Peppermint is Aphrodite's favorite herb, its medicinal properties and all its uses. The benefits and harms of peppermint tincture

In ancient times, mint was considered a plant that could improve brain function. Students could be identified by their wreaths of mint leaves. Today this plant is very popular both in medicine and in cooking. It is consumed fresh or dried. They make infusions, decoctions and tinctures.

Mint tincture is good because its properties are absolutely not inferior to fresh leaves - it can be used in winter period. This form also allows for better compliance with dosage instructions.

Peppermint tincture uses

It has many beneficial properties and is a strong anti-cold plant. Helps get rid of various types cough, runny nose and headache.

Tincture can treat problems nervous system– depression, insomnia. use when increased irritability before menstruation and during menopause. Helps with bruises and sprains.

Mint tincture has a beneficial effect on almost all systems in the body:

  • digestive system - promotes the outflow of bile and cleanses the liver and kidneys, relieves spasms and colic, helps fight flatulence, heartburn and nausea. Helps digest even very fatty and heavy foods;
  • respiratory system - used for, ;
  • cardiovascular system - calms, relaxes muscles, normalizes blood pressure, is part of many heart medications;
  • mint helps eliminate bad odor and helps with;
  • is the most effective remedy against migraine;
  • in cosmetology it is used against dandruff, hair loss, skin aging, enlarged pores;
  • cooking - sauces, desserts, drinks and baked goods.

Important! If mixed in equal parts tincture of mint and valerian - it will be effective and safe remedy for hypertensive patients.

How to cook

Can serve as an alcoholic base for preparing tinctures. medical alcohol, cognac or moonshine. Lemon and other natural medicines can be added to enhance the taste.

If there are contraindications for drinking alcohol, you can make a tincture with water. It will be in no way inferior to alcohol infusion. But it has a shorter shelf life. To prepare it you will need 13 g of dry mint and 190 ml of boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour using water bath. Then filter and place in a cool, dark place.


For every 50 ml of alcohol you will need 10 g of mint. If moonshine is used, its strength must be at least 60%. The tincture must mature in a dark place for at least 14 days.

The finished tincture has a bright green color. And the leaves of the grass become like old papyrus.

Tincture with essential oil

  1. You should finely chop 1 part of mint leaves and pour 20 parts of alcohol into them.
  2. Let the medicine sit for 1 day.
  3. Then add 1 part of peppermint essential oil (read about the use of mint oil).

Not only for health, but also for the soul and warm company, you can prepare the following mint tinctures.

Mint sugar tincture

  • quality vodka – 750 ml;
  • sugar – 140 g;
  • fresh mint – 45 g;
  • water – 175 ml.

Soak the grass for 2 hours hot water. Then add the rest of the ingredients. You can taste it after 14 days.

Mint with lemon

Wash and peel half a large lemon. Cut the peel into small strips and place in a container. Squeeze the juice from the pulp and mix with mint (15 g). Send the mixture to the zest.

Then add 15 g of sugar and 300 ml of vodka. Close the bottle tightly. Shake vigorously until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pleasant and healthy drink will be ready in 3 days.

How to use

  • for toxicosis, nausea and abdominal pain, add 15 drops of mint medicine to 90 ml of water;
  • Children can be given three times a day, diluted with water. This will help cure rickets and scrofula. The number of drops must equal the number of years. In case of use water tincture you can give 35 ml of medicine;
  • colds, rhinitis - if these phenomena are not accompanied elevated temperature, you should do inhalations. Dilute 7 ml of mint tincture in 1.6 liters of boiling water. Breathe steam for at least a quarter of an hour;
  • , – you need to make an infusion for rinsing, diluting 30 drops of the mixture in 160 ml of water;
  • for angina pectoris, place 12-17 drops on a piece of sugar;
  • when you should rub a little tincture into the temple and occipital region. And also inhale the mint aroma for a few minutes;
  • for joint problems - dilute 20 ml of the mixture in water for taking a bath. You should stay in the water for no longer than 20 minutes. Then rub the inflamed areas with mint tincture and insulate with natural fabric.

