Frankincense oil properties and uses where to buy. For oily and problem skin. Outside of religious rites

Nowadays, the choice of cosmetics and medicines is very diverse. We are used to living in cities and using products from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. But faced with complications, side effect or the low efficiency of synthetic products, we remember natural medicines, which are found in plants. These include essential oils, successfully used in cosmetology, medicine, aromatherapy and esotericism. Frankincense oil - exotic for our country - has, in addition to pleasant aroma, numerous beneficial properties.

Frankincense is the name given to the aromatic resin of plants of the Boswellia family: Boswellia carterii, Boswellia sacrum, Boswellia pupurifera, growing in India, Somalia, Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan.

The name "Frankincense" incense comes from the phrase "incense of Franks", which means "Frankish incense", since it was supplied through intermediaries - the Franks

IN Soviet time Boswellia has been successfully grown as an ornamental plant in Black Sea coast in Sochi and Crimea.

Frankincense is used in pure form or for making essential oil. In ancient times, it was believed that the smell of incense clears the mind and frees the soul from sorrows and fears. Indeed, this aroma relaxes and brings a feeling of calm.

Nowadays, incense and its derivatives are used in church rituals and for meditation. Researchers have discovered a substance called incensol acetate in incense smoke, which acts as an antidepressant in animals and humans.

Frankincense was widely used in Ancient Egypt, including for embalming. It is surprising that when opening ancient tombs, whose age is estimated at thousands of years, archaeologists felt a barely noticeable aroma of incense.

High-quality oil is a light yellow or greenish color with warm sweetish smell. It consists of ketone alcohol, resinous substances, terpenes and other components. Healing properties oils provide monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. These hydrocarbon substances have a multifaceted effect: antitoxic, antiseptic, antibacterial, analgesic, expectorant. They speed up metabolic processes in the body, increase immunity and calm.

Frankincense extract is widely used:

  • in perfumery production - to create fragrances;
  • in aromatherapy - to change the psychophysiological state of a person;
  • V folk medicine- for the treatment of diseases;
  • in cosmetology - to improve the condition of skin and hair;
  • in the treatment of neuroses, insomnia, stress and other psychological disorders;
  • for massage and relaxing baths;
  • for meditative and esoteric practices.

Hair care

Frankincense oil strengthens hair, gives it strength and shine. Active substances oils nourish hair follicle, penetrate inside the hair, strengthening and moisturizing it. A major role here is played by resinous substances that predominate in the composition of the product. Frankincense extract eliminates dandruff, dry scalp and prevents split ends.

The easiest way to use incense ether is aromatherapy. You need to apply 3 drops of oil to a comb every day and gently comb your hair from roots to ends for 5 minutes, distributing the product over the entire length. After this procedure, the hair becomes smooth, acquires shine and a pleasant aroma.

A daily scalp massage with a mixture of alcohol (50 ml), lavender oil (10 drops) and frankincense oil (5 drops) will help prevent hair loss.

Eliminate excessive hair loss

A common problem for girls is excessive hair loss, which is usually caused not only by a lack of vitamins, but also by improper care. You can solve this like this:

  1. Mix jojoba oil (3 tablespoons) with lavender oil (20 drops), rosemary (5 drops) and frankincense (2 drops).
  2. Generously lubricate your hair with the mixture, wrap it with film and cover with a warm towel.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.
  4. Repeat the procedure once every 3 days until excessive hair loss is eliminated. This mask strengthens the roots well.

Getting rid of split ends

The following mask will help restore the structure of split ends:

  1. Dilute 5 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A, E and frankincense oil in half a glass of olive oil.
  2. Comb your hair well and apply the product over the entire length.
  3. Wrap your head in film and a towel, leave for an hour, then rinse.

By repeating the procedure once a week for a month, there will be much less split ends.

Restoring damaged hair

This recipe will help moisturize and nourish damaged hair:

  1. In shea butter (4 tablespoons), dilute 2 drops each of mandarin, ylang-ylang and incense esters.
  2. Generously lubricate hair from roots to ends.
  3. Wrap in film and a towel and leave to soak for 2 hours, then rinse.
  4. Apply 1-2 times a week, depending on the condition of the hair.

