How long is laryngitis contagious? Is viral laryngitis contagious in adults and children? Is laryngitis contagious?

Laryngitis is a disease that often occurs due to external factors, for example, after a long stay in the cold. Is laryngitis contagious? In addition to hypothermia, it can be caused viral infection. Only then is laryngitis transmitted by air by drip between people.

The development of an inflammatory reaction on the mucous membranes of the larynx occurs with laryngitis.

Probable causes of the disease

With laryngitis, the larynx becomes inflamed, irritation appears in the vocal cords, and the person often loses his voice. The most common cause of the disease is an infection of the throat cavity. Inflammation can be an undesirable consequence of diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Laryngitis often develops in smokers. Also this disease happens to vocalists, especially if they constantly need to give concerts in the cold season outdoors.

Consequences of allergies

For the treatment of allergies, the doctor must prescribe antihistamines.

Laryngitis can be caused by an allergic reaction to flora or fauna. Allergies spread easily Airways, because allergen particles penetrate into the nasopharyngeal area very quickly. The most common allergies are to cat hair, some food products, materials for interior painting, poplar fluff, floral scents.

Allergy symptoms are common. It is difficult for a person to breathe, watery eyes, runny nose, cough. The patient then suffers from suffocation, coughing up blood, difficulty breathing and swallowing. It is quite possible to confuse an allergy with a more serious illness, so the patient should definitely consult a doctor - only a specialist can correctly diagnose it by taking tests.

Result of stress

In addition, laryngitis appears as a result of stress, excessive stress, and emotional upheaval. This occurs due to weakening immune system under stressful conditions. When immunity collapses, it is easy for disease to enter the body. This happens too much emotional people and small children.

Genetic predisposition

Healthy parents - healthy children.

A child’s propensity for illness directly depends on the health status of the parents. Only healthy parents give birth to healthy children. If, for example, the mother smoked or drank alcohol before giving birth, this will definitely affect the child - perhaps not immediately, but there is a high risk that he will suffer from chronic diseases and easily succumb to viral infections.

It has been scientifically proven that if you abuse fatty foods, the child will be born prone to viruses and colds.

The child of a woman who gives birth late, after thirty-five years, can also get sick. Also, during pregnancy, it is advisable to protect the body from infectious diseases that are transmitted from patients.

Is laryngitis contagious and how contagious?

This disease is contagious if you are in the company of a sick person. Laryngitis is transmitted by airborne droplets. , so for an adult. It is necessary to avoid the company of people already infected with this disease. If the immune system is weak, it is not able to fight off the disease, therefore, symptoms appear very quickly. If symptoms are detected, you should immediately begin treatment.

A patient who is forced to be in society (for example, a store, work) should cover his mouth with his palm when he sneezes or coughs. A person sneezes - bacteria spread around and can easily be transmitted to other people. It is best for the patient and surrounding people to limit contact with strangers as much as possible, to rest at home during the period of illness until the symptoms of laryngitis, which was transmitted, disappear.

How does the disease manifest itself?

With laryngitis, the symptoms are clearly expressed: excruciating pain in the throat, inability to swallow without pain. They are accompanied by pain in the ear, inflammation of the tonsils, severe runny nose. These symptoms indicate that it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a course of treatment. Treatment is with antibiotics. You also need to stay at home, drink a lot of warm drinks and try to talk less.


  • allergic;
  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • microbial.

At the first discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will tell you the treatment methods, whether laryngitis is contagious, and perhaps prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. Two forms are considered dangerous: infectious and bacterial.

Infectious form

The settling of infection on the mucous membrane of the larynx, first of all, contributes to breathing problems. At the same time, the work of everyone is disrupted respiratory organs, trachea, oral and nasal mucosa. The lymph nodes(regional) enlarge, become inflamed, and soreness is felt in the larynx. This is the result of the disease progressing along the lymphatic bed. The next stage is inflammation of the nasopharynx, its membrane and tissues. It really has a detrimental effect on the people around you and infection is possible. While other forms can take up to two days to appear, the infectious form destroys the immune system immediately. All the patient has to do is sneeze in public.