For cosmetic purposes, dilute 23 ml of tincture in 2.5 liters of water. You can wash your face and rinse your hair with the resulting solution. Can also be frozen and used for dabbing. If the hair problem is quite severe, you should rub the undiluted tincture into the hair roots every 5 days. Wash off after 35 minutes.

Important! Mint tincture will quickly relieve a hangover. For 120 ml add 14 drops of tincture, a slice of lemon and an ice cube. You should drink very quickly.


Mint tincture goes well with other mixtures. This significantly enhances its effectiveness and expands its scope of application.

Mint + motherwort

This mixture belongs to the best means against stress, insomnia, panic attacks, neuroses. mixed with mint in a ratio of 4:1.

Mint + peony

This mixture relieves anxiety and fears. Improves sleep quality and normalizes blood pressure. This mixture should be in the first aid kit of everyone who suffers from cardiovascular diseases. For 4 parts you will need 1 part mint.

Mint + hawthorn

This mixture increases the heart rate, quickly reduces blood pressure, and stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

The proportions for mixing are the same as in previous versions.

Mint in cooking

Quite often the word “mint” is associated with the famous Mojito cocktail. It can be prepared quite simply.

  1. Pour 25 ml of mint tincture into a tall glass (the amount can be changed depending on the desired strength).
  2. Squeeze the juice from a quarter of a lemon (or half a lime). Cut the peel from the fruit into thin strips.

Place all this in a glass. Add a few pieces of ice.

In the article we discuss peppermint tincture - use depending on the disease, recipes, beneficial properties and contraindications. You will learn how to get rid of fatigue and migraines with the help of alcohol tincture, which will help with toxicosis and colds, and how to relieve hangover symptoms.

Peppermint tincture is used in folk medicine

Peppermint tincture contains the following chemical compounds:

  • alcohol;
  • menthol, cineole and limonene;
  • saponins, rutin;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • glucose, betaine;
  • organic acids;
  • rhamnose, arginine;
  • chlorogenic, ursulic, oleanolic and caffeic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins and resins;
  • microelements.

Beneficial properties of peppermint tincture

Thanks to the rich biochemical composition tinctures and decoctions based on peppermint have therapeutic effect for the whole body:

  • relax blood vessels;
  • relieve spasms and relieve pain;
  • normalize blood supply to the brain;
  • stabilize the psycho-emotional state;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • cleanse Airways with ARVI;
  • relieve nausea and heartburn;
  • improve appetite;
  • reduce gas formation in the intestines;
  • have a choleretic effect.
  • chronic fatigue, overexcitation, irritability;
  • tachycardia, angina pectoris, hypertension;
  • migraine, headache;
  • food poisoning;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • spasms with nausea and vomiting, flatulence;
  • stones in gallbladder;
  • hangover.

Use in folk medicine

For treatment various diseases in folk medicine, they use an alcoholic tincture of peppermint from a pharmacy or make the medicine at home. Instead of an alcohol tincture, an infusion (decoction) is sometimes prepared from the leaves and stems of the plant.

The treatment regimen depends on what disease is bothering you. As soon as the symptoms of the disease disappear, stop taking the mint tincture.

For inhalation for colds

Add 1 tablespoon water infusion mint into boiling water, turn off the heat and lean over the saucepan at a distance of 30-40 cm. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam through your mouth and nose for 10 minutes.

Peppermint inhalations ease breathing during acute respiratory viral infections, eliminate sore throats, relieve swelling, and have an anti-inflammatory effect during bronchitis.

For headaches and migraines

Drip 25 drops of mint alcohol tincture into a small container, rub mint into the skin of the forehead, back of the head and temples 3 times a day with massaging movements.

Menthol has a cooling, soothing and antispasmodic effect and quickly relieves headache and migraine pain.

From fatigue

Make a water infusion with mint and take 3 times a day, ½ glass before meals. The medicine relieves nervous excitability, lifts your mood and makes you cheerful.