Moisturize dry hair and activate its growth

This hair rinse will be an excellent addition to your basic hair care:

  1. In 1 liter of boiled or distilled water, dilute 2 drops of extracts of frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood and chamomile.
  2. After washing, rinse your hair with this solution. Do not rinse off.

Facial skin care

Frankincense oil is suitable for caring for any skin type. It prevents the secretion of fat and the appearance of rashes on problem skin, smoothes wrinkles on aging skin, moisturizes and tones dry skin, discolors age spots and freckles. Frankincense ether has an effective astringent action, allowing you to narrow pores, tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Before using frankincense oil, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reactions on the components of its composition. To do this, apply a drop of solution to your wrist with inside and wait 2-3 hours. If there is no reaction, you can safely use the product.

For oily and problem skin

The positive results of using frankincense on oily skin are due to its antiseptic properties and ability to reduce sebum.

To get rid of acne frankincense extract is applied to acne spots cotton swab. In the same way you can lubricate ulcers, scratches, abrasions, boils, scars and hems. Frankincense dries out acne and pimples, resolves scars and scars, and heals scratches.

Getting rid of rashes

Steam bath to combat rashes based on natural essential oils:

  1. Take half a liter of boiling water, add lemon oil (2 drops), eucalyptus (2 drops) and frankincense (1 drop). To stir thoroughly.
  2. Cover your head with a towel and sit over the mixture for 5 minutes.
  3. At the end of the procedure, pat your face dry with a paper napkin.
  4. Repeat the steam bath once a week until acne reduces or disappears.

Eliminate oily shine

This mask will help make your face more matte and fresh:

  1. Beat the egg whites, pour in 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, essential oils of lemon (1 drop), rose (1 drop) and frankincense (2 drops). To stir thoroughly.
  2. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin and leave for half an hour.
  3. Wash off any remaining product warm water, apply moisturizer.

You can perform the procedure 1-2 times a week.

For dry and aging skin

Frankincense oil nourishes dry skin nutrients, stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The easiest way to use it is to enrich your face cream with a few drops of frankincense ether. However, not all synthetic components of creams are compatible with essential oils, so it is safer to use a base oil as a base: jojoba, apricot kernels, avocado, sesame, olive.

Let's start the morning right: a recipe for a refreshing tonic

A quick recipe for a morning facial tonic that will “wake up” the skin and improve its tone:

  1. Dilute 5 drops of frankincense oil in a glass of purified water.
  2. Wash with tonic instead of water or soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face.

Moisturize and nourish dry skin

Moisturizing mask for dry skin:

  1. Mix evening primrose oil (20 ml) and hazelnut(30 ml).
  2. Add extracts of incense (5 drops), sandalwood (3 drops) and carrot seeds (2 drops) into the mixture.
  3. Apply the product to the skin of the face, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

You can use this mask until three times in Week. The mixture is also good for face and neck massage.

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes

Anti-wrinkle oil for the skin around the eyes:

  1. Mix wheat germ oil with jojoba oil in a ratio of 3:1. Add 3 drops of frankincense extract.
  2. Gently lubricate the skin around the eyes with the product and leave it to absorb for 30 minutes, then blot off any excess with a paper towel.

The oil can be used at night every day. It tightens and nourishes delicate skin around the eyes, eliminates wrinkles. The product is good for removing makeup.

Eliminate sagging and swelling

Remedy for sagging and puffy skin:

  1. Melt 2 tablespoons of coconut oil until liquid and mix with 1 teaspoon of oil grape seeds, add lavender and frankincense oils (5 drops each).
  2. Mix until smooth.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face in circular motions for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave oil solution absorb or remove excess with a napkin.

At regular use within 3 weeks you will notice the result: increased skin smoothness and elasticity, improved relief.

Incense is well compatible with esters of lavender, bergamot, neroli, rose, sandalwood, pine, lemon, grapefruit, orange, black pepper, and cumin.

