching, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • constipation;
  • increased sweating;
  • heartburn.

Ulcers can be prevented by starting treatment at the stage of gastritis.

Lack of thyroid hormones

Hypothyroidism is a disease that causes a decrease in the amount of thyroid hormones in the body, which perform several functions:

  • regulate all metabolic processes;
  • control the activities of almost all organs and systems;
  • have immunomodulatory and anti-stress effects
  • promote the growth of the body as a whole.

With this syndrome, anemia develops, causing White color skin.

Blood cancer

With leukemia, the patient is pale, the slightest impact bruises appear on his skin, large blue or black circles appear under his eyes, and the person himself lethargic, indifferent, drowsy and tired. He develops pain in his joints and bones, and his lymph nodes become enlarged.

“Consumptive pallor” in tuberculosis

Cough with hemoptysis appears only on last stage illness with open form. One of the first signs of tuberculosis in latent form The disease is pale skin, as well as:

  • increased sweating during sleep;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness.

Other causes of pallor

Fortunately, diseases are not always to blame for a person’s pale face. The reasons may be:

Pale face in children

Mothers often wonder why their child’s face is pale. A doctor will help determine the cause by examining the skin, mouth and nasal cavity, eyes and nails of the baby. Only after this will he be able to objectively assess his condition. If the child is active, eats well and plays, then the cause may be heredity or lack of vitamin D.

If the baby is lethargic, drowsy, and gets tired quickly, then this may indicate the development of anemia. Parents of such a child should be especially concerned if they have spots under their eyes. dark circles and bruises on the body for no apparent reason. This may be a symptom of diseases circulatory system or urinary tract.

Under no circumstances should you make a decision about treating a child on your own without examining a doctor.

How to get a healthy glow back

If pallor is not caused by diseases, then you can get rid of it by observing certain simple rules. These rules will help change not only your complexion, but also general state body:

If a person is naturally pale

People with fair skin sometimes it’s not easy, many point out this nuance to them, suggest going to the solarium or going to the sea. And if the second option can help in such a situation, then the situation with the solarium is controversial.

Ultraviolet rays in a solarium are too aggressive and can cause burns on the skin of pale people very quickly. If you decide to use the services of a solarium, you must carefully follow all safety rules and use strong sunscreen, as well as after sun cream.

A more gentle product is self-tanning in the form of a cream or spray.

Pale skin is not always a sign of some disease, but if pallor has appeared recently or there are other disturbing symptoms in combination with it, then this is a sure sign to consult a doctor.