For nausea

Take mint infusion for nausea according to the following scheme:

  • 2 tbsp each every 2 hours during pregnancy;
  • 1 cup 3 times a day for food poisoning or due to stress.

You can add honey to the infusion, but not sugar.

Peppermint not only removes the painful feeling of nausea, but also effectively neutralizes toxins and other harmful substances for food poisoning.

For a hangover

If you have had too much alcohol and want to quickly get rid of a hangover with the help of an alcoholic tincture of peppermint, the benefits and harms of the medicine will be almost the same. Mint relieves headaches in a couple of minutes and improves general health. Place 20 drops of tincture in 1 glass of water and drink.

However, if you have a chronic alcoholism, alcohol along with mint can cause heart pain due to unstable work of cardio-vascular system. To relieve hangover symptoms, replace the alcohol infusion with mint decoction. The medicine will calm muscle tremors and tachycardia and help remove alcohol breakdown products.

For insomnia

Drink peppermint decoction undiluted 2-3 times a day, ½ cup. Do not abuse the product if you drive a vehicle and complex mechanisms, since mint quickly causes drowsiness.

To relieve inflammation in the mouth

Prepare an aqueous infusion of mint leaves or use an alcoholic tincture of the plant - add 15 drops to 1 glass of water. Regardless of what you use to relieve inflammation - water infusion or mint pepper tincture, the application will be the same. Rinse your mouth with the prepared medicine 3-4 times a day.

Peppermint removes bad smell from the mouth, relieves toothache and other symptoms accompanying inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

How to make peppermint tincture at home

Dried mint leaves are used to prepare the tincture.

To prepare peppermint tincture at home, buy the herb or collect it yourself during the flowering period and dry it.


  • Peppermint herb - 20 tbsp.
  • Alcohol 75% or vodka - 2 glasses.

How to cook: Grind the mint using a blender or mortar. Pour the powder into a glass jar, fill with alcohol and cover with a lid. Place the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the liquid regularly. After half a month, strain the tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze and pour into a bottle.

How to use: Take 15-25 drops 3 times a day or for rubbing.

Result: Alcohol tincture of peppermint helps with colds, headaches and toothache, removes nervous tension and reduces high blood pressure.In a water infusion of mint pepper application the same as for alcohol tincture. At the same time, the infusion (decoction) is effective in situations where alcohol cannot be used.


  • Herb or mint leaves - 1 tbsp.
  • Water (boiling water) - 1 glass.

How to cook: Place the mint in a saucepan, add boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Remove the pan from the heat, strain the liquid through a strainer and squeeze. Pour into a thermos and close the lid. Leave the decoction for 1.5 hours.

How to use: Use every 2-3 hours according to the treatment regimen.

Result: A water infusion with mint reduces nausea and vomiting during toxicosis in pregnant women, relieves hangover symptoms and reduces toothache. It improves well-being during symptoms nervous exhaustion- depression, fatigue, insomnia.

Where to buy tincture

Peppermint tincture is sold in all city pharmacies, but mint tincture is not produced on an industrial scale.

For more information on preparing the tincture, watch the video:


Some people should not consume mint, despite the medicinal properties of peppermint tincture, and the contraindications for them are as follows:

  • age under 3 years;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • problems with conception;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

People at risk for a possible allergic reaction include people with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and hay fever. Peppermint tincture may cause shortness of breath, skin rashes and allergic rhinitis.

What to remember

  1. Peppermint tincture quickly relieves headaches and spasms, relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and stops the inflammatory process.
  2. If you have a cold, take inhalations with a water infusion of mint.
  3. For migraines, wipe your temples, forehead and back of your head with 25 drops of alcohol tincture, and for bad smell for toothache, rinse your mouth with 15 drops of tincture diluted in a glass of water.
  4. A water infusion helps when drinking alcohol is prohibited, as well as with insomnia, nausea and chronic fatigue.
  5. Get rid of hangover quickly alcohol tincture peppermint, but not in the case chronic alcoholism. In this case, treat with mint decoction.

Peppermint tincture is sold at any pharmacy. It has many applications due to the fact that the medicinal properties of peppermint help get rid of many diseases. It is actively used not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes.