The infection process occurs more often in children. This is due to the fact that the child is constantly in society. For example, in kindergarten, school, clubs, sections, playgrounds, etc. Main accumulation center pathogenic microbes- throat, and infection occurs by airborne droplets. The first thing that the infection affects is the respiratory tract and vocal cords. Loss of voice is considered a bad sign.

One of the main features of an infectious disease is the process of destruction of the entire functioning of the body and its systems. When the virus enters, an increase in body temperature and deterioration are noted. general well-being, weakness. Against the background of a weakened immune system, somatic diseases and a tendency to other infections may occur. The symptoms of laryngitis of this form are pronounced. Particularly troubling is the constant dry cough that torments a person for 5-7 days. He is the main carrier of the infection. It is complemented by systematic sneezing, runny nose, and suffocation.

Infectious laryngitis can be caused by previous diseases: chickenpox, smallpox, rubella, mononucleosis, measles.

The rehabilitation course consists of drug treatment, physiotherapy procedures, taking anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and antipyretic drugs. It is important to maintain complete rest for vocal cords.

Bacterial form

There is an answer to the question of whether laryngitis is contagious. In some forms it is contagious. One of these forms is bacterial. Another type of infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. That is, infection enters the respiratory tract, settling on the walls of the mucous membrane. If an exacerbation occurs, this can lead to undesirable consequences and complications.

Symptoms of the disease:

The main difference between the bacterial form and the others is the absence frequent sneezing and a painful runny nose. Bacterial laryngitis rarely occurs without complications. Often, it involves laryngotracheitis (a severe form of laryngitis).

Laryngotracheitis affects the entire area of ​​the larynx, nasopharynx and trachea. It is determined by the following signs and symptoms:

  • severe suffocating cough;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice.

Usually complications arise precisely because of the second point. As a result of damage to the body's functioning system, air circulation in the lungs is disrupted due to insufficient oxygen supply. Doctors conventionally call this the stenotic type. When a person has difficulty breathing.

What does the presence of temperature indicate?

Laryngitis is acquired after communicating or simply being in the same room with an infected person. The bacteria are tenacious and can live in the body for several more days. The duration of the illness itself is early stage not long, 5-7 days, but if the infection leads to complications and attracts other diseases, the course of treatment may take 14-20 days. In addition to high temperature, there are other serious symptoms. The patient is being tortured severe pain. They are localized not only in the throat. The pain can cover the entire larynx, nasopharynx, and headaches caused by temperature are no exception.

People suffering from bacterial laryngitis (or any other infectious diseases) must comply with quarantine and not leave home.

The room can be ventilated every day. If the illness does not go away within a week, it is better to take a second course and minimize contact with healthy people.

What is laryngitis? This inflammatory process, affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx. Causes him to have a cold or infection(whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever). In this case, there arises coughing, and very drastic changes occur in the voice. It becomes hoarse or disappears altogether. Therefore, the doctor does not advise a person suffering from laryngitis to talk a lot, as this slows down the recovery process. There are several forms of this disease, some of which pose a certain danger to humans. So what is laryngitis, is this disease contagious or not? Let's try to figure this out.

This disease develops as a result of hypothermia, smoking, inhaling cold air through the mouth, overstrain of the larynx, and drinking alcohol. The larynx becomes inflamed, the vocal cords become irritated, and the voice may be lost. Laryngitis occurs suddenly, occurs with a high temperature, and attacks of suffocation may occur, which poses a danger to both adults and children. Many people have a reasonable question about laryngitis: is it contagious? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider its forms.

Acute laryngitis is a disease resulting from straining the voice or severe hypothermia. The inflammatory process in this case can affect the mucous membrane of the entire larynx, epiglottis, walls of the vocal folds or subvocal cavity. The disease develops very quickly and lasts no more than two weeks.

Acute laryngitis can acquire chronic form. The inflammatory process occurs in the throat or nose and also lasts no more than two weeks.