Massage and aromatherapy

Frankincense oil is well suited for relaxing and acupressure massage. To do this, you will need 5 drops of frankincense extract and 2 teaspoons of base oil (coconut, olive, peach, etc.). Give a massage active points need at least 10 minutes. The same recipe is useful for preparing warm oil compresses on painful areas.

A general massage of the whole body with frankincense oil is very relaxing, and the addition of citrus esters - lemon, tangerine, bergamot - will give the mixture a fresh aroma and an invigorating effect.

To create a calming atmosphere in your home and purify the air from pathogenic microorganisms pure oil incense is evaporated in an aroma lamp. If there is no aroma lamp in the house, then you can drop a little oil on the battery or just on a piece of paper. The delicate woody aroma helps well in the fight against anxiety, anxiety, stress and insomnia.

The following aromatherapy mixture will make your sleep calm and sound: neroli and sandalwood oils (2 drops each), incense (1 drop).

Aromatic baths perfectly calm and reduce stress:

  1. Stir 5 drops of oil into the solution sea ​​salt, honey or cream.
  2. Add warm water to the bath.
  3. Take a bath for 15–20 minutes.

Frankincense oil can be used for erotic massage and enrich them cosmetical tools For intimate places. Its aroma harmonizes relationships and enhances sexual desire.

If we consider my personal experience using frankincense oil, I used it specifically for aromatherapy and relaxing baths. I was curious what it smelled like, if the smell matched what we smell in church. I didn’t dare buy inexpensive oil, knowing full well that quality product made from resin from trees that grow very far from our country cannot be cheap. I ordered foreign-made oil from a friend of mine.

The smell surprised me: sweetish, delicate, fresh, with lemon notes, but absolutely different from what we smell in church. I used the oil in its pure form in an aroma lamp and added it to a bath with sea salt. When the ether evaporates, the air in the apartment becomes sweetish, but at the same time fresh. I also liked the combination of frankincense and citrus oils.

For relaxing aromatic baths I also tried combinations with other esters. I liked the combination of incense with rose and sandalwood: a very unusual oriental scent, at the same time delicate and sensual.

I used incense a couple of times to ease breathing during sleep when I had a cold. To do this, I simply dripped a little oil onto the pillow on both sides. I actually breathed easier in my sleep, and the nasty sore throat and nasal congestion went away. But essential oils of eucalyptus, mint and juniper had exactly the same effect on me.

Frankincense oil in medicine

Frankincense extract is a multifunctional remedy and has been helping people in treating a wide variety of ailments since ancient times.

For respiratory diseases

The drug is often used for respiratory diseases. The oil relieves symptoms of inflammation, destroys germs and viruses, and has a decongestant and expectorant effect. Inhalations with frankincense oil help treat runny nose, nasal congestion, bronchitis, asthma, etc. To carry out inhalation you need:

  1. Add 5 drops of the product to a container of boiling water. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Cover with a towel and breathe over the mixture for 5–10 minutes.

For oral administration

It is allowed to use frankincense extract internally: 2-3 drops added to herbal infusion, clean water or honey, will help cope with coughs and infections urinary tract, with digestive problems such as constipation, gas, bloating, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome.

For the care of teeth and gums

The strong antiseptic properties of ether are also useful for caring for teeth and gums. You can enrich your toothpaste or use boiled water with a few drops of frankincense oil as a rinse.

Homemade tooth powder effectively cleans and protects against caries:

  1. Combine half a teaspoon each of baking soda and finely ground sea salt.
  2. Add 2 drops of frankincense ether. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Brush your teeth with the resulting powder for 2–3 minutes. Rinse your mouth with clean water.

The dosage is designed for one brushing of teeth, it is advisable to do a fresh portion each time.

To relieve inflammation and pain

The anti-inflammatory properties of incense are used in the fight against diseases of muscles, bones and joints such as rheumatism, arthritis and others. To relieve pain and inflammation, rub diluted in base oil or incense ether in water.

In addition, frankincense oil helps with painful menstruation, labor pains, stops uterine bleeding.

Frankincense oil has another valuable quality- it enhances the properties of other essential oils. It can be applied to last resort or enrich ready-made mixtures with it.

