Intestinal dysbiosis – Clinic promotions. Reasons why dysbiosis may occur. Microbiological analysis of stool

Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, you couldn’t be happier with your baby: so calm, cheerful, sleek. He slept for a long time and ate with appetite, and his stool had the smell and consistency of thick sour cream. But suddenly the stool deteriorated, became watery, green and foamy, and pieces of mucus or blood streaks appeared in it. Even with the skin, something strange was happening: at first redness appeared around the anus, but after a couple of days the entire butt was covered with some kind of scab and began to resemble a scalded tomato. And he began to suck poorly: after just a couple of seconds he begins to squirm, cry, and refuses to breastfeed. What happened? Most likely, your baby has dysbiosis.

The baby is born with a sterile intestine, free of any bacteria. But, already passing through the birth canal, he begins to collect the mother’s flora. During the first ten days, his intestines are populated by bifidum, lacto and colibacteria. And then, over the course of six months, this flora improves and grows.

Bifidum bacteria produce lactic acid, which creates an acidic environment in the intestines, protecting against microbes and helping the production of vitamins of certain groups: group B (B1 affects the nervous system, heart, muscles, B3 regulates cellular respiration, B6 - metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids, B12 - protein synthesis), K (affects blood clotting), C (forms immunity), and D (promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus; deficiency of this vitamin leads to rickets).

Lactobacilli protect the intestines from pathogenic flora and viruses

Colibacteria (Escherichia coli) produce enzymes that help digest, break down and absorb food.

It is easy to notice that the absence or deficiency of even one type of bacteria leads not only to intestinal dysfunction, but also to impaired immunity, metabolism, and rickets. If a child has advanced dysbiosis, then by three months, no matter how much vitamin D you give him, rickets is almost inevitable, because absorption is impaired.

That’s why it’s so important to try to prevent dysbiosis. First of all, the mother needs to carry out prevention during pregnancy. or better yet before it comes. If the mother had some kind of vaginal disease before giving birth: thrush or some other disorder of the flora of the genital tract, then the child, in addition to the normal flora, will also receive a pathological one, and by the end of the tenth day he will have dysbiosis.

To prevent this from happening, you need to start taking care of the condition of the genital tract from the first months of pregnancy. If you find thrush, treat the thrush; if vaginal smears are bad, use suppositories with lactobacterin, and 2-3 weeks before giving birth, take repeat smears. A month before giving birth, you should cleanse your intestines.

If the baby is not born by cesarean section, dysbiosis, as a rule, is never a primary disease. It develops against the background of some underlying disease, for example, intestinal inflammation or enzyme pathology, if the baby’s enzyme systems are not sufficiently developed.

Nowadays, children often experience lactase deficiency already in the first months of life: the enzyme lactase, which digests milk sugar, is not produced in the required quantity. If lactase levels are normal, lactic acid should be released when milk is digested, creating an acidic environment in the stomach. With lactase deficiency, milk decomposes, releasing fermentation products. The intestinal environment turns from acidic to alkaline, and pathogenic microbes actively multiply in it. If after each feeding or between feedings the child has loose, profuse, foamy stools with a large amount of liquid several times and the baby is not gaining weight well, it is necessary to urgently take a scatology test to identify lactase deficiency and begin treatment as soon as possible until the child did not develop dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis often develops due to intolerance to cow's milk proteins. Typically, breastfeeding women are advised to eat plenty of dairy products and drink plenty of milk. But it happens that the child’s intestines do not absorb cow’s milk proteins, and he develops symptoms similar to allergies: the skin on the cheeks, around the anus, on the knees and elbows turns red, becomes dry and rough. And the more mother eats dairy products, the more pronounced these signs are. The same thing happens to the intestines: its surface becomes irritated, inflamed, and pathogenic microbes settle on it and actively multiply, displacing the normal flora.

Hypoxic damage to the intestines also leads to dysbiosis. If the baby suffered hypoxia during labor, was born post-term, if the waters were green, if his heartbeat was reduced, then the intestines also suffer due to lack of oxygen. Small cracks form on its walls, through which blood seeps in, in which pathogenic microbes begin to actively multiply.

What bacteria settle in the baby's intestines? pushing out beneficial flora from there? Most often, dysbacteriosis is caused by staphylococci. They come in different types, especially the malicious one - Staphylococcus aureus. It usually lives in milk and is transmitted through breastfeeding. But if you are diagnosed with staphylococcus, this is not a reason to stop breastfeeding, you just need to drink a tincture of chlorophyllipt in alcohol (1 teaspoon three times a day) for two weeks. This is an extract from eucalyptus leaves that destroys coccal flora. The question is often asked: how can staphylococcus get into breast milk? It lives on the mucous membranes of a runny nose, on carious teeth, in inflamed tonsils, and in the bladder if you have had cystitis. In extreme situations (which include childbirth), when immunity decreases, staphylococcus is activated and enters the blood. Swimming in the blood, it selects the weakest point in the body, least protected by the immune system, and sits on it. For a nursing woman, the most vulnerable place is the breast. If staphylococcus is not treated in any way, it will go away over time, but by this time the child may also become infected and develop dysbacteriosis.

The next most common is candida, or, in common parlance, thrush. Its main symptom is gray-white films that appear in the baby’s mouth, mainly on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, and are difficult to remove. The same films appear in the baby’s intestines, and in girls, in the vagina. Thrush can also cause skin lesions that look like allergies. A number of other bacteria are less common.

What are the symptoms of dysbiosis? The main thing is to change the stool and skin condition. Normally, stool in a newborn can be quite varied in frequency and appearance. The discharge should be homogeneous, with a pleasant cottage cheese smell, the color varies from light yellow to brown. White grains of milk may be present. There may be a very small admixture of greenery and a little mucus. If the stool has a strong unpleasant odor, if it is green, if there is a lot of mucus or streaks of blood in it, or there is a lot of liquid in it, or the entire stool is foamy, then you need to get tested urgently.

In addition to analyzing stool for dysbacteriosis, you need to take a test for scatology to see how milk is digested, whether there is mucus and blood, whether there are leukocytes that indicate intestinal inflammation, and if the stool is liquid or foamy, you also need to take a test for carbohydrates (lactase failure). Based on the test results, four stages of the disease are distinguished.

1. Decrease in normal flora: there is no pathogen yet, just the level of bifidum or lactobacilli is reduced by 10, 100 or 1000 times. As a rule, dysbacteriosis of the first degree does not manifest itself in any way: neither pain nor abnormal stool. Only a slight lag in weight may be observed. There is no need to treat such dysbacteriosis, it is simply necessary to strengthen the immune system, harden the baby, and bathe him in special herbal preparations. For example, you can take a tablespoon of yarrow, calendula and St. John's wort, tie it in gauze and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for half an hour, pour the infusion into the baby bath. Bath the child for 10-15 minutes.

2. In addition to the lack of microflora, one pathological microbe appears in small quantities: hemolyzing Escherichia coli, staphylococcus or Klebsiella. The child develops pain while eating, and the baby becomes restless. The character of the stool changes; it may become foamy and green in color. In this case, children are more likely to experience constipation than diarrhea.

3. Normal microflora decreases, two or more pathogenic microbes appear: staphylococcus with candida, or Klebsiella with a hemolyzing bacillus. The child begins to have severe diarrhea and pain while eating. Children sleep less, eat poorly, may not gain weight, and may even lose weight for a while. If you show such a child to a neurologist, he will most likely find certain neurological disorders.

4. Severe serious illness when the whole body suffers. Not only the intestinal flora suffers, the wall of the intestines and stomach is affected. The disease also affects the nervous system. Due to the fact that the absorption of vitamins and microelements is impaired, the child has severe vitamin deficiency. Internal organs also suffer: liver, spleen, pancreas.