Laryngitis is dangerous for young children. Is this disease contagious? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. If the disease is caused by pathogenic viruses or bacteria, then there is a high probability that the sick person will be able to infect others. But it is impossible to determine whether laryngitis is contagious or not on your own. This can only be done by a doctor after examining the patient.

At the very beginning of its development, the disease manifests itself unpleasant sensations dryness and burning sensation in the larynx, but general state remains stable. After some time, a convulsive cough appears, exhausting the person, and headache and it becomes difficult to swallow. The voice becomes hoarse, later turning into a whisper.

The cough turns from dry to wet, and sputum begins to be coughed up, sometimes with pus. White blood cells increase greatly in the blood, and the mucous membrane of the larynx turns sharply red, capillaries begin to burst, contributing to the appearance of purple spots. If acute laryngitis occurs, incubation period This disease lasts from several hours to several years.

The disease may occur as a result of an allergy to strong odors. This could be, for example, paint or varnish that can be felt in a room that has recently been renovated. Allergens can be from various pets; in addition, coughing is often provoked by fish food. If the apartment is very dusty or there are mites that the tenant is not even aware of, this also contributes to the development of an inflammatory process in the throat.

Laryngitis can develop due to medicines. Any sprays for the throat and nose for children under three years of age must be used with extreme caution. The child's body helps protect lower sections respiratory tract from the penetration of foreign elements into them, and since the spray jet hits the back wall throats with those there nerve endings, this may cause spasm of the vocal cords. This leads to the development of the disease.

Viruses are considered the most common cause"barking" cough. The infection affects the upper respiratory tract, and viruses accumulate near the vocal cords. Antibiotics should not be used for treatment, since the virus is not susceptible to them. In this case, inhalations are prescribed, bed rest and plentiful warm drink. If viral laryngitis occurs, the incubation period usually lasts from 1 to 5 days. This type of disease is considered non-contagious. Recovery occurs faster if a person stops smoking and regularly humidifies the air in the room.

So, is acute laryngitis contagious? The infectious form of this disease occurs as a result of agents accumulated on the vocal cords that cause inflammation. In this case, laryngitis is considered highly contagious and is transmitted by airborne droplets, contributing to inflammation of the respiratory tract.

The bacterial type of disease is usually characterized by an increase in body temperature. Is this acute laryngitis transmitted from person to person or not? It is highly contagious for both adults and children. The disease spreads when a sick person coughs and sneezes. Causing disease bacteria enter the air and begin to spread from air currents, contributing to their settling on the mucous membrane of the larynx in other people. The risk of contracting bacterial laryngitis remains for several days after a person has recovered.

This type of disease is characterized heavy discharge from the nose, pain radiating to the throat and ears, difficulty swallowing, high fever. Particularly acute bacterial laryngitis in children. During an exacerbation, attacks of suffocation are possible; the airways are blocked almost completely. It is recommended to treat the disease in a hospital under medical supervision.

It doesn’t matter whether laryngitis is contagious or not, if the first signs of this disease occur, you should consult a doctor. This is very serious illness, which when neglected can cause severe consequences. By using in various ways Treatment can quickly get rid of this disease. Antibiotics only help with bacterial form laryngitis

During treatment, it is necessary to remain in bed, drink as many warm drinks as possible, gargle with solutions, and take herbal inhalations. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician, as some herbs can cause allergies. For inhalation, it is best to use oregano and St. John's wort, which remove phlegm well and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Thus, whether laryngitis is contagious or not can be determined by studying the reasons that caused it. Bacterial is considered contagious and infectious species. To protect yourself from such a disease, you should wear a gauze bandage and isolate the patient in a separate room.

Laryngitis - respiratory disease, in which there is damage to the larynx, vocal folds and upper sections trachea. Not only pathogens, but also allergens or simple overstrain of the vocal cords can provoke inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Is laryngitis contagious? We can say that most of its forms are contagious. The degree of contagiousness (contagiousness) of the disease depends on what exactly caused the inflammation of the larynx. Infectious forms of pathology arise due to the development of viruses, fungi and coccal bacteria. In this case, the probability of infection is determined by the level of pathogenicity of microorganisms. What does it mean? There are opportunistic and pathogenic viruses, fungi and microbes. So, the former are normal inhabitants of the microflora of the ENT organs, therefore they are not transmitted from person to person, and the latter provoke the development of respiratory diseases.

