Swelling and bruising under the eyes. All the reasons why large bags appear under the eyes of women and what they signal. Wrinkles and bags under the eyes

Bluish bags under the eyes often spoil the mood when doing morning makeup. Why do they occur and how to correct this annoying picture?

Reasons for the appearance of dark “edging”

First, answer yourself the question: how often and for how long have you been seeing puffiness in the mirror? lower eyelids?

If this is a temporary and intermittent phenomenon, it may be caused by the following reasons:

Yesterday's party, at which a large number of “strong” drinks were consumed.
an abundance of salty foods in your diet, perhaps you snack on sandwiches or snacks with monosodium glutamate and other harmful additives.
chronic lack of sleep.
fatigue and seasonal lack of vitamins.
The nose is stuffy, the first signs of a cold have appeared.
sudden weight loss.

Accordingly, all these reasons will require specific intervention in order to adjust lifestyle, nutrition, sleep and rest patterns, and begin treatment for acute respiratory infections.

If bluish semicircles under the eyes are your constant companion, then this condition is due to other factors:

Heredity. Perhaps this structure of the eyelid skin is caused genetic reasons, and with age and under the influence of solar radiation, the skin thins and sag, forming bags.
Constant dehydration of the body, which leads to malfunction tissues, their drying out and swelling after drinking.
Reaction to natural or artificial allergens, such as flowering plants or certain cosmetics.
Endocrine disorders, difficulties with the functioning of the heart or kidneys, the outflow of bile.
Constant overwork and life in a stressful mode.

In this case, the first step towards recovery appearance will medical examination, exception serious problems with health or their treatment. After all, bags under the eyes are not just cosmetic defect, which needs to be gotten rid of, is an indicator of the state of the body. If problems are found, we treat the disease causing swelling. All organs and systems are normal - we make do with cosmetic and folk remedies, hardware procedures, or carry out aesthetic correction in the clinic.

How to deal with bluish puffiness under the eyes

After a wild late night party, your eyelids, like your entire body, will need " ambulance" Will help you get back to normal faster Activated carbon, it will remove impurities and toxins. To remove puffy eyes, make a compress from chamomile infusion or used chilled tea bags. Place the wet bags on your eyelids and lie quietly for about fifteen minutes. Can be done contrast procedures– leave a couple of freshly brewed bags and alternate prepared cold and warm compresses– this will help significantly improve blood microcirculation. Alternatively, rub the lower eyelids with a piece of ice made from parsley infusion, known for its whitening properties and positive effect on thin skin. IN as a last resort– just cool the spoon and apply it to your eyelids.

To get rid of purple semicircles and keep your eyes always beautiful, you should take care of them constantly. Don't expect an immediate effect - care should be long-term and regular.

Morning massage

Start your morning with an easy self-massage procedure. Gently run your fingers over your face, imitating raindrops, and linger on your eyelids, moving your fingers in a circle with light tapping from the temple to the bridge of the nose. Massage vigorously, but without pressure, avoid pressing eyeball. Such a “shower” will invigorate the skin, “wake up” the eyelids after sleep and cause blood flow to this area.

Gymnastics for the eyes

It is very useful to take just one or two minutes during the day to relieve eye strain. Exercises are especially important when working with text, behind a monitor screen or with small details, requiring visual strain.

Make 7-10 circular rotations with your eyes clockwise and in the opposite direction. Close your eyes, then open your eyes wide. Focus your gaze on the tip index finger, slowly move it back and forth, changing the focusing range. Look all the way up, down, to the sides. Such simple gymnastics, performed 2-4 times a day, will help maintain the attractiveness of the eyes and visual acuity.

Proper sleep

Try to organize your day in such a way that you can go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. Doctors believe that it is sleep until midnight that gives a woman maximum beauty and health, and at a later time it provides only short-term restoration of strength. Get 8 hours of sleep if possible. Some will need more time good rest, someone is used to sleeping little, but 8 hours of sleep - physiological norm, which you should focus on, trying not to deviate too much in one direction or another.

In addition to the duration of sleep, take care of the oxygen saturation of the room - sleep with open window or ventilate the room well in the evening. It's also good to take a walk before going to bed. Try not to fall asleep with the light on, in front of the TV or computer screen, avoid stress and quarrels - disturbing dream will not allow you to recover and look attractive.