Treatment and prevention. The best prevention of dysbiosis is early breastfeeding, this helps populate the intestines with immunoglobulins and unique protective elements that are present only in colostrum. Breastfeed your newborn as often as he asks because babies this young cannot absorb large amounts of breast milk at once. During these short days, food should come literally drop by drop, half a teaspoon at a time, and the more often, the better. In addition, in the first ten days of the child’s life, the mother should limit the intake of any medications as much as possible, since during this time normal intestinal flora is formed. You should not eat any foods with preservatives: sausages, canned compotes, carbonated drinks, foods that could cause intestinal irritation: chocolate, strawberries, white cabbage, radishes, peas, mushrooms, seafood, nuts. If you smoked during pregnancy and do not intend to quit, do not smoke for at least the first few weeks of your baby's life. This also applies to fathers: if you smoke, do not go near your child for an hour after smoking. The fact is that nicotine causes intestinal spasms and the same thing happens as with intrauterine oxygen starvation: wounds and ulcers appear on the intestinal walls, harmful microbes multiply on them, which then begin to displace the beneficial flora.

If you suspect that the child has a risk of developing dysbacteriosis, say, after a planned cesarean section, if your thrush has not been cured, if for some reason it was not possible to put the child to the breast in the first hours or days of life (for example, you or the child was admitted to the hospital immediately after birth), if you or your baby received antibiotics immediately after birth, etc., you need, without waiting for anything, immediately after birth to give the child preparations of normal intestinal flora: lactobacterin and bifidumbacterin in prophylactic doses. In the morning - lactobacterin, in the evening - bifidumbacterin, two doses.

In case of dysbacteriosis, treatment should be started as soon as possible so that the disease does not begin to progress, because then it will be much more difficult to cure it. Therefore, while waiting for test results (they will be ready only in ten days), immediately start giving your baby the drug bactisuptil, it has practically no contraindications and cannot harm the child. These are dried spores of a microbe that does not take root in the intestines, but while there, the entire pathogenic flora survives. A newborn is given 1/3 capsule three times a day, a child 2-3 months old is given 1 capsule three times a day.

If dysbiosis is advanced, the production of liver and pancreatic enzymes is disrupted and food is poorly digested and begins to rot in the intestines, the environment changes from acidic to alkaline, where various pathogenic microbes develop well. This means that if a child has been sick for a long time, he needs to be given enzymes, for example, Creon, a pancreatic enzyme, it has practically no side effects and can be taken even by newborns. It must be given with every meal so that it is digested normally. It is not addictive, but it must be discontinued gradually. For 5-7 days it is given in a normal dose, and then the dose is gradually reduced: in the second week - by half, and in the third week the drug is gradually reduced and discontinued. Instead of Creon, you can give Abomin or Pankeatin. Your doctor will select the dosage for you individually depending on the weight of the child.

The next component of treatment is biological products in various types and various dosage forms. It is more convenient to give liquid biological products: liquid bifidumbacterin and liquid lactobacterin. Treatment begins with lactobacterin, which itself kills and replaces pathogenic flora. Secondly, bifidumbacterin is given, because it promotes the growth of any flora, both good and bad. Most often, Lactobacterin is given in the morning and afternoon, and Bifibumbacterin in the evening, but in especially severe cases, the child is first treated for a long time only with Lactobacterin and only then Bifidumdacterin is prescribed. In any case, this issue should be decided by the attending physician. Lactobacterin is sold in the form of a liquid liquid extract, in powder form, or in the form of linex, acelact, and acepol preparations. Bifidumbacterin can be dry, liquid, or in the form of the drug Bifidumbacterin Forte. Bifidumbacterin forte is bifidobacteria, the carrier of which is activated carbon, that is, it also works as an adsorbent: it collects toxins, gases, microbial and viral bodies. If a child has diarrhea, increased gas production, or if the doctor or you yourself suspect lactase deficiency, you should not give your baby dry bifidum and lactobacterin, this can worsen lactase deficiency. The doctor prescribes either liquid forms or bifidumbacterin forte. There are also complex biological products that contain both lacto and bifidum bacteria, for example, linex, primadophilus. They can be drunk prophylactically several times a year and given to restore normal microflora without undergoing tests (for mild dysbacteriosis). There are E. coli preparations that cannot be given at all until six months of age, and to children under three years of age only according to strict indications based on test results, since in young children E. coli can develop into mutant forms. These are the drugs bificol and colibacterin.

There is also such a wonderful drug as Hilak Forte, which does not contain living bifidum and lactobacilli, but only their waste products: those acids and vitamins. which are produced by bifidobacteria and protective factors that are produced by lactobacilli. All this is based on carbohydrates, but the carbohydrates have already been broken down, so this drug can also be given to children with lactase deficiency. It is used both in the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis, especially during a repeat course.

There is also a complex immunoglobulin preparation KIP, which contains the same immunoglobulins. as in breast milk and antibodies that live on the mucous membrane and create a barrier to pathogenic flora. It is prescribed only by a doctor in very short courses. It is especially useful during artificial feeding and also if there are a lot of pathogenic microbes in breast milk, if the baby has suffered hypoxia or if his intestines are inflamed.

If there is hidden blood or streaks of blood in the tests and you do not have the opportunity to urgently get to a doctor (for example, at the dacha), without harm to the child, you can give pumpkinol, sea buckthorn oil (1 drop 3 times a day) or caratoline 1 ml 3 times in a day. You can give solcoseryl or actovegin in ampoules, these are drugs from the blood of calves, they restore the mucous membrane well.

How to get tested.
Analysis for dysbacteriosis. Feces should be collected in sterile containers. To do this, boil the baby food jar with the lid for 20 minutes. The sterilized jar must be closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator. So it can be stored waiting for the right moment for 24 hours. The collected analysis must be delivered to the laboratory within three hours. The volume can be very small, ½ teaspoon is enough. Feces collected from a diaper or diaper are not suitable. Wash the oilcloth or pot with soap and pour boiling water over it. It is advisable to collect the top layer that does not come into contact with the surface of the oilcloth or pot. The analysis will be ready in 7-10 days. It is made in specialized laboratories.

Analysis for scatology. It can be delivered to the laboratory within 24 hours from the moment of collection, but the larger the volume, the better (at least 1/3 of a mayonnaise jar), because many different studies will be required. The analysis is prepared within 3 days. You can take it to your local clinic. Make sure that in the direction for analysis it is written that the stool needs to be tested for acidity. The presence of red blood cells indicates that there are cracks and wounds in the intestinal walls, and the presence of leukocytes indicates an inflammatory process.

Carbohydrate analysis. It must be brought to the laboratory within 6-12 hours. You cannot give your child biological products before taking tests, because they are all on carbohydrates.

Foods that normalize intestinal health

dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes and figs normalize peristalsis. For an infant, dried apricots with prunes are poured with cold water for baby food and left overnight. In the morning, give the baby some water to drink.
sprouted grains are added to food after 6 months. Closer to one year, you can give your child dried grain bread.
if a child has an alkaline environment in the intestines, he is given a solution of apple cider vinegar. 1 teaspoon is diluted in a glass of water and given drop by drop several times during the day.
Honey water made from flower, linden or acacia honey also normalizes the condition of the intestines. it removes putrefactive flora and gases. cramps and abdominal pain.! a teaspoon is dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Before the first dose, give your child one drop to make sure he is not allergic.
Garlic water kills staphylococcus and improves immunity. In addition, this is an excellent prevention of worms. Rub a clove of garlic and infuse it in a small amount of water for an hour, add water to half a liter and give it drop by drop 2-3 times during the day.