It is immediately worth noting that the disease caused by the development pathogens, is contagious. In other words, infectious forms Diseases can be contracted through contact with a sick person. There are several main routes of transmission of infection, namely:

  1. aerogenic - pathogenic flora penetrates the respiratory tract through the air;
  2. contact - infectious agents are transmitted through the use of common household items (cups, plates, towels, toys);
  3. transplacental - infectious agents are transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy.

Viral laryngitis is the most contagious disease that is transmitted aerogenously by sneezing, coughing and talking to a sick person.

Few people know that inflammation of the larynx very rarely develops on its own. As a rule, the development of the disease is preceded by other infectious ENT diseases. Therefore, when contacting an infected person, you can become infected not so much with laryngitis, but with a provoking disease, which can be influenza, ARVI, herpangina, bronchitis, etc.

Is allergic laryngitis contagious or not? Inflammation of the vocal folds and larynx can be provoked not only by conditional pathogenic microorganisms, but also many irritants. Allergens are often:

Irritating substances provoke inflammation of the respiratory tract, as a result of which symptoms characteristic of the disease appear - spasmodic cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, difficulty breathing, etc. This form of ENT pathology is not transmitted either by airborne droplets or by contact, and therefore does not pose a threat to others.

Allergic laryngitis is a non-contagious disease that is not transmitted from person to person. However, it should be taken into account that allergic reactions reduce local immunity and if inflammation is not stopped in time, viruses or microbes can subsequently penetrate into the irritated mucosa.

If allergic laryngitis is accompanied by an infection, the disease becomes contagious. Obvious manifestations infectious lesion larynx are heat, malaise, body aches and wet cough.

Occupational laryngitis - non-infectious respiratory disease, which is characterized by the formation of “singing nodules” on the vocal folds. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in people who constantly overstrain their vocal cords. These include singers, lecturers, educators, announcers, radio presenters, etc. TO typical manifestations illnesses include hoarseness and scratching in the throat when speaking.

Severe symptoms of dysphonia, i.e. Voice disorders manifest themselves in people of “voice” professions with many years of work experience. To restore the functioning of the voice-forming apparatus, it is recommended to strictly observe vocal rest until full recovery vocal cords. Naturally, aseptic inflammation of the larynx cannot be transmitted by airborne or household contact, so it is impossible to become infected with occupational laryngitis. But, as is the case with allergic form diseases, with untimely treatment In the larynx, pathogens can penetrate into the irritated mucosa and cause infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Thus, non-infectious forms of the disease, in particular professional laryngitis, are not transmitted from person to person.

Viral laryngitis is provoked by coronaviruses, adenoviruses, enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, etc. In addition, the disease in 9 out of 10 cases develops against the background of influenza, tonsillitis, bronchitis and other infectious diseases. Infectious laryngitis is transmitted by airborne droplets when talking with a sick person.

It should be understood that the provocateurs of inflammation in the larynx are nonspecific microorganisms. Therefore, even if infected, laryngitis will not necessarily develop. Depending on the nature of the infectious agent, symptoms of rhinosinusitis, flu, sore throat, pharyngitis, etc. may appear.

The greatest danger to others is posed by patients with unproductive cough. On initial stages During the development of the disease, viruses are most active, therefore, when they penetrate the ENT organs of a healthy person, they can provoke inflammation. At the resolution stage pathological processes, which is evidenced by a cough with copious sputum discharge, patients are not contagious.

Viral laryngitis can be transmitted aerogenously within 3-4 days after infection of the larynx and vocal folds.

Bacterial inflammation of the larynx occurs due to the development of staphylococcal, pneumococcal or streptococcal flora. Microbes can exist for a long time outside the host’s body, so the infection is often transmitted through contact and household contact through kissing and using common household items. The main manifestations of ENT disease include:

  • heat;
  • spasmodic cough;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • impurities of pus in the sputum;
  • white coating on the walls of the throat;
  • symptoms of intoxication.