Frankincense oil against cancer

Frankincense oil is known to help with oncological diseases . The fact is that incense contains monoterpenes - substances that can destroy malignant cells in initial stage their appearance and development, thereby stopping the growth of tumors. Unlike chemical or radiation therapy, the remedy only acts on cancer cells without damaging healthy ones.

Frankincense contains valuable substance AQUA is acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid, which has experimentally proven properties to destroy cancer cells. Scientists claim that AQUA can help treat colon, prostate, breast cancer and even advanced ovarian cancer.

How to take for cancer

For cancer patients, it is allowed to take frankincense oil internally or use it as an external remedy, it all depends on the location of the tumor in the body.

However, it is very important to understand that this additional remedy, it can only be used as part of complex therapy against the background of other treatment methods. If the oil does not work, and the tumor continues to actively develop during this period, precious time will be lost. The ether must be of high quality and, if possible, brought from those countries where incense trees grow.

In addition to incense, essential oils of thyme, thyme, clove, cinnamon, lavender, chamomile, sage and others are used in the treatment of cancer. You can combine them with each other.

For any cancer, you need to regularly conduct aromatic sessions with incense oil, spraying 4-6 drops of the product for 30-60 minutes using an aroma lamp. Depending on the type of disease, ether can be used in different ways:

  • For pancreatic cancer, use the following mixture under the tongue: frankincense oil - 3 drops and mint, lavender and sandalwood oils - 1 drop each.
  • If the liver is damaged, rub a little oil into the area of ​​the right hypochondrium 3 times a day.
  • If the lungs are affected, inhale with incense 3 times a day.
  • For tumors of the mammary glands, rub a mixture of 3 drops of frankincense oil and 1 drop of lemongrass ether into the chest area 3 times a day.
  • For a brain tumor, rub a mixture of 2 drops of frankincense oil and 1 drop of sandalwood extract into your temples 2 times a day.

You need to use frankincense oil for cancer in 2-month courses, monitoring the effectiveness of the effect according to the condition of the tumors.

Video: Frankincense oil in the fight against cancer


Frankincense oil is quite safe and has no categorical contraindications, but you should not use it:

  • for allergies;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • with poor blood clotting.

With caution and only after consulting a doctor, it is allowed to use this remedy in old age (after 60 years) and with such chronic diseases, such as epilepsy, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus.

Frankincense is a substance that is widely used in ritual ceremonies. Since ancient times, humanity has used it in rituals of worship as an incense. It has sedative effect, slows down work respiratory system, thus setting a person in a state suitable for prayer and meditation. But essential oils are distinguished not only by their ecclesiastical purpose; they are also widely used in perfumery and aromatherapy. In Ancient Egypt, it was used to prepare rejuvenating masks for the body and face, and was also often used for embalming. Today the range of its use is also very wide.

What oil looks like, what it is extracted from and a little historical chronicle

Frankincense oil is a greenish or faded yellow liquid. The substance has a sweet, warm aroma similar to camphor.

The substance is obtained from a small tree that grows in a number of Arab states and North Africa. Incisions are made on the bark, from which a substance with a resinous consistency is released. When exposed to air, it thickens and hardens into large orange-brown or amber droplets. Essential oil Frankincense is obtained from the resin using the steam distillation method.

Frankincense essential oil gets its name from the Greek word ladanon, which translates as “to become godlike.” In ancient times, it was believed that the aroma of this remedy makes the mind clearer, pacifies the soul and relieves it of bitterness and fear.

In Ancient Babylon, the product was equated to a sacred substance; with the help of its smell they cleansed the soul. In those distant times, incense was incredibly valued, perceived as an exotic treasure, more valuable than gold itself. Egyptian myths tell how the phoenix brought incense to the Egyptians in its claws.

A long time ago, the cost of such essential oil was incredibly high, and therefore the substance was considered a gift for kings. Perhaps that is why this product was among the offerings to the newly born Messiah. Rich people knew the characteristics of the oil very well, and therefore they were ready to pay fabulous money for it.

Emotional, erotic and bioenergetic properties

Frankincense oil has a wide variety of properties. First, let's look at its emotional, erotic and bioenergetic qualities.