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Dysbacteriosis is a condition in which a change in the quantitative and qualitative expression of the composition of the intestinal microflora is associated with an increase in the totality of harmful microorganisms living in the intestines. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria. Imbalance leads to the fact that the normal functioning of the human body is disrupted, and painful changes occur. At the same time, the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases.

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Such an imbalance leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the human body and the appearance of painful symptoms. When determining whether dysbacteriosis is contagious or not, it should be borne in mind that it, as a rule, is not an independent disease, but appears as a result of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the causes of dysbiosis can be dangerous due to the possibility of transmitting the disease to another person. The danger of transmitting this disorder to human internal organs lies in the increased degree of vulnerability of the intestinal walls to various types of harmful microorganisms.

How is dysbacteriosis transmitted?

The development of the disease is slow and at first the pathogenic microflora changes slightly. When the cause of dysbacteriosis is eliminated, the microflora is immediately restored. At the second stage, the symptoms become more pronounced with manifestations of flatulence, bloating, nausea and vomiting. In the future, if left untreated, the process of intestinal inflammation is activated with manifestations of severe pain, diarrhea or constipation.

At the last, fourth stage, the microflora becomes completely pathogenic and a severe intestinal infectious disease develops. If the cause of dysbacteriosis is salmonellosis, dysentery, then transmission of pathogenic bacteria is possible. Children have their own peculiarities in the development of this pathology. We can say that whether dysbacteriosis will be transmitted to a newborn depends on the state of health of the mother and improper feeding. The transmission of dysbacteriosis from mother to child can occur not only due to improper nutrition of the mother, but also if the child is put to the breast late.

Taking into account all the circumstances that cause pathological changes in the intestinal microflora, the answer to the question of whether dysbacteriosis is contagious and whether it is transmitted will definitely be negative. Transmission is possible not of the pathogenic microflora itself, but of pathogenic bacteria and other infectious carriers, which, when transmitted, cause the death of beneficial microorganisms.

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There are about five hundred species of bacteria of different nature in the human intestine. Their task is to control the normal functioning of the intestines, maintaining the human body’s resistance to negative influences at the proper level. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, unhealthy diet, and stressful conditions weaken the immune system, contribute to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the intestines, disrupting digestive function and contributing to the development of dysbiosis.

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Intestinal dysbiosis (or dysbiosis) is a common diagnosis. When the disease occurs, the balance of microflora is disturbed, therefore therapeutic measures are aimed at normalizing it. This means eating healthy foods and taking special medications.

The disease manifests itself after a serious disruption of the microflora occurs in the digestive system. Pathology is caused by species changes in bacteria that live there and perform functional tasks for the body.

The gastrointestinal tract needs a whole list of beneficial bacteria. These are the so-called lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Reducing their number, as well as changing the structure of beneficial flora, leads to the creation of suitable conditions for the growth of pathogenic flora.

The result is the impossibility of normal functioning of the intestines.

Helpful information. Intestinal flora is the habitat of more than five hundred species of a wide variety of bacteria. This means that the average person carries up to three kilograms of microorganisms. We are talking about a large group of symbiont bacteria, whose task is to actively digest and process food products.

The most important microbes for the human body

These include, for example, colonies:

  • bifidobacteria;
  • bacteroids;
  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • coli.

Microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract perform many important functions for the body:

  • Formation of a protective barrier.
  • The breakdown of incompletely digested foods in the intestines.
  • Formation of feces.
  • Removing toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Formation of complex substances such as vitamins, enzymes, acids.
  • A barrier to the formation of constipation or diarrhea.

Microflora, which is in balance with respect to all digestive processes, is designated by such terms as normobiocenosis and eubiosis. If this balance is threatened in any way, the preconditions are created for disruption of the normal functionality of the intestine. Thus, imbalance of microflora is the cause of dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis, signs. List of the most significant and tangible factors contributing to pathology

Dysbacteriosis is usually not limited to a few characteristic signs. In adults, the symptoms of the disease are quite extensive and often painful.


Why does diarrhea occur when intestinal dysfunction occurs?

The reason is simple and banal - bile acids, which accumulate in large quantities in the stomach, are to blame.

Because of this, what happens:

  • insufficient absorption of water from the intestines;
  • loose stool;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Constipation can be a cause of concern at any age, but it is most common in older and older people. The reason is dysbacteriosis. You can also add problems associated with chronic colitis and atherosclerosis.

The failure of beneficial intestinal microflora, which is not able to sufficiently stimulate the colon to contract.

Signs of flatulence

Flatulence is one of the most characteristic and unpleasant signs of the disease. The reason is a violation of the effective mechanism for removing gases from the gastrointestinal tract, with increased formation of them. Significant bloating occurs in the abdomen and then the patient experiences a feeling of heaviness in this area.

Other manifestations:

  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • pain and burning sensation in the heart;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • fatigue, feeling of weakness.

With flatulence, both a sluggish current manifestation of the pathology and an acute phase with the possible development of dyspeptic asthma are possible.

It is also characterized by the following additional symptoms:

  • severe shortness of breath;
  • coldness of the upper and lower extremities;
  • abnormal pupil dilation;
  • pronounced bloating.

Such symptoms usually annoy the patient after his stomach has been filled with another portion of food.

Rumbling occurs when a bolus of food is rapidly removed from an organ called the cecum.

Stomach ache

Dysbacteriosis is characterized, first of all, by pain of a pulling and bursting nature. This is not an acute pain syndrome, but a monotonous unpleasant sensation, with increased negative symptoms after lunch and signs of bloating.

Colic and severe pain intensity due to dysbacteriosis occur very rarely.

Gastrointestinal dyspepsia due to dysbiosis

The patient maintains a good appetite, but is bothered by an unpleasant feeling of fullness in the gastrointestinal tract.


  • belching;
  • symptoms of flatulence;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • impaired bowel movement.

Note. With gastrointestinal dyspepsia, impaired intestinal motility is observed. Intestinal colic may also occur. The pain syndrome usually subsides after the intestines are freed from feces.

A pronounced process of rotting and fermentation during dysbiosis

Such symptoms are not considered typical for all people with dysbacteriosis. We are talking about one patient out of four.

Pay attention to the non-typical composition, shape and color characteristics of stool. In a healthy person, stool should not be foamy and liquid, have a light color and an unpleasant sour smell.

The disease may also be indicated by a burning sensation in the anus. When the rotting process is started, the smell of feces and gases becomes foul.

Manifestation of allergic reactions

With dysbacteriosis, the patient may have additional troubles in the form of manifestations of various allergens. Let us mention, for example, chronic food urticaria. Its development is associated with an excess amount of histamine, which is produced by bacteria. It is not absorbed by the body, is not excreted through the intestines and therefore simply enters the blood.

Please note that such an allergen is very problematic in terms of diagnosis. The patient, who is unaware of his defenselessness, continues to consume harmful foods that contribute to allergies.

The result is the development of symptoms:

  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • glossitis;
  • esophagitis.

Digestive insufficiency

The syndrome under the term “maldigestion” covers a number of pathological signs that are characteristic of a disease such as dysbiosis.

The disease occurs due to a lack of enzymes, so food in the body is not completely digested. Essential enzymes must be produced in the small intestine itself and on its membranes.

Note. If undigested food fragments are found in the patient's stool, this is most likely a case of indigestion syndrome. It should be borne in mind that with maldigestion the processes of fermentation and rotting can develop significantly. The entire pathological complex of problems is the nutritional basis for the occurrence of diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area and above, cramps, which decrease only after the intestines are freed from feces.