Very often, bacterial inflammation of the larynx develops against the background of purulent (follicular, lacunar) tonsillitis in a descending manner. If someone in the house becomes ill with microbial laryngitis, it is necessary to send him to “home quarantine.” It is recommended to move the patient into a separate room, provide him with separate dishes and towels, and also limit contact with him for the next 5-7 days. For a week the patient should take antimicrobials prescribed by an ENT doctor.

Is chronic laryngitis contagious? Unlike acute inflammation larynx, chronic laryngitis practically does not manifest itself at all. Cough often bothers patients only in the morning or during sleep. During a period of prolonged remission, chronic laryngitis is not contagious. But during an exacerbation of the disease, it is still better to stay away from the patient.

Common causes of chronic inflammation in the larynx include:

  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • non-compliance with voice mode (during treatment);
  • irrational use of medications;
  • constant irritation of the larynx with harmful substances.

Chronic laryngitis is a non-contagious disease that is not transmitted either aerogenously or by contact.

Fungal infections of the laryngeal mucosa occur mainly as a result of decreased immune defense body. Why? The respiratory tract is home to so-called opportunistic microorganisms, which include fungi of the genus Candida. In the absence of malfunctions in the immune system, they do not manifest themselves in any way. But against the background of a decrease in the body’s reactivity, they begin to multiply quickly, resulting in inflammatory reactions in the larynx.

Is fungal laryngitis transmitted from person to person? No, fungi of the genus Candida are normal representatives of the microflora of the respiratory system. They are found in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract of most healthy people. If a person does not suffer from immunodeficiencies, the fungus will not be able to “migrate” to him and provoke inflammatory processes.

To be sure of the degree of contagiousness of the disease, you need to undergo a hardware examination by an ENT doctor. Only after microbiological analysis a specialist will certainly be able to determine the type of infectious agent and, accordingly, unambiguously answer the question: is laryngitis contagious or not.

Such infectious diseases colds, measles, whooping cough or scarlet fever can trigger the development of a disease called laryngitis. With provoking factors, laryngitis will not miss the opportunity to settle in the body. Acute laryngitis lasts about two weeks and can become chronic. The link describes the symptoms chronic laryngitis in adults. Here are the signs of laryngitis in children.

There are several forms of this disease, and some of them pose a danger to others. A person persistently treats a cold, not realizing that he is a carrier pathogenic bacteria or infectious disease.


The initial stage is manifested by unpleasant sensations of burning and dryness in the larynx, although the general condition is not bad. At the next stage, a convulsive and exhausting cough, headache, and difficulty swallowing appear. Hoarse voice disappears, turning into a whisper.

The cough becomes wet, with expectoration of sputum, sometimes purulent. The level of blood leukocytes increases. The mucous membrane of the larynx turns sharply red and swells, and purple dots appear on it due to burst capillaries.

Common causes of the disease

The acute stage usually manifests itself when infected with a viral infection, when the inflammatory process occurs on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and sometimes moves to the bronchi and lungs. Most often this occurs in adults, but it can also occur in children, and there is a possibility of getting sick while in the same room, as it is transmitted by airborne droplets, but not always.

The larynx becomes inflamed when infected with a respiratory virus, as well as streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria, if the onset of laryngitis is provoked by external causes:

  • very hot or too cold foods and drinks;
  • prolonged forced tension of the vocal cords;
  • hypothermia;
  • smoking (passive too), alcoholic drinks;
  • inhalation of dust, gases, steam, some irritating chemicals.

Internal causes of laryngitis that can affect the functioning of the neuromuscular system:

  • metabolism is impaired;
  • increased sensitivity of the laryngeal mucosa;
  • with gastroesophageal reflux, the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus, as a result of which ulcers appear on the ligaments and the voice becomes hoarse.

Read how to gargle with furatsilin for a sore throat.

When a person develops laryngitis, he is interested in whether the inflammatory process is contagious or not?

With laryngitis, an inflammatory reaction develops in the mucous membranes of the larynx. In this case, the mucous membranes of the larynx turn red (their hyperemia appears) and swell.