You can make mint tincture at home

Instructions for use

Mint tincture should be used in moderate doses. Typically, this is 10 to 15 drops at a time, dissolved in a quarter glass of water.

Take it approximately half an hour before meals, a maximum of 3 times a day. After the signs of the disease for which the tincture was prescribed disappear, stop treatment. For prolonged headaches or migraines, a few drops of tincture should be rubbed into the skin on the temples.

When using mint tincture, you must follow the dosage

Use as a remedy

Peppermint tincture pure form used to treat many diseases, and some diseases can be cured as a result of combination with other tinctures.

Peppermint tincture is used in the following cases:

  • as a sedative;
  • to improve the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • as a strong antispasmodic;
  • with nausea and vomiting;
  • as an analgesic for mucous membranes;
  • to eliminate migraines and neuralgia.

An infusion of water can be used during pregnancy for toxicosis.

Useful and healing properties

Peppermint tincture has a number of the following beneficial and medicinal properties:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • increases appetite;
  • increases bile secretion;
  • gives antispasmodic effect;
  • has a disinfectant effect;
  • helps with nausea and vomiting;
  • reduces headaches;
  • has a mild sedative effect.

Mint tincture with alcohol will improve immunity

Harm and contraindications

The tincture does not cause any particular harm, but the dosage must be observed, as it may allergic reaction. Also, if you are personally intolerant, you should avoid using mint tincture.

You can find out contraindications for peppermint in another article.

How to cook at home

To prepare the tincture, peppermint is collected during the flowering period and dried well. From its leaves you can make:

  1. Alcohol tincture. For 75-100 grams of plant, take 500 ml of alcohol (75%) or well-purified moonshine (strength greater than 60%). The product is infused for two weeks in a dark place. You need to take it 25-30 drops orally or for rubbing.
  2. Water tincture. Usually pour 5 grams of mint into a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. The cooled infusion is filtered and squeezed. This remedy is preferable when you need healing properties mint, but the alcohol contained in the alcohol tincture is contraindicated.
  3. Decoction. Pour 50 grams of mint into a liter of water, first boil the product for 15 minutes, and then leave for half an hour.

Where can I buy

Peppermint tincture can be found in every pharmacy. It has a wide range of medicinal properties described above. Most often it is this that is used in treatment, and not the tincture of mint, since peppermint has more wide range medicinal properties, due to which it is the most widespread and cultivated almost everywhere.

Mint tincture cannot be purchased, but can be prepared at home.

Combination with other tinctures

Peppermint tincture is often used in combination with other tinctures, which allows you to further expand the scope of its use.

Peppermint tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy.

With motherwort

In combination with motherwort, mint tincture produces sedative effect. This is an excellent mixture against stress and insomnia.

Motherwort tincture helps with elevated nervous excitability, and is also used as a diuretic and improves heart function.

It is usually sold in pharmacies in a 100 ml bottle, and mint tincture in a 25 ml bottle. The tinctures are mixed in this ratio to obtain the desired effect.

The combination of mint and motherwort will calm the nervous system and normalize heart function.

With peony

Peony tincture helps with nervous disorders, accompanied constant anxiety and fear. It improves sleep quality and helps normalize blood pressure.

In combination with mint tincture, it helps with hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, mint tincture helps improve the taste of peony tincture.

Both tinctures are mixed in the same proportions as in the previous case: 4 parts peony tincture to 1 part mint tincture.

Tincture of mint and peony will save you from insomnia

With hawthorn

Hawthorn tincture has a mild sedative effect. Used to calm the nervous system, stimulate the work of the heart muscles, increase heart rate, and lower blood pressure.

In combination with mint tincture it becomes more pleasant taste. In addition, the mixture of tinctures gives an antispasmodic effect and successfully helps with neuroses, insomnia and hypertension.

The tinctures are mixed in the same proportions as in previous cases.

Tincture of mint and hawthorn will relieve spasms and normalize blood pressure

For hair

Mint tincture helps improve hair growth, revitalize more sluggish hair follicles by activating blood supply, get rid of skin itching and dandruff.