Intolerance to certain types of food

We are talking primarily about dairy products. Especially about whole milk. Some people suffer from bouts of diarrhea when eating such foods. They have liquefied stools in which foam is noticeable.

This pathology, which manifests itself in intestinal dysbiosis, requires separate consideration.


  • Headache.
  • Impaired functionality of the nervous system associated with a significant deficiency of thiamine and B6.
  • Irritability.
  • Bad, with swings, mood.
  • Inflammatory processes in the tongue (redness, increased salivation) due to a lack of nicotinic acid.
  • Symptoms of stomatitis.
  • Cracks in the tongue are bluish in color.
  • Dermatitis localized to the nasolabial folds.
  • Hair loss due to lack of riboflavin.
  • Hyperchromic anemia. The reason is a lack of folic acid for the body.
  • Bleeding gums caused by a lack of vitamin P.

Additional symptoms indicating dysbiosis

These include an extensive list of manifestations:

  • Changes in the skin and some mucous membranes. We are talking about dry skin, attacks of itching and rashes, as a manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  • Intoxication of the body (in rare cases) with a significant increase in body temperature, headache, general weakness and disturbed sleep. Pathology most often occurs from an excess of harmful substances in the body that remain silent from metabolism.
  • Stable, no apparent reason, weight loss.
  • Reduction or loss of the body’s defense mechanism (a number of infectious and fungal diseases). Such symptoms indicate dysbiosis over a long period.

Intestinal dysbiosis. The main causes of the disease

The above symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis indicate one significant detail - it is considered a secondary and not an independent disease. In other words, dysbiosis does not occur on its own. It develops against the background of a number of exogenous and endogenous factors.

Reasons why dysbiosis may occur

Iatrogenic dysbiosis

The development of the disease begins after taking certain medications that disrupt the gastrointestinal microflora.

These include:

  • Antibacterial agents.
  • Drugs to maintain hormonal levels.
  • A number of cytostatics.
  • Sulfonamides and histamine blockers.
  • A number of tuberculostatics, immunosuppressants, antacids.
  • Laxatives.

Iatrogenic dysbiosis can also develop due to surgical intervention.

We are talking not only about the organization of nutrition itself, but also about the lack of certain products necessary for the body. Because of this, the balance necessary for proper metabolism is disrupted. The normal ratio of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

For example, dysbacteriosis often develops against the background of excessive consumption of products with an excess of chemical additives. For many countries in the world, this problem is extremely acute and requires serious measures to solve it.

Other provoking factors:

  • Violation of a person’s usual diet.
  • Replacing one type of food with a completely different one, for example, when visiting various exotic countries.
  • A number of psychological factors, which include stress and depression due to problems at school, at work, in the family, etc.

Note. Recently, a term such as “stress dysbacteriosis” has appeared in medicine. Surprisingly, until quite recently, scientists did not associate the proliferation of pathogenic flora in the gastrointestinal tract with psychological stress on the nervous system. Now this is already a whole direction in determining an effective treatment method.

Intestinal problems associated with infectious diseases

The catalyst for intestinal dysbiosis can be a variety of infectious causes:

Important. What should you do if an absolutely healthy person suffers from dysbacteriosis, but has not been diagnosed with any of the above diseases? In this case, it is logical to look for the cause of the pathology in seasonal changes, as well as in the characteristics of food products. The professional aspects of the patient’s activities should also not be excluded.

In medical science, dysbiosis is considered over four successive stages.

First degree

Pathology at the stage of a slight decrease in the protective endogenous flora (up to two orders of magnitude).

There are no violations of bifid flora and lactoflora. There is no clinical picture - without obvious and unambiguous signs of the disease. In fact, we are still talking only about the latent form of the disease. But slightly elevated quantitative indicators of E. coli may already be observed.

Second degree

This is a more pronounced phase of dysbiosis. The intestinal flora undergoes a number of quantitative and qualitative changes.

Pathogenic microflora increases. At the same time, there is a decrease in the level of bifidobacteria present in the intestines. The clinical picture is local inflammatory processes in several areas of the intestinal spiral.

The patient's health is normal.

Third degree

Signs of intestinal dysfunction become increasingly noticeable. There is a significant violation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora.

The process of active reproduction of aerobic microflora begins. We are talking about Proteus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, clesibella and other pathogenic bacteria. Symptoms of the disease include attacks of diarrhea, constipation and flatulence. Drawing pain is possible.

Fourth degree

At this stage of the disease, there is a serious decrease in the quantitative indicators of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

The clinical picture is pronounced. Possible intoxication.

Other symptoms:

  • gagging;
  • frequent and loose stools;
  • gradual or sudden decrease in body weight.

Important. With such symptoms, the patient should be urgently protected from possible sepsis. Its prerequisites are destructive changes in the intestines.

Detection of the disease should begin with interviewing the patient.

The next step is an extensive and objective examination.

Diagnostic technique:

  • microbiological analysis of feces;
  • palpation of the abdomen;
  • establishing the localization of painful areas in the large and small intestines.

Microbiological analysis of stool

Indications for the study:

  • A number of intestinal disorders over a long period of time.
  • Insufficient restoration of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract after an intestinal infection.
  • Inflammatory processes that cannot be eliminated with antibacterial drugs.
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract associated with radiation exposure or several sessions of radiotherapy.
  • Immunodeficiency problems.

Note. Dysbiosis of the small intestine can be diagnosed using two complex methods (scraping and jejunal aspirate). Due to the fact that both methods are quite labor-intensive, their use is justified only if other methods and tests do not provide a clear picture of the clinical picture of the disease.

Dysbacteriosis is also determined using:

  • method of biochemical analysis of feces;
  • coprograms;
  • gas-liquid analysis.

Can a patient do without treatment for dysbiosis?

Cases of independent voluntary disposal of minor disturbances in the intestinal microflora are recorded quite often in medical practice. But most of these examples are associated with disorders due to emotional shocks or rapid acclimatization.

Please note that dysbiosis can stop progressing only in the first phase of its development. This is the big problem, because during this period it is almost impossible to notice characteristic changes in the intestinal microflora. And if the patient already has pronounced symptoms of the disease, then he needs medical help, since we are talking about a seriously advanced process.

Is it possible to become infected with dysbacteriosis?

This disease, as we have already written, is secondary and therefore the problematic attitude towards it depends on the cause of the pathology. Bacteriosis itself does not pose a threat to the people around you, but a number of provoking factors can cause protective measures to be taken. For example, if intestinal disorders are associated with helminthiasis.

Does the temperature rise with dysbacteriosis?

Not necessary. In fact, elevated body temperature indicates a seriously advanced disease. The reason is the primary pathology or dysbiosis itself, especially against the background of intoxication.

Competent treatment requires determining the cause of the disease and prescribing effective medications, the task of which is to stabilize the intestinal microflora and eliminate all disorders existing in the body.

Important. Only an experienced specialist can select the correct treatment course, medications and their dosage. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. This is dangerous for your health.

Prescribed only after a clearly established diagnosis. Antimycotics (Levorin and others) are used as effective medications.

With a confirmed diagnosis and after detailed consultation with a doctor, it is possible to prescribe certain enzymes (Mezim and Pancreatin).

The patient is prescribed sorbents (activated carbon). A multivitamin course is not excluded.


Dysbacteriosis is not a life-threatening disease, but it reduces a person’s quality of life. The development, dynamics of growth and manifestation of the disease entirely depend on the causes of the formation of the disease.

The problems of treatment are determined by the duration and localization of the pathology, the primary pathology and the chosen medication course.