Not only the mucous membranes of the larynx walls are affected, but also the mucous membranes of the vocal folds.

The disease can appear due to a number of reasons, the main ones:

  • Exposure to viruses, resulting in the development of viral laryngitis. The disease is contagious.
  • Exposure to bacteria with the development of bacterial laryngitis. Bacterial laryngitis is also contagious.
  • Impact of allergens on the mucous membranes of the larynx. The disease is not contagious.
  • Laryngitis that develops after stress is not contagious.

Like any respiratory disease, viral or bacterial laryngitis is transmitted in most cases by airborne droplets.

Factors that contribute to the development of laryngitis:

  • Regular hypothermia of the body;
  • Breathing through the mouth outside during the cold season;
  • Decline protective forces body (immunity);
  • Active or passive smoking;
  • Regular overstrain of the vocal cords.

The combined impact of direct and indirect causes creates favorable conditions for the development of laryngitis.

Clinical picture of the disease

Regardless of the etiology, signs of laryngeal damage are common. You can select following symptoms characteristic of laryngitis.

  • decrease in voice timbre;
  • hoarseness or complete absence voices (aphonia);
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels;
  • slight burning sensation in the neck area;
  • with severe inflammation of the mucous membranes, there may be difficulty breathing;
  • general weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • nonproductive cough;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the throat.

On examination, you can see swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the larynx.

If the etiology is viral, then you can also see damage to the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, throat, and conjunctiva of the eye. Conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and pharyngitis develop.

Bacterial infection of the larynx can develop independently or as a complication of a viral infection. At bacterial inflammation the temperature rises to a higher level.

There are no clear signs by which one can accurately say what the etiology of the disease is. To accurately determine the cause of laryngitis, it is necessary to take a scraping. Conduct microbiological examination and identify the pathogen.

With allergic laryngitis and laryngitis after stress, in most cases there is no increase in temperature.

You cannot become infected with allergic laryngitis. There is also no risk of contracting laryngitis, which develops after stress.

Diagnosis of the disease

If symptoms appear, you should consult a general practitioner, otolaryngologist, or pediatrician. Only a specialist can determine whether laryngitis is contagious after examination and examination.

Upon examination, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes are visible. To clarify the pathogen, a scraping is made from the mucous membranes.

IN general analysis blood at various reasons various changes. Thus, with viral laryngitis, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases.

And with bacterial inflammation, the number of leukocytes (inflammatory cells) and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increase.

For allergic inflammation characterized by an increase in the number of eosinophils. And laryngitis due to stress is characterized by the absence of changes in the general blood test.

Measures taken to treat the disease

Since the disease is transmitted in most cases by airborne droplets, isolation of the patient is necessary. Daily checks are required at this time. wet cleaning and ventilation of the room.

Dry indoor air should be avoided. To increase humidity, use special air humidifiers or hang wet fabrics, which moisten the air when dry.

This is done in order to reduce dryness of the mucous membranes. The disease is treated if there is no pronounced edema vocal cords, outpatient.

All treatment must be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. In case of inflammation of the vocal cords, vocal rest is recommended in the first days of the disease.

Abundant is required drinking regime, to quickly relieve symptoms of intoxication and eliminate toxins.

At viral nature diseases, antiviral drugs are prescribed:

  • Arbidol;
  • Kagocel;
  • Ingavirin.

For bacterial inflammation, a course is used antibacterial therapy: Amoxiclav; Azithromycin; Suprax.

To treat allergic inflammation, antihistamines are necessarily prescribed:

  • Loratadine;
  • Fenistil;
  • Zodak.

For all types of inflammation of the larynx, inhalations are effective (with saline solution, sometimes with the addition of berodual).

Preventive actions

The following recommendations play an important role in preventing the development of inflammation of the larynx:

  1. Reduced visits public places during periods of increased activity viral diseases(epidemics).
  2. Increasing the body's defenses, strengthening the immune system.
  3. Outside during the cold season, breathe only through your nose.
  4. Avoid prolonged strain on the vocal cords.

Timely treatment of acute respiratory diseases.