Healthy food and water

Reduce your salt intake as if self-cooking dishes, and when purchasing finished products. Pay attention to the composition of food, limit seasonings and sauces with MSG and other salts, and do not eat fast food.

Drink more. It would seem that a lot of fluid means a lot of swelling. In fact, under normal conditions drinking regime the body adapts to productive work without storing any reserves in “bags”. So just start gradually increasing the amount of water you drink, taking it evenly throughout the day to reduce swelling.

Cosmetical tools

Take care of the skin around your eyes by applying special creams for its delicate structure. Choose a product that does not cause allergic reactions in you and does not leave swelling, preferably almost odorless, on natural basis. Using light tapping movements, apply the cream along a line from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one, remember that a very small amount of substance is needed for the eyelids. Use collagen and herbal masks for eyelids.

Sometimes you still have to resort to concealing foundation creams during morning makeup to hide the “bruises.” To do this, you need to choose your natural tone so that instead of masking you do not achieve highlighting of the defect on general background facial skin.

Fighting for your beauty and health sometimes seems too much challenging task. However, having developed a certain system for yourself, you can easily follow it without tension and discomfort. And the reflection in the mirror will tell you that you are on the right path. Smile to yourself!

Swelling and bruising under the eyes can ruin even the most beautiful face. For some, these troubles appear in the morning, and for others, at the end of the working day or after large quantity drinking water. Since the skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, it needs special care and attention.

Swelling and bruising under the eyes: causes.

To get rid of these bruises and bags under the eyes, you should find out exactly the reason for their appearance. Perhaps it:

  • diseases internal organs or anatomical features;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • drinking a large amount of liquid;
  • lack of sleep and proper rest;
  • reactions to low-quality cosmetics;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • improper tanning;
  • spending a long time near a computer monitor.

If you have not changed anything in your lifestyle, and you have swelling, you can suspect diseases of the internal organs. In this case, you need to visit a doctor so that he can prescribe a diagnosis of the body.

If you have swelling not only under your eyes, but also in other places, then do not drink a lot of liquid in the afternoon, and especially before bed.

In any case, you should healthy image life, give up fatty, too spicy and salty foods. Don't forget to eat fruits and vegetables. In addition, always remove makeup at night.

Swelling and bruising under the eyes: cosmetics.

Cosmetics manufacturers offer different drugs for skin care around the eyes. Buy only high-quality certified products from natural ingredients. Gels with extracts of aloe, chamomile and rose hips perfectly moisturize the skin in the eyelid area and reduce signs of fatigue.

If you urgently need to disguise dark circles under your eyes, then use regular dry powder or foundation. You can find some recommendations on this issue in the article

Swelling and bruising under the eyes: traditional medicine.

1. Mask with sour cream. Take 1 tsp. sour cream and combine with the same amount of parsley juice. Apply gently to the skin around the eyes.

2. Mask with cucumber. Take a fresh cucumber and grate it. Apply to the skin around the eyes and leave for 15 minutes. Instead of cucumber pulp, you can use cucumber slices. Masks should be washed off with warm water.

3. Herbal ice. Prepare herbal infusion, adding 1 tbsp to half a liter of boiling water. l. mint, chamomile and sage. When the infusion has cooled, strain it and pour into ice trays. Every morning, take out one ice cube and move it gently around your eyes in a clockwise direction. Wonderful tones the skin and blood vessels, relieves fatigue and relieves swelling and bruising.

4. Eyelid massage. Dip your fingertips in warm olive oil, then gently pat the muscles around the eyes from inner corners eye to the outer line. After this, you need to close your eyes and place your fingers on your eyelids. Try to open your eyes under your fingers, raising your eyebrows, feel the tension. Do the exercise several times to strengthen muscle tissue and increase its tone.

5. Tea lotions. Brew tea, cool to room temperature, dip a napkin into the tea and apply to your eyes for 15 minutes.

6. Parsley decoction. This decoction has a diuretic effect and is used for weight loss. Add 2 tbsp to a liter of water. l. sugar and 4 chopped parsley roots with herbs. The mixture should simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. The decoction should be drunk three times a day, half a glass.

7. Lotions with chamomile. Prepare a strong infusion of chamomile. Then fold the herbal paste into a napkin and apply to your eyelids for 15 minutes.

8. Silver spoons. In the morning, try applying cold ice to the bruises and swelling, but don’t apply too much pressure.

9. Milk compresses. Soak a cotton swab in warm milk and apply for 5-7 minutes. closed eyes. Rinse it off cool water and apply moisturizer.