  • Emotional impact. There is an opinion that incense helps to break ties with past life and can be an invaluable help for people who are fixated on the past and do not appreciate the present. Because it has a calming effect, it can be used during the treatment of asthma, where attacks are often triggered by feelings of anxiety. In addition, frankincense oil can eliminate night terrors and insomnia.
  • Erotic impact. It is an aphrodisiac that enhances pleasure to the highest degree.
  • Bioenergetic properties. Frankincense is one of the most valuable and oldest fumigation substances. He returns the energy to its real owner, thereby renewing energy “legitimacy.” If a person feels the evil eye on himself, then he can use this substance and thus return the contaminated energy imposed on him to where it came from. Every person will receive what he deserves. Incense is a tool for meditation and achieving a sense of nirvana. It contributes to a person’s more powerful resistance to evil, makes his strength and faith stronger, and helps him receive cosmic energy. With the help of this incense you can find your love and start a family. It closes energy gaps and helps align the aura.

For body

Frankincense essential oil has invaluable properties for the body. The product helps cleanse the lungs and has a positive effect on all mucous membranes. The oil helps breathing: eliminates shortness of breath and, as mentioned above, helps people with asthma. Also, this substance reduces mild forms of inflammation. painful sensations. Using oil you can get rid of a runny nose.

It has been established that the use of incense is an excellent preventive measure for cystitis, nephritis, and infections entering the organs. genitourinary system. The astringent function of the substance manifests itself during heavy menstruation in girls or when a woman begins to have uterine bleeding. The oil is considered a wonderful birth aid, and it also successfully fights postpartum depression. These properties are provided by the soothing function of the product.

Frankincense prevents the appearance of mastitis. It also eliminates belching and improves digestion.

Cosmetic properties

Frankincense oil, the properties and uses of which we are considering, is good to use for any skin type. It ennobles the epidermis, smoothes out all existing skin wrinkles and folds, produces a whitening effect. If there are acne and pimples on the skin, then it is recommended to apply the product pointwise, and existing boils, ulcers and scars must be lubricated no less carefully.

If you have oily skin, frankincense will reduce the appearance of sebum. By applying the product to dry skin, you can tone and renew it. Dark spots You can also remove freckles with the help of this magical incense. The oil is extremely effective for a variety of skin problems such as dermatitis, eczema and other diseases.

Frankincense can also be used on nails and hair. The oil makes hair stronger and accelerates its growth, revives follicles, helps get rid of dandruff and makes braids elastic. It makes peeling and brittle nail plates healthy and strong.

In the fight against cancer

According to scientists, frankincense oil is effective against cancer. The product contains monoterpenes - special compounds that help eliminate cancer cells in the first stages of development and during the progression of the disease. Regardless of what stage the disease is detected at, the drug will be an ideal option for cancer patients.

The use of such oil can make a real revolution in the field of study and treatment of the disease. Whereas chemotherapy acts on the area around the tumor, thereby destroying and healthy cells, incense will act exclusively on cancerous ones, leaving healthy ones intact.

Application of oil

Frankincense oil, the properties and use of which we describe in the article, is used both in pure form and in combination with essential oils of other shrubs and trees, for example, vetiver, geranium, sandalwood, cinnamon and others. As an additional component, the product can be added to hair conditioners and shampoos.

For hair loss, experts recommend using the following mask: mix two drops of frankincense with five drops of rosemary, twenty drops of lavender and 50 milliliters of jojoba oil. Apply this mixture to your braids and wrap your head in a towel for a more powerful effect.

Other uses

A lot of different ways uses frankincense oil. It can also be used for bathing. A bath with this oil is wonderfully soothing and relaxing. You can make such a font like this: dissolve four to five drops of frankincense oil in sea salt or cream. The mixture is poured into the water prepared for taking a bath. You can bathe in this solution twice or thrice a week for 15-20 minutes. You can add lavender essential oil to frankincense oil, which will help overcome insomnia and fall into a deep and restful sleep.

If you want to prepare a face mask, you will need 30 milliliters of clay, two drops each of lavender oil, frankincense oil and carrot seed oil. All this is mixed and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.