At the slightest suspicion of intestinal dysbiosis, immediately seek qualified help. Early diagnosis and serious treatment are the key to a quick recovery.

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! We are not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website

Female dysbiosis develops against the background of stress, violations of personal hygiene rules, taking antibiotics and local antiseptics.

Why is dysbiosis dangerous in women?

Normal microflora on the mucous membrane of the genital tract performs a number of functions. They are mainly associated with protection against the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Prevention of the development of infectious processes is carried out through the following mechanisms:

  1. Stimulation of local immunity. The constant presence of non-pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membrane of the genital organs ensures the presence of immune cells and their production of immunoholobulins and other substances that suppress the proliferation of microorganisms.
  2. Antagonistic effect on pathogenic flora. Representatives of normal microflora produce substances that are toxins for other bacteria. In addition, the secretion of lactic acid by lactobacilli leads to an increase in the acidity of the secretions, which also adversely affects pathogens.

Accordingly, the death of normal microflora during female dysbiosis leads to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women. This, in turn, can lead to difficulties in conceiving and bearing a child.

During childbirth, female dysbiosis is also unfavorable - its consequences are dangerous for both mother and baby. Inflammatory phenomena accompanying vaginal dysbiosis increase the risk of ruptures and damage to the genital organs during childbirth.

In addition, it is the microflora of the mother’s birth canal that populates the baby’s intestines in the first days of life. Therefore, the presence of pathogenic bacteria or a large number of opportunistic species can lead to the development of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a child.

Is female dysbiosis dangerous for a partner?

The peculiarity of female dysbiosis, unlike sexually transmitted diseases, is that it is not sexually transmitted. Therefore, joint treatment with a partner for dysbacteriosis is not required.

But when treating female dysbiosis, the use of barrier contraceptives is mandatory. This is due to the fact that opportunistic and pathogenic flora can persist on the male genitals. With unprotected intimate contact, it again enters the female genital tract and begins to actively reproduce.

This can significantly increase the treatment time for dysbiosis in a woman.

What leads to dysbiosis in women?

Many factors can lead to female dysbiosis - the peculiarities of its development in the influence of the general condition of the body and intimate life on the vaginal microflora. The appearance of dysbacteriosis in a woman can be caused by:

Manifestations of dysbiosis are reflected in the nature of discharge from the genital tract. Female dysbacteriosis leads to changes in the color and smell of leucorrhea, the appearance of itching and burning in the genitals.

Dysbacteriosis detected in a woman requires close attention and mandatory examination, since the consequences of female dysbiosis can affect reproductive function. Often it is a consequence of various diseases, both gynecological and other.

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Is dysbacteriosis contagious?

In the section Diseases, Medicines, to the question Is dysbacteriosis contagious? If so, how can it be cured? The best answer given by the author Liliana is: You need to get tested for dysbiosis and take those bacteria that are lacking in the intestinal flora. And what exactly will be written in the analysis, Dysbacteriosis is not an independent disease, it is caused either by taking antibiotics or by some kind of gastroenterological disease. HE is not contagious, but he needs to be treated,

No, it's not contagious. For the most part, dysbiosis is caused by taking antibiotics. It is treated with bacterial drugs: Linex, Bactisuptil, Bifi-Forte, Hilak, etc.

Hello. Dysbacteriosis is not contagious, to be cured, just sit on boiled carrots for one day, and the next day cook yourself some amazingly delicious food. porridge, add kefir to it and eat. Instead of tea, drink horsetail and drink Linex once a week. the recipe is old, but effective and simple

Dysbacteriosis is not contagious, Inga wrote correctly - you need to be treated with Linex, it contains lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Is dysbacteriosis transmitted?

Moms, who knows... can a child become infected with dysbacteriosis from another child??

I and my daughter, she is 4 months old.. I went to visit a friend; her son is 2 months old.. he has dysbacteriosis and what other staphylococci!! Her son goes to the toilet often and it’s very wet! My child goes to the toilet once every 1-2 days and that’s fine! Read completely


I would be afraid of staphylococcus. a rare disgusting thing, we lay with him with snot after the maternity hospital, he was in the maternity hospital.

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Is dysbacteriosis transmitted?

Dysbacteriosis is a condition in which a change in the quantitative and qualitative expression of the composition of the intestinal microflora is associated with an increase in the totality of harmful microorganisms living in the intestines. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria. Imbalance leads to the fact that the normal functioning of the human body is disrupted, and painful changes occur. At the same time, the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases.

How is dysbacteriosis transmitted?

The formation of protective reactions of the body, that is, immunity, is impossible without active participation in this.

Inflammation of the Morganian crypt (recesses in the anal canal), occurring in acute or chronic form, is called cryptitis.

In the case when, due to inflammatory or infectious processes developing in the patient, a lesion of any kind is diagnosed.

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Is dysbacteriosis transmitted?

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Such an imbalance leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the human body and the appearance of painful symptoms. When determining whether dysbacteriosis is contagious or not, it should be borne in mind that it, as a rule, is not an independent disease, but appears as a result of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the causes of dysbiosis can be dangerous due to the possibility of transmitting the disease to another person. The danger of transmitting this disorder to human internal organs lies in the increased degree of vulnerability of the intestinal walls to various types of harmful microorganisms.

Video: Giardia and giardiasis - School of Dr. Komarovsky

How is dysbacteriosis transmitted?

The development of the disease is slow and at first the pathogenic microflora changes slightly. When the cause of dysbacteriosis is eliminated, the microflora is immediately restored. At the second stage, the symptoms become more pronounced with manifestations of flatulence, bloating, nausea and vomiting. In the future, if left untreated, the process of intestinal inflammation is activated with manifestations of severe pain, diarrhea or constipation.

At the last, fourth stage, the microflora becomes completely pathogenic and a severe intestinal infectious disease develops. If the cause of dysbacteriosis is salmonellosis, dysentery, then transmission of pathogenic bacteria is possible. Children have their own peculiarities in the development of this pathology. We can say that whether dysbacteriosis will be transmitted to a newborn depends on the state of health of the mother and improper feeding. The transmission of dysbacteriosis from mother to child can occur not only due to improper nutrition of the mother, but also if the child is put to the breast late.

Taking into account all the circumstances that cause pathological changes in the intestinal microflora, the answer to the question of whether dysbacteriosis is contagious and whether it is transmitted will definitely be negative. Transmission is possible not of the pathogenic microflora itself, but of pathogenic bacteria and other infectious carriers, which, when transmitted, cause the death of beneficial microorganisms.

Video: Women's diseases. Elena Malysheva

There are about five hundred species of bacteria of different nature in the human intestine. Their task is to control the normal functioning of the intestines, maintaining the human body’s resistance to negative influences at the proper level. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, unhealthy diet, and stressful conditions weaken the immune system, contribute to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the intestines, disrupting digestive function and contributing to the development of dysbiosis.

Is dysbiosis contagious or not?

I saw a therapist on Saturday and she said the smear was good, but the leukocytes were slightly elevated and to ask the gynecologist about this. I will see her only on March 2, it will be already 36 weeks. I read on the Internet that in order to determine why leukocytes are elevated, you need to take many tests and this is dangerous during childbirth, because a child passing through the birth canal can become infected, even if there is ordinary dysbacteriosis. And there is absolutely no time left for these tests ((((Tell me, please, who has had this happen? What is the reason for this.

Hello girls! I somehow doubt it now, even though I am a doctor myself. The situation is this: my baby and I were invited to visit by a friend. She has a 6 month old baby and he has staphylococcus in his intestines and on his skin. There was intestinal dysbiosis + atopic dermatitis on the face, the wounds were already wet. As a result, the child got staphylococcus on his face and they have not been able to cure it for 4 months. They were both in the hospital and at home receiving treatment, but there was almost no effect from the treatment (((I called the doctor, she said you can.