Please note that with the help of these folk remedies you can get rid of swelling and bruises under the eyes only if there is no serious illnesses internal organs that cause these problems.

Healthy nutrition for edema:

Your eyes will shine!

Some people are prone to dark circles and bags under the eyes, writes The Healthy Food. The main reasons for their appearance are lack of sleep, stress and fatigue. Additional factors- allergies, genetics or this by-effect some medications.

If you don't pay attention to these imperfections, they will become more noticeable over time. Next - only surgical intervention.

Here are the 5 best recipes for bags under the eyes, puffiness and dark circles.

They use only natural ingredients!

1. Use cucumber slices! They have a lot of antioxidants.

Apply cool drops to your eyelids for five to seven minutes. Then replace with fresh ones.

2. Use chilled goat or cow's milk. Soak it in it cotton swabs and place them on your eyelids.
Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse off the remaining milk with warm water.

3. Use green tea. It has antiseptic, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Brew one or two spoons of green tea, then cool it.
Then dip cotton pads in it, place them on your eyes and hold for ten to twenty minutes.

4. You can get rid of dark circles under the eyes using fresh apples.

Apply thinly sliced ​​apple slices to your eyes for 3-5 minutes.
To see results, do this apple therapy regularly.

5. Use the paste from grated potatoes to refresh your look.

Rub raw potatoes on a grater, mix it with a small amount olive or vegetable oil.
Place under eyes for about 30 minutes.

All ingredients are available, and the recipes are suitable for any skin type (oily, dry, combination). Plus, they have no side effects!

Here are some more tips for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes, puffiness and bags:

  • Get good sleep and rest.
  • Avoid foods that retain water in the body.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water every day. This way you will prevent fluid retention, get rid of toxins, improve general form skin.
  • Take care of the skin around your eyes: moisturize it well, protect it from exposure to sunlight.
  • Don't constantly rub your eyes. Get rid of this bad habit. By doing this you irritate the thin and delicate skin around eyes.
  • Don't overuse cosmetics- they can cause inflammation around the eyes.

Both men and women suffer equally from swelling, expressed locally, in the area under the eyes. Mistakenly perceiving bags under the eyes as a problem of exclusively cosmetic nature, women begin to attach importance to it only at the stage when puffiness takes catastrophic forms. Men who do not focus on their appearance may not even consider what they see in the mirror as a deviation from the norm.

It is important to understand that the growing tendency to discover swelling under your eyes every morning is not a signal to buy a new expensive cream. This is a reason urgent appeal to the doctor.

Puffiness under the eyes is a common problem, especially for women, although men also suffer from puffiness, but they pay little attention to it. This is not only an external cosmetic defect, but also a symptom of many diseases.

Observing swollen eyes, many go to the store for a new cream, when they should immediately go to the doctor and find out what pathology is being signaled by their own body.

In almost one hundred percent of cases, swelling initially makes itself felt in the first hour after waking up. Then, caring procedures, or even just washing, normalize blood flow, and the day passes without reminders of trouble. If getting rid of swelling does not turn into a daily ritual, then there is a reason to analyze individual cases, causing swelling. Perhaps it will be an unnecessary cup of tea or drinking alcohol, salty, sweet food. Often, swelling is provoked by a cigarette smoked before going to bed, or juicy fruit consumed less than an hour before bedtime.

The above-mentioned causes of bags under the eyes are a favorable situation, regulated by giving up some excesses, or revising your sleep-wake schedule. However, there is a category persistent swelling, different from spontaneous and fast-passing ones in that it is much more difficult to get rid of them.

There is a danger that over time, the sagging mass of fatty tissue will transform into an integral part of the image. This also threatens the appearance of circles under the eyes of a deeply bluish color and, in a neglected state, a violation of pigmentation, redness, and reddish spots spreading over the skin.

To accurately establish the origin of hernial deposits, one of the following reasons should be excluded or confirmed:

  • Malfunction of the urinary apparatus;
  • Inability of the liver to cope with the volume of incoming toxins;
  • Impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system.

Chronic swelling under the eyes indicates pathological condition body, and long-lasting bags under the eyes, becoming sclerotic, remain with the person for the rest of his life if the process is not intervened plastic surgeon. More often, this phenomenon can be observed in men who look less into the mirror and are not too worried about the changes that have occurred, citing age.