Thanks to its use, hair becomes thicker, more voluminous and surprises with its shine. Moreover, it is recommended to use mint tincture even in the first stages of baldness.

In order to achieve this positive effect for hair, you should rub one or two teaspoons of mint tincture into the hair roots 30 minutes before washing.

Mint tincture for hair will not only heal hair and soothe the scalp, but also have a refreshing effect

(1.4 to 3.6% dry weight).

Essential peppermint oil contains menthol. In medicine from sheets peppermint infusion used internally for nausea And How choleretic means.


From ground parts and leaves prepare peppermint oil, mint drops or peppermint (prescribed ten to fifteen drops) from vomiting and nausea, improving the taste of others medicinal plants . Peppermint oil, as an aromatic substance is used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry. Mint included in toothpastes, powders and rinses. In the food industry peppermint oil and leaf applied as spice.

Mint is used for pain in the area , brain disorder metabolism, , inflammation of the upper respiratory , hypertensive , angina pectoris, diseases, cholecystitis, stones in and gall bladder, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, diseases , , , toothache, , , , spasms. For external use peppermint used for tumors, as poultice at And .

Peppermint heals: , angina pectoris, neuroses, bad breath, .

Mint- its fragrant leaves, with green tea brewed can calm and relax. Helps mint from indigestion, at T or critical heat during the flu or cold period. Mint will relieve irritation and reduce cough due to bronchitis.


Peppermint was valuable in Rome and Ancient Greece. The Romans believed that mint smell improves mood, promoting lively conversation at the table, in connection with which the feast halls were sprinkled with mint water and the tables were polished mint leaves, wreaths from mint. Then they thought that stimulates the work of thought mint aroma. The Roman historian Pliny always had a wreath on his head made of fresh mint, recommended that his students do this too. The custom continued until the end of the Middle Ages. Mint was widely used in medicinal purposes in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic medicine water mint recommended Avicena at internal bleeding, headaches , gastrointestinal diseases.

Cooking peppermint infusion(two tablespoons crushed dry leaves half 1 liter. boiling water), drink a third or half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Healing properties of mint. Video


Peppermint leaves are included in the composition sedatives gastric and choleretic collections in, drops of mint ( from nausea) is used as antispasmodic, appetizing, for angina pectoris, included in ointments and drops from , from migraine- pencils, used for production medicinal products “Validol”, “Drops of Zelenin”, “Olymetin”, “Valocordin” etc., used for diseases that occur with muscle spasms and coronary vessels .

Mint. Benefit and harm. Video

BROOCH (INfusion)Peppermint is used in folk medicine for Gastrointestinal spasms, heart pain, diarrhea, hepatic colic, heartburn, NAUSEA, AS ANTI-COUGH, TO INCREASE APPETITE, FOR NEURALGIC PAINS, DISEASES OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT, externally - WHEN , as an antiseptic for INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES, BRONCHIECTASIA, , TOOTH PAIN.

Mint tincture, how to prepare? Beneficial features. Video

Peppermint juice is recommended for NAUSEA, VOMITING AND flatulence, SPASTIC COLITIS, with DIGESTIVE TRACT DYSFUNCTION, angina pectoris (angina), pruritic dermatosis, hysteria, insomnia, increased excitability, diarrhea, DISEASES, DISEASES AND GALLBLADDER.

From peppermint it turns out oil from leaves and stems of the ground part, contains 50% menthol and approximately 9% essential oil, menthol with acetic and valeric acids. Usually included in the composition for rinsing tooth powder (antiseptic and refreshing) toothpastes. Contained in corvalol (valocordine). Antispasmodic and sedative the effect is due to the presence of menthol.


Mint drops - alcoholic tincture of mint and mint oil. Used internally, ten to fifteen drops at a time, as a remedy against VOMITING, NAUSEA, PAINKILLER, FOR NEURALGIC PAIN.