Women suffering from severe menstrual pain, can reduce them by rubbing a mixture of six drops of frankincense, three drops of rose oil and 25 milliliters into the stomach

Limitations for use

Frankincense essential oil (uses and properties described above) is practically safe for human body. But still, experts recommend dropping a small amount onto the skin before use to make sure there are no allergic reactions.

Children under six years of age should not consume the product internally. Nursing mothers and pregnant girls are strictly prohibited from using incense. It is forbidden for people who use anticoagulants and people who have blood clotting disorders to take incense.

Frankincense is one of the most ancient incense. The Chinese were the first to use it in religious practice. Therefore, everyone associates this oil with the church: after burning incense, an unusual smell familiar to all of us comes out, which is called “incense”.

The oil not only emits specific fragrances, but is also capable of having meditative effects. The smell of incense is very relaxing, relieves stress and puts you in a state of peace.

In ancient times it was practiced in medical purposes. Frankincense oil was believed to cure infections and skin diseases.

Egyptian women also added oil to cosmetics to maintain the youth and beauty of their skin.

Frankincense is a resin that is extracted from the stems of the incense tree. In order to obtain oil, the resin must be distilled with water vapor. The technology for collecting resin now is no different from collecting it in ancient times: an incision is made in the tree, through which the tree sap flows out and hardens, after which it is cut off.

It is necessary to extract the product at the end of February or beginning of March, when the tree has the highest concentration of the product. After collection, the resin is sorted, since there are several degrees of its quality:

  1. Selective – top quality. The product is pleasant yellowish tint and a delicate scent.
  2. Ordinary - second grade. Has a dark tint; it is used for church rituals.

Frankincense oil composition:

  • minerals;
  • essential oils - they contain terpenes, which give the oil such an unusual smell;
  • resins - fill most of the oil; their main component is boswellic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • gum.

Beneficial properties and uses of frankincense ether:

  1. It has a rejuvenating effect, actively fights fine wrinkles, gives the skin firmness and elasticity.
  2. Incense has also found its use in perfumery.
  3. Ether is also used to make soap.
  4. Frankincense oil returns healthy appearance and beauty to hair and fights split ends.
  5. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is advisable to use it for joint pain and skin diseases.
  6. Widely used to treat neuroses and other mental illnesses.

Use of oil for cancer:

Frankincense oil has many useful properties, but the most important thing is to prevent and combat oncological diseases. At the beginning of the disease, it effectively stops the division and growth of cancer cells:

  • for liver cancer, frankincense oil is rubbed 3 times a day into the location of the organ;
  • for pancreatic cancer, you need to drip 3 drops of incense under the tongue and a drop of mint, lavender, sandalwood.
  • for metastases in the lungs, do inhalations based on incense oil 3 times a day.

Using frankincense oil in cosmetology

The essential oil is suitable for any skin type. It fights oily skin and moisturizes dry skin.

When adding incense to the cream, the number of wrinkles decreases and the skin rejuvenates.

If you have problem skin or a lot of pimples, just apply the oil to the affected area.

You can also make tonic water that will invigorate you in the morning and inspire you to new achievements.

  • To do this, add 5 drops of frankincense oil to 250 ml of water.

To rejuvenate the skin around the eyes take:

  • 2 drops of rose oil;
  • 2 drops of lime;
  • 1 drop of incense.

Mix the oils and apply to the area that requires rejuvenation.

By adding incense to shampoos and conditioners, the condition of your hair will improve: it will become healthy and attractive appearance, will stop falling out and breaking.

If you apply a couple of drops of oil to a comb and use it regularly, your hair will look shiny, and you will forget about such words as “dandruff” and “seborrhea” forever.

  • 50 ml jojoba oil;
  • 2 drops of incense;
  • 5 drops rosemary;
  • 20 drops of lavender.

Mix all ingredients and massage onto the roots and scalp for 25 minutes. You need to put plastic and a towel on your head. After the time has passed, wash off the mask with shampoo.

You can also rub a mixture of:

  • 50 ml ethyl alcohol;
  • 5 drops of frankincense oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender.

This mask should be used daily.