DD. We are 1.5 months old. A week ago we were tested for dysbacteriosis, Klebsiella 10 in 7 was detected. My son constantly strains, grunts, sometimes cries, I don’t finish the milk (we are in the willow), severe flatulence, and now a rash has appeared on his cheek. In addition, loose stools, pooping with sound and jumping from farts. Two and a half weeks ago we were in the hospital treated with Staf 10 in 5 and Klebsiella 10 in 5. They drank pyobacteriophage. But we drank it for a week and immediately milk, but it was necessary half an hour beforehand. Now.

Girls, tell me what you used for treatment! I have a hysteroscopy scheduled in another city in 2 weeks. And now I have received the results of the smear culture and PCR tests. No infections were detected, but enterococcus faecalis 10*6 and escherichia coli 10^6 were cultured. I have had intestinal dysbiosis for many years, I think this is related. I understand that with such a smear they won’t take me for a gynecologist, but my gynecologist is on vacation! I don’t want to waste time, tell me who had the same infection and how was it treated? I don’t want to take antibiotics... I already have them.

In general, we were sown with Klebsiella when we tested feces for dysbacteriosis. Moreover, one child does not, but the second does. They prescribed a bacteriophage. I found out at the pharmacy that it is very expensive. Whoever had this problem was also treated with a bacteriophage, or something else, I mean, is it worth going to the doctor and asking for an alternative, or looking for money? And I also think it might be that the second baby also has this problem, but the analysis didn’t show it. I don't want that kind of money.

We were given this diagnosis today, although on Thursday the pediatrician said herpes. There are a lot of rashes on the face, they prescribed the antibiotic summed, but I read that it is hard on the intestines, and we already have dysbiosis, so I’m wondering if it’s possible to replace summed with amoxicillin. How was such an infection treated? I apply fucarcin and tetracycline ointment. So we started going to kindergarten, we left for 2.5 weeks and away we go, first diarrhea, then ARVI, now streptoderma.

On December 23, 2015, my youngest son Timofey was born! From birth, he developed jaundice and was not brought to me for 5 days. He was kept under a special lamp. Accordingly, he was fed with formula. A month after discharge, the baby developed a rash on his face and runny fluid.

In the evening we went to a cafe and ate some delicious food). Otherwise, after 5 days in the hospital, my stomach simply dried up. All because there was no time and somehow the cooks did not try to properly feed everyone. Well, this is all nonsense! Surgery and rehabilitation are nothing))). And this is how the evil nurses looked at us and then no longer looked at us when we wrote a receipt refusing injections. and when they found out that our operation was paid and with a visiting surgeon from a private clinic. (((. It’s so good that.

Girls! Who dealt with this infection? If a/b, phages, then which ones. and were there any manifestations of this infection in adults (mother?). The baby began to poop thinly with streaks of blood (today is day 8), after 4 days I began to have one-sided conjunctivitis - I probably got it with a dirty finger. And after 7 days I got sick to my stomach. Now we are on enterofuril and are waiting for an answer to dysbacteriosis, but I assume (and the doctor too) that it is Klebsiella. Only enterofuril was prescribed. Today is the last day I give it to the baby. I am waiting.

Day 4 trouble with the child. The photo of the stool is from the day before yesterday, but the changes are only in the fluid. Now he poops more water. 20 times a day, no less! Also, the butt is all red, the child hurts. The day before yesterday we saw a paid doctor. I concluded the first phase of teething + dysbacteriosis. Prescribed Creon, Kipferon, Pimafucin and Rehydron. But before that we gave rehydron, smecta and maxilak Baby (bacteria). In general, time passes, but there are no improvements. We are staying with our parents in another city, and the doctor from the free clinic will not come to us. go there.

The girls suffered from hell in the spring of that year

We were just glad that our tummy felt better, how everything was returning to normal...even after a week we started walking with a stroller, like most happy mothers...and then yesterday again Lerochka started screaming while walking, again she ran home, again without sleep all day again she cries all day, sleeps in fits and starts in her arms... it’s not about my diet, I didn’t introduce anything new, still vegetable soups, buckwheat, rice, meat, kefir and milk cheese... another result of dysbiosis came, in addition hemolytic bacillus and Staphylococcus aureus were sown with Klebsiella.

Have a nice day everyone! Girls, what do you think? Nikita had bad breath today.

I’ve written about this again and again, I apologize for the recurring unpleasant topic. I'm completely upset. For about the third week now I have been having diarrhea alternating with constipation. And with enviable regularity - once every two, three days. At first I thought I had rotavirus. But everything lasted. But she could have become infected with rotavirus, there was contact. And since then I haven’t been able to cure everything. I feel normal. No pain. After rotavirus, I took scheduled tests two weeks ago, and Alt was slightly elevated.

Girls!! I'll start from the beginning. Foolishly, on the advice of a nurse, I took a monthly test for dysbiosis. It showed the presence of Clipciella. A little more than necessary. Further under the cut, for those who are interested We were sent to an infectious disease specialist. He prescribed treatment with sextophage (TK was sensitive to it). For 5 days my child roared and writhed, the stool stopped, only constipation and tears and constant use of sub simplex. Then there was the pribiotic. Having taken the test, I discovered that the amount of this infection had decreased only slightly. And we were prescribed a second course (.

Finally got around to writing how we got rid of tummy problems, maybe someone will find our experience useful. From birth we were on breastfeeding, nothing particularly criminal happened to the stomach, except that the poop was of an unimportant type and there were a lot of carbohydrates in the feces, but they seem to say this is normal)) When the time came to introduce complementary foods (6-7 months), we started having problems . Which vegetable I don’t give will cause redness on the skin and/or a stomach ache. The porridge didn't work either. We passed scatology - signs of colitis (inflammatory process), passed.

some kind of spot appeared on our tongue (((let's go to the pediatrician, she said go to the dentist, go to the dentist, she says go to the pediatrician because most likely this is a manifestation of the fact that not everything is in order with the stomach and intestines, and that most likely this dysbacteriosis((((((damn, I’m crying((((girls, maybe someone in their children had such an infection, tell me what’s what, what they treat, what diet should be, otherwise I’ll only see the doctor in the evening and I’ll go crazy)

I often get sick myself, I have no immunity at all. I get sick every month and a half, less often in the summer. I was so sick at school, at college, and when I started working. And now, having become a mother, I don’t stop getting sick. After giving birth over the past 4 months, I already had 2 boils in the ear, 4 times lactostasis - all this with fever and twice ARVI - and the child became infected from me. I got sick last Sunday, in principle I’m already recovering, but my child got infected from me and was coughing today.

I'm terribly scared! This is my first child, the long-awaited one! and for almost a month now his stool has been green with mucus. At first we thought she had eaten something wrong, we were at the Guards. Then dysbiosis. As a result, tests showed that staphylococcus. The doctor prescribed 0.6 mg of Gentomycin in the mouth three times a day, Linex and after 5 days Sectophage. I'm afraid to give Gentomycin. Tomorrow I will go to another doctor. Does anyone have experience dealing with this infection? share!

Girls, hello! I'm perplexed again. I’m in the hospital, on the 1st day I took a smear for microflora, only now they said that I have thrush (it seems to me that the test is not done for 12 days). Tomorrow they want to put on a pessary, despite the thrush! Is this right? After all, this infection will only grow and this is not at all useful for the baby and me. (I would like to add that tomorrow the course of antibiotics for ureaplasma ends, during which I was not prescribed anything for thrush and dysbiosis, as they usually do)

My son (3 months old) was found to have grade 10-8 Staphylococcus aureus in his stool. Isn't that a lot? could he have gotten infected from me or my husband?? Maybe we should run some tests, otherwise we’ll treat him right now, and then we’ll infect him again ((could it be dysbacteriosis?