BLANKET. FIELD MINT. Medicinal raw materials - leaves and herbs of field mint. All stages of harvesting are similar to peppermint. This plant calms and quenches , anti-inflammatory, improves the secretion of digestive glands and , stops vomiting and nausea, entering through the intestines, reduces white blood cells.

So what are the benefits of mint?


INTERNAL USE OF MINT. Field mint decoction in folk medicine it is used for spasms of the intestines and stomach, intestines, enterocolitis, . Field mint used when , How expectorant at heart diseases, How vasodilator. Use decoction in the form of baths and externally, with joint pain, scrofula, rickets, Accept infusion of field mint at spasms of the stomach, intestines, gastritis, bloating, ; like a sweatshop And expectorant means when coughing, diseases , disorders , cold.

Peppermint oil raises when applied appetite And regulates digestion, It has anthelmintic . In Tibet mint and is now used for diseases And pulmonary tuberculosis, A externally- in the form of lotions and washing when convulsions, inflammatory processes skin and itching, And rheumatic pain.

For GASTRITIS WITH HIGH ACIDITY, it is recommended to take mint leaves infusion, for GALLBLADDER AND LIVER DISEASES, FOR BLOATING, COLITIS, NAUSEA. Use fresh leaves for poultices TUMORS AND ULCERS, WOUNDS.

Dry mint leaves (in powder form) used for NAUSEA, SPASTIC PAIN IN THE ABDOMEN, VOMITING. They are also included in gastric, choleretic, carminative, expectorant, diaphoretic preparations.


Two infusion recipesfield mint.

  1. Five gr. leaves of raw material, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for ten to fifteen minutes in a thermos, then decant. Take a tablespoon every three hours.
  2. honey, sugar, jam.

    Mint tea. Benefit and harm. Video

    Juicewith mint . Fresh white cabbage(500 gr.) cut, crush in a mortar, squeeze out the juice express, mint drops add (to taste).

    Carrot-apple drink with mint. Fresh apples cut (two hundred grams), add to boiling water (half a liter), add branches or mint leaves(to taste), leave for one and a half to two hours in a closed container, add (one hundred ml.), pour Sahara(to taste).

    Mint drink with blueberry juice. mint leaves(one tablespoon) brew a glass of boiling water, cool, combine with juice (four hundred ml.), diluted with boiled water (two liters) Sahara add (two to four tablespoons).

    Peppermint oil invigorates great, sniff it from the bottle directly, if in dream tends or light an aroma lamp.

    Be healthy!

    Mint, mint treatment. Video

Peppermint – perennial herbaceous plant with a pleasant refreshing aroma. This is a cultivated species obtained by crossing garden and wild water mint. A plant with a wonderful aroma and unique properties people have been using it since ancient times, the use of mint is appropriate in the most various fields life - in medicine, in cooking, and simply for refreshing and purifying indoor air.

Peppermint Chemistry

The benefits of mint stem from its rich and varied chemical composition. The aerial part of mint contains essential oil, tannins and resins, hesperidin, carotene, caffeine, chlorogenic, ursulic, oleanolic, aspartic, glutamic and ascorbic acid. As well as rutin, arginine, betaine, glucose, rhamnose, neutral saponins, phytosterol.

Basic biologically active substance, which is part of mint - menthol, which is very much in the essential oil.

The benefits of mint are also determined by the fact that it contains a whole set of micro- and macroelements - calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese.

There are vitamins A, C, B vitamins, phytosterols, tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, cystine, phenylalanine, valine, tyrosine, histidine, serine, glycine, proline, and so on.

Medicinal properties of mint

Peppermint leaves are used in medicine and cosmetology. Raw materials are harvested twice a summer, cutting off the stems and leaves before flowering. Traditional healers It is advised to cut mint on Trinity Sunday, and then on Savior in August; it is during this period that its benefits are especially great. In folk and official medicine mint is included in the composition of sedatives, cardiac, stomach, choleretic fees and teas. Peppermint is used for the production of pharmaceutical medications - Corvalol, Valocordin, Validol.