Frankincense essential oil effectively fights colds: just do inhalations and you will get rid of the disease

  • For such procedures, you need to take a deep bowl, pour hot water into it, add 2 drops of oil and throw a large towel on top. It is advisable to inhale the vapor for 6 minutes.

The effects of frankincense oil on the emotional sphere

The use of aroma lamps is very useful for people with unstable psyche, suffering frequent stress, nervous disorders.

  • To do this, pour 5 drops of essential oil into the lamp.

The incense that produces incense is capable of a short time bring your psyche into a balanced state, immerse you in harmony and peace of mind. The incense will also help you fall asleep quickly.

An aroma bath with frankincense essential oil is a great way to end the day. Just 8 drops of oil will help relieve the body of fatigue and give it lightness.

Frankincense is native to Africa. In our country, incense can be found on the coast of Crimea, where it is grown as a ornamental plant, as well as for medicinal purposes.

Since ancient times, incense has been used as an incense to scent and disinfect rooms. The relaxing effects of incense's aroma made it a necessary ingredient for fumigating temples during worship in some religious cultures. Today this smell can be heard in churches, where solid pieces of incense tree resin are used for aromatization. This resin is actually used to make frankincense essential oil, which has wide range useful properties.

Essential incense: properties

Frankincense oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. The aroma is soothing and peaceful. Frankincense is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Frankincense Essential Oil: Applications

Frankincense oil is one of the most the best means for the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is a recognized anti-asthmatic. It is used for inflammatory processes in the lungs, bronchi, and nasopharynx. Used as an expectorant, cough softener, cleanses the lungs, and promotes oxygen saturation.

Frankincense essential oil considered a good anticonvulsant, regulates blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of diseases Bladder. Is pretty effective means for headaches and dizziness.

Used to treat diseases lymphatic system: for enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes, lymph stagnation, providing natural lymphatic drainage. Frankincense oil- a recognized remedy for regulating the volume of discharge during heavy menstruation in women.

In cosmetology frankincense essential oil used to make products for all skin types. It has an antiseptic effect, due to which it is included in creams for the treatment of acne and inflammatory processes skin. The pronounced anti-aging benefits of incense allow it to be used in anti-aging masks.

These products provide care, maintain skin turgor, promote regeneration, eliminating minor defects and even noticeable scars. Can be used (by spot application) to treat wounds, hard-to-heal ulcers, boils, as well as eliminate scars and marks after healing.

IN age-related means for skin care frankincense oil used as a whitening, wrinkle-smoothing, complexion-evening component. It tightens pores and revitalizes dry and aging skin.

It is also indispensable for hair care and treatment. After using shampoos and balms with the addition of incense, the hair becomes silky, acquires shine and a healthy appearance. Frankincense oil - excellent remedy against dandruff, hair loss, for hair growth.

In aroma lamps frankincense essential oil It is recommended to use to relieve tension, stress, combat anxiety and insomnia. It also fills with energy and tones, allowing you to think more clearly. Can be used as aid at sexual disorders, as well as simply to enhance and prolong erotic arousal.

Frankincense essential oil: dosage

For inhalations for diseases respiratory tract V hot water add 1 drop of frankincense oil, duration from 5 to 7 minutes. Cold inhalations are also useful; in this case, a drop of oil can be applied to a cloth and the aroma can be inhaled for 3-5 minutes.

Add 4-6 drops to aroma lamps per 15 m2; drop 2 drops into an aroma medallion.

Frankincense oil also added to mixtures for massage. This procedure will ease breathing during asthma attacks or coughing (chest massage), heavy menstruation (abdominal massage), and restore skin elasticity ( cosmetic massage). For these purposes, add 5 drops of frankincense oil per 15 g of base oil.

To take a bath, just drop 3-6 drops into the water.

Like any other frankincense oil You can add it yourself to your usual cosmetic products. To enrich creams, balms, and shampoos, add 4 drops of oil per 15 g of base.

For internal use(asthma, cold, urinary tract, cough) 2-3 drops of frankincense essential oil are added to a glass of water or herbal decoction.

Frankincense essential oil: contraindications and precautions

Before use, it is better to conduct an allergy test; a reaction to the drug is possible. For psoriasis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, systemic lupus Use only after consultation with an aromatherapy specialist.