Today I realized that we have had dysbacteriosis for 2 months! It seems clear even without analysis: green poop, sometimes with mucus, sometimes it’s very difficult to poop (the whole thing is squirming) and of course colic. The analysis was scheduled for 23.10 and this means that my bunny will suffer so much , especially when the reason is clear, and even before this it didn’t particularly bother us, but now it’s worsened. And in general, where does this infection come from? Maybe somehow, before prescribing P medications, it’s possible to somehow smooth out all this?

HPV in women is a common virus in nature that penetrates the female body and beyond and provokes acute inflammatory processes with subsequent health complications. In nature, there are about 30 viruses that can develop a disease that is difficult to treat and negatively affects the health of a woman’s reproductive system. For example, if you do not get rid of the infection in time, the risk of developing cancer cells in the uterus and, accordingly, malignant tumors that are prone to progression increases.

In December, the whole family got sick: my husband came home from work with a runny nose, and Polina and I got infected from him. After five days, Polina’s snot did not go away, so they took her to an ENT specialist. Diagnosis: ARVI, naso-pharyngitis, adenoiditis. Medicines: Augmentin 400 mg/5 ml (antibiotic) - 2 times a day with meals Acepol (for dysbacteriosis) - 1 capsule 3 times a day Zirtec (relieves swelling of the nasopharynx) - 5 drops 2 times a day AquaLorBaby (rinse the nose) - up to 4 -6 times a day Collargol 2%.

People, mothers are NOT doctors, how do you survive? I am a physician and worked in pediatric cardiology, and in the Sklif burn intensive care unit, and in two psychiatric clinics, and in the intestinal department of an infectious diseases hospital. When I was young, when I had no family, no children, I had romance and delight in my profession in my head, we lived at work, I tried to learn from everyone at least a little experience and knowledge. Many things were never useful to me at work, but they helped me a lot in life. Then family, children, maternity leave. First.

And as usual in our hospitals. “we treat one thing, we cripple the other” - after a heavy dose of antibiotics, we treat the main place of the toddler (well, that is, the belly): we tested the precious poop for dysbacteriosis and carbohydrates, we’ll see. And in the hospital I caught some kind of snotty cough infection, now I feel I’m completely broken, but I’m diligently healing. The weather is rubbish, my health is fine, but it’s SO GOOD AT HOME! :)

It's an infection that can't be treated well. Arina has a rash on her body. More precisely, something like a rash. At the same time, the skin in those places is very dry. Because of this, they took a test for dysbacteriosis, which was confirmed. We drank Polyvalent Pyobactiophage. Helped. But as soon as we finished, it all happened again. The doctor said that without external factors it would not have started, at least so quickly. Therefore, now we drink Ersefuril for 7 days, Hilak, and apply Finistil gel. A couple of weeks after the end of treatment, retake the test. And if the rash doesn’t go away, they’ll put us on more.

good article about dysbiosis Immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital, you couldn’t be happier with your baby: so calm, cheerful, sleek. He slept for a long time and ate with appetite, and his stool had the smell and consistency of thick sour cream. But suddenly the stool deteriorated, became watery, green and foamy, and pieces of mucus or blood streaks appeared in it. Even with the skin, something strange was happening: at first redness appeared around the anus, but after a couple of days the entire butt was covered with some kind of scab and began to resemble a scalded one.

Girls, stomatitis is our scourge. From two to four years old he stalked his eldest daughter almost every month.

Or Rotavirus gastroenteritis - this is the diagnosis given to my son (3.5 months). It all started on November 15 after the mother-in-law and her daughter arrived - the son began to vomit profusely and often with an unpleasant smell of vomit, once every day (we have breastfeeding). What follows will be poopy descriptions. The next evening they called the emergency room, we were prescribed Motilium, Smecta, Rehydron, Enterofuril, Normobact. I diligently gave the baby this arsenal of drugs, but there was no point. The stool became dark green with mucus and a sour smell; there was no diarrhea as such. U.

We got sick(((We returned from Turkey, there was some kind of virus there. We came out of the virus, infecting the mother, and then the mother infected her son(((Already a purulent sore throat and ANTIBIOTICS((((Brrrrr! First time. I spent half an hour fiddling with a bottle of Augmentin, translating annotation from Moldavian, then spat and googled it in Russian. I diluted the suspension and thought: in our time they would inject the butt the size of a fist, or drink bitter powders, and here you are wearing a strawberry-flavored suspension, diluted it, sprayed it into your mouth with a measuring syringe, I installed the refrigerator and everything is done! Miracles! Now.

Some kind of trouble. It seems that there will never be children; someone from above doesn’t want us to have them. All the planning I’ve been getting sick: last summer I caught a cold under the air conditioning as always, in the fall I got sick, in the winter I spent a month at home with pneumonia and now I’ve caught a cold again. I haven’t been sick so often for a hundred years, I even took sick leave for the first time in my life, only the last time I missed classes at school due to illness. The body reacts to diseases with dysbiosis and delays. This month I already feel it will fly by. We take vitamins, but...

Hi all. I registered 5 minutes ago, I haven’t figured out what’s what yet, so sorry if I’m writing in the wrong place :) In general, we were overcome by such an infection as atopic dermatitis or simply diathesis. I no longer have the strength to fight him and I don’t have the strength to watch how my child suffers, scratching the wounds. Now we are 6 months old; at 3 months old, small pimples began to appear on my daughter’s cheeks, at first white, similar to “goose bumps,” then they began to turn a little red. Naturally, I began to sort out my diet.

Girls, has anyone seen such a specialist and he turned out to be competent and adequate, please advise. The fact is that in my smears (bacteria, sowing on flora) periodically since 2011. Enteroccoccus faecalis is detected at more than 10*4 degrees, although I treated it with antibiotics more than once. I was previously tested for the sensitivity of this bacterium to antibiotics.

Both happy and not. I was waiting for a gift from my husband, in my book for pregnant women it is written that a husband can actually give a gift, the woman deserves it. I was waiting for tickets to the theater - I didn’t get them. Another thing upset me - I saw an infectious disease specialist today, and everything turned out to be worse than my gynecologist expected. I didn’t really remember the name of the herpes infection, or rather what type I didn’t quite understand, but that doesn’t matter, the main thing is to let the doctors figure it out. The bad thing is that if this virus is not contained.

Good day everyone! It just so happened that my stay on this site is connected with one of the main topics of the last 4-plus years of my life - atopic dermatitis in a child. Our eldest daughter is now just over 4 years old and since birth we have not stopped fighting this infection called AD. It all started almost from birth. in the first week after being discharged from the hospital, the daughter was then on the IV, and was successfully constipated by the end of the first month of breastfeeding (and about ways to “resuscitate” it).

Damn, what the hell. crap like that. I couldn’t stand it until I signed up for the next MDT. Friday and took Max for an abdominal ultrasound at the regional clinic (new, recently opened). My uncle, the doctor, looked at us and said that we have a congenital bend in the gallbladder, one of the reasons for the appearance of the ill-fated Giardia last year; because of this bend, the bile is not washed out properly and a very “favorable” atmosphere is created for them. They also found a large amount of mucus and air in the stomach - he sent me to see a gastoenterologist.