Mint has antispasmodic, bactericidal, choleretic, diuretic, laxative, antispasmodic effects. It is used both internally and externally for compresses, treatment of wounds and irritations.

Mint is beneficial for pregnant women - infusions with it help well with toxicosis; while pregnant, mint should be drunk to improve the tone of the body and for general health.

The use of mint promotes the expansion of blood and coronary vessels, so it must be taken for vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, and bronchial asthma.

Peppermint leaf oil stimulates activity digestive system, normalizes metabolism, enhances intestinal motility.

Recipes for tinctures and decoctions

To solve some health problems, you can prepare peppermint medicine at home. The benefits of mint will be even greater if you use it in combination with other medicinal herbs.

Recipe 1.

Peppermint tincture with vodka or alcohol. Take 100 grams of dry mint or 4-5 sprigs of fresh mint, put them in a large glass jar and fill with one liter of high-quality vodka or alcohol with a strength of 70 degrees. Place the jar in a cool, dark place for 15 days. Then strain and use for medicinal purposes 25-30 drops three times a day before meals.

Indications: stress, nervous tension, migraine, bile stagnation, high blood pressure, hangover.

Everyone knows that alcohol not only makes you happy, but also causes harm to the body. severe harm, especially the next day. And this harm is a hangover. Peppermint tincture will help get rid of hangover syndrome, to do this, pour 20-25 drops of mint tincture into a glass of water and drink. The use of the tincture neutralizes the harm of alcohol, the hangover will pass very quickly.

Recipe 2.

This cocktail will help with a hangover - 1 glass mineral water, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 25 drops of mint tincture.

Recipe 3.

A hangover will go away quickly if you drink a cup strong tea without sugar, but with peppermint leaves.

Recipe 4.

And another recipe for a hangover - take a slice of lemon, 1 tsp. finely chopped ginger root, a sprig of mint, or 20-25 drops of mint tincture - brew with boiling water, let steep for 5-10 minutes, drink without sugar. The hangover will go away in no time!

Recipe 5.

There are benefits from mint in cosmetology and hair care. Prepare a decoction of mint for hair growth: take 4-5 sprigs of mint, or 100 grams of dry raw materials, put them in a pan of boiling water (there should be 2-3 liters of water), let it brew for 4-5 hours. Strain and use to rinse your hair after washing.

The benefits of mint will be especially pronounced in the treatment of oily, split hair, hair damaged by frequent dyeing with ammonia, depleted hair after pregnancy or a long illness.

Another benefit of mint for hair is that the menthol contained in its composition has an antiseptic and antifungal effect.

An infusion or decoction of mint normalizes the pH level, as a result of which the hair acquires shine, silkiness and vitality.

For hair growth and treatment, you can also use mint oil purchased at the pharmacy. A few drops of oil can be added to shampoo to wash your hair; 2-3 drops of oil will be enough for one wash. In addition, the oil can be rubbed into the scalp, massaged into the hair roots, and lubricated along the entire length of the hair.

Recipe 6.

Peppermint tincture in water for hair growth. Take 4 tablespoons of dried mint, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. The tincture can be rubbed into the scalp 1 hour before washing; the remaining tincture can be used to rinse the hair by diluting it with warm water.

Recipe 7.

The benefits of mint can be enhanced by nettle - the composition of these two herbs will make hair strong, silky and shiny. Take 2-3 sprigs of peppermint and nettle, brew with three liters of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.

When the broth has infused and cooled a little, it can be used to rub into the scalp 30-40 minutes before washing. Use the remaining broth for rinsing.

Mint contraindications

Mint useful plant, however, even in large doses it can cause harm to the body. With prolonged use, mint may appear strong allergen. To prevent benefit from turning into harm, it is necessary to take breaks when internal use preparations from this plant. Peppermint may not cause you an allergy, but its benefits will decrease if you take it for too long.

Mint can cause harm to people with low blood pressure, although most often it increases the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

It is believed that peppermint may cause harm male power, it reduces libido in men, but only in large quantities, at constant use and in old age. In moderate doses, mint is harmful to male potency equal to zero.