When applied to the skin, a short-term burning effect is possible, this normal reaction, which will pass in a couple of minutes.

Frankincense essential oil goes well with other essential oils. Use it in a mixture with sandalwood, verbena, lavender, rosemary, citrus, pine, neroli, lemon grass, eucalyptus, black pepper, rosewood.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

properties and applications


(Boswellia carteri Birdw., and also Boswellia sacra Flueck.)

Action(see below for more details):

antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, analgesic, wound healing, expectorant, emollient.

Quickly relieves stress and depression, eliminates insomnia and fears, gives a feeling of inner peace and well-being.

Is a powerful regenerating and wound healing agent. Rejuvenates and tones the skin. Strengthens hair.
applies(see below for details) for inflammation of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, wounds, burns, stress, anger, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, insomnia, impotence, frigidity, baldness, aging skin.

Effect of frankincense essential oil

antidepressant, antiseptic, sedative, relaxing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing, antiallergic, immunomodulatory, anticonvulsant, astringent, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, emollient.
It is one of the best pulmonary antiseptics. Soothes cough and helps treat runny nose. Reduces shortness of breath and alleviates the condition of patients with asthma, reduces fear of the next attack.

Improves the condition of cystitis and nephritis.

Improves digestion, reduces dyspepsia and relieves belching.

Optimizes the body's natural lymphatic drainage, prevents lymphostasis and enlarged lymph nodes.
Reduces abundant menstrual flow. Tones the uterus and is effective as a birth aid. Stops uterine bleeding. Helps get rid of postpartum depression. May counteract the development of mastitis.
It is a powerful antidepressant and antipsychotic agent. Relieves stress and depressive states, quickly removes from a state of post-stress reactivity, eliminates insomnia and night terrors, organizes thoughts, fills with energy, raises overall tone, creates an elevated mood, brings a feeling of inner peace and well-being.
It is a powerful regenerating and wound healing agent. Effective in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, carbuncles and others skin inflammation. Promotes the resorption of scars.
An excellent skin tonic. rejuvenates and renews aging skin, increases its elasticity, smoothes folds and wrinkles. Having a whitening effect, it evens out skin color. Thanks to astringent properties useful for oily skin, and is also ideal for caring for dry and aging skin.

Eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair, increases its elasticity, promotes growth and prevents hair loss.

Aroma: warm, resinous, smoky, woody, sweet, spicy, balsamic with a lemony note.

application cases

bronchial asthma, runny nose, Chronical bronchitis, cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, flu, sinus inflammation, urinary tract infection, frigidity, impotence, painful and heavy menstruation, infected wounds, burns, ulcers, aging skin, tendency to baldness, elderly age, depression, neurosis, anxiety, anger, fear, intrusive thoughts, nervous exhaustion, insomnia.
Used for meditation.
Other uses:
It is used as a fixative and fragrance in the manufacture of soap, deodorants and oriental and spicy perfumes, especially for men. Widely used for the production of incense. Sometimes serves as a flavoring agent for food and drinks.

Receive from Boswellia sacred gum, called frankincense or olibanum - Boswellia carteri Birdw., as well as Boswellia sacra Flueck. (burzer family - Burseraceae). The resin flowing from cracks or special cuts on the trunks of boswellia trees is first dried and then dissolved in alcohol (75%) and evaporated in a vacuum, obtaining a resinoid, from which olibanum is isolated by steam distillation.

Origin of the plant:
Plant distribution: Arabian Peninsula (Yemen, Oman) and Northeast Africa (Somalia).

Oil properties:
light yellow or greenish liquid, which has a pleasant balsamic scent with a lemon note.
Main components:
alpha-pinene (more than 63%), delta3-carene, myrcene, limonene, camphene, sabinene, beta-pinene, cymene, beta-phellandrene, alpha-pinocarveol, verbenone, bornyl acetate, beta-elemene, alpha and beta selinene, kadinen. Important for the odor itself and the products of its pyrolysis is the presence of incesol and its acetate, as well as the corresponding triene alcohol and viridiflorol.