I’m so lazy to write, but I have to, otherwise everything is forgotten. At 6 months he weighed 8600 kg and 68 cm, for some reason they don’t measure volumes. There are also 2 teeth, but on top there are very swollen and already white fangs, they will probably grow faster than the incisors. We stopped feeding completely because even after just a single spoonful of vegetables, my whole body rashes. They took a bunch of tests, it’s good that at least the clinic gave me a referral and they paid for it only for dysbacteriosis. Klebsiella and fungi were detected. We drink Macmiror + Bak Set Baby, and then some more.

I need to get tested for dysbacteriosis, tests are accepted until 12:30, but my daughter goes to kindergarten, this is already a problem. Now he’s been sitting at home for a week soon and I’ll keep him for another week, but he doesn’t poop in the morning. Only in the afternoon, in the evening and even before bed maybe. Do you think it’s possible to make an enema or a suppository so that you can take it in the morning? This will not affect the tests. what if it doesn’t go away in the morning for another month?? what to do?

Not long ago I wrote about the fact that a trip to the gynecologist ended with the discovery of erosion in me and that the gynecologist said it was necessary to look for an infection. found it after all. Today I received tests, my husband and I. Both have ureoplasma, the titer is very high. My husband was also found to have high-risk HPV, but I am negative. The goddess said “until he is treated with no PA” because he could infect me. upset. prescribed antibiotics for ureaplasma. She found dysbacteriosis in me and explained it by the presence of ureoplasma. My husband's spermogram is perfect except for mobility. mobility is only 25%, immobile 50%, sedentary 25%. She said that's it.

The other day we visited an allergist. and what I was afraid of, he voiced: the child has eczema of the hands (((I was so afraid that the blood pressure would turn into eczema, as a result there is a complication. Maybe for life, but of course it will get better with age. I certainly hope that it will disappear completely this infection. Now the condition of the hands is normal, but sometimes it really is terrible ((((I forbade playing in the sandbox (or with my own clean sand in a basin, but of course I can’t imagine this, a child in a yard with a hundred children will play with his own.

Crap! some kind of problem with the immune system ((the children got sick 2 times in a row (one of these times I was with them), then for almost a week Kristina suffered from dysbacteriosis.. I just wanted to send her to kindergarten on Monday and already breathe a sigh of relief from these sores. How suddenly yesterday evening my whole body ached ((((as if I had some kind of flu(((((((I understand that it could be due to fatigue that my immune system has completely weakened, the temperature was 38, now it doesn’t seem to be anymore. I can already feel it) I’m feeling good. And then I see my husband is sniveling and says that in general he doesn’t feel well(((((((more.

Dad had a cough, infected his daughter, took antibiotics for a week, dysbacteriosis began, constipation, gave the child an enema 2 times, yesterday she started giving Duphalac. And dad is coughing again (((Fuck. (((

In general, we are not going anywhere (((The cardiologist, looking at our tests, said that such data is not acceptable for surgical intervention (((But she still gave us a direction. I decided to call the hospital and find out, otherwise we’ll go so far away, but "They will take us and send us home. There, the cardiac surgeons said that even if the operation is vital, there may be serious complications. It is imperative to cure all infections, reduce the titres to normal. And in addition to the cytomegalovirus infection, Lera was also found to have Staphylococcus aureus and dysbacteriosis, which was to be expected.

Babyblog is a site about pregnancy and motherhood. Pregnancy and child development diaries, pregnancy calendar, product reviews, maternity hospitals, as well as many other useful sections and services.

Doctors characterize intestinal dysbiosis as a qualitative change in the microflora of the body, in particular the intestines.

Composition of intestinal flora


Oddly enough, there are often cases when the patient has no idea about intestinal dysbiosis, because there are no obvious signs of this. As a rule, in such situations it makes sense to talk about compensated dysbiosis. If the disease is advanced, there is a danger of developing allergies, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and disturbances in the body of a growing child.

The result of a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria is poor digestion. In addition, it is quite simple to identify intestinal dysbiosis by how nutrients are absorbed, calcium, iron, and vitamins are absorbed. As a result, the amount of proteins is significantly reduced, and pathogenic bacteria have a greater chance of entering the blood. A decrease in lactobacilli significantly shifts the pH in the intestines, increasing alkalinity and inhibiting the activity of these microorganisms. As a result, the utilization of biologically active substances is much worse.

Among other things, they clearly symbolize intestinal dysbiosis problems with the kidneys and liver caused by heavy stress on them. The load is a logical continuation of the negative influence of toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria that actively manifest themselves in intestinal dysbiosis (giardia, salmonella, enterococci, numerous representatives of intestinal helminthic invasion).

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Almost the entire adult population of the planet has once encountered intestinal dysbiosis, however, not everyone was aware of what was happening to their body.

The first stage of the disease is characterized by a slight decrease in obligate bacteria in the intestine, with no clinical manifestations. In the best case scenario, the intestinal microflora returns to its normal state, and the person never finds out that he was sick.

The second stage of the disease is characterized by a noticeable decrease in lacto- and bifidobacteria, which contributes to the development of a population of pathogenic bacteria. At this stage, it is easy to recognize intestinal dysbiosis even by symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

During the third stage, the intestinal walls become inflamed under the influence of pathogenic microflora. In this case, clinical manifestations become chronic, and stool often contains elements of undigested food.

The fourth stage marks the complete victory of the pathogenic flora. In a situation where proper treatment is absent, the disease can lead to a general deterioration of the condition, anemia and vitamin deficiency. This is due to the intensive proliferation of pathogenic microflora and fungi. There is very little time left before an acute intestinal infection occurs.

Factors of occurrence

Doctors often record cases where the occurrence of intestinal dysbiosis was caused by the abuse of antibiotics or other drugs that have a strong effect on the body. An unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol can also contribute to the development of the disease. In addition, if the rules of personal hygiene are not observed, the disease is transmitted from domestic animals, even with short-term but close contact. Intestinal dysbiosis may indicate diseases such as AIDS or oncology. The above factors increase the risk of developing any possible stage of dysbiosis. The stage depends on how severe the impact is on the body.

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Drugs for treatment

If there is every reason to think about intestinal dysbiosis, correct and timely intake of intestinal antiseptics can help. Failure to do so may worsen the situation, so medical supervision is necessary. Fermented milk products rich in bifidobacteria will also have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. They are recommended for use even if there are no clinical manifestations as such.


It is difficult to name clear ways to avoid intestinal dysbiosis, because there are a huge number of factors that pose a danger to the body. All a person can do is to take care of improving the environmental situation around them and generally improving the quality of life. It is necessary to take into account many other factors that for some reason may not correspond to the norm. You should try to eat exclusively organic foods and fermented milk (at least three to four times a week). This is all just primary prevention. Closely monitor the condition of your pets. Their illnesses can affect the health of others. Carry out their preventive examinations in veterinary medical institutions.

Clinical signs

As mentioned above, intestinal dysbiosis is often asymptomatic. Sometimes the disease is decompensated by problems in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as allergic reactions, immunocompromise and asthenic conditions.

The result is a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria, and disturbances begin in the digestion process. The absorption of nutrients and the absorption of vitamins noticeably deteriorate. The risk of developing hypoproteinemia increases.


To make a confident diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a careful and painstaking clinical study, during which information about the state of the body and the results of microbiological examination of stool will be obtained. One should focus, first of all, on the indicators of microbiological research.


Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis means restoring damaged intestinal motility, getting rid of excess bacterial contamination of the colon, improving absorption and intestinal digestion, stimulating the body's reactivity.


Tests should be taken approximately two weeks after you finish taking antibiotics and other medications.

At the Euromedprestige medical center you can always get tested for intestinal dysbiosis, and be confident in a quick and accurate result.

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