There are no consequences without a cause and swelling without predisposing factors. Therefore, if bags under the eyes have become a mandatory accompanying moment of every awakening, the body is clearly trying to convey important information about violations in their work. First of all, the following should be checked: the endocrine apparatus and the cardiovascular system. It is possible that in the nutritional medium of a troubled person there will be food allergen, consistently causing a reaction, or external stimulus. Sometimes, household chemical detergents and cleaners act as the causative agent of an allergic reaction.


When visiting a doctor, you should not rely on a diagnosis based on the results of the initial examination. Since swelling under the eyes may be hereditary factor, which, in this case, will be irreparable, the doctor will question the patient in detail about the presence of this problem within the family. Prerequisites for the transmission of infraorbital hernias can be: excessive weight of one of the parents, lipomas, wen, passed on from generation to generation.

There may be many reasons for violations expressed as an unpleasant aesthetic problem.

Therefore, to distinguish from general list possible provocateurs of bags under the eyes will require multifaceted and diverse diagnostics:

  • Expanded and ;
  • Grade hormonal changes in the body, as well as a urine test for 17-KS;
  • myocardium, urinary system, liver;
  • OAM, deployed in all respects;
  • A series of examinations aimed at assessing renal functionality (radioisotope renography).

Sometimes, the condition of swelling on the face is associated with the appearance of strange reddish spots, similar to irritation from prickly heat. This suggests an allergic reaction, especially if this phenomenon is accompanied by a rash and general swelling.

Most dangerous condition swelling of the eyes is called angioedema (Quincke's edema). It is characterized by a wide coverage of the face and neck area, and can also cause anaphylactic shock and asphyxia.

IN cold period years, redness in “spots” can be observed after long stay in cold air, with strong wind, contact with icy surfaces. Color skin irritation at the same time, it will change depending on the degree of cold exposure. The frostbite process begins with the appearance of pale areas on the skin, which can subsequently turn into thick, richly colored bruises or even progress to the stage of formation of fluid-filled blisters.

Other reasons for persistent change color range skin, may turn out to be:

  • The psycho-emotional state of a person, expressed by spotty or uniform redness of the skin;
  • Change in skin color with significant deviations in a number of functional systems the body, including against the background of an existing disease;
  • A state of asphyxia, lack of oxygen (), caused by diving to great depths, or staying at a significant altitude above sea level;
  • Diathesis manifestations, infectious lesions, presence of hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • Dark circles under the eyes are characteristic of sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue, illnesses with long-term and severe course. They may appear after surgical intervention(such as scleroplasty, for example).

Bruises under the eyes of women and men, if they do not follow a serious pathology of the internal organs, go away on their own.

In order to help the body harmonize blood flow, thereby restoring fresh color and tone to the skin, it is necessary to adhere to the following publicly available prevention recommendations:

  • Do not limit your stay to fresh air whenever possible;
  • Include in daily diet more carotene-containing products, definitely berries such as blueberries, cloudberries, currants. Replace ¾ of all fatty foods fresh and boiled vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • Eliminate negative aspects from life such as smoking, alcohol, drinking coffee and strong tea in large volumes;
  • Stabilize sleep time so that rest is at least seven hours a day. With periodic forced lack of sleep, the rest time should not be less than nine hours.


Treatment of edema due to gases rarely reaches the stage of consulting a doctor, since this problem is mistakenly considered unworthy of too close attention. Self-medication of this type of aesthetic troubles is most often limited to applying brewed tea bags, cold metal objects, ice cubes and so on.

All these methods, of course, work, but they do not help eliminate the problem, and, as a consequence, the root cause of the formation of edema, but only relieve symptoms.

If achieving a cosmetic effect is the main goal pursued this moment, we can recommend using the following effective methods:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over bearberry, cool, and strain. Soak gauze folded in four with the infusion and apply a compress for 15 minutes;
  • Use strong black tea brewed according to the previous recipe;
  • In case of frequent swelling, you can prepare the following composition: boil 100 ml of natural vegetable oil over low heat with 1 medium onion (until the vegetable darkens), then grate and pour 80 g of natural into the mixture beeswax and 1 tbsp. l., also grated, household. soap This ointment can be used at night, applying it locally.

These remedies are effective, but have only a temporary effect. For a complete cure, it is necessary, first of all, timely diagnosis bags under the eyes and classifying this problem as either easily removable or requiring serious treatment.

And only after the examination and prescriptions have been made, it will be possible to say that the question is how to remove bags under the eyes? – will never again enter the category of unsolvable.

Female attractiveness may suffer due to the appearance of different unpleasant phenomena, for example, increased swelling under the eyes - bags and bruises. Even the use of expensive cosmetics cannot always adequately disguise such marks. The skin under our eyes is very thin and even a light foundation will be noticeable on it. But what to do? How to eliminate bags and bruises located under the eyes?


Sometimes the lower eyelids swell in absolutely healthy people, which is a normal physiological phenomenon. Increased swelling may develop due to genetic predisposition. In this case, unpleasant bags begin to annoy you even at an early age. childhood. Between our skin on the eyelids and the layer subcutaneous tissue membrane is located. For a certain percentage of people it is very thin for a reason anatomical features. With time fatty tissue begins to penetrate further into the subcutaneous space, forming a fatty sac.

Swelling of the skin in the area under the eyes occurs due to indulgence in salty foods and various marinades. Scientists claim that excessive amounts of salt entering the body greatly retain moisture in the cells. Excess fluid is deposited inside the fatty tissues located under the eyes, causing bruising and swelling.

Another common cause of such an appearance defect is hormonal surges. When estrogen levels increase, fluid can be retained in cells and accumulate in tissues. Usually such a change hormonal levels occurs shortly before and during menstruation.

Eyes may get tired due to too much long stay in front of the computer, as well as due to insufficient sleep, overexertion and fatigue. An unhealthy lifestyle does not have the best effect on your appearance.

Swollen eyes are what we will definitely see in the reflection of the mirror after a successful party. Alcohol consumption causes stagnation inside blood vessels, and this results in an unsightly appearance.

With age, the area under the eyes stretches somewhat and begins to sag. Fat begins to accumulate inside the excess skin layer, leading to the appearance of so-called bags under the eyes.

Pregnancy in most cases causes some swelling. This situation is usually explained by natural physiological delay salts and fluids in body cells expectant mother.

Causes indicating illness

Sometimes the appearance of bags under the eyes is one of the main symptoms of some illness. If, in addition to changes in appearance, you feel painful sensations in the lower back, your temperature rises and urination is impaired, most likely you are faced with pyelonephritis or glomuronephyritis.
Inflammation of the nasal sinuses - ethmoiditis, sinusitis and sinusitis - can also cause increased swelling in the area under the eyes. This disease also manifests itself as pain in the forehead or under-eye area, nasal congestion and nasal discharge.

If increased swelling is accompanied by coughing, constant coughing, breathing problems, and the release of tears, it may well be that you have developed allergic reaction to an aggressive stimulus.

Bags and bruises may also indicate problems with functional activity thyroid gland, namely hypothyroidism. Other symptoms of this disease include general weakness organism, appearance extra pounds, violations menstrual cycle And depressive states.

If you notice that the bags are developing progressively, increasing in size in the evening and disappearing in the morning, it may well be that such a sign indicates heart problems. So, in addition to bruises and increased swelling in the subocular space, heart failure is manifested by the occurrence of shortness of breath, a noticeable decrease in performance and fatigue.

How to fight?

Therapy for bags and bruises in the suborbital space largely depends on their etiology. In order to somewhat minimize, and maybe completely eliminate, swelling under the eyes, try to rationalize your diet, eat less salty foods. Include soups, fruits and vegetables in your daily menu.

You need to drink one and a half to two liters per day clean water. If the body suffers from a lack of fluid, it will actively accumulate it in the cells, causing swelling. If the bags bother you in the morning, don't drink too much at night.

At night you need to sleep for at least eight hours; when you wake up, refresh the eye contour with a small piece of ice. This remedy perfectly constricts blood vessels and relieves swelling.


To quickly remove swelling and bruising, try cutting raw, peeled potatoes into small slices and placing them on the skin near your eyes. After a quarter of an hour, wash thoroughly with cool water. In the same way you can use fresh cucumbers.

Tested folk remedy To combat this problem, tea leaves are used. Take a couple of used bags, cool and keep them in front of your eyes for ten minutes.

Chop the parsley into smaller pieces, remember a little and apply it to your eyelids. Place cotton pads on top of the green mass. Leave this mask on for a quarter of an hour.

If you cannot cope with swelling and bruising in the under-eye area on your own, be sure to consult